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- /*
- Post A Note V3.0
- Copyright (c) 1993, Jeffrey W. Bailey
- All rights reserved.
- Permission is granted to distribute this program in exact, complete
- source form, which includes this copyright notice, as long as no fee
- other than media and distribution cost is charged.
- This program may not be used in whole, or in part, in any other manner
- without prior written permission from the author.
- This program may not be distributed in modified form without prior
- written permission from the author. In other words, patches may be
- distributed, but modified source may not be distributed.
- If there are any questions, comments or suggestions, the author may be
- contacted at:
- jeff@rd1.interlan.com
- or
- Jeffrey Bailey
- Racal-Datacom, Inc.
- Mail Stop E-110
- 1601 N. Harrison Parkway
- Sunrise, FL 33323-2899
- */
- #include "pan.h"
- extern int errno;
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- /*
- Handle the window exit event of the mouse pointer. Used to do auto-saves.
- This trick on a frame is not specifically documented, but seems to work.
- I hope it doesn't break in the future.
- */
- frameexit(frame, event, arg)
- Frame frame;
- Event *event;
- Notify_arg arg;
- {
- int found = 0;
- struct SubDir *sp;
- struct Note *np;
- if(event_id(event) != LOC_WINEXIT) return;
- if(debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "Got LOC_WINEXIT\n");
- sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- while(sp != NULL && !found)
- {
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- while(np != NULL && !found)
- {
- if(np->frame == frame && np->mapped)
- {
- update(np);
- updateinfo(np, NOFORCE);
- found = 1;
- }
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- }
- sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- }
- }
- /*
- Handles a drag & drop event from the file manager into a note, retrieving
- the path & file name and inserting it into the note text.
- */
- dragdrop(window, event, arg)
- Xv_Window window;
- Event *event;
- Notify_arg arg;
- {
- int found = 0;
- struct SubDir *sp;
- struct Note *np;
- Xv_Window twin;
- int n;
- int amount;
- char buf[SELN_BUFSIZE];
- if(debug_on)
- {
- if(event_action(event) == ACTION_DRAG_MOVE)
- fprintf(stderr, "Got ACTION_DRAG_MOVE event\n");
- if(event_action(event) == ACTION_DRAG_LOAD)
- fprintf(stderr, "Got ACTION_DRAG_LOAD event\n");
- if(event_action(event) == ACTION_DRAG_COPY)
- fprintf(stderr, "Got ACTION_DRAG_COPY event\n");
- }
- if(event_action(event) == ACTION_DRAG_LOAD)
- {
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- while(sp != NULL && !found)
- {
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- while(np != NULL && !found)
- {
- if(np->mapped)
- {
- twin = (Xv_Window) xv_get(np->textsw, OPENWIN_NTH_VIEW, 0);
- if(twin == window)
- {
- found = 1;
- n = xv_decode_drop(event, buf, sizeof(buf));
- buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
- if(debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "buf {%s}\n", buf);
- if(n > 0)
- xv_set(np->textsw,
- }
- }
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- }
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- }
- }
- if((event_action(event) == ACTION_GO_PAGE_FORWARD ||
- event_action(event) == ACTION_GO_PAGE_BACKWARD) && event_is_down(event))
- {
- if(debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "Got PAGE event\n");
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- while(sp != NULL && !found)
- {
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- while(np != NULL && !found)
- {
- if(np->mapped)
- {
- twin = (Xv_Window) xv_get(np->textsw, OPENWIN_NTH_VIEW, 0);
- if(twin == window)
- {
- Textsw_index t_ndx;
- int top, bottom;
- int len;
- found = 1;
- textsw_file_lines_visible(np->textsw, &top, &bottom);
- len = xv_get(np->textsw, TEXTSW_LENGTH);
- if(debug_on)
- fprintf(stderr, "len %d\n", len);
- amount = bottom - top + 1;
- if(event_action(event) == ACTION_GO_PAGE_BACKWARD)
- amount = -(amount);
- if(debug_on)
- fprintf(stderr, "top %d, bot %d\n", top, bottom);
- top += amount;
- if(top < 0) top = 0;
- t_ndx = textsw_index_for_file_line(np->textsw, top);
- if(debug_on)
- fprintf(stderr, "t_ndx %d\n",
- t_ndx);
- if(t_ndx >= 0)
- {
- xv_set(np->textsw,
- NULL);
- textsw_normalize_view(np->textsw, t_ndx);
- }
- }
- }
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- }
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- }
- }
- if(event_id(event) == KBD_DONE)
- {
- if(debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "Got KBD_DONE event\n");
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- while(sp != NULL && !found)
- {
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- while(np != NULL && !found)
- {
- if(np->mapped)
- {
- twin = (Xv_Window) xv_get(np->textsw, OPENWIN_NTH_VIEW, 0);
- if(twin == window)
- {
- found = 1;
- update(np);
- updateinfo(np, NOFORCE);
- }
- }
- np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- }
- sp = (struct SubDir *)LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Handles child process death notification. Used with the print note
- action.
- */
- Notify_value child_death(me, pid, status, rusage)
- Notify_client me;
- int pid;
- union wait *status;
- struct rusage *rusage;
- {
- if(WIFEXITED(*status))
- {
- if(debug_on) fprintf(stderr, "Got child death\n");
- cmd_printnote(NULL); /* allow next note to go, if any */
- return(NOTIFY_DONE);
- }
- }