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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- /**************** IMPORTS ****************/
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #include "u_draw.h"
- #include "u_elastic.h"
- #include "u_list.h"
- #include "u_undo.h"
- #include "w_setup.h"
- /*************** EXPORTS *****************/
- /*
- * Object_tails *usually* points to the last object in each linked list in
- * objects. The exceptions occur when multiple objects are added to a figure
- * (e.g. file read, break compound, undo delete region). In these cases,
- * the added objects are appended to the object lists (and saved_objects is
- * set up to point to the new objects) but object_tails is not changed.
- * This speeds up a subsequent undo operation which need only set
- * all the "next" fields of objects pointed to by object_tails to NULL.
- */
- F_compound saved_objects = {0, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
- F_compound object_tails = {0, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
- /*************** LOCAL *****************/
- static int last_object;
- static int last_action = F_NULL;
- static F_pos last_position, new_position;
- static int last_arcpointnum;
- static F_point *last_prev_point, *last_selected_point, *last_next_point;
- static F_linkinfo *last_links;
- static int last_linkmode;
- void
- undo()
- {
- switch (last_action) {
- case F_ADD:
- undo_add();
- break;
- case F_DELETE:
- undo_delete();
- break;
- case F_MOVE:
- undo_move();
- break;
- case F_CHANGE:
- undo_change();
- break;
- case F_GLUE:
- undo_glue();
- break;
- case F_BREAK:
- undo_break();
- break;
- case F_LOAD:
- undo_load();
- break;
- case F_SCALE:
- undo_scale();
- break;
- case F_ADD_POINT:
- undo_addpoint();
- break;
- undo_deletepoint();
- break;
- undo_add_arrowhead();
- break;
- undo_delete_arrowhead();
- break;
- case F_CONVERT:
- undo_convert();
- break;
- default:
- put_msg("Nothing to UNDO");
- return;
- }
- put_msg("Undo complete");
- }
- undo_addpoint()
- {
- if (last_object == O_POLYLINE)
- linepoint_deleting(saved_objects.lines, last_prev_point,
- last_selected_point);
- else
- splinepoint_deleting(saved_objects.splines, last_prev_point,
- last_selected_point);
- }
- undo_deletepoint()
- {
- last_action = F_NULL; /* to avoid doing a clean-up during adding */
- if (last_object == O_POLYLINE)
- linepoint_adding(saved_objects.lines, last_prev_point,
- last_selected_point, last_next_point);
- else
- splinepoint_adding(saved_objects.splines, last_prev_point,
- last_selected_point, last_next_point);
- last_next_point = NULL;
- }
- undo_break()
- {
- cut_objects(&objects, &object_tails);
- list_add_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- last_action = F_GLUE;
- toggle_markers_in_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- mask_toggle_compoundmarker(saved_objects.compounds);
- }
- undo_glue()
- {
- list_delete_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- tail(&objects, &object_tails);
- append_objects(&objects, saved_objects.compounds, &object_tails);
- last_action = F_BREAK;
- mask_toggle_compoundmarker(saved_objects.compounds);
- toggle_markers_in_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (cur_mode != F_GLUE && cur_mode != F_BREAK)
- set_tags(saved_objects.compounds, 0);
- }
- undo_convert()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- spline_2_line(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- line_2_spline(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- }
- }
- undo_add_arrowhead()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- delete_linearrow(saved_objects.lines,
- last_prev_point, last_selected_point);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- delete_splinearrow(saved_objects.splines,
- last_prev_point, last_selected_point);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- delete_arcarrow(saved_objects.arcs, last_arcpointnum);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- last_action = F_DELETE_ARROW_HEAD;
- }
- undo_delete_arrowhead()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- add_linearrow(saved_objects.lines,
- last_prev_point, last_selected_point);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- add_splinearrow(saved_objects.splines,
- last_prev_point, last_selected_point);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- add_arcarrow(saved_objects.arcs, last_arcpointnum);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- last_action = F_ADD_ARROW_HEAD;
- }
- /*
- * saved_objects.xxxx contains a pointer to the original object,
- * saved_objects.xxxx->next points to the changed object.
- */
- undo_change()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- F_compound swp_comp;
- last_action = F_NULL; /* to avoid a clean-up during "unchange" */
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- new_l = saved_objects.lines; /* the original */
- old_l = saved_objects.lines->next; /* the changed object */
- change_line(old_l, new_l);
- redisplay_lines(new_l, old_l);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- new_e = saved_objects.ellipses;
- old_e = saved_objects.ellipses->next;
- change_ellipse(old_e, new_e);
- redisplay_ellipses(new_e, old_e);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- new_t = saved_objects.texts;
- old_t = saved_objects.texts->next;
- change_text(old_t, new_t);
- redisplay_texts(new_t, old_t);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- new_s = saved_objects.splines;
- old_s = saved_objects.splines->next;
- change_spline(old_s, new_s);
- redisplay_splines(new_s, old_s);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- new_a = saved_objects.arcs;
- old_a = saved_objects.arcs->next;
- change_arc(old_a, new_a);
- redisplay_arcs(new_a, old_a);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- new_c = saved_objects.compounds;
- old_c = saved_objects.compounds->next;
- change_compound(old_c, new_c);
- redisplay_compounds(new_c, old_c);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT:
- swp_comp = objects;
- objects = saved_objects;
- saved_objects = swp_comp;
- new_c = &objects;
- old_c = &saved_objects;
- set_action_object(F_CHANGE, O_ALL_OBJECT);
- set_modifiedflag();
- redisplay_zoomed_region(0, 0, CANVAS_WD, CANVAS_HT);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * When a single object is created, it is appended to the appropriate list
- * in objects. It is also placed in the appropriate list in saved_objects.
- *
- * When a number of objects are created (usually by reading them in from
- * a file or undoing a remove-all action), they are appended to the lists in
- * objects and also saved in saved_objects. The pointers in object_tails
- * will be set to point to the last members of the lists in objects prior to
- * the appending.
- *
- * Note: The read operation will set the pointers in object_tails while the
- * remove-all operation will zero pointers in objects.
- */
- undo_add()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- list_delete_line(&objects.lines, saved_objects.lines);
- redisplay_line(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- list_delete_ellipse(&objects.ellipses, saved_objects.ellipses);
- redisplay_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- list_delete_text(&objects.texts, saved_objects.texts);
- redisplay_text(saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- list_delete_spline(&objects.splines, saved_objects.splines);
- redisplay_spline(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- list_delete_arc(&objects.arcs, saved_objects.arcs);
- redisplay_arc(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- list_delete_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- redisplay_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT:
- cut_objects(&objects, &object_tails);
- compound_bound(&saved_objects, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- redisplay_zoomed_region(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- break;
- }
- last_action = F_DELETE;
- }
- undo_delete()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- list_add_line(&objects.lines, saved_objects.lines);
- redisplay_line(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- list_add_ellipse(&objects.ellipses, saved_objects.ellipses);
- redisplay_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- list_add_text(&objects.texts, saved_objects.texts);
- redisplay_text(saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- list_add_spline(&objects.splines, saved_objects.splines);
- redisplay_spline(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- list_add_arc(&objects.arcs, saved_objects.arcs);
- redisplay_arc(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- list_add_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- redisplay_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT:
- compound_bound(&saved_objects, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- append_objects(&objects, &saved_objects, &object_tails);
- redisplay_zoomed_region(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- last_action = F_ADD;
- }
- undo_move()
- {
- int dx, dy;
- int xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1;
- int xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2;
- int dum;
- dx = last_position.x - new_position.x;
- dy = last_position.y - new_position.y;
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- line_bound(saved_objects.lines, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_line(saved_objects.lines, dx, dy);
- line_bound(saved_objects.lines, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- adjust_links(last_linkmode, last_links, dx, dy, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0);
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- ellipse_bound(saved_objects.ellipses, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, dx, dy);
- ellipse_bound(saved_objects.ellipses, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- if (appres.textoutline) {
- text_bound_both(saved_objects.texts, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1,
- &dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum);
- translate_text(saved_objects.texts, dx, dy);
- text_bound_both(saved_objects.texts, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2,
- &dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum);
- } else {
- text_bound(saved_objects.texts, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_text(saved_objects.texts, dx, dy);
- text_bound(saved_objects.texts, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- }
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- spline_bound(saved_objects.splines, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_spline(saved_objects.splines, dx, dy);
- spline_bound(saved_objects.splines, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- arc_bound(saved_objects.arcs, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_arc(saved_objects.arcs, dx, dy);
- arc_bound(saved_objects.arcs, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- compound_bound(saved_objects.compounds, &xmin1, &ymin1, &xmax1, &ymax1);
- translate_compound(saved_objects.compounds, dx, dy);
- compound_bound(saved_objects.compounds, &xmin2, &ymin2, &xmax2, &ymax2);
- adjust_links(last_linkmode, last_links, dx, dy, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0);
- redisplay_regions(xmin1, ymin1, xmax1, ymax1,
- xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2);
- break;
- }
- swap_newp_lastp();
- }
- undo_load()
- {
- F_compound temp;
- char ctemp[128];
- temp = objects;
- objects = saved_objects;
- saved_objects = temp;
- strcpy(ctemp, cur_filename);
- update_cur_filename(save_filename);
- strcpy(save_filename, ctemp);
- redisplay_canvas();
- set_modifiedflag();
- last_action = F_LOAD;
- }
- undo_scale()
- {
- float scalex, scaley;
- mask_toggle_compoundmarker(saved_objects.compounds);
- draw_compoundelements(saved_objects.compounds, ERASE);
- scalex = ((float) (last_position.x - fix_x)) / (new_position.x - fix_x);
- scaley = ((float) (last_position.y - fix_y)) / (new_position.y - fix_y);
- scale_compound(saved_objects.compounds, scalex, scaley, fix_x, fix_y);
- draw_compoundelements(saved_objects.compounds, PAINT);
- mask_toggle_compoundmarker(saved_objects.compounds);
- swap_newp_lastp();
- }
- swap_newp_lastp()
- {
- int t; /* swap new_position and last_position */
- t = new_position.x;
- new_position.x = last_position.x;
- last_position.x = t;
- t = new_position.y;
- new_position.y = last_position.y;
- last_position.y = t;
- }
- /*
- * Clean_up should be called before committing a user's request. Clean_up
- * will attempt to free all the allocated memories which resulted from
- * delete/remove action. It will set the last_action to F_NULL. Thus this
- * routine should be before set_action_object(). if they are to be called in
- * the same routine.
- */
- clean_up()
- {
- if (last_action == F_CHANGE) {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_ARC:
- saved_objects.arcs->next = NULL;
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- saved_objects.compounds->next = NULL;
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- saved_objects.ellipses->next = NULL;
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_POLYLINE:
- saved_objects.lines->next = NULL;
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- saved_objects.splines->next = NULL;
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- saved_objects.texts->next = NULL;
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- }
- } else if (last_action == F_DELETE) {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_ARC:
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_POLYLINE:
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT:
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- }
- } else if (last_action == F_DELETE_POINT) {
- free((char *) last_selected_point);
- last_prev_point = NULL;
- last_selected_point = NULL;
- last_next_point = NULL;
- } else if (last_action == F_ADD_POINT) {
- last_prev_point = NULL;
- last_selected_point = NULL;
- } else if (last_action == F_LOAD) {
- free_arc(&saved_objects.arcs);
- free_compound(&saved_objects.compounds);
- free_ellipse(&saved_objects.ellipses);
- free_line(&saved_objects.lines);
- free_spline(&saved_objects.splines);
- free_text(&saved_objects.texts);
- } else if (last_action == F_GLUE) {
- saved_objects.compounds = NULL;
- } else if (last_action == F_BREAK) {
- free((char *) saved_objects.compounds);
- saved_objects.compounds = NULL;
- } else if (last_action == F_ADD || last_action == F_MOVE) {
- saved_objects.arcs = NULL;
- saved_objects.compounds = NULL;
- saved_objects.ellipses = NULL;
- saved_objects.lines = NULL;
- saved_objects.splines = NULL;
- saved_objects.texts = NULL;
- free_linkinfo(&last_links);
- } else if (last_action == F_CONVERT) {
- saved_objects.splines = NULL;
- saved_objects.lines = NULL;
- } else if (last_action == F_ADD_ARROW_HEAD ||
- last_action == F_DELETE_ARROW_HEAD) {
- saved_objects.splines = NULL;
- saved_objects.lines = NULL;
- saved_objects.arcs = NULL;
- last_prev_point = NULL;
- last_selected_point = NULL;
- }
- last_action = F_NULL;
- }
- set_latestarc(arc)
- F_arc *arc;
- {
- saved_objects.arcs = arc;
- }
- set_latestobjects(objects)
- F_compound *objects;
- {
- saved_objects = *objects;
- }
- set_latestcompound(compound)
- F_compound *compound;
- {
- saved_objects.compounds = compound;
- }
- set_latestellipse(ellipse)
- F_ellipse *ellipse;
- {
- saved_objects.ellipses = ellipse;
- }
- set_latestline(line)
- F_line *line;
- {
- saved_objects.lines = line;
- }
- set_latestspline(spline)
- F_spline *spline;
- {
- saved_objects.splines = spline;
- }
- set_latesttext(text)
- F_text *text;
- {
- saved_objects.texts = text;
- }
- set_last_prevpoint(prev_point)
- F_point *prev_point;
- {
- last_prev_point = prev_point;
- }
- set_last_selectedpoint(selected_point)
- F_point *selected_point;
- {
- last_selected_point = selected_point;
- }
- set_last_nextpoint(next_point)
- F_point *next_point;
- {
- last_next_point = next_point;
- }
- set_last_arcpointnum(num)
- int num;
- {
- last_arcpointnum = num;
- }
- set_lastposition(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- last_position.x = x;
- last_position.y = y;
- }
- set_newposition(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- new_position.x = x;
- new_position.y = y;
- }
- set_action(action)
- int action;
- {
- last_action = action;
- }
- set_action_object(action, object)
- int action, object;
- {
- last_action = action;
- last_object = object;
- }
- set_lastlinkinfo(mode, links)
- int mode;
- F_linkinfo *links;
- {
- last_linkmode = mode;
- last_links = links;
- }