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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
- * Copyright (c) 1992 by Brian V. Smith
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #include "u_create.h"
- #include "u_fonts.h"
- #include "u_list.h"
- #include "u_search.h"
- #include "w_canvas.h"
- #include "w_drawprim.h"
- #include "w_mousefun.h"
- #include "w_setup.h"
- #include "w_zoom.h"
- extern PIX_ROT_FONT lookfont();
- #define CTRL_H 8
- #define NL 10
- #define CR 13
- #define CTRL_X 24
- #define SP 32
- #define DEL 127
- #define BUF_SIZE 400
- char prefix[BUF_SIZE], /* part of string left of mouse click */
- suffix[BUF_SIZE]; /* part to right of click */
- int leng_prefix, leng_suffix;
- static int char_ht;
- static int base_x, base_y;
- static PIX_ROT_FONT canvas_zoomed_font;
- static int work_psflag, work_font, work_fontsize, work_textjust;
- static PIX_ROT_FONT work_fontstruct;
- static float work_angle;
- static finish_n_start();
- static init_text_input(), cancel_text_input();
- static wrap_up();
- int char_handler();
- static F_text *new_text();
- static int cpy_n_char();
- static int prefix_length();
- static int initialize_char_handler();
- static int terminate_char_handler();
- static int erase_char_string();
- static int draw_char_string();
- static int turn_on_blinking_cursor();
- static int turn_off_blinking_cursor();
- static int move_blinking_cursor();
- text_drawing_selected()
- {
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = init_text_input;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- set_mousefun("posn cursor", "", "");
- set_cursor(pencil_cursor);
- }
- static
- finish_n_start(x, y)
- {
- wrap_up();
- init_text_input(x, y);
- }
- finish_text_input()
- {
- wrap_up();
- text_drawing_selected();
- draw_mousefun_canvas();
- }
- static
- cancel_text_input()
- {
- erase_char_string();
- terminate_char_handler();
- if (cur_t != NULL) {
- draw_text(cur_t, PAINT);
- toggle_textmarker(cur_t);
- }
- text_drawing_selected();
- draw_mousefun_canvas();
- reset_action_on();
- }
- static
- new_text_line()
- {
- wrap_up();
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_y += (int) ((float) char_ht * cur_textstep);
- cur_x = base_x;
- } else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_x += (int) ((float) char_ht * cur_textstep);
- cur_y = base_y;
- } else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_y -= (int) ((float) char_ht * cur_textstep);
- cur_x = base_x;
- } else {
- cur_x -= (int) ((float) char_ht * cur_textstep);
- cur_y = base_y;
- }
- init_text_input(cur_x, cur_y);
- }
- static
- wrap_up()
- {
- PR_SIZE size;
- reset_action_on();
- erase_char_string();
- terminate_char_handler();
- if (cur_t == NULL) { /* a brand new text */
- if (leng_prefix == 0)
- return;
- cur_t = new_text();
- add_text(cur_t);
- } else { /* existing text modified */
- strcat(prefix, suffix);
- leng_prefix += leng_suffix;
- if (leng_prefix == 0) {
- delete_text(cur_t);
- return;
- }
- if (!strcmp(cur_t->cstring, prefix)) {
- /* we didn't change anything */
- draw_text(cur_t, PAINT);
- toggle_textmarker(cur_t);
- return;
- }
- new_t = copy_text(cur_t);
- change_text(cur_t, new_t);
- if (strlen(new_t->cstring) >= leng_prefix) {
- strcpy(new_t->cstring, prefix);
- } else { /* free old and allocate new */
- free(new_t->cstring);
- if ((new_t->cstring = new_string(leng_prefix + 1)) != NULL)
- strcpy(new_t->cstring, prefix);
- }
- size = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, leng_prefix, prefix);
- new_t->height = size.y;
- new_t->length = size.x; /* in pixels */
- cur_t = new_t;
- }
- draw_text(cur_t, PAINT);
- mask_toggle_textmarker(cur_t);
- }
- static
- init_text_input(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- int length, d;
- PR_SIZE tsize;
- cur_x = x;
- cur_y = y;
- set_action_on();
- set_mousefun("reposn cursor", "finish text", "cancel");
- draw_mousefun_canvas();
- canvas_kbd_proc = char_handler;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = finish_text_input;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = finish_n_start;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = cancel_text_input;
- /*
- * set working font info to current settings. This allows user to change
- * font settings while we are in the middle of accepting text without
- * affecting this text i.e. we don't allow the text to change midway
- * through
- */
- put_msg("Ready for text input (from keyboard)");
- if ((cur_t = text_search(cur_x, cur_y)) == NULL) { /* new text input */
- leng_prefix = leng_suffix = 0;
- *suffix = 0;
- prefix[leng_prefix] = '\0';
- base_x = cur_x;
- base_y = cur_y;
- work_fontsize = cur_fontsize;
- work_font = using_ps ? cur_ps_font : cur_latex_font;
- work_psflag = using_ps;
- work_textjust = cur_textjust;
- work_angle = cur_elltextangle;
- if (work_angle < 0.0)
- work_angle += 360.0;
- /* load the X font and get its id for this font, size and angle UNZOOMED */
- /* this is to get widths etc for the unzoomed chars */
- canvas_font = lookfont(x_fontnum(work_psflag, work_font),
- work_fontsize, work_angle*M_PI/180.0);
- /* get the ZOOMED font for actually drawing on the canvas */
- canvas_zoomed_font = lookfont(x_fontnum(work_psflag, work_font),
- round(work_fontsize*zoomscale), work_angle*M_PI/180.0);
- /* save the working font structure */
- work_fontstruct = canvas_zoomed_font;
- } else { /* clicked on existing text */
- if (hidden_text(cur_t)) {
- put_msg("Can't edit hidden text");
- reset_action_on();
- text_drawing_selected();
- return;
- }
- /* update the working text parameters */
- work_font = cur_t->font;
- work_fontstruct = canvas_zoomed_font = cur_t->fontstruct;
- work_fontsize = cur_t->size;
- work_psflag = cur_t->flags;
- work_textjust = cur_t->type;
- work_angle = cur_t->angle*180.0/M_PI;
- if (work_angle < 0.0)
- work_angle += 360.0;
- /* load the X font and get its id for this font, size and angle UNZOOMED */
- /* this is to get widths etc for the unzoomed chars */
- canvas_font = lookfont(x_fontnum(work_psflag, work_font),
- work_fontsize, work_angle*M_PI/180.0);
- toggle_textmarker(cur_t);
- draw_text(cur_t, ERASE);
- base_x = cur_t->base_x;
- base_y = cur_t->base_y;
- length = cur_t->length;
- switch (cur_t->type) {
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- base_x -= length / 2;
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- base_y += length / 2;
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- base_x += length / 2;
- else
- base_y -= length / 2;
- break;
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- base_x -= length;
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- base_y += length;
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- base_x += length;
- else
- base_y -= length;
- break;
- } /* switch */
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001 || (work_angle >= 180.0 - 0.001
- && work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001))
- d = abs(cur_x - base_x);
- else
- d = abs(cur_y - base_y);
- leng_suffix = strlen(cur_t->cstring);
- /* leng_prefix is # of char in the text before the cursor */
- leng_prefix = prefix_length(cur_t->cstring, d);
- leng_suffix -= leng_prefix;
- cpy_n_char(prefix, cur_t->cstring, leng_prefix);
- strcpy(suffix, &cur_t->cstring[leng_prefix]);
- tsize = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, leng_prefix, prefix);
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_x = base_x + tsize.x;
- cur_y = base_y;
- } else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_x = base_x;
- cur_y = base_y - tsize.x;
- } else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) {
- cur_x = base_x - tsize.x;
- cur_y = base_y;
- } else {
- cur_x = base_x;
- cur_y = base_y + tsize.x;
- }
- }
- char_ht = rot_char_height(canvas_font);
- initialize_char_handler(canvas_win, finish_text_input,
- base_x, base_y);
- draw_char_string();
- }
- static
- F_text *
- new_text()
- {
- F_text *text;
- PR_SIZE size;
- if ((text = create_text()) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- if ((text->cstring = new_string(leng_prefix + 1)) == NULL) {
- free((char *) text);
- return (NULL);
- }
- text->type = work_textjust;
- text->font = work_font; /* put in current font number */
- text->fontstruct = work_fontstruct;
- text->size = work_fontsize;
- text->angle = work_angle/180.0*M_PI; /* convert to radians */
- text->flags = cur_textflags;
- text->color = cur_color;
- text->depth = cur_depth;
- text->pen = 0;
- size = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, leng_prefix, prefix);
- text->length = size.x; /* in pixels */
- text->height = size.y; /* in pixels */
- text->base_x = base_x;
- text->base_y = base_y;
- strcpy(text->cstring, prefix);
- text->next = NULL;
- return (text);
- }
- static int
- cpy_n_char(dst, src, n)
- char *dst, *src;
- int n;
- {
- /* src must be longer than n chars */
- while (n--)
- *dst++ = *src++;
- *dst = '\0';
- }
- static int
- prefix_length(string, where_p)
- char *string;
- int where_p;
- {
- /* c stands for character unit and p for pixel unit */
- int l, len_c, len_p;
- int char_wid, where_c;
- PR_SIZE size;
- len_c = strlen(string);
- size = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, len_c, string);
- len_p = size.x;
- if (where_p >= len_p)
- return (len_c); /* entire string is the prefix */
- char_wid = rot_char_width(canvas_font);
- where_c = where_p / char_wid; /* estimated char position */
- size = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, where_c, string);
- l = size.x; /* actual length (pixels) of string of
- * where_c chars */
- if (l < where_p) {
- do { /* add the width of next char to l */
- l += (char_wid = rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) string[where_c++]));
- } while (l < where_p);
- if (l - (char_wid >> 1) >= where_p)
- where_c--;
- } else if (l > where_p) {
- do { /* subtract the width of last char from l */
- l -= (char_wid = rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) string[--where_c]));
- } while (l > where_p);
- if (l + (char_wid >> 1) >= where_p)
- where_c++;
- }
- if (where_c < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "xfig file %s line %d: Error in prefix_length - adjusted\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
- where_c = 0;
- }
- return (where_c);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- char handling routines
- *******************************************************************/
- #define BLINK_INTERVAL 700 /* milliseconds blink rate */
- static Window pw;
- static int ch_height;
- static int cbase_x, cbase_y;
- static float rbase_x, rbase_y, rcur_x, rcur_y;
- static (*cr_proc) ();
- static
- draw_cursor(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) /* 0-89 degrees */
- pw_vector(pw, x, y, x, y-ch_height, INV_PAINT, 1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0,
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) /* 90-179 degrees */
- pw_vector(pw, x-ch_height, y, x, y, INV_PAINT, 1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0,
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) /* 180-269 degrees */
- pw_vector(pw, x, y+ch_height, x, y, INV_PAINT, 1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0,
- else /* 270-359 degrees */
- pw_vector(pw, x, y, x+ch_height, y, INV_PAINT, 1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0,
- }
- static int
- initialize_char_handler(p, cr, bx, by)
- Window p;
- int (*cr) ();
- int bx, by;
- {
- pw = p;
- cr_proc = cr;
- rbase_x = cbase_x = bx; /* keep real base so dont have roundoff */
- rbase_y = cbase_y = by;
- rcur_x = cur_x;
- rcur_y = cur_y;
- ch_height = rot_char_height(canvas_font);
- turn_on_blinking_cursor(draw_cursor, draw_cursor,
- cur_x, cur_y, (long) BLINK_INTERVAL);
- }
- static int
- terminate_char_handler()
- {
- turn_off_blinking_cursor();
- cr_proc = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * we use INV_PAINT below instead of ERASE and PAINT to avoid interactions
- * with the cursor. It means that we need to do a ERASE before we start the
- * cursor and a PAINT after it is turned off.
- */
- static int
- erase_char_string()
- {
- pw_text(pw, cbase_x, cbase_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- prefix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- if (leng_suffix)
- pw_text(pw, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- suffix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- }
- static int
- draw_char_string()
- {
- pw_text(pw, cbase_x, cbase_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- prefix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- if (leng_suffix)
- pw_text(pw, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- suffix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- move_blinking_cursor(cur_x, cur_y);
- }
- static int
- draw_suffix()
- {
- if (leng_suffix)
- pw_text(pw, cur_x, cur_y, PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- suffix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- }
- static int
- erase_suffix()
- {
- if (leng_suffix)
- pw_text(pw, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- suffix, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- }
- static int
- draw_char(c)
- char c;
- {
- char s[2];
- s[0]=c;
- s[1]='\0';
- pw_text(pw, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT, canvas_zoomed_font,
- }
- char_handler(c)
- unsigned char c;
- {
- float cwidth, cw2;
- if (cr_proc == NULL)
- return;
- if (c == CR || c == NL) {
- new_text_line();
- } else if (c == DEL || c == CTRL_H) {
- if (leng_prefix > 0) {
- erase_char_string();
- cwidth = (float) rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) prefix[leng_prefix - 1]);
- cw2 = cwidth/2.0;
- /* correct text/cursor posn for justification and zoom factor */
- switch (work_textjust) {
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_x -= cwidth; /* 0-89 deg, move the suffix left */
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_y += cwidth; /* 90-179 deg, move suffix down */
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_x += cwidth; /* 180-269 deg, move suffix right */
- else
- rcur_y -= cwidth; /* 270-359 deg, move suffix up */
- break;
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_x += cw2; /* 0-89 deg, move base right cw/2 */
- rcur_x -= cw2; /* move suffix left by cw/2 */
- } else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_y -= cw2; /* 90-179 deg, move base up cw/2 */
- rcur_y += cw2; /* move suffix down cw/2 */
- } else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_x -= cw2; /* 180-269 deg, move base left cw/2 */
- rcur_x += cw2; /* move suffix right cw/2 */
- } else {
- rbase_y += cw2; /* 270-359 deg, move base down cw/2 */
- rcur_y -= cw2; /* move suffix up cw/2 */
- }
- break;
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_x += cwidth; /* 0-89 deg, move the prefix right */
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_y -= cwidth; /* 90-179 deg, move prefix up */
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_x -= cwidth; /* 180-269 deg, move prefix left */
- else
- rbase_y += cwidth; /* 270-359 deg, move prefix down */
- break;
- }
- prefix[--leng_prefix] = '\0';
- cbase_x = rbase_x; /* fix */
- cbase_y = rbase_y;
- cur_x = rcur_x;
- cur_y = rcur_y;
- draw_char_string();
- }
- } else if (c == CTRL_X) {
- if (leng_prefix > 0) {
- erase_char_string();
- switch (work_textjust) {
- while (leng_prefix--) /* subtract char width/2 per char */
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) /* 0-89 degrees */
- rcur_x -= rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) prefix[leng_prefix]) / 2.0;
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) /* 90-179 degrees */
- rcur_y += rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) prefix[leng_prefix]) / 2.0;
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) /* 180-269 degrees */
- rcur_x += rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) prefix[leng_prefix]) / 2.0;
- else /* 270-359 degrees */
- rcur_y -= rot_char_advance(canvas_font,
- (unsigned char) prefix[leng_prefix]) / 2.0;
- cur_x = cbase_x = rbase_x = rcur_x;
- cur_y = cbase_y = rbase_y = rcur_y;
- break;
- cbase_x = rbase_x = cur_x = rcur_x;
- cbase_y = rbase_y = cur_y = rcur_y;
- break;
- cur_x = rcur_x = cbase_x = rbase_x;
- cur_y = rcur_y = cbase_y = rbase_y;
- break;
- }
- leng_prefix = 0;
- *prefix = '\0';
- draw_char_string();
- }
- } else if (c < SP) {
- put_msg("Invalid character ignored");
- } else if (leng_prefix + leng_suffix == BUF_SIZE) {
- put_msg("Text buffer is full, character is ignored");
- /* normal text character */
- } else {
- draw_char_string();
- cwidth = rot_char_advance(canvas_font, (unsigned char) c);
- cw2 = cwidth/2.0;
- /* correct text/cursor posn for justification and zoom factor */
- switch (work_textjust) {
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_x += cwidth; /* 0-89 deg, move the suffix right */
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_y -= cwidth; /* 90-179 deg, move suffix up */
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- rcur_x -= cwidth; /* 180-269 deg, move suffix left */
- else
- rcur_y += cwidth; /* 270-359 deg, move suffix down */
- break;
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_x -= cw2; /* 0-89 deg, move base left cw/2 */
- rcur_x += cw2; /* move suffix right by cw/2 */
- } else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_y += cw2; /* 90-179 deg, move base down cw/2 */
- rcur_y -= cw2; /* move suffix up cw/2 */
- } else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001) {
- rbase_x += cw2; /* 180-269 deg, move base right cw/2 */
- rcur_x -= cw2; /* move suffix left cw/2 */
- } else {
- rbase_y -= cw2; /* 270-359 deg, move base up cw/2 */
- rcur_y += cw2; /* move suffix down cw/2 */
- }
- break;
- if (work_angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_x -= cwidth; /* 0-89 deg, move the prefix left */
- else if (work_angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_y += cwidth; /* 90-179 deg, move prefix down */
- else if (work_angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- rbase_x += cwidth; /* 180-269 deg, move prefix right */
- else
- rbase_y -= cwidth; /* 270-359 deg, move prefix up */
- break;
- }
- prefix[leng_prefix++] = c;
- prefix[leng_prefix] = '\0';
- cbase_x = rbase_x;
- cbase_y = rbase_y;
- cur_x = rcur_x;
- cur_y = rcur_y;
- draw_char_string();
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- blinking cursor handling routines
- *******************************************************************/
- static int cursor_on, cursor_is_moving;
- static int cursor_x, cursor_y;
- static int (*erase) ();
- static int (*draw) ();
- static XtTimerCallbackProc blink();
- static unsigned long blink_timer;
- static XtIntervalId blinkid;
- static int stop_blinking = False;
- static int cur_is_blinking = False;
- static int
- turn_on_blinking_cursor(draw_cursor, erase_cursor, x, y, msec)
- int (*draw_cursor) ();
- int (*erase_cursor) ();
- int x, y;
- unsigned long msec;
- {
- draw = draw_cursor;
- erase = erase_cursor;
- cursor_is_moving = 0;
- cursor_x = x;
- cursor_y = y;
- blink_timer = msec;
- draw(x, y);
- cursor_on = 1;
- if (!cur_is_blinking) { /* if we are already blinking, don't request
- * another */
- blinkid = XtAppAddTimeOut(tool_app, blink_timer, (XtTimerCallbackProc) blink,
- (XtPointer) NULL);
- cur_is_blinking = True;
- }
- stop_blinking = False;
- }
- static int
- turn_off_blinking_cursor()
- {
- if (cursor_on)
- erase(cursor_x, cursor_y);
- stop_blinking = True;
- }
- static XtTimerCallbackProc
- blink(client_data, id)
- XtPointer client_data;
- XtIntervalId *id;
- {
- if (!stop_blinking) {
- if (cursor_is_moving)
- return (0);
- if (cursor_on) {
- erase(cursor_x, cursor_y);
- cursor_on = 0;
- } else {
- draw(cursor_x, cursor_y);
- cursor_on = 1;
- }
- blinkid = XtAppAddTimeOut(tool_app, blink_timer, (XtTimerCallbackProc) blink,
- (XtPointer) NULL);
- } else {
- stop_blinking = False; /* signal that we've stopped */
- cur_is_blinking = False;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- static int
- move_blinking_cursor(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- cursor_is_moving = 1;
- if (cursor_on)
- erase(cursor_x, cursor_y);
- cursor_x = x;
- cursor_y = y;
- draw(cursor_x, cursor_y);
- cursor_on = 1;
- cursor_is_moving = 0;
- }
- reload_text_fstructs()
- {
- F_text *t;
- /* reload the compound objects' texts */
- reload_compoundfont(objects.compounds);
- /* and the separate texts */
- for (t=objects.texts; t != NULL; t = t->next)
- reload_text_fstruct(t);
- }
- /*
- * Reload the font structure for texts in compounds.
- */
- reload_compoundfont(compounds)
- F_compound *compounds;
- {
- F_compound *c;
- F_text *t;
- for (c = compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- reload_compoundfont(c->compounds);
- for (t=c->texts; t != NULL; t = t->next)
- reload_text_fstruct(t);
- }
- }
- reload_text_fstruct(t)
- F_text *t;
- {
- t->fontstruct = lookfont(x_fontnum(t->flags, t->font),
- round(t->size*zoomscale), t->angle);
- }