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Text File | 1990-12-09 | 62.4 KB | 2,274 lines |
- Path: uunet!lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!appserv!halibut.cis.upenn.edu
- From: bradley@halibut.cis.upenn.edu (John Bradley)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v10i087: xv - display and manipulate images, Part09/10
- Message-ID: <325@appserv.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 27 Nov 90 20:08:46 GMT
- References: <csx-10i079:xv@uunet.UU.NET>
- Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 2257
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: bradley@halibut.cis.upenn.edu (John Bradley)
- Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 87
- Archive-name: xv/part09
- #!/bin/sh
- # to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
- if `test ! -s ./xv.c`
- then
- echo "writting ./xv.c"
- cat > ./xv.c << '\BARFOO\'
- /*
- * xv.c - main section of xv. X setup, window creation, event loop, etc.
- *
- * Author: John Bradley, University of Pennsylvania
- * (bradley@cis.upenn.edu)
- */
- /*
- * Copyright 1989, 1990 by the University of Pennsylvania
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, and distribute for non-commercial purposes,
- * is hereby granted without fee, providing that the above copyright
- * notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this
- * permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- *
- * The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified versions
- * may not be distributed.
- *
- * This software is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.
- */
- #define MAIN
- #define NEEDSTIME /* for -wait handling in eventloop */
- #define NEEDSDIR /* for value of MAXPATHLEN */
- #include "xv.h"
- #include "bitmaps.h"
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- /* program needs one of the following fonts. Trys them in ascending order */
- #define FONT1 "-*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-12-*"
- #define FONT2 "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*"
- #define FONT3 "6x13"
- /* a mono-spaced font needed for the 'pixel value tracking' feature */
- #define MFONT1 "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-13-*"
- #define MFONT2 "8x13"
- #define MFONT3 "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*"
- /* things EventLoop() can return (0 and above reserved for 'goto pic#') */
- #define QUIT -1 /* exit immediately */
- #define NEXTPIC -2 /* goto next picture */
- #define PREVPIC -3 /* goto prev picture */
- #define NEXTQUIT -4 /* goto next picture, quit if none (used by 'wait') */
- /* file types that can be read */
- #define UNKNOWN 0
- #define GIF 1
- #define PM 2
- #define PBM 3
- #define XBM 4
- static unsigned long rootbg, rootfg; /* fg/bg for root border */
- static int waitsec = -1; /* seconds between pics. -1=wait for event */
- static int roottile = 0; /* resize pic to tile evenly on rootW */
- static int automax = 0; /* resize pic to dispWIDE, dispHIGH on open */
- static int autoquit = 0; /* quit after loading first pic to rootW */
- static int autogamma = 0; /* perform gamma correction by default */
- static int centerpic = 0; /* center pic on rootW, instead of tiling */
- static int rootPattern = 0; /* pattern used for root border */
- static char *maingeom = NULL;
- static char initpath[MAXPATHLEN];
- static int rotatesLeft = 0;
- static Atom __SWM_VROOT = None;
- /* used in XResource reading... */
- static char *def_str;
- static int def_int;
- /* function pre-definitions */
- static void Syntax();
- static int openPic();
- static void closePic();
- static void OpenFirstPic();
- static void OpenNextPic();
- static void OpenNextQuit();
- static void OpenPrevPic();
- static void MainLoop();
- static int EventLoop();
- static void CreateMainWindow();
- static void FixAspect();
- static void GetWindowPos();
- static void SetWindowPos();
- static void TrackCrop();
- static void CropKey();
- static void TrackPicValues();
- static void MakeDispNames();
- static int Rect();
- static int CheckForConfig();
- static Bool IsConfig();
- static void SaveRootInfo();
- static void KillOldRootInfo();
- static int rd_int();
- static int rd_str();
- static int rd_flag();
- /*******************************************/
- int main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- /*******************************************/
- {
- int i, imap, ctrlmap, gmap, clrroot;
- char *display, *fname, *whitestr, *blackstr,
- *infogeom, *fgstr, *bgstr, *ctrlgeom, *gamgeom;
- char *rootfgstr, *rootbgstr;
- XColor ecdef;
- Window rootReturn, parentReturn, *children;
- unsigned int numChildren;
- /*****************************************************/
- /*** variable Initialization ***/
- /*****************************************************/
- #ifdef SYSV
- getcwd(initpath, sizeof(initpath));
- #else
- getwd(initpath);
- #endif
- /* init internal variables */
- display = fname = whitestr = blackstr = NULL;
- fgstr = bgstr = rootfgstr = rootbgstr = NULL;
- pic = epic = cpic = NULL;
- theImage = NULL;
- LocalCmap = 0;
- InitFSDTables();
- cmd = rindex(argv[0],'/');
- if (!cmd) cmd = argv[0]; else cmd++;
- /* init gamma curve */
- ghand[0].x = 0; ghand[0].y = 0;
- ghand[1].x = 64; ghand[1].y = 64;
- ghand[2].x = 192; ghand[2].y = 192;
- ghand[3].x = 255; ghand[3].y = 255;
- /* init gamma presets */
- SetGPreset(0, 255, 64,192, 192, 64, 0);
- SetGPreset(1, 0, 64,100, 234,255, 255);
- SetGPreset(2, 0, 80, 38, 210,180, 255);
- SetGPreset(3, 0, 40, 92, 235,204, 255);
- /* init command-line options flags */
- infogeom = DEFINFOGEOM; ctrlgeom = DEFCTRLGEOM; gamgeom = DEFGAMGEOM;
- expand = 1; ncols = -1; noglob = 0; revvideo = 0; mono = 0;
- perfect = 0; ninstall = 0; fixedaspect = 0;
- DEBUG = 0; bwidth = 2;
- useroot = clrroot = noqcheck = rwcolor = fishrunning = 0;
- fish = 0;
- brokeFreeCols = 1;
- #else
- brokeFreeCols = 0;
- #endif
- defaspect = normaspect = 1.0;
- mainW = dirW = infoW = ctrlW = gamW = NULL;
- imap = ctrlmap = gmap = 0;
- /* init info box variables */
- infoUp = 0;
- infoMode = INF_STR;
- for (i=0; i<NISTR; i++) SetISTR(i,"");
- /* init ctrl box variables */
- ctrlUp = 0;
- curname = 0;
- gamUp = 0;
- /*****************************************************/
- /*** X Resource Initialization ***/
- /*****************************************************/
- /* once through the argument list to find the display name, if any */
- for (i=1; i<argc-1; i++) {
- if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-d",2)) { /* display */
- display = argv[++i];
- break;
- }
- }
- /* open the display */
- if ( (theDisp=XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open display\n",argv[0]);
- Quit(1);
- }
- if (rd_str ("aspect")) {
- int n,d;
- if (sscanf(def_str,"%d:%d",&n,&d)!=2 || n<1 || d<1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to parse 'aspect' resource\n",cmd);
- else defaspect = (float) n / (float) d;
- }
- if (rd_flag("autoGamma")) autogamma = def_int;
- if (rd_str ("background")) bgstr = def_str;
- if (rd_str ("black")) blackstr = def_str;
- if (rd_int ("borderWidth")) bwidth = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("brokeFreeCols")) brokeFreeCols = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("centerPic")) centerpic = def_int;
- if (rd_str ("ctrlGeometry")) ctrlgeom = def_str;
- if (rd_flag("ctrlMap")) ctrlmap = def_int;
- if (rd_int ("expand")) expand = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("fish")) fish = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("fixed")) fixedaspect = def_int;
- if (rd_str ("foreground")) fgstr = def_str;
- if (rd_str ("geometry")) maingeom = def_str;
- if (rd_str ("gammaGeometry")) gamgeom = def_str;
- if (rd_flag("gammaMap")) gmap = def_int;
- if (rd_str("gamma")) {
- int gry0,grx1,gry1,grx2,gry2,gry3;
- if (sscanf(def_str,"%d %d %d %d %d %d",&gry0,&grx1,&gry1,
- &grx2,&gry2,&gry3)!=6)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to parse 'gamma' resource\n",cmd);
- else {
- ghand[0].y = gry0;
- ghand[1].x = grx1; ghand[1].y = gry1;
- ghand[2].x = grx2; ghand[2].y = gry2;
- ghand[3].y = gry3;
- }
- }
- /* parse 'gamma1' through 'gamma4' resources */
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
- char gstr[10];
- sprintf(gstr,"gamma%d",i+1);
- if (rd_str(gstr)) {
- int y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,y3;
- if (sscanf(def_str,"%d %d %d %d %d %d",&y0,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&y3)!=6)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to parse '%s' resource\n",cmd,gstr);
- else
- SetGPreset(i, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, y3);
- }
- }
- if (rd_str ("infoGeometry")) infogeom = def_str;
- if (rd_flag("infoMap")) imap = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("mono")) mono = def_int;
- if (rd_int ("ncols")) { ncols = def_int; if (ncols>=0) noglob = 1; }
- if (rd_flag("nglobal")) noglob = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("ninstall")) ninstall = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("noqcheck")) noqcheck = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("perfect")) perfect = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("reverseVideo")) revvideo = def_int;
- if (rd_str ("rootBackground")) rootbgstr = def_str;
- if (rd_str ("rootForeground")) rootfgstr = def_str;
- if (rd_int ("rootPattern")) rootPattern = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("rwColor")) rwcolor = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("slow24")) slow24 = def_int;
- if (rd_flag("tile")) roottile = def_int;
- if (rd_str ("white")) whitestr = def_str;
- /*****************************************************/
- /*** Command Line Options ***/
- /*****************************************************/
- for (i=1, numnames=0; i<argc; i++) {
- if (argv[i][0] != '-') { /* a file name. put it in list */
- if (numnames<MAXNAMES) {
- namelist[numnames++] = argv[i];
- if (numnames==MAXNAMES) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: too many filenames. Only using first %d.\n",
- cmd, MAXNAMES);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-as",2)) { /* default aspect */
- int n,d;
- if (++i<argc) {
- if (sscanf(argv[i],"%d:%d",&n,&d)!=2 || n<1 || d<1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad aspect ratio '%s'\n",cmd,argv[i]);
- else defaspect = (float) n / (float) d;
- }
- }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-au",3)) /* autogamma */
- autogamma++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-bf",3)) /* brokeFreeCols */
- brokeFreeCols = !brokeFreeCols;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-bg",3)) /* background color */
- { if (++i<argc) bgstr = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-bl",3)) /* black color */
- { if (++i<argc) blackstr = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-bw",3)) /* border width */
- { if (++i<argc) bwidth=atoi(argv[i]); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ce",3)) /* centerpic */
- centerpic++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-cg",3)) /* ctrlgeom */
- { if (++i<argc) ctrlgeom = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-cm",3)) /* ctrlmap */
- ctrlmap++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-cl",3)) /* clear */
- clrroot++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-d",2)) /* display */
- { if (++i<argc) display = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-D",2)) /* debug */
- { if (++i<argc) DEBUG = atoi(argv[i]); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-e",2)) /* expand factor */
- { if (++i<argc) expand=atoi(argv[i]); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-fis",4)) /* nofish */
- fish++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-fix",4)) /* fixed aspect ratio */
- fixedaspect++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-fg",3)) /* foreground color */
- { if (++i<argc) fgstr = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ge",3)) /* geometry */
- { if (++i<argc) maingeom = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-gg",3)) /* gammageom */
- { if (++i<argc) gamgeom = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-gm",3)) /* gmap */
- gmap++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-G",2)) /* Gamma */
- { if (++i<argc) ghand[0].y=atoi(argv[i]);
- if (++i<argc) ghand[1].x=atoi(argv[i]);
- if (++i<argc) ghand[1].y=atoi(argv[i]);
- if (++i<argc) ghand[2].x=atoi(argv[i]);
- if (++i<argc) ghand[2].y=atoi(argv[i]);
- if (++i<argc) ghand[3].y=atoi(argv[i]); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ig",3)) /* infogeom */
- { if (++i<argc) infogeom = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-im",3)) /* imap */
- imap++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ma",3)) /* auto maximize */
- automax++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-mo",3)) /* mono */
- mono++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-nc",3)) /* ncols */
- { if (++i<argc) { ncols=abs(atoi(argv[i])); noglob++; } }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ng",3)) /* no global colors */
- noglob++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ni",3)) /* don't install colormaps by hand */
- ninstall=1;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-noq",4)) /* noqcheck */
- noqcheck++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-p",2)) /* perfect colors */
- perfect++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-q",2)) /* auto-quit when using root */
- autoquit++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-rb",3)) /* root background color */
- { if (++i<argc) rootbgstr = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-rf",3)) /* root foreground color */
- { if (++i<argc) rootfgstr = argv[i]; }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-ro",3)) /* use root window */
- useroot++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-rp",3)) /* root pattern */
- { if (++i<argc) rootPattern = abs(atoi(argv[i])); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-rw",3)) /* use r/w color */
- rwcolor++;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rv")) /* reverse video */
- revvideo++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-s",2)) /* slow 24-to-8 conversion */
- slow24++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-t",2)) /* root window tiling */
- roottile++;
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-wa",3)) /* secs to wait between pics */
- { if (++i<argc) waitsec = abs(atoi(argv[i])); }
- else if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-wh",3)) /* white color */
- { if (++i<argc) whitestr = argv[i]; }
- else Syntax();
- }
- if (expand==0) Syntax();
- if (DEBUG) XSynchronize(theDisp, True);
- /* if using root, generally gotta map ctrl window, 'cause there won't be
- any way to ask for it. (no kbd or mouse events from rootW) */
- if (useroot && !autoquit)
- ctrlmap = 1;
- /* must not install colormaps on rootW */
- if (useroot) { perfect=0; noglob = 1; }
- /*****************************************************/
- /*** X Setup ***/
- /*****************************************************/
- theScreen = DefaultScreen(theDisp);
- theCmap = DefaultColormap(theDisp, theScreen);
- rootW = RootWindow(theDisp,theScreen);
- theGC = DefaultGC(theDisp,theScreen);
- theVisual = DefaultVisual(theDisp,theScreen);
- ncells = DisplayCells(theDisp, theScreen);
- dispWIDE = DisplayWidth(theDisp,theScreen);
- dispHIGH = DisplayHeight(theDisp,theScreen);
- dispDEEP = DisplayPlanes(theDisp,theScreen);
- /* go look for a virtual root */
- __SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom(theDisp, "__SWM_VROOT", False);
- XQueryTree(theDisp, rootW, &rootReturn, &parentReturn, &children,
- &numChildren);
- for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
- Atom actual_type;
- int actual_format;
- unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
- Window *newRoot = NULL;
- XWindowAttributes xwa;
- if (XGetWindowProperty (theDisp, children[i], __SWM_VROOT, 0, 1,
- False, XA_WINDOW, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems,
- &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &newRoot) == Success && newRoot) {
- rootW = *newRoot;
- XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp, rootW, &xwa);
- dispWIDE = xwa.width; dispHIGH = xwa.height;
- dispDEEP = xwa.depth;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* have enough info to do a '-clear' now */
- if (clrroot || useroot) {
- KillOldRootInfo();
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, rootW, None);
- XClearWindow(theDisp, rootW);
- XFlush(theDisp);
- if (clrroot) Quit(0);
- }
- arrow = XCreateFontCursor(theDisp,XC_top_left_arrow);
- /* cross = XCreateFontCursor(theDisp,XC_plus); */
- cross = XCreateFontCursor(theDisp,XC_crosshair);
- /* set up white,black colors */
- white = WhitePixel(theDisp,theScreen);
- black = BlackPixel(theDisp,theScreen);
- if (whitestr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, whitestr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) white = ecdef.pixel;
- if (blackstr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, blackstr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) black = ecdef.pixel;
- /* set up fg,bg colors */
- fg = black; bg = white;
- if (fgstr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, fgstr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) fg = ecdef.pixel;
- if (bgstr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, bgstr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) bg = ecdef.pixel;
- /* set up root fg,bg colors */
- rootfg = white; rootbg = black;
- if (rootfgstr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, rootfgstr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) rootfg = ecdef.pixel;
- if (rootbgstr && XParseColor(theDisp, theCmap, rootbgstr, &ecdef) &&
- XAllocColor(theDisp, theCmap, &ecdef)) rootbg = ecdef.pixel;
- XSetForeground(theDisp,theGC,fg);
- XSetBackground(theDisp,theGC,bg);
- /* set up infofg,infobg colors */
- infofg = fg; infobg = bg;
- /* if '-mono' not forced, determine if we're on a b/w or color monitor */
- if (!mono) {
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: VisualClass = %d\n",cmd, theVisual->class);
- if (theVisual->class == StaticGray || theVisual->class == GrayScale)
- mono = 1;
- }
- iconPix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(theDisp, rootW, icon_bits,
- icon_width, icon_height, 1, 0, 1);
- /* try to load fonts */
- if ( (mfinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,FONT1))==NULL &&
- (mfinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,FONT2))==NULL &&
- (mfinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,FONT3))==NULL) {
- sprintf(str,"couldn't open the following fonts:\n\t %s \n\t %s \n\t %s",
- FatalError(str);
- }
- mfont=mfinfo->fid;
- XSetFont(theDisp,theGC,mfont);
- if ( (monofinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,MFONT1))==NULL &&
- (monofinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,MFONT2))==NULL &&
- (monofinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,MFONT3))==NULL) {
- sprintf(str,"couldn't open the following fonts:\n\t %s \n\t %s \n\t %s",
- FatalError(str);
- }
- monofont=monofinfo->fid;
- /* if ncols wasn't set, set it to 2^dispDEEP, unless dispDEEP=1, in which
- case ncols = 0; (ncols = max number of colors allocated. on 1-bit
- displays, no colors are allocated */
- if (ncols == -1) {
- if (dispDEEP>1) ncols = 1<<dispDEEP;
- else ncols = 0;
- }
- else if (ncols>256) ncols = 256; /* so program doesn't blow up */
- if (numnames==0) { /* no filenames. build one-name (stdio) list */
- namelist[0] = STDINSTR;
- numnames = 1;
- }
- MakeDispNames();
- /* create the info box window */
- CreateInfo(infogeom);
- XSelectInput(theDisp, infoW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask );
- InfoBox(imap); /* map it (or not) */
- if (imap) {
- RedrawInfo(0,0,INFOWIDE,INFOHIGH); /* explicit draw if mapped */
- XFlush(theDisp);
- }
- /* create the control box window */
- CreateCtrl(ctrlgeom);
- XSelectInput(theDisp, ctrlW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask);
- CtrlBox(ctrlmap); /* map it (or not) */
- if (ctrlmap) {
- RedrawCtrl(0,0,CTRLWIDE,CTRLHIGH); /* explicit draw if mapped */
- XFlush(theDisp);
- }
- /* create the directory window */
- XSelectInput(theDisp, dirW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask);
- DirBox(0); /* map it (or not) */
- /* create the gamma window */
- CreateGam(gamgeom);
- XSelectInput(theDisp, gamW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask);
- GamBox(gmap); /* map it (or not) */
- GenerateGamma();
- GenerateFSGamma();
- LoadFishCursors();
- SetCursors(-1);
- /* if we're not on a colormapped display, turn off rwcolor */
- if (!(theVisual->class & 1) && rwcolor) {
- fprintf(stderr,"xv: not a colormapped display. 'rwcolor' turned off.\n");
- rwcolor = 0;
- }
- /* Do The Thing... */
- MainLoop();
- Quit(0);
- return(0);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int cpos = 0;
- printoption(st)
- char *st;
- {
- if (strlen(st) + cpos > 78) {
- fprintf(stderr,"\n ");
- cpos = 3;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"%s ",st);
- cpos = cpos + strlen(st) + 1;
- }
- static void Syntax()
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
- printoption(cmd);
- printoption("[-aspect w:h]");
- printoption("[-autogamma]");
- printoption("[-bfc]");
- printoption("[-bg background]");
- printoption("[-black color]");
- printoption("[-bw width]");
- printoption("[-center]");
- printoption("[-cgeom geom]");
- printoption("[-clear]");
- printoption("[-cmap]");
- printoption("[-DEBUG level]");
- printoption("[-display disp]");
- printoption("[-expand exp]");
- printoption("[-fg foreground]");
- printoption("[-fish]");
- printoption("[-fixed]");
- printoption("[-GAMMA y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 y3]");
- printoption("[-geometry geom]");
- printoption("[-ggeometry geom]");
- printoption("[-gmap]");
- printoption("[-help]");
- printoption("[-igeom geom]");
- printoption("[-imap]");
- printoption("[-max]");
- printoption("[-mono]");
- printoption("[-ncols #]");
- printoption("[-nglobal]");
- printoption("[-ninst]");
- printoption("[-noqcheck]");
- printoption("[-perfect]");
- printoption("[-quit]");
- printoption("[-root]");
- printoption("[-rw]");
- printoption("[-rv]");
- printoption("[-rbg color]");
- printoption("[-rfg color]");
- printoption("[-rpat #]");
- printoption("[-slow24]");
- printoption("[-tile]");
- printoption("[-wait seconds]");
- printoption("[-white color]");
- printoption("[filename ...]");
- fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
- Quit(1);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int openPic(filenum)
- int filenum;
- {
- /* tries to load file #filenum (from 'namelist' list)
- * returns 0 on failure (cleans up after itself)
- * if successful, returns 1, creates mainW
- */
- int i,filetype,okay,freename, nw, nh;
- char *tmp;
- FILE *fp;
- char *fullname, /* full name of the original file */
- filename[256], /* full name of the file to be loaded (could be /tmp) */
- basename[128], /* just the name of the original file. No path */
- magicno[8]; /* first 8 bytes of file */
- normaspect = defaspect;
- StartFish();
- WaitCursor();
- curname = filenum;
- ScrollToCurrent(); /* have scrl/list show current */
- XFlush(theDisp); /* update NOW */
- /* clear any old error messages */
- infoMode = INF_STR;
- okay = 0;
- /* set up fullname and basename */
- fullname = namelist[filenum];
- tmp = rindex(fullname,'/');
- if (!tmp) tmp = fullname; else tmp++;
- strcpy(basename,tmp);
- if (strlen(basename)>2 && strcmp(basename+strlen(basename)-2,".Z")==0)
- basename[strlen(basename)-2]='\0'; /* chop off .Z, if any */
- /* if fullname doesn't start with a '/' (ie, it's a relative path),
- (and it's not the special case '<stdin>') prepend 'initpath' to it */
- freename = 0;
- if (fullname[0] != '/' && strcmp(fullname,STDINSTR)!=0) {
- char *tmp;
- tmp = (char *) malloc(strlen(fullname) + strlen(initpath) + 2);
- if (!tmp) FatalError("malloc 'filename' failed");
- sprintf(tmp,"%s/%s", initpath, fullname);
- fullname = tmp;
- freename = 1;
- }
- /* uncompress if it's a .Z file */
- i = strlen(fullname);
- if (i>2 && strcmp(fullname+i-2,".Z")==0) {
- strcpy(filename,"/tmp/xvXXXXXX");
- mktemp(filename);
- sprintf(str,"%s -c %s >%s",UNCOMPRESS,fullname,filename);
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Uncompressing '%s'...",basename);
- if (system(str)) {
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Unable to uncompress '%s'.", basename);
- Warning();
- goto FAILED;
- }
- WaitCursor();
- }
- else strcpy(filename,fullname);
- /* if the file is stdio, write it out to a temp file */
- if (strcmp(filename,STDINSTR)==0) {
- FILE *fp;
- strcpy(filename,"/tmp/xvXXXXXX");
- mktemp(filename);
- fp = fopen(filename,"w");
- if (!fp) FatalError("can't write /tmp/xv****** file");
- while ( (i=getchar()) != EOF) putc(i,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- /* now, try to determine what type of file we've got by reading the
- first couple bytes and looking for a Magic Number */
- fp=fopen(filename,"r");
- if (!fp) {
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Can't open '%s' - %s",filename,sys_errlist[errno]);
- Warning();
- goto FAILED;
- }
- fread(magicno,8,1,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- filetype = UNKNOWN;
- if (strncmp(magicno,"GIF87",5)==0) filetype = GIF;
- else if (strncmp(magicno,"VIEW",4)==0 ||
- strncmp(magicno,"WEIV",4)==0) filetype = PM;
- else if (magicno[0] == 'P' && magicno[1]>='1' &&
- magicno[1]<='6') filetype = PBM;
- else if (strncmp(magicno,"#define",7)==0) filetype = XBM;
- if (filetype == UNKNOWN) {
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"'%s' not in a recognized format.", basename);
- Warning();
- goto FAILED;
- }
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Loading '%s'...",basename);
- switch (filetype) {
- case GIF: i = LoadGIF(filename,ncols); break;
- case PM: i = LoadPM (filename,ncols); break;
- case PBM: i = LoadPBM(filename,ncols); break;
- case XBM: i = LoadXBM(filename,ncols); break;
- }
- WaitCursor();
- if (i) {
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Couldn't load file '%s'.",filename);
- Warning();
- goto FAILED;
- }
- /* successfully read this picture */
- /* if we read a /tmp file, delete it. won't be needing it any more */
- if (strcmp(fullname,filename)!=0) unlink(filename);
- SetInfoMode(INF_PART);
- SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Loading '%s'... done.",basename);
- SetISTR(ISTR_FILENAME,basename);
- SetISTR(ISTR_RES,"%d x %d",pWIDE,pHIGH);
- /* adjust button in/activity */
- BTSetActive(&but[BCROP],0); /* new picture, draw no cropping rectangle */
- BTSetActive(&but[BUNCROP], 0);
- BTSetActive(&but[BNEXT], (curname<numnames-1));
- BTSetActive(&but[BPREV], (curname>0));
- normFact = 1; nw = pWIDE; nh = pHIGH;
- /* if pic is larger than screen, half picture until it fits on screen */
- while (nw > dispWIDE || nh > dispHIGH) {
- nw = nw / 2;
- nh = nh / 2;
- normFact = normFact * 2;
- }
- /* expand: if expansion is negative, treat it as a reciprocal */
- if (expand<0) { eWIDE = pWIDE/abs(expand); eHIGH = pHIGH/abs(expand); }
- else { eWIDE = pWIDE * expand; eHIGH = pHIGH * expand; }
- if (useroot) {
- int i,x,y; unsigned int w,h;
- i = XParseGeometry(maingeom,&x,&y,&w,&h);
- if (i&WidthValue) eWIDE = w;
- if (i&HeightValue) eHIGH = h;
- if (roottile) {
- /* make picture size a divisor of the rootW size. round down */
- i = (dispWIDE + eWIDE-1) / eWIDE; eWIDE = (dispWIDE + i-1) / i;
- i = (dispHIGH + eHIGH-1) / eHIGH; eHIGH = (dispHIGH + i-1) / i;
- }
- }
- cpic = pic; cWIDE = pWIDE; cHIGH = pHIGH; cXOFF = cYOFF = 0;
- SetCropString();
- if (automax) {
- eWIDE = dispWIDE; eHIGH = dispHIGH;
- if (fixedaspect) FixAspect(0,&eWIDE,&eHIGH);
- }
- if (useroot) {
- mainW = rootW;
- if (theVisual->class & 1) {
- /* clear old root pixmap before doing the 'alloc colors scene'
- to avoid annoying 'rainbow' effect as colors are realloced */
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, rootW, None);
- XClearWindow(theDisp, rootW);
- XFlush(theDisp);
- }
- }
- else {
- CreateMainWindow(maingeom, basename);
- XSelectInput(theDisp, mainW, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask
- | StructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask
- | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask);
- XMapWindow(theDisp,mainW);
- }
- SortColormap();
- /* save the desired RGB colormap (before gamma-correcting it) */
- for (i=0; i<numcols; i++)
- { rorg[i] = r[i]; gorg[i] = g[i]; borg[i] = b[i]; }
- WaitCursor();
- DoMonoAndRV();
- if (autogamma) GammifyColors();
- if (rwcolor) AllocRWColors();
- else AllocColors();
- WaitCursor();
- Resize(eWIDE,eHIGH);
- WaitCursor();
- if (useroot) MakeRootPic();
- if (LocalCmap) {
- XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
- if (!ninstall) XInstallColormap(theDisp,LocalCmap);
- xswa.colormap = LocalCmap;
- XChangeWindowAttributes(theDisp,mainW,CWColormap,&xswa);
- }
- SetInfoMode(INF_FULL);
- if (freename) free(fullname);
- StopFish();
- SetCursors(-1);
- /* put current filename into the 'save-as' filename */
- if (strcmp(filename,STDINSTR)==0) SetDirFName("stdin");
- else SetDirFName(basename);
- return 1;
- StopFish();
- SetCursors(-1);
- SetInfoMode(INF_STR);
- if (strcmp(fullname,filename)!=0) unlink(filename); /* kill /tmp file */
- if (freename) free(fullname);
- return 0;
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void closePic()
- {
- /* kill all resources used for this picture.
- this would include the window, any allocated colors, pic, epic,
- theImage, etc. */
- int i;
- static char *st = "Loading...";
- if (!useroot) {
- /* turn off configure events */
- XSelectInput(theDisp, mainW, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask
- | ButtonPressMask
- | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask);
- XClearArea(theDisp, mainW, 0,0, eWIDE, eHIGH, True);
- /*
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg);
- XFillRectangle(theDisp,mainW,theGC, 0, 0, StringWidth(st) + 8, CHIGH+4);
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infobg);
- XDrawString(theDisp, mainW, theGC, 4, 2 + ASCENT, st, strlen(st));
- XFlush(theDisp);
- */
- }
- if (LocalCmap) {
- XFreeColormap(theDisp,LocalCmap);
- LocalCmap = 0;
- }
- else if (!brokeFreeCols) {
- for (i=0; i<nfcols; i++)
- XFreeColors(theDisp, theCmap, &freecols[i], 1, 0L);
- }
- else {
- for (i=0; i<nfcols; i++) {
- int j;
- for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
- if (freecols[i] == freecols[j]) /* already been freed once */
- break;
- }
- if (j==i) /* wasn't found in already-freed list */
- XFreeColors(theDisp, theCmap, &freecols[i], 1, 0L);
- }
- }
- if (epic != cpic && epic != NULL) free(epic);
- if (cpic != pic && cpic != NULL) free(cpic);
- if (pic != NULL) free(pic);
- if (theImage != NULL) XDestroyImage(theImage);
- theImage = NULL;
- pic = epic = cpic = NULL;
- SetInfoMode(INF_STR);
- }
- /****************/
- static void OpenFirstPic()
- /****************/
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<numnames; i++) {
- if (openPic(i)) return; /* success */
- }
- if (numnames>1) FatalError("couldn't open any pictures");
- else Quit(-1);
- }
- /****************/
- static void OpenNextPic()
- /****************/
- {
- int i,orig;
- orig = curname;
- for (i=curname+1; i<numnames; i++) {
- if (openPic(i)) return; /* success */
- }
- /* couldn't go to next, reopen original */
- if (!openPic(orig)) FatalError("couldn't reopen original picture");
- }
- /****************/
- static void OpenNextQuit()
- /****************/
- {
- int i;
- for (i=curname+1; i<numnames; i++) {
- if (openPic(i)) return; /* success */
- }
- Quit(0);
- }
- /****************/
- static void OpenPrevPic()
- /****************/
- {
- int i,orig;
- orig = curname;
- for (i=curname-1; i>=0; i--) {
- if (openPic(i)) return; /* success */
- }
- /* couldn't go to next, reopen original */
- if (!openPic(orig)) FatalError("couldn't reopen original picture");
- }
- /****************/
- static void MainLoop()
- /****************/
- {
- /* search forward until we manage to display a picture,
- then call EventLoop. EventLoop will eventually return
- NEXTPIC, PREVPIC, NEXTQUIT, QUIT, or, if >= 0, a filenum to GOTO */
- int i;
- OpenFirstPic(); /* find first displayable picture, exit if none */
- if (useroot && autoquit) Quit(0);
- while ((i=EventLoop()) != QUIT) {
- if (i==NEXTPIC && curname<numnames-1) { closePic(); OpenNextPic(); }
- else if (i==PREVPIC && curname>0) { closePic(); OpenPrevPic(); }
- else if (i==NEXTQUIT) { closePic(); OpenNextQuit(); }
- else if (i>=0) {
- int orig = curname;
- if (curname != i) {
- closePic();
- if (!openPic(i)) { /* couldn't goto */
- if (!openPic(orig)) FatalError("couldn't reopen original picture");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /****************/
- static int EventLoop()
- /****************/
- {
- XEvent event;
- int retval,done;
- time_t orgtime, curtime;
- /* note: there's no special event handling if we're using the root window.
- if we're using the root window, we will recieve NO events for mainW */
- time(&orgtime);
- done = retval = 0;
- while (!done) {
- if (waitsec == -1 || XPending(theDisp)>0) {
- XNextEvent(theDisp, &event);
- switch (event.type) {
- case Expose: {
- XExposeEvent *exp_event = (XExposeEvent *) &event;
- /* if the window doesn't do intelligent redraw, drop all-1 exposes */
- if (exp_event->count>0 && exp_event->window != mainW
- && exp_event->window != ctrlW
- && exp_event->window != dirW
- && exp_event->window != gamW
- && exp_event->window != graphW) break;
- if (exp_event->window==mainW) {
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"EXPOSE: ");
- if (!CheckForConfig()) {
- if (DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"No configs pending. Do Expose %d,%d %dx%d\n",
- exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- if (DEBUG)
- XClearArea(theDisp, mainW, exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height, False);
- DrawWindow(exp_event->x,exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- if (but[BCROP].active) {
- XRectangle xr;
- xr.x = exp_event->x; xr.y = exp_event->y;
- xr.width = exp_event->width; xr.height = exp_event->height;
- XSetClipRectangles(theDisp,theGC,0,0,&xr,1,Unsorted);
- InvCropRect();
- XSetClipMask(theDisp,theGC,None);
- }
- }
- else
- if (DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"Ignoring expose event. Config pending\n");
- }
- else if (exp_event->window==infoW)
- RedrawInfo(exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- else if (exp_event->window==ctrlW)
- RedrawCtrl(exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- else if (exp_event->window == nList.win)
- LSRedraw(&nList);
- else if (exp_event->window == nList.scrl.win)
- SCRedraw(&nList.scrl);
- else if (exp_event->window == dirW)
- RedrawDirW(exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- else if (exp_event->window == dList.win)
- LSRedraw(&dList);
- else if (exp_event->window == dList.scrl.win)
- SCRedraw(&dList.scrl);
- else if (exp_event->window == ddirW)
- RedrawDDirW();
- else if (exp_event->window == dnamW)
- RedrawDNamW();
- else if (exp_event->window == gamW)
- RedrawGam(exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- else if (exp_event->window == graphW)
- RedrawGraph(exp_event->x, exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- }
- break;
- case ButtonPress: {
- XButtonEvent *but_event = (XButtonEvent *) &event;
- int i;
- switch (but_event->button) {
- case Button1:
- if (but_event->window == mainW)
- TrackPicValues(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- else if (but_event->window == ctrlW) {
- int w,h;
- i=ClickCtrl(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- if (i>=0) {
- switch (i) {
- case BNEXT: retval= NEXTPIC; done=1; break;
- case BPREV: retval= PREVPIC; done=1; break;
- case BSAVE: DirBox(1); break;
- case BQUIT: retval= QUIT; done=1; break;
- case BCROP: DoCrop(); break;
- case BUNCROP: UnCrop(); break;
- case BNORM: WResize(cWIDE/normFact, cHIGH/normFact); break;
- case BMAX: WResize(dispWIDE, dispHIGH); break;
- case BUP10: w = (eWIDE*11)/10; h = (eHIGH*11)/10;
- if (w==eWIDE) w++;
- if (h==eHIGH) h++;
- WResize(w,h);
- break;
- case BDN10: WResize((eWIDE*9)/10, (eHIGH*9)/10); break;
- case BUP2: WResize(eWIDE*2, eHIGH*2); break;
- case BDN2: WResize(eWIDE/2, eHIGH/2); break;
- case B4BY3: w = eWIDE; h = (w * 3) / 4;
- if (h>dispHIGH) { h = eHIGH; w = (h*4)/3; }
- WResize(w,h);
- break;
- case BASPECT: FixAspect(1,&w,&h); WResize(w,h); break;
- case BMAXPECT: { int w1,h1;
- w1 = eWIDE; h1 = eHIGH;
- eWIDE = dispWIDE; eHIGH = dispHIGH;
- FixAspect(0,&w,&h);
- eWIDE = w1; eHIGH = h1; /* play it safe */
- WResize(w,h);
- } break;
- case BROTL: Rotate(1); break;
- case BROTR: Rotate(0); break;
- case BACROP: AutoCrop(); break;
- case BINFO: InfoBox(!infoUp); break;
- case BGAMMA: GamBox(!gamUp); break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (but_event->window == nList.win) {
- i=LSClick(&nList,but_event);
- if (i>=0) return(i);
- }
- else if (but_event->window == nList.scrl.win)
- SCTrack(&nList.scrl, but_event->x, but_event->y);
- else if (but_event->window == dirW) {
- i=ClickDirW(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- if (i==S_BOPEN) SelectDir(dList.selected);
- else if (i==S_BCANC) DirBox(0);
- else if (i==S_BSAVE) DoSave();
- else if (i==S_BQUIT) { retval = QUIT; done=1; }
- }
- else if (but_event->window == dList.win) {
- i=LSClick(&dList,but_event);
- DirOpenActive();
- if (i>=0) SelectDir(i);
- }
- else if (but_event->window == dList.scrl.win)
- SCTrack(&dList.scrl, but_event->x, but_event->y);
- else if (but_event->window == ddirW)
- TrackDDirW(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- else if (but_event->window == gamW)
- ClickGam(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- else if (but_event->window == graphW)
- TrackGraph(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- break;
- case Button2: if (but_event->window == mainW)
- TrackCrop(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- break;
- case Button3: if (!useroot) /* if using root, MUST NOT get rid of */
- CtrlBox(!ctrlUp); /* ctrlbox. can't get it back */
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case KeyPress: {
- XKeyEvent *key_event = (XKeyEvent *) &event;
- char buf[128]; KeySym ks; XComposeStatus status; int stlen;
- stlen = XLookupString(key_event,buf,128,&ks,&status);
- /* do non-character processing (arrow-keys, that is) */
- if (ks==XK_Left) CropKey(-1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
- else if (ks==XK_Right) CropKey( 1, 0, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
- else if (ks==XK_Up) CropKey( 0,-1, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
- else if (ks==XK_Down) CropKey( 0, 1, key_event->state & ShiftMask);
- if (!stlen) break;
- if (key_event->window == dirW) {
- if (DirKey(buf[0])) XBell(theDisp,0);
- }
- else {
- /* if (isupper(buf[0])) buf[0] = tolower(buf[0]); */
- /* commands valid in any window */
- switch (buf[0]) {
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\n': FakeButtonPress(&but[BNEXT]); break;
- case '\010':
- case '\177': FakeButtonPress(&but[BPREV]); break;
- case 's': FakeButtonPress(&but[BSAVE]); break;
- case 'q': FakeButtonPress(&but[BQUIT]); break;
- case 'h':
- case '?': if (!useroot) CtrlBox(!ctrlUp); break;
- case 'a': FakeButtonPress(&but[BASPECT]); break;
- case 'A': FakeButtonPress(&but[BACROP]); break;
- case 'T': FakeButtonPress(&but[BROTL]); break;
- case 't': FakeButtonPress(&but[BROTR]); break;
- case '4': FakeButtonPress(&but[B4BY3]); break;
- case 'c': FakeButtonPress(&but[BCROP]); break;
- case 'u': FakeButtonPress(&but[BUNCROP]); break;
- case 'n': FakeButtonPress(&but[BNORM]); break;
- case 'm': FakeButtonPress(&but[BMAX]); break;
- case 'M': FakeButtonPress(&but[BMAXPECT]); break;
- case ',': FakeButtonPress(&but[BDN10]); break;
- case '.': FakeButtonPress(&but[BUP10]); break;
- case '<': FakeButtonPress(&but[BDN2]); break;
- case '>': FakeButtonPress(&but[BUP2]); break;
- case 'i': FakeButtonPress(&but[BINFO]); break;
- case 'g': FakeButtonPress(&but[BGAMMA]); break;
- case 'p': FakeButtonPress(&gbut[G_BAPPLY]); break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify: {
- XConfigureEvent *conf_event = (XConfigureEvent *) &event;
- if (conf_event->window == mainW && !rotatesLeft) {
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"CONFIG: (%s) ",
- conf_event->send_event ? "program" : "user");
- if (!CheckForConfig()) {
- XEvent xev;
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"No configs pend. Do full redraw\n");
- Resize(conf_event->width, conf_event->height);
- /* eat pending expose events, as the complete redraw will
- cover all of them */
- while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(theDisp, mainW, Expose, &xev)) {
- XExposeEvent *exp = (XExposeEvent *) &xev;
- if (DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr, " ate expose (%s) (count=%d) %d,%d %dx%d\n",
- exp->send_event ? "program" : "user", exp->count,
- exp->x, exp->y, exp->width, exp->height);
- }
- DrawWindow(0,0,conf_event->width, conf_event->height);
- SetCursors(-1);
- }
- else
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"config pending. ignored\n");
- }
- if (rotatesLeft>0) rotatesLeft--;
- if (!rotatesLeft) SetCursors(-1);
- }
- break;
- case CirculateNotify:
- case MapNotify:
- case DestroyNotify:
- case GravityNotify:
- case ReparentNotify:
- case UnmapNotify: break;
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify: {
- XCrossingEvent *cross_event = (XCrossingEvent *) &event;
- if (cross_event->window != mainW) break;
- if (cross_event->type == EnterNotify && LocalCmap && !ninstall)
- XInstallColormap(theDisp,LocalCmap);
- if (cross_event->type == LeaveNotify && LocalCmap && !ninstall)
- XUninstallColormap(theDisp,LocalCmap);
- }
- break;
- default: break; /* ignore unexpected events */
- } /* switch */
- } /* if XPending */
- else { /* no events. check wait status */
- if (waitsec>-1) {
- time(&curtime);
- if (curtime - orgtime >= waitsec) return NEXTQUIT;
- sleep(1); /* so program doesn't loop continuously while 'waiting' */
- }
- }
- } /* while */
- return(retval);
- }
- /***********************************/
- void DrawWindow(x,y,w,h)
- int x,y,w,h;
- {
- if (theImage)
- XPutImage(theDisp,mainW,theGC,theImage,x,y,x,y,w,h);
- else
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"Tried to DrawWindow when theImage was NIL\n");
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void CreateMainWindow(geom,name)
- char *geom, *name;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
- unsigned int xswamask;
- XWindowAttributes xwa;
- XWMHints xwmh;
- XSizeHints hints;
- int i,x,y;
- unsigned int w,h;
- char winname[128], iconname[128];
- /*
- * this function mainly deals with parsing the geometry spec correctly.
- * More trouble than it should be, and probably more trouble than
- * it has to be, but who can tell these days, what with all those
- * Widget-usin' Weenies out there...
- */
- x = y = w = h = 1;
- i = XParseGeometry(geom,&x,&y,&w,&h);
- if (i&WidthValue) eWIDE = w;
- if (i&HeightValue) eHIGH = h;
- if (eWIDE > dispWIDE || eHIGH > dispHIGH) {
- eWIDE = eWIDE / normFact;
- eHIGH = eHIGH / normFact;
- }
- if (eWIDE < 1) eWIDE = 1;
- if (eHIGH < 1) eHIGH = 1;
- if (fixedaspect && i&WidthValue && i&HeightValue) FixAspect(0,&eWIDE,&eHIGH);
- else if (i&WidthValue && i&HeightValue)
- { RANGE(eWIDE,1,dispWIDE); RANGE(eHIGH,1,dispHIGH); }
- else FixAspect(1,&eWIDE,&eHIGH);
- if (i&XValue || i&YValue) hints.flags = USPosition;
- else hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.flags |= USSize;
- if (i&XValue && i&XNegative) x = dispWIDE - eWIDE - abs(x);
- if (i&YValue && i&YNegative) y = dispHIGH - eHIGH - abs(y);
- if (x+eWIDE > dispWIDE) x = dispWIDE - eWIDE; /* keep on screen */
- if (y+eHIGH > dispHIGH) y = dispHIGH - eHIGH;
- if (eWIDE < 1) eWIDE = 1;
- if (eHIGH < 1) eHIGH = 1;
- hints.x = x; hints.y = y;
- hints.width = eWIDE; hints.height = eHIGH;
- hints.max_width = dispWIDE; hints.max_height = dispHIGH;
- hints.flags |= PMaxSize;
- xswa.background_pixel = bg;
- xswa.border_pixel = fg;
- xswamask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel;
- if (mainW) {
- GetWindowPos(&xwa);
- xwa.width = eWIDE; xwa.height = eHIGH;
- SetWindowPos(&xwa);
- hints.flags = PSize | PMaxSize;
- }
- if (!mainW)
- mainW = XCreateWindow(theDisp,rootW,x,y,eWIDE,eHIGH,bwidth,CopyFromParent,
- CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, xswamask, &xswa);
- sprintf(winname,"xv %s",name);
- sprintf(iconname,"xv %s",name);
- XSetStandardProperties(theDisp,mainW,winname,iconname,None,
- NULL,0,&hints);
- xwmh.input = True;
- xwmh.flags = InputHint;
- if (iconPix) { xwmh.icon_pixmap = iconPix; xwmh.flags |= IconPixmapHint; }
- XSetWMHints(theDisp, mainW, &xwmh);
- if (!mainW) FatalError("can't create window!");
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void FixAspect(grow,w,h)
- int grow;
- int *w, *h;
- {
- /* computes new values of eWIDE and eHIGH which will have aspect ratio
- 'normaspect'. If 'grow' it will preserve aspect by enlarging,
- otherwise, it will shrink to preserve aspect ratio.
- Returns these values in 'w' and 'h' */
- float xr,yr,curaspect,a,exp;
- *w = eWIDE; *h = eHIGH;
- /* xr,yr are expansion factors */
- xr = ((float) eWIDE) / cWIDE;
- yr = ((float) eHIGH) / cHIGH;
- curaspect = xr / yr;
- /* if too narrow & shrink, shrink height. too wide and grow, grow height */
- if ((curaspect < normaspect && !grow) ||
- (curaspect > normaspect && grow)) { /* modify height */
- exp = curaspect / normaspect;
- *h = (int) (eHIGH * exp + .5);
- }
- /* if too narrow & grow, grow width. too wide and shrink, shrink width */
- if ((curaspect < normaspect && grow) ||
- (curaspect > normaspect && !grow)) { /* modify width */
- exp = normaspect / curaspect;
- *w = (int) (eWIDE * exp + .5);
- }
- /* shrink to fit screen without changing aspect ratio */
- if (*w>dispWIDE) {
- int i;
- a = (float) *w / dispWIDE;
- *w = dispWIDE;
- i = (int) (*h / a + .5); /* avoid freaking some optimizers */
- *h = i;
- }
- if (*h>dispHIGH) {
- a = (float) *h / dispHIGH;
- *h = dispHIGH;
- *w = (int) (*w / a + .5);
- }
- if (*w < 1) *w = 1;
- if (*h < 1) *h = 1;
- }
- /***********************************/
- void WResize(w,h)
- int w,h;
- {
- XWindowAttributes xwa;
- /* force w,h into valid ranges */
- RANGE(w,1,dispWIDE); RANGE(h,1,dispHIGH);
- if (useroot) {
- Resize(w,h);
- MakeRootPic();
- SetCursors(-1);
- return;
- }
- /* determine if new size goes off edge of screen. if so move window so it
- doesn't go off screen */
- GetWindowPos(&xwa);
- if (xwa.x + w > dispWIDE) xwa.x = dispWIDE - w;
- if (xwa.y + h > dispHIGH) xwa.y = dispHIGH - h;
- if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: resizing window to %d,%d at %d,%d\n",
- cmd,w,h,xwa.x,xwa.y);
- /* resize the window */
- xwa.width = w; xwa.height = h;
- SetWindowPos(&xwa);
- }
- /***********************************/
- void WRotate()
- {
- /* rotate the window and redraw the contents */
- if (but[BCROP].active) BTSetActive(&but[BCROP],0);
- if (useroot) {
- MakeRootPic();
- SetCursors(-1);
- return;
- }
- if (eWIDE == eHIGH) { /* no configure events will be gen'd */
- Resize(eWIDE, eHIGH); /* to regen Ximage */
- DrawWindow(0, 0, eWIDE, eHIGH);
- SetCursors(-1);
- }
- else {
- rotatesLeft++;
- WResize(eWIDE, eHIGH);
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- void WCrop(w,h)
- int w,h;
- {
- XWindowAttributes xwa;
- /* we want to move window to old x,y + crx1,cry1 */
- GetWindowPos(&xwa);
- xwa.x += crx1; xwa.y += cry1;
- xwa.width = w; xwa.height = h;
- SetWindowPos(&xwa);
- }
- /***********************************/
- void WUnCrop()
- {
- int w,h;
- XWindowAttributes xwa;
- /* to uncrop, I need to know the old values of cXOFF and cYOFF (cx,cy), and
- the old values of cWIDE,cHIGH, eWIDE, eHIGH. NOTE that the idea here
- is to, if possible, uncrop by wrapping the rest of the picture around
- the currently visible hunk. */
- GetWindowPos(&xwa);
- /* calculate w,h: based on concept of trying to show uncropped picture
- with same expansion ratios. If this isn't possible (w or h bigger
- than screen), just go to good ol' 1:1 expansion */
- w = (pWIDE * eWIDE) / cWIDE; h = (pHIGH * eHIGH) / cHIGH;
- if (w>dispWIDE || h>dispHIGH) {
- w=pWIDE / normFact; h=pHIGH / normFact;
- if (xwa.x + w > dispWIDE) xwa.x = dispWIDE - w;
- if (xwa.y + h > dispHIGH) xwa.y = dispHIGH - h;
- xwa.width = w; xwa.height = h;
- SetWindowPos(&xwa);
- }
- else {
- xwa.x = xwa.x - (cXOFF*eWIDE)/cWIDE; xwa.y = xwa.y - (cYOFF*eHIGH)/cHIGH;
- if (xwa.x<0) xwa.x = 0;
- if (xwa.y<0) xwa.y = 0;
- xwa.width = w; xwa.height = h;
- SetWindowPos(&xwa);
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void GetWindowPos(xwa)
- XWindowAttributes *xwa;
- {
- Window root,parent,*children,child;
- unsigned int nchildren;
- XWindowAttributes pxwa;
- int ox1,oy1;
- /* returns the x,y,w,h coords of mainW. x,y are relative to rootW
- the border is not included (x,y map to top-left pixel in window) */
- XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp,mainW,xwa);
- /* see if mainW has been re-parented by a window manager */
- XQueryTree(theDisp,mainW,&root,&parent,&children,&nchildren);
- if (nchildren>0 || children!=NULL) XFree((char *) children);
- if (parent != rootW) { /* has been reparented */
- XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp,parent,&pxwa);
- XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp,mainW,rootW,0,0,
- &xwa->x,&xwa->y,&child);
- XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp,parent,rootW,0,0,
- &ox1,&oy1,&child);
- }
- else {
- xwa->x += xwa->border_width;
- xwa->y += xwa->border_width;
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void SetWindowPos(xwa)
- XWindowAttributes *xwa;
- {
- /* sets window x,y,w,h values */
- /* XSizeHints xsh; */
- Window root, parent, *children, child;
- unsigned int nchildren;
- XWindowAttributes pxwa;
- int xoff, yoff, x1, y1, x2, y2;
- xoff = yoff = 0;
- /* check for reparented window */
- XQueryTree(theDisp,mainW,&root,&parent,&children,&nchildren);
- if (nchildren>0 || children!=NULL) XFree((char *) children);
- if (parent != root) {
- XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp,mainW,rootW,0,0,&x1,&y1,&child);
- XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp,mainW,parent,0,0,&xoff,&yoff,&child);
- XTranslateCoordinates(theDisp,parent,rootW,0,0,&x2,&y2,&child);
- XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp,parent,&pxwa);
- if (xoff == 0 && yoff == 0) {
- xoff = pxwa.x; yoff = pxwa.y;
- if (xwa->x<xoff && (xwa->width + xoff)<dispWIDE) xwa->x = xoff;
- if (xwa->y<yoff && (xwa->height + yoff)<dispHIGH) xwa->y = yoff;
- }
- else {
- xwa->x = xwa->x - xoff;
- xwa->y = xwa->y - yoff;
- if (xwa->x<0 && (xwa->width + xoff)<dispWIDE) xwa->x = 0;
- if (xwa->y<0 && (xwa->height + yoff)<dispHIGH) xwa->y = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- xwa->x -= xwa->border_width;
- xwa->y -= xwa->border_width;
- if (xwa->x < -(xwa->border_width)) xwa->x = -(xwa->border_width);
- if (xwa->y < -(xwa->border_width)) xwa->y = -(xwa->border_width);
- xoff = yoff = xwa->border_width;
- }
- XMoveResizeWindow(theDisp, mainW, xwa->x, xwa->y, xwa->width, xwa->height);
- /*
- * all this bogus stuff is a work-around for weirdness in
- * twm where resize was giving 23 extra lines...
- * should do no harm if this bug is not present.
- */
- XSync(theDisp,False);
- XGetWindowAttributes(theDisp, mainW, &pxwa);
- if (pxwa.height != xwa->height) {
- XEvent xev;
- /* eat configure event (and any Exposes) if there is one */
- if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(theDisp, mainW, ConfigureNotify, &xev)) {
- while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(theDisp, mainW, Expose, &xev));
- }
- XResizeWindow(theDisp, mainW, xwa->width,
- xwa->height - (pxwa.height - xwa->height));
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void TrackCrop(mx,my)
- int mx,my;
- {
- Window rW,cW;
- int rx,ry,ox,oy,x,y,active;
- unsigned int mask;
- XSetFunction(theDisp,theGC,GXinvert);
- if (but[BCROP].active) { /* turn off old cropping rectangle */
- Rect(crx1,cry1,crx2,cry2);
- }
- active = 0;
- crx1 = ox = mx; cry1 = oy = my; /* nail down one corner */
- while (1) {
- if (XQueryPointer(theDisp,mainW,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
- if (!(mask & Button2Mask)) break; /* button released */
- if (x!=ox || y!=oy) { /* moved. erase and redraw */
- crx2 = x; cry2 = y;
- Rect(crx1,cry1,ox,oy);
- active = Rect(crx1,cry1,crx2,cry2);
- XFlush(theDisp);
- ox=crx2; oy=cry2;
- }
- }
- }
- XSetFunction(theDisp,theGC,GXcopy);
- RANGE(crx1,0,eWIDE); RANGE(cry1,0,eHIGH);
- RANGE(crx2,0,eWIDE); RANGE(cry2,0,eHIGH);
- BTSetActive(&but[BCROP],active);
- SetCropString();
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void CropKey(dx,dy,grow)
- int dx,dy,grow;
- {
- int x1,x2,y1,y2;
- if (!but[BCROP].active) return;
- /* x1,y1 = top-left, x2,y2 = bot-right */
- if (crx1<crx2) { x1=crx1; x2=crx2; } else { x1=crx2; x2=crx1; }
- if (cry1<cry2) { y1=cry1; y2=cry2; } else { y1=cry2; y2=cry1; }
- if (!grow) { /* move the rectangle */
- x1 += dx; x2 += dx; y1 += dy; y2 += dy;
- if (x1<0 || x2>eWIDE) { x1 -= dx; x2 -= dx; }
- if (y1<0 || y2>eHIGH) { y1 -= dy; y2 -= dy; }
- }
- else { /* grow the rectangle, pref. keeping top-left anchored */
- x2 += dx; y2 += dy;
- if (x2>eWIDE) {
- x1 -= dx; x2 -= dx;
- if (x1<0) x1=0;
- }
- if (y2>eHIGH) {
- y1 -= dy; y2 -= dy;
- if (y1<0) y1=0;
- }
- }
- InvCropRect();
- crx1 = x1; cry1 = y1; crx2 = x2; cry2 = y2;
- InvCropRect();
- SetCropString();
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int Rect(x,y,x1,y1)
- int x,y,x1,y1;
- {
- int w,h;
- /* returns 0 if it didn't draw anything (rect is too small), 1 if it did */
- w = abs(x-x1); h = abs(y-y1);
- if (x>x1) x = x1;
- if (y>y1) y = y1;
- if (w<4 || h<4) return 0; /* too small */
- /* keep rectangle inside window */
- if (x<0) { w+=x; x=0; }
- if (y<0) { h+=y; y=0; }
- if (x+w>eWIDE) w=eWIDE-x;
- if (y+h>eHIGH) h=eHIGH-y;
- XDrawRectangle(theDisp, mainW, theGC, x, y, w-1, h-1);
- XDrawRectangle(theDisp, mainW, theGC, x+1, y+1, w-3, h-3);
- return 1;
- }
- /***********************************/
- void InvCropRect()
- {
- XSetFunction(theDisp,theGC,GXinvert);
- Rect(crx1,cry1,crx2,cry2);
- XSetFunction(theDisp,theGC,GXcopy);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void TrackPicValues(mx,my)
- int mx,my;
- {
- Window rW,cW;
- int rx,ry,ox,oy,x,y;
- unsigned int mask;
- int ty, w;
- char foo[64];
- unsigned long wh, bl;
- char *str = "8888,8888 = (123,123,123) <123,123,123>";
- wh = infobg; bl = infofg;
- /* do a colormap search for black and white if LocalCmap
- and use those colors instead of infobg and infofg */
- if (LocalCmap) {
- XColor ctab[256];
- int i;
- long cval;
- for (i=0; i<nfcols; i++) ctab[i].pixel = freecols[i];
- XQueryColors(theDisp,LocalCmap,ctab,nfcols);
- /* find 'blackest' pixel */
- cval = 0x10000 * 3;
- for (i=0; i<nfcols; i++)
- if (ctab[i].red + ctab[i].green + ctab[i].blue < cval) {
- cval = ctab[i].red + ctab[i].green + ctab[i].blue;
- bl = ctab[i].pixel;
- }
- /* find 'whitest' pixel */
- cval = -1;
- for (i=0; i<nfcols; i++)
- if ((long)ctab[i].red + (long)ctab[i].green + (long)ctab[i].blue >cval) {
- cval = ctab[i].red + ctab[i].green + ctab[i].blue;
- wh = ctab[i].pixel;
- }
- }
- XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont);
- w = XTextWidth(monofinfo,str,strlen(str));
- if (my > eHIGH/2) ty = 0;
- else ty = eHIGH-(monofinfo->ascent + mfinfo->descent)-4;
- ox = oy = -1; /* kludge to force redraw first time through */
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, bl);
- XFillRectangle(theDisp, mainW, theGC, 0, ty, w + 8,
- (monofinfo->ascent+monofinfo->descent) + 4);
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, wh);
- XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, bl);
- while (1) {
- int px, py, pix;
- if (XQueryPointer(theDisp,mainW,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
- if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break; /* button released */
- RANGE(x,0,eWIDE-1);
- RANGE(y,0,eHIGH-1);
- px = cXOFF + (x * cWIDE) / eWIDE;
- py = cYOFF + (y * cHIGH) / eHIGH;
- if (px!=ox || py!=oy) { /* moved. erase and redraw */
- pix = pic[py * pWIDE + px];
- sprintf(foo,"%4d,%4d = (%3d,%3d,%3d) <%3d,%3d,%3d>",
- px, py, rorg[pix],gorg[pix],borg[pix], r[pix],g[pix],b[pix]);
- XDrawImageString(theDisp,mainW,theGC, 4, ty + 2 + monofinfo->ascent,
- foo, strlen(foo));
- ox = px; oy = py;
- }
- }
- }
- XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont);
- DrawWindow(0,ty,eWIDE,(monofinfo->ascent+monofinfo->descent)+4);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void MakeDispNames()
- {
- int prelen, n, i, done;
- char *suffix;
- suffix = namelist[0];
- prelen = 0; /* length of prefix to be removed */
- n = i = 0; /* shut up pesky compiler warnings */
- done = 0;
- while (!done) {
- suffix = strchr(suffix,'/'); /* find next '/' in file name */
- if (!suffix) break;
- suffix++; /* go past it */
- n = suffix - namelist[0];
- for (i=1; i<numnames; i++) {
- if (strncmp(namelist[0], namelist[i], n)!=0) { done=1; break; }
- }
- if (!done) prelen = n;
- }
- for (i=0; i<numnames; i++)
- dispnames[i] = namelist[i] + prelen;
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int CheckForConfig()
- {
- XEvent ev;
- char foo;
- /* returns true if there's a config event in which mainW changes size
- in the event queue */
- foo = 0;
- XCheckIfEvent(theDisp, &ev, IsConfig, &foo);
- return foo;
- }
- static Bool IsConfig(dpy, ev, arg)
- Display *dpy;
- XEvent *ev;
- char *arg;
- {
- XConfigureEvent *cev;
- if (ev->type == ConfigureNotify) {
- cev = (XConfigureEvent *) ev;
- if (cev->window == mainW && (cev->width != eWIDE || cev->height != eHIGH))
- *arg = 1;
- }
- return False;
- }
- /***********************************/
- void MakeRootPic()
- {
- /* called after 'epic' has been generated (if we're using root).
- creates the XImage and the pixmap, sets the root to the new
- pixmap, and refreshes the display */
- Pixmap tmpPix;
- int i,j,k,w,h;
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, rootW, None);
- XClearWindow(theDisp, rootW);
- XFlush(theDisp);
- if (((fixedaspect && automax) || centerpic)
- && (eWIDE != dispWIDE || eHIGH != dispHIGH)) {
- /* center picture inside a dispWIDE x dispHIGH pixmap */
- w = eWIDE; if (w>dispWIDE) w = dispWIDE;
- h = eHIGH; if (h>dispHIGH) h = dispHIGH;
- tmpPix = XCreatePixmap(theDisp, mainW, dispWIDE, dispHIGH, dispDEEP);
- if (!tmpPix) FatalError("couldn't create root pixmap");
- /* do some stuff to set up the border around the picture */
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, rootbg);
- XFillRectangle(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, 0,0, dispWIDE, dispHIGH);
- switch (rootPattern) {
- case 0: /* solid color */ break;
- case 1: /* 'warp' effect */
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, rootfg);
- for (i=0; i<=dispWIDE; i+=8)
- XDrawLine(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, i, 0, dispWIDE-i, dispHIGH);
- for (i=0; i<=dispHIGH; i+=8)
- XDrawLine(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, 0, i, dispWIDE, dispHIGH-i);
- break;
- case 2: /* 'bricks' effect */
- XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, rootfg);
- for (i=k=0; i<dispHIGH; i+=20,k++) {
- XDrawLine(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, 0, i, dispWIDE, i);
- for (j=(k&1) * 20 + 10; j<dispWIDE; j+=40)
- XDrawLine(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, j,i,j,i+20);
- }
- break;
- /* your algorithm here */
- default: break;
- }
- XPutImage(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, theImage, 0,0,
- (dispWIDE-w)/2, (dispHIGH-h)/2, w, h);
- }
- else {
- tmpPix = XCreatePixmap(theDisp, mainW, eWIDE, eHIGH, dispDEEP);
- if (!tmpPix) FatalError("couldn't create root pixmap");
- XPutImage(theDisp, tmpPix, theGC, theImage, 0,0, 0,0, eWIDE, eHIGH);
- }
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, mainW, tmpPix);
- XFreePixmap(theDisp, tmpPix);
- SaveRootInfo();
- XClearWindow(theDisp, mainW);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void SaveRootInfo()
- {
- /* called when using root window. stores the pixmap ID used to draw the
- root window in a property. This will be used later to free all resources
- allocated by this instantiation of xv (ie, the alloc'd colors). These
- resources are kept alloc'ed after client exits so that rainbow effect
- is avoided */
- Atom prop;
- static Pixmap riPix = NULL;
- if ( !(theVisual->class & 1)) return; /* no colormap to worry about */
- if (riPix) return; /* it's already been saved once */
- riPix = XCreatePixmap(theDisp, rootW, 1, 1, 1);
- if (!riPix) return; /* unable to save. thankfully, unlikely to happen */
- prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XV_PIXMAP", False);
- if (!prop) FatalError("couldn't create _XV_PIXMAP atom");
- XChangeProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, XA_PIXMAP, 32, PropModeReplace,
- (unsigned char *) &riPix, 1);
- XSetCloseDownMode(theDisp, RetainPermanent);
- }
- /***********************************/
- static void KillOldRootInfo()
- {
- /* get the pixmap ID from the _XV_PIXMAP property, and kill it */
- Atom prop, type;
- int format;
- unsigned long length, after;
- unsigned char *data;
- prop = XInternAtom(theDisp, "_XV_PIXMAP", True);
- if (!prop) return; /* no old pixmap to kill */
- if (XGetWindowProperty(theDisp, rootW, prop, 0L, 1L, True, AnyPropertyType,
- &type, &format, &length, &after, &data) == Success) {
- if (type==XA_PIXMAP && format==32 && length==1 && after==0 && data)
- XKillClient(theDisp, *((Pixmap *)data));
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* following three rd_* functions swiped from xgraph, by David Harrison */
- /************************************************************************/
- /***********************************/
- static int rd_int(name)
- char *name;
- {
- /* returns '1' if successful. result in def_int */
- if (def_str = XGetDefault(theDisp, PROGNAME, name)) {
- if (sscanf(def_str, "%ld", &def_int) == 1) return 1;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't read integer value for %s resource\n",
- cmd,name);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else return 0;
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int rd_str(name)
- char *name;
- {
- /* returns '1' if successful. result in def_str */
- if (def_str = XGetDefault(theDisp, PROGNAME, name)) return 1;
- else return 0;
- }
- /***********************************/
- static int rd_flag(name)
- char *name;
- {
- /* returns '1' if successful. result in def_str */
- if (def_str = XGetDefault(theDisp, PROGNAME, name)) {
- def_int = (strcmp(def_str, "on")==0) ||
- (strcmp(def_str, "1")==0) ||
- (strcmp(def_str, "true")==0) ||
- (strcmp(def_str, "yes")==0);
- return 1;
- }
- else return 0;
- }
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xv.c"
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 9 of 10"
- exit
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.
- --
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.