home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- static char* sccs_buttons_c = "%W%%G%";
- #include "gen.h"
- #include "widgets.h"
- extern void CreateSubButton PROTO((Info*, int, int, char*));
- extern void CreateMainMenuButton PROTO((Info*, int, int, char*, char*));
- static void CreateDefaultSubButton PROTO((int, char*, int));
- extern void Quit PROTO((Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer)),
- SingleAction PROTO((Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer)),
- MultiAction PROTO((Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer)),
- ReadALine PROTO((FILE*,char **)),
- Source PROTO((Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer));
- extern void set_popup PROTO((Widget,XEvent *,String *,Cardinal *));
- extern void delay PROTO((Widget,XEvent *,String *,Cardinal *));
- static void SetButton PROTO((int,char *,int));
- static void SetSubMenuButton PROTO((int,char *,int));
- static void CreatePopupShell PROTO((int));
- extern void CreateSubMenuButton PROTO((int, char *, int, char*, int));
- extern void DefaultButtons PROTO((Info *,int));
- #include "trans.h"
- extern void
- CreateSubButton(data, button_no, is_icon, label)
- Info *data;
- int button_no;
- int is_icon;
- char *label;
- {
- char w_buffer[80];
- char ptrans[250];
- /*
- create translations for the button that
- pops up the sub menu
- */
- (void) sprintf(ptrans, pb_Trans, button_no, popup_menu_name);
- /* create main menu button that will popup sub menu */
- (void) sprintf(w_buffer, "action%d", button_no);
- action[button_no] = XtVaCreateWidget(
- w_buffer,
- commandWidgetClass,
- box,
- NULL);
- XtVaSetValues(action[button_no],
- XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(ptrans),
- NULL);
- SetButton(is_icon, label, button_no);
- CreatePopupShell(button_no);
- }
- extern void
- CreateMainMenuButton(data, button_no, is_icon, label, command)
- Info *data;
- int button_no;
- int is_icon;
- char *label;
- char *command;
- {
- char w_buffer[80];
- (void) sprintf(w_buffer, "action%d", button_no);
- action[button_no] = XtVaCreateWidget(
- w_buffer, /* widget name */
- commandWidgetClass, /* widget class */
- box, /* parent widget */
- NULL); /* terminate varargs list */
- SetButton(is_icon, label, button_no);
- /* add callback for this button */
- if(data->sensitive)
- {
- if((is_icon == TEXT) || (is_icon == ICON))
- XtAddCallback(action[button_no],XtNcallback, SingleAction, command);
- else
- XtAddCallback(action[button_no],XtNcallback,
- MultiAction,command);
- }
- else
- {
- if((is_icon == TEXT) || (is_icon == ICON))
- XtAddCallback(action[button_no],XtNcallback,
- MultiAction,command);
- else
- XtAddCallback(action[button_no],XtNcallback,
- SingleAction,command);
- }
- }
- static void
- SetButton(is_icon,icon,button_num)
- int is_icon;
- char *icon;
- int button_num;
- {
- /* if button title is a string then */
- if((is_icon == TEXT) || (is_icon == TEXTPLUS))
- {
- XtVaSetValues(
- action[button_num],
- XtNwidth,
- XtNheight,
- XtNlabel,
- icon, /* button title */
- NULL);
- }
- /* if button title is a bitmap then */
- if((is_icon == ICON) || (is_icon == ICONPLUS))
- {
- XtVaSetValues(
- action[button_num],
- XtNwidth,
- XtNheight,
- XtVaTypedArg,
- XtNbitmap,
- XtRString,
- icon, /* button title (bitmap) */
- strlen(icon) +1,
- NULL);
- }
- }
- static void
- SetSubMenuButton(is_icon,icon,button_num)
- int is_icon;
- char *icon;
- int button_num;
- {
- /* if button title is a string then */
- if((is_icon == TEXT) || (is_icon == TEXTPLUS))
- {
- XtVaSetValues(
- sub_action[button_num],
- XtNwidth,
- XtNheight,
- XtNlabel,
- icon, /* button title */
- NULL);
- }
- /* if button title is a bitmap then */
- if((is_icon == ICON) || (is_icon == ICONPLUS))
- {
- XtVaSetValues(
- sub_action[button_num],
- XtNwidth,
- XtNheight,
- XtVaTypedArg,
- XtNbitmap,
- XtRString,
- icon, /* button title (bitmap) */
- strlen(icon) +1,
- NULL);
- }
- if(button_num > 0)
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[button_num], XtNfromVert,
- sub_action[button_num - 1],NULL);
- }
- /*
- The function PositionButtons places each button next to the
- previous button one until the number of buttons equals the
- number of columns. Then a new row is started.
- */
- extern void
- PositionButtons(i,columns)
- int i;
- int columns;
- {
- int button_no;
- int position = 0;
- button_no = 1;
- while((button_no < columns) && (button_no <= i))
- {
- XtVaSetValues(action[button_no],
- XtNfromHoriz,action[button_no - 1], NULL);
- button_no++;
- }
- position = columns;
- while(button_no <= i)
- {
- if(position == columns)
- {
- XtVaSetValues(action[button_no],
- XtNfromVert,action[button_no - columns],NULL);
- position = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- XtVaSetValues(action[button_no],
- XtNfromVert,action[button_no - columns],NULL);
- XtVaSetValues(action[button_no],
- XtNfromHoriz,action[button_no -1],NULL);
- }
- position++;
- button_no++;
- }
- }
- /*
- Once all the buttons have been created then make sure they are
- managed.
- */
- extern void
- ManageButtons()
- {
- WidgetList w_list;
- Cardinal num_childern, i;
- XtVaGetValues(box,
- XtNchildren,
- &w_list,
- XtNnumChildren,
- &num_childern,
- NULL);
- for(i = 0; i < num_childern; i++)
- XtManageChild(w_list[i]);
- }
- static void
- CreatePopupShell(shell_no)
- int shell_no;
- {
- popup_shell = XtCreatePopupShell(
- "popup_menu",
- overrideShellWidgetClass,
- action[shell_no],
- 0);
- XtVaSetValues(popup_shell,
- XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(pm_Trans),
- NULL);
- popup_layout = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- "popup_layout",
- formWidgetClass,
- popup_shell,
- 0);
- }
- static void
- CreateDefaultSubButton(key_word,button_name,button_num)
- int key_word;
- char *button_name;
- int button_num;
- {
- char w_buffer[80];
- (void) sprintf(w_buffer,"sub_action%d",button_num);
- sub_action[button_num] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- w_buffer,
- menuButtonWidgetClass,
- popup_layout,
- NULL);
- SetSubMenuButton(key_word,button_name,button_num);
- }
- extern void
- CreateSubMenuButton(key_word, button_name, button_num, command, sensitive)
- int key_word;
- char *button_name;
- int button_num;
- char *command;
- int sensitive;
- {
- char w_buffer[80];
- (void) sprintf(w_buffer,"sub_action%d", button_num);
- sub_action[button_num] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- w_buffer,
- menuButtonWidgetClass,
- popup_layout,
- NULL);
- SetSubMenuButton(key_word, button_name, button_num);
- if(sensitive)
- {
- if((key_word == TEXT) || (key_word == ICON))
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[button_num],
- XtNcallback,SingleAction,command);
- else
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[button_num],
- XtNcallback,MultiAction,command);
- }
- else
- {
- if((key_word == TEXT) || (key_word == ICON))
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[button_num],
- XtNcallback,MultiAction,command);
- else
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[button_num],
- XtNcallback,SingleAction,command);
- }
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[button_num],
- XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(cb_Trans),
- NULL);
- }
- extern void
- set_popup(w,event,params,num_params)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event; /* unused */
- String *params;
- Cardinal *num_params;
- {
- /*
- position the menu, whose name was passed as the first and
- only parameter at position (20,5) relative to the widget w.
- */
- Widget a_shell;
- Position x,y;
- if(*num_params != 1)
- XtError("Wrong parameter count passed to set_popup()");
- /* get the internal Widget id of the named shell */
- a_shell = XtNameToWidget(toplevel,params[0]);
- if(a_shell == NULL)
- XtError("FATAL ERROR: Wrong shell name passed to set_popup()\n\
- please check icon file is correct");
- XtTranslateCoords(w,(Position) 5,(Position) 5, &x,&y);
- XtVaSetValues(a_shell,XtNx,x,XtNy,y,NULL);
- }
- extern void
- delay(w,event,params,num_params)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event; /* unused */
- String *params;
- Cardinal *num_params;
- {
- (void) sleep(1);
- }
- extern void
- DefaultButtons(data,last_button)
- Info *data;
- int last_button;
- {
- int string_length;
- char w_buffer[80];
- char ptrans[250];
- char *edit_file, *h_file;
- /* create default sub menu which will contain source, edit & quit */
- /* buttons. Default menu button is called Manage */
- /* create main menu button */
- (void) sprintf(ptrans,pb_Trans,last_button,popup_menu_name);
- (void) sprintf(w_buffer,"action%d",last_button);
- action[last_button] = XtVaCreateWidget(
- w_buffer,
- commandWidgetClass,
- box,
- NULL);
- XtVaSetValues(action[last_button],XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(ptrans),NULL);
- SetButton(TEXT,"Edit\nIcons",last_button);
- /* create popup shell */
- CreatePopupShell(last_button);
- CreateDefaultSubButton(TEXT,"Source",0);
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[0],XtNcallback,Source,data);
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[0],XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(cb_Trans),NULL);
- CreateDefaultSubButton(TEXT,"Edit",1);
- string_length = strlen(EDITOR);
- string_length += strlen(data->icon_file);
- if((edit_file = malloc(string_length +1)) == NULL)
- {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: out of memory for string edit_file. In function CreateButtons.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(edit_file,EDITOR);
- strcat(edit_file,data->icon_file);
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[1],XtNcallback,SingleAction,edit_file);
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[1],XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(cb_Trans),NULL);
- CreateDefaultSubButton(TEXT,"Help",2);
- string_length = 0;
- string_length = strlen(FORMATTER);
- string_length += strlen(HELP_VIEWER);
- string_length += strlen(data->help_file);
- if((h_file = malloc(string_length +1)) == NULL)
- {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: out of memory for string edit_file. In function CreateButtons.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(h_file,FORMATTER);
- strcat(h_file,data->help_file);
- strcat(h_file,HELP_VIEWER);
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[2],XtNcallback,SingleAction,h_file);
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[2],XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(cb_Trans),NULL);
- CreateDefaultSubButton(TEXT,"Quit",3);
- XtAddCallback(sub_action[3],XtNcallback,Quit,NULL);
- XtVaSetValues(sub_action[3],XtNtranslations,
- XtParseTranslationTable(cb_Trans),NULL);
- }