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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "figx.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #include "u_fonts.h"
- #include "w_drawprim.h"
- #include "w_icons.h"
- #include "w_indpanel.h"
- #include "w_mousefun.h"
- #include "w_setup.h"
- #include "w_util.h"
- #include "w_zoom.h"
- extern Pixmap psfont_menu_bitmaps[], latexfont_menu_bitmaps[];
- extern Atom wm_delete_window;
- extern struct _fstruct ps_fontinfo[], latex_fontinfo[];
- extern char *panel_get_value();
- extern int show_zoom();
- extern int show_depth();
- extern int cur_updatemask;
- extern Widget make_popup_menu();
- /************** local variables and routines **************/
- static int cur_anglegeom = L_UNCONSTRAINED;
- static int cur_indmask = I_MIN1;
- static int cur_flagshown = 0;
- #define MAX_FLAGS 2 /* maximum value for cur_flagshown */
- static String set_translations =
- "<Key>Return: SetValue()";
- static void nval_panel_set();
- static XtActionsRec set_actions[] =
- {
- {"SetValue", (XtActionProc) nval_panel_set},
- };
- static String nval_translations =
- "<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: QuitNval()\n";
- static void nval_panel_cancel();
- static XtActionsRec nval_actions[] =
- {
- {"QuitNval", (XtActionProc) nval_panel_cancel},
- };
- static String choice_translations =
- "<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: QuitChoice()\n";
- static void choice_panel_cancel();
- static XtActionsRec choice_actions[] =
- {
- {"QuitChoice", (XtActionProc) choice_panel_cancel},
- };
- DeclareStaticArgs(15);
- /* declarations for choice buttons */
- static int inc_choice(), dec_choice();
- static int show_valign(), show_halign(), show_textjust();
- static int show_arrowmode(), show_linestyle(), show_anglegeom();
- static int show_pointposn(), show_gridmode(), show_linkmode();
- /* declarations for value buttons */
- static int show_linewidth(), inc_linewidth(), dec_linewidth();
- static int show_boxradius(), inc_boxradius(), dec_boxradius();
- static int show_fillstyle(), darken_fill(), lighten_fill();
- static int show_color(), next_color(), prev_color();
- static int show_font(), inc_font(), dec_font();
- static int show_flags(), inc_flags(), dec_flags();
- static int show_fontsize(), inc_fontsize(), dec_fontsize();
- static int show_textstep(), inc_textstep(), dec_textstep();
- static int inc_zoom(), dec_zoom();
- static int show_rotnangle(), inc_rotnangle(), dec_rotnangle();
- static int show_elltextangle(), inc_elltextangle(), dec_elltextangle();
- static int show_numsides(), inc_numsides(), dec_numsides();
- static int inc_depth(), dec_depth();
- static int popup_fonts();
- static void note_state();
- static char indbuf[12];
- static float old_zoomscale = -1.0;
- static int old_rotnangle = -1;
- static float old_elltextangle = -1.0;
- #define DEF_IND_SW_HT 32
- #define DEF_IND_SW_WD 64
- #define NARROW_IND_SW_WD 56
- #define WIDE_IND_SW_WD 76
- #define XWIDE_IND_SW_WD 86
- /* indicator switch definitions */
- static choice_info anglegeom_choices[] = {
- {L_UNCONSTRAINED, &unconstrained_ic,},
- {L_LATEXLINE, &latexline_ic,},
- {L_LATEXARROW, &latexarrow_ic,},
- {L_MOUNTHATTAN, &mounthattan_ic,},
- {L_MANHATTAN, &manhattan_ic,},
- {L_MOUNTAIN, &mountain_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_ANGLEGEOM_CHOICES (sizeof(anglegeom_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info valign_choices[] = {
- {NONE, &none_ic,},
- {TOP, &valignt_ic,},
- {CENTER, &valignc_ic,},
- {BOTTOM, &valignb_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_VALIGN_CHOICES (sizeof(valign_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info halign_choices[] = {
- {NONE, &none_ic,},
- {LEFT, &halignl_ic,},
- {CENTER, &halignc_ic,},
- {RIGHT, &halignr_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_HALIGN_CHOICES (sizeof(halign_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info gridmode_choices[] = {
- {GRID_0, &none_ic,},
- {GRID_1, &grid1_ic,},
- {GRID_2, &grid2_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_GRIDMODE_CHOICES (sizeof(gridmode_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info pointposn_choices[] = {
- {P_ANY, &any_ic,},
- {P_MAGNET, &fine_grid_ic,},
- {P_GRID1, &grid1_ic,},
- {P_GRID2, &grid2_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_POINTPOSN_CHOICES (sizeof(pointposn_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info arrowmode_choices[] = {
- {L_NOARROWS, &noarrows_ic,},
- {L_FARROWS, &farrows_ic,},
- {L_FBARROWS, &fbarrows_ic,},
- {L_BARROWS, &barrows_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_ARROWMODE_CHOICES (sizeof(arrowmode_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info textjust_choices[] = {
- {T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED, &textL_ic,},
- {T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED, &textC_ic,},
- {T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED, &textR_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_TEXTJUST_CHOICES (sizeof(textjust_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info linestyle_choices[] = {
- {SOLID_LINE, &solidline_ic,},
- {DASH_LINE, &dashline_ic,},
- {DOTTED_LINE, &dottedline_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_LINESTYLE_CHOICES (sizeof(linestyle_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- static choice_info linkmode_choices[] = {
- {SMART_OFF, &smartoff_ic,},
- {SMART_MOVE, &smartmove_ic,},
- {SMART_SLIDE, &smartslide_ic,},
- };
- #define NUM_LINKMODE_CHOICES (sizeof(linkmode_choices)/sizeof(choice_info))
- choice_info fillstyle_choices[NUMFILLPATS + 1];
- choice_info color_choices[NUMCOLORS + 1];
- static ind_sw_info *fill_style_sw;
- #define I_CHOICE 0
- #define I_IVAL 1
- #define I_FVAL 2
- #define inc_action(z) (z->inc_func)(z)
- #define dec_action(z) (z->dec_func)(z)
- #define show_action(z) (z->show_func)(z)
- ind_sw_info ind_switches[] = {
- {I_FVAL, I_ZOOM, "Zoom", "Scale", NARROW_IND_SW_WD,
- NULL, &zoomscale, inc_zoom, dec_zoom, show_zoom,},
- &cur_gridmode, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_gridmode,
- &cur_pointposn, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_pointposn,
- {I_IVAL, I_DEPTH, "Depth", "", NARROW_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_depth, NULL, inc_depth, dec_depth, show_depth,},
- &cur_rotnangle, NULL, inc_rotnangle, dec_rotnangle, show_rotnangle,},
- &cur_numsides, NULL, inc_numsides, dec_numsides, show_numsides,},
- {I_CHOICE, I_VALIGN, "Vert", "Align", DEF_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_valign, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_valign,
- {I_CHOICE, I_HALIGN, "Horiz", "Align", DEF_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_halign, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_halign,
- &cur_anglegeom, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_anglegeom,
- &cur_fillstyle, NULL, darken_fill, lighten_fill, show_fillstyle,
- fillstyle_choices, NUMFILLPATS + 1, (NUMFILLPATS + 1) / 2},
- {I_CHOICE, I_COLOR, "Color", "", WIDE_IND_SW_WD,
- (int *) &cur_color, NULL, next_color, prev_color, show_color,
- color_choices, NUMCOLORS + 1, (NUMCOLORS + 1) / 2},
- {I_CHOICE, I_LINKMODE, "Smart", "Links", DEF_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_linkmode, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_linkmode,
- &cur_linewidth, NULL, inc_linewidth, dec_linewidth, show_linewidth,},
- &cur_linestyle, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_linestyle,
- {I_IVAL, I_BOXRADIUS, "Box", "Curve", DEF_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_boxradius, NULL, inc_boxradius, dec_boxradius, show_boxradius,},
- &cur_arrowmode, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_arrowmode,
- &cur_textjust, NULL, inc_choice, dec_choice, show_textjust,
- {I_FVAL, I_ELLTEXTANGLE, "Text/Ellipse", "Angle", XWIDE_IND_SW_WD,
- NULL, &cur_elltextangle, inc_elltextangle, dec_elltextangle,
- show_elltextangle,},
- {I_IVAL, I_TEXTFLAGS, "Text Flags", "", WIDE_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_fontsize, NULL, inc_flags, dec_flags, show_flags,},
- &cur_fontsize, NULL, inc_fontsize, dec_fontsize, show_fontsize,},
- NULL, &cur_textstep, inc_textstep, dec_textstep, show_textstep,},
- {I_IVAL, I_FONT, "Text", "Font", FONT_IND_SW_WD,
- &cur_ps_font, NULL, inc_font, dec_font, show_font,},
- };
- #define NUM_IND_SW (sizeof(ind_switches) / sizeof(ind_sw_info))
- static Arg button_args[] =
- {
- /* 0 */ {XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) " "},
- /* 1 */ {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
- /* 2 */ {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 0},
- /* 3 */ {XtNresizable, (XtArgVal) False},
- /* 4 */ {XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
- /* 5 */ {XtNresize, (XtArgVal) False}, /* keeps buttons from being
- * resized when there are not
- * a multiple of three of
- * them */
- /* 6 */ {XtNbackgroundPixmap, (XtArgVal) NULL},
- };
- /* button selection event handler */
- static void sel_ind_but();
- /* arguments for the update indicator boxes in the indicator buttons */
- static Arg upd_args[] =
- {
- /* 0 */ {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 8},
- /* 1 */ {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 8},
- /* 2 */ {XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) 1},
- /* 3 */ {XtNtop, XtChainTop},
- /* 4 */ {XtNright, XtChainRight},
- /* 5 */ {XtNstate, (XtArgVal) True},
- /* 6 */ {XtNvertDistance, (XtArgVal) 0},
- /* 7 */ {XtNhorizDistance, (XtArgVal) 0},
- /* 8 */ {XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) " "},
- /* 9 */ {XtNhighlightThickness, (XtArgVal) 0},
- };
- static XtActionsRec ind_actions[] =
- {
- {"EnterIndSw", (XtActionProc) draw_mousefun_ind},
- {"LeaveIndSw", (XtActionProc) clear_mousefun},
- };
- static String ind_translations =
- "<EnterWindow>:EnterIndSw()highlight()\n\
- <LeaveWindow>:LeaveIndSw()unhighlight()\n";
- init_ind_panel(tool)
- TOOL tool;
- {
- int i;
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- /* does he want to always see ALL of the indicator buttons? */
- if (appres.ShowAllButtons) {
- cur_indmask = I_ALL; /* yes */
- i = 2*DEF_IND_SW_HT+2*INTERNAL_BW+6; /* two rows high when showing all buttons */
- } else {
- i = DEF_IND_SW_HT+4*INTERNAL_BW+14; /* allow for thickness of scrollbar */
- }
- /* make a scrollable viewport in case all the buttons don't fit */
- FirstArg(XtNallowHoriz, True);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, INDPANEL_WD);
- NextArg(XtNheight, i);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNresizable, False);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, canvas_sw);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, -INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNtop, XtChainBottom);
- NextArg(XtNbottom, XtChainBottom);
- NextArg(XtNleft, XtChainLeft);
- NextArg(XtNright, XtChainRight);
- NextArg(XtNuseBottom, True);
- ind_viewp = XtCreateWidget("ind_viewport", viewportWidgetClass, tool,
- Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, INDPANEL_WD);
- NextArg(XtNheight, i);
- NextArg(XtNhSpace, 0);
- NextArg(XtNvSpace, 0);
- NextArg(XtNresizable, True);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- if (appres.ShowAllButtons) {
- NextArg(XtNorientation, XtorientVertical); /* use two rows */
- } else {
- NextArg(XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal); /* expand horizontally */
- }
- ind_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget("ind_panel", boxWidgetClass, ind_viewp,
- Args, ArgCount);
- /* start with all components affected by update */
- cur_updatemask = I_UPDATEMASK;
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, ind_actions, XtNumber(ind_actions));
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; ++i) {
- sw = &ind_switches[i];
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, sw->sw_width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, DEF_IND_SW_HT);
- NextArg(XtNdefaultDistance, 0);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- sw->formw = XtCreateWidget("button_form", formWidgetClass,
- ind_panel, Args, ArgCount);
- /* make an update button in the upper-right corner of the main button */
- if (sw->func & I_UPDATEMASK)
- {
- upd_args[7].value = sw->sw_width
- - upd_args[0].value
- - 2*upd_args[2].value;
- sw->updbut = XtCreateWidget("update", toggleWidgetClass,
- sw->formw, upd_args, XtNumber(upd_args));
- sw->update = True;
- XtAddEventHandler(sw->updbut, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- note_state, (XtPointer) sw);
- }
- /* now create the command button */
- button_args[1].value = sw->sw_width;
- button_args[2].value = DEF_IND_SW_HT;
- sw->button = XtCreateManagedWidget("button", commandWidgetClass,
- sw->formw, button_args, XtNumber(button_args));
- /* map this button if it is needed */
- if (sw->func & cur_indmask)
- XtManageChild(sw->formw);
- /* allow left & right buttons */
- /* (callbacks pass same data for ANY button) */
- XtAddEventHandler(sw->button, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- sel_ind_but, (XtPointer) sw);
- XtOverrideTranslations(sw->button,
- XtParseTranslationTable(ind_translations));
- }
- update_indpanel(cur_indmask);
- }
- static void
- note_state(w, closure, ev, continue_to_dispatch)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer closure;
- XEvent *ev;
- Boolean *continue_to_dispatch;
- {
- ind_sw_info *sw = (ind_sw_info *) closure;
- XButtonEvent *event = &ev->xbutton;
- if (event->button != Button1)
- return;
- /* toggle update status of this indicator */
- sw->update = !sw->update;
- if (sw->update)
- cur_updatemask |= sw->func; /* turn on update status */
- else
- cur_updatemask &= ~sw->func; /* turn off update status */
- }
- manage_update_buts()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; ++i)
- if (ind_switches[i].func & I_UPDATEMASK)
- XtManageChild(ind_switches[i].updbut);
- }
- unmanage_update_buts()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; ++i)
- if (ind_switches[i].func & I_UPDATEMASK)
- XtUnmanageChild(ind_switches[i].updbut);
- }
- setup_ind_panel()
- {
- int i;
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- Display *d = tool_d;
- Screen *s = tool_s;
- Pixmap p;
- /* get the foreground and background from the indicator widget */
- /* and create a gc with those values */
- ind_button_gc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(ind_panel), (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNforeground, &ind_but_fg);
- NextArg(XtNbackground, &ind_but_bg);
- GetValues(ind_switches[0].button);
- XSetBackground(tool_d, ind_button_gc, ind_but_bg);
- XSetForeground(tool_d, ind_button_gc, ind_but_fg);
- XSetFont(tool_d, ind_button_gc, button_font->fid);
- /* also create gc with fore=background for blanking areas */
- ind_blank_gc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(ind_panel), (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
- XSetBackground(tool_d, ind_blank_gc, ind_but_bg);
- XSetForeground(tool_d, ind_blank_gc, ind_but_bg);
- /* create a gc for the color 'palette' */
- color_gc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(ind_panel), (unsigned long) 0, NULL);
- /* initialize the fill style gc and pixmaps */
- init_fill_pm();
- init_fill_gc();
- FirstArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, fillstyle_choices[NUMFILLPATS].blackPM);
- SetValues(ind_viewp);
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; ++i) {
- isw = &ind_switches[i];
- if (ind_switches[i].func == I_FILLSTYLE)
- fill_style_sw = isw;
- p = XCreatePixmap(d, XtWindow(isw->button), isw->sw_width,
- DEF_IND_SW_HT, DefaultDepthOfScreen(s));
- XFillRectangle(d, p, ind_blank_gc, 0, 0,
- isw->sw_width, DEF_IND_SW_HT);
- XDrawImageString(d, p, ind_button_gc, 3, 12, isw->line1, strlen(isw->line1));
- XDrawImageString(d, p, ind_button_gc, 3, 25, isw->line2, strlen(isw->line2));
- isw->normalPM = button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) p;
- XtSetValues(isw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- XtInstallAllAccelerators(isw->button, tool);
- }
- XtInstallAllAccelerators(ind_panel, tool);
- XDefineCursor(d, XtWindow(ind_panel), arrow_cursor);
- update_current_settings();
- FirstArg(XtNmappedWhenManaged, True);
- SetValues(ind_panel);
- }
- update_indpanel(mask)
- int mask;
- {
- register int i;
- register ind_sw_info *isw;
- /* only update current mask if user wants to see relevant ind buttons */
- if (appres.ShowAllButtons)
- return;
- cur_indmask = mask;
- XtUnmanageChild(ind_panel);
- for (isw = ind_switches, i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; isw++, i++) {
- if (isw->func & cur_indmask) {
- XtManageChild(isw->formw);
- } else {
- XtUnmanageChild(isw->formw);
- }
- }
- XtManageChild(ind_panel);
- }
- /* come here when a button is pressed in the indicator panel */
- static void
- sel_ind_but(widget, closure, event, continue_to_dispatch)
- Widget widget;
- XtPointer closure;
- XEvent* event;
- Boolean* continue_to_dispatch;
- {
- XButtonEvent xbutton;
- ind_sw_info *isw = (ind_sw_info *) closure;
- xbutton = event->xbutton;
- if ((xbutton.button == Button2) ||
- (xbutton.button == Button3 && xbutton.state & Mod1Mask)) { /* middle button */
- dec_action(isw);
- } else if (xbutton.button == Button3) { /* right button */
- inc_action(isw);
- } else { /* left button */
- if (isw->func == I_FONT)
- popup_fonts(isw);
- else if (isw->func == I_TEXTFLAGS)
- popup_flags_panel(isw);
- else if (isw->type == I_IVAL || isw->type == I_FVAL)
- popup_nval_panel(isw);
- else if (isw->type == I_CHOICE)
- popup_choice_panel(isw);
- }
- }
- static
- update_string_pixmap(isw, buf, xpos, ypos)
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- char *buf;
- int xpos, ypos;
- {
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, isw->normalPM, ind_button_gc,
- xpos, ypos, buf, strlen(buf));
- /*
- * Fool the toolkit by changing the background pixmap to 0 then giving it
- * the modified one again. Otherwise, it sees that the pixmap ID is not
- * changed and doesn't actually draw it into the widget window
- */
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(isw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- button_args[6].value = isw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(isw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- }
- static
- update_choice_pixmap(isw, mode)
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- int mode;
- {
- choice_info *tmp_choice;
- register Pixmap p;
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- p = isw->normalPM;
- tmp_choice = isw->choices + mode;
- XPutImage(tool_d, p, ind_button_gc, tmp_choice->icon, 0, 0, 32, 0, 32, 32);
- /*
- * Fool the toolkit by changing the background pixmap to 0 then giving it
- * the modified one again. Otherwise, it sees that the pixmap ID is not
- * changed and doesn't actually draw it into the widget window
- */
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(isw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- button_args[6].value = p;
- XtSetValues(isw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- }
- /********************************************************
- auxiliary functions
- ********************************************************/
- static Widget choice_popup;
- static ind_sw_info *choice_i;
- static Widget nval_popup, form, cancel, set, beside, below, newvalue,
- label;
- static Widget dash_length, dot_gap;
- static ind_sw_info *nval_i;
- /* handle choice settings */
- static void
- choice_panel_dismiss()
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(choice_popup);
- XtSetSensitive(choice_i->button, True);
- }
- static void
- choice_panel_cancel(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- choice_panel_dismiss();
- }
- static void
- choice_panel_set(w, sel_choice, ev)
- Widget w;
- choice_info *sel_choice;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- (*choice_i->i_varadr) = sel_choice->value;
- show_action(choice_i);
- /* auxiliary info */
- switch (choice_i->func) {
- /* dash length */
- cur_dashlength = (float) atof(panel_get_value(dash_length));
- if (cur_dashlength <= 0.0)
- cur_dashlength = DEF_DASHLENGTH;
- /* dot gap */
- cur_dotgap = (float) atof(panel_get_value(dot_gap));
- if (cur_dotgap <= 0.0)
- cur_dotgap = DEF_DOTGAP;
- break;
- }
- choice_panel_dismiss();
- }
- popup_choice_panel(isw)
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- {
- Position x_val, y_val;
- Dimension width, height;
- char buf[32];
- choice_info *tmp_choice;
- Pixmap p;
- Pixel form_fg;
- register int i;
- static int actions_added=0;
- choice_i = isw;
- XtSetSensitive(choice_i->button, False);
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, &width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, &height);
- GetValues(tool);
- /* position the popup 1/3 in from left and 2/3 down from top */
- XtTranslateCoords(tool, (Position) (width / 3), (Position) (2 * height / 3),
- &x_val, &y_val);
- FirstArg(XtNx, x_val);
- NextArg(XtNy, y_val);
- NextArg(XtNresize, False);
- NextArg(XtNresizable, False);
- NextArg(XtNtitle, "Xfig: Set indicator panel");
- choice_popup = XtCreatePopupShell("xfig_set_indicator_panel",
- transientShellWidgetClass, tool,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(choice_popup,
- XtParseTranslationTable(choice_translations));
- if (!actions_added) {
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, choice_actions, XtNumber(choice_actions));
- actions_added = 1;
- }
- form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, choice_popup, NULL, 0);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- sprintf(buf, "%s %s", isw->line1, isw->line2);
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "cancel");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNresize, False);
- NextArg(XtNresizable, False);
- NextArg(XtNheight, 32);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget("cancel", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(cancel, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)choice_panel_cancel, (XtPointer) NULL);
- tmp_choice = isw->choices;
- for (i = 0; i < isw->numchoices; tmp_choice++, i++) {
- if (isw->func == I_FILLSTYLE)
- p = ((cur_color==BLACK || cur_color==DEFAULT_COLOR ||
- (!all_colors_available && cur_color!=WHITE))?
- fillstyle_choices[i].blackPM :fillstyle_choices[i].normalPM);
- else if (isw->func == I_COLOR) {
- p = 0;
- tmp_choice->value = (i >= NUMCOLORS ? DEFAULT_COLOR : i);
- } else
- p = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(tool_d, XtWindow(ind_panel),
- (char *) tmp_choice->icon->data, tmp_choice->icon->width,
- tmp_choice->icon->height, ind_but_fg, ind_but_bg,
- DefaultDepthOfScreen(tool_s));
- if (i % isw->sw_per_row == 0) {
- if (i == 0)
- below = label;
- else
- below = beside;
- beside = cancel;
- }
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- if (isw->func != I_COLOR) {
- NextArg(XtNbackgroundPixmap, p);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, tmp_choice->icon->width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, tmp_choice->icon->height);
- } else { /* Color popup menu */
- NextArg(XtNheight, 32);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 64);
- if (i < NUMCOLORS && i >= 0) { /* it's a proper color */
- if (all_colors_available) {
- XColor col;
- col.pixel = appres.color[i];
- XQueryColor(tool_d, DefaultColormapOfScreen(tool_s), &col);
- if ((0.3 * col.red + 0.59 * col.green + 0.11 * col.blue) < 0.5 * (255 << 8))
- form_fg = appres.color[WHITE];
- else
- form_fg = appres.color[BLACK];
- NextArg(XtNforeground, form_fg);
- NextArg(XtNbackground, appres.color[i]);
- }
- NextArg(XtNlabel, colorNames[i + 1]);
- } else { /* it's the default color */
- NextArg(XtNforeground, x_fg_color.pixel);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, colorNames[0]);
- }
- }
- NextArg(XtNresize, False);
- NextArg(XtNresizable, False);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(" ", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(beside, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)choice_panel_set, (XtPointer) tmp_choice);
- }
- /* auxiliary info */
- switch (isw->func) {
- /* dash length */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, beside);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "Default dash length =");
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget("default_dash_length",
- labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", cur_dashlength);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, beside);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, label);
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- dash_length = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, asciiTextWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* dot gap */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, dash_length);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, " Default dot gap =");
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget("default_dot_gap",
- labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", cur_dotgap);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, dash_length);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, label);
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- dot_gap = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, asciiTextWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- break;
- }
- XtPopup(choice_popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- (void) XSetWMProtocols(XtDisplay(choice_popup), XtWindow(choice_popup),
- &wm_delete_window, 1);
- }
- /* handle text flag settings */
- static int hidden_text_flag, special_text_flag, rigid_text_flag;
- static Widget hidden_text_panel, rigid_text_panel, special_text_panel;
- static Widget hidden_text_menu, special_text_menu, rigid_text_menu;
- static void
- flags_panel_dismiss()
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(nval_popup);
- XtSetSensitive(nval_i->button, True);
- }
- static void
- flags_panel_cancel(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- flags_panel_dismiss();
- }
- static void
- flags_panel_set(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- int new_i_value;
- float new_f_value;
- if (hidden_text_flag)
- cur_textflags |= HIDDEN_TEXT;
- else
- cur_textflags &= ~HIDDEN_TEXT;
- if (special_text_flag)
- cur_textflags |= SPECIAL_TEXT;
- else
- cur_textflags &= ~SPECIAL_TEXT;
- if (rigid_text_flag)
- cur_textflags |= RIGID_TEXT;
- else
- cur_textflags &= ~RIGID_TEXT;
- flags_panel_dismiss();
- show_action(nval_i);
- }
- static void
- hidden_text_select(w, new_hidden_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_hidden_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(hidden_text_panel);
- hidden_text_flag = (int) new_hidden_text;
- if (hidden_text_flag)
- put_msg("Text will be displayed as hidden");
- else
- put_msg("Text will be displayed normally");
- }
- static void
- rigid_text_select(w, new_rigid_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_rigid_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(rigid_text_panel);
- rigid_text_flag = (int) new_rigid_text;
- if (rigid_text_flag)
- put_msg("Text in compound group will not scale with compound");
- else
- put_msg("Text in compound group will scale with compound");
- }
- static void
- special_text_select(w, new_special_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_special_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(special_text_panel);
- special_text_flag = (int) new_special_text;
- if (special_text_flag)
- put_msg("Text will be printed as special during print/export");
- else
- put_msg("Text will be printed as normal during print/export");
- }
- popup_flags_panel(isw)
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- {
- Position x_val, y_val;
- Dimension width, height;
- char buf[32];
- static int actions_added=0;
- static char *hidden_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Hidden "};
- static char *rigid_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Rigid "};
- static char *special_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Special"};
- nval_i = isw;
- XtSetSensitive(nval_i->button, False);
- rigid_text_flag = (cur_textflags & RIGID_TEXT) ? 1 : 0;
- special_text_flag = (cur_textflags & SPECIAL_TEXT) ? 1 : 0;
- hidden_text_flag = (cur_textflags & HIDDEN_TEXT) ? 1 : 0;
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, &width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, &height);
- GetValues(tool);
- /* position the popup 1/3 in from left and 2/3 down from top */
- XtTranslateCoords(tool, (Position) (width / 3), (Position) (2 * height / 3),
- &x_val, &y_val);
- FirstArg(XtNx, x_val);
- NextArg(XtNy, y_val);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 240);
- nval_popup = XtCreatePopupShell("xfig_set_indicator_panel",
- transientShellWidgetClass, tool,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(nval_popup,
- XtParseTranslationTable(nval_translations));
- if (!actions_added) {
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, nval_actions, XtNumber(nval_actions));
- actions_added = 1;
- }
- form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, nval_popup, NULL, 0);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- sprintf(buf, "%s %s", isw->line1, isw->line2);
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* make hidden text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(" Hidden Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- hidden_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- hidden_text_items[hidden_text_flag], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = hidden_text_panel;
- hidden_text_menu = make_popup_menu(hidden_text_items,
- XtNumber(hidden_text_items),
- hidden_text_panel, hidden_text_select);
- /* make rigid text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(" Rigid Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- rigid_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- rigid_text_items[rigid_text_flag], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = rigid_text_panel;
- rigid_text_menu = make_popup_menu(rigid_text_items,
- XtNumber(rigid_text_items),
- rigid_text_panel, rigid_text_select);
- /* make special text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(" Special Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- special_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- special_text_items[special_text_flag],
- menuButtonWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = special_text_panel;
- special_text_menu = make_popup_menu(special_text_items,
- XtNumber(special_text_items),
- special_text_panel, special_text_select);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "cancel");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget("cancel", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(cancel, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)flags_panel_cancel, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "set");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, cancel);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- set = XtCreateManagedWidget("set", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(set, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)flags_panel_set, (XtPointer) NULL);
- XtPopup(nval_popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- (void) XSetWMProtocols(XtDisplay(nval_popup), XtWindow(nval_popup),
- &wm_delete_window, 1);
- }
- /* handle integer and floating point settings */
- static void
- nval_panel_dismiss()
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(nval_popup);
- XtSetSensitive(nval_i->button, True);
- }
- static void
- nval_panel_cancel(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- nval_panel_dismiss();
- }
- static void
- nval_panel_set(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- int new_i_value;
- float new_f_value;
- if (nval_i->type == I_IVAL)
- {
- new_i_value = atoi(panel_get_value(newvalue));
- (*nval_i->i_varadr) = new_i_value;
- }
- else
- {
- new_f_value = atof(panel_get_value(newvalue));
- (*nval_i->f_varadr) = new_f_value;
- }
- nval_panel_dismiss();
- show_action(nval_i);
- }
- popup_nval_panel(isw)
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- {
- Position x_val, y_val;
- Dimension width, height;
- char buf[32];
- static int actions_added=0;
- nval_i = isw;
- XtSetSensitive(nval_i->button, False);
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, &width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, &height);
- GetValues(tool);
- /* position the popup 1/3 in from left and 2/3 down from top */
- XtTranslateCoords(tool, (Position) (width / 3), (Position) (2 * height / 3),
- &x_val, &y_val);
- FirstArg(XtNx, x_val);
- NextArg(XtNy, y_val);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 240);
- nval_popup = XtCreatePopupShell("xfig_set_indicator_panel",
- transientShellWidgetClass, tool,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(nval_popup,
- XtParseTranslationTable(nval_translations));
- if (!actions_added) {
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, nval_actions, XtNumber(nval_actions));
- actions_added = 1;
- }
- form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, nval_popup, NULL, 0);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- sprintf(buf, "%s %s", isw->line1, isw->line2);
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "Value =");
- newvalue = XtCreateManagedWidget("value", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* int or float? */
- if (isw->type == I_IVAL)
- sprintf(buf, "%d", (*isw->i_varadr));
- else
- sprintf(buf, "%4.2lf", (*isw->f_varadr));
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, newvalue);
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- newvalue = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, asciiTextWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* add translation and action to set value on carriage return */
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, set_actions, XtNumber(set_actions));
- XtOverrideTranslations(newvalue, XtParseTranslationTable(set_translations));
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "cancel");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, newvalue);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget("cancel", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(cancel, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)nval_panel_cancel, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, "set");
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, newvalue);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, cancel);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, INTERNAL_BW);
- set = XtCreateManagedWidget("set", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(set, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)nval_panel_set, (XtPointer) NULL);
- XtPopup(nval_popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- (void) XSetWMProtocols(XtDisplay(nval_popup), XtWindow(nval_popup),
- &wm_delete_window, 1);
- }
- /********************************************************
- commands to change indicator settings
- ********************************************************/
- update_current_settings()
- {
- int i;
- ind_sw_info *isw;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IND_SW; ++i) {
- isw = &ind_switches[i];
- show_action(isw);
- }
- }
- static
- dec_choice(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (--(*sw->i_varadr) < 0)
- (*sw->i_varadr) = sw->numchoices - 1;
- show_action(sw);
- }
- static
- inc_choice(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (++(*sw->i_varadr) > sw->numchoices - 1)
- (*sw->i_varadr) = 0;
- show_action(sw);
- }
- /* ARROW MODE */
- static
- show_arrowmode(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_arrowmode);
- switch (cur_arrowmode) {
- case L_NOARROWS:
- autobackwardarrow_mode = 0;
- autoforwardarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("NO ARROWS");
- break;
- case L_FARROWS:
- autobackwardarrow_mode = 0;
- autoforwardarrow_mode = 1;
- put_msg("Auto FORWARD ARROWS (for ARC, POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- case L_FBARROWS:
- autobackwardarrow_mode = 1;
- autoforwardarrow_mode = 1;
- break;
- case L_BARROWS:
- autobackwardarrow_mode = 1;
- autoforwardarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("Auto BACKWARD ARROWS (for ARC, POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* LINE WIDTH */
- #define MAXLINEWIDTH 200
- static
- dec_linewidth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- --cur_linewidth;
- show_linewidth(sw);
- }
- static
- inc_linewidth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- ++cur_linewidth;
- show_linewidth(sw);
- }
- static
- show_linewidth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_linewidth > MAXLINEWIDTH)
- cur_linewidth = MAXLINEWIDTH;
- else if (cur_linewidth < 0)
- cur_linewidth = 0;
- /* erase by drawing wide, inverted (white) line */
- pw_vector(sw->normalPM, DEF_IND_SW_WD / 2 + 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2,
- sw->sw_width - 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2, ERASE,
- /* draw current line thickness into pixmap */
- if (cur_linewidth > 0) /* don't draw line for zero-thickness */
- pw_vector(sw->normalPM, DEF_IND_SW_WD / 2 + 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2,
- sw->sw_width - 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2, PAINT,
- cur_linewidth, PANEL_LINE, 0.0, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- /*
- * Fool the toolkit by changing the background pixmap to 0 then giving it
- * the modified one again. Otherwise, it sees that the pixmap ID is not
- * changed and doesn't actually draw it into the widget window
- */
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) sw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- put_msg("LINE Thickness = %d", cur_linewidth);
- }
- static
- show_anglegeom(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_anglegeom);
- switch (cur_anglegeom) {
- manhattan_mode = 0;
- mountain_mode = 0;
- latexline_mode = 0;
- latexarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("UNCONSTRAINED geometry (for POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- mountain_mode = 1;
- manhattan_mode = 1;
- latexline_mode = 0;
- latexarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("MOUNT-HATTAN geometry (for POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- manhattan_mode = 1;
- mountain_mode = 0;
- latexline_mode = 0;
- latexarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("MANHATTAN geometry (for POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- case L_MOUNTAIN:
- mountain_mode = 1;
- manhattan_mode = 0;
- latexline_mode = 0;
- latexarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("MOUNTAIN geometry (for POLYLINE and SPLINE)");
- break;
- latexline_mode = 1;
- manhattan_mode = 0;
- mountain_mode = 0;
- latexarrow_mode = 0;
- put_msg("LATEX LINE geometry: allow only LaTeX line slopes");
- break;
- latexarrow_mode = 1;
- manhattan_mode = 0;
- mountain_mode = 0;
- latexline_mode = 0;
- put_msg("LATEX ARROW geometry: allow only LaTeX arrow slopes");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* LINE STYLE */
- static
- show_linestyle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_linestyle);
- switch (cur_linestyle) {
- case SOLID_LINE:
- cur_styleval = 0.0;
- break;
- case DASH_LINE:
- cur_styleval = cur_dashlength;
- break;
- cur_styleval = cur_dotgap;
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- show_valign(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_valign);
- switch (cur_valign) {
- case NONE:
- put_msg("No vertical alignment");
- break;
- case TOP:
- put_msg("Vertically align to TOP");
- break;
- case CENTER:
- put_msg("Center vertically when aligning");
- break;
- case BOTTOM:
- put_msg("Vertically align to BOTTOM");
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- show_halign(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_halign);
- switch (cur_halign) {
- case NONE:
- put_msg("No horizontal alignment");
- break;
- case LEFT:
- put_msg("Horizontally align to LEFT");
- break;
- case CENTER:
- put_msg("Center horizontally when aligning");
- break;
- case RIGHT:
- put_msg("Horizontally align to RIGHT");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* GRID MODE */
- static
- show_gridmode(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- static int prev_gridmode = -1;
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_gridmode);
- switch (cur_gridmode) {
- case GRID_0:
- put_msg("No grid");
- break;
- case GRID_1:
- put_msg("Small grid");
- break;
- case GRID_2:
- put_msg("Large grid");
- break;
- }
- if (cur_gridmode != prev_gridmode)
- setup_grid(cur_gridmode);
- prev_gridmode = cur_gridmode;
- }
- static
- show_pointposn(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- char buf[80];
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_pointposn);
- switch (cur_pointposn) {
- case P_ANY:
- put_msg("Arbitrary Positioning of Points");
- break;
- case P_MAGNET:
- case P_GRID1:
- case P_GRID2:
- sprintf(buf,
- "MAGNET MODE: entered points rounded to the nearest %s increment",
- grid_name[cur_pointposn]);
- put_msg(buf);
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- show_linkmode(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_linkmode);
- switch (cur_linkmode) {
- case SMART_OFF:
- put_msg("Do not adjust links automatically");
- break;
- case SMART_MOVE:
- put_msg("Adjust links automatically by moving endpoint");
- break;
- put_msg("Adjust links automatically by sliding endlink");
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- show_textjust(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- update_choice_pixmap(sw, cur_textjust);
- switch (cur_textjust) {
- put_msg("Left justify text");
- break;
- put_msg("Center text");
- break;
- put_msg("Right justify text");
- break;
- }
- }
- /* BOX RADIUS */
- static
- dec_boxradius(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- --cur_boxradius;
- show_boxradius(sw);
- }
- static
- inc_boxradius(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- ++cur_boxradius;
- show_boxradius(sw);
- }
- #define MAXRADIUS 30
- static
- show_boxradius(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_boxradius > MAXRADIUS)
- cur_boxradius = MAXRADIUS;
- else if (cur_boxradius < 3)
- cur_boxradius = 3;
- /* erase by drawing wide, inverted (white) line */
- pw_vector(sw->normalPM, DEF_IND_SW_WD / 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2,
- /* draw current radius into pixmap */
- curve(sw->normalPM, 0, cur_boxradius, -cur_boxradius, 0, 1,
- cur_boxradius, cur_boxradius, DEF_IND_SW_WD - 2, DEF_IND_SW_HT - 2,
- /*
- * Fool the toolkit by changing the background pixmap to 0 then giving it
- * the modified one again. Otherwise, it sees that the pixmap ID is not
- * changed and doesn't actually draw it into the widget window
- */
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) sw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- put_msg("ROUNDED-CORNER BOX Radius = %d", cur_boxradius);
- }
- /* FILL STYLE */
- static
- darken_fill(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (++cur_fillstyle > NUMFILLPATS)
- cur_fillstyle = 0;
- show_fillstyle(sw);
- }
- static
- lighten_fill(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (--cur_fillstyle < 0)
- cur_fillstyle = NUMFILLPATS;
- show_fillstyle(sw);
- }
- static
- show_fillstyle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_fillstyle == 0) {
- XCopyArea(tool_d, ((cur_color==BLACK ||
- (cur_color==DEFAULT_COLOR && x_fg_color.pixel==appres.color[BLACK]) ||
- (!all_colors_available && cur_color!=WHITE))?
- fillstyle_choices[0].blackPM: fillstyle_choices[0].normalPM),
- sw->normalPM,
- ind_button_gc, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 0);
- put_msg("NO-FILL MODE");
- } else {
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- XCopyArea(tool_d, ((cur_color==BLACK ||
- (cur_color==DEFAULT_COLOR && x_fg_color.pixel==appres.color[BLACK]) ||
- (!all_colors_available && cur_color!=WHITE))?
- fillstyle_choices[cur_fillstyle].blackPM:
- fillstyle_choices[cur_fillstyle].normalPM),
- sw->normalPM,
- ind_button_gc, 0, 0, 26, 24, 35, 4);
- put_msg("FILL MODE (black density/color intensity = %d%%)",
- ((cur_fillstyle - 1) * 100) / (NUMFILLPATS - 1));
- }
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) sw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- }
- /* COLOR */
- static
- next_color(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (++cur_color >= NUMCOLORS)
- cur_color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
- show_color(sw);
- }
- static
- prev_color(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (--cur_color < DEFAULT_COLOR)
- cur_color = NUMCOLORS - 1;
- show_color(sw);
- }
- static
- show_color(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- int color;
- if (cur_color < 0 || cur_color >= NUMCOLORS) {
- cur_color == DEFAULT_COLOR;
- color = x_fg_color.pixel;
- } else
- color = all_colors_available ? appres.color[cur_color] : x_fg_color.pixel;
- show_fillstyle(fill_style_sw);
- put_msg("Color set to %s", colorNames[cur_color + 1]);
- XSetForeground(tool_d, color_gc, color);
- /* now fill the color rectangle with the new color */
- XFillRectangle(tool_d, sw->normalPM, color_gc, sw->sw_width - 29, 4, 26, 24);
- /*
- * write the widget background over old color name before writing new
- * name
- */
- /* first set the foreground color to the background for the fill */
- XSetForeground(tool_d, ind_button_gc, ind_but_bg);
- XFillRectangle(tool_d, sw->normalPM, ind_button_gc, 0, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2,
- sw->sw_width - 29, DEF_IND_SW_HT / 2);
- /* now restore the foreground in the gc */
- XSetForeground(tool_d, ind_button_gc, ind_but_fg);
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, sw->normalPM, ind_button_gc, 3, 25,
- colorNames[cur_color + 1], strlen(colorNames[cur_color + 1]));
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) sw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- }
- /* TEXT FLAGS */
- static
- inc_flags(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (++cur_flagshown > MAX_FLAGS)
- cur_flagshown = 0;
- show_flags(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_flags(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (--cur_flagshown < 0)
- cur_flagshown = MAX_FLAGS;
- show_flags(sw);
- }
- static
- show_flags(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- put_msg("Text flags: Hidden=%s, Special=%s, Rigid=%s (Button 1 to change)",
- (cur_textflags & HIDDEN_TEXT) ? "on" : "off",
- (cur_textflags & SPECIAL_TEXT) ? "on" : "off",
- (cur_textflags & RIGID_TEXT) ? "on" : "off");
- /* write the text/ellipse angle in the background pixmap */
- switch(cur_flagshown) {
- case 0:
- sprintf(indbuf, "hidden=%s",
- (cur_textflags & HIDDEN_TEXT) ? "on " : "off ");
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(indbuf, "special=%s",
- (cur_textflags & SPECIAL_TEXT) ? "on " : "off");
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(indbuf, "rigid=%s",
- (cur_textflags & RIGID_TEXT) ? "on " : "off ");
- }
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, 6, 26);
- }
- /* FONT */
- static
- inc_font(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (using_ps)
- cur_ps_font++;
- else
- cur_latex_font++;
- show_font(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_font(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (using_ps)
- cur_ps_font--;
- else
- cur_latex_font--;
- show_font(sw);
- }
- static
- show_font(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (using_ps) {
- if (cur_ps_font >= NUM_PS_FONTS)
- cur_ps_font = DEFAULT;
- else if (cur_ps_font < DEFAULT)
- cur_ps_font = NUM_PS_FONTS - 1;
- } else {
- if (cur_latex_font >= NUM_LATEX_FONTS)
- cur_latex_font = 0;
- else if (cur_latex_font < 0)
- cur_latex_font = NUM_LATEX_FONTS - 1;
- }
- /* erase larger fontpane bits if we switched to smaller (Latex) */
- XFillRectangle(tool_d, sw->normalPM, ind_blank_gc, 0, 0,
- /* and redraw info */
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, sw->normalPM, ind_button_gc, 3, 12, sw->line1,
- strlen(sw->line1));
- XDrawImageString(tool_d, sw->normalPM, ind_button_gc, 3, 25, sw->line2,
- strlen(sw->line2));
- XCopyArea(tool_d, using_ps ? psfont_menu_bitmaps[cur_ps_font + 1] :
- latexfont_menu_bitmaps[cur_latex_font],
- sw->normalPM, ind_button_gc, 0, 0,
- using_ps ? 32 : 32 + (PS_FONTPANE_WD - LATEX_FONTPANE_WD) / 2, 6);
- button_args[6].value = 0;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- /* put the pixmap in the widget background */
- button_args[6].value = (XtArgVal) sw->normalPM;
- XtSetValues(sw->button, &button_args[6], 1);
- put_msg("Font: %s", using_ps ? ps_fontinfo[cur_ps_font + 1].name :
- latex_fontinfo[cur_latex_font].name);
- }
- /* popup menu of printer fonts */
- static int psflag;
- static ind_sw_info *return_sw;
- int show_font_return();
- static
- popup_fonts(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- return_sw = sw;
- psflag = using_ps ? 1 : 0;
- fontpane_popup(&cur_ps_font, &cur_latex_font, &psflag,
- show_font_return, sw->button);
- }
- show_font_return(w)
- Widget w;
- {
- if (psflag)
- cur_textflags = cur_textflags | PSFONT_TEXT;
- else
- cur_textflags = cur_textflags & (~PSFONT_TEXT);
- show_font(return_sw);
- }
- /* FONT SIZE */
- static
- inc_fontsize(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_fontsize >= 100) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 10) * 10; /* round first */
- cur_fontsize += 10;
- } else if (cur_fontsize >= 50) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 5) * 5;
- cur_fontsize += 5;
- } else if (cur_fontsize >= 20) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 2) * 2;
- cur_fontsize += 2;
- } else
- cur_fontsize++;
- show_fontsize(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_fontsize(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_fontsize > 100) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 10) * 10; /* round first */
- cur_fontsize -= 10;
- } else if (cur_fontsize > 50) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 5) * 5;
- cur_fontsize -= 5;
- } else if (cur_fontsize > 20) {
- cur_fontsize = (cur_fontsize / 2) * 2;
- cur_fontsize -= 2;
- } else if (cur_fontsize > 4)
- cur_fontsize--;
- show_fontsize(sw);
- }
- static
- show_fontsize(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_fontsize < 4)
- cur_fontsize = 4;
- else if (cur_fontsize > 1000)
- cur_fontsize = 1000;
- put_msg("Font size %d", cur_fontsize);
- /* write the font size in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%4d", cur_fontsize);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 28, 20);
- }
- static
- inc_elltextangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_elltextangle < 0.0)
- cur_elltextangle = ((int) ((cur_elltextangle-14.999)/15.0))*15.0;
- else
- cur_elltextangle = ((int) (cur_elltextangle/15.0))*15.0;
- cur_elltextangle += 15.0;
- show_elltextangle(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_elltextangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_elltextangle < 0.0)
- cur_elltextangle = ((int) (cur_elltextangle/15.0))*15.0;
- else
- cur_elltextangle = ((int) ((cur_elltextangle+14.999)/15.0))*15.0;
- cur_elltextangle -= 15.0;
- show_elltextangle(sw);
- }
- static
- show_elltextangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- cur_elltextangle = round(cur_elltextangle*10.0)/10.0;
- if (cur_elltextangle <= -360.0 || cur_elltextangle >= 360)
- cur_elltextangle = 0.0;
- put_msg("Text/Ellipse angle %.1f", cur_elltextangle);
- if (cur_elltextangle == old_elltextangle)
- return;
- /* write the text/ellipse angle in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0]=indbuf[1]=indbuf[2]=indbuf[3]=indbuf[4]=indbuf[5]=' ';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%5.1f", cur_elltextangle);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 40, 26);
- old_elltextangle = cur_elltextangle;
- }
- static
- inc_rotnangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_rotnangle < 30 || cur_rotnangle >= 120)
- cur_rotnangle = 30;
- else if (cur_rotnangle < 45)
- cur_rotnangle = 45;
- else if (cur_rotnangle < 60)
- cur_rotnangle = 60;
- else if (cur_rotnangle < 90)
- cur_rotnangle = 90;
- else if (cur_rotnangle < 120)
- cur_rotnangle = 120;
- show_rotnangle(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_rotnangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_rotnangle > 120 || cur_rotnangle <= 30)
- cur_rotnangle = 120;
- else if (cur_rotnangle > 90)
- cur_rotnangle = 90;
- else if (cur_rotnangle > 60)
- cur_rotnangle = 60;
- else if (cur_rotnangle > 45)
- cur_rotnangle = 45;
- else if (cur_rotnangle > 30)
- cur_rotnangle = 30;
- show_rotnangle(sw);
- }
- static
- show_rotnangle(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_rotnangle < 1)
- cur_rotnangle = 1;
- else if (cur_rotnangle > 180)
- cur_rotnangle = 180;
- put_msg("Angle of rotation %d", cur_rotnangle);
- if (cur_rotnangle == old_rotnangle)
- return;
- /* write the rotation angle in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%3d", cur_rotnangle);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 22, 20);
- /* change markers if we changed to or from 90 degrees (except at start) */
- if (old_rotnangle != -1) {
- if (cur_rotnangle == 90)
- update_markers(M_ALL);
- else if (old_rotnangle == 90)
- update_markers(M_ROTATE_ANGLE);
- }
- old_rotnangle = cur_rotnangle;
- }
- /* NUMSIDES */
- static
- inc_numsides(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- cur_numsides++;
- show_numsides(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_numsides(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- cur_numsides--;
- show_numsides(sw);
- }
- static
- show_numsides(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_numsides < 3)
- cur_numsides = 3;
- else if (cur_numsides > 99)
- cur_numsides = 99;
- put_msg("Number of sides %2d", cur_numsides);
- /* write the font size in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%2d", cur_numsides);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 18, 20);
- }
- /* ZOOM */
- static
- inc_zoom(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (zoomscale < 1.0)
- {
- zoomscale = (int)(zoomscale*4.0)/4.0 + 0.25;
- if (zoomscale > 1.0)
- zoomscale = 1.0;
- }
- else
- zoomscale = (int)zoomscale + 1.0;
- show_zoom(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_zoom(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (zoomscale <= 1.0) /* keep to 0.25 increments */
- zoomscale = (int)((zoomscale+0.23)*4.0)/4.0 - 0.25;
- else
- {
- zoomscale = (int)zoomscale - 1.0;
- if (zoomscale < 1.0)
- zoomscale = 1.0;
- }
- show_zoom(sw);
- }
- show_zoom(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (zoomscale < 0.1)
- zoomscale = 0.1;
- else if (zoomscale > 10.0)
- zoomscale = 10.0;
- put_msg("Zoom scale %.2f", zoomscale);
- if (zoomscale == old_zoomscale)
- return;
- /* write the font size in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- if (zoomscale == (int) zoomscale)
- sprintf(indbuf, " %.0f ", zoomscale);
- else
- sprintf(indbuf, "%.2f", zoomscale);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 24, 14);
- /* fix up the rulers and grid */
- reset_rulers();
- redisplay_rulers();
- /* reload text objects' font structures since we need
- to load larger/smaller fonts */
- reload_text_fstructs();
- setup_grid(cur_gridmode);
- old_zoomscale = zoomscale;
- }
- /* DEPTH */
- static
- inc_depth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- cur_depth++;
- show_depth(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_depth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- cur_depth--;
- show_depth(sw);
- }
- show_depth(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_depth < 0)
- cur_depth = 0;
- else if (cur_depth > MAXDEPTH)
- cur_depth = MAXDEPTH;
- put_msg("Depth %3d", cur_depth);
- /* write the font size in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%3d", cur_depth);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 22, 20);
- }
- /* TEXTSTEP */
- static
- inc_textstep(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_textstep >= 10.0) {
- cur_textstep = (int) cur_textstep; /* round first */
- cur_textstep += 1.0;
- } else if (cur_textstep >= 5.0) {
- cur_textstep = ((int)(cur_textstep*2.0+0.01))/2.0;
- cur_textstep += 0.5;
- } else if (cur_textstep >= 2.0) {
- cur_textstep = ((int)(cur_textstep*5.0+0.01))/5.0;
- cur_textstep += 0.2;
- } else
- cur_textstep += 0.1;
- show_textstep(sw);
- }
- static
- dec_textstep(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_textstep > 10.0) {
- cur_textstep = (int)cur_textstep; /* round first */
- cur_textstep -= 1.0;
- } else if (cur_textstep > 5.0) {
- cur_textstep = ((int)(cur_textstep*2.0+0.01))/2.0;
- cur_textstep -= 0.5;
- } else if (cur_textstep > 2.0) {
- cur_textstep = ((int)(cur_textstep*5.0+0.01))/5.0;
- cur_textstep -= 0.2;
- } else if (cur_textstep > 0.4)
- cur_textstep -= 0.1;
- show_textstep(sw);
- }
- /* could make this more generic - but a copy will do for font set JNT */
- static
- show_textstep(sw)
- ind_sw_info *sw;
- {
- if (cur_textstep < 0)
- cur_textstep = 0;
- else if (cur_textstep > 99.0)
- cur_textstep = 99.0;
- put_msg("Text step %.1f", cur_textstep);
- /* write the font size in the background pixmap */
- indbuf[0] = indbuf[1] = indbuf[2] = indbuf[3] = indbuf[4] = '\0';
- sprintf(indbuf, "%4.1f", cur_textstep);
- update_string_pixmap(sw, indbuf, sw->sw_width - 28, 20);
- }