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- /*
- * File: deflection.c
- * Author: Eric Van Gestel
- *
- * For: xblockbuster
- *
- * No changes required for X11 support - MSW
- *
- * Implementation:
- * Simple horizontal and vertical deflection only changes the quadrant,
- * reversing motion along the y and x axes respectively.
- * Deflection from the convex pallet is a function of excentricity,
- * as well as of incoming angle (given a sliding of the edge effect).
- */
- #include "xblockbuster.h"
- void
- brick_deflection( hit, ball )
- register int hit; /* enumeration { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL } */
- register struct Ball *ball;
- {
- if ( hit == HORIZONTAL ) {
- switch ( ball->quadrant ) {
- case NE:
- ball->quadrant = SE;
- break;
- case NW:
- ball->quadrant = SW;
- break;
- case SW:
- ball->quadrant = NW;
- break;
- case SE:
- ball->quadrant = NE;
- }
- ball->y_speed = -( ball->y_speed );
- } else { /* VERTICAL */
- switch ( ball->quadrant ) {
- case NE:
- ball->quadrant = NW;
- break;
- case NW:
- ball->quadrant = NE;
- break;
- case SW:
- ball->quadrant = SE;
- break;
- case SE:
- ball->quadrant = SW;
- };
- ball->x_speed = -( ball->x_speed );
- }
- }
- void
- pallet_deflection( ball )
- register struct Ball *ball;
- {
- double excentricity, true_angle;
- switch ( ball->quadrant ) {
- case SW:
- excentricity = ball->x - pallet_x;
- break;
- case SE:
- excentricity = pallet_x - ball->x;
- break;
- default:
- return; /* bouncing up from below */
- };
- ball->angle -= 2 * atan2( excentricity, pallet_height );
- if ( ball->angle > -M_PI_4 )
- ball->quadrant = ( ball->quadrant == SW ) ? NW
- /* SE */ : NE;
- else { /* rebound */
- ball->angle = -M_PI_2 - ball->angle;
- ball->quadrant = ( ball->quadrant == SW ) ? NE
- /* SE */ : NW;
- };
- /*
- * avoid downward slide offs as well as infinite horizontal bounce
- * loops
- */
- if ( ball->angle > NEAR_HORIZONTAL )
- ball->angle = NEAR_HORIZONTAL;
- true_angle = ( ball->quadrant == NE ) ? M_PI_4 - ball->angle
- /* NW */ : M_PI_3_4 + ball->angle;
- ball->x_speed = ball->speed * cos( true_angle );
- ball->y_speed = ball->speed * -sin( true_angle );
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_PDEFL
- main( )
- {
- pallet_xI = 0;
- pallet_x = 0;
- printf( "\npallet_length & pallet_height: " );
- scanf( "%d%d", &pallet_lengthI, &pallet_heightI );
- pallet_length = ( double ) pallet_lengthI;
- pallet_height = ( double ) pallet_heightI;
- if ( pallet_lengthI > 0 && pallet_heightI > pallet_lengthI )
- for ( ;; ) {
- printf( "\nquadrant, in angle & excentricity: " );
- scanf( "%d%lf%lf", &ball1.quadrant, &ball1.angle, &ball1.x );
- if ( ball1.quadrant < 1 || ball1.quadrant > 4 ||
- ball1.angle < -45 || ball1.angle > 45 ||
- ball1.x < -pallet_length || ball1.x > pallet_length )
- break;
- ball1.angle = ( ball1.angle / 45 ) * M_PI_4;
- pallet_deflection( &ball1 );
- ball1.angle = ( ball1.angle * 45 ) / M_PI_4;
- printf( "==> quadrant: %d angle: %f\n", ball1.quadrant, ball1.angle );
- };
- }
- #endif DEBUG_PDEFL