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- Version 2.1
- ===========
- Patchlevel 7 (May 3, 1993)
- Changes to Patchlevel 6:
- o Vertical and upside-down text - text with angles of 90, 180 and 270 degrees
- supported. Text between those angles will be drawn with the next
- higher angle (e.g. 130 degree text will be drawn at 180 degrees).
- from Alan Richardson (mppa3@uk.ac.sussex.syma)
- o message panel uses asciiTextWidget so one may select text from it
- o does not ask if it is OK to write an existing file during save if it is the
- current figure file that is being saved. Same for export.
- o accelerators to Save or Load file without popping up file menu
- (default: Meta-S to Save and Meta-L to Load)
- o PRINTER environment variable is used if no resource is set for
- Fig*printer*string
- o if an ellipse is scaled such that the radii become equal it is "converted"
- to a circle
- o ablity to change to/from imperial and metric with popup menu by hitting
- mouse button 3 in the units box (where rulers meet)
- from Paul King (king@cs.uq.oz.au)
- o new command-line parameters -userscale (resource userscale) and -userunit
- (resource userunit) which are used in the on-screen messages which
- show the current length/diameter etc. This provides a simple way of
- doing scale drawings, e.g. 0.25 inch = 1 ft (userscale=0.25,
- userunit="ft") or 1 cm = 1 m (userscale=1, userunit="m"). These may
- be changed via the popup menu by hitting mouse button 3 in the units
- box (where rulers meet)
- o new indicator button allows text flags to be viewed/set
- o compiles/runs on DEC Alpha with OSF/1 now
- o text widget in the print popup to pass extra parameters to print program
- (lp or lpr as the case may be)
- o indicator shows the number of figures in the batch print file in print popup
- o automatic on-screen generation of preview bitmap for EPS objects if you have
- gs (ghostscript) - compile with -DGSBIT flag
- from Michael C. Grant (mcgrant@rascals.stanford.edu)
- adapted from
- Marc Goldburg's (marcg@rascals.stanford.edu) original idea and code.
- o indicator in upper-left corner (under Quit button) shows current filename
- o print button changes message from "print FIGURE to printer" to "print BATCH to
- printer" if there are figures in batch file
- o when drawing objects or moving/adding points the length/radius/diameter is
- displayed in the message window
- o feature to shift figure on page if it is off the page has been disabled until
- it can be done with option or explicit command
- o added -noscalablefonts command-line option to force scalable fonts OFF
- (usually for debugging)
- o condition for OSF/1 added to use dirent
- from Dave Hill (ddhill@zk2.dec.com)
- o Floating point values allowed for BoundingBox in EPS files
- o if user asks for scalable fonts but server doesn't support them, xfig auto-
- matically switches to non-scalable fonts
- o when printing to batch file, incorrect filename appeared in message panel
- o undo of a text move didn't redraw the text
- o <unistd.h> included unnecessarily in f_util.c (X11/Xos.h includes it if
- necessary). Also, various cleanups with multiply defined cursors etc.
- From Casey Leedom (casey@gauss.llnl.gov)
- o internalborderwidth resource should be integer not float
- o cancel when drawing latex line left unwanted garbage on screen
- o put_fmsg removed and put_msg uses varargs now so MIPS machines and others
- should all work fine now
- o writing X11 bitmap still had bugs
- o text wasn't being rotated around mouse point with rotate mode
- o when moving end points of a (sp)line or when adding points to the end
- of a (sp)line, the angle geometry button was not available
- o export directory now follows file directory when load/save figure is done
- o entering centered text with odd number of characters caused double image
- o fixed bug with incorrectly placing text with point positioning on when the
- text was originally created with point positioning off
- o when moving centered or right-justified zoomed text grab point was shifted
- o rotated ellipses panned incorrectly
- o centering/flush-left options in Export menu were reversed
- o flipped EPS objects weren't being flipped properly when reading in figure
- o GC's weren't being freed when xfig finished
- o added Titan OS (Stardent) to list of machines needing getenv() and atof()
- explicitely defined (not in /usr/include/... file )
- from Joachim Wiesel (wiesel@ipf.bau-verm.uni-karlsruhe.de)
- o underscores weren't showing in text line in popup edit
- from Daniel Faigin (faigin@aero.org)
- o old text outline wasn't being erased
- from Daniel Faigin (faigin@aero.org)
- o number[] array wasn't large enough for new 3-character numbers in the rulers
- from Andrew Haylett (ajh@gec-mrc.co.uk)
- o check for X_NOT_STDC_ENV reversed in fig.h for inclusion of stdlib.h and
- defs of getenv() and atof()
- from Jonathan Kamens (jik@pit-manager.mit.edu)
- o SetDir() parameters added (but not used) to placate certain compilers
- o point positioning resolution wasn't available with add-point-in-object
- o angle geometry indicator appeared when moving/adding points but isn't used
- o problem fixed with file popup and grab
- from David Brooke (BROOKE@leva.leeds.ac.uk)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 6 (Nov 1992)
- Changes to Patchlevel 5:
- o typo in man pages with menu item "Textyl \special commands" in export menu
- o action changed from "cancel" to "dismiss" for print menu accelerator
- o bug in Intrinsics? on Sun Monochrome prevented side ruler from scrolling
- o was using ellipse routine to draw circles - was choppy for small circles
- o cast comparison function argument to qsort
- o rotated ellipses don't become coarse as they are zoomed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 5 (Nov 1992)
- Changes to Patchlevel 4:
- o support for two button mouse - use META + Button 3 to simulate button 2
- from Lars Berntzon (lasse@delila.cgl.se)
- o new resource "textoutline" (class "TextOutline") and command-line argument
- "-textoutline" which will outline text in red to show the bounding box
- that the text will occupy when printed (useful for rotated text)
- o print popup stays up until dismissed - can still pop up file/export menues,
- draw etc. while print popup is up. HOWEVER, while file or export
- popups are up, the print panel is not active.
- o can align all objects to canvas, not just to compound - use mouse button 2
- idea from Jon Forrest
- o ellipses may now be rotated by an arbitrary angle and show their rotation
- from Janes Tough (jamest@cs.heriot-watt.ac.uk)
- o new -iconGeometry command-line argument
- o new command-line argument and resource -exportLanguage to specify default
- Export language. See man pages.
- o new command-line argument and resource -flushleft to set default printing to
- flush left on page. See man pages.
- o keyboard accelerators! Resource file has defaults for file, export and print
- popup panels and top command panel accelerators; <Meta>f will popup file
- panel, <Meta>q will quit, etc. See resource file and man pages for
- details.
- o one may now batch together several xfig files for printing with one print job.
- See popup print panel and man pages.
- o new label in the mouse function window & more obvious default color (yellow)
- o added scrollbar for indicator panel when buttons won't all fit on screen
- o can now edit sizes of arrowheads using popup edit panel
- o "make install" now automatically installs Fig.ad and Fig-color.ad in
- app-defaults directory
- o WM_DELETE_WINDOW now supported by popups - cancels popup function
- WM_DELETE_WINDOW in main canvas saves figure in xfig.SAVE and quits
- from David Wexelblat (dwex@mtgzfs3.att.com)
- o rulers only allowed 2 digits for inches/cm
- o deleted line thickness/color/area-fill/line-style and arrow settings for EPS
- objects in the update mode and removed color part in popup edit panel
- o depth wasn't being updated for splines and texts using update button
- o more cleanup with respect to procedure/variable types/casts
- from Don Sharp (dws@mari.co.uk)
- o fixed text bounds calculation to take into account any rotation when reading
- in figure from a file to decide whether to shift figure to keep on
- canvas
- (fig2dev 2.1.5 is also fixed so figures with rotated text near edges
- should center properly now)
- o fixed bug where segments disappeared while drawing interpolated spline in any
- LaTeX drawing mode
- o rearranged a-z and A-Z keys in the CompKeyDB file because some HP computers
- were apparently doing random things with capitalization
- from Anthony Shipman (als@bohra.cpg.oz.au)
- o fixed export of color figure to X11 bitmap format. White -> white, all other
- colors -> black.
- o removed apparently unnecessary translation from w_export, w_file and w_print
- which causes coredump on some HP machines.
- From Alfred van der Hoeven (alfred@arthur.et.tudelft.nl)
- o fixed initialization bug in u_undo.c and object.c which caused HP 9000/700
- compilers to segfault
- From Alfred van der Hoeven (alfred@arthur.et.tudelft.nl)
- o new environvemt variable "XFIGTMPDIR" used for xfig temporary files directory
- o when reading a figure file, if any object coordinates are negative, the figure
- is shifted to keep it on the canvas so that the upper-left corner of the
- figure is placed on the current point positioning grid
- (in 2.1.4, the upper-left corner was placed at 10,10)
- o changed "char" to "unsigned char" for initialization of bitmaps by compilers
- from Teus Hagen (teus@oce.nl)
- o was passing floats to put_fmsg() instead of doubles.
- o includes copy of X11/Xfuncs.h now to use correct routines for zeroing/copying
- memory.
- o zooming to 0.1 no longer gives X error (dash list was null)
- o filenames in File/Export windows weren't sorted correctly
- from Simon Marshall (S.Marshall@sequent.cc.hull.ac.uk)
- o more explicit note about object depth in the man pages in the "GRAPHICAL
- OBJECTS" section
- o scaling vertical or horizontal line no longer causes floating point exception
- from Steve Tynor (tynor@prism.gatech.edu)
- o null strings in text objects now produce warning message when reading from
- file but xfig continues to read rest of file
- o scrollbars in File and Export popups reset to top when changing directories
- o default output filename in Export popup now changes to reflect current
- figure filename
- o default colors in Fig-color are a little nicer :-)
- o checking for file writablity now uses access() call
- from Devon Bowen (bowen@cs.buffalo.edu)
- o XtRemoveGrab bug when popping down file message window finally fixed
- many thanks to David Wexelblat (dwex@mtgzfs3.att.com)
- o XtAppAddActions() only called once now for each action
- from David Wexelblat (dwex@mtgzfs3.att.com)
- o changed cfree() calls to free() for those machines that don't have it
- from Anthony Datri (datri@concave.convex.com)
- o moved static function definitions outside of procedures for those machines
- which can't handle them
- from Anthony Datri (datri@concave.convex.com)
- o added second line to Imakefile to put the xfig directory containing the
- CompKeyDB (multi-key) database file in the standard X11 library
- o fixed bug introduced in 2.1.1 which incorrectly placed radius marker of
- circles created by radius
- o circle is now changed to ellipse type when scaled assymetrically
- o fixed various typos in xfig.man
- o changed references to mouse buttons left/middle/right to say buttons 1/2/3
- respectively
- o radius of ellipses-specified-by-radius was one pixel too large
- o changed interpretation of 1/0 bits in EPS preview bitmaps back to original
- 0=white, 1=black according to EPSF guide version 2.0.
- Brought to my attention by Vivek Khera (khera@cs.duke.edu)
- o moved #include Xaw... directives to figx.h to speed up compilation
- o added conditional for Sun 3 and SunOs 4.0.3
- from Peter Scott (pjs@euclid.jpl.nasa.gov)
- o fixed typo in FORMAT2.1 file describing values for types of splines
- o more lint cleanup and print file name "protection" in case filename has
- any shell meta characters
- from Jonathan Kamens (jik@MIT.Edu)
- o epsf file wasn't closed after reading if there was no preview bitmap
- from Herve Poirier (rvp@dxcern.cern.ch)
- o fixed bug where certain objects inside compound weren't being drawn when
- there was more than one compound object in the figure
- o removed ISO8859 requirement for Symbol and ZapfDingbats fonts (those fonts
- weren't being displayed)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 4 (April 1992)
- Changes to Patchlevel 3:
- o keyFile resource allows ANY path for compose key data base, not just relative
- from Pete Kaiser (kaiser@heron.enet.dec.com)
- o simple edit arrowhead feature in the popup edit for lines - can add/delete
- arrow heads. No adjustment of arrow size yet - uses current linewidth
- from indicator panel
- o Example figure files have all been converted to 2.1 file format
- o if any object coordinates are negative, the whole figure is shifted to keep it
- on the canvas
- o fixed major bug where the preview bitmap of EPS objects was in reverse video
- (1 is white not black, according to the PostScript Language Ref. Manual)
- o general cleanup of param types in Xt callback/action etc. procedures and other
- lint cleanup
- from Jonathan Kamens (jik@MIT.Edu)
- o Alt_L key added to list of keys to do international characters
- from Marc Goldburg (marcg@alfalfa.stanford.edu)
- o fractional zoom (i.e. zoom < 1) - see man pages
- o eps data wasn't being initialized when the eps file wasn't available
- o redefined filename length for eps object to PATH_MAX
- o -showallbuttons option didn't show the depth indicator
- from Paul King (king@cs.uq.oz.au)
- o fixed bugs where using export and print shortcut before ever popping
- up respective menus used incorrect options
- o changes to the file popup:
- o new "Home" button changes directory to $HOME
- o ~ (username) operator allowed in the current directory ascii widget
- o new label widget shows the current figure filename
- o presssing "Load", "Save" or "Merge Read" will operate on the
- filename in the "Filename" window. If that name is empty the
- operation is done on the file specified in the "Current Filename"
- window.
- o additionally, the "Load" operation will copy the name (if any)
- from the "Filename" window to the "Current Filename" window
- o pressing return in the "list of files" window in the popup File panel
- will "Load" the file
- o changes to the export popup:
- o new "Home" button changes directory to $HOME
- o ~ (username) operator allowed in the current directory ascii widget
- o pressing return in the "list of files" window in the popup Export
- panel will "Export" the file
- o Pre-2.1 fig files now have text flags set to PostScript mode when reading into
- xfig 2.1.4
- o 1.4-TFX fig files now have text flags set to PostScript mode PLUS Special
- o font names now include "ISO-8859" to insure that ISO Latin characters are used
- from Thierry EXCOFFIER (exco@ligiahp.univ-lyon1.fr)
- o -debug no longer runs xfig synchronously - use standard toolkit option -sync
- o control points for spline objects now span multiple lines in output file if
- there are many points
- o scrollable x-y points panel in the popup edit panel for objects with many
- points (mwm didn't display the x-y values when the popup was taller than
- the screen)
- o If you have Display Postscript in your server, compile xfig with -DDPS
- and you will see the full Postscript object instead of preview bitmap
- when you include EPS objects.
- !!! WARNING: this has only been tested on IBM's AIX 3.2 (X11R4) on
- an RS/6000 !!!
- from Dave Hale (dhale@green.mines.colorado.edu)
- o fixed bug in error return from system() - now popups error message when
- can't export/print figure
- o unused function clear_char_string() deleted from w_canvas.c
- o current depth is now in an indicator window and may be set like line
- thickness, color etc.
- o added update tags to control which object components are modified/copied
- when using the update button. Button appears in upper-right corner
- of indicator button (e.g linewidth) when in update mode. Clicking
- on the update tag enables/disables components (e.g. linewidth) from
- being copied to/from objects when using update.
- o fixed exporting of pstex_t and pstex (used to give Postscript for both)
- o FIG 1.4-TFX file area_fill values now correctly translated to 2.1 format
- o deleted duplicate #include <math.h> from u_geom.c and w_export.c
- o changed ^U (control U) in w_canvas.c to \023 for mailers which clobber
- control chars
- o added possibility of wider top ruler and taller side ruler by using
- -DMAX_TOPRULER_WD=value and -DMAX_SIDERULER_HT=value in Imakefile
- o added function strtol() for those systems that don't have it.
- from Jonathan Kamens (jik@pit-manager.MIT.EDU)
- o added note about -DNOSTRSTR and -DNOSTRTOL for those systems that don't
- have strstr() and/or strtol() respectively.
- o fixed type mismatch and bug in call to getenv in main().
- o type mismatch fixed for X11R5 in call to XtAppInitialize().
- from Jonathan Kamens (jik@pit-manager.MIT.EDU)
- o small performance fix in u_draw.c in add_point() when reallocating points
- from Dave Hale (dhale@green.Mines.Colorado.EDU)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 3
- Changes to Patchlevel 2:
- o pressing carriage return in value part of popup indicator buttons that take
- integer or float (e.g. line width) now sets the value and pops down
- o added foreground colors to Text*, Menu* and List* widgets in default Fig-color.ad
- this fixes problem of white-on-white text when using inverse video
- o changes two resource names -
- "xfig_export_menu.export_panel.just_label.flush left" to
- "xfig_export_menu.export_panel.just_label.justify"
- and
- "xfig_print_menu.print_panel.just_label.flush left" to
- "xfig_print_menu.print_panel.just_label.justify"
- o some type castings fixed
- from Wayne D Richardson (wdr@rchland.vnet.ibm.com)
- o fixed "open file leak" - directory wasn't closed after file popup finished
- o fixed selection of Times-Roman font under Openwindows
- o changed titles of popup panels to meaningful names
- o leading blanks no longer stripped from text objects
- from George Ferguson (ferguson@cs.rochester.edu)
- o null strings in text objects now abort load/read of file with error message
- from George Ferguson (ferguson@cs.rochester.edu)
- o conditional in xfig.man to set page offset only when using troff
- from George Ferguson (ferguson@cs.rochester.edu)
- o added translation so that pressing return in filename window in popup FILE
- will load the file
- o added translation so that pressing return in filename window in popup EXPORT
- will export the file
- o fixed filled objects of DEFAULT color
- o fixed bug in delete region
- from Peter Asenstorfer (peter@audrey.levels.unisa.edu.au)
- o cleaned up cursor stuff - no impact on user
- from Brian Boyter (pyrdc!bimbo!boyter@uunet.UU.NET)
- o new resource "-keyFile" to specify alternate compose key translation
- file in the XFIGLIBDIR directory
- From Herve Soulard (soulard@corto.inria.fr)
- o popup message window to inform user when illegal values in figure file
- are fixed or when converting from older file versions to newest
- o limit on depth of objects to 1000 when reading figure file. Fixes problems
- of infinite looping for files which were converted from Fig 2.0.
- Also sets depth to zero (0) when reading files older than 2.1.
- o xfig.man now tells man to run tbl so that regular tables can be used
- from James B. Davis (james@solbourne.com)
- o fixed Meta-Y (insert current selection), ^Y (unkill) and ^G (multiply reset)
- in CompKeyDB
- o added capability to delete whole text line from text widgets with ^X
- from Brian Boyter (pyrdc!bimbo!boyter@uunet.UU.NET)
- o ^U no longer deletes line of text in text object mode for compatibility
- with text widgets. Use only ^X now.
- o fixed problem with OpenWindows and rubberbanding objects
- from Brian Boyter (pyrdc!bimbo!boyter@uunet.UU.NET)
- o fixed minor bug in f_util.c line 82: assignment with '==' instead of '='
- from pf@diab.se (Per Fogelstr|m)
- o fixed up bug in set_tags call in w_modepanel.c
- from Graeme Gill (graeme@labtam.labtam.oz.au)
- o added strstr() function for systems without it
- o warning message about redefining InstallManPage fixed
- o removed unneeded O_NONE symbol from object.h
- o directory code fixed to work with SVR4
- from David Elliot (dce@krusty.smsc.sony.com)
- o cleaned up function declarations for event handlers
- from Anthony Datri (datri@lovecraft.convex.com)
- o renamed Fig-co.ad to Fig-color.ad for color customization under X11R5 (see
- README). Fig-co.ad can be deleted (if you have an older copy of xfig)
- from David Elliot (dce@krusty.smsc.sony.com)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 2
- Changes to Patchlevel 1:
- o the font flag (LaTeX, PostScript) wasn't being changed correctly in the
- UPDATE text object operation when switching from LaTeX to PostScript
- or vice versa.
- o the textstep value may now be entered in floating point in the popup menu
- o the eps-bitmap icon was renamed to eps-object because it can be any
- eps object that is imported. If it has a preview bitmap
- that will be displayed. Several filenames/program variables
- were also changed to reflect this.
- o there is now a more general glue mechanism for compounding objects
- o text pasting into canvas now possible with F18 function key or any translation
- desired by user. F18 is hardwired default in program; F20 also
- programmed in Fig.ad to paste text.
- Brian Boyter (pyrdc!bimbo!boyter@uunet.UU.NET)
- o DEFAULT fill_style caused core dump
- from Jeffry R. Abramson (jra@violin.att.com)
- o made the mouse-tracking markers hollow so as not to be visually obtrusive
- as suggested by Stephen Gildea (gildea@expo.lcs.mit.edu)
- o removed extraneous call to free() in add_point() (u_draw.c)
- from Per Fogelstr|m (pf@diab.se)
- o cleaned up gcc compiler warnings about type mismatches etc.
- o compound objects may be rotated by arbitrary angles if there are no boxes,
- arc-boxes, ellipses or circles contained within.
- o text rotation support is improved - markers are now shown rotated and
- the angle attribute is set by the relevant rotate operations.
- o both ps and eps modes now supported in export menu.
- o new directory browsing facilities integrated with File and Export popups.
- Allows selection of file by clicking on the filename. Has mask to list
- only those files of interest. See the man pages for further details.
- o Default font for Postscript fonts may now be selected and objects that
- have default font may be edited
- o FASTSERVER flag removed; now always uses smart redrawing when available
- Additionally, smart redrawing is available more often
- o fixed bug in regular polygon where some vertices were off by one pixel
- o added "Use orig. size" button for eps objects to set object to original
- size in popup edit
- from Peter Scott (pjs@euclid.jpl.nasa.gov)
- o international characters supported (umlauts, accents, cedilla etc) using
- compose (meta) key
- from Herve Soulard (soulard@corto.inria.fr)
- o much improved color support
- from Henning Spruth (hns@regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de)
- o additional pan and zoom mode with <Ctrl>Key and left/middle/right button
- from Henning Spruth (hns@regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de)
- o removed reference to FONTLIBDIR in Imakefile (no longer required)
- o added a smart-links feature for the MOVE and COPY commands.
- With smart links turned on, when a BOX-like object is moved
- so are the lines which join up to it (its links).
- Two modes are supported: one which moves just the endpoint,
- the other slides the endlink so that it's angle doesn't change.
- In the second mode horizontal/vertical lines remain that way.
- o added the ability to save figure during quit if it is modified
- o added support for scalable fonts under R5
- o additional command line flags supported
- -latexfonts flag (resource .latexfonts) to start xfig with the LaTeX
- fonts as the default instead of PostScript fonts
- -specialtext flag (resource .specialtext) to start xfig with special
- text as the default
- o bug fixed where number of objects count in file popup was sometimes clipped
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 1
- Changes to Patchlevel 0:
- o xfig now reads text size, height and length as floats and rounds to ints
- this is done because certain programs generate floats for these
- o compound object was rounded to next larger grid even if objects inside were
- already on the grid
- o Examples/logo.fig included Logo.eps instead of logo.eps
- o cancellation of line drawing left single dot on screen
- o filename in File popup menu didn't get set until first popup - file save
- shortcut would save to unnamed.fig even if xfig was started with file name
- o bug fixed in not being able to delete points from certain objects
- o typo in FORMAT2.1 file (and all previous) stating that text angle is int when
- it is really float
- o can now change corners of compound object with edit popup
- also shows number of objects inside compound
- o file menu now shows number of objects in figure
- o some bugs fixed in calculating bounding boxes after scaling ellipses and
- compounds
- o "#ifdefined SYSV" now reads "#if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)" because X11R5
- doesn't define SYSV if SVR4 is defined
- David Elliott (dce@krusty.smsc.Sony.COM)
- o object depths < 0 are converted to depth = 0
- o typo in Adobe font name (was "-abode-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*--*")
- Jan Lindheim (lindheim@ccsf.caltech.edu)
- o radius field for non-arcbox line objects now set to -1
- Jan Nusteling (j.nusteling@et.tudelft.nl)
- o bug fixed in not trying to load an eps bitmap file called <empty>
- and not trying to reload an eps bitmap during a copy.
- o bug fixed which caused crash after editing 0-width or 0-height ellipses
- o bug fixed which caused incorrect mode after cancelling draw (int)spline
- o bug fixed which caused incorrect minimum number of points for (int)spline
- o bug fixed which caused erroneous large values to occur after box scale of
- 0-width or 0-height objects. You can no longer box scale such objects
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patchlevel 0
- Changes to Version 2.0 Patchlevel 10:
- Implemented by Paul King (king@cs.uq.oz.au) and
- Brian Smith (envbvs@epb7.lbl.gov) with help from
- Micah Beck (beck@cs.cornell.edu) and
- Brian Boyter (pyrdc!bimbo!boyter@uunet.UU.NET) (EPS code).
- --------------
- o The buttons are now grouped into three panels:
- COMMAND panel:
- Quit, Delete all, Undo, Redraw, Paste, File popup, Export popup and
- Print popup buttons. See man pages for details.
- (see "Drawing Modes", below for description of Cut)
- MODE panel:
- Allow the user to select the current drawing or editing mode.
- INDICATOR panel:
- By default shows indicator buttons relevant to the current mode.
- Each indicator button displays current setting of some quantity
- (e.g. line width, area-fill) and allows it to be changed:
- left button gives popup menu to select setting,
- middle/right buttons provide a shortcut to inc/decrement settings.
- o Pan figure by using left/middle/right button in the rulers in addition to
- the previously supported arrow keys. Also a pan to origin operation
- is available by clicking in the units window (or using HOME key).
- o May now print figure that hasn't been saved (i.e. print what is on the
- canvas, not the file)
- o Zoom up or down with zoom button.
- o Mouse function window shows function of active buttons
- o New resources/command-line switches which affect the user interface:
- -showallbuttons (show all indicator buttons all the time)
- -internalBW n (use lines of width n between buttons/panels)
- -------------
- o Regular polygon drawing button - select number of sized from bottom panel.
- Object created is normal xfig polygon.
- o Inclusion of Encapsulated Postscript files (bitmap image in EPS file is
- displayed).
- o Rubberbanding of ellipses/circles.
- o Filled splines show areafill on screen now
- also dashed/dotted line type shows on screen
- o Dot-gap and dash-length can be changed in the line-style indicator popup.
- -------------
- o Cut to buffer operation is now part of Copy object mode & Delete object mode.
- o Update button to either update objects to current settings, or update
- indicator settings from an object.
- o Rotation of certain objects by any angle (30, 45, 60, 90, 120 degrees can
- be selected using the mouse middle/right shortcut buttons).
- o Alignment horizontally and/or vertically of objects to compound object edge(s)
- o Objects can be scaled (not just compounds).
- o Point move or object copy/move constrainable to horizontal or vertical
- movement (middle mouse button)
- o Compound bounding corners shrink to fit enclosed objects and have markers
- that appear the same as other objects.
- o Shift-click selection should work on all editing operations.
- o Only the objects relevant to a particular editing operation will
- have their markers shown.
- -----------------
- o Smarter redrawing (if compiled with -DFASTSERVER).
- Only the relevant objects are redrawn after an expose or after
- an edit operation (not all operations support this yet).
- o Undo should work for all commands.
- o Operations can now be cancelled (using the right button when appropriate).
- o Point positioning to three resolutions:
- magnet (1/16inch), small grid or large grid
- o TransFig 2.1 features: LaTex fonts, hidden text, scalable text, "special" text
- see TransFig man pages for description
- scalable text sizes with resizing of figure
- o Attempts to save figure if signal detected (segmentation violation, etc)
- o Resizing the xfig window should now be a bit smarter.
- o The philosophy behind button usage has changed. This was necessary to
- provide a consistent (as possible) philosophy which supports the
- use of several buttons per mode. Now the same button used to start
- an edit/draw operation is used to continue to the normal next step
- in the operation. The right button can be used to cancel an operation.
- Watch the mouse function window until you get the hang of it.