home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
- * Change function implemented by Frank Schmuck (schmuck@svax.cs.cornell.edu)
- * X version by Jon Tombs <jon@uk.ac.oxford.robots>
- *
- * "Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
- * No representations are made about the suitability of this software for
- * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty."
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "figx.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "mode.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #include "u_fonts.h"
- #include "u_search.h"
- #include "u_list.h"
- #include "u_create.h"
- #include "w_canvas.h"
- #include "w_drawprim.h"
- #include "w_icons.h"
- #include "w_util.h"
- #include "w_mousefun.h"
- extern char *panel_get_value();
- extern PIX_ROT_FONT lookfont();
- Widget make_popup_menu();
- static Widget make_color_popup_menu();
- extern Pixmap psfont_menu_bitmaps[];
- extern Pixmap latexfont_menu_bitmaps[];
- extern void Quit();
- extern fontpane_popup();
- static void new_generic_values();
- static void new_arrow_values();
- static generic_window();
- static font_image_panel();
- static color_selection_panel();
- static float_panel();
- static float_label();
- static int_panel();
- static int_label();
- static str_panel();
- static xy_panel();
- static f_pos_panel();
- static get_f_pos();
- static points_panel();
- static get_points();
- int panel_set_value();
- static XtCallbackProc done_button(), apply_button(), cancel_button();
- static XtCallbackProc toggle_for_arrow(), toggle_back_arrow();
- static void line_style_select();
- static void textjust_select();
- static void fill_style_select();
- static void flip_eps_select();
- static void hidden_text_select();
- static void rigid_text_select();
- static void special_text_select();
- static void color_select();
- static void set_color_name();
- static Widget popup, form;
- static Widget below, beside;
- #define NUM_IMAGES 16
- static int done_line();
- static int done_text();
- static int done_arc();
- static int done_ellipse();
- static int done_spline();
- static int done_compound();
- static Widget origsize;
- static Widget shrink, expand;
- static Widget label;
- static Widget thickness_panel;
- static Widget color_panel;
- static Widget depth_panel;
- static Widget angle_panel;
- static Widget textjust_panel;
- static Widget hidden_text_panel;
- static Widget rigid_text_panel;
- static Widget special_text_panel;
- static Widget fill_style_panel;
- static Widget flip_eps_panel;
- static Widget style_val_label;
- static Widget fill_style_label;
- static Widget style_panel;
- static Widget style_val_panel;
- static Widget for_arrow_height,for_arrow_width,for_arrow_thick;
- static Widget back_arrow_height,back_arrow_width,back_arrow_thick;
- static Widget for_thick_label,for_height_label,for_width_label;
- static Widget back_thick_label,back_height_label,back_width_label;
- static Widget for_thick_val,for_height_val,for_width_val;
- static Widget back_thick_val,back_height_val,back_width_val;
- static Boolean for_arrow, back_arrow;
- static Widget text_panel;
- static Widget eps_name_panel;
- static Widget x1_panel, y1_panel;
- static Widget x2_panel, y2_panel;
- static Widget x3_panel, y3_panel;
- static Widget hw_ratio_panel;
- static Widget orig_hw_panel;
- static Widget rotn_panel;
- static Widget font_panel;
- static Widget cur_fontsize_panel;
- static Widget fill_flag_panel;
- static Widget radius, num_objects;
- static Widget menu, hidden_text_menu, textjust_menu;
- static Widget special_text_menu, rigid_text_menu;
- static Widget but1;
- DeclareStaticArgs(12);
- static char buf[64];
- static Widget px_panel[MAXNUMPTS];
- static Widget py_panel[MAXNUMPTS];
- static int ellipse_flag;
- static int fill_flag;
- static int flip_eps_flag;
- static int (*done_proc) ();
- static int button_result;
- static int textjust;
- static Color color;
- static int hidden_text_flag;
- static int special_text_flag;
- static int rigid_text_flag;
- static int new_ps_font, new_latex_font;
- static int new_psflag;
- static int changed;
- static String edit_translations =
- "<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: DoneEdit()\n";
- static void edit_cancel();
- static XtActionsRec edit_actions[] =
- {
- {"DoneEdit", (XtActionProc) edit_cancel},
- };
- #define CANCEL 0
- #define DONE 1
- #define APPLY 2
- static struct {
- int thickness;
- Color color;
- int depth;
- int style;
- float style_val;
- int pen;
- int fill_style;
- F_arrow *for_arrow;
- F_arrow *back_arrow;
- } generic_vals;
- #define put_generic_vals(x) \
- generic_vals.thickness = x->thickness; \
- generic_vals.color = x->color; \
- generic_vals.depth = x->depth; \
- generic_vals.style = x->style; \
- generic_vals.style_val = x->style_val; \
- generic_vals.pen = x->pen; \
- generic_vals.fill_style = x->fill_style
- #define get_generic_vals(x) \
- new_generic_values(); \
- x->thickness = generic_vals.thickness; \
- x->color = generic_vals.color; \
- x->depth = generic_vals.depth; \
- x->style = generic_vals.style; \
- x->style_val = generic_vals.style_val; \
- x->pen = generic_vals.pen; \
- x->fill_style = generic_vals.fill_style
- #define put_generic_arrows(x) \
- generic_vals.for_arrow = x->for_arrow; \
- generic_vals.back_arrow = x->back_arrow
- #define get_generic_arrows(x) \
- new_arrow_values(); \
- x->for_arrow = (for_arrow? generic_vals.for_arrow : NULL); \
- x->back_arrow = (back_arrow? generic_vals.back_arrow : NULL)
- int edit_item();
- edit_item_selected()
- {
- set_mousefun("edit object", "", "");
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- init_searchproc_left(edit_item);
- canvas_leftbut_proc = object_search_left;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- set_cursor(pick9_cursor);
- reset_action_on();
- }
- edit_item(p, type, x, y)
- char *p;
- int type;
- int x, y;
- {
- extern Atom wm_delete_window;
- changed = 0;
- switch (type) {
- case O_POLYLINE:
- make_window_line((F_line *) p);
- break;
- case O_TEXT:
- make_window_text((F_text *) p);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- make_window_ellipse((F_ellipse *) p);
- break;
- case O_ARC:
- make_window_arc((F_arc *) p);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE:
- make_window_spline((F_spline *) p);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND:
- make_window_compound((F_compound *) p);
- break;
- }
- XtPopup(popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- (void) XSetWMProtocols(XtDisplay(popup), XtWindow(popup),
- &wm_delete_window, 1);
- }
- static void
- expand_eps(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- register float orig_ratio = new_l->eps->hw_ratio;
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- rotation = 0;
- if (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- rotation = 180;
- else if (dx < 0 && dy >= 0)
- rotation = 270;
- else if (dy < 0 && dx >= 0)
- rotation = 90;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0 || orig_ratio == 0.0)
- return;
- if (((rotation == 0 || rotation == 180) && !flip_eps_flag) ||
- (rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 && flip_eps_flag)) {
- ratio = fabs((float) dy / (float) dx);
- if (ratio < orig_ratio)
- p2.y = p1.y + signof(dy) * (int) (fabs((float) dx) * orig_ratio);
- else
- p2.x = p1.x + signof(dx) * (int) (fabs((float) dy) / orig_ratio);
- } else {
- ratio = fabs((float) dx / (float) dy);
- if (ratio < orig_ratio)
- p2.x = p1.x + signof(dx) * (int) (fabs((float) dy) * orig_ratio);
- else
- p2.y = p1.y + signof(dy) * (int) (fabs((float) dx) / orig_ratio);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.x);
- panel_set_value(x2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.y);
- panel_set_value(y2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", orig_ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(hw_ratio_panel);
- }
- static void
- shrink_eps(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- register float orig_ratio = new_l->eps->hw_ratio;
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- rotation = 0;
- if (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- rotation = 180;
- else if (dx < 0 && dy >= 0)
- rotation = 270;
- else if (dy < 0 && dx >= 0)
- rotation = 90;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0 || orig_ratio == 0.0)
- return;
- if (((rotation == 0 || rotation == 180) && !flip_eps_flag) ||
- (rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 && flip_eps_flag)) {
- ratio = fabs((float) dy / (float) dx);
- if (ratio > orig_ratio)
- p2.y = p1.y + signof(dy) * (int) (fabs((float) dx) * orig_ratio);
- else
- p2.x = p1.x + signof(dx) * (int) (fabs((float) dy) / orig_ratio);
- } else {
- ratio = fabs((float) dx / (float) dy);
- if (ratio > orig_ratio)
- p2.x = p1.x + signof(dx) * (int) (fabs((float) dy) * orig_ratio);
- else
- p2.y = p1.y + signof(dy) * (int) (fabs((float) dx) / orig_ratio);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.x);
- panel_set_value(x2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.y);
- panel_set_value(y2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", orig_ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(hw_ratio_panel);
- }
- static void
- origsize_eps(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- register float orig_ratio = new_l->eps->hw_ratio;
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0 || orig_ratio == 0.0)
- return;
- p2.x = p1.x + signof(dx) * new_l->eps->size_x;
- p2.y = p1.y + signof(dy) * new_l->eps->size_y;
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.x);
- panel_set_value(x2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", p2.y);
- panel_set_value(y2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", orig_ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(hw_ratio_panel);
- }
- static char *flip_eps_items[] = {"Normal ",
- "Flipped about diag"};
- make_window_compound(c)
- F_compound *c;
- {
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- mask_toggle_compoundmarker(c);
- new_c = copy_compound(c);
- new_c->next = c;
- generic_window("COMPOUND", "", &glue_ic, done_compound, 0, 0);
- f_pos_panel(&c->nwcorner, "Top Left Corner:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- f_pos_panel(&c->secorner, "Bottom Right Corner:", &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- int_label(object_count(c), "Num Objects: ", &num_objects);
- }
- static
- get_new_compound_values()
- {
- int dx, dy, nw_x, nw_y, se_x, se_y;
- float scalex, scaley;
- nw_x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- nw_y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- se_x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- se_y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = nw_x - new_c->nwcorner.x;
- dy = nw_y - new_c->nwcorner.y;
- scalex = (float) (nw_x - se_x) /
- (float) (new_c->nwcorner.x - new_c->secorner.x);
- scaley = (float) (nw_y - se_y) /
- (float) (new_c->nwcorner.y - new_c->secorner.y);
- translate_compound(new_c, dx, dy);
- scale_compound(new_c, scalex, scaley, nw_x, nw_y);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", new_c->nwcorner.x);
- panel_set_value(x1_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", new_c->nwcorner.y);
- panel_set_value(y1_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", new_c->secorner.x);
- panel_set_value(x2_panel, buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", new_c->secorner.y);
- panel_set_value(y2_panel, buf);
- }
- static
- done_compound()
- {
- old_c = new_c->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- draw_compoundelements(new_c, ERASE);
- changed = 1;
- get_new_compound_values();
- draw_compoundelements(new_c, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- draw_compoundelements(new_c, ERASE);
- get_new_compound_values();
- new_c->next = NULL;
- change_compound(old_c, new_c);
- draw_compoundelements(new_c, PAINT);
- toggle_compoundmarker(new_c);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed) {
- draw_compoundelements(new_c, ERASE);
- draw_compoundelements(old_c, PAINT);
- }
- new_c->next = NULL;
- free_compound(&new_c);
- toggle_compoundmarker(old_c);
- new_c = old_c;
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- make_window_line(l)
- F_line *l;
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- mask_toggle_linemarker(l);
- new_l = copy_line(l);
- new_l->next = l;
- put_generic_vals(new_l);
- color = new_l->color;
- switch (new_l->type) {
- case T_POLYLINE:
- put_generic_arrows(new_l);
- generic_window("POLYLINE", "Polyline", &line_ic, done_line, 1, 1);
- points_panel(new_l->points, 0);
- break;
- case T_POLYGON:
- generic_window("POLYLINE", "Polygon", &polygon_ic, done_line, 1, 0);
- points_panel(new_l->points, 1);
- break;
- case T_BOX:
- generic_window("POLYLINE", "Box", &box_ic, done_line, 1, 0);
- p1 = *new_l->points;
- p2 = *new_l->points->next->next;
- xy_panel(p1.x, p1.y, "First Corner:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- xy_panel(p2.x, p2.y, "Opposite Corner:", &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- break;
- case T_ARC_BOX:
- generic_window("POLYLINE", "ArcBox", &arc_box_ic, done_line, 1, 0);
- p1 = *new_l->points;
- p2 = *new_l->points->next->next;
- xy_panel(p1.x, p1.y, "First Corner:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- xy_panel(p2.x, p2.y, "Opposite Corner:", &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- int_panel(new_l->radius, form, "Radius =", &radius);
- break;
- case T_EPS_BOX:
- generic_window("POLYLINE", "EPS", &epsobj_ic, done_line, 0, 0);
- int_panel(new_l->depth, form, "Depth =", &depth_panel);
- if (!strcmp(new_l->eps->file, EMPTY_EPS))
- new_l->eps->file[0] = '\0';
- str_panel(new_l->eps->file, "EPS Filename =", &eps_name_panel);
- p1 = *new_l->points;
- p2 = *new_l->points->next->next;
- xy_panel(p1.x, p1.y, "First Corner:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- xy_panel(p2.x, p2.y, "Opposite corner:", &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- /* make popup flipped menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Orientation =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- flip_eps_flag = new_l->eps->flipped;
- flip_eps_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- flip_eps_items[flip_eps_flag ? 1 : 0], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = flip_eps_panel;
- menu = make_popup_menu(flip_eps_items, XtNumber(flip_eps_items),
- flip_eps_panel, flip_eps_select);
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- rotation = 0;
- if (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- rotation = 180;
- else if (dx < 0 && dy >= 0)
- rotation = 270;
- else if (dy < 0 && dx >= 0)
- rotation = 90;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0)
- ratio = 0.0;
- else if (((rotation == 0 || rotation == 180) && !flip_eps_flag) ||
- (rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 && flip_eps_flag))
- ratio = fabs((float) dy / (float) dx);
- else
- ratio = fabs((float) dx / (float) dy);
- int_label(rotation, "Rotation = ", &rotn_panel);
- float_label(ratio, "Curr h/w Ratio =", &hw_ratio_panel);
- float_label(new_l->eps->hw_ratio, "Orig h/w Ratio =", &orig_hw_panel);
- below = orig_hw_panel;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Change h/w ratio", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNsensitive, new_l->eps->hw_ratio ? True : False);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- shrink = XtCreateManagedWidget("Shrink to orig", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(shrink, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)shrink_eps, (XtPointer) NULL);
- beside = shrink;
- ArgCount--;
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- expand = XtCreateManagedWidget("Expand to orig", commandWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(expand, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)expand_eps, (XtPointer) NULL);
- below = expand;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNsensitive, new_l->eps->hw_ratio ? True : False);
- origsize = XtCreateManagedWidget("Use orig. size",
- commandWidgetClass, form, Args,
- ArgCount);
- XtAddEventHandler(origsize, ButtonReleaseMask, (Boolean) 0,
- (XtEventHandler)origsize_eps, (XtPointer) NULL);
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- get_new_line_values()
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2, *p;
- char *s;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- switch (new_l->type) {
- case T_POLYLINE:
- get_generic_vals(new_l);
- get_generic_arrows(new_l);
- get_points(new_l->points, False);
- return;
- case T_POLYGON:
- get_generic_vals(new_l);
- get_points(new_l->points, True);
- return;
- case T_ARC_BOX:
- new_l->radius = atoi(panel_get_value(radius));
- case T_BOX:
- get_generic_vals(new_l);
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- break;
- case T_EPS_BOX:
- new_l->color = color;
- new_l->depth = atoi(panel_get_value(depth_panel));
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- rotation = 0;
- if (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- rotation = 180;
- else if (dx < 0 && dy >= 0)
- rotation = 270;
- else if (dy < 0 && dx >= 0)
- rotation = 90;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0)
- ratio = 0.0;
- else if (((rotation == 0 || rotation == 180) && !flip_eps_flag) ||
- (rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 && flip_eps_flag))
- ratio = fabs((float) dy / (float) dx);
- else
- ratio = fabs((float) dx / (float) dy);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", rotation);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(rotn_panel);
- new_l->eps->flipped = flip_eps_flag;
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(hw_ratio_panel);
- s = panel_get_value(eps_name_panel);
- if (s[0] == '\0')
- s = EMPTY_EPS;
- if (strcmp(s, new_l->eps->file)) {
- if (new_l->eps->bitmap) {
- free((char *) new_l->eps->bitmap);
- new_l->eps->bitmap = NULL;
- }
- strcpy(new_l->eps->file, s);
- new_l->eps->hw_ratio = 0.0;
- if (strcmp(new_l->eps->file, EMPTY_EPS))
- read_epsf(new_l->eps);
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", new_l->eps->hw_ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(orig_hw_panel);
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, new_l->eps->hw_ratio ? True : False);
- SetValues(shrink);
- SetValues(expand);
- SetValues(origsize);
- break;
- }
- p = new_l->points;
- p->x = p1.x;
- p->y = p1.y;
- p = p->next;
- p->x = p2.x;
- p->y = p1.y;
- p = p->next;
- p->x = p2.x;
- p->y = p2.y;
- p = p->next;
- p->x = p1.x;
- p->y = p2.y;
- p = p->next;
- p->x = p1.x;
- p->y = p1.y;
- }
- static
- done_line()
- {
- old_l = new_l->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- changed = 1;
- draw_line(new_l, ERASE);
- get_new_line_values();
- draw_line(new_l, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- get_new_line_values();
- new_l->next = NULL;
- change_line(old_l, new_l);
- redisplay_lines(old_l, new_l);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed)
- redisplay_lines(old_l, new_l);
- else
- mask_toggle_linemarker(old_l);
- new_l->next = NULL;
- free_line(&new_l);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- make_window_text(t)
- F_text *t;
- {
- static char *textjust_items[] = {
- "Left Justified ", "Centered ", "Right Justified"};
- static char *hidden_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Hidden "};
- static char *rigid_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Rigid "};
- static char *special_text_items[] = {
- "Normal ", "Special"};
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- toggle_textmarker(t);
- new_t = copy_text(t);
- new_t->next = t;
- textjust = new_t->type; /* get current justification */
- hidden_text_flag = hidden_text(new_t) ? 1 : 0;
- new_psflag = psfont_text(new_t) ? 1 : 0;
- rigid_text_flag = rigid_text(new_t) ? 1 : 0;
- special_text_flag = special_text(new_t) ? 1 : 0;
- new_ps_font = cur_ps_font;
- new_latex_font = cur_latex_font;
- generic_vals.color = new_t->color;
- color = new_t->color;
- if (new_psflag)
- new_ps_font = new_t->font; /* get current font */
- else
- new_latex_font = new_t->font; /* get current font */
- generic_window("TEXT", "", &text_ic, done_text, 0, 0);
- int_panel(new_t->size, form, "Size =", &cur_fontsize_panel);
- color_selection_panel();
- int_panel(new_t->depth, form, "Depth =", &depth_panel);
- int_panel(round(180 / M_PI * new_t->angle), form, "Angle (degrees) =",
- &angle_panel);
- /* make text justification menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Justification =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, textjust_items[textjust]);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- textjust_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- "justify", menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = textjust_panel;
- textjust_menu = make_popup_menu(textjust_items, XtNumber(textjust_items),
- textjust_panel, textjust_select);
- /* make hidden text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Hidden Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- hidden_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- hidden_text_items[hidden_text_flag], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = hidden_text_panel;
- hidden_text_menu = make_popup_menu(hidden_text_items,
- XtNumber(hidden_text_items),
- hidden_text_panel, hidden_text_select);
- /* make rigid text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Rigid Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- rigid_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- rigid_text_items[rigid_text_flag], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = rigid_text_panel;
- rigid_text_menu = make_popup_menu(rigid_text_items,
- XtNumber(rigid_text_items),
- rigid_text_panel, rigid_text_select);
- /* make special text menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Special Flag =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- special_text_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- special_text_items[special_text_flag],
- menuButtonWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = special_text_panel;
- special_text_menu = make_popup_menu(special_text_items,
- XtNumber(special_text_items),
- special_text_panel, special_text_select);
- xy_panel(new_t->base_x, new_t->base_y, "Origin:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- font_image_panel(new_psflag ? psfont_menu_bitmaps[new_t->font + 1] :
- latexfont_menu_bitmaps[new_t->font], "Font:", &font_panel);
- str_panel(new_t->cstring, "Text:", &text_panel);
- }
- static
- get_new_text_values()
- {
- char *s;
- PR_SIZE size;
- new_t->type = textjust;
- new_t->flags =
- (rigid_text_flag ? RIGID_TEXT : 0)
- | (special_text_flag ? SPECIAL_TEXT : 0)
- | (hidden_text_flag ? HIDDEN_TEXT : 0)
- | (new_psflag ? PSFONT_TEXT : 0);
- if (psfont_text(new_t))
- new_t->font = new_ps_font;
- else
- new_t->font = new_latex_font;
- new_t->size = atoi(panel_get_value(cur_fontsize_panel));
- if (new_t->size < 1) {
- new_t->size = 1;
- panel_set_value(cur_fontsize_panel, "1");
- }
- new_t->color = color;
- new_t->depth = atoi(panel_get_value(depth_panel));
- new_t->angle = M_PI / 180 * atoi(panel_get_value(angle_panel));
- new_t->base_x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- new_t->base_y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- if (new_t->cstring)
- free(new_t->cstring);
- s = panel_get_value(text_panel);
- new_t->cstring = new_string(strlen(s) + 1);
- strcpy(new_t->cstring, s);
- canvas_font = lookfont(x_fontnum(new_t->flags, new_t->font),
- new_t->size, new_t->angle*180.0/M_PI);
- new_t->fontstruct = canvas_font;
- size = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, strlen(s), s);
- new_t->height = size.y;
- new_t->length = size.x;
- }
- static
- done_text()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- old_t = new_t->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- draw_text(new_t, ERASE);
- changed = 1;
- get_new_text_values();
- draw_text(new_t, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- draw_text(old_t, ERASE);
- get_new_text_values();
- new_t->next = NULL;
- change_text(old_t, new_t);
- text_bound(new_t, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- redisplay_zoomed_region(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed) {
- draw_text(new_t, ERASE);
- text_bound(old_t, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- redisplay_zoomed_region(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- } else {
- toggle_textmarker(old_t);
- }
- new_t->next = NULL;
- free_text(&new_t);
- new_t = old_t;
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- make_window_ellipse(e)
- F_ellipse *e;
- {
- char *s1, *s2;
- PIXRECT image;
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- toggle_ellipsemarker(e);
- new_e = copy_ellipse(e);
- new_e->next = e;
- color = new_e->color;
- switch (new_e->type) {
- s1 = "ELLIPSE";
- s2 = "specified by radius";
- ellipse_flag = 1;
- image = &ellrad_ic;
- break;
- s1 = "ELLIPSE";
- s2 = "specified by diameter";
- ellipse_flag = 1;
- image = &elldia_ic;
- break;
- s1 = "CIRCLE";
- s2 = "specified by radius";
- ellipse_flag = 0;
- image = &cirrad_ic;
- break;
- s1 = "CIRCLE";
- s2 = "specified by diameter";
- ellipse_flag = 0;
- image = &cirdia_ic;
- break;
- }
- put_generic_vals(new_e);
- generic_window(s1, s2, image, done_ellipse, 1, 0);
- int_panel(round(180 / M_PI * new_e->angle), form, "Angle (degrees) =",
- &angle_panel);
- if (ellipse_flag) {
- f_pos_panel(&new_e->center, "Center:",
- &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- f_pos_panel(&new_e->radiuses, "Radiuses:",
- &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- } else {
- f_pos_panel(&new_e->center, "Center:",
- &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- int_panel(new_e->radiuses.x, form, "Radius =",
- &x2_panel);
- }
- }
- static
- get_new_ellipse_values()
- {
- get_generic_vals(new_e);
- new_e->angle = M_PI / 180 * atoi(panel_get_value(angle_panel));
- get_f_pos(&new_e->center, x1_panel, y1_panel);
- if (ellipse_flag)
- get_f_pos(&new_e->radiuses, x2_panel, y2_panel);
- else
- new_e->radiuses.x = new_e->radiuses.y =
- atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- if (new_e->type == T_ELLIPSE_BY_RAD || new_e->type == T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD) {
- new_e->start = new_e->center;
- } else {
- new_e->start.x = new_e->center.x - new_e->radiuses.x;
- new_e->start.y = new_e->center.y - new_e->radiuses.y;
- }
- new_e->end.x = new_e->center.x + new_e->radiuses.x;
- new_e->end.y = new_e->center.y + new_e->radiuses.y;
- }
- static
- done_ellipse()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- old_e = new_e->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- draw_ellipse(new_e, ERASE);
- changed = 1;
- get_new_ellipse_values();
- draw_ellipse(new_e, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- draw_ellipse(new_e, ERASE);
- get_new_ellipse_values();
- new_e->next = NULL;
- change_ellipse(old_e, new_e);
- draw_ellipse(new_e, PAINT);
- toggle_ellipsemarker(new_e);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed) {
- draw_ellipse(new_e, ERASE);
- draw_ellipse(old_e, PAINT);
- }
- new_e->next = NULL;
- free_ellipse(&new_e);
- toggle_ellipsemarker(old_e);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- make_window_arc(a)
- F_arc *a;
- {
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- toggle_arcmarker(a);
- new_a = copy_arc(a);
- new_a->next = a;
- color = new_a->color;
- put_generic_vals(new_a);
- put_generic_arrows(new_a);
- generic_window("ARC", "Specified by 3 points", &arc_ic, done_arc, 1, 1);
- f_pos_panel(&new_a->point[0], "p1:", &x1_panel, &y1_panel);
- f_pos_panel(&new_a->point[1], "p2:", &x2_panel, &y2_panel);
- f_pos_panel(&new_a->point[2], "p3:", &x3_panel, &y3_panel);
- }
- static
- get_new_arc_values()
- {
- F_pos p0, p1, p2;
- float cx, cy;
- get_generic_vals(new_a);
- get_generic_arrows(new_a);
- get_f_pos(&p0, x1_panel, y1_panel);
- get_f_pos(&p1, x2_panel, y2_panel);
- get_f_pos(&p2, x3_panel, y3_panel);
- if (compute_arccenter(p0, p1, p2, &cx, &cy)) {
- new_a->point[0] = p0;
- new_a->point[1] = p1;
- new_a->point[2] = p2;
- new_a->center.x = cx;
- new_a->center.y = cy;
- new_a->direction = compute_direction(p0, p1, p2);
- } else
- put_msg("Invalid ARC points!");
- }
- static
- done_arc()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- old_a = new_a->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- draw_arc(new_a, ERASE);
- changed = 1;
- get_new_arc_values();
- draw_arc(new_a, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- draw_arc(new_a, ERASE);
- get_new_arc_values();
- new_a->next = NULL;
- change_arc(old_a, new_a);
- draw_arc(new_a, PAINT);
- toggle_arcmarker(new_a);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed) {
- draw_arc(new_a, ERASE);
- draw_arc(old_a, PAINT);
- }
- new_a->next = NULL;
- free_arc(&new_a);
- toggle_arcmarker(old_a);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- make_window_spline(s)
- F_spline *s;
- {
- set_temp_cursor(panel_cursor);
- toggle_splinemarker(s);
- new_s = copy_spline(s);
- new_s->next = s;
- color = new_s->color;
- put_generic_vals(new_s);
- put_generic_arrows(new_s);
- switch (new_s->type) {
- generic_window("SPLINE", "Normal open", &spl_ic,
- done_spline, 1, 1);
- points_panel(new_s->points, 0);
- break;
- generic_window("SPLINE", "Normal closed", &c_spl_ic,
- done_spline, 1, 1);
- points_panel(new_s->points, 1);
- break;
- generic_window("SPLINE", "Interpolated open", &intspl_ic,
- done_spline, 1, 1);
- points_panel(new_s->points, 0);
- break;
- generic_window("SPLINE", "Interpolated closed", &c_intspl_ic,
- done_spline, 1, 1);
- points_panel(new_s->points, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- done_spline()
- {
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- old_s = new_s->next;
- switch (button_result) {
- case APPLY:
- draw_spline(new_s, ERASE);
- changed = 1;
- get_generic_vals(new_s);
- get_generic_arrows(new_s);
- get_points(new_s->points, closed_spline(new_s));
- if (int_spline(new_s))
- remake_control_points(new_s);
- draw_spline(new_s, PAINT);
- break;
- case DONE:
- draw_spline(new_s, ERASE);
- get_generic_vals(new_s);
- get_generic_arrows(new_s);
- get_points(new_s->points, closed_spline(new_s));
- if (int_spline(new_s))
- remake_control_points(new_s);
- new_s->next = NULL;
- change_spline(old_s, new_s);
- draw_spline(new_s, PAINT);
- toggle_splinemarker(new_s);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- case CANCEL:
- if (changed) {
- draw_spline(new_s, ERASE);
- draw_spline(old_s, PAINT);
- }
- new_s->next = NULL;
- free_spline(&new_s);
- toggle_splinemarker(old_s);
- reset_cursor();
- break;
- }
- }
- static void
- new_generic_values()
- {
- int fill;
- char *val;
- generic_vals.thickness = atoi(panel_get_value(thickness_panel));
- generic_vals.color = color;
- generic_vals.depth = atoi(panel_get_value(depth_panel));
- /* include dash length in panel, too */
- generic_vals.style_val = (float) atof(panel_get_value(style_val_panel));
- if (fill_flag) {
- val = panel_get_value(fill_style_panel);
- if (*val >= ' ' && *val <= '9') {
- if ((fill = atoi(val)) > 100)
- fill = 100;
- generic_vals.fill_style = (fill / (100 / (NUMFILLPATS - 1))) + 1;
- }
- fill = (generic_vals.fill_style - 1) * (100 / (NUMFILLPATS - 1));
- sprintf(buf, "%d", fill);
- panel_set_value(fill_style_panel, buf);
- } else
- generic_vals.fill_style = 0;
- }
- static void
- new_arrow_values()
- {
- generic_vals.for_arrow->thickness =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(for_arrow_thick));
- generic_vals.for_arrow->wid =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(for_arrow_width));
- generic_vals.for_arrow->ht =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(for_arrow_height));
- generic_vals.back_arrow->thickness =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(back_arrow_thick));
- generic_vals.back_arrow->wid =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(back_arrow_width));
- generic_vals.back_arrow->ht =
- (float) atof(panel_get_value(back_arrow_height));
- }
- static XtCallbackProc
- done_button(panel_local, item, event)
- Widget panel_local;
- Widget *item;
- int *event;
- {
- button_result = DONE;
- done_proc();
- }
- static XtCallbackProc
- apply_button(panel_local, item, event)
- Widget panel_local;
- Widget *item;
- int *event;
- {
- button_result = APPLY;
- done_proc();
- }
- static XtCallbackProc
- cancel_button(panel_local, item, event)
- Widget panel_local;
- Widget *item;
- int *event;
- {
- button_result = CANCEL;
- done_proc();
- }
- static void
- edit_cancel(w, ev)
- Widget w;
- XButtonEvent *ev;
- {
- cancel_button(w, NULL, NULL);
- }
- /*
- * the following pix_table entries are guaranteed to be initialized to 0 by
- * the compiler
- */
- static struct {
- PIXRECT image;
- Pixmap image_pm;
- } pix_table[NUM_IMAGES];
- static
- generic_window(object_type, sub_type, icon, d_proc, generics, arrows)
- char *object_type, *sub_type;
- PIXRECT icon;
- int (*d_proc) ();
- int generics, arrows;
- {
- Position x_val, y_val;
- Dimension width, height;
- Dimension label_height, image_height;
- int button_distance;
- int i, fill, dist;
- Widget image;
- Pixmap image_pm;
- static int actions_added=0;
- #ifdef OPENWIN_BUG
- /* to cater for OpenWindows bug - see below */
- Pixel fg, bg;
- #endif
- static char *linestyle_items[] = {
- "Solid Line ", "Dashed Line", "Dotted Line"};
- static char *fill_style_items[] = {
- "No fill", "Filled "};
- FirstArg(XtNwidth, &width);
- NextArg(XtNheight, &height);
- GetValues(tool);
- XtTranslateCoords(tool, (Position) (width / 2), (Position) (height / 5),
- &x_val, &y_val);
- FirstArg(XtNx, x_val);
- NextArg(XtNy, y_val);
- NextArg(XtNtitle, "Xfig: Edit panel");
- popup = XtCreatePopupShell("xfig_edit_panel",
- transientShellWidgetClass, tool,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtOverrideTranslations(popup,
- XtParseTranslationTable(edit_translations));
- if (!actions_added) {
- XtAppAddActions(tool_app, edit_actions, XtNumber(edit_actions));
- actions_added = 1;
- }
- form = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, popup, NULL, 0);
- done_proc = d_proc;
- sprintf(buf, "%s:%s", object_type, sub_type);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- label = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromHoriz, label);
- NextArg(XtNbottom, XtChainTop);
- NextArg(XtNleft, XtChainRight);
- NextArg(XtNright, XtChainRight);
- image = XtCreateManagedWidget("image", labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- /* put in the image */
- /* search to see if that pixmap has already been created */
- image_pm = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES; i++) {
- if (pix_table[i].image == 0)
- break;
- if (pix_table[i].image == icon) {
- image_pm = pix_table[i].image_pm;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* doesn't already exist, create a pixmap from the data (ala panel.c) */
- /* OpenWindows bug doesn't handle a 1-plane bitmap on a n-plane display */
- if (!image_pm) {
- #ifdef OPENWIN_BUG
- /* get the foreground/background of the widget */
- FirstArg(XtNforeground, &fg);
- NextArg(XtNbackground, &bg);
- GetValues(image);
- image_pm = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(tool_d, canvas_win,
- (char *) icon->data, icon->width, icon->height,
- fg, bg, XDefaultDepthOfScreen(tool_s));
- #else
- image_pm = XCreateBitmapFromData(tool_d, canvas_win,
- (char *) icon->data, icon->width, icon->height);
- #endif
- pix_table[i].image_pm = image_pm;
- pix_table[i].image = icon;
- }
- FirstArg(XtNbitmap, image_pm);
- SetValues(image);
- /* get height of label widget and distance between widgets */
- FirstArg(XtNheight, &label_height);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, &button_distance);
- GetValues(label);
- /* do the same for the image widget */
- FirstArg(XtNheight, &image_height);
- GetValues(image);
- if (image_height > label_height)
- dist = image_height - label_height + button_distance;
- else
- dist = button_distance;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, dist);
- but1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("done", commandWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(but1, XtNcallback, (XtCallbackProc)done_button, (XtPointer) NULL);
- below = but1;
- FirstArg(XtNfromHoriz, but1);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, dist);
- but1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("apply", commandWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(but1, XtNcallback, (XtCallbackProc)apply_button, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNfromHoriz, but1);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, label);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, dist);
- but1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("cancel", commandWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(but1, XtNcallback, (XtCallbackProc)cancel_button, (XtPointer) NULL);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- below = XtCreateManagedWidget(" ", labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- if (generics) {
- int_panel(generic_vals.thickness, form, "Width =", &thickness_panel);
- /* make color menu */
- color_selection_panel();
- int_panel(generic_vals.depth, form, "Depth =", &depth_panel);
- if (generic_vals.fill_style == 0) {
- fill = 0;
- fill_flag = False;
- } else {
- fill = (generic_vals.fill_style - 1) * (100 / (NUMFILLPATS - 1));
- fill_flag = True;
- }
- /* make popup fill style menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Fill style =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- fill_flag_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- fill_style_items[fill_flag ? 1 : 0], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = fill_flag_panel;
- menu = make_popup_menu(fill_style_items, XtNumber(fill_style_items),
- fill_flag_panel, fill_style_select);
- if (generic_vals.color==BLACK)
- int_panel(fill, form, "Fill density % =", &fill_style_panel);
- else
- int_panel(fill, form, "Fill intensity % =", &fill_style_panel);
- fill_style_label = beside; /* save pointer to fill label */
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, fill_flag ? True : False);
- SetValues(fill_style_panel);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 30);
- SetValues(fill_style_label);
- /* if fill is off, blank out fill % value */
- if (!fill_flag)
- panel_clear_value(fill_style_panel);
- /* make popup line style menu */
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Line style =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- style_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- linestyle_items[generic_vals.style], menuButtonWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = style_panel;
- menu = make_popup_menu(linestyle_items, XtNumber(linestyle_items),
- style_panel, line_style_select);
- /* new field for style_val */
- float_panel(generic_vals.style_val, form, "Dash length/Dot gap =",
- &style_val_panel);
- /* save pointer to dash/dot gap label panel */
- style_val_label = beside;
- FirstArg(XtNhorizDistance, 30);
- SetValues(style_val_label);
- if (generic_vals.style == SOLID_LINE) {
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, False);
- SetValues(style_val_panel);
- SetValues(style_val_label);
- /* and clear any value from the dash length panel */
- panel_clear_value(style_val_panel);
- }
- if (arrows) {
- Widget arrow_label,for_aform,back_aform,w;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- arrow_label = XtCreateManagedWidget("Arrows", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, arrow_label);
- for_aform = XtCreateManagedWidget("arrow_form", formWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- w = XtCreateManagedWidget("Forward", labelWidgetClass,
- for_aform, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromHoriz, w);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 10);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "->");
- NextArg(XtNstate, (generic_vals.for_arrow? True: False));
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("for.arrow", toggleWidgetClass,
- for_aform, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(beside, XtNcallback, (XtCallbackProc) toggle_for_arrow,
- (XtPointer) NULL);
- below = w;
- for_arrow=True;
- if (!generic_vals.for_arrow)
- {
- for_arrow=False;
- generic_vals.for_arrow = forward_arrow();
- }
- float_panel(generic_vals.for_arrow->thickness, for_aform,
- "Thick =", &for_arrow_thick);
- for_thick_label = beside;
- for_thick_val = below;
- float_panel(generic_vals.for_arrow->wid, for_aform,
- "Width =", &for_arrow_width);
- for_width_label = beside;
- for_width_val = below;
- float_panel(generic_vals.for_arrow->ht, for_aform,
- "Height =", &for_arrow_height);
- for_height_label = beside;
- for_height_val = below;
- if (!for_arrow) /* make insensitive */
- {
- for_arrow = True;
- toggle_for_arrow((Widget)0, (XtPointer)0, (XtPointer)0);
- for_arrow = False;
- }
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, arrow_label);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, for_aform);
- back_aform = XtCreateManagedWidget("arrow_form", formWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- w = XtCreateManagedWidget("Backward", labelWidgetClass,
- back_aform, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromHoriz, w);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 10);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "<-");
- NextArg(XtNstate, (generic_vals.back_arrow? True: False));
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("back.arrow", toggleWidgetClass,
- back_aform, Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(beside, XtNcallback, (XtCallbackProc) toggle_back_arrow,
- (XtPointer) NULL);
- below = w;
- back_arrow=True;
- if (!generic_vals.back_arrow)
- {
- back_arrow=False;
- generic_vals.back_arrow = backward_arrow();
- }
- float_panel(generic_vals.back_arrow->thickness, back_aform,
- "Thick =", &back_arrow_thick);
- back_thick_label = beside;
- back_thick_val = below;
- float_panel(generic_vals.back_arrow->wid, back_aform,
- "Width =", &back_arrow_width);
- back_width_label = beside;
- back_width_val = below;
- float_panel(generic_vals.back_arrow->ht, back_aform,
- "Height =", &back_arrow_height);
- back_height_label = beside;
- back_height_val = below;
- if (!back_arrow) /* make insensitive */
- {
- back_arrow = True;
- toggle_back_arrow((Widget)0, (XtPointer)0, (XtPointer)0);
- back_arrow = False;
- }
- below = for_aform; /* for the widget that follows us in the panel */
- }
- }
- }
- static
- XtCallbackProc
- toggle_for_arrow(w, dummy, dummy2)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer dummy;
- XtPointer dummy2;
- {
- /* either add or delete arrowhead */
- for_arrow = !for_arrow;
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, (for_arrow? True: False));
- SetValues(for_arrow_thick);
- SetValues(for_thick_label);
- SetValues(for_thick_val);
- SetValues(for_arrow_width);
- SetValues(for_width_label);
- SetValues(for_width_val);
- SetValues(for_arrow_height);
- SetValues(for_height_label);
- SetValues(for_height_val);
- }
- static
- XtCallbackProc
- toggle_back_arrow(w, dummy, dummy2)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer dummy;
- XtPointer dummy2;
- {
- /* either add or delete arrowhead */
- back_arrow = !back_arrow;
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, (back_arrow? True: False));
- SetValues(back_arrow_thick);
- SetValues(back_thick_label);
- SetValues(back_thick_val);
- SetValues(back_arrow_width);
- SetValues(back_width_label);
- SetValues(back_width_val);
- SetValues(back_arrow_height);
- SetValues(back_height_label);
- SetValues(back_height_val);
- }
- /* make a button panel with the image 'pixmap' in it */
- /* for the font selection */
- void f_menu_popup();
- static XtCallbackRec f_sel_callback[] =
- {
- {f_menu_popup, NULL},
- };
- set_font_image(widget)
- TOOL widget;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNbitmap, new_psflag ?
- psfont_menu_bitmaps[new_ps_font + 1] :
- latexfont_menu_bitmaps[new_latex_font]);
- SetValues(widget);
- }
- static
- font_image_panel(pixmap, label, pi_x)
- Pixmap pixmap;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- below = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNvertDistance, 2);
- NextArg(XtNbitmap, pixmap);
- NextArg(XtNcallback, f_sel_callback);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, commandWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- /* come here when user presses font image button */
- void
- f_menu_popup()
- {
- fontpane_popup(&new_ps_font, &new_latex_font, &new_psflag,
- set_font_image, font_panel);
- }
- /*
- * make a popup menu with "nent" button entries (labels) that call "callback"
- * when pressed
- */
- Widget
- make_popup_menu(entries, nent, parent, callback)
- char *entries[];
- Cardinal nent;
- Widget parent;
- XtCallbackProc callback;
- {
- Widget pop_menu, entry;
- int i;
- pop_menu = XtCreatePopupShell("menu", simpleMenuWidgetClass, parent,
- for (i = 0; i < nent; i++) {
- entry = XtCreateManagedWidget(entries[i], smeBSBObjectClass, pop_menu,
- XtAddCallback(entry, XtNcallback, callback, (XtPointer) i);
- }
- return pop_menu;
- }
- static
- color_selection_panel()
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget("Drawing color =", labelWidgetClass,
- form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* warning: set_color_names uses FirstArg() etc. - put it here */
- set_color_name(generic_vals.color);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- color_panel = XtCreateManagedWidget(
- "colors", menuButtonWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- /*
- * cheat a little - set the initial fore/background colors by calling the
- * callback
- */
- /* also set the label */
- color_select(color_panel, generic_vals.color, NULL);
- below = color_panel;
- menu = make_color_popup_menu(color_panel, color_select);
- }
- static Widget
- make_color_popup_menu(parent, callback)
- Widget parent;
- XtCallbackProc callback;
- {
- Widget pop_menu, entry;
- int i;
- pop_menu = XtCreatePopupShell("menu", simpleMenuWidgetClass, parent,
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++) {
- set_color_name(i);
- if (all_colors_available)
- FirstArg(XtNforeground, appres.color[i])
- else
- ArgCount = 0;
- entry = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, smeBSBObjectClass, pop_menu,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(entry, XtNcallback, callback, (XtPointer) i);
- }
- set_color_name(DEFAULT_COLOR);
- FirstArg(XtNforeground, x_fg_color.pixel);
- entry = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, smeBSBObjectClass, pop_menu,
- Args, ArgCount);
- XtAddCallback(entry, XtNcallback, callback, (XtPointer) - 1);
- return pop_menu;
- }
- static
- int_panel(x, parent, label, pi_x)
- int x;
- Widget parent;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, parent, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", x);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, parent, Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- float_panel(x, parent, label, pi_x)
- float x;
- Widget parent;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, parent,
- Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", x);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, parent,
- Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- float_label(x, label, pi_x)
- float x;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", x);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- int_label(x, label, pi_x)
- int x;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", x);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- /* don't allow newlines in text until we handle multiple line texts */
- String text_translations =
- "<Key>Return: no-op(RingBell)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>J: no-op(RingBell)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>M: no-op(RingBell)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>X: EmptyTextKey()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>U: multiply(4)\n\
- <Key>F18: PastePanelKey()\n";
- static
- str_panel(string, label, pi_x)
- char *string;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x;
- {
- int width, nlines, i;
- Dimension pwidth;
- PIX_FONT temp_font;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* get the font and width of above label widget */
- FirstArg(XtNfont, &temp_font);
- NextArg(XtNwidth, &pwidth);
- GetValues(beside);
- /* make panel as wide as image pane above less the label widget's width */
- /* but at least 200 pixels wide */
- width = max2(PS_FONTPANE_WD - pwidth + 2, 200);
- /* count number of lines in this text string */
- nlines = 1; /* number of lines in string */
- for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++) {
- if (string[i] == '\n') {
- nlines++;
- }
- }
- if (nlines > 4) /* limit to displaying 4 lines and show scrollbars */
- nlines = 4;
- if (nlines == 1) /* if only one line, allow space for scrollbar */
- nlines = 2;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNstring, string);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(string));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "edit");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, width);
- /* allow enough height for scrollbar */
- NextArg(XtNheight, char_height(temp_font) * nlines + 10);
- NextArg(XtNscrollHorizontal, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded);
- NextArg(XtNscrollVertical, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- /* make Newline do nothing for now */
- XtOverrideTranslations(*pi_x, XtParseTranslationTable(text_translations));
- /* read personal key configuration */
- XtOverrideTranslations(*pi_x, XtParseTranslationTable(local_translations));
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- xy_panel(x, y, label, pi_x, pi_y)
- int x, y;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x, *pi_y;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, label);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- below = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 30);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "X =");
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", x);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "Y =");
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, *pi_x);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", y);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_y = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- f_pos_panel(fp, label, pi_x, pi_y)
- F_pos *fp;
- char *label;
- Widget *pi_x, *pi_y;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- below = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 30);
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "X =");
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", fp->x);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_x = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNlabel, "Y =");
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, *pi_x);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, labelWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "%d", fp->y);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, buf);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(buf));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- *pi_y = XtCreateManagedWidget(label, asciiTextWidgetClass, form, Args, ArgCount);
- below = *pi_x;
- }
- static
- get_f_pos(fp, pi_x, pi_y)
- F_pos *fp;
- Widget pi_x, pi_y;
- {
- fp->x = (atoi(panel_get_value(pi_x)));
- fp->y = (atoi(panel_get_value(pi_y)));
- }
- static
- points_panel(p, closed)
- struct f_point *p;
- int closed;
- {
- struct f_point *pts;
- char buf[32];
- char bufxy[32];
- int i;
- Widget viewp,formw;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- below = XtCreateManagedWidget("Points", labelWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- FirstArg(XtNallowVert, True);
- NextArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- pts = p;
- for (i = 0; pts != NULL; i++)
- pts = pts->next;
- /* limit size of points panel and scroll if more than 8 points */
- if (i>8)
- NextArg(XtNheight, 200);
- viewp = XtCreateManagedWidget("Pointspanel", viewportWidgetClass, form,
- Args, ArgCount);
- formw = XtCreateManagedWidget("pointsform", formWidgetClass, viewp,
- NULL, 0);
- below = 0;
- for (i = 0; p != NULL; i++) {
- if (i >= MAXNUMPTS)
- break;
- FirstArg(XtNfromVert, below);
- NextArg(XtNhorizDistance, 30);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- sprintf(buf, "X%d =", i);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass, formw,
- Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(bufxy, "%d", p->x);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, bufxy);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(bufxy));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- px_panel[i] = XtCreateManagedWidget("xy", asciiTextWidgetClass,
- formw, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(buf, "Y%d =", i);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, px_panel[i]);
- NextArg(XtNborderWidth, 0);
- beside = XtCreateManagedWidget(buf, labelWidgetClass,
- formw, Args, ArgCount);
- sprintf(bufxy, "%d", p->y);
- ArgCount = 1;
- NextArg(XtNstring, bufxy);
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(bufxy));
- NextArg(XtNfromHoriz, beside);
- NextArg(XtNeditType, "append");
- NextArg(XtNwidth, 40);
- py_panel[i] = XtCreateManagedWidget("xy", asciiTextWidgetClass,
- formw, Args, ArgCount);
- below = px_panel[i];
- p = p->next;
- if (closed && (p == NULL || p->next == NULL))
- break;
- }
- }
- static
- get_points(p, closed)
- struct f_point *p;
- Boolean closed;
- {
- struct f_point *q;
- int i;
- for (q = p, i = 0; q != NULL; i++) {
- if (i >= MAXNUMPTS)
- break;
- q->x = (atoi(panel_get_value(px_panel[i])));
- q->y = (atoi(panel_get_value(py_panel[i])));
- q = q->next;
- if (closed) {
- if (q == NULL)
- break;
- else if (q->next == NULL) {
- q->x = p->x;
- q->y = p->y;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- Quit(widget, client_data, call_data)
- Widget widget;
- XtPointer client_data, call_data;
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(popup);
- }
- char *
- panel_get_value(widg)
- Widget widg;
- {
- char *val;
- FirstArg(XtNstring, &val);
- GetValues(widg);
- return val;
- }
- panel_clear_value(widg)
- Widget widg;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNstring, " ");
- NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, 0);
- SetValues(widg);
- }
- int
- panel_set_value(widg, val)
- Widget widg;
- char *val;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNstring, val);
- /* I don't know why this doesn't work? */
- /* NextArg(XtNinsertPosition, strlen(val)); */
- SetValues(widg);
- XawTextSetInsertionPoint(widg, strlen(val));
- }
- static void
- line_style_select(w, new_style, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_style, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(style_panel);
- generic_vals.style = (int) new_style;
- switch (generic_vals.style) {
- case SOLID_LINE:
- panel_clear_value(style_val_panel);
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, False);
- break;
- case DASH_LINE:
- /*
- * if style_val contains no useful value, set it to the default
- * dashlength, scaled by the line thickness
- */
- if (generic_vals.style_val < 0.1)
- generic_vals.style_val = cur_dashlength * (cur_linewidth + 1) / 2;
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", generic_vals.style_val);
- panel_set_value(style_val_panel, buf);
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, True);
- break;
- if (generic_vals.style_val < 0.1)
- generic_vals.style_val = cur_dotgap * (cur_linewidth + 1) / 2;
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", generic_vals.style_val);
- panel_set_value(style_val_panel, buf);
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, True);
- break;
- }
- /* make both the label and value panels sensitive or insensitive */
- SetValues(style_val_panel);
- SetValues(style_val_label);
- }
- static void
- color_select(w, new_color, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_color, garbage;
- {
- XFontStruct *f;
- int len;
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(color_panel);
- color = (Color) new_color;
- set_color_name(color);
- FirstArg(XtNfont, &f);
- GetValues(w);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- len = XTextWidth(f, buf, strlen(buf)) + 8;
- NextArg(XtNwidth, len); /* set width of panel to width of colorname */
- NextArg(XtNresizable, True);
- if (all_colors_available) { /* set color if possible */
- XColor xcolor;
- Pixel col;
- /* foreground in the color selected */
- col = (color < 0 || color >= NUMCOLORS) ? x_fg_color.pixel : appres.color[color];
- NextArg(XtNforeground, col);
- xcolor.pixel = col;
- /* get RGB of the color to check intensity */
- XQueryColor(tool_d, DefaultColormapOfScreen(tool_s), &xcolor);
- /* set the background in a contrasting color (white or black) */
- if ((0.3 * xcolor.red + 0.59 * xcolor.green + 0.11 * xcolor.blue) < 0.55 * (255 << 8))
- col = appres.color[WHITE];
- else
- col = appres.color[BLACK];
- NextArg(XtNbackground, col);
- }
- SetValues(color_panel);
- }
- static void
- set_color_name(color)
- Color color;
- {
- if (color == DEFAULT_COLOR || (color >= 0 && color < NUMCOLORS))
- sprintf(buf, "%s", colorNames[color + 1]);
- else
- sprintf(buf, "%d", color);
- }
- static void
- hidden_text_select(w, new_hidden_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_hidden_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(hidden_text_panel);
- hidden_text_flag = (int) new_hidden_text;
- }
- static void
- rigid_text_select(w, new_rigid_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_rigid_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(rigid_text_panel);
- rigid_text_flag = (int) new_rigid_text;
- }
- static void
- special_text_select(w, new_special_text, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_special_text, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(special_text_panel);
- special_text_flag = (int) new_special_text;
- }
- static void
- textjust_select(w, new_textjust, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_textjust, garbage;
- {
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(textjust_panel);
- textjust = (int) new_textjust;
- }
- static void
- flip_eps_select(w, new_flipflag, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_flipflag, garbage;
- {
- struct f_point p1, p2;
- int dx, dy, rotation;
- float ratio;
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(flip_eps_panel);
- flip_eps_flag = (int) new_flipflag;
- p1.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x1_panel));
- p1.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y1_panel));
- p2.x = atoi(panel_get_value(x2_panel));
- p2.y = atoi(panel_get_value(y2_panel));
- dx = p2.x - p1.x;
- dy = p2.y - p1.y;
- rotation = 0;
- if (dx < 0 && dy < 0)
- rotation = 180;
- else if (dx < 0 && dy >= 0)
- rotation = 270;
- else if (dy < 0 && dx >= 0)
- rotation = 90;
- if (dx == 0 || dy == 0)
- ratio = 0.0;
- else if (((rotation == 0 || rotation == 180) && !flip_eps_flag) ||
- (rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 && flip_eps_flag))
- ratio = fabs((float) dy / (float) dx);
- else
- ratio = fabs((float) dx / (float) dy);
- sprintf(buf, "%1.1f", ratio);
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, buf);
- SetValues(hw_ratio_panel);
- }
- static void
- fill_style_select(w, new_fillflag, garbage)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer new_fillflag, garbage;
- {
- int fill;
- FirstArg(XtNlabel, XtName(w));
- SetValues(fill_flag_panel);
- fill_flag = (int) new_fillflag;
- if (fill_flag) {
- fill = (generic_vals.fill_style - 1) * (100 / (NUMFILLPATS - 1));
- if (fill < 0)
- fill = 0;
- /* if no fill, blank out fill density value */
- sprintf(buf, "%d", fill);
- panel_set_value(fill_style_panel, buf);
- } else {
- panel_clear_value(fill_style_panel);
- }
- /* make fill% panel sensitive or insensitive depending on fill flag */
- FirstArg(XtNsensitive, fill_flag ? True : False);
- SetValues(fill_style_panel);
- SetValues(fill_style_label);
- }
- void clear_text_key(w)
- Widget w;
- {
- panel_set_value(w, "");
- }
- static void get_clipboard();
- void paste_panel_key(w, event)
- Widget w;
- XKeyEvent *event;
- {
- Time event_time;
- event_time = event->time;
- XtGetSelectionValue(w, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, get_clipboard, w, event_time);
- }
- static void get_clipboard(w, client_data, selection, type, buf, length, format)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer client_data;
- Atom *selection;
- Atom *type;
- XtPointer buf;
- unsigned long *length;
- int *format;
- {
- char *c, *p;
- int i;
- char s[256];
- strcpy (s, panel_get_value(client_data));
- p = strchr(s, '\0');
- c = buf;
- for (i=0; i<*length; i++) {
- if (*c=='\0' || *c=='\n' || *c=='\r' || strlen(s)>=sizeof(s)-1)
- break;
- *p = *c;
- p++;
- *p = '\0';
- c++;
- }
- XtFree(buf);
- panel_set_value(client_data, s);
- }