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- /* given a Now and an Obj with the object definition portion filled in,
- * fill in the sky position (s_*) portions.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #if defined(__STDC__)
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "circum.h"
- #include "preferences.h"
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- #define P_(s) s
- #else
- #define P_(s) ()
- #endif
- extern void anomaly P_((double ma, double s, double *nu, double *ea));
- extern void comet P_((double Mjd, double ep, double inc, double ap, double qp, double om, double *lpd, double *psi, double *rp, double *rho, double *lam, double *bet));
- extern void ecl_eq P_((double Mjd, double lati, double lngi, double *ra, double *dec));
- extern void eq_ecl P_((double Mjd, double ra, double dec, double *lati, double *lngi));
- extern void gk_mag P_((double g, double k, double rp, double rho, double *mp));
- extern void hadec_aa P_((double lati, double ha, double dec, double *alt, double *az));
- extern void hg_mag P_((double h, double g, double rp, double rho, double rsn, double *mp));
- extern void moon P_((double Mjd, double *lam, double *bet, double *hp));
- extern void now_lst P_((Now *np, double *lst));
- extern void nutation P_((double Mjd, double *deps, double *dpsi));
- extern void plans P_((double Mjd, int p, double *lpd0, double *psi0, double *rp0, double *rho0, double *lam, double *bet, double *dia, double *mag));
- extern void precess P_((double mjd1, double mjd2, double *ra, double *dec));
- extern void range P_((double *v, double r));
- extern void reduce_elements P_((double mjd0, double Mjd, double inc0, double ap0, double om0, double *inc, double *ap, double *om));
- extern void refract P_((double pr, double tr, double ta, double *aa));
- extern void sunpos P_((double Mjd, double *lsn, double *rsn));
- extern void ta_par P_((double tha, double tdec, double phi, double ht, double ehp, double *aha, double *adec));
- int obj_cir P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static obj_planet P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static obj_fixed P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static obj_elliptical P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static obj_hyperbolic P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static obj_parabolic P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static sun_cir P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static moon_cir P_((Now *np, Obj *op));
- static void cir_sky P_((Now *np, double lpd, double psi, double rp, double rho, double lam, double bet, double lsn, double rsn, Obj *op));
- static void elongation P_((double lam, double bet, double lsn, double *el));
- #undef P_
- /* given a Now and an Obj, fill in the approprirate s_* fields within Obj.
- * return 0 if all ok, else -1.
- */
- obj_cir (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- switch (op->type) {
- case FIXED: return (obj_fixed (np, op));
- case ELLIPTICAL: return (obj_elliptical (np, op));
- case HYPERBOLIC: return (obj_hyperbolic (np, op));
- case PARABOLIC: return (obj_parabolic (np, op));
- case PLANET: return (obj_planet (np, op));
- default:
- printf ("obj_cir() called with type %d\n", op->type);
- exit(1);
- return (-1); /* just for lint */
- }
- }
- static
- obj_planet (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double lpd, psi; /* heliocentric ecliptic long and lat */
- double rp; /* dist from sun */
- double rho; /* dist from earth */
- double lam, bet; /* geocentric ecliptic long and lat */
- double dia, mag; /* angular diameter at 1 AU and magnitude */
- double f; /* fractional phase from earth */
- int p;
- /* validate code and check for a few special cases */
- p = op->pl.code;
- if (p < 0 || p > MOON) {
- printf ("unknown planet code: %d \n", p);
- exit(1);
- }
- else if (p == SUN)
- return (sun_cir (np, op));
- else if (p == MOON)
- return (moon_cir (np, op));
- /* find solar ecliptical longitude and distance to sun from earth */
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- /* find helio long/lat; sun/planet and earth/plant dist; ecliptic
- * long/lat; diameter and mag.
- */
- plans(mjd, p, &lpd, &psi, &rp, &rho, &lam, &bet, &dia, &mag);
- /* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
- cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);
- /* compute magnitude and angular size */
- f = 0.25 * (((rp+rho)*(rp+rho) - rsn*rsn)/(rp*rho));
- op->s_mag = MAGSCALE * (mag + 5.0*log(rp*rho/sqrt(f))/log(10.0));
- op->s_size = dia/rho + 0.5;
- return (0);
- }
- static
- obj_fixed (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun, dist from sn to earth*/
- double lam, bet; /* geocentric ecliptic long and lat */
- double lst; /* local sidereal time */
- double ha; /* local hour angle */
- double el; /* elongation */
- double alt, az; /* current alt, az */
- double ra, dec; /* ra and dec at epoch of date */
- /* set ra/dec to their values at epoch of date */
- ra = op->f_RA;
- dec = op->f_dec;
- precess (op->f_epoch, mjd, &ra, &dec);
- /* set s_ra/dec at desired epoch. */
- if (epoch == EOD) {
- op->s_ra = ra;
- op->s_dec = dec;
- } else {
- /* want a certain epoch -- if it's not what the database is at
- * we change the original to save time next time assuming the
- * user is likely to stick with this for a while.
- */
- if ((float)epoch != op->f_epoch) {
- double tra = op->f_RA, tdec = op->f_dec;
- float tepoch = epoch; /* compare to float precision */
- precess (op->f_epoch, tepoch, &tra, &tdec);
- op->f_epoch = tepoch;
- op->f_RA = tra;
- op->f_dec = tdec;
- }
- op->s_ra = op->f_RA;
- op->s_dec = op->f_dec;
- }
- /* convert equitorial ra/dec to geocentric ecliptic lat/long */
- eq_ecl (mjd, ra, dec, &bet, &lam);
- /* find solar ecliptical longitude and distance to sun from earth */
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- /* compute elongation from ecliptic long/lat and sun geocentric long */
- elongation (lam, bet, lsn, &el);
- el = raddeg(el);
- op->s_elong = el;
- /* these are really the same fields ...
- op->s_mag = op->f_mag;
- op->s_size = op->f_size;
- */
- /* alt, az: correct for refraction; use eod ra/dec. */
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- ha = hrrad(lst) - ra;
- hadec_aa (lat, ha, dec, &alt, &az);
- refract (pressure, temp, alt, &alt);
- op->s_alt = alt;
- op->s_az = az;
- return (0);
- }
- /* compute sky circumstances of an object in heliocentric elliptic orbit at *np.
- */
- static
- obj_elliptical (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double dt; /* light travel time to object */
- double lg; /* helio long of earth */
- double nu, ea; /* true anomaly and eccentric anomaly */
- double ma; /* mean anomaly */
- double rp; /* distance from the sun */
- double lo, slo, clo; /* angle from ascending node */
- double inc; /* inclination */
- double psi, spsi, cpsi; /* heliocentric latitude */
- double lpd; /* heliocentric longitude */
- double rho; /* distance from the Earth */
- double om; /* arg of perihelion */
- double Om; /* long of ascending node. */
- double lam; /* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
- double bet; /* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
- double e; /* fast eccentricity */
- double ll, sll, cll; /* helio angle between object and earth */
- double mag; /* magnitude */
- double rpd;
- double y;
- int pass;
- /* find location of earth from sun now */
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- lg = lsn + PI;
- /* faster access to eccentricty */
- e = op->e_e;
- /* mean daily motion is optional -- fill in from period if 0 */
- if (op->e_n == 0.0) {
- double a = op->e_a;
- op->e_n = 0.9856076686/sqrt(a*a*a);
- }
- /* correct for light time by computing position at time mjd, then
- * again at mjd-dt, where
- * dt = time it takes light to travel earth-object distance.
- * this is basically the same code as pelement() and plans()
- * combined and simplified for the special case of osculating
- * (unperturbed) elements. we have added reduction of elements using
- * reduce_elements().
- */
- dt = 0;
- for (pass = pref_get(PREF_ALGO)==PREF_ACCURATE ? 0 : 1; pass<2; pass++){
- reduce_elements (op->e_epoch, mjd-dt, degrad(op->e_inc),
- degrad (op->e_om), degrad (op->e_Om),
- &inc, &om, &Om);
- ma = degrad (op->e_M + (mjd - op->e_cepoch - dt) * op->e_n);
- anomaly (ma, e, &nu, &ea);
- rp = op->e_a * (1-e*e) / (1+e*cos(nu));
- lo = nu + om;
- slo = sin(lo);
- clo = cos(lo);
- spsi = slo*sin(inc);
- y = slo*cos(inc);
- psi = asin(spsi);
- lpd = atan(y/clo)+Om;
- if (clo<0) lpd += PI;
- range (&lpd, 2*PI);
- cpsi = cos(psi);
- rpd = rp*cpsi;
- ll = lpd-lg;
- rho = sqrt(rsn*rsn+rp*rp-2*rsn*rp*cpsi*cos(ll));
- dt = rho*LTAU/3600.0/24.0; /* light travel time, in days / AU */
- }
- /* compute sin and cos of ll */
- sll = sin(ll);
- cll = cos(ll);
- /* find geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude */
- if (rpd < rsn)
- lam = atan(-1*rpd*sll/(rsn-rpd*cll))+lg+PI;
- else
- lam = atan(rsn*sll/(rpd-rsn*cll))+lpd;
- range (&lam, 2*PI);
- bet = atan(rpd*spsi*sin(lam-lpd)/(cpsi*rsn*sll));
- /* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
- cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);
- /* compute magnitude and size */
- if (op->e_mag.whichm == MAG_HG) {
- /* the H and G parameters from the Astro. Almanac.
- */
- hg_mag (op->e_mag.m1, op->e_mag.m2, rp, rho, rsn, &mag);
- } else {
- /* the g/k model of comets */
- gk_mag (op->e_mag.m1, op->e_mag.m2, rp, rho, &mag);
- }
- op->s_mag = mag * MAGSCALE;
- op->s_size = op->e_size / rho;
- return (0);
- }
- /* compute sky circumstances of an object in heliocentric hyperbolic orbit.
- */
- static
- obj_hyperbolic (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double dt; /* light travel time to object */
- double lg; /* helio long of earth */
- double nu, ea; /* true anomaly and eccentric anomaly */
- double ma; /* mean anomaly */
- double rp; /* distance from the sun */
- double lo, slo, clo; /* angle from ascending node */
- double inc; /* inclination */
- double psi, spsi, cpsi; /* heliocentric latitude */
- double lpd; /* heliocentric longitude */
- double rho; /* distance from the Earth */
- double om; /* arg of perihelion */
- double Om; /* long of ascending node. */
- double lam; /* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
- double bet; /* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
- double e; /* fast eccentricity */
- double ll, sll, cll; /* helio angle between object and earth */
- double n; /* mean daily motion */
- double mag; /* magnitude */
- double a; /* mean distance */
- double rpd;
- double y;
- int pass;
- /* find solar ecliptical longitude and distance to sun from earth */
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- lg = lsn + PI;
- e = op->h_e;
- a = op->h_qp/(e - 1.0);
- n = .98563/sqrt(a*a*a);
- /* correct for light time by computing position at time mjd, then
- * again at mjd-dt, where
- * dt = time it takes light to travel earth-object distance.
- */
- dt = 0;
- for (pass = pref_get(PREF_ALGO)==PREF_ACCURATE ? 0 : 1; pass<2; pass++){
- reduce_elements (op->h_epoch, mjd-dt, degrad(op->h_inc),
- degrad (op->h_om), degrad (op->h_Om),
- &inc, &om, &Om);
- ma = degrad ((mjd - op->h_ep - dt) * n);
- anomaly (ma, e, &nu, &ea);
- rp = a * (e*e-1.0) / (1.0+e*cos(nu));
- lo = nu + om;
- slo = sin(lo);
- clo = cos(lo);
- spsi = slo*sin(inc);
- y = slo*cos(inc);
- psi = asin(spsi);
- lpd = atan(y/clo)+Om;
- if (clo<0) lpd += PI;
- range (&lpd, 2*PI);
- cpsi = cos(psi);
- rpd = rp*cpsi;
- ll = lpd-lg;
- rho = sqrt(rsn*rsn+rp*rp-2*rsn*rp*cpsi*cos(ll));
- dt = rho*5.775518e-3; /* light travel time, in days */
- }
- /* compute sin and cos of ll */
- sll = sin(ll);
- cll = cos(ll);
- /* find geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude */
- if (rpd < rsn)
- lam = atan(-1*rpd*sll/(rsn-rpd*cll))+lg+PI;
- else
- lam = atan(rsn*sll/(rpd-rsn*cll))+lpd;
- range (&lam, 2*PI);
- bet = atan(rpd*spsi*sin(lam-lpd)/(cpsi*rsn*sll));
- /* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
- cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);
- /* compute magnitude and size */
- gk_mag (op->h_g, op->h_k, rp, rho, &mag);
- op->s_mag = mag * MAGSCALE;
- op->s_size = op->h_size / rho;
- return (0);
- }
- /* compute sky circumstances of an object in heliocentric hyperbolic orbit.
- */
- static
- obj_parabolic (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double lam; /* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
- double bet; /* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
- double mag; /* magnitude */
- double inc, om, Om;
- double lpd, psi, rp, rho;
- double dt;
- int pass;
- /* find solar ecliptical longitude and distance to sun from earth */
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- /* two passes to correct lam and bet for light travel time.e_ */
- dt = 0.0;
- for (pass = pref_get(PREF_ALGO)==PREF_ACCURATE ? 0 : 1; pass<2; pass++){
- reduce_elements (op->p_epoch, mjd-dt, degrad(op->p_inc),
- degrad(op->p_om), degrad(op->p_Om), &inc, &om, &Om);
- comet (mjd-dt, op->p_ep, inc, om, op->p_qp, Om,
- &lpd, &psi, &rp, &rho, &lam, &bet);
- dt = rho*LTAU/3600.0/24.0; /* light travel time, in days / AU */
- }
- /* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
- cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);
- /* compute magnitude and size */
- gk_mag (op->p_g, op->p_k, rp, rho, &mag);
- op->s_mag = mag * MAGSCALE;
- op->s_size = op->p_size / rho;
- return (0);
- }
- /* find sun's circumstances now.
- */
- static
- sun_cir (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double deps, dpsi; /* nutation on obliquity and longitude */
- double lst; /* local sidereal time */
- double ehp; /* angular diamter of earth from object */
- double ha; /* hour angle */
- double ra, dec; /* ra and dec now */
- double alt, az; /* alt and az */
- double dhlong;
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn); /* sun's true ecliptic long and dist */
- nutation (mjd, &deps, &dpsi); /* correct for nutation ... */
- lsn += dpsi;
- lsn -= degrad(20.4/3600); /* and aberation */
- op->s_edist = rsn;
- op->s_sdist = 0.0;
- op->s_elong = 0.0;
- op->s_phase = 100.0;
- op->s_size = raddeg(4.65242e-3/rsn)*3600*2;
- op->s_mag = MAGSCALE * -26.8; /* TODO */
- dhlong = lsn-PI; /* geo- to helio- centric */
- range (&dhlong, 2*PI);
- op->s_hlong = dhlong;
- op->s_hlat = 0.0;
- /* convert geocentric ecliptic lat/long to equitorial ra/dec of date */
- ecl_eq (mjd, 0.0, lsn, &ra, &dec);
- /* find s_ra/dec at desired epoch */
- if (epoch == EOD) {
- op->s_ra = ra;
- op->s_dec = dec;
- } else {
- double tra = ra, tdec = dec;
- precess (mjd, epoch, &tra, &tdec);
- op->s_ra = tra;
- op->s_dec = tdec;
- }
- /* find alt/az based on unprecessed ra/dec */
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- ha = hrrad(lst) - ra;
- ehp = (2.0 * 6378.0 / 146.0e6) / op->s_edist;
- ta_par (ha, dec, lat, elev, ehp, &ha, &dec);
- hadec_aa (lat, ha, dec, &alt, &az);
- refract (pressure, temp, alt, &alt);
- op->s_alt = alt;
- op->s_az = az;
- return (0);
- }
- /* find moon's circumstances now.
- */
- static
- moon_cir (np, op)
- Now *np;
- Obj *op;
- {
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- double deps, dpsi; /* nutation on obliquity and longitude */
- double lst; /* local sidereal time */
- double ehp; /* angular diamter of earth from object */
- double ha; /* hour angle */
- double ra, dec; /* ra and dec now */
- double alt, az; /* alt and az */
- double lam; /* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
- double bet; /* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
- double edistau; /* earth-moon dist, in au */
- double el; /* elongation, rads east */
- moon (mjd, &lam, &bet, &ehp); /* moon's true ecliptic loc */
- nutation (mjd, &deps, &dpsi); /* correct for nutation */
- lam += dpsi;
- range (&lam, 2*PI);
- op->s_edist = 6378.14/sin(ehp); /* earth-moon dist, want km */
- op->s_size = 3600*31.22512*sin(ehp);/* moon angular dia, seconds */
- op->s_hlong = lam; /* save geo in helio fields */
- op->s_hlat = bet;
- /* convert geocentric ecliptic lat/long to equitorial ra/dec of date */
- ecl_eq (mjd, bet, lam, &ra, &dec);
- /* find s_ra/dec at desired epoch */
- if (epoch == EOD) {
- op->s_ra = ra;
- op->s_dec = dec;
- } else {
- double tra = ra, tdec = dec;
- precess (mjd, epoch, &tra, &tdec);
- op->s_ra = tra;
- op->s_dec = tdec;
- }
- sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn);
- range (&lsn, 2*PI);
- elongation (lam, bet, lsn, &el);
- /* solve triangle of earth, sun, and elongation for moon-sun dist */
- edistau = op->s_edist/1.495979e8; /* km -> au */
- op->s_sdist= sqrt (edistau*edistau + rsn*rsn - 2.0*edistau*rsn*cos(el));
- /* TODO: improve mag; this is based on a flat moon model. */
- op->s_mag = MAGSCALE *
- (-12.7 + 2.5*(log10(PI) - log10(PI/2*(1+1.e-6-cos(el)))));
- op->s_elong = raddeg(el); /* want degrees */
- op->s_phase = fabs(el)/PI*100.0; /* want non-negative % */
- /* show topocentric alt/az by correcting ra/dec for parallax
- * as well as refraction.
- * use unprecessed ra/dec.
- */
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- ha = hrrad(lst) - ra;
- ta_par (ha, dec, lat, elev, ehp, &ha, &dec);
- hadec_aa (lat, ha, dec, &alt, &az);
- refract (pressure, temp, alt, &alt);
- op->s_alt = alt;
- op->s_az = az;
- return (0);
- }
- /* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
- static void
- cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op)
- Now *np;
- double lpd, psi; /* heliocentric ecliptic long and lat */
- double rp; /* dist from sun */
- double rho; /* dist from earth */
- double lam, bet; /* true geocentric ecliptic long and lat */
- double lsn, rsn; /* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
- Obj *op;
- {
- double a; /* geoc angle between object and sun */
- double ra, dec; /* ra and dec at epoch of date */
- double el; /* elongation */
- double lst; /* local sidereal time */
- double ehp; /* ehp: angular dia of earth from body */
- double ha; /* local hour angle */
- double f; /* fractional phase from earth */
- double alt, az; /* current alt, az */
- double deps, dpsi; /* nutation on obliquity and longitude */
- /* correct for nutation ... */
- nutation (mjd, &deps, &dpsi);
- lam += dpsi;
- /* and correct for 20.4" aberation */
- a = lsn - lam;
- lam -= degrad(20.4/3600)*cos(a)/cos(bet);
- bet -= degrad(20.4/3600)*sin(a)*sin(bet);
- /* convert geocentric ecliptic lat/long to equitorial ra/dec of date */
- ecl_eq (mjd, bet, lam, &ra, &dec);
- /* set s_ra/s_dec to that of desired display epoch. */
- if (epoch == EOD) {
- op->s_ra = ra;
- op->s_dec = dec;
- } else {
- double tra = ra, tdec = dec;
- precess (mjd, epoch, &tra, &tdec);
- op->s_ra = tra;
- op->s_dec = tdec;
- }
- /* set earth/planet and sun/planet distance */
- op->s_edist = rho;
- op->s_sdist = rp;
- /* compute elongation and phase */
- elongation (lam, bet, lsn, &el);
- el = raddeg(el);
- op->s_elong = el;
- f = 0.25 * ((rp+rho)*(rp+rho) - rsn*rsn)/(rp*rho);
- op->s_phase = f*100.0; /* percent */
- /* set heliocentric long/lat */
- op->s_hlong = lpd;
- op->s_hlat = psi;
- /* alt, az: correct for parallax and refraction; use eod ra/dec. */
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- ha = hrrad(lst) - ra;
- ehp = (2.0*6378.0/146.0e6) / rho;
- ta_par (ha, dec, lat, elev, ehp, &ha, &dec);
- hadec_aa (lat, ha, dec, &alt, &az);
- refract (pressure, temp, alt, &alt);
- op->s_alt = alt;
- op->s_az = az;
- }
- /* given geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude, lam and bet, of some object
- * and the longitude of the sun, lsn, find the elongation, el. this is the
- * actual angular separation of the object from the sun, not just the difference
- * in the longitude. the sign, however, IS set simply as a test on longitude
- * such that el will be >0 for an evening object <0 for a morning object.
- * to understand the test for el sign, draw a graph with lam going from 0-2*PI
- * down the vertical axis, lsn going from 0-2*PI across the hor axis. then
- * define the diagonal regions bounded by the lines lam=lsn+PI, lam=lsn and
- * lam=lsn-PI. the "morning" regions are any values to the lower left of the
- * first line and bounded within the second pair of lines.
- * all angles in radians.
- */
- static void
- elongation (lam, bet, lsn, el)
- double lam, bet, lsn;
- double *el;
- {
- *el = acos(cos(bet)*cos(lam-lsn));
- if (lam>lsn+PI || lam>lsn-PI && lam<lsn) *el = - *el;
- }