home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- } else {
- label = (pu.op->o_flags ^= OBJF_LABEL) & OBJF_LABEL;
- if (label) {
- sv_getcircle (&w, &h, &r, &xb, &yb);
- (void) sv_dbobjloc (pu.op, r, &x, &y);
- name = pu.op->o_name;
- }
- }
- if (label) {
- /* label is being turned on so draw it */
- Display *dsp = XtDisplay(svda_w);
- Window win = sv_pm;
- GC gc;
- x += xb;
- y += yb;
- obj_pickgc (pu.op, svda_w, &gc);
- draw_label (dsp, win, gc, name, x, y);
- sv_copy_sky();
- } else {
- /* label is being turned off so redraw */
- sv_all (mm_get_now(), 1);
- }
- }
- /* remove trails no longer wanted. */
- static void
- tobj_rmoff()
- {
- TrailObj **topp; /* address to be changed if we decide to
- * remove *topp
- */
- TrailObj *top; /* handy *topp */
- for (topp = &trailobj; (top = *topp) != NULL; ) {
- if (top->on) {
- topp = &top->ntop;
- } else {
- *topp = top->ntop;
- XtFree ((char *)top);
- }
- }
- }
- /* remove the trailobj list that contains the given pointer.
- * we have to search each trail list to find the one with this pointer.
- * it might be the one on TrailObj itself or one of the older ones on
- * the TSky list.
- */
- static void
- tobj_rmobj (op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- TrailObj **topp; /* address to be changed if we decide to
- * remove *topp
- */
- TrailObj *top; /* handy *topp */
- for (topp = &trailobj; (top = *topp) != NULL; ) {
- int i;
- if (top->op == op)
- goto out;
- for (i = 0; i < top->nsky; i++)
- if (&top->sky[i].o == op)
- goto out;
- topp = &top->ntop;
- }
- out:
- if (!top)
- return; /* oh well */
- *topp = top->ntop;
- XtFree ((char *)top);
- }
- /* add a new empty entry to the trailobj list for db object op.
- * return a pointer to the new TrailObj.
- */
- static TrailObj *
- tobj_addobj (op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- TrailObj *top;
- /* don't forget there is inherently room for one TSky in a TrailObj */
- top = (TrailObj *)
- XtMalloc (sizeof(TrailObj) + (TRAILCHUNKS-1)*sizeof(TSky));
- top->nskymem = TRAILCHUNKS; /* there is room for TRAILCHUNKS TSkys .. */
- top->nsky = 0; /* though none are in use in our new one */
- top->op = op;
- top->on = 1;
- /* link directly off trailobj -- order is unimportant */
- top->ntop = trailobj;
- trailobj = top;
- return (top);
- }
- /* increase the number of Sky's top can hold.
- * since we may have to move top to do it, return the new pointer.
- */
- static TrailObj *
- tobj_growsky (top)
- TrailObj *top;
- {
- TrailObj *ltop;
- TrailObj *newtop;
- int newn;
- /* set ltop to the TrailObj in the list just before top */
- if (trailobj == top)
- ltop = NULL;
- else {
- for (ltop=trailobj; ltop; ltop=ltop->ntop)
- if (ltop->ntop == top)
- break;
- if (!ltop) {
- printf ("tobj_growsky(): top not found!\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- /* don't forget there is already one TSky within a TrailObj. */
- newn = top->nskymem + TRAILCHUNKS;
- newtop = (TrailObj *) XtRealloc ((char *)top,
- sizeof(TrailObj) + (newn-1)*sizeof(TSky));
- if (ltop)
- ltop->ntop = newtop;
- else
- trailobj = newtop;
- newtop->nskymem = newn;
- return (newtop);
- }
- /* empty the trailobj list and reclaim all space.
- */
- static void
- tobj_reset()
- {
- TrailObj *top, *ntop;
- for (top = trailobj; top; top = ntop) {
- ntop = top->ntop;
- XtFree ((char *)top);
- }
- trailobj = NULL;
- }
- /* find the TrailObj that contains op */
- static TrailObj *
- tobj_find (op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- TrailObj *top;
- for (top = trailobj; top; top = top->ntop) {
- int i;
- if (top->op == op)
- return (top);
- for (i = 0; i < top->nsky; i++)
- if (&top->sky[i].o == op)
- return (top);
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* add an Obj to the given trailobj, top.
- * mark it as being valid as of jd (which is really an mjd).
- * these are maintained in increasing order of time, ie, the first is the
- * earliest. we take care not to add one for an identical time already in
- * the list. since we might have to move top to grow it, we return a (possibly
- * different) pointer.
- */
- static TrailObj *
- tobj_addsky (top, jd, op)
- TrailObj *top;
- double jd;
- Obj *op;
- {
- int i;
- /* make sure there is room for one more */
- if (top->nsky == top->nskymem)
- top = tobj_growsky (top);
- /* add op to top->sky in ascending time order.
- * exit loop with i as the index of the cell to use.
- */
- for (i = top->nsky; i > 0; --i)
- if (top->sky[i-1].ts_mjd < jd)
- break;
- else if (top->sky[i-1].ts_mjd == jd)
- return (top); /* don't add a dup */
- else
- top->sky[i] = top->sky[i-1];
- top->sky[i].flags = 0;
- top->sky[i].ts_mjd = jd;
- top->sky[i].o = *op;
- top->nsky++;
- return (top);
- }
- /* display everything in the trailobj list that is marked on onto sv_pm
- * clipped to a circle of radius r, offset by xb and yb borders.
- */
- static void
- tobj_display_all(r, xb, yb)
- unsigned r, xb, yb;
- {
- Display *dsp = XtDisplay(svda_w);
- Window win = sv_pm;
- TrailObj *top;
- for (top = trailobj; top; top = top->ntop) {
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- int before;
- Obj *op;
- GC gc;
- int i;
- if (!top->on)
- continue;
- obj_pickgc(top->op, svda_w, &gc);
- before = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < top->nsky; i++) {
- op = &top->sky[i].o;
- if (sv_trailobjloc (&top->sky[i], r, &x2, &y2)) {
- sv_draw_obj (dsp, win, gc, op, x2+xb, y2+yb,
- magdiam(op->s_mag/MAGSCALE), justdots);
- if (all_labels || (top->sky[i].flags & OBJF_LABEL))
- draw_label (dsp, win, gc, op->o_name, x2+xb, y2+yb);
- }
- if (before++) {
- int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
- if (lc(0,0,r*2,x1,y1,x2,y2,&sx1,&sy1,&sx2,&sy2) == 0)
- XDrawLine (dsp, win, gc, sx1+xb, sy1+yb, sx2+xb,sy2+yb);
- }
- x1 = x2;
- y1 = y2;
- }
- }
- sv_draw_obj (dsp, win, (GC)0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* flush */
- }
- /* determine if the given object is visible and within a circle of radius r
- * pixels. if so, return 1 and compute the location in *xp/*yp, else return 0.
- * N.B. only call this for bona fide db objects -- *not* for objects in the
- * TrailObj lists -- it will destroy their history.
- */
- static
- sv_dbobjloc (op, r, xp, yp)
- Obj *op;
- int r;
- int *xp, *yp;
- {
- double altdec, azra;
- if (!sv_precheck(op))
- return (0);
- /* remaining things need accurate s_* fields */
- db_update(op);
- if (aa_mode && op->s_alt < 0.0)
- return(0); /* it's below horizon and we're in alt-az mode */
- if (op->s_mag/MAGSCALE > fmag || op->s_mag/MAGSCALE < bmag)
- return(0); /* it's not within mag range after all */
- altdec = aa_mode ? op->s_alt : op->s_dec;
- azra = aa_mode ? op->s_az : op->s_ra;
- if (!sv_loc (r, altdec, azra, xp, yp))
- return(0); /* it's outside the fov after all */
- return (1); /* yup, really within r */
- }
- /* given a TSky find its location in a circle of radius r, all in pixels.
- * return 1 if the resulting x/y is in fact within the circle, else 0 if it is
- * outside or otherwise should not be shown now (but return the x/y anyway).
- * N.B. we take care to not change the tsp->o in any way.
- */
- static
- sv_trailobjloc (tsp, r, xp, yp)
- TSky *tsp;
- int r;
- int *xp, *yp;
- {
- Obj *op = &tsp->o;
- double altdec, azra;
- int infov;
- altdec = aa_mode ? op->s_alt : op->s_dec;
- azra = aa_mode ? op->s_az : op->s_ra;
- infov = sv_loc (r, altdec, azra, xp, yp);
- return (infov && (!aa_mode || op->s_alt >= 0.0) && sv_precheck(op)?1:0);
- }
- /* do as much as possible to pre-check whether op is on screen now
- * WITHOUT computing it's actual coordinates. put another way, we are not to
- * use and s_* fields in these tests.
- * return 0 if we know it's definitely not on screen, or 1 if it might be.
- */
- static
- sv_precheck (op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- if (op->type == UNDEFOBJ)
- return(0);
- if (!svf_filter_ok(op) || !sv_bright_ok(op) || !sv_infov(op))
- return(0); /* wrong type, wrong brightness or outside for sure */
- return (1);
- }
- /* return 1 if db object is ever possibly within the fmag/bmag range; else 0.
- */
- static
- sv_bright_ok(op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- switch (op->type) {
- case PLANET:
- /* always go for the planets for now but ..
- * TODO: work up a table of extreme planet magnitudes.
- */
- return (1);
- /* break; */
- case HYPERBOLIC: return (1); /* and interlopers */
- case PARABOLIC: return (1);
- case ELLIPTICAL: {
- double mag; /* magnitude */
- double per, aph; /* perihelion and aphelion distance */
- per = op->e_a*(1.0 - op->e_e);
- aph = op->e_a*(1.0 + op->e_e);
- if (per <= 1.1 && aph >= 0.9)
- return (1); /* might be blazing in the back yard some day */
- if (op->e_mag.whichm == MAG_HG)
- mag = op->e_mag.m1 + 5*log10(per*fabs(per-1.0));
- else
- gk_mag(op->e_mag.m1, op->e_mag.m2,
- per, fabs(per-1.0), &mag);
- return (mag <= fmag && mag >= bmag);
- /* break; */
- }
- case FIXED:
- return (op->f_mag/MAGSCALE <= fmag && op->f_mag/MAGSCALE >= bmag);
- /* break; */
- default:
- printf ("sv_bright_ok(): bad type: %d\n", op->type);
- exit (1);
- return (0); /* for lint */
- }
- }
- /* return 1 if the object can potentially be within the current sv_fov, else 0.
- * N.B. this is meant to be cheap - we only do fixed objects and we don't
- * precess. most importantly, we don't use any s_* fields.
- */
- static
- sv_infov (op)
- Obj *op;
- {
- #define DELEP 100 /* maximum epoch difference we dare go without
- * precessing, years
- */
- #define MARGIN degrad(3.0) /* border around fov still considered "in"
- * in spite of having not precessed.
- */
- double ra0, dec0; /* ra/dec of our center of view */
- double a, sa, ca; /* angle from viewpoint to pole */
- double b, sb, cb; /* angle from object to pole */
- double c, cc; /* diff of polar angles of obj and viewpoint */
- double d; /* angular separation of object and viewpoint */
- Now *np = mm_get_now();
- if (op->type != FIXED)
- return (1);
- if (fabs (mjd - op->f_epoch) > DELEP)
- return (1);
- if (aa_mode) {
- /* TODO: cache this -- it's the same for each obj! */
- double ha, lst;
- aa_hadec (lat, sv_altdec, sv_azra, &ha, &dec0);
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- ra0 = hrrad(lst) - ha;
- range (&ra0, 2*PI);
- } else {
- ra0 = sv_azra;
- dec0 = sv_altdec;
- }
- a = PI/2 - dec0;
- sa = sin(a);
- ca = cos(a);
- b = PI/2 - op->f_dec;
- sb = sin(b);
- cb = cos(b);
- c = ra0 - op->f_RA;
- cc = cos(c);
- d = acos(ca*cb + sa*sb*cc);
- return (d < sv_fov/2 + MARGIN);
- }
- /* compute x/y loc of a point at azra/altdec on a circle of radius rad pixels
- * as viewed from sv_azra/sv_altdec with sv_fov.
- * return 1 if fits on screen, else 0 (but still return x/y).
- */
- static
- sv_loc (rad, altdec, azra, xp, yp)
- int rad; /* radius of target display, pixels */
- double altdec; /* angle up from spherical equator, such as alt or dec; rad */
- double azra; /* angle around spherical pole, such as az or ra; rad */
- int *xp, *yp; /* return X coords within circle */
- {
- #define LOCEPS (1e-5) /* an angle too small to see on screen, rads */
- double a,sa,ca; /* angle from viewpoint to pole */
- double b,sb,cb; /* angle from object to pole */
- double c,sc,cc; /* difference in polar angles of obj and viewpoint */
- double d,sd,cd; /* angular separation of object and viewpoint */
- double r; /* proportion of d to desired field of view */
- double se, ce; /* angle between (viewpoint,pole) and (viewpoint,obj) */
- a = PI/2 - sv_altdec;
- sa = sin(a);
- ca = cos(a);
- b = PI/2 - altdec;
- sb = sin(b);
- cb = cos(b);
- if (aa_mode)
- c = azra - sv_azra;
- else
- c = sv_azra - azra;
- cc = cos(c);
- d = acos(ca*cb + sa*sb*cc);
- if (d < LOCEPS) {
- *xp = *yp = rad;
- return (1);
- }
- r = d/(sv_fov/2.0);
- sc = sin(c);
- sd = sin(d);
- se = sc*sb/sd;
- *xp = rad*(1 + r*se) + 0.5;
- if (a < LOCEPS) {
- /* as viewpoint approaches N pole, e approaches PI - c */
- ce = -cc;
- } else if (a > PI - LOCEPS) {
- /* as viewpoint approaches S pole, e approaches c */
- ce = cc;
- } else {
- cd = cos(d);
- ce = (cb - cd*ca)/(sd*sa);
- }
- *yp = rad*(1 - r*ce) + 0.5;
- return (r >= 1.0 ? 0 : 1);
- }
- /* compute azra/altdec loc of a point at x/y on a circle of radius rad pixels
- * as viewed from sv_azra/sv_altdec with sv_fov.
- * return 1 if x/y are within the circle, else 0.
- */
- static
- sv_unloc (rad, x, y, altdecp, azrap)
- int rad; /* radius of target display, pixels */
- int x, y; /* X coords within circle */
- double *altdecp;/* angle up from spherical equator, such as alt or dec; rad */
- double *azrap; /* angle around spherical pole, such as az or ra; rad */
- {
- #define UNLOCEPS (1e-4) /* sufficiently close to pole to not know az/ra; rads */
- double a,sa,ca; /* angle from viewpoint to pole */
- double r; /* distance from center to object, pixels */
- double d,sd,cd; /* angular separation of object and viewpoint */
- double e,se,ce; /* angle between (viewpoint,pole) and (viewpoint,obj) */
- double b,sb,cb; /* angle from object to pole */
- double c,sc,cc; /* difference in polar angles of obj and viewpoint */
- if (x == rad && y == rad) {
- /* at the center -- avoids cases where r == 0 */
- *altdecp = sv_altdec;
- *azrap = sv_azra;
- return (1);
- }
- a = PI/2 - sv_altdec;
- sa = sin(a);
- ca = cos(a);
- r = sqrt ((double)((x-rad)*(x-rad) + (y-rad)*(y-rad)));
- if (r > rad)
- return(0); /* outside the circle */
- d = r/rad*(sv_fov/2.0);
- sd = sin(d);
- cd = cos(d);
- ce = (rad - y)/r;
- se = (x - rad)/r;
- cb = ca*cd + sa*sd*ce;
- b = acos(cb);
- *altdecp = PI/2 - b;
- /* find c, the polar angle between viewpoint and object */
- if (a < UNLOCEPS) {
- /* as viewpoint approaches N pole, c approaches PI - e */
- c = acos(-ce);
- } else if (a > PI - UNLOCEPS) {
- /* as viewpoint approaches S pole, c approaches e */
- c = acos(ce);
- } else if (b < UNLOCEPS || b > PI - UNLOCEPS) {
- /* as object approaches either pole, c becomes arbitary */
- c = 0.0;
- } else {
- sb = sin(b);
- cc = (cd - ca*cb)/(sa*sb);
- if (cc < -1.0) cc = -1.0; /* heh, it happens ... */
- if (cc > 1.0) cc = 1.0; /* heh, it happens ... */
- c = acos (cc); /* 0 .. PI; next step checks if c
- * should be > PI
- */
- }
- if (se < 0.0) /* if e > PI */
- c = PI + (PI - c); /* so is c */
- if (aa_mode)
- *azrap = sv_azra + c;
- else
- *azrap = sv_azra - c;
- range (azrap, 2*PI);
- return (1);
- }
- /* draw a nice grid on a circle of radius r, x and y borders xb and yb.
- */
- static void
- draw_grid(dsp, win, gc, r, xb, yb)
- Display *dsp;
- Window win;
- GC gc;
- unsigned int r;
- unsigned int xb, yb;
- {
- double vticks[NGRID], hticks[NGRID];
- double vmin, vmax, hmin, hmax;
- XSegment xsegments[NGRID*NSEGS], *xs;
- char msg[64];
- int nvt, nht;
- int i, j;
- int pole;
- /* set vertical min and max, and detect whether pole is within fov.
- * since display is in degrees, use that unit for finding ticks.
- */
- pole = 0;
- vmin = sv_altdec-sv_fov/2;
- if (vmin < 0 && aa_mode)
- vmin = 0.0;
- if (vmin <= -PI/2) {
- /* clamp at pole */
- vmin = -PI/2;
- pole = 1;
- }
- vmax = sv_altdec+sv_fov/2;
- if (vmax >= PI/2) {
- /* clamp at pole */
- vmax = PI/2;
- pole = 1;
- }
- vmin = raddeg(vmin);
- vmax = raddeg(vmax);
- /* set horizontal min and max.
- * if pole is visible, we go all the way around.
- * else compute spherical angle spanned by fov "del" from pole.
- * again, compute ticks in the units we display in.
- */
- if (pole) {
- /* pole is visible */
- hmin = 0.0;
- hmax = 2*PI;
- } else {
- double del = PI/2 - fabs(sv_altdec);
- double a= acos((cos(sv_fov) - cos(del)*cos(del))/sin(del)/sin(del));
- hmin = sv_azra-a/2;
- hmax = sv_azra+a/2;
- }
- hmin = aa_mode ? raddeg(hmin) : radhr(hmin);
- hmax = aa_mode ? raddeg(hmax) : radhr(hmax);
- /* find tick marks.
- * generally get less than half the max, so insure it to be consistent.
- * N.B. remember that tickmarks() can return up to 2 more than asked.
- */
- nvt = tickmarks(vmin, vmax, NGRID-2, vticks);
- nht = tickmarks(hmin, hmax, NGRID-2, hticks);
- /* report the spacing */
- (void) sprintf (msg, "%s: %g Degs", aa_mode ? "Alt" : "Dec",
- (vticks[nvt-1]-vticks[0])/(nvt-1));
- f_showit (vgrid_w, msg);
- (void) sprintf (msg, " %s: %g %s", aa_mode ? "Az" : "RA",
- (hticks[nht-1]-hticks[0])/(nht-1), aa_mode ? "Degs" : "Hrs");
- f_showit (hgrid_w, msg);
- /* convert back to rads */
- for (i = 0; i < nvt; i++)
- vticks[i] = degrad(vticks[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < nht; i++)
- hticks[i] = aa_mode ? degrad(hticks[i]) : hrrad(hticks[i]);
- /* for each horizontal tick mark
- * for each vertical tick mark
- * compute coord on screen
- * if we've at least 2 pts now
- * connect the points with what is visible within the circle.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nht; i += 1) {
- double h = hticks[i];
- int before = 0;
- int vis1, vis2;
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- xs = xsegments;
- for (j = 0; j < nvt; j++) {
- double v = vticks[j];
- vis2 = sv_loc(r, v, h, &x2, &y2);
- if (before++ && (vis1 || vis2)) {
- int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
- if (lc(0,0,r*2,x1,y1,x2,y2,&sx1,&sy1,&sx2,&sy2) == 0) {
- xs->x1 = sx1+xb; xs->y1 = sy1+yb;
- xs->x2 = sx2+xb; xs->y2 = sy2+yb;
- xs++;
- }
- }
- x1 = x2;
- y1 = y2;
- vis1 = vis2;
- }
- XDrawSegments (dsp, win, gc, xsegments, xs - xsegments);
- }
- /* for each vertical tick mark
- * for each horizontal tick mark
- * compute coord on screen
- * if we've at least 2 pts now
- * connect the points with what is visible within the circle.
- * (break into smaller pieces because these lines tend to curve)
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nvt; i+=1) {
- double v = vticks[i];
- double h1;
- int before = 0;
- int vis1, vis2;
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- xs = xsegments;
- for (j = 0; j < nht; j++) {
- double h = hticks[j];
- vis2 = sv_loc(r, v, h, &x2, &y2);
- if (before++ && (vis1 || vis2)) {
- /* last point is at (x1,y1) == (h1,v);
- * this point is at (x2,y2) == (h, v);
- * connect with NSEGS segments.
- */
- int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
- int xt, yt;
- int vist, k;
- for (k = 1; k <= NSEGS; k++) {
- if (k == NSEGS) {
- xt = x2;
- yt = y2;
- vist = vis2;
- } else
- vist = sv_loc(r, v, h1+k*(h-h1)/NSEGS, &xt, &yt);
- if ((vis1 || vist) &&
- lc(0,0,r*2,x1,y1,xt,yt,&sx1,&sy1,&sx2,&sy2)==0){
- xs->x1 = sx1+xb; xs->y1 = sy1+yb;
- xs->x2 = sx2+xb; xs->y2 = sy2+yb;
- xs++;
- }
- x1 = xt;
- y1 = yt;
- vis1 = vist;
- }
- }
- x1 = x2;
- y1 = y2;
- h1 = h;
- vis1 = vis2;
- }
- XDrawSegments (dsp, win, gc, xsegments, xs - xsegments);
- }
- }
- /* draw the ecliptic on a circle of radius r, x and y borders xb and yb.
- * special thanks to Uwe Bonnes <bon@LTE.E-TECHNIK.uni-erlangen.de>
- */
- static void
- draw_ecliptic(dsp, win, gc, r, xb, yb)
- Display *dsp;
- Window win;
- GC gc;
- unsigned int r;
- unsigned int xb, yb;
- {
- #define ECL_CACHE_SZ 100
- XPoint point_cache[ECL_CACHE_SZ];
- double elat0, elng0; /* ecliptic lat and long at center of fov */
- double elngmin, elngmax;/* ecliptic long limits */
- double ra, dec;
- double elng;
- double lst;
- int ncache;
- Now *np;
- np = mm_get_now();
- now_lst (np, &lst);
- /* find ecliptic coords of center of view */
- if (aa_mode) {
- double ha0; /* local hour angle */
- aa_hadec (lat, sv_altdec, sv_azra, &ha0, &dec);
- ra = hrrad(lst) - ha0;
- } else {
- ra = sv_azra;
- dec = sv_altdec;
- }
- eq_ecl (mjd, ra, dec, &elat0, &elng0);
- /* no ecliptic visible if ecliptic latitude at center of view
- * is not less than fov/2
- */
- if (fabs(elat0) >= sv_fov/2.0)
- return;
- /* worst-case elong limits is center elong += half fov */
- elngmin = elng0 - sv_fov/2.0;
- elngmax = elng0 + sv_fov/2.0;
- /* put a mark at every ECL_TICS pixels */
- ncache = 0;
- for (elng = elngmin; elng <= elngmax; elng += sv_fov/(2.0*r/ECL_TICS)) {
- int x, y;
- double altdec, azra;
- /* convert longitude along the ecliptic to ra/dec */
- ecl_eq (mjd, 0.0, elng, &azra, &altdec);
- /* if in aa mode, we need it in alt/az */
- if (aa_mode) {
- hadec_aa (lat, hrrad(lst) - azra, altdec, &altdec, &azra);
- refract (pressure, temp, altdec, &altdec);
- }
- /* if visible, display point */
- if ((!aa_mode || altdec >= 0) && sv_loc (r, altdec, azra, &x, &y)) {
- XPoint *xp = &point_cache[ncache++];
- xp->x = x + xb;
- xp->y = y + yb;
- if (ncache == XtNumber(point_cache)) {
- XDrawPoints (dsp,win,gc,point_cache,ncache,CoordModeOrigin);
- ncache = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ncache > 0)
- XDrawPoints (dsp, win, gc, point_cache, ncache, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- /* given the magnitude of an object, return its desired diameter, in pixels.
- * N.B. we assume it is at least as bright as fmag.
- */
- static
- magdiam(m)
- double m;
- {
- return (((int)(fmag-m)+3)/2);
- }
- /* make the general purpose sv_gc and learn the three colors.
- */
- static void
- sv_mk_gcs(dsp, win)
- Display *dsp;
- Window win;
- {
- XGCValues gcv;
- unsigned gcm = 0;
- get_something (svda_w, XmNforeground, (char *)&fg_p);
- get_something (svda_w, XmNbackground, (char *)&sky_p);
- get_something (svform_w, XmNbackground, (char *)&bg_p);
- set_something (svda_w, XmNbackground, (char *)bg_p);
- sv_gc = XCreateGC (dsp, win, gcm, &gcv);
- }
- /* draw a label for an object that is located at [x,y]
- */
- static void
- draw_label (dsp, win, gc, label, x, y)
- Display *dsp;
- Window win;
- GC gc;
- char label[];
- int x, y;
- {
- XDrawString (dsp, win, gc, x+4, y-4, label, strlen(label));
- }