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- /* xsplinefun.c - X11 version of spline fun #3
- **
- ** Displays colorful moving splines in the X11 root window.
- **
- ** Copyright (C) 1992 by Jef Poskanzer
- **
- ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
- ** implied warranty.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)
- #include <string.h>
- #define index strchr
- #include <sys/termio.h>
- #else /*SYSV*/
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif /*SYSV*/
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include <X11/Xresource.h>
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- /* Definitions. */
- #define X_CLASS "Xsplinefun"
- #define DEFAULT_MAX_COLORS 256
- #define MIN_COLORS 4
- #define INITIAL_SLEEP_USECS 100000
- #define MIN_SLEEP_USECS 50000
- #define POINTS 5
- #define MAX_DELTA 3
- #define MAX_COLOR_DELTA (3*256)
- #define SPLINE_THRESH 5
- /* Externals. */
- extern char* getenv();
- extern long random();
- /* Forward routines. */
- static void x_init();
- static void x_alloc_colors();
- static void x_cleanup();
- static Window VirtualRootWindowOfScreen();
- static void x_rdb_init();
- static char* x_get_resource();
- static int x_str_to_bool();
- static void stealth();
- static void main_loop();
- static void sigcatch();
- static void init_timing();
- static void timing();
- static void init_splines();
- static void rotate_colormap();
- static void new_color();
- static void move_splines();
- static void XDrawSpline();
- /* Routines. */
- static char* argv0;
- static char* app_name;
- static int forwards, backwards;
- static int max_colors;
- static int loops_per_second;
- static int loops_per_sleep;
- static int sleep_usecs;
- void
- main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char* argv[];
- {
- char* rval;
- char* usage = "usage: %s [-display d] [-forwards|-backwards] [-maxcolors n] [-loops n] [-id]\n";
- argv0 = argv[0];
- app_name = "xsplinefun";
- forwards = backwards = False;
- max_colors = DEFAULT_MAX_COLORS;
- loops_per_second = DEFAULT_LOOPS_PER_SECOND;
- loops_per_sleep = INITIAL_LOOPS_PER_SLEEP;
- sleep_usecs = INITIAL_SLEEP_USECS;
- /* Parse args and initialize X stuff. */
- x_init( &argc, argv );
- /* Check usage. */
- if ( argc != 1 )
- {
- (void) fprintf( stderr, usage, argv[0] );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- /* Check rotation. */
- rval = x_get_resource( "rotation", "Rotation" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- if ( rval[0] == 'f' || rval[0] == 'F' )
- forwards = True;
- else if ( rval[0] == 'b' || rval[0] == 'B' )
- backwards = True;
- /* Check max colors. */
- rval = x_get_resource( "maxcolors", "Maxcolors" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- max_colors = atoi(rval);
- x_alloc_colors();
- /* Check loops. */
- rval = x_get_resource( "loops", "Loops" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- loops_per_second = atoi(rval);
- /* Initialize the random number generator. */
- srandom( (int) ( time( (long*) 0 ) ^ getpid() ) );
- /* Initialize the splines. */
- init_splines();
- /* Fork, if necessary. */
- rval = x_get_resource( "id", "Id" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- if ( x_str_to_bool( rval ) )
- stealth();
- /* Main loop. */
- main_loop();
- /* Done. */
- x_cleanup();
- exit( 0 );
- }
- /* X stuff. */
- static Display* display = (Display*) 0;
- static int screennum;
- static Screen* screen;
- static Window root;
- static int width, height;
- static int depth;
- static GC gc;
- static Colormap cmap;
- static int ncolors;
- static unsigned long pixels[DEFAULT_MAX_COLORS];
- static void
- x_init( argcP, argv )
- int* argcP;
- char** argv;
- {
- char* display_name;
- char* rval;
- int i, d;
- /* Scan args looking for -display. */
- display_name = (char*) 0;
- for ( i = 1; i + 1 < *argcP; ++i )
- {
- if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-display" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-displa" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-displ" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-disp" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-dis" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-di" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( argv[i], "-d" ) == 0 )
- {
- display_name = argv[i + 1];
- for ( i = i + 2; i <= *argcP; ++i )
- argv[i - 2] = argv[i];
- *argcP -= 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- display = XOpenDisplay( display_name );
- if ( display == (Display*) 0 )
- {
- (void) fprintf(
- stderr, "%s: can't open display \"%s\"\n", argv0,
- XDisplayName( display_name ) );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- screennum = DefaultScreen( display );
- screen = ScreenOfDisplay( display, DefaultScreen( display ) );
- root = VirtualRootWindowOfScreen( screen );
- width = WidthOfScreen( screen );
- height = HeightOfScreen( screen );
- depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen( screen );
- if ( depth <= 1 )
- {
- (void) fprintf(
- stderr, "%s: screen depth must be greater than 1\n", argv0 );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- gc = XCreateGC( display, root, 0, (XGCValues*) 0 );
- cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( screen );
- x_rdb_init( argcP, argv );
- rval = x_get_resource( XtNname, "Name" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- app_name = rval;
- rval = x_get_resource( "synchronous", "Synchronous" );
- if ( rval != (char*) 0 )
- if ( x_str_to_bool( rval ) )
- XSynchronize( display, True );
- }
- static void
- x_alloc_colors()
- {
- for ( ncolors = max_colors; ncolors >= MIN_COLORS; --ncolors )
- if ( XAllocColorCells(
- display, cmap, False, (unsigned long*) 0, 0, pixels, ncolors ) )
- break;
- if ( ncolors < MIN_COLORS )
- {
- (void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: can't allocate enough colors\n", argv0 );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if ( ncolors < max_colors )
- (void) fprintf(
- stderr, "%s: only %d colors available\n", argv0, ncolors );
- }
- static void
- x_cleanup()
- {
- XClearArea( display, root, 0, 0, width, height, True );
- XFreeColors( display, cmap, pixels, ncolors, (unsigned long) 0 );
- XFreeGC( display, gc );
- XCloseDisplay( display );
- }
- /* From vroot.h by Andreas Stolcke. */
- static Window
- VirtualRootWindowOfScreen( screenP )
- Screen* screenP;
- {
- static Window root = (Window) 0;
- Display* dpy = DisplayOfScreen( screenP );
- Atom __SWM_VROOT = None;
- int i;
- Window rootReturn, parentReturn;
- Window* children;
- unsigned int numChildren;
- root = RootWindowOfScreen( screenP );
- /* Go look for a virtual root. */
- __SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom( dpy, "__SWM_VROOT", False );
- if ( XQueryTree(
- dpy, root, &rootReturn, &parentReturn, &children,
- &numChildren ) )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i )
- {
- Atom actual_type;
- int actual_format;
- unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
- Window* newRoot = (Window*) 0;
- if ( XGetWindowProperty(
- dpy, children[i], __SWM_VROOT, 0, 1, False, XA_WINDOW,
- &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytesafter,
- (unsigned char**) &newRoot ) == Success && newRoot )
- {
- root = *newRoot;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( children )
- XFree( (char*) children );
- }
- return root;
- }
- /* X resources stuff. */
- static XrmDatabase rdb;
- static XrmOptionDescRec x_options[] = {
- { "-forwards", "*rotation", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "f" },
- { "-backwards", "*rotation", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "b" },
- { "-maxcolors", "*maxcolors", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) 0 },
- { "-loops", "*loops", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) 0 },
- { "-id", "*id", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on" },
- { "-name", ".name", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) 0 },
- { "-synchronous", "*synchronous", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on" },
- { "-xrm", (char*) 0, XrmoptionResArg, (caddr_t) 0 },
- };
- static void
- x_rdb_init( argcP, argv )
- int* argcP;
- char** argv;
- {
- char* resource_string;
- char* xenv;
- XrmDatabase xenv_rdb;
- XrmInitialize();
- /* Look for resource databases on server. */
- resource_string = XResourceManagerString( display );
- if ( resource_string != (char*) 0 )
- rdb = XrmGetStringDatabase( resource_string );
- else
- {
- /* No server databases, try ~/.Xdefaults */
- char* cp;
- char buf[500];
- cp = getenv( "HOME" );
- if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
- (void) strcpy( buf, cp );
- else
- {
- struct passwd* pw;
- cp = getenv( "USER" );
- if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
- pw = getpwnam( cp );
- else
- pw = getpwuid( getuid() );
- if ( pw != (struct passwd*) 0 )
- (void) strcpy( buf, pw->pw_dir );
- else
- (void) strcpy( buf, "." ); /* best we can do */
- }
- (void) strcat( buf, "/.Xdefaults" );
- rdb = XrmGetFileDatabase( buf );
- }
- /* Merge in XENVIRONMENT, if any. */
- xenv = getenv( "XENVIRONMENT" );
- if ( xenv != (char*) 0 )
- {
- xenv_rdb = XrmGetFileDatabase( xenv );
- XrmMergeDatabases( xenv_rdb, &rdb );
- }
- /* And add command line options. */
- XrmParseCommand(
- &rdb, x_options, sizeof(x_options) / sizeof(*x_options),
- app_name, argcP, argv );
- }
- static char*
- x_get_resource( name, class )
- char* name;
- char* class;
- {
- char rname[500], rclass[500];
- char* type;
- XrmValue value;
- (void) sprintf( rname, "%s.%s", app_name, name );
- (void) sprintf( rclass, "%s.%s", X_CLASS, class );
- if ( XrmGetResource( rdb, rname, rclass, &type, &value ) == True )
- if ( strcmp( type, XtRString ) == 0 )
- return (char*) value.addr;
- return (char*) 0;
- }
- static int
- x_str_to_bool( str )
- char* str;
- {
- if ( strcmp( str, "True" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "true" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "Yes" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "yes" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "On" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "on" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "Si" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "si" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "Da" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "da" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "T" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "t" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "Y" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "y" ) == 0 ||
- strcmp( str, "1" ) == 0 )
- return True;
- return False;
- }
- /* Generic application stuff. */
- static void
- stealth()
- {
- int pid, tty;
- pid = fork();
- if ( pid < 0 )
- {
- perror( "fork" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- else if ( pid > 0 )
- /* Parent just exits. */
- exit( 0 );
- (void) printf( "%d\n", getpid() );
- (void) fflush( stdout );
- /* Go stealth (ditch our controlling tty). */
- tty = open( "/dev/tty", 0 );
- if ( tty < 0 )
- {
- /* ENXIO means that there is no controlling terminal, so we don't
- ** have to detach anything.
- */
- if ( errno != ENXIO )
- {
- (void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", argv0 );
- perror( "/dev/tty open" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef TIOCNOTTY
- if ( ioctl( tty, TIOCNOTTY, 0 ) < 0 )
- {
- (void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", argv0 );
- perror( "TIOCNOTTY ioctl" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- #endif /*TIOCNOTTY*/
- (void) close( tty );
- }
- }
- static int goflag;
- static int loops;
- static void
- sigcatch()
- {
- goflag = 0;
- }
- static int then_loops;
- static time_t then;
- static void
- init_timing()
- {
- then = time( (time_t*) 0 );
- then_loops = 0;
- }
- static void
- timing()
- {
- float ratio;
- int t;
- time_t now;
- if ( sleep_usecs > 0 && loops_per_sleep > 0 &&
- loops % loops_per_sleep == 0 )
- {
- XFlush( display );
- usleep( sleep_usecs );
- if ( loops_per_second > 0 )
- {
- now = time( (time_t*) 0 );
- if ( now != then )
- {
- if ( then_loops != 0 )
- {
- ratio = (float) ( loops - then_loops ) /
- (float) loops_per_second;
- if ( ratio > 1.0 )
- {
- /* We're going too fast. */
- t = loops_per_sleep / ratio;
- if ( t >= MIN_LOOPS_PER_SLEEP )
- loops_per_sleep = t;
- else
- sleep_usecs *= ratio;
- }
- else if ( ratio < 1.0 )
- {
- /* We're going too slow. */
- t = sleep_usecs * ratio;
- if ( t >= MIN_SLEEP_USECS )
- sleep_usecs = t;
- else
- {
- loops_per_sleep /= ratio;
- if ( loops_per_sleep > 3 * loops_per_second )
- loops_per_sleep = 0; /* give up */
- }
- }
- }
- then_loops = loops;
- then = now;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void
- main_loop()
- {
- /* Set up for signal catching. */
- goflag = 1;
- (void) signal( SIGHUP, sigcatch );
- (void) signal( SIGINT, sigcatch );
- (void) signal( SIGTERM, sigcatch );
- /* Do it. */
- for ( loops = 1; goflag; ++loops )
- {
- move_splines();
- timing();
- }
- }
- /* Spline-fun smarts. */
- static int x[POINTS], y[POINTS], dx[POINTS], dy[POINTS];
- static int nred, ngreen, nblue, dred, dgreen, dblue;
- static int color;
- static XColor xcolors[DEFAULT_MAX_COLORS];
- static void
- init_splines()
- {
- int i;
- /* Initialize points. */
- for ( i = 0; i < POINTS; ++i )
- {
- x[i] = random() % width;
- y[i] = random() % height;
- dx[i] = random() % ( MAX_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_DELTA;
- if ( dx[i] <= 0 ) --dx[i];
- dy[i] = random() % ( MAX_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_DELTA;
- if ( dy[i] <= 0 ) --dy[i];
- }
- /* Initalize colors. */
- for ( color = 0; color < ncolors; ++color )
- {
- xcolors[color].red = xcolors[color].green = xcolors[color].blue = 0;
- xcolors[color].pixel = pixels[color];
- xcolors[color].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
- }
- color = 0;
- nred = ngreen = nblue = 0;
- dred = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dred <= 0 ) --dred;
- dgreen = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dgreen <= 0 ) --dgreen;
- dblue = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dblue <= 0 ) --dblue;
- }
- static void
- rotate_colormap()
- {
- int t, i;
- if ( forwards )
- {
- t = xcolors[0].pixel;
- for ( i = 0; i < ncolors - 1; ++i )
- xcolors[i].pixel = xcolors[i + 1].pixel;
- xcolors[ncolors - 1].pixel = t;
- XStoreColors(display, cmap, xcolors, ncolors );
- }
- else if ( backwards )
- {
- t = xcolors[ncolors - 1].pixel;
- for ( i = ncolors - 1; i > 0; --i )
- xcolors[i].pixel = xcolors[i - 1].pixel;
- xcolors[0].pixel = t;
- XStoreColors(display, cmap, xcolors, ncolors );
- }
- }
- static void
- new_color()
- {
- int t;
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- t = (int) nred + dred;
- if ( t >= 0 && t < 65536 ) break;
- dred = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dred <= 0 ) --dred;
- }
- xcolors[color].red = nred = t;
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- t = (int) ngreen + dgreen;
- if ( t >= 0 && t < 65536 ) break;
- dgreen = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dgreen <= 0 ) --dgreen;
- }
- xcolors[color].green = ngreen = t;
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- t = (int) nblue + dblue;
- if ( t >= 0 && t < 65536 ) break;
- dblue = random() % ( MAX_COLOR_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_COLOR_DELTA;
- if ( dblue <= 0 ) --dblue;
- }
- xcolors[color].blue = nblue = t;
- XStoreColor(display, cmap, &(xcolors[color]) );
- XSetForeground( display, gc, xcolors[color].pixel );
- if ( ++color >= ncolors ) color -= ncolors;
- }
- static void
- move_splines()
- {
- int i, t, px, py, zx, zy, nx, ny;
- /* Rotate colormap if necessary. */
- rotate_colormap();
- /* Choose new color. */
- new_color();
- /* Backwards rotation requires two new colors each loop. */
- if ( backwards )
- new_color();
- /* Move the points. */
- for ( i = 0; i < POINTS; i++ )
- {
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- t = x[i] + dx[i];
- if ( t >= 0 && t < width ) break;
- dx[i] = random() % ( MAX_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_DELTA;
- if ( dx[i] <= 0 ) --dx[i];
- }
- x[i] = t;
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- t = y[i] + dy[i];
- if ( t >= 0 && t < height ) break;
- dy[i] = random() % ( MAX_DELTA * 2 ) - MAX_DELTA;
- if ( dy[i] <= 0 ) --dy[i];
- }
- y[i] = t;
- }
- /* Draw the figure. */
- px = zx = ( x[0] + x[POINTS-1] ) / 2;
- py = zy = ( y[0] + y[POINTS-1] ) / 2;
- for ( i = 0; i < POINTS-1; ++i )
- {
- nx = ( x[i+1] + x[i] ) / 2;
- ny = ( y[i+1] + y[i] ) / 2;
- XDrawSpline( display, root, gc, px, py, x[i], y[i], nx, ny );
- px = nx;
- py = ny;
- }
- XDrawSpline(
- display, root, gc, px, py, x[POINTS-1], y[POINTS-1], zx, zy );
- }
- /* X spline routine. */
- #define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
- static void
- XDrawSpline( display, d, gc, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 )
- Display* display;
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- int x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
- {
- register int xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, xp, yp;
- xa = ( x0 + x1 ) / 2;
- ya = ( y0 + y1 ) / 2;
- xc = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2;
- yc = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2;
- xb = ( xa + xc ) / 2;
- yb = ( ya + yc ) / 2;
- xp = ( x0 + xb ) / 2;
- yp = ( y0 + yb ) / 2;
- if ( abs( xa - xp ) + abs( ya - yp ) > SPLINE_THRESH )
- XDrawSpline( display, d, gc, x0, y0, xa, ya, xb, yb );
- else
- XDrawLine( display, d, gc, x0, y0, xb, yb );
- xp = ( x2 + xb ) / 2;
- yp = ( y2 + yb ) / 2;
- if ( abs( xc - xp ) + abs( yc - yp ) > SPLINE_THRESH )
- XDrawSpline( display, d, gc, xb, yb, xc, yc, x2, y2 );
- else
- XDrawLine( display, d, gc, xb, yb, x2, y2 );
- }
- #ifdef SYSV
- /* Most SysV's don't have a usleep. Sone of them have select. */
- usleep( usecs )
- int usecs;
- {
- struct timeval timeout;
- timeout.tv_sec = usecs / 1000000;
- timeout.tv_usec = usecs % 1000000;
- select( 0, 0, 0, 0, &timeout );
- }
- #endif /*SYSV*/