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- /* the Now and Obj typedefs.
- * also, a few miscellaneous constants and declarations.
- */
- #define SPD (24.0*3600.0) /* seconds per day */
- #define MJD0 2415020L /* JD at noon Dec 31, 1899 */
- #define LTAU 499.005 /* seconds light takes to travel 1 AU */
- #define ERAD (6.37816e6) /* earth equitorial radius, m */
- #define FTPM 3.28084 /* ft per m */
- #define EOD (-9786) /* special epoch flag: use epoch of date */
- #define RTC (-1324) /* special tminc flag: use rt clock */
- #define STDREF degrad(34./60.) /* nominal horizon refraction amount */
- /* info about the local observing circumstances and misc preferences */
- typedef struct {
- double n_mjd; /* modified Julian date, ie, days since
- * Jan 0.5 1900 (== 12 noon, Dec 30, 1899), utc.
- * enough precision to get well better than 1 second.
- * N.B. if not first member, must move NOMJD inits.
- */
- double n_lat; /* latitude, >0 north, rads */
- double n_lng; /* longitude, >0 east, rads */
- double n_tz; /* time zone, hrs behind UTC */
- double n_temp; /* atmospheric temp, degrees C */
- double n_pressure; /* atmospheric pressure, mBar */
- double n_elev; /* elevation above sea level, earth radii */
- double n_dip; /* dip of sun below hzn at twilight, >0 below, rads */
- double n_epoch; /* desired precession display epoch as an mjd, or EOD */
- char n_tznm[4]; /* time zone name; 3 chars or less, always 0 at end */
- } Now;
- /* handy shorthands for fields a Now pointer, np */
- #define mjd np->n_mjd
- #define lat np->n_lat
- #define lng np->n_lng
- #define tz np->n_tz
- #define temp np->n_temp
- #define pressure np->n_pressure
- #define elev np->n_elev
- #define dip np->n_dip
- #define epoch np->n_epoch
- #define tznm np->n_tznm
- /* structures to describe objects of various types.
- */
- /* magnitude values in two different systems */
- typedef struct {
- float m1, m2; /* either g/k or H/G, depending on... */
- int whichm; /* one of MAG_gk or MAG_HG */
- } Mag;
- /* whichm */
- #define MAG_HG 0 /* using 0 makes HG the initial default */
- #define MAG_gk 1
- /* we actually store magnitudes times this scale factor in a short int */
- #define MAGSCALE 100.0
- /* longest object name, including trailing '\0' */
- #define MAXNM 14
- /* Obj is a massize union.
- * we break it basically into two kinds of objects:
- * fixed, which don't move and have no sol system coords;
- * solar system objects which do.
- * much work is common to all objects, so we want the unions to overlap as
- * much as pssible. Therefore, we collect some fields into macros to make
- * this easier to maintain.
- */
- typedef unsigned char Objtype_t;
- typedef unsigned short Objage_t;
- /* fields common to *all* structs in the Obj union.
- * N.B. type must be first because it appears explicitly in the Obj union.
- */
- #define OBJ_COMMON_FLDS \
- Objtype_t type; /* current object type; see flags, below */ \
- unsigned char co_flags;/* used by others */ \
- char co_name[MAXNM];/* primary name */ \
- Objage_t co_age; /* s_* current code; see db.c */ \
- float co_ra; /* ra, rads (precessed to n_epoch) */ \
- float co_dec; /* dec, rads (precessed to n_epoch) */ \
- float co_az; /* azimuth, >0 e of n, rads */ \
- float co_alt; /* altitude above topocentric horizon, rads */ \
- float co_elong; /* angular sep btwen obj and sun, >0 if east */ \
- unsigned short co_size; /* angular size, arc secs */ \
- short co_mag /* visual magnitude * MAGSCALE */
- /* fields common to all solar system objects in the Obj union */
- #define OBJ_SOLSYS_FLDS \
- OBJ_COMMON_FLDS; /* all the fixed ones plus ... */ \
- float so_sdist; /* dist from object to sun, au */ \
- float so_edist; /* dist from object to earth, au */ \
- float so_hlong; /* heliocentric longitude, rads */ \
- float so_hlat; /* heliocentric latitude, rads */ \
- float so_phase /* phase, % */
- /* a generic object */
- typedef struct {
- } ObjAny;
- /* a generic sol system object */
- typedef struct {
- } ObjSS;
- /* basic Fixed object info */
- typedef struct {
- char fo_class; /* object class -- see db.c:db_set_field() et al */
- char fo_spect[2]; /* spectral codes, if appropriate */
- float fo_epoch; /* epoch of f_RA/dec */
- float fo_ra; /* ra, rads, at given epoch */
- float fo_dec; /* dec, rads, at given epoch */
- } ObjF;
- #define fo_mag co_mag /* pseudonym for so_mag */
- #define fo_size co_size /* pseudonym for so_size */
- /* basic planet object info */
- typedef struct {
- int code; /* one of the codes in astro.h */
- } ObjPl;
- /* basic info about an object in elliptical heliocentric orbit */
- typedef struct {
- double eo_cepoch; /* epoch date (M reference), as an mjd */
- double eo_epoch; /* equinox year (inc/Om/om reference), as an mjd. */
- float eo_inc; /* inclination, degrees */
- float eo_Om; /* longitude of ascending node, degrees */
- float eo_om; /* argument of perihelion, degress */
- float eo_a; /* mean distance, aka,semi-maj axis,AU */
- float eo_n; /* daily motion, degrees/day */
- float eo_e; /* eccentricity */
- float eo_M; /* mean anomaly, ie, degrees from perihelion at cepoch*/
- float eo_size; /* angular size, in arc seconds at 1 AU */
- Mag eo_mag; /* magnitude */
- } ObjE;
- /* basic info about an object in hyperbolic heliocentric orbit */
- typedef struct {
- double ho_epoch; /* equinox year (inc/Om/om reference), as an mjd */
- double ho_ep; /* epoch of perihelion, as an mjd */
- float ho_inc; /* inclination, degs */
- float ho_Om; /* longitude of ascending node, degs */
- float ho_om; /* argument of perihelion, degs. */
- float ho_e; /* eccentricity */
- float ho_qp; /* perihelion distance, AU */
- float ho_g, ho_k; /* magnitude model coefficients */
- float ho_size; /* angular size, in arc seconds at 1 AU */
- } ObjH;
- /* basic info about an object in parabolic heliocentric orbit */
- typedef struct {
- double po_epoch; /* reference epoch, as an mjd */
- double po_ep; /* epoch of perihelion, as an mjd */
- float po_inc; /* inclination, degs */
- float po_qp; /* perihelion distance, AU */
- float po_om; /* argument of perihelion, degs. */
- float po_Om; /* longitude of ascending node, degs */
- float po_g, po_k; /* magnitude model coefficients */
- float po_size; /* angular size, in arc seconds at 1 AU */
- } ObjP;
- typedef union {
- Objtype_t type; /* union discriminator -- one of ObjType enum */
- ObjAny any; /* these fields valid when type==FIXED */
- ObjSS anyss; /* these fields valid when type other than FIXED */
- ObjPl pl; /* planet */
- ObjF f; /* fixed object */
- ObjE e; /* object in heliocentric elliptical orbit */
- ObjH h; /* object in heliocentric hyperbolic trajectory */
- ObjP p; /* object in heliocentric parabolic trajectory */
- } Obj;
- /* Obj shorthands: */
- #define o_name any.co_name
- #define o_flags any.co_flags
- #define o_age any.co_age
- #define s_ra any.co_ra
- #define s_dec any.co_dec
- #define s_az any.co_az
- #define s_alt any.co_alt
- #define s_elong any.co_elong
- #define s_size any.co_size
- #define s_mag any.co_mag
- #define s_sdist anyss.so_sdist
- #define s_edist anyss.so_edist
- #define s_hlong anyss.so_hlong
- #define s_hlat anyss.so_hlat
- #define s_phase anyss.so_phase
- #define f_class f.fo_class
- #define f_spect f.fo_spect
- #define f_epoch f.fo_epoch
- #define f_RA f.fo_ra
- #define f_dec f.fo_dec
- #define f_mag f.fo_mag
- #define f_size f.fo_size
- #define e_cepoch e.eo_cepoch
- #define e_epoch e.eo_epoch
- #define e_inc e.eo_inc
- #define e_Om e.eo_Om
- #define e_om e.eo_om
- #define e_a e.eo_a
- #define e_n e.eo_n
- #define e_e e.eo_e
- #define e_M e.eo_M
- #define e_size e.eo_size
- #define e_mag e.eo_mag
- #define h_epoch h.ho_epoch
- #define h_ep h.ho_ep
- #define h_inc h.ho_inc
- #define h_Om h.ho_Om
- #define h_om h.ho_om
- #define h_e h.ho_e
- #define h_qp h.ho_qp
- #define h_g h.ho_g
- #define h_k h.ho_k
- #define h_size h.ho_size
- #define p_epoch p.po_epoch
- #define p_ep p.po_ep
- #define p_inc p.po_inc
- #define p_qp p.po_qp
- #define p_om p.po_om
- #define p_Om p.po_Om
- #define p_g p.po_g
- #define p_k p.po_k
- #define p_size p.po_size
- /* insure we always refer to the fields and no monkey business */
- /* type.
- * N.B. names are assigned in order in objmenu.c
- */
- enum ObjType {
- PLANET /* means code is one of those in astro.h. */
- };
- #define NOBJTYPES 6 /* including UNDEFOBJ */
- /* define a code for each member in each object type struct.
- * making them globally unique avoids a nested switch in db_set_field() and
- * helps with dynamic prompting based on preferences.
- */
- enum {
- };
- /* rise, set and transit information.
- */
- typedef struct {
- int rs_flags; /* info about what has been computed and any
- * special conditions; see flags, below.
- */
- double rs_risetm; /* time of upper limb rise, 24 hr local hrs */
- double rs_riseaz; /* azimuth of upper limb rise, rads E of N */
- double rs_trantm; /* time of transit, 24 hr local hrs */
- double rs_tranalt; /* altitude of transit, rads up from horizon */
- double rs_settm; /* time of upper limb set, 24 hr local hrs */
- double rs_setaz; /* azimuth of upper limb set, rads E of N */
- } RiseSet;
- /* RiseSet flags */
- #define RS_RISE 0x0001 /* risetm/az have been attempted */
- #define RS_TRANS 0x0002 /* trantm/alt have been attempted */
- #define RS_SET 0x0004 /* settm/az have been attempted */
- #define RS_NORISE 0x0008 /* object does not rise as such today */
- #define RS_2RISES 0x0010 /* object rises more than once today */
- #define RS_RISERR 0x0020 /* error computing rise info */
- #define RS_NOSET 0x0040 /* object does not set as such today */
- #define RS_2SETS 0x0080 /* object sets more than once today */
- #define RS_CIRCUMPOLAR 0x0100 /* object stays up all day today */
- #define RS_2TRANS 0x0200 /* transits twice in one day */
- #define RS_NEVERUP 0x0400 /* object never rises today */
- #define RS_NOTRANS 0x0800 /* doesn't transit today */
- #define RS_ERROR 0x1000 /* can't figure out anything! */
- #define is_planet(op,p) ((op)->type == PLANET && ((ObjPl *)op)->code == (p))
- #define is_ssobj(op) ((op)->type == PLANET \
- || (op)->type == HYPERBOLIC \
- || (op)->type == PARABOLIC \
- || (op)->type == ELLIPTICAL)
- /* flags for use with db_next */
- typedef enum {
- OBJS_JUST_BASIC, /* just the next among the ones in astro.h */
- OBJS_ALLBUT_BASIC, /* all objs *except* those in astro.h */
- OBJS_ALL /* all objs */
- } HowNext;