home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* xtmines: game where you try to cross a minefield */
- /* hiscore.c: */
- /* Written by Timothy Tsai April 13, 1992 */
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "xtmines.h"
- #define MAXSCORES 10
- #define MAX_ANGEL_STARTS 5
- #define HISCORE_FILENAME "/home/bach3/ttsai/games/xtmines/xtmines.hiscores"
- typedef struct {
- int uid, score;
- ranktype final_level,start_level;
- long timestamp;
- } score_t;
- void show_final_score()
- {
- printf("Your final score was %d\n",num_score);
- printf("Your final rank was %s\n",num_rank_to_words(level));
- }
- int add_hiscore()
- {
- int fd;
- score_t
- current, last, mine;
- int occ = 0; /* num times current user */
- /* is on hiscore list */
- int angelocc = 0; /* num times current user is on list */
- /* and started on level angel */
- int trickle = FALSE;
- int myuid;
- int added = FALSE; /* current score added yet? */
- myuid = getuid(); /* current user's uid */
- mine.uid = myuid;
- mine.score = num_score;
- mine.final_level = level;
- mine.start_level = start_level;
- mine.timestamp = time(0);
- if ((fd=open(HISCORE_FILENAME,O_RDWR,0666)) < 0) {
- if ((fd=open(HISCORE_FILENAME,O_CREAT|O_WRONLY,0666)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't open %s\n",HISCORE_FILENAME);
- exit(5);
- }
- write(fd, (char *) &mine, sizeof(score_t));
- close(fd);
- return(0);
- }
- while (read(fd,(char *) ¤t,sizeof(score_t))==sizeof(score_t)) {
- if ((!added) && (num_score > current.score) &&
- ((angelocc < MAX_ANGEL_STARTS) ||
- (angelocc == MAX_ANGEL_STARTS) && (start_level != angel))){
- /* add to hiscore list */
- last = mine;
- trickle = TRUE;
- added = TRUE;
- occ++;
- if (mine.start_level == angel) angelocc++;
- }
- if (trickle) {
- lseek(fd, (long) -sizeof(score_t), L_INCR);
- write(fd, (char *) &last, sizeof(score_t));
- last = current;
- if (myuid == current.uid) {
- occ++;
- if (current.start_level == angel) angelocc++;
- if ((occ > MAXSCORES) ||
- ((angelocc > MAX_ANGEL_STARTS) &&
- (mine.start_level == angel))) {
- trickle = FALSE;
- if (occ > MAXSCORES) break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (myuid == current.uid) {
- occ++;
- if (current.start_level == angel) angelocc++;
- if (occ == MAXSCORES)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (trickle)
- write(fd, (char *) &last, sizeof(score_t));
- if ((!added) && (occ < MAXSCORES) && (angelocc < MAX_ANGEL_STARTS))
- write(fd, (char *) &mine, sizeof(score_t));
- close(fd);
- }
- #define LINE_SEP 2 /* separation between lines in hswind */
- #define LEFT_MARGIN 3 /* pixel sep from left edge of hswind */
- int show_hiscores(dox)
- int dox; /* boolean: do Xwindow show or just text */
- {
- int fd;
- int lastuid = -1;
- int i = 0;
- score_t curscore;
- int pcount = MAXSCORES;
- int myuid;
- struct passwd *user;
- char *name;
- int lines=0,width,height;
- Window hswind; /* high score window */
- char str[MAXSTRLEN];
- int px=LEFT_MARGIN, /* pixel positions for next line */
- py=fontmh;
- XEvent event;
- XButtonPressedEvent *eventbp;
- XKeyPressedEvent *eventkp;
- int wait = TRUE;
- if ((fd=open(HISCORE_FILENAME,O_RDONLY,0666)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't open %s\n",HISCORE_FILENAME);
- exit(5);
- }
- myuid = getuid();
- printf("Rank User Score Final level Start level Time\n");
- lines++;
- while (read(fd,(char *)&curscore,sizeof(score_t)) == sizeof(score_t)) {
- i++;
- if (pcount || curscore.uid == myuid) {
- if (lastuid != curscore.uid) {
- user = getpwuid(curscore.uid);
- lastuid = curscore.uid;
- }
- name = user->pw_name;
- /* no \n is needed because ctime puts one there */
- printf("%4d %-9s %9d %-11s %-11s %24s",
- i,name,curscore.score,
- num_rank_to_words(curscore.final_level),
- ((curscore.start_level<grunt) ||
- (curscore.start_level>god)) ?
- " " : num_rank_to_words(curscore.start_level),
- ctime(&curscore.timestamp));
- lines++;
- if (pcount) pcount--;
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- printf("There are %d scores to date\n", i);
- lines++;
- if (dox == NOX)
- return(SUCCESS);
- /* create new window */
- lastuid = -1;
- i = 0;
- pcount = MAXSCORES;
- width = fontmw*40;
- height = (fontmh+LINE_SEP)*(lines+1);
- hswind = XCreateSimpleWindow(disp,frame,(w-width)/2,(h-height)/2,
- width,height,bw,black,white);
- XSelectInput(disp,hswind,KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask);
- XMapRaised(disp,hswind);
- XSetForeground(disp,gct,color[font_color].pixel);
- XSetBackground(disp,gct,color[background_color].pixel);
- XFlush(disp);
- /* print in new window */
- if ((fd=open(HISCORE_FILENAME,O_RDONLY,0666)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't open %s\n",HISCORE_FILENAME);
- exit(5);
- }
- sprintf(str,"Rank User Score Level");
- XDrawImageString(disp,hswind,gct,px,py,str,strlen(str));
- XFlush(disp);
- py += (fontmh + LINE_SEP);
- while (read(fd,(char *)&curscore,sizeof(score_t)) == sizeof(score_t)){
- i++;
- if (pcount || curscore.uid == myuid) {
- if (lastuid != curscore.uid) {
- user = getpwuid(curscore.uid);
- lastuid = curscore.uid;
- }
- name = user->pw_name;
- sprintf(str,"%4d %-9s %9d %s",i,name,curscore.score,
- num_rank_to_words(curscore.final_level));
- XDrawImageString(disp,hswind,gct,px,py,
- str,strlen(str));
- XFlush(disp);
- py += (fontmh + LINE_SEP);
- if (pcount) pcount--;
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- sprintf(str,"There are %d scores to date", i);
- XDrawImageString(disp,hswind,gct,px,py,str,strlen(str));
- py += (fontmh + LINE_SEP);
- sprintf(str,"Press key or click button to end");
- XDrawImageString(disp,hswind,gct,px,py,str,strlen(str));
- XFlush(disp);
- /* Wait for keypress or button click */
- while (wait == TRUE) {
- while (!XPending(disp))
- XNextEvent(disp,&event);
- if (event.type==ButtonPress) {
- eventbp = (XButtonPressedEvent *) &event;
- if ((eventbp->window == hswind) ||
- (eventbp->window == field) ||
- (eventbp->window == wind[quit_wind]))
- wait = FALSE;
- }
- else if (event.type == KeyPress) {
- eventkp = (XKeyPressedEvent *) &event;
- if ((eventkp->window == hswind) ||
- (eventkp->window == field))
- wait = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return (SUCCESS);
- }
- void show_and_add_scores()
- {
- show_final_score();
- add_hiscore();
- show_hiscores(DOX);
- exit(SUCCESS);
- }