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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1991 by Brian V. Smith
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "figx.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "w_drawprim.h" /* for char_height */
- #include "w_dir.h"
- #include "w_util.h"
- #include "w_setup.h"
- extern Boolean file_msg_is_popped;
- extern Widget file_msg_popup;
- extern String text_translations;
- static char load_msg[] = "The current figure is modified.\nDo you want to discard it and load the new file?";
- static char buf[40];
- DeclareStaticArgs(12);
- static Widget file_status, num_objects;
- static Widget cfile_lab, cfile_text;
- static Widget cancel, save, merge, load;
- static Widget file_w;
- static Position xposn, yposn;
- static String file_name_translations =
- "<Key>Return: load()\n";
- static void file_panel_cancel(), do_merge();
- void do_load(), do_save();
- static XtActionsRec file_name_actions[] =
- {
- {"load", (XtActionProc) do_load},
- };
- static String file_translations =
- "<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: DismissFile()\n";
- static XtActionsRec file_actions[] =
- {
- {"DismissFile", (XtActionProc) file_panel_cancel},
- {"cancel", (XtActionProc) file_panel_cancel},
- {"load", (XtActionProc) do_load},
- {"save", (XtActionProc) do_save},
- {"merge", (XtActionProc) do_merge},
- };
- /* Global so w_dir.c can access us */
- Widget file_panel, /* so w_dir can access the scrollbars */
- file_popup, /* the popup itself */
- file_selfile, /* selected file widget */
- file_mask, /* mask widget */
- file_dir, /* current directory widget */
- file_flist, /* file list wiget */
- file_dlist; /* dir list wiget */
- Boolean file_up = False;
- static void
- file_panel_dismiss()
- {
- FirstArg(XtNstring, "\0");
- SetValues(file_selfile); /* clear Filename string */
- XtPopdown(file_popup);
- XtSetSensitive(file_w, True);
- file_up = False;
- }
- static void
- do_merge(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- char filename[100];
- char *fval, *dval;
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &fval);
- GetValues(file_selfile); /* check the ascii widget for a filename */
- if (emptyname(fval))
- fval = cur_filename; /* "Filename" widget empty, use current filename */
- if (emptyname_msg(fval, "MERGE"))
- return;
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &dval);
- GetValues(file_dir);
- strcpy(filename, dval);
- strcat(filename, "/");
- strcat(filename, fval);
- if (merge_file(filename) == 0)
- file_panel_dismiss();
- }
- void
- do_load(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- char *fval, *dval;
- if (file_popup) {
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &dval);
- GetValues(file_dir);
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &fval);
- GetValues(file_selfile); /* check the ascii widget for a filename */
- if (emptyname(fval))
- fval = cur_filename; /* "Filename" widget empty, use current filename */
- if (emptyname_msg(fval, "LOAD"))
- return;
- if (!emptyfigure() && figure_modified) {
- XtSetSensitive(load, False);
- if (!popup_query(QUERY_YES, load_msg)) {
- XtSetSensitive(load, True);
- return;
- }
- XtSetSensitive(load, True);
- }
- if (change_directory(dval) == 0) {
- if (load_file(fval) == 0) {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, fval);
- SetValues(cfile_text); /* set the current filename */
- if (fval != cur_filename)
- update_cur_filename(fval); /* and update cur_filename */
- update_def_filename(); /* and the default export filename */
- file_panel_dismiss();
- }
- }
- } else {
- (void) load_file(cur_filename);
- }
- }
- void
- do_save(w)
- Widget w;
- {
- char *fval, *dval;
- if (emptyfigure_msg("Save"))
- return;
- if (file_popup) {
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &fval);
- GetValues(file_selfile); /* check the ascii widget for a filename */
- if (emptyname(fval)) {
- fval = cur_filename; /* "Filename" widget empty, use current filename */
- warnexist = False; /* don't warn if this file exists */
- /* copy the name from the file_name widget to the current filename */
- } else
- {
- warnexist = True; /* warn if this file exists */
- }
- if (emptyname_msg(fval, "Save"))
- return;
- /* get the directory from the ascii widget */
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &dval);
- GetValues(file_dir);
- if (change_directory(dval) == 0) {
- XtSetSensitive(save, False);
- if (write_file(fval) == 0) {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, fval);
- SetValues(cfile_text);
- if (strcmp(fval,cur_filename) != 0) {
- update_cur_filename(fval); /* update cur_filename */
- update_def_filename(); /* update the default export filename */
- }
- reset_modifiedflag();
- file_panel_dismiss();
- }
- XtSetSensitive(save, True);
- }
- } else {
- /* not using popup => filename not changed so ok to write existing file */
- warnexist = False;
- if (write_file(cur_filename) == 0)
- reset_modifiedflag();
- }
- }
- static void
- file_panel_cancel(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- file_panel_dismiss();
- }
- popup_file_panel(w)
- Widget w;
- {
- extern Atom wm_delete_window;
- set_temp_cursor(wait_cursor);
- XtSetSensitive(w, False);
- file_up = True;
- if (!file_popup)
- create_file_panel(w);
- else
- Rescan(0, 0, 0, 0);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, (figure_modified ? " File Status: Modified " :
- " File Status: Not modified"));
- SetValues(file_status);
- sprintf(buf, "Number of Objects: %d", object_count(&objects));
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(num_objects);
- XtPopup(file_popup, XtGrabNonexclusive);
- (void) XSetWMProtocols(XtDisplay(file_popup), XtWindow(file_popup),
- &wm_delete_window, 1);
- if (file_msg_is_popped)
- XtAddGrab(file_msg_popup, False, False);
- reset_cursor();
- }
- create_file_panel(w)
- Widget w;
- {
- Widget file, dir, beside, below;
- PIX_FONT temp_font;
- static int actions_added=0;
- file_w = w;
- XtTranslateCoords(w, (Position) 0, (Position) 0, &xposn, &yposn);
- FirstArg(XtNx, xposn);
- NextArg(XtNy, yposn + 50);
- NextArg(XtNtitle, "Xfig: File menu");
- file_popup = XtCreatePopupShell("xfig_file_menu",
- transientShellWidgetClass,
- tool, Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(file_popup,
- XtParseTranslationTable(file_translations));
- file_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget("file_panel", formWidgetClass,
- file_popup, NULL, ZERO);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 400);
- NextArg(XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNresize, False);
- file_status = XtCreateManagedWidget("file_status", labelWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 400);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, file_status);
- NextArg(XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNresize, False);
- num_objects = XtCreateManagedWidget("num_objects", labelWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, " Current Filename:");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, num_objects);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- cfile_lab = XtCreateManagedWidget("cur_file_label", labelWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, cur_filename);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, num_objects);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, cfile_lab);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 250);
- cfile_text = XtCreateManagedWidget("cur_file_name", labelWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, " Filename:");
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, cfile_lab);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- file = XtCreateManagedWidget("file_label", labelWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfont, &temp_font);
- GetValues(file);
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, 350);
- NextArg(XtNheight, char_height(temp_font) * 2 + 4);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "edit");
- NextArg(XtNstring, cur_filename);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(cur_filename));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, file);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, cfile_lab);
- NextArg(XtNscrollHorizontal, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded);
- file_selfile = XtCreateManagedWidget("file_name", asciiTextWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(file_selfile,
- XtParseTranslationTable(text_translations));
- if (!actions_added) {
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, file_actions, XtNumber(file_actions));
- actions_added = 1;
- /* add action to load file */
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, file_name_actions, XtNumber(file_name_actions));
- }
- /* make <return> in the filename window load the file */
- XtOverrideTranslations(file_selfile,
- XtParseTranslationTable(file_name_translations));
- create_dirinfo(file_panel, file_selfile, &beside, &below,
- &file_mask, &file_dir, &file_flist, &file_dlist);
- /* make <return> in the file list window load the file */
- XtOverrideTranslations(file_flist,
- XtParseTranslationTable(file_name_translations));
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "Cancel");
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 25);
- NextArg(XtNheight, 25);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget("cancel", commandWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(cancel, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)file_panel_cancel, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "Save");
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, cancel);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 25);
- NextArg(XtNheight, 25);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- save = XtCreateManagedWidget("save", commandWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(save, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)do_save, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "Load");
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, save);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 25);
- NextArg(XtNheight, 25);
- load = XtCreateManagedWidget("load", commandWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(load, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)do_load, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "Merge Read");
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, load);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 15);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 25);
- NextArg(XtNheight, 25);
- merge = XtCreateManagedWidget("merge", commandWidgetClass,
- file_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(merge, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)do_merge, (XtPointer) NULL);
- XtInstallAccelerators(file_panel, cancel);
- XtInstallAccelerators(file_panel, save);
- XtInstallAccelerators(file_panel, load);
- XtInstallAccelerators(file_panel, merge);
- }