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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #include "u_draw.h"
- #include "u_elastic.h"
- #include "u_list.h"
- #include "u_search.h"
- #include "w_canvas.h"
- #include "w_mousefun.h"
- static init_move(), init_arb_move(), init_constrained_move();
- move_selected()
- {
- set_mousefun("move object", "horiz/vert move", "");
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- init_searchproc_left(init_arb_move);
- init_searchproc_middle(init_constrained_move);
- canvas_leftbut_proc = object_search_left;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = object_search_middle;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- return_proc = move_selected;
- set_cursor(pick9_cursor);
- reset_action_on();
- }
- static
- init_arb_move(p, type, x, y, px, py)
- char *p;
- int type;
- int x, y, px, py;
- {
- constrained = MOVE_ARB;
- init_move(p, type, x, y, px, py);
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- set_mousefun("place object", "", "cancel");
- draw_mousefun_canvas();
- }
- static
- init_constrained_move(p, type, x, y, px, py)
- char *p;
- int type;
- int x, y, px, py;
- {
- constrained = MOVE_HORIZ_VERT;
- init_move(p, type, x, y, px, py);
- canvas_middlebut_proc = canvas_leftbut_proc;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = null_proc;
- set_mousefun("", "place object", "cancel");
- draw_mousefun_canvas();
- }
- static
- init_move(p, type, x, y, px, py)
- char *p;
- int type;
- int x, y, px, py;
- {
- switch (type) {
- case O_COMPOUND:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_c = (F_compound *) p;
- list_delete_compound(&objects.compounds, cur_c);
- redisplay_compound(cur_c);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_compounddragging(cur_c, px, py);
- break;
- case O_POLYLINE:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_l = (F_line *) p;
- list_delete_line(&objects.lines, cur_l);
- redisplay_line(cur_l);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_linedragging(cur_l, px, py);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_t = (F_text *) p;
- list_delete_text(&objects.texts, cur_t);
- redisplay_text(cur_t);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_textdragging(cur_t, x, y);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_e = (F_ellipse *) p;
- list_delete_ellipse(&objects.ellipses, cur_e);
- redisplay_ellipse(cur_e);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_ellipsedragging(cur_e, px, py);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_a = (F_arc *) p;
- list_delete_arc(&objects.arcs, cur_a);
- redisplay_arc(cur_a);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_arcdragging(cur_a, px, py);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- cur_s = (F_spline *) p;
- list_delete_spline(&objects.splines, cur_s);
- redisplay_spline(cur_s);
- set_temp_cursor(null_cursor);
- init_splinedragging(cur_s, px, py);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }