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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "figx.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "w_util.h"
- #include "w_drawprim.h"
- #include "w_mousefun.h"
- #include "w_setup.h"
- #define MOUSE_BUT_WID (int) (MOUSEFUN_WD * 0.045)
- #define MOUSE_BUT_HGT (int) (MOUSEFUN_HT * 0.5)
- #define MOUSE_LEFT_SPACE (int) ((MOUSEFUN_WD - 4 * MOUSE_BUT_WID) / 2)
- #define MOUSE_MID_CTR (int) (MOUSEFUN_WD / 2)
- #define MOUSEFUN_MAX 20
- DeclareStaticArgs(14);
- static char mousefun_l[MOUSEFUN_MAX];
- static char mousefun_m[MOUSEFUN_MAX];
- static char mousefun_r[MOUSEFUN_MAX];
- /* labels for the left and right buttons have 15 chars max */
- static char lr_blank[] = " ";
- /* give the middle button label a bit more space - 18 chars max */
- static char mid_blank[] = " ";
- static Pixmap mousefun_pm;
- void
- init_mousefun(tool)
- TOOL tool;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, MOUSEFUN_WD);
- /* start with nominal height and adjust later */
- NextArg(XtNheight, MSGFORM_HT);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, cmd_panel);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, -INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, NULL);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 0);
- NextArg(XtNleft, XtChainLeft);
- NextArg(XtNright, XtChainLeft);
- NextArg(XtNtop, XtChainTop);
- NextArg(XtNbottom, XtChainTop);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, NULL);
- NextArg(XtNmappedWhenManaged, False);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "");
- mousefun = XtCreateManagedWidget("mouse_panel", labelWidgetClass,
- tool, Args, ArgCount);
- }
- static void
- reset_mousefun()
- {
- /* get the foreground and background from the mousefun widget */
- /* and create a gc with those values */
- mouse_button_gc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(mousefun), (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNforeground, &mouse_but_fg);
- NextArg(XtNbackground, &mouse_but_bg);
- GetValues(mousefun);
- XSetBackground(tool_d, mouse_button_gc, mouse_but_bg);
- XSetForeground(tool_d, mouse_button_gc, mouse_but_fg);
- XSetFont(tool_d, mouse_button_gc, button_font->fid);
- /* also create gc with fore=background for blanking areas */
- mouse_blank_gc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(mousefun), (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
- XSetBackground(tool_d, mouse_blank_gc, mouse_but_bg);
- XSetForeground(tool_d, mouse_blank_gc, mouse_but_bg);
- mousefun_pm = XCreatePixmap(tool_d, XtWindow(mousefun),
- MOUSEFUN_WD, MOUSEFUN_HT, DefaultDepthOfScreen(tool_s));
- XFillRectangle(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_blank_gc, 0, 0,
- XDrawRectangle(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_button_gc, MOUSE_LEFT_SPACE,
- XDrawRectangle(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_button_gc,
- XDrawRectangle(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_button_gc,
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- mouse_title();
- FirstArg(XtNmappedWhenManaged, True);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- static char *title = "Mouse Buttons";
- mouse_title()
- {
- /* put a title in the window */
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_button_gc,
- 4, button_font->ascent+4, title, strlen(title));
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- setup_mousefun()
- {
- XDefineCursor(tool_d, XtWindow(mousefun), arrow_cursor);
- /* now that the message panel has the real height it needs (because of
- the font size we can resize the mouse panel */
- XtUnmanageChild(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNheight, MOUSEFUN_HT);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- XtManageChild(mousefun);
- reset_mousefun();
- set_mousefun("", "", "");
- }
- void
- resize_mousefun()
- {
- XFreePixmap(tool_d, mousefun_pm);
- reset_mousefun();
- }
- void
- set_mousefun(left, middle, right)
- char *left, *middle, *right;
- {
- strcpy(mousefun_l, left);
- strcpy(mousefun_m, middle);
- strcpy(mousefun_r, right);
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_mode()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun("Change Mode", "", "");
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_ind()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun("Menu", "Dec/Prev", "Inc/Next");
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_unitbox()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun("Pan to Origin", "", "Set Units/Scale");
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_topruler()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun("Pan Left", "Drag", "Pan Right");
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_sideruler()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun("Pan Up", "Drag", "Pan Down");
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun_canvas()
- {
- clear_mousefun();
- draw_mousefun(mousefun_l, mousefun_m, mousefun_r);
- }
- static void
- draw_mousefun_msg(s, xctr, ypos)
- char *s;
- int xctr, ypos;
- {
- int width;
- width = XTextWidth(button_font, s, strlen(s));
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, mousefun_pm, mouse_button_gc,
- xctr - (int) (width / 2), ypos, s, strlen(s));
- }
- void
- draw_mousefun(left, middle, right)
- char *left, *middle, *right;
- {
- draw_mousefun_msg(left, MOUSE_LEFT_CTR, 30);
- draw_mousefun_msg(middle, MOUSE_MID_CTR, 11);
- draw_mousefun_msg(right, MOUSE_RIGHT_CTR, 30);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- notused_middle()
- {
- draw_mousefun_msg("Not Used", MOUSE_MID_CTR, 11);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- clear_middle()
- {
- draw_mousefun_msg(mid_blank, MOUSE_MID_CTR, 11);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- notused_right()
- {
- draw_mousefun_msg("Not Used", MOUSE_RIGHT_CTR, 30);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- clear_right()
- {
- draw_mousefun_msg(mid_blank, MOUSE_RIGHT_CTR, 30);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, 0);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, mousefun_pm);
- SetValues(mousefun);
- }
- void
- clear_mousefun()
- {
- draw_mousefun(lr_blank, mid_blank, lr_blank);
- /* redraw the title in case the blanks overwrite it */
- mouse_title();
- }