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- /*
- xodometer - Track the total distance your pointing device and cursor
- travel. The distance can be displayed in various units.
- Inspired by the MacIntosh Mouse Odometer by Sean P. Nolan.
- Template code from xneko by Masayuki Koba.
- For X11 Release 4.
- Stephen O. Lidie, 93/01/20. lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- Given the number of pixels and the screen dimensions in millimeters
- we use this distance formula:
- distance = sqrt( (dX * (Xmm/Xpixels))**2 + (dY * (Ymm/Ypixels))**2 )
- Where dX and dY are pixel differentials, and Xmm, Ymm and Xpixels,
- Ypixels are the screen dimensions in millimeters and pixels,
- respectively.
- My first X application and my first graphical application too. Yes,
- I used Xlib for the experience... never again though!
- */
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xresource.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/errno.h>
- #include "evap/evap.h"
- #include "evap/xodo_pdt.out"
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- #include "bitmaps/icon.xbm"
- #include "bitmaps/cursor.xbm"
- #include "bitmaps/cur_mask.xbm"
- #include "bitmaps/pulldown.xbm"
- #define DEBUG 0 /* 1 IFF debug */
- #define CURSOR_S "Cursor"
- #define POINTER_S "Pointer"
- /*
- EVENT_MASK1 - Top level window.
- EVENT_MASK2 - Action windows like About, Quit, Units and trip odometer reset buttons.
- EVENT_MASK3 - Menu pane windows.
- */
- #define EVENT_MASK1 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask
- #define EVENT_MASK2 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | OwnerGrabButtonMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask
- #define EVENT_MASK3 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask
- /* The ALL_EVENTS_MASK mask is a superset of all possible events that ANY window might need. */
- /* Action window ordinals. */
- #define TRIP1 0
- #define TRIP2 1
- #define QUIT 2
- #define UNITS 3
- #define ABOUT 4
- /* Odometer ordinals. */
- #define CURSOR 0
- #define POINTER 1
- #define BOTH 2
- /* Function prototypes, sorta. */
- void compute_font_and_resize_data();
- void draw_action_windows();
- void draw_menu();
- void draw_menu_panes();
- void draw_misc_info();
- void draw_odometers();
- void draw_odometer_digit();
- int evap();
- void evap_type_conversion();
- void finish_xodo();
- void highlight_action_window();
- void initialize_graphics_contexts();
- void initialize_menu();
- void initialize_xodo();
- Bool process_event();
- void process_pointer();
- void save_xodo();
- /* Global variables, more or less alphabetically. */
- char *about[] = {
- " xodometer xxx",
- " ",
- "The Mac Mouse Odometer, X Style ",
- " Stephen O. Lidie, 93/02/11",
- " lusol@Lehigh.EDU",
- " ",
- " For help: xodo -full_help",
- };
- short about_active = False;
- int about_count = sizeof( about ) / sizeof( *about );
- int about_width, about_height;
- int about_width_old, about_height_old, about_x_old, about_y_old;
- int about_width_x;
- int accel_numerator, accel_denominator;
- double acceleration;
- int ascent;
- float aspect;
- Atom atom_wm_save_yourself;
- int autosave_count, autosave_ticks;
- unsigned int BorderWidth = 2;
- short button_depressed = False;
- char calibration[] = "2.54 cm/in";
- int calibration_width;
- int coordinates_x, coordinates_y;
- #if DEBUG
- FILE *d;
- #endif
- int descent;
- int direction;
- unsigned int display_width, display_height;
- unsigned int display_widthmm, display_heightmm;
- double distance;
- struct distances {
- char *name;
- char *abbreviation;
- Window menu_pane;
- double value;
- } distances[] = {
- {"millimeters", "mm ", None, 1.0},
- {"centimeters", "cm ", None, 0.1},
- {"decimeters", "dm ", None, 0.01},
- {"meters", "m ", None, 0.001},
- {"dekameters", "dam", None, 0.0001},
- {"hectometers", "hm ", None, 0.00001},
- {"kilometers", "km ", None, 0.000001},
- {"myriameters", "mym", None, 0.0000001},
- {"inches", "in ", None, 0.1/2.54},
- {"feet", "ft ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0},
- {"yards", "yd ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0/3.0},
- {"rods", "rd ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0/3.0/5.5},
- {"miles", "mi ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0/3.0/1760.0},
- {"furlongs", "fl ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0/3.0/220.0},
- {"fathoms", "fm ", None, 0.1/2.54/12.0/6.0},
- {"light-nanoseconds", "lns", None, 0.001/299792458.0*1.0E+9},
- {"marine_leagues", "mlg", None, 0.001/1852.0/3.0},
- {"nautical_miles", "nm ", None, 0.001/1852.0},
- };
- char distances_human[] = "U=lns";
- int distances_ordinal = 0;
- extern errno;
- XFontStruct *font_info;
- XFontStruct *font_info2;
- char *fontname;
- int font_width, font_height;
- GC gc;
- GC gc2;
- GC gc3;
- GC gc_reverse;
- GC gc2_reverse;
- int label_cursor_x, label_cursor_y;
- int label_pointer_x, label_pointer_y;
- short menu_active = False;
- int menu_border_width = 4;
- int menu_pane_count = sizeof( distances) / sizeof( struct distances );
- int menu_pane_height;
- int menu_width, menu_height;
- int menu_width_old, menu_height_old, menu_x_old, menu_y_old;
- unsigned long motion_buffer_size;
- int odometer_count = BOTH;
- char old_line1[20] = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- char old_line2[20] = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- char old_line3[20] = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- char old_line4[20] = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
- XCharStruct overall;
- int pixels_per_cm_x, pixels_per_cm_y;
- int pixels_per_inch_x, pixels_per_inch_y;
- int PointerX;
- int PointerY;
- int PrevPointerX = 0;
- int PrevPointerY = 0;
- char *ProgramName;
- Pixmap pulldown;
- XRectangle rectangles[10] = { 3, 25, 20, 20,
- 23, 25, 20, 20,
- 43, 25, 20, 20,
- 63, 25, 20, 20,
- 83, 25, 20, 20,
- 103, 25, 20, 20,
- 123, 25, 20, 20,
- 143, 25, 20, 20,
- 163, 25, 20, 20,
- 183, 25, 20, 20,
- };
- XRectangle rectangles2[10];
- XRectangle rectangles3[10];
- XRectangle rectangles4[10];
- Status status;
- XColor theBackgroundColor;
- unsigned long theBackgroundPixel;
- XColor theBorderColor;
- unsigned long theBorderPixel;
- Cursor theCursor;
- unsigned int theDepth;
- Display *theDisplay;
- XColor theExactColor;
- XColor theForegroundColor;
- unsigned long theForegroundPixel;
- Pixmap theIconPixmap;
- Window theMenu;
- Window theRoot;
- int theScreen;
- Window theWindow;
- int threshold;
- double total_cursor_distance, trip_cursor_distance; /* distances in millimeters */
- double total_pointer_distance, trip_pointer_distance; /* distances in millimeters */
- unsigned long valuemask;
- XGCValues values;
- struct windata{
- Window window;
- int color;
- char *text;
- int x;
- int y;
- int width;
- int height;
- int border;
- } windata[] = {
- {None, 0, "", 0, 0, 8, 3, 2},
- {None, 0, "", 0, 0, 8, 3, 2},
- {None, 0, "Quit", 40, 2, 25, 10, 2},
- {None, 0, " Units", 205, 2, 45, 10, 2},
- {None, 0, "About", 2, 2, 30, 10, 2},
- };
- int windata_count = sizeof( windata) / sizeof( struct windata );
- int window_width = 1;
- int window_height = 1;
- unsigned int WindowHeight = 1;
- int WindowPointX = 1;
- int WindowPointY = 1;
- unsigned int WindowWidth = 1;
- double X_mm_per_pixel, Y_mm_per_pixel;
- char status_line[100];
- /* Global procedures; again, alphabetically. */
- void
- compute_font_and_resize_data( font_info ) /* size rectangles et. al. based on font */
- XFontStruct *font_info;
- {
- int i, width_incr;
- if ( font_info != NULL ) {
- font_width = font_info->max_bounds.rbearing - font_info->min_bounds.lbearing;
- font_height = font_info->max_bounds.ascent + font_info->max_bounds.descent;
- for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
- rectangles[i].height = font_height + 5;
- rectangles[i].width = rectangles[i].height;
- if ( i > 0 )
- rectangles[i].x = rectangles[i-1].x + font_height + 5;
- if ( font_height + 5 > 25 )
- rectangles[i].y = font_height + 5;
- }
- }
- width_incr = (int)( aspect * (float)rectangles[0].width - (float)rectangles[0].width );
- for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
- if ( i >= 5 )
- rectangles[i].height += 1;
- rectangles[i].width += width_incr;
- rectangles[i].x = rectangles[i].x + (i * width_incr);
- rectangles2[i] = rectangles[i];
- rectangles2[i].y = rectangles[i].y + (font_height * 2);
- rectangles3[i] = rectangles[i];
- rectangles3[i].y = rectangles[i].y + (font_height * 5);
- rectangles4[i] = rectangles[i];
- rectangles4[i].y = rectangles[i].y + (font_height * 7);
- }
- windata[TRIP1].x = rectangles2[0].x;
- windata[TRIP1].y = rectangles2[0].y - 7;
- windata[TRIP2].x = rectangles4[0].x;
- windata[TRIP2].y = rectangles4[0].y - 7;
- window_width = rectangles[9].x + rectangles[9].width + 3;
- i = font_info2->max_bounds.ascent + font_info2->max_bounds.descent;
- if ( font_height > i )
- window_height = rectangles4[0].y + 7 + (font_height * 2);
- else
- window_height = rectangles4[0].y + 7 + (i * 2);
- if ( odometer_count != BOTH )
- window_height = window_height + rectangles2[0].y - rectangles4[0].y;
- about_width_x = window_width;
- XTextExtents( font_info, CURSOR_S, strlen( CURSOR_S ), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall );
- label_cursor_x = ( window_width - overall.width ) / 2;
- label_cursor_y = rectangles[0].y - (font_height/2) + font_info->max_bounds.descent;
- XTextExtents( font_info, POINTER_S, strlen( POINTER_S ), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall );
- label_pointer_x = ( window_width - overall.width ) / 2;
- label_pointer_y = rectangles3[0].y - (font_height/2) + font_info->max_bounds.descent;
- if ( font_info != NULL ) {
- if ( (WindowWidth != window_width) || (WindowHeight != window_height) ) {
- WindowWidth = window_width;
- WindowHeight = window_height;
- XMoveWindow( theDisplay, windata[TRIP1].window, windata[TRIP1].x, windata[TRIP1].y );
- if ( odometer_count == BOTH )
- XMoveWindow( theDisplay, windata[TRIP2].window, windata[TRIP2].x, windata[TRIP2].y );
- XMoveWindow( theDisplay, windata[UNITS].window, window_width-50, windata[UNITS].y );
- XResizeWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, WindowWidth, WindowHeight );
- }
- } /* ifend font_info != NULL */
- coordinates_x = 1; /* compute Units and absolute coordinates display postion */
- coordinates_y = rectangles4[0].y + font_height + (font_height / 2) + font_info2->max_bounds.ascent + 2;
- if ( odometer_count != BOTH ) {
- coordinates_y += (rectangles2[0].y - rectangles4[0].y);
- }
- } /* end compute_font_and_resize_data */
- void
- do_distances( refresh_digits ) /* compute and display the distances */
- short refresh_digits;
- {
- Window QueryRoot, QueryChild;
- int AbsoluteX, AbsoluteY;
- int RelativeX, RelativeY;
- unsigned int ModKeyMask;
- double dXmm, dYmm;
- int dX, dY;
- char line1[20], line2[20], line3[20], line4[20];
- double units;
- int i, n, x, y;
- char coordinates[13]; /* allows for a 99,999 by 99,999 display */
- int coord_len;
- if ( refresh_digits ) {
- strcpy( old_line1, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
- strcpy( old_line2, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
- strcpy( old_line3, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
- strcpy( old_line4, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" );
- }
- XQueryPointer( theDisplay, theWindow, &QueryRoot, &QueryChild, &AbsoluteX, &AbsoluteY, &RelativeX, &RelativeY, &ModKeyMask );
- PrevPointerX = PointerX;
- PrevPointerY = PointerY;
- PointerX = AbsoluteX;
- PointerY = AbsoluteY;
- dX = PointerX - PrevPointerX;
- dY = PointerY - PrevPointerY;
- if ( dX < 0.0 )
- dX = -dX;
- if ( dY < 0.0 )
- dY = -dY;
- dXmm = (double)dX * X_mm_per_pixel;
- dYmm = (double)dY * Y_mm_per_pixel;
- distance = sqrt( (dXmm * dXmm) + (dYmm * dYmm) );
- if ( distance != 0 ) {
- trip_cursor_distance += distance;
- total_cursor_distance += distance;
- if ( dX > threshold || dY > threshold ) {
- distance /= acceleration; /* if cursor was accelerated, we suppose! */
- }
- distance /= pvt[P_POINTER_SCALE_FACTOR].value.real_value;
- trip_pointer_distance += distance;
- total_pointer_distance += distance;
- }
- units = distances[distances_ordinal].value;
- if ( odometer_count == CURSOR || odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- sprintf( line1, "%011.5f", fmod( (total_cursor_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- sprintf( line2, "%011.5f", fmod( (trip_cursor_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- } else if ( odometer_count == POINTER ) {
- sprintf( line1, "%011.5f", fmod( (total_pointer_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- sprintf( line2, "%011.5f", fmod( (trip_pointer_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- }
- if ( odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- sprintf( line3, "%011.5f", fmod( (total_pointer_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- sprintf( line4, "%011.5f", fmod( (trip_pointer_distance * units), 100000.0 ) );
- }
- for(i = 0, n = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- if ( i == 5 ) {
- continue; /* skip units point */
- } else if ( i < 5 ) { /* draw digits to the left of the point */
- draw_odometer_digit( gc, rectangles[n], line1+i, old_line1+i );
- draw_odometer_digit( gc, rectangles2[n], line2+i, old_line2+i );
- if ( odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- draw_odometer_digit( gc, rectangles3[n], line3+i, old_line3+i );
- draw_odometer_digit( gc, rectangles4[n], line4+i, old_line4+i );
- }
- } else { /* draw digits to the right of the point */
- draw_odometer_digit( gc_reverse, rectangles[n], line1+i, old_line1+i );
- draw_odometer_digit( gc_reverse, rectangles2[n], line2+i, old_line2+i );
- if ( odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- draw_odometer_digit( gc_reverse, rectangles3[n], line3+i, old_line3+i );
- draw_odometer_digit( gc_reverse, rectangles4[n], line4+i, old_line4+i );
- }
- }
- n++; /* advance to next rectangle */
- }
- sprintf( coordinates, "(%d,%d)", PointerX, PointerY ); /* draw absolute pointer coordinates */
- /* Einstein: 'You said "absolute"?' */
- coord_len = strlen( coordinates );
- strncpy( coordinates+coord_len, " ", 13-coord_len );
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc2, coordinates_x+33, coordinates_y, coordinates, 13 );
- } /* end do_distances */
- void
- draw_action_windows( gc )
- GC gc;
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < windata_count; i++ ) {
- if ( odometer_count != BOTH && i == TRIP2 )
- continue; /* skip second trip odometer if only 1 odometer */
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, windata[i].window, gc, font_info2->max_bounds.lbearing-3, font_info2->max_bounds.ascent+1,
- windata[i].text, strlen(windata[i].text) );
- } /* forend */
- XCopyPlane( theDisplay, pulldown, windata[UNITS].window, gc, 0, 0, pulldown_width, pulldown_height, 1, 1, 1 );
- } /* end draw_action_windows */
- void
- draw_menu()
- {
- int new_width, new_height;
- menu_active = True;
- XMapWindow( theDisplay, theMenu );
- menu_width_old = WindowWidth;
- menu_height_old = WindowHeight;
- if ( WindowWidth < menu_width + font_info->max_bounds.width )
- new_width = menu_width + font_info->max_bounds.width;
- else
- new_width = WindowWidth;
- if ( WindowHeight < menu_height + menu_pane_height )
- new_height = menu_height + menu_pane_height;
- else
- new_height = WindowHeight;
- menu_x_old = WindowPointX;
- menu_y_old = WindowPointY;
- if ( WindowPointY + new_height > display_height ) {
- menu_y_old = display_height - new_height;
- }
- XMoveResizeWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, menu_x_old, menu_y_old, new_width, new_height );
- menu_y_old = WindowPointY;
- XGrabPointer( theDisplay, theMenu, True, EVENT_MASK2, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, theCursor, CurrentTime );
- } /* end draw_menu */
- void
- draw_menu_panes( gc, window )
- GC gc;
- Window window;
- {
- int i, j;
- char units_name[100];
- for ( i = 0; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) {
- if ( window == distances[i].menu_pane ) {
- strcpy( units_name, distances[i].name );
- for ( j = 0; j < strlen( units_name ); j++ )
- if ( units_name[j] == '_' )
- units_name[j] = ' ';
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, distances[i].menu_pane, gc, 1, font_info->max_bounds.ascent, units_name,
- strlen( units_name ) );
- } /* ifend */
- } /* forend */
- } /* end draw_menu_panes */
- void
- draw_misc_info()
- {
- int x, y;
- int i, n;
- /* Draw the Units. */
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc2, coordinates_x, coordinates_y, distances_human, strlen( distances_human ) );
- /* Draw the About information in a (normally) hidden part of the window. */
- for ( i = 0, n = font_height; i < about_count; i++, n += font_height ) {
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, about_width_x, n, about[i], strlen( about[i] ) );
- }
- XCopyPlane( theDisplay, theIconPixmap, theWindow, gc, 0, 0, icon_width, icon_height, about_width_x,
- about_height-icon_height, 1 );
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc2, about_width_x+icon_width, about_height-(icon_height/2),
- status_line, strlen( status_line ) );
- /* Draw the calibration information in inches and centimeters. */
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3, about_height, about_width-3, about_height-pixels_per_inch_y );
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3, about_height-pixels_per_cm_y,
- about_width-3-8, about_height-pixels_per_cm_y );
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3, about_height-2*pixels_per_cm_y,
- about_width-3-8, about_height-2*pixels_per_cm_y );
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3, about_height, about_width-3-pixels_per_inch_x, about_height );
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3-pixels_per_cm_x, about_height,
- about_width-3-pixels_per_cm_x, about_height-8 );
- XDrawLine( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-3-2*pixels_per_cm_x, about_height,
- about_width-3-2*pixels_per_cm_x, about_height-8 );
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc3, about_width-calibration_width-20, about_height-pixels_per_cm_y, calibration,
- strlen( calibration ) );
- } /* end draw_misc_info */
- void
- draw_odometers()
- {
- if ( odometer_count == CURSOR || odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, label_cursor_x, label_cursor_y, CURSOR_S, strlen( CURSOR_S ) );
- } else {
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, label_cursor_x, label_cursor_y, POINTER_S, strlen( POINTER_S ) );
- }
- XDrawRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles, 5 );
- XFillRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles+5, 5 );
- XDrawRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles2, 5 );
- XFillRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles2+5, 5 );
- if ( odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, label_pointer_x, label_pointer_y, POINTER_S, strlen( POINTER_S ) );
- XDrawRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles3, 5 );
- XFillRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles3+5, 5 );
- XDrawRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles4, 5 );
- XFillRectangles( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangles4+5, 5 );
- }
- do_distances( True ); /* repaint odometer digits */
- } /* end draw_odometers */
- void
- draw_odometer_digit( gc, rectangle, line, old_line )
- GC gc;
- XRectangle rectangle;
- char line[];
- char old_line[];
- {
- if ( line[0] == old_line[0] )
- return;
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, theWindow, gc, rectangle.x+(font_info->max_bounds.lbearing),
- rectangle.y+(font_info->max_bounds.ascent)+1, line+0, 1 );
- old_line[0] = line[0];
- } /* end draw_odometer_digit */
- void
- finish_xodo() /* finish xodo */
- {
- save_xodo(); /* update state information */
- XUnloadFont( theDisplay, font_info->fid );
- XUnloadFont( theDisplay, font_info2->fid );
- XFreeGC( theDisplay, gc);
- XFreeGC( theDisplay, gc2);
- XFreeGC( theDisplay, gc3);
- XFreeGC( theDisplay, gc_reverse);
- XFreeGC( theDisplay, gc2_reverse);
- XCloseDisplay( theDisplay );
- #if DEBUG
- fclose( d );
- #endif
- exit( 0 );
- } /* end finish_xodo */
- void
- highlight_action_window( gc, window, border ) /* either normal or highlighted */
- GC gc;
- Window window;
- unsigned long border;
- {
- int i;
- if ( menu_active )
- return;
- for ( i = 0; i < windata_count; i++ ) {
- if ( window == windata[i].window ) {
- XSetWindowBorder( theDisplay, windata[i].window, border );
- XDrawImageString( theDisplay, windata[i].window, gc, font_info2->max_bounds.lbearing-3,
- font_info2->max_bounds.ascent+1, windata[i].text, strlen(windata[i].text) );
- break;
- } /* ifend */
- } /* forend */
- if ( i == UNITS )
- XCopyPlane( theDisplay, pulldown, windata[UNITS].window, gc, 0, 0, pulldown_width, pulldown_height, 1, 1, 1 );
- } /* end highlight_action_window */
- void
- initialize_graphics_contexts() /* initialize graphics context */
- {
- unsigned int line_width = 1;
- int line_style = LineSolid;
- int cap_style = CapRound;
- int join_style = JoinMiter;
- fontname = pvt[P_FONTNAME].value.string_value;
- if ( (font_info = XLoadQueryFont( theDisplay, fontname )) == NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: cannot open %s font.\n", ProgramName, fontname );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- valuemask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.function = GXcopy;
- values.foreground = theForegroundPixel;
- values.background = theBackgroundPixel;
- gc = XCreateGC( theDisplay, theWindow, valuemask, &values );
- XSetFont( theDisplay, gc, font_info->fid );
- XSetLineAttributes( theDisplay, gc, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style );
- valuemask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.function = GXcopy;
- values.foreground = theBackgroundPixel;
- values.background = theForegroundPixel;
- gc_reverse = XCreateGC( theDisplay, theWindow, valuemask, &values );
- XSetFont( theDisplay, gc_reverse, font_info->fid );
- XSetLineAttributes( theDisplay, gc_reverse, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style );
- fontname = pvt[P_FONTNAME2].value.string_value;
- if ( (font_info2 = XLoadQueryFont( theDisplay, fontname )) == NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: cannot open %s font.\n", ProgramName, fontname );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- valuemask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.function = GXcopy;
- values.foreground = theForegroundPixel;
- values.background = theBackgroundPixel;
- gc2 = XCreateGC( theDisplay, theWindow, valuemask, &values );
- XSetFont( theDisplay, gc2, font_info2->fid );
- XSetLineAttributes( theDisplay, gc2, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style );
- valuemask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.function = GXcopy;
- values.foreground = theBackgroundPixel;
- values.background = theForegroundPixel;
- gc2_reverse = XCreateGC( theDisplay, theWindow, valuemask, &values );
- XSetFont( theDisplay, gc2_reverse, font_info2->fid );
- XSetLineAttributes( theDisplay, gc2_reverse, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style );
- valuemask = GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground;
- values.function = GXcopy;
- values.foreground = theBorderPixel;
- values.background = theBackgroundPixel;
- gc3 = XCreateGC( theDisplay, theWindow, valuemask, &values );
- XSetFont( theDisplay, gc3, font_info2->fid );
- XSetLineAttributes( theDisplay, gc3, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style );
- } /* end initialize_graphics_contexts */
- void
- initialize_menu() /* initialize the Units menu */
- {
- char *string;
- int i, x, y;
- Pixmap theCursorSource, theCursorMask;
- string = distances[0].name; /* find longest string */
- for ( i = 1; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) {
- if( strlen( distances[i].name ) > strlen( string ) )
- string = distances[i].name;
- }
- XTextExtents( font_info, string, strlen( string ), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall );
- menu_width = overall.width + 4;
- menu_pane_height = overall.ascent + overall.descent + 4;
- menu_height = menu_pane_height * menu_pane_count;
- x = window_width - menu_width - ( 2 * menu_border_width);
- y = 0;
- theMenu = XCreateSimpleWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, x, y, menu_width, menu_height, menu_border_width, theBorderPixel,
- theBackgroundPixel );
- for( i = 0; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) {
- distances[i].menu_pane = XCreateSimpleWindow( theDisplay, theMenu, 0, menu_height/menu_pane_count*i, menu_width,
- menu_pane_height, menu_border_width = 1, theForegroundPixel, theBackgroundPixel );
- XSelectInput( theDisplay, distances[i].menu_pane, EVENT_MASK3 );
- }
- theCursorSource = XCreateBitmapFromData( theDisplay, theWindow, cursor_bits, cursor_width, cursor_height );
- theCursorMask = XCreateBitmapFromData( theDisplay, theWindow, cursor_mask_bits, cursor_mask_width, cursor_mask_height );
- theCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor( theDisplay, theCursorSource, theCursorMask, &theForegroundColor, &theBackgroundColor,
- cursor_x_hot, cursor_y_hot );
- XDefineCursor( theDisplay, theMenu, theCursor );
- XMapSubwindows( theDisplay, theMenu );
- } /* end initialize_menu */
- void
- initialize_xodo() /* initialize xodometer */
- {
- int GeometryStatus;
- XSetWindowAttributes theWindowAttributes;
- XSizeHints theSizeHints;
- unsigned long theWindowMask;
- XWMHints theWMHints;
- Colormap theColormap;
- int i;
- Window QueryRoot, QueryChild;
- int AbsoluteX, AbsoluteY;
- int RelativeX, RelativeY;
- unsigned int ModKeyMask;
- XVisualInfo visual_info;
- unsigned long background;
- char units[80];
- char *X_default;
- static char *argv[1] = {"xodo"};
- int argc = 1;
- long max_request_size;
- struct sigaction action;
- #if DEBUG
- d = fopen( "debug.log", "w" );
- #endif
- sigemptyset( &action.sa_mask ); /* disable all signals */
- action.sa_flags = 0;
- action.sa_handler = finish_xodo;
- if ( sigaction( SIGINT, &action, NULL ) != 0 ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "Cannot set signal SIGINT!\n" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- action.sa_flags = 0;
- action.sa_handler = save_xodo;
- if ( sigaction( SIGHUP, &action, NULL ) != 0 ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "Cannot set signal SIGHUP!\n" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- ProgramName = pvt[P_HELP].unconverted_value;
- if ( strlen( pvt[P_DISPLAY].value.string_value ) < 1 ) {
- pvt[P_DISPLAY].value.string_value = NULL;
- }
- if ( ( theDisplay = XOpenDisplay( pvt[P_DISPLAY].value.string_value ) ) == NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't open display", ProgramName );
- if ( pvt[P_DISPLAY].value.string_value != NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, " %s.\n", pvt[P_DISPLAY].value.string_value );
- } else {
- fprintf( stderr, ".\n" );
- }
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if ( strlen( pvt[P_GEOMETRY].value.string_value ) < 1 ) {
- pvt[P_GEOMETRY].value.string_value = NULL;
- }
- /* For all unspecified evaluate_parameters command line parameters see if there is an X default value. */
- for ( i = 0 ; i < P_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS; i++ ) { /* for all evaluate_parameters parameters */
- if ( ! pvt[i].specified ) {
- X_default = XGetDefault( theDisplay, ProgramName, pvt[i].parameter );
- if ( X_default != NULL ) {
- pvt[i].unconverted_value = X_default;
- evap_type_conversion( &pvt[i] ); /* convert string to proper type */
- } /* ifend non-null X default for this parameter */
- } /* ifend unspecified parameter */
- } /* forend all evaluate_parameters parameters */
- max_request_size = XMaxRequestSize( theDisplay );
- if ( ((max_request_size - 3) / 3) < 10 ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "XMaxRequestSize is too small for xodo the run!\n");
- exit( 1 );
- }
- motion_buffer_size = XDisplayMotionBufferSize( theDisplay );
- if ( strcmp( pvt[P_ODOMETER].value.key_value, "cursor" ) == 0 )
- odometer_count = CURSOR;
- else if ( strcmp( pvt[P_ODOMETER].value.key_value, "pointer" ) == 0 )
- odometer_count = POINTER;
- autosave_ticks = pvt[P_ODOMETER_AUTOSAVE_TIME].value.integer_value * 60 * 1000000 /
- pvt[P_MICROSECOND_INTERVAL_TIME].value.integer_value;
- autosave_count = autosave_ticks;
- display_widthmm = pvt[P_DISPLAY_WIDTH_MILLIMETERS].value.integer_value;
- display_heightmm = pvt[P_DISPLAY_HEIGHT_MILLIMETERS].value.integer_value;
- display_width = pvt[P_DISPLAY_WIDTH_PIXELS].value.integer_value;
- display_height = pvt[P_DISPLAY_HEIGHT_PIXELS].value.integer_value;
- X_mm_per_pixel = (double)display_widthmm / display_width;
- Y_mm_per_pixel = (double)display_heightmm / display_height;
- pixels_per_inch_x = (int)( 25.4 / X_mm_per_pixel );
- pixels_per_inch_y = (int)( 25.4 / Y_mm_per_pixel );
- pixels_per_cm_x = (int)( 10.0 / X_mm_per_pixel );
- pixels_per_cm_y = (int)( 10.0 / Y_mm_per_pixel );
- aspect = (float)(X_mm_per_pixel / Y_mm_per_pixel);
- total_cursor_distance = 0.0;
- trip_cursor_distance = 0.0;
- total_pointer_distance = 0.0;
- trip_pointer_distance = 0.0;
- for( i=0; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) { /* default units = kilometers */
- if( strcmp( distances[i].name, "kilometers" ) == 0 )
- distances_ordinal = i;
- }
- OF = fopen( pvt[P_ODOMETER_FILE].value.file_value, "r" );
- if ( OF == NULL && errno != ENOENT ) {
- perror("Cannot open odometer_file");
- exit( 1 );
- } else if ( OF != NULL ) {
- fscanf( OF, "%lf %lf %s", &total_cursor_distance, &total_pointer_distance, units );
- for( i=0; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) {
- if( strcmp( distances[i].name, units ) == 0 )
- distances_ordinal = i;
- }
- fclose( OF );
- }
- GeometryStatus = XParseGeometry( pvt[P_GEOMETRY].value.string_value, &WindowPointX, &WindowPointY, &WindowWidth,
- &WindowHeight );
- if ( !( GeometryStatus & XValue ) ) {
- WindowPointX = 1;
- } else if ( GeometryStatus & XNegative ) {
- WindowPointX = display_width + WindowPointX;
- }
- if ( !( GeometryStatus & YValue ) ) {
- WindowPointY = 1;
- } else if ( GeometryStatus & YNegative ) {
- WindowPointY = display_height + WindowPointY;
- }
- if ( !( GeometryStatus & WidthValue ) ) {
- WindowWidth = window_width;
- }
- if ( !( GeometryStatus & HeightValue ) ) {
- WindowHeight = window_height;
- }
- theScreen = DefaultScreen( theDisplay );
- theDepth = DefaultDepth( theDisplay, theScreen );
- theColormap = DefaultColormap( theDisplay, theScreen );
- theForegroundPixel = BlackPixel( theDisplay, theScreen );
- theBackgroundPixel = WhitePixel( theDisplay, theScreen );
- theBorderPixel = theForegroundPixel;
- if ( theDepth > 1 ) { /* if possible color monitor */
- i = DirectColor; /* StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PseudoColor, TrueColor, DirectColor */
- while ( ! XMatchVisualInfo( theDisplay, theScreen, theDepth, i--, &visual_info ) )
- ; /* whilend */
- if ( i >= StaticColor ) {
- if ( ! XAllocNamedColor( theDisplay, theColormap, pvt[P_BACKGROUND].value.name_value, &theBackgroundColor,
- &theExactColor ) ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't XAllocNamedColor( \"%s\" ).\n", ProgramName, pvt[P_BACKGROUND].value.name_value );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if ( ! XAllocNamedColor( theDisplay, theColormap, pvt[P_FOREGROUND].value.name_value, &theForegroundColor,
- &theExactColor ) ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't XAllocNamedColor( \"%s\" ).\n", ProgramName, pvt[P_FOREGROUND].value.name_value );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- if ( ! XAllocNamedColor( theDisplay, theColormap, pvt[P_BORDER].value.name_value, &theBorderColor, &theExactColor ) ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't XAllocNamedColor( \"%s\" ).\n", ProgramName, pvt[P_BORDER].value.name_value );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- theForegroundPixel = theForegroundColor.pixel;
- theBackgroundPixel = theBackgroundColor.pixel;
- theBorderPixel = theBorderColor.pixel;
- } /* ifend color visual */
- } /* ifend depth > 1 */
- theWindowAttributes.border_pixel = theBorderPixel;
- theWindowAttributes.background_pixel = theBackgroundPixel;
- theWindowAttributes.override_redirect = False;
- theWindowAttributes.event_mask = EVENT_MASK1;
- theWindowMask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect;
- theWindow = XCreateWindow( theDisplay, RootWindow( theDisplay, theScreen ), WindowPointX, WindowPointY, WindowWidth,
- WindowHeight, BorderWidth, theDepth, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, theWindowMask, &theWindowAttributes );
- initialize_graphics_contexts(); /* initialize graphics contexts */
- theIconPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData( theDisplay, theWindow, icon_bits, icon_width, icon_height );
- pulldown = XCreateBitmapFromData( theDisplay, theWindow, pulldown_bits, pulldown_width, pulldown_height );
- theWMHints.icon_pixmap = theIconPixmap;
- if ( pvt[P_ICONIC].specified ) {
- theWMHints.initial_state = IconicState;
- } else {
- theWMHints.initial_state = NormalState;
- }
- theWMHints.flags = IconPixmapHint | StateHint;
- XSetWMHints( theDisplay, theWindow, &theWMHints );
- theSizeHints.flags = PPosition | PSize; /* PMinSize perhaps */
- theSizeHints.x = WindowPointX;
- theSizeHints.y = WindowPointY;
- theSizeHints.width = WindowWidth;
- theSizeHints.height = WindowHeight;
- theSizeHints.min_width = window_width;
- theSizeHints.min_height = window_height;
- XSetNormalHints( theDisplay, theWindow, &theSizeHints );
- if ( strlen( pvt[P_TITLE].value.string_value ) >= 1 ) {
- XStoreName( theDisplay, theWindow, pvt[P_TITLE].value.string_value );
- XSetIconName( theDisplay, theWindow, pvt[P_TITLE].value.string_value );
- } else {
- XStoreName( theDisplay, theWindow, ProgramName );
- XSetIconName( theDisplay, theWindow, ProgramName );
- }
- XSetCommand( theDisplay, theWindow, argv, argc );
- atom_wm_save_yourself = XInternAtom( theDisplay, "WM_SAVE_YOURSELF", False );
- status = XSetWMProtocols( theDisplay, theWindow, &atom_wm_save_yourself, 1 );
- for( i = 0; i < windata_count; i++ ) { /* make Action buttons */
- if ( odometer_count != BOTH && i == TRIP2 )
- continue; /* skip second trip odometer if only 1 odometer */
- background = theBackgroundPixel;
- if ( i == TRIP1 || i == TRIP2 )
- background = theBorderPixel;
- windata[i].window = XCreateSimpleWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, windata[i].x, windata[i].y, windata[i].width,
- windata[i].height, windata[i].border, theBorderPixel, background );
- XSelectInput( theDisplay, windata[i].window, EVENT_MASK2 );
- } /* forend */
- XQueryPointer( theDisplay, theWindow, &QueryRoot, &QueryChild, &AbsoluteX, &AbsoluteY, &RelativeX, &RelativeY, &ModKeyMask );
- PointerX = AbsoluteX;
- PointerY = AbsoluteY;
- XGetPointerControl( theDisplay, &accel_numerator, &accel_denominator, &threshold);
- acceleration = (double)accel_numerator / (double)accel_denominator;
- sprintf( status_line, "S=%.1f T=%d A=%.1f", pvt[P_POINTER_SCALE_FACTOR].value.real_value, threshold, acceleration );
- strncpy( distances_human+2, distances[distances_ordinal].abbreviation, 3 );
- XMapSubwindows( theDisplay, theWindow );
- compute_font_and_resize_data( font_info );
- XGetGeometry( theDisplay, theWindow, &theRoot, &WindowPointX, &WindowPointY, &WindowWidth, &WindowHeight, &BorderWidth,
- &theDepth );
- XTextExtents( font_info, about[2], strlen( about[2] ), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall );
- about_width = overall.width + 4 + about_width_x;
- about_height = ( overall.ascent + overall.descent + 4 ) * about_count;
- about_height += icon_height + font_height + 1;
- i = strlen( about[0] ); /* update version information */
- strncpy( about[0]+i-3, VERSION, 3 );
- XTextExtents( font_info2, calibration, strlen( calibration ), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall );
- calibration_width = overall.width + 4;
- initialize_menu(); /* initialize the Units menu windows */
- XMapWindow( theDisplay, theWindow );
- XFlush( theDisplay );
- } /* end initialize_xodo */
- Bool
- process_event() /* handle all X events */
- {
- XEvent theEvent;
- int new_width, new_height;
- int i;
- /* Check for ClientMessage type WM_SAVE_YOURSELF to save state information. */
- if ( XCheckTypedEvent( theDisplay, ClientMessage, &theEvent ) == True ) {
- if ( theEvent.xclient.data.l[0] == atom_wm_save_yourself )
- finish_xodo(); /* save state information and exit */
- } /* ifend ClientMessage received */
- while ( XCheckMaskEvent( theDisplay, ALL_EVENTS_MASK, &theEvent ) ) {
- switch ( theEvent.type ) {
- case MapNotify: case MappingNotify: case GraphicsExpose: case NoExpose:
- case SelectionClear: case SelectionNotify: case SelectionRequest:
- break; /* misc */
- case ClientMessage:
- finish_xodo(); /* will never get here via XCheckMaskEvent! */
- break; /* ClientMessage */
- case ConfigureNotify:
- if ( theEvent.xconfigure.window == theWindow ) {
- WindowWidth = theEvent.xconfigure.width;
- WindowHeight = theEvent.xconfigure.height;
- if ( theEvent.xconfigure.x != 0 )
- WindowPointX = theEvent.xconfigure.x;
- if ( theEvent.xconfigure.y != 0 )
- WindowPointY = theEvent.xconfigure.y;
- BorderWidth = theEvent.xconfigure.border_width;
- }
- break; /* ConfigureNotify */
- case Expose:
- if ( theEvent.xexpose.count == 0 ) {
- if ( theEvent.xexpose.window == theWindow ) {
- draw_odometers();
- draw_misc_info();
- draw_action_windows( gc2 );
- }
- draw_menu_panes( gc, theEvent.xexpose.window );
- } /* ifend event count = 0 */
- break; /* Expose */
- case EnterNotify:
- if ( button_depressed ) {
- if (theEvent.xcrossing.window == windata[UNITS].window)
- draw_menu();
- else
- highlight_action_window( gc2_reverse, theEvent.xcrossing.window, theForegroundPixel );
- }
- draw_menu_panes( gc_reverse, theEvent.xcrossing.window );
- break; /* EnterNotify */
- case LeaveNotify:
- highlight_action_window( gc2, theEvent.xcrossing.window, theBorderPixel );
- draw_menu_panes( gc, theEvent.xcrossing.window );
- break; /* LeaveNotify */
- case ButtonPress:
- button_depressed = True;
- if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[UNITS].window ) {
- draw_menu();
- break;
- }
- highlight_action_window( gc2_reverse, theEvent.xbutton.window, theForegroundPixel );
- break; /* ButtonPress */
- case ButtonRelease:
- button_depressed = False;
- highlight_action_window( gc2, theEvent.xbutton.window, theBorderPixel );
- if ( menu_active == True ) {
- XUngrabPointer( theDisplay, CurrentTime );
- XUnmapWindow( theDisplay, theMenu );
- XMoveResizeWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, menu_x_old, menu_y_old, menu_width_old, menu_height_old );
- menu_active = False;
- for ( i = 0; i < menu_pane_count; i++ ) {
- if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == distances[i].menu_pane ) {
- distances_ordinal = i;
- strncpy( distances_human+2, distances[distances_ordinal].abbreviation, 3 );
- draw_misc_info();
- } /* ifend button release occurred in a menu pane */
- } /* forend */
- break; /* case ButtonRelease */
- } /* ifend menu_active */
- if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[TRIP1].window ) {
- if ( odometer_count == CURSOR || odometer_count == BOTH ) {
- trip_cursor_distance = 0.0;
- } else {
- trip_pointer_distance = 0.0;
- }
- } else if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[TRIP2].window ) {
- trip_pointer_distance = 0.0;
- } else if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[QUIT].window ) {
- finish_xodo(); /* update distance totals */
- } else if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[UNITS].window ) {
- XUnmapWindow( theDisplay, theMenu );
- } else if ( theEvent.xbutton.window == windata[ABOUT].window ) {
- if ( about_active ) {
- about_active = False;
- windata[ABOUT].text = "About";
- XMoveResizeWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, about_x_old, about_y_old, about_width_old, about_height_old );
- } else {
- about_active = True;
- about_width_old = WindowWidth;
- about_height_old = WindowHeight;
- windata[ABOUT].text = " OK! ";
- if ( WindowWidth < about_width )
- new_width = about_width;
- else
- new_width = WindowWidth;
- if ( WindowHeight < about_height )
- new_height = about_height;
- else
- new_height = WindowHeight;
- about_x_old = WindowPointX;
- about_y_old = WindowPointY;
- if ( WindowPointX + new_width > display_width )
- about_x_old = display_width - new_width - 10;
- if ( WindowPointY + new_height > display_height )
- about_y_old = display_height - new_height - 10;
- XMoveResizeWindow( theDisplay, theWindow, about_x_old, about_y_old, new_width, new_height+5 );
- about_x_old = WindowPointX;
- about_y_old = WindowPointY;
- }
- } else if ( theEvent.xbutton.button == Button2 ) {
- trip_cursor_distance = 0.0;
- trip_pointer_distance = 0.0;
- } /* ifend */
- break; /* ButtonRelease */
- default:
- break; /* unknown event */
- } /* casend event type */
- } /* whilend */
- return( True );
- } /* end process_event */
- void
- process_pointer() /* do stuff every time period */
- {
- struct timeval timer;
- timer.tv_sec = 0;
- timer.tv_usec = pvt[P_MICROSECOND_INTERVAL_TIME].value.integer_value;
- do {
- do_distances( False );
- if ( --autosave_count <= 0 ) {
- autosave_count = autosave_ticks;
- save_xodo(); /* update state information */
- }
- if ( pvt[P_MICROSECOND_INTERVAL_TIME].value.integer_value <= 999999 )
- select( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &timer );
- else
- sleep ( (unsigned)pvt[P_MICROSECOND_INTERVAL_TIME].value.integer_value / 1000000 );
- } while ( process_event() );
- } /* end process_pointer */
- void
- save_xodo() /* update xodo distances */
- {
- OF = fopen( pvt[P_ODOMETER_FILE].value.file_value, "w" );
- if ( OF == NULL ) {
- perror("Cannot open odometer_file for write!");
- } else {
- fprintf( OF, "%f %f %s\n", total_cursor_distance, total_pointer_distance, distances[distances_ordinal].name );
- fclose( OF );
- }
- } /* end save_xodo */
- int
- main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- evap( &argc, &argv, pdt, NULL, pvt ); /* evaluate parameters */
- initialize_xodo(); /* all other xodometer initialization */
- process_pointer(); /* watch the pointing device */
- finish_xodo(); /* update distances for next time */
- exit( 0 ); /* success, just in case */
- } /* end xodo main */