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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "u_bound.h"
- #define Ninety_deg M_PI_2
- #define One_eighty_deg M_PI
- #define Two_seventy_deg (M_PI + M_PI_2)
- #define Three_sixty_deg (M_PI + M_PI)
- #define half(z1 ,z2) ((z1+z2)/2.0)
- /* macro which rounds DOWN the coordinates depending on point positioning mode */
- #define floor_coords(x) \
- if (cur_pointposn != P_ANY) { \
- tmp_t = ((x) + 1) % posn_rnd[cur_pointposn]; \
- (x) = (x) - tmp_t; \
- }
- /* macro which rounds UP the coordinates depending on point positioning mode */
- #define ceil_coords(x) \
- if (cur_pointposn != P_ANY) { \
- (x) = (x) + posn_rnd[cur_pointposn]; \
- tmp_t = (x)%posn_rnd[cur_pointposn]; \
- (x) = (x) - tmp_t - 1; \
- }
- static void points_bound();
- static void int_spline_bound();
- static void normal_spline_bound();
- static int tmp_t;
- arc_bound(arc, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_arc *arc;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- float alpha, beta;
- double dx, dy, radius;
- int bx, by, sx, sy;
- int half_wd;
- dx = arc->point[0].x - arc->center.x;
- dy = arc->center.y - arc->point[0].y;
- alpha = atan2(dy, dx);
- if (alpha < 0.0)
- alpha += Three_sixty_deg;
- /* compute_angle returns value between 0 to 2PI */
- radius = sqrt((double) (dx * dx + dy * dy));
- dx = arc->point[2].x - arc->center.x;
- dy = arc->center.y - arc->point[2].y;
- beta = atan2(dy, dx);
- if (beta < 0.0)
- beta += Three_sixty_deg;
- bx = max2(arc->point[0].x, arc->point[1].x);
- bx = max2(arc->point[2].x, bx);
- by = max2(arc->point[0].y, arc->point[1].y);
- by = max2(arc->point[2].y, by);
- sx = min2(arc->point[0].x, arc->point[1].x);
- sx = min2(arc->point[2].x, sx);
- sy = min2(arc->point[0].y, arc->point[1].y);
- sy = min2(arc->point[2].y, sy);
- if (arc->direction == 1) { /* counter clockwise */
- if (alpha > beta) {
- if (alpha <= 0 || 0 <= beta)
- bx = (int) (arc->center.x + radius + 1.0);
- if (alpha <= Ninety_deg || Ninety_deg <= beta)
- sy = (int) (arc->center.y - radius - 1.0);
- if (alpha <= One_eighty_deg || One_eighty_deg <= beta)
- sx = (int) (arc->center.x - radius - 1.0);
- if (alpha <= Two_seventy_deg || Two_seventy_deg <= beta)
- by = (int) (arc->center.y + radius + 1.0);
- } else {
- if (0 <= beta && alpha <= 0)
- bx = (int) (arc->center.x + radius + 1.0);
- if (Ninety_deg <= beta && alpha <= Ninety_deg)
- sy = (int) (arc->center.y - radius - 1.0);
- if (One_eighty_deg <= beta && alpha <= One_eighty_deg)
- sx = (int) (arc->center.x - radius - 1.0);
- if (Two_seventy_deg <= beta && alpha <= Two_seventy_deg)
- by = (int) (arc->center.y + radius + 1.0);
- }
- } else { /* clockwise */
- if (alpha > beta) {
- if (beta <= 0 && 0 <= alpha)
- bx = (int) (arc->center.x + radius + 1.0);
- if (beta <= Ninety_deg && Ninety_deg <= alpha)
- sy = (int) (arc->center.y - radius - 1.0);
- if (beta <= One_eighty_deg && One_eighty_deg <= alpha)
- sx = (int) (arc->center.x - radius - 1.0);
- if (beta <= Two_seventy_deg && Two_seventy_deg <= alpha)
- by = (int) (arc->center.y + radius + 1.0);
- } else {
- if (0 <= alpha || beta <= 0)
- bx = (int) (arc->center.x + radius + 1.0);
- if (Ninety_deg <= alpha || beta <= Ninety_deg)
- sy = (int) (arc->center.y - radius - 1.0);
- if (One_eighty_deg <= alpha || beta <= One_eighty_deg)
- sx = (int) (arc->center.x - radius - 1.0);
- if (Two_seventy_deg <= alpha || beta <= Two_seventy_deg)
- by = (int) (arc->center.y + radius + 1.0);
- }
- }
- half_wd = arc->thickness / 2;
- *xmax = bx + half_wd;
- *ymax = by + half_wd;
- *xmin = sx - half_wd;
- *ymin = sy - half_wd;
- }
- compound_bound(compound, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_compound *compound;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- F_arc *a;
- F_ellipse *e;
- F_compound *c;
- F_spline *s;
- F_line *l;
- F_text *t;
- int bx, by, sx, sy, first = 1;
- int llx, lly, urx, ury;
- for (a = compound->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- arc_bound(a, &sx, &sy, &bx, &by);
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- for (c = compound->compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- sx = c->nwcorner.x;
- sy = c->nwcorner.y;
- bx = c->secorner.x;
- by = c->secorner.y;
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- for (e = compound->ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
- ellipse_bound(e, &sx, &sy, &bx, &by);
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- for (l = compound->lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- line_bound(l, &sx, &sy, &bx, &by);
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- for (s = compound->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
- spline_bound(s, &sx, &sy, &bx, &by);
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- for (t = compound->texts; t != NULL; t = t->next) {
- int dum;
- text_bound_actual(t, t->angle, &sx, &sy, &bx, &by,
- &dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum);
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- llx = sx;
- lly = sy;
- urx = bx;
- ury = by;
- } else {
- llx = min2(llx, sx);
- lly = min2(lly, sy);
- urx = max2(urx, bx);
- ury = max2(ury, by);
- }
- }
- /* round the corners to the current positioning grid */
- floor_coords(llx);
- floor_coords(lly);
- ceil_coords(urx);
- ceil_coords(ury);
- *xmin = llx;
- *ymin = lly;
- *xmax = urx;
- *ymax = ury;
- }
- /* basically, use the code for drawing the ellipse to find its bounds */
- /* From James Tough (see u_draw.c: angle_ellipse() */
- /* include the bounds for the markers (even though we don't know if they
- are on or off now */
- ellipse_bound(e, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_ellipse *e;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- int half_wd;
- double c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, v1, cphi, sphi, cphisqr, sphisqr;
- double xleft, xright, d, asqr, bsqr;
- int yymax, yy=0;
- float xcen, ycen, a, b;
- xcen = e->center.x;
- ycen = e->center.y;
- a = e->radiuses.x;
- b = e->radiuses.y;
- if (a==0 || b==0)
- {
- *xmin = *xmax = xcen;
- *ymin = *ymax = ycen;
- return;
- }
- cphi = cos((double)e->angle);
- sphi = sin((double)e->angle);
- cphisqr = cphi*cphi;
- sphisqr = sphi*sphi;
- asqr = a*a;
- bsqr = b*b;
- c1 = (cphisqr/asqr)+(sphisqr/bsqr);
- c2 = ((cphi*sphi/asqr)-(cphi*sphi/bsqr))/c1;
- c3 = (bsqr*cphisqr) + (asqr*sphisqr);
- yymax = sqrt(c3);
- c4 = a*b/c3;
- c5 = 0;
- v1 = c4*c4;
- c6 = 2*v1;
- c3 = c3*v1-v1;
- /* odd first points */
- *xmin = *ymin = 100000;
- *xmax = *ymax = -100000;
- if (yymax % 2) {
- d = sqrt(c3);
- *xmin = min2(*xmin,xcen-d);
- *xmax = max2(*xmax,xcen+d);
- *ymin = min2(*ymin,ycen);
- *ymax = max2(*ymax,ycen);
- c5 = c2;
- yy=1;
- }
- while (c3>=0) {
- d = sqrt(c3);
- xleft = c5-d;
- xright = c5+d;
- *xmin = min2(*xmin,xcen+xleft);
- *xmax = max2(*xmax,xcen+xleft);
- *ymax = max2(*ymax,ycen+yy);
- *xmin = min2(*xmin,xcen+xright);
- *xmax = max2(*xmax,xcen+xright);
- *ymax = max2(*ymax,ycen+yy);
- *xmin = min2(*xmin,xcen-xright);
- *xmax = max2(*xmax,xcen-xright);
- *ymin = min2(*ymin,ycen-yy);
- *xmin = min2(*xmin,xcen-xleft);
- *xmax = max2(*xmax,xcen-xleft);
- *ymin = min2(*ymin,ycen-yy);
- c5+=c2;
- v1+=c6;
- c3-=v1;
- yy=yy+1;
- }
- /* for simplicity, just add half the line thickness to xmax and ymax
- and subtract half from xmin and ymin */
- half_wd = e->thickness/2;
- *xmax += half_wd;
- *ymax += half_wd;
- *xmin -= half_wd;
- *ymin -= half_wd;
- /* now include the markers because they could be outside the bounds of
- the ellipse (+/-3 is (roughly) half the size of the markers (5)) */
- *xmax = max2(*xmax, max2(e->start.x, e->end.x)+3);
- *ymax = max2(*ymax, max2(e->start.y, e->end.y)+3);
- *xmin = min2(*xmin, min2(e->start.x, e->end.x)-3);
- *ymin = min2(*ymin, min2(e->start.y, e->end.y)-3);
- }
- line_bound(l, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_line *l;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- points_bound(l->points, (l->thickness / 2), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- spline_bound(s, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_spline *s;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- if (int_spline(s)) {
- int_spline_bound(s, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else {
- normal_spline_bound(s, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- }
- static void
- int_spline_bound(s, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_spline *s;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- F_point *p1, *p2;
- F_control *cp1, *cp2;
- float x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
- float tx, ty, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
- float sx, sy, bx, by;
- int half_wd;
- half_wd = s->thickness / 2;
- p1 = s->points;
- sx = bx = p1->x;
- sy = by = p1->y;
- cp1 = s->controls;
- for (p2 = p1->next, cp2 = cp1->next; p2 != NULL;
- p1 = p2, cp1 = cp2, p2 = p2->next, cp2 = cp2->next) {
- x0 = p1->x;
- y0 = p1->y;
- x1 = cp1->rx;
- y1 = cp1->ry;
- x2 = cp2->lx;
- y2 = cp2->ly;
- x3 = p2->x;
- y3 = p2->y;
- tx = half(x1, x2);
- ty = half(y1, y2);
- sx1 = half(x0, x1);
- sy1 = half(y0, y1);
- sx2 = half(sx1, tx);
- sy2 = half(sy1, ty);
- tx2 = half(x2, x3);
- ty2 = half(y2, y3);
- tx1 = half(tx2, tx);
- ty1 = half(ty2, ty);
- sx = min2(x0, sx);
- sy = min2(y0, sy);
- sx = min2(sx1, sx);
- sy = min2(sy1, sy);
- sx = min2(sx2, sx);
- sy = min2(sy2, sy);
- sx = min2(tx1, sx);
- sy = min2(ty1, sy);
- sx = min2(tx2, sx);
- sy = min2(ty2, sy);
- sx = min2(x3, sx);
- sy = min2(y3, sy);
- bx = max2(x0, bx);
- by = max2(y0, by);
- bx = max2(sx1, bx);
- by = max2(sy1, by);
- bx = max2(sx2, bx);
- by = max2(sy2, by);
- bx = max2(tx1, bx);
- by = max2(ty1, by);
- bx = max2(tx2, bx);
- by = max2(ty2, by);
- bx = max2(x3, bx);
- by = max2(y3, by);
- }
- *xmin = round(sx) - half_wd;
- *ymin = round(sy) - half_wd;
- *xmax = round(bx) + half_wd;
- *ymax = round(by) + half_wd;
- }
- static void
- normal_spline_bound(s, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_spline *s;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- F_point *p;
- float cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3, cx4, cy4;
- float x1, y1, x2, y2, sx, sy, bx, by;
- float px, py, qx, qy;
- int half_wd;
- half_wd = s->thickness / 2;
- p = s->points;
- x1 = p->x;
- y1 = p->y;
- p = p->next;
- x2 = p->x;
- y2 = p->y;
- cx1 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
- cy1 = (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
- cx2 = (cx1 + x2) / 2.0;
- cy2 = (cy1 + y2) / 2.0;
- if (closed_spline(s)) {
- x1 = (cx1 + x1) / 2.0;
- y1 = (cy1 + y1) / 2.0;
- }
- sx = min2(x1, cx2);
- sy = min2(y1, cy2);
- bx = max2(x1, cx2);
- by = max2(y1, cy2);
- for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- x1 = x2;
- y1 = y2;
- x2 = p->x;
- y2 = p->y;
- cx4 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
- cy4 = (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
- cx3 = (x1 + cx4) / 2.0;
- cy3 = (y1 + cy4) / 2.0;
- cx2 = (cx4 + x2) / 2.0;
- cy2 = (cy4 + y2) / 2.0;
- px = min2(cx2, cx3);
- py = min2(cy2, cy3);
- qx = max2(cx2, cx3);
- qy = max2(cy2, cy3);
- sx = min2(sx, px);
- sy = min2(sy, py);
- bx = max2(bx, qx);
- by = max2(by, qy);
- }
- if (closed_spline(s)) {
- *xmin = round(sx) - half_wd;
- *ymin = round(sy) - half_wd;
- *xmax = round(bx) + half_wd;
- *ymax = round(by) + half_wd;
- } else {
- *xmin = round(min2(sx, x2)) - half_wd;
- *ymin = round(min2(sy, y2)) - half_wd;
- *xmax = round(max2(bx, x2)) + half_wd;
- *ymax = round(max2(by, y2)) + half_wd;
- }
- }
- /* This procedure calculates the bounding box for text that is displayed
- horizontally or vertically (all text on the canvas in otherwords)
- Use text_bound_actual() to decide whether or not text would be off
- the PRINTED page (if rotated) */
- text_bound(t, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_text *t;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- int length, dx, dy, mx, my, dum;
- double angle;
- angle = t->angle;
- /* fix the angle to one of four - 0, 90, 180 or 270 */
- if (angle < M_PI_2 - 0.001)
- angle = 0.0;
- else if (angle < M_PI - 0.001)
- angle = M_PI_2;
- else if (angle < 3*M_PI_2 - 0.001)
- angle = M_PI;
- else
- angle = 3*M_PI_2;
- text_bound_actual(t, angle, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
- &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum, &dum);
- }
- /* this procedure calculates the bouding box for text ASSUMING that it
- will be DISPLAYED rotated (if it has any rotation angle).
- The actual corners of the rectangle are returned in (rx1,ry1)...(rx4,ry4)
- The min and max x and y are returned in (xmin, ymin) (xmax, ymax)
- */
- text_bound_actual(t, angle, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
- rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, rx3, ry3, rx4, ry4)
- F_text *t;
- double angle;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- int *rx1,*ry1, *rx2,*ry2, *rx3,*ry3, *rx4,*ry4;
- {
- int h, l;
- int x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4;
- double cost, sint;
- double lcost, lsint, hcost, hsint;
- l = text_length(t);
- h = t->height;
- cost = cos((double)angle);
- sint = sin((double)angle);
- lcost = round(l*cost);
- lsint = round(l*sint);
- hcost = round(h*cost);
- hsint = round(h*sint);
- x1 = t->base_x;
- y1 = t->base_y;
- if (t->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED) {
- x1 = t->base_x - round((l/2)*cost);
- y1 = t->base_y + round((l/2)*sint);
- x2 = x1 + lcost;
- y2 = y1 - lsint;
- }
- else if (t->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED) {
- x1 = t->base_x - lcost;
- y1 = t->base_y + lsint;
- x2 = t->base_x;
- y2 = t->base_y;
- }
- else {
- x2 = x1 + lcost;
- y2 = y1 - lsint;
- }
- x4 = x1 - hsint;
- y4 = y1 - hcost;
- x3 = x2 - hsint;
- y3 = y2 - hcost;
- *xmin = min2(x1,min2(x2,min2(x3,x4)));
- *xmax = max2(x1,max2(x2,max2(x3,x4)));
- *ymin = min2(y1,min2(y2,min2(y3,y4)));
- *ymax = max2(y1,max2(y2,max2(y3,y4)));
- *rx1=x1; *ry1=y1;
- *rx2=x2; *ry2=y2;
- *rx3=x3; *ry3=y3;
- *rx4=x4; *ry4=y4;
- }
- /* this procedure calculates the union of the two types of bounding boxes */
- /* this is usually called by the redisplay code which needs the bounding
- rectangle if the user is displaying the textoutline */
- text_bound_both(t, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
- rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, rx3, ry3, rx4, ry4)
- F_text *t;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- int *rx1,*ry1, *rx2,*ry2, *rx3,*ry3, *rx4,*ry4;
- {
- int xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1;
- int xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2;
- int dum;
- text_bound_actual(t, t->angle, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1,
- rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2, rx3, ry3, rx4, ry4);
- text_bound(t, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- *xmin = min2(xmin1,xmin2);
- *xmax = max2(xmax1,xmax2);
- *ymin = min2(ymin1,ymin2);
- *ymax = max2(ymax1,ymax2);
- }
- static void
- points_bound(points, half_wd, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_point *points;
- int half_wd;
- int *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax;
- {
- int bx, by, sx, sy;
- F_point *p;
- bx = sx = points->x;
- by = sy = points->y;
- for (p = points->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- sx = min2(sx, p->x);
- sy = min2(sy, p->y);
- bx = max2(bx, p->x);
- by = max2(by, p->y);
- }
- *xmin = sx - half_wd;
- *ymin = sy - half_wd;
- *xmax = bx + half_wd;
- *ymax = by + half_wd;
- }
- int
- overlapping(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1, xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2)
- int xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1, xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2;
- {
- if (xmin1 < xmin2)
- if (ymin1 < ymin2)
- return (xmax1 >= xmin2 && ymax1 >= ymin2);
- else
- return (xmax1 >= xmin2 && ymin1 <= ymax2);
- else if (ymin1 < ymin2)
- return (xmin1 <= xmax2 && ymax1 >= ymin2);
- else
- return (xmin1 <= xmax2 && ymin1 <= ymax2);
- }