home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- *****************************************************************************
- ** xbmbrowser version 1.0 (c) Copyright Ashley Roll, 1992.
- ** FILE: misc.c
- **
- ** xbmbrowser is Public Domain. However it, and all the code still belong to me.
- ** I do, however grant permission for you to freely copy and distribute it on
- ** the condition that this and all other copyright notices remain unchanged in
- ** all distributions.
- **
- ** This software comes with NO warranty whatsoever. I therefore take no
- ** responsibility for any damages, losses or problems that the program may
- ** cause.
- *****************************************************************************
- */
- #include "xbmbrowser.h"
- /*
- ** This function is called by the widgets and Windowmanager to quit the
- ** program
- */
- void DoQuit(w, event, params, num_params)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event;
- String *params;
- Cardinal *num_params;
- {
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- ** Create a new menu - and put a line under the lable
- */
- Widget MakeMenu(parent,name,label)
- Widget parent;
- char *name,*label;
- {
- Widget w;
- w = XtVaCreatePopupShell(name,simpleMenuWidgetClass,parent,
- XtNlabel,(XtArgVal)label,NULL);
- if (label != NULL)
- (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget("line",smeLineObjectClass,w,NULL);
- return(w);
- }
- /*
- ** add an smeBSBObjectClass object to a menu (widget)
- ** callback is the procedure that it calls or NULL
- */
- Widget AddMenuItem(menu,label,callback,cbdata,sensitive)
- Widget menu;
- char *label;
- XtCallbackProc callback;
- XtPointer cbdata;
- int sensitive;
- {
- Widget w;
- w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- label,smeBSBObjectClass,menu,
- XtNlabel,(XtArgVal)label,XtNjustify,XtJustifyCenter,NULL);
- if(!sensitive)
- XtVaSetValues(w,XtNsensitive,(XtArgVal)False,NULL);
- if(callback != NULL)
- XtAddCallback( w, "callback",callback, cbdata);
- return (w);
- }
- /*
- ** these two procedures handle the help window
- **
- ** the first is the callback for the 'Done' button the other created the
- ** window and puts the stuff in it.
- */
- Widget h_shell;
- void Quit_Help(w,client_data,call_data )
- Widget w;
- XtPointer client_data,call_data;
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(h_shell);
- }
- void Show_Help(w,client_data,call_data )
- Widget w;
- XtPointer client_data,call_data;
- {
- Widget button,about,form;
- /* create the popup shell to put the about into */
- h_shell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("Help_Window",shellWidgetClass,bfw,NULL);
- form = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Help_fw",formWidgetClass,h_shell,NULL);
- /* create the widget to put the about into */
- about = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("text",asciiTextWidgetClass,form,
- XtNdisplayCaret,(XtArgVal)False,
- XtNscrollVertical,(XtArgVal)XawtextScrollWhenNeeded,
- XtNscrollHorizontal,(XtArgVal)XawtextScrollWhenNeeded,
- XtNwidth,(XtArgVal)575,
- XtNheight,(XtArgVal)200,
- XtNtype,(XtArgVal)XawAsciiFile,
- XtNstring,(XtArgVal)HELPFILE,NULL);
- button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "Done",commandWidgetClass,form,XtNlabel,(XtArgVal)"Done",
- XtNfromVert,(XtArgVal)about,NULL);
- XtAddCallback(button,"callback",Quit_Help,NULL);
- XtPopup(h_shell,XtGrabNone);
- XStoreName(XtDisplay(h_shell),XtWindow(h_shell),"xbmbrowser Help");
- XSetIconName(XtDisplay(h_shell),XtWindow(h_shell),"xbmbrowser Help");
- }
- /*
- ** sort a linked list
- */
- FileList *r; /* global - pointer to the first element in the list 2 b sorted */
- FileList *merge(a,b)
- FileList *a,*b;
- {
- FileList *temp;
- FileList aux;
- temp = &aux;
- while(b != NULL)
- if(a == NULL) {
- a = b;
- break;
- }
- else if(strcmp(b->fname,a->fname) > 0) {
- temp = temp->next = a;
- a = a->next;
- } else {
- temp = temp->next = b;
- b = b->next;
- }
- temp->next = a;
- return(aux.next);
- }
- FileList *sort(n)
- int n;
- {
- FileList *fi,*la,*temp;
- if(r == NULL) return(NULL);
- else if(n > 1)
- return(merge(sort(n/2),sort((n+1)/2)));
- else {
- fi = r;
- la = r;
- /* build list as long as possible */
- for(r = r->next; r != NULL;)
- if(strcmp(r->fname,la->fname) >= 0) {
- la->next = r;
- la = r;
- r = r->next;
- }
- else if(strcmp(r->fname,fi->fname) <= 0) {
- temp = r;
- r = r->next;
- temp->next = fi;
- fi = temp;
- }
- else break;
- la->next = NULL;
- return(fi);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** gets all the file names from the directory 'dir'
- ** and puts then into a FileList linked list.
- */
- FileList *get_files(dir)
- char *dir;
- {
- DIR *dirp;
- struct dirent *dp;
- FileList *start=NULL,*t;
- int count;
- dirp = opendir(dir);
- for(dp = readdir(dirp),count = 1; dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp),count++) {
- if(start == NULL) {
- start = (FileList *) malloc(sizeof(FileList));
- t = start; t->next = NULL;
- } else {
- t->next = (FileList *) malloc(sizeof(FileList));
- t = t->next;
- t->next = NULL;
- }
- strcpy(t->fname,dp->d_name);
- }
- closedir(dirp);
- r = start;
- return(sort(count));
- }