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- Path: uunet!fernwood!apple!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!appserv!ukc.ac.uk
- From: rlh2@ukc.ac.uk (Richard Hesketh)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v10i072: xsel, Patch2, Part01/01
- Message-ID: <310@appserv.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 16 Nov 90 05:34:14 GMT
- References: <csx-10i072:xsel@uunet.UU.NET>
- Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 380
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: Richard Hesketh <rlh2@ukc.ac.uk>
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 72
- Archive-name: xsel/patch2
- Patch-To: xsel: Volume 6, Issue 79
- Patch-To: xsel: Volume 7, Issue 35 (patch 1)
- This is the second patch to "xselection" to allow it to set and retrieve
- cutbuffer values. It also now allows prepending and appending of values to
- both selection properties and cutbuffers.
- These additions were contributed by trost@reed.earn
- Richard Hesketh : rlh2@ukc.ac.uk
- Computing Officer, Computing Lab., University of Kent at Canterbury,
- Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, United Kingdom.
- Tel: +44 227 764000 ext 7620/7590 Fax: +44 227 762811
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a24678 Fri Oct 12 11:27:39 1990
- --- patchlevel.h Fri Oct 12 11:26:27 1990
- ***************
- *** 1 ****
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 1
- --- 1 ----
- ! #define PATCHLEVEL 2
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a24681 Fri Oct 12 11:27:41 1990
- --- xselection.c Fri Oct 12 11:26:27 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: xselection.c 1.2 90/07/31 09:06:57 rlh2 Rel $";
- ! #endif !lint
- /*
- * Copyright 1990 Richard Hesketh / rlh2@ukc.ac.uk
- --- 1,7 ----
- #ifndef lint
- ! static char rcsid[] =
- ! "$Xukc: xselection.c,v 1.3 90/10/12 11:12:53 rlh2 Rel $";
- ! #endif /* !lint */
- /*
- * Copyright 1990 Richard Hesketh / rlh2@ukc.ac.uk
- ***************
- *** 41,46 ****
- --- 42,48 ----
- #include <X11/Xresource.h>
- #define PROG_NAME "xselection"
- + #define PROG_CLASS "XSelection"
- #define CHUNK 1000
- ***************
- *** 49,57 ****
- --- 51,66 ----
- static Atom selection_atom = NULL;
- static unsigned char *current_selection = NULL;
- + static unsigned char *old_selection = NULL;
- + static int selection_mode;
- +
- static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = {
- { "-display", ".display", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t)NULL },
- + { "-append", ".mode", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t)"2" },
- + { "-prepend", ".mode", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t)"1" },
- + { "-replace", ".mode", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t)"0" },
- + { "-cutbuffer", ".cutbuffer", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t)"true" },
- };
- static unsigned char *get_selection();
- ***************
- *** 59,66 ****
- static void
- usage()
- {
- ! fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s property [- | [--] new_value]\n",
- exit (-1);
- }
- --- 68,79 ----
- static void
- usage()
- {
- ! fprintf(stderr,
- ! "usage: %s [ -display display_name ] [ -append | -prepend",
- ! fprintf(stderr, " | -replace ]\n");
- ! fprintf(stderr, "\t\t [ PROPERTY_NAME | -cutbuffer [0-7] ]");
- ! fprintf(stderr, " [ - | [--] new_value ]\n");
- exit (-1);
- }
- ***************
- *** 136,151 ****
- Display *dpy;
- XEvent ev;
- char resource[100];
- char *blank, *display;
- ! XrmDatabase db = NULL;
- XrmValue value;
- Window window;
- int want_to_own = 0;
- ! XrmParseCommand(&db, options, 1, PROG_NAME, &argc, argv);
- (void)sprintf(resource, "%s.display", PROG_NAME);
- ! if (XrmGetResource(db, resource, "", &blank, &value))
- display = (char *)value.addr;
- else
- display = NULL;
- --- 149,167 ----
- Display *dpy;
- XEvent ev;
- char resource[100];
- + char Resource[100]; /* for class information */
- char *blank, *display;
- ! XrmDatabase odb = NULL, db = NULL;
- XrmValue value;
- Window window;
- int want_to_own = 0;
- ! XrmParseCommand(&odb, options, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]),
- ! PROG_NAME, &argc, argv);
- (void)sprintf(resource, "%s.display", PROG_NAME);
- ! (void)sprintf(Resource, "%s.Display", PROG_CLASS);
- ! if (XrmGetResource(odb, resource, Resource, &blank, &value))
- display = (char *)value.addr;
- else
- display = NULL;
- ***************
- *** 158,170 ****
- if (argc < 2 || argc > 4)
- usage();
- -
- - selection_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, argv[1], argc == 2);
- ! if (selection_atom == NULL) {
- ! fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s not a name of a known selection property\n",
- ! PROG_NAME, argv[1]);
- ! exit (-2);
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- --- 174,207 ----
- if (argc < 2 || argc > 4)
- usage();
- ! XrmMergeDatabases(dpy->db, &db);
- ! XrmMergeDatabases(odb, &db);
- !
- ! (void)sprintf(resource, "%s.mode", PROG_NAME);
- ! (void)sprintf(Resource, "%s.Mode", PROG_CLASS);
- ! if (XrmGetResource(db, resource, Resource, &blank, &value) ||
- ! XrmGetResource(dpy->db, resource, Resource, &blank, &value))
- ! switch (value.addr[0]) {
- ! case '0':
- ! selection_mode = PropModeReplace;
- ! break;
- ! case '1':
- ! selection_mode = PropModePrepend;
- ! break;
- ! case '2':
- ! selection_mode = PropModeAppend;
- ! break;
- ! }
- ! else
- ! selection_mode = PropModeReplace;
- !
- ! if (selection_mode != PropModeReplace &&
- ! selection_mode != PropModeAppend &&
- ! selection_mode != PropModePrepend) {
- ! fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad selection mode %d.\n",
- ! PROG_NAME, selection_mode);
- ! exit(-2);
- }
- if (argc == 3) {
- ***************
- *** 184,197 ****
- want_to_own = 1;
- }
- /* this window never gets mapped - its simply used as an ID */
- window = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
- 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- ! if (want_to_own)
- /* set the selection and wait for someone to take it */
- own_selection(dpy, window, selection_atom);
- ! else {
- /* get the selection */
- current_selection = get_selection(dpy, window, selection_atom);
- if (current_selection != NULL)
- --- 221,279 ----
- want_to_own = 1;
- }
- + (void)sprintf(resource, "%s.cutbuffer", PROG_NAME);
- + (void)sprintf(Resource, "%s.Cutbuffer", PROG_CLASS);
- + if (XrmGetResource(db, resource, Resource, &blank, &value) ||
- + XrmGetResource(dpy->db, resource, Resource, &blank, &value)) {
- + int cutbuffer = atoi(argv[1]);
- + if (cutbuffer < 0 || cutbuffer > 7) {
- + fprintf(stderr,
- + "%s: %d is not a valid cut buffer, must be 0-7.\n",
- + PROG_NAME, cutbuffer);
- + exit(-8);
- + }
- + if (want_to_own)
- + XChangeProperty(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
- + XA_CUT_BUFFER0 + cutbuffer, XA_STRING,
- + 8, selection_mode, current_selection,
- + strlen(current_selection));
- + else {
- + Atom actual_type;
- + int actual_format;
- + unsigned long nitems, bytes_after;
- + unsigned char* data;
- +
- + XGetWindowProperty(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
- + XA_CUT_BUFFER0 + cutbuffer,
- + 0L, 10240L, False, AnyPropertyType,
- + &actual_type, &actual_format,
- + &nitems, &bytes_after, &data);
- + printf("%s", data);
- + }
- + XCloseDisplay(dpy);
- + exit(0);
- + }
- +
- + selection_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, argv[1], argc == 2);
- +
- + if (selection_atom == NULL) {
- + fprintf(stderr,
- + "%s: %s not a name of a known selection property.\n",
- + PROG_NAME, argv[1]);
- + exit (-2);
- + }
- +
- /* this window never gets mapped - its simply used as an ID */
- window = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
- 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- ! if (want_to_own) {
- /* set the selection and wait for someone to take it */
- + if (selection_mode != PropModeReplace)
- + old_selection = get_selection(dpy, window,
- + selection_atom);
- own_selection(dpy, window, selection_atom);
- ! } else {
- /* get the selection */
- current_selection = get_selection(dpy, window, selection_atom);
- if (current_selection != NULL)
- ***************
- *** 242,247 ****
- --- 324,340 ----
- XSelectionRequestEvent *req_event;
- unsigned char *data;
- + if (selection_mode != PropModeReplace) {
- + data = old_selection;
- + XChangeProperty(ptr_event->xselectionrequest.display,
- + ptr_event->xselectionrequest.requestor,
- + ptr_event->xselectionrequest.property,
- + ptr_event->xselectionrequest.target,
- + 8, PropModeReplace, data,
- + (old_selection == NULL) ? 0 :
- + strlen(old_selection));
- + }
- +
- data = current_selection;
- XChangeProperty(ptr_event->xselectionrequest.display,
- ***************
- *** 248,254 ****
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.requestor,
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.property,
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.target,
- ! 8, PropModeReplace, data,
- (current_selection == NULL) ?
- 0 : strlen(current_selection));
- --- 341,347 ----
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.requestor,
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.property,
- ptr_event->xselectionrequest.target,
- ! 8, selection_mode, data,
- (current_selection == NULL) ?
- 0 : strlen(current_selection));
- ***************
- *** 267,273 ****
- notify_event.property = req_event->property;
- /* tell the requestor he has a copy of the selection */
- ! (void) XSendEvent(req_event->display, req_event->requestor,
- False, 0, (XEvent *)¬ify_event);
- XFlush(dpy);
- }
- --- 360,366 ----
- notify_event.property = req_event->property;
- /* tell the requestor he has a copy of the selection */
- ! (void)XSendEvent(req_event->display, req_event->requestor,
- False, 0, (XEvent *)¬ify_event);
- XFlush(dpy);
- }
- *** /tmp/,RCSt1a24684 Fri Oct 12 11:27:42 1990
- --- xselection.man Fri Oct 12 11:26:28 1990
- ***************
- *** 1,8 ****
- .TH XSELECTION l "31 March 1990"
- ! xselection \- get or set an X selection property value
- ! \fBxselection\fP [ -display display_name ] PROPERTY_NAME [- | [--] new_value ]
- If the \fInew_value\fP argument is not given \fIxselection\fP retrieves the
- current value of the named selection property
- --- 1,12 ----
- .TH XSELECTION l "31 March 1990"
- ! xselection \- get or set an X selection or cutbuffer property value
- ! \fBxselection\fP
- ! [ -display display_name ]
- ! [ -append | -prepend | -replace ]
- ! [ PROPERTY_NAME | -cutbuffer [0-7] ]
- ! [- | [--] new_value ]
- If the \fInew_value\fP argument is not given \fIxselection\fP retrieves the
- current value of the named selection property
- ***************
- *** 16,21 ****
- --- 20,32 ----
- flag definition off using the '--' argument, e.g.
- \fIxselection PRIMARY -- -\fP
- + By using the '-cutbuffer' flag, the program will modify the contents
- + of the specified cut buffer instead of a selection.
- + The '-append', '-prepend', and '-replace' flags are used to modify how
- + the program changes the selection. By default, it simple overwrites
- + the selection's value (equivalent to '-replace'). By using the
- + '-append' flag, the new value is append to the old selection's
- + contents. The '-prepend' flag behaves similarly.
- This program can be used
- from within shell scripts to set and retrieve the contents of the cut buffer.
- The standard cut buffer selection property is accessed with the property
- ***************
- *** 24,31 ****
- DISPLAY \- default X Server to enquire.
- ! As yet unknown.
- ! Richard Hesketh, University of Kent at Canterbury, March 1990
- .br
- ! rlh2@ukc.ac.uk
- --- 35,43 ----
- DISPLAY \- default X Server to enquire.
- ! The program pays no attention to the resources specified on the server
- ! (commonly defined in $HOME/.Xdefaults).
- ! Richard Hesketh (rlh2@ukc.ac.uk), University of Kent at Canterbury, March 1990
- .br
- ! prepend/append and cutbuffer support by trost@reed.earn
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.
- --
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.