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Text File | 1993-11-08 | 42.2 KB | 1,374 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- From: jeff@tasslehoff.interlan.com (Jeff Bailey)
- Subject: v21i039: pan - A post a note program, Part03/06
- Message-ID: <1993Nov9.000711.10838@sparky.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: d738080ee283dab4ed83b9b13a36e2b8
- Sender: chris@sparky.sterling.com (Chris Olson)
- Organization: Sterling Software
- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 00:07:11 GMT
- Approved: chris@sterling.com
- Submitted-by: jeff@tasslehoff.interlan.com (Jeff Bailey)
- Posting-number: Volume 21, Issue 39
- Archive-name: pan/part03
- Environment: X11, OpenLook, XView
- Supersedes: pan: Volume 16, Issue 137-142
- ---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is part 03 of a multipart archive
- # ============= pan3.0/hidexp.c ==============
- if test ! -d 'pan3.0'; then
- echo 'x - creating directory pan3.0'
- mkdir 'pan3.0'
- fi
- if test -f 'pan3.0/hidexp.c' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping pan3.0/hidexp.c (File already exists)'
- else
- echo 'x - extracting pan3.0/hidexp.c (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'pan3.0/hidexp.c' &&
- X/*
- XPost A Note V3.0
- XCopyright (c) 1993, Jeffrey W. Bailey
- XAll rights reserved.
- X
- XPermission is granted to distribute this program in exact, complete
- Xsource form, which includes this copyright notice, as long as no fee
- Xother than media and distribution cost is charged.
- X
- XThis program may not be used in whole, or in part, in any other manner
- Xwithout prior written permission from the author.
- X
- XThis program may not be distributed in modified form without prior
- Xwritten permission from the author. In other words, patches may be
- Xdistributed, but modified source may not be distributed.
- X
- XIf there are any questions, comments or suggestions, the author may be
- Xcontacted at:
- X
- X jeff@rd1.interlan.com
- X
- X or
- X
- X Jeffrey Bailey
- X Racal-Datacom, Inc.
- X Mail Stop E-110
- X 1601 N. Harrison Parkway
- X Sunrise, FL 33323-2899
- X*/
- X
- X#include "pan.h"
- X
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- X/*
- X Routine called when hide notes button is selected. Hides ALL notes.
- X*/
- Xhideall()
- X {
- X struct SubDir *sp;
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- X while(sp != NULL)
- X {
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL)
- X {
- X if(np->mapped && np->state != Hidden)
- X {
- X w_hidenote(np);
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- X }
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Routine called when expose notes button menu selection All is selected.
- X Exposes ALL notes.
- X*/
- Xexposeall()
- X {
- X int count;
- X struct SubDir *sp;
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X /* Count how many will be exposed */
- X count = 0;
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- X while(sp != NULL)
- X {
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL)
- X {
- X if(np->state != Visible)
- X {
- X if(!np->mapped)
- X {
- X count++;
- X }
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- X }
- X if(windowmax != -1 && count >= windowmax)
- X {
- X char buf[1024];
- X
- X sprintf(buf, "This action will expose %d notes!", count);
- X if(notice_prompt(main_frame, NULL,
- X buf,
- X "Proceed?",
- X NOTICE_NO_BEEPING, noticenobeep,
- X {
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- X while(sp != NULL)
- X {
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL)
- X {
- X if(np->state != Visible)
- X {
- X if(!np->mapped)
- X {
- X w_exposenote(np, ERRONDISPLAY);
- X }
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- X }
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Routine called when expose notes button menu selection All is selected
- X from within a folder. Exposes ALL notes in the folder.
- X*/
- Xexposefolder(sp)
- X struct SubDir *sp;
- X {
- X int count;
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X /* Count how many will be exposed */
- X count = 0;
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL)
- X {
- X if(np->state != Visible)
- X {
- X if(!np->mapped)
- X {
- X count++;
- X }
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X if(windowmax != -1 && count >= windowmax)
- X {
- X char buf[1024];
- X
- X sprintf(buf, "This action will expose %d notes!", count);
- X if(notice_prompt(main_frame, NULL,
- X buf,
- X "Proceed?",
- X NOTICE_NO_BEEPING, noticenobeep,
- X {
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL)
- X {
- X if(np->state != Visible)
- X {
- X if(!np->mapped)
- X {
- X w_exposenote(np, ERRONDISPLAY);
- X }
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Routine called when the hide button on a note is selected. Hides the
- X selected note.
- X*/
- Xhidenote(item, event)
- X Panel_item item;
- X Event *event;
- X {
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X np = (struct Note *) xv_get(item, PANEL_CLIENT_DATA);
- X
- X w_hidenote(np);
- X
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Called when the window border menu Quit item is selected on a note.
- X Veils the note.
- X*/
- Xdismissed(frame)
- X Frame frame;
- X {
- X int found = 0;
- X struct SubDir *sp;
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- X while(sp != NULL && !found)
- X {
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_first(&sp->note_rt);
- X while(np != NULL && !found)
- X {
- X if(np->mapped && np->frame == frame)
- X {
- X w_veilnote(np);
- X found = 1;
- X }
- X np = (struct Note *) LLM_next(&sp->note_rt);
- X }
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- X }
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Called when an expose menu item is chosen. Figures out which note
- X to expose, then does it.
- X*/
- Xexposemenu(menu, mitem)
- X Menu menu;
- X Menu_item mitem;
- X {
- X struct SubDir *sp;
- X struct Note *np;
- X char *ptext;
- X Menu_item pullright;
- X
- X np = (struct Note *)xv_get(mitem, MENU_CLIENT_DATA);
- X if(np == NULL &&
- X strcmp((char *)xv_get(mitem, MENU_STRING), CHOICE_ALL) == 0)
- X {
- X exposeall();
- X }
- X else if((long) np == 0xFFFFFFFF &&
- X strcmp((char *)xv_get(mitem, MENU_STRING), CHOICE_ALL) == 0)
- X {
- X pullright = (Menu_item) xv_get(menu, MENU_PARENT);
- X ptext = (char *)xv_get(pullright, MENU_STRING);
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_first(&subdir_rt);
- X while(sp != NULL)
- X {
- X if(strcmp(sp->subdir, ptext) == 0)
- X exposefolder(sp);
- X sp = (struct SubDir *) LLM_next(&subdir_rt);
- X }
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if(np == NULL)
- X {
- X notice_prompt(main_frame, NULL,
- X "No notes to expose",
- X NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Acknowledge",
- X NOTICE_NO_BEEPING, noticenobeep,
- X NULL);
- X return;
- X }
- X if(!np->mapped)
- X {
- X w_exposenote(np, ERRONDISPLAY);
- X }
- X refresh_popups();
- X }
- X }
- X
- X/* refresh any pop up windows as necessary */
- Xrefresh_popups()
- X {
- X refresh_move();
- X refresh_destroy();
- X refresh_search();
- X }
- chmod 0644 pan3.0/hidexp.c ||
- echo 'restore of pan3.0/hidexp.c failed'
- Wc_c="`wc -c < 'pan3.0/hidexp.c'`"
- test 7422 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
- echo 'pan3.0/hidexp.c: original size 7422, current size' "$Wc_c"
- fi
- # ============= pan3.0/pan.man ==============
- if test -f 'pan3.0/pan.man' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping pan3.0/pan.man (File already exists)'
- else
- echo 'x - extracting pan3.0/pan.man (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'pan3.0/pan.man' &&
- X.TH pan l "July 2, 1991"
- Xpan \- Post A Note Open Look program
- X\fBpan\fP [args...]
- XThe \fBpan\fP program keeps track of multiple text notes. Each note
- Xhas its own window and associated attributes. The position, size, and
- Xvisibility of each note is maintained across invocations along with the
- Xnote text.
- X.LP
- XA note may be in one of three states: Visible, Hidden, or Veiled.
- XA visible note has a window mapped to the display. A hidden note is not
- Xmapped to the display. A veiled note is a note which has been dismissed
- Xvia the window manager's window menu. It is not mapped, but the permanent
- Xstate is still "Visible". This feature allows a note to be unmapped, but
- Xmade visible automatically upon the next invocation of \fBpan\fP. A veiled
- Xnote may be exposed just like a hidden note.
- X.LP
- XThe \fBpan\fP program accepts all standard Open Look command line arguments.
- X.LP
- XIn addition, \fBpan\fP accepts the following command line arguments:
- X.LP
- X\fB-d<directory>\fP
- X.RS
- XSet the initial pan directory. This overrides the X resource
- X\fBinitialDirectory\fP.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- XAll notes are automatically saved to disk when the pointer moves outside
- Xof the note window, or upon loss of the keyboard focus. Note that saving
- Xto disk is only done if changes have been made.
- X.LP
- XThe \fBpan\fP program has one base window from which many functions may be
- Xaccessed. Each note consists of a separate window which may or may not be
- Xmapped to the display. The base window has the following buttons:
- X.LP
- X\fBNew Note\fP
- X.RS
- XClicking on this button with mouse button 1 causes a new blank note to
- Xbe created and made visible. This new note is created in the default folder.
- X.LP
- XClicking on this button and holding with mouse button 3 will bring up a menu
- Xof folders in which a new note may be created.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBHide Notes\fP
- X.RS
- XClicking on this button causes all visible notes to be unmapped from the
- Xdisplay.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBExpose Notes\fP
- X.RS
- XThis button has a menu attached to it. Clicking with mouse button 1
- Xselects the default action. Pressing mouse button 3 brings up
- Xa menu. The menu items are:
- X.LP
- X\fBAll\fP
- X.RS
- XExpose (make visible) all notes. This option can be limited in scope via the
- X\fBwindowMax\fP X resource. This is the default action.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fB<Folders>\fP
- X.RS
- XAn additional entry for each folder is displayed. By moving the pointer right,
- Xa menu of all hidden notes in that folder is displayed. The first entry is
- Xthe item "All". Selecting this will expose all notes in the folder. This
- Xaction is also limited by the \fBwindowMax\fP X resource. The
- Xremaining items are individual notes within the folder.
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBAction\fP
- X.RS
- XThis button has a menu attached to it. Clicking with mouse button 1
- Xselects the default action. Pressing mouse button 3 brings up
- Xa menu. The menu items are:
- X.LP
- X\fBCreate Folder...\fP
- X.RS
- XSelecting this menu item brings up another window that allows a folder
- Xname to be entered. When this is done, \fBpan\fP will create a new
- Xfolder. This is the default menu item. This may be changed with the
- X\fBactionDefault\fP X resource.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBMove Note...\fP
- X.RS
- XThis menu item will bring up a window with 3 lists. The first list is the
- Xfolder \fBfrom\fP which to move notes. The second list is the folder
- X\fBto\fP which notes will be moved. The third list is the list of notes
- Xin the source folder. Select the appropriate source and destination folders,
- Xthen select the note or notes to be moved and click on the "Apply" button. The
- Xselected notes will be moved to the destination folder.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBPrint Note\fP
- X.RS
- XThis menu item will bring up a menu of all folders, similar to the \fBExpose\fP
- Xmenu.
- XSliding the pointer to the right while holding
- Xmouse button 3 down reveals a list of all notes in the selected folder.
- XHighlight the one
- Xto be printed and release the mouse button to cause the note to be printed.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBDestroy Folder...\fP
- X.RS
- XThis menu item will pop up a window with a list of all available folders.
- XSelecting a folder and then clicking the "Apply" button will cause all
- Xnotes in that folder to be destroyed. The folder itself will then be
- Xdestroyed. \fIThis is an extremely destructive function and should be
- Xused with great care.\fP
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBQuit\fB
- X.RS
- XCause \fBpan\fP to exit.
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBSearch:\fP
- X.RS
- XThis is a text entry field. It can be used to enter a regular expression.
- XUpon pressing the \fIreturn\fP key, \fBpan\fP will search for a note with
- Xa title matching the RE and expose it if there is a single match. If more
- Xthan one note matches, a list window will be displayed allowing multiple
- Xselections of notes to expose.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- XIn addition, there is an abbreviated menu button to the right of the
- X\fBSearch:\fP text entry field. Using the X resource \fBsearchMenu\fP,
- Xa list of regular expressions may be specified from which to build a
- Xmenu. This allows shortcut exposures without typing in the text entry
- Xfield. Using this menu does not destroy the contents of the text entry
- Xfield. The default menu has only 1 regular expression: '.'.
- XEach note window contains the following items:
- X.LP
- X\fBTitle\fP
- X.RS
- XThis is a scrolling text entry item. A note title may be entered here. \fBThe
- Xtitle does not become active until the return key is pressed.\fP
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBHide\fP
- X.RS
- XClicking on this button will cause this note to be hidden.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBAction\fP
- X.RS
- XThis is a menu button. Clicking on it with mouse button 1 will cause the
- Xdefault menu item to be selected. Clicking on it with mouse button 3 will
- Xdisplay a menu with the following items:
- X.LP
- X\fBPrint\fP
- X.RS
- XThis item will cause the note to be printed.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBWidth <n>\fP
- X.RS
- XThis item will cause the note's width to expand so the text subwindow can
- Xaccommodate at least \fB<n>\fP characters before wrapping. See the X
- Xresource \fBsetWidth\fP for a more detailed explanation.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBDestroy\fP
- X.RS
- XThis menu item will cause this note to be destroyed. There is
- Xno way to recover a note after this action is taken.
- X.RE
- X.RE
- XThe \fBpan\fP program will query the X server for resource information.
- XThe following items of information are examined by \fBpan\fP:
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.initialDirectory (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource may be defined with a directory name. \fBPan\fP will read
- Xthis directory for notes upon startup instead of reading the default directory.
- XNote that the \fB-d\fP command line argument can override this.
- X.LP
- XThe current default directory is "$HOME/.pan". It will be created
- Xautomatically by \fBpan\fP if necessary. Note that a directory other than the
- Xdefault will \fBnot\fP be automatically created.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.printCommand (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource may be defined to be a command that will cause a note to
- Xbe printed.
- X.LP
- XThe current default command is "/usr/ucb/lpr $FILE". Another command, including
- Xflags may be substituted. Two special variables are available: $FILE, and
- X$NOTETITLE. The first will contain the full path and file name of the note
- Xselected to be printed. The second will contain the full title of the note
- Xselected to be printed. If a postscript printer is available, a nicely
- Xformatted printout may be obtained by using 'mp -o -s "$NOTETITLE" $FILE | lpr'.
- XDon't include the single quotes in the .Xdefaults file. I use them for
- Xemphasis only.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.confirmDestroy (boolean)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource controls whether \fBpan\fP will display a confirmation notice
- Xwhen the destroy button on a note is selected.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is False.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.noticeBeep (boolean)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource controls whether notices displayed by \fBpan\fP will be
- Xaccompanied by an audible beep.
- X.LP
- XThe current default is True.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.iconTransparent (boolean)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource controls whether or not the icons used by \fBpan\fP have
- Xa transparent background. It is retained for backwards compatibility.
- XIcon masks are now used, so this attribute currently has no effect.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is False.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.folderOrder (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis is a string resource. It consists of a comma separated list of folder
- Xnames. This resource allows the order in which folders appear in the menus
- Xto be specified. Any folders not explicitly mentioned are added to the
- Xend of the list in the order in which they are encountered when reading
- Xthe directory.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is "Miscellaneous".
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.defaultSearch (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource allows the specification of a default search string to appear
- Xin the "Search:" field in the base window.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is "".
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.folderInTitle (boolean)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource specifies whether or not to display a note's folder name along
- Xwith the note title in the window manager's title bar.
- X.LP
- XThe default is False.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.textFont (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource allows the specification of an alternate font to be used in
- Xthe text subwindow. I highly recommend using a fixed with font in this
- Xresource if the \fBWidth\fP menu item on a note is to be used. I have found
- Xthat a good font is "8x13". (Quotes for emphasis only.)
- X.LP
- XThe default font if this resource is not set is chosen by the XView toolkit,
- Xand depends upon the -scale option.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.windowMax (integer)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource limits the number of windows that may be exposed as the result
- Xof a single expose action. If the number would be exceeded, and the expose
- Xaction is interactive, a confirmation notice is posted before \fBpan\fP
- Xwill continue the operation. If the operation is from the pan control
- Xlanguage, \fBwindowMax\fP notes are exposed, then the action is halted
- Xsilently.
- X.LP
- XUse a value of -1 to disable this feature. A value of 0 will cause
- Xconfirmation to occur for every expose action. Any other value will allow
- Xthat many notes to be exposed before confirmation is requested.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is 20.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.actionDefault (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource allows the default menu item on the \fBAction\fP menu button
- Xon the main \fBpan\fP window to be chosen. This option is case sensitive
- Xand the value must be spelled exactly as seen in the menu including the
- Xperiods.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is "Create Folder...". (Quotes for emphasis only.)
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.menuTextLength (integer)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis option specifies the maximum number of characters of the note titles that
- Xwill appear in the \fBExpose Notes\fP and \fBPrint Note\fP menus. This allows
- Xfor more or less of a title to be displayed in a menu. Note that by default
- Xthe font used in menus is proportional. Because of this, \fBpan\fP will
- Xcalculate the pixel width of a string of \fBmenuTextLength\fP characters from
- Xthe average character width, then build a specific menu item adding or
- Xsubtracting characters to get as close to the calculated value as possible.
- XThis allows some titles to squeeze in a few extra characters, and generally
- Xmakes the menu items line up better.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is 20.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.setWidth (integer)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource specifies the character width that a note window will be set
- Xto when the note's \fBWidth <n>\fP menu item is chosen. Note that this
- Xworks best if a fixed width font has been specified with \fBtextFont\fP. The
- Xdefault text subwindow font size is reported inaccurately by XView,
- X(especially when -scale is used), making it difficult to accurately calculate
- Xa proper window size. Even with a fixed width font, the window size is only
- Xapproximate because XView provides no way that I can find to determine the
- Xscrollbar width, or the window border widths. See \fBtopMargin\fP for a
- Xmore detailed explanation of window border settings.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.logging (boolean)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource is used to prevent \fBpan\fP from creating a log file during
- Xcommand execution. See the section on \fBControl Language\fP for more
- Xinformation.
- X.LP
- XThe default is True.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.topMargin (integer)\fP
- X.br
- X\fBpan.bottomMargin (integer)\fP
- X.br
- X\fBpan.leftMargin (integer)\fP
- X.br
- X\fBpan.rightMargin (integer)\fP
- X.RS
- XThese resources are used to indicate the pixel widths of the window manager's
- Xframe that is placed around pan windows. The defaults are set to reasonable
- Xvalues for \fBolwm\fP and \fBolvwm\fP. If another window manager is used,
- Xset these resources to appropriate values. Failure to do this can cause
- X\fBpan\fP to incorrectly calculate window sizes and widget positions.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.checkInterval (integer)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource is used to control how often the control language file is
- Xchecked for new commands. The value should be specified in seconds.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is 60 seconds.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.searchMenu (string)\fP
- X.RS
- XThis resource may be used to specify a list of note titles that will be
- Xused to build the shortcut search menu. The items must be space or comma
- Xseparated, and both single and double quotes are supported in case a title
- Xcontains whitespace.
- X.LP
- XThe default value is ".".
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBpan.noteWidth (integer)\fP
- X.br
- X\fBpan.noteHeight (integer)\fP
- X.br
- X.RS
- XThese resources are used to indicate a preferred width and height for a newly
- Xcreated note. By default, \fBpan\fP tries to create a note as small as
- Xpossible, while making sure that all buttons and text items are visible. This
- Xmay be overridden by specifying \fBboth\fP resources. If only one is
- Xspecified, it is ignored. The values for both are specified in terms of
- Xpixels. Note that if these resources are used, \fBpan\fP will not be
- Xable to adjust automatically to the use of the -scale option.
- X.LP
- XThe default value for both is -1 which means \fBpan\fP will determine the
- Xappropriate size based on the scale and the fonts requested.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- XNew to \fBPan V3.0\fP is a command line interface and general control
- Xlanguage. Most of the features available in \fBpan\fP through the
- Xwindowing interface can now be used from the command line via a
- Xprogram called \fBpancmd\fP. See the manual entry for \fBpancmd\fP
- Xfor more information on how to use the command. This section describes
- Xthe actual control language since it is part of the \fBpan\fP program.
- X.LP
- XThe following actions are supported by the control language:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xo Note Creation
- X.br
- Xo Note Exposure
- X.br
- Xo Note Hiding
- X.br
- Xo Note Veiling
- X.br
- Xo Note Printing
- X.br
- Xo Note Movement Between Folders
- X.br
- Xo Folder Creation
- X.br
- Xo Pan Process Exit
- X.LP
- X.RE
- XNote that no destructive commands have been implemented. The following is
- Xa list of the commands and their syntax. The convention I use in describing
- Xthe syntax is to surround optional arguments with "[]", and to indicate
- Xuser required parameters with "<>".
- X.LP
- XWhen specifying a parameter for a command, if whitespace must be embedded,
- Xsingle or double quote marks may be used around the parameter.
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Creation\fP
- X.RS
- Xnewnote [folder <folder>] [title <title>] [size <width> <height>]
- X.br
- X [location <x> <y>] [hidden|visible|veiled] [file <name>]
- X.LP
- XThis command causes \fBpan\fP to create a new note. All parameters are
- Xoptional. If no parameters are specified, the default action is to create
- Xa note as if the "New Note" button had bee clicked on with mouse button 1.
- X.LP
- XThe folder and title options may be used to specify the note's folder and
- Xtitle respectively. The size and location options will control the note's
- Xsize and location respectively. The parameters for these options are to
- Xbe specified in pixels. By default, a new note is visible, but any of the
- Xthree states may be specified for the note. The optional file parameter
- Xspecifies a full path name of a file from which the contents of the note
- Xare to be loaded.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xnewnote title Termcap size 500 200 location 10 10 visible
- X.br
- X file /etc/termcap
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Exposure\fP
- X.RS
- Xexpose title <title RE> [windowmax <max # to expose>]
- X.LP
- XThis command causes \fBpan\fP to expose all notes (up to the X resource
- X\fBpan.windowMax\fP) with titles that match the given regular expression.
- XIf the windowmax parameter is given, it temporarily overrides the maximum
- Xset in the X resource database.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xexpose title "Phone Numbers"
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Hiding\fP
- X.RS
- Xhide title <title RE>
- X.LP
- XThis command will cause all notes with titles matching the given regular
- Xexpression to be hidden.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xhide title "To Do List"
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Veiling\fP
- X.RS
- Xveil title <title RE>
- X.LP
- XThis command will cause all notes with titles matching the given regular
- Xexpression to be veiled.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xveil title "Meeting Tomorrow"
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Printing\fP
- X.RS
- Xprint folder <folder> title <title RE>
- X.LP
- XThis command will cause all notes within the specified folder that have
- Xtitles matching the given regular expression to be queued for printing.
- XIn order to not overload the computer, \fBpan\fP will start only one
- Xprint command (specified by the X resource \fBpan.printCommand\fP) at a time.
- XWhen the print process exits, the next matching note will be queued. This
- Xqueuing process is done asynchronously in the background so that the \fBpan\fP
- Xprocess can still respond to other commands and user interaction.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xprint folder Reference title .
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBNote Movement Between Folders\fP
- X.RS
- Xmove source <folder> title <title RE> destination <folder>
- X.LP
- XThis command will move notes between folders. All notes with titles matching
- Xthe given regular expression in the source folder are moved to the destination
- Xfolder.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xmove source Miscellaneous title "[Xx] [Ww]indow" destination X_Notes
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBFolder Creation\fP
- X.RS
- Xnewfolder folder <name>
- X.LP
- XThis command will create a new folder. The folder name may not contain
- Xwhitespace or slash characters.
- X.LP
- XExample:
- X.LP
- X.RS
- Xnewfolder folder X_Notes
- X.RE
- X.RE
- X.LP
- X\fBPan Process Exit\fP
- X.RS
- Xquit
- X.LP
- XThis command causes the currently running \fBpan\fP command to exit.
- X.RE
- X.LP
- XThe \fBpan\fP program will accept drag and drop files from the Open Look
- Xfile manager.
- XFor this feature to work, the file icon must be dropped directly into the text
- Xsubwindow of the note. Dropping the icon anywhere else will not have
- Xany effect.
- X.LP
- XA late addition to this version of \fBpan\fP is the ability to drag a note
- Xto another application. The drag and drop target (the small square in the
- Xupper, right-hand corner of the note windows) may be used for this purpose.
- X.LP
- XIf the note file directories are examined, occasionally files with names
- Xending in a "%" character will be seen. These files are created automatically
- Xby the Open Look text subwindow package, and are simply old versions of the
- Xnote files being edited.
- X\fBPan\fP supports three different window classes for use with window manager
- Xproperties such as minimal decor. The first is "PanMain". This is the class
- Xfor the main window. The second is "PanNote". This is the class for all
- Xnotes. The third is "Pan" (assuming the executable name is not changed).
- XThis is used for all pop up windows, such as the create folder window.
- XDefault note directory:
- X.RS
- X$HOME/.pan
- X.RE
- X.LP
- XNote files:
- X.RS
- XNote_%d_%d
- X.br
- XNote_%d_%d.info
- X.LP
- Xwhere the "%d" instances are replaced by unique id numbers.
- X.RE
- XThe "Note_%d_%d" file is a plain ASCII file containing the note text. Lines
- Xare delimited by the newline character.
- X.LP
- XThe "Note_%d_%d.info" file is a plain ASCII file currently containing 3 lines.
- X.LP
- XThe first line contains 4 whitespace separated numbers followed by a
- Xtext word. The 4 numbers describe the note window's start x, start y,
- Xwidth, and height. The text word is either "VISIBLE" or "HIDDEN" describing
- Xwhether the note is mapped to the display by default or not.
- X.LP
- XThe second line of the file contains the note title.
- X.LP
- XThe third line is an ASCII representation of the decimal number returned
- Xby time(3) describing the note's creation date and time.
- X.LP
- XAn example might be:
- X.nf
- X
- X4 424 349 206 HIDDEN
- XNote title
- X664129826
- X
- X.fi
- XOccasionally, when a new note is created, the focus is initially in the text
- Xsub-window instead of in the title panel item. This appears to be a problem
- Xwith XView.
- X.LP
- XUnder OW3.0, if PgUp/PgDn is pressed when at the top/bottom of the file,
- Xthe window beeps as many times as
- Xthere are lines visible. This also appears to be a problem with XView.
- XI have been told that there might be a patch from Sun for this problem,
- Xbut I haven't tried to verify it.
- X.LP
- XThe text sub-window package in xview creates files ending with a "%" character
- Xand doesn't delete them. Periodically it is a good idea to remove them by
- Xhand to recover disk space. If you accidentally destroy a note that had
- Xtext in it, you \fImight\fP be able to recover the text by looking through the
- Xfiles ending with a "%" character.
- XMy thanks to the many people who submitted bug reports and requests for
- Xenhancements. I have tried to incorporate as many of the ideas I received
- Xas possible into version 3.0 of \fBPan\fP. I'm not listing specific names
- Xhere because I didn't keep track of the people, just the requests. Sorry.
- XNext time I'll keep the names too.
- X.LP
- XIf you don't find your enhancement request in this release, don't despair!
- XI was unable to include everything I wanted to because of the demands of
- Xmy real job. If you don't see it, and you still want it, feel free to
- Xrequest the feature again.
- XJeffrey Bailey
- chmod 0644 pan3.0/pan.man ||
- echo 'restore of pan3.0/pan.man failed'
- Wc_c="`wc -c < 'pan3.0/pan.man'`"
- test 21398 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
- echo 'pan3.0/pan.man: original size 21398, current size' "$Wc_c"
- fi
- # ============= pan3.0/misc.c ==============
- if test -f 'pan3.0/misc.c' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping pan3.0/misc.c (File already exists)'
- else
- echo 'x - extracting pan3.0/misc.c (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'pan3.0/misc.c' &&
- X/*
- XPost A Note V3.0
- XCopyright (c) 1993, Jeffrey W. Bailey
- XAll rights reserved.
- X
- XPermission is granted to distribute this program in exact, complete
- Xsource form, which includes this copyright notice, as long as no fee
- Xother than media and distribution cost is charged.
- X
- XThis program may not be used in whole, or in part, in any other manner
- Xwithout prior written permission from the author.
- X
- XThis program may not be distributed in modified form without prior
- Xwritten permission from the author. In other words, patches may be
- Xdistributed, but modified source may not be distributed.
- X
- XIf there are any questions, comments or suggestions, the author may be
- Xcontacted at:
- X
- X jeff@rd1.interlan.com
- X
- X or
- X
- X Jeffrey Bailey
- X Racal-Datacom, Inc.
- X Mail Stop E-110
- X 1601 N. Harrison Parkway
- X Sunrise, FL 33323-2899
- X*/
- X
- X#include "pan.h"
- X
- Xextern int errno;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- Xchar *add_sorted(nr, title)
- X struct LLM_root *nr;
- X char *title;
- X {
- X struct Note *np;
- X
- X np = (struct Note *)LLM_first(nr);
- X if(np == NULL)
- X {
- X return(LLM_add(nr));
- X }
- X while(np != NULL && strcmp(title, np->ntitle) >= 0)
- X {
- X np = (struct Note *)LLM_next(nr);
- X }
- X if(np == NULL)
- X {
- X return(LLM_add(nr));
- X }
- X return(LLM_insert(nr, (char *)np));
- X }
- X
- X/* adjust nodes position in list since the title may have changed */
- Xadjust_sorted(np)
- X struct Note *np;
- X {
- X struct LLM_root *nr;
- X struct Note *tp;
- X
- X nr = &np->sp->note_rt;
- X LLM_unlink(nr, (char *)np);
- X tp = (struct Note *)LLM_first(nr);
- X while(tp != NULL && strcmp(np->ntitle, tp->ntitle) >= 0)
- X {
- X tp = (struct Note *)LLM_next(nr);
- X }
- X LLM_link(nr, (char *)tp, (char *)np);
- X }
- chmod 0644 pan3.0/misc.c ||
- echo 'restore of pan3.0/misc.c failed'
- Wc_c="`wc -c < 'pan3.0/misc.c'`"
- test 1762 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
- echo 'pan3.0/misc.c: original size 1762, current size' "$Wc_c"
- fi
- # ============= pan3.0/parser.c ==============
- if test -f 'pan3.0/parser.c' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping pan3.0/parser.c (File already exists)'
- else
- echo 'x - extracting pan3.0/parser.c (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'pan3.0/parser.c' &&
- X/*
- XPost A Note V3.0
- XCopyright (c) 1993, Jeffrey W. Bailey
- XAll rights reserved.
- X
- XPermission is granted to distribute this program in exact, complete
- Xsource form, which includes this copyright notice, as long as no fee
- Xother than media and distribution cost is charged.
- X
- XThis program may not be used in whole, or in part, in any other manner
- Xwithout prior written permission from the author.
- X
- XThis program may not be distributed in modified form without prior
- Xwritten permission from the author. In other words, patches may be
- Xdistributed, but modified source may not be distributed.
- X
- XIf there are any questions, comments or suggestions, the author may be
- Xcontacted at:
- X
- X jeff@rd1.interlan.com
- X
- X or
- X
- X Jeffrey Bailey
- X Racal-Datacom, Inc.
- X Mail Stop E-110
- X 1601 N. Harrison Parkway
- X Sunrise, FL 33323-2899
- X*/
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X
- X#ifdef HAS_STDLIB
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X#else
- Xextern char *malloc();
- Xextern char *getenv();
- X#endif /* HAS_STDLIB */
- X
- X/*
- X Component structure for each token on the linked list.
- X*/
- Xstruct ps_component
- X {
- X struct ps_component *ps_prev; /* Pointer to previous node */
- X struct ps_component *ps_next; /* Pointer to next node */
- X char *ps_text; /* Pointer to token text */
- X char ps_start_delim; /* Character delimiter for start of token */
- X char ps_end_delim; /* Character delimiter for end of token */
- X };
- X
- Xstatic struct ps_component *ps_add_node();
- X
- X/*
- X
- X Name: parse_string()
- X
- X Calling sequence is:
- X
- X string - pointer to string to be parsed
- X delim - pointer to string of delimiters
- X d_quote - 1 or 0 allowing/disallowing double quoting
- X s_quote - 1 or 0 allowing/disallowing single quoting
- X esc - 1 or 0 allowing/disallowing escaping
- X
- X Returns: A pointer to the first node in the linked list; NULL on failure
- X *OR* if the string contains no tokens.
- X
- X Note that this routine is implemented as a somewhat complex state machine.
- X*/
- X
- Xstruct ps_component *parse_string(string, delim, d_quote, s_quote, esc)
- X char *string, *delim;
- X int d_quote, s_quote, esc;
- X {
- X struct ps_component *start, *ps_add_node();
- X char *point1, *point2, *t_string, *t_component;
- X int beg_escape = 0;
- X int in_escape = 0;
- X int in_d_quote = 0;
- X int in_s_quote = 0;
- X int in_component = 0;
- X int is_delim = 0;
- X int is_quote = 0;
- X int beg_component = 1;
- X char temp [2];
- X char t_start_delim;
- X
- X t_start_delim = NULL;
- X temp [1] = 0;
- X start = NULL;
- X
- X /* Skip leading delimiters */
- X point1 = string;
- X temp [0] = *point1;
- X while(*point1 != NULL && instr(delim, temp) != NULL)
- X {
- X t_start_delim = *point1;
- X temp [0] = *++point1;
- X }
- X
- X /* quick check for null string */
- X if(!strlen(point1)) return(NULL);
- X
- X /* allocate temp storage */
- X t_string = malloc(strlen(point1) + 1);
- X if(t_string == NULL) return(NULL);
- X strcpy(t_string, point1);
- X t_component = malloc(strlen(t_string) + 1);
- X if(t_component == NULL)
- X {
- X free(t_string);
- X return(NULL);
- X }
- X *t_component = 0;
- X point1 = t_string;
- X point2 = t_component;
- X
- X /* parse the string */
- X while(*point1 != NULL)
- X {
- X /* handle the escape character logic */
- X in_escape = 0;
- X if(beg_escape) in_escape = 1;
- X beg_escape = 0;
- X is_quote = 0;
- X
- X /* is the next char a delimiter? */
- X temp [0] = *point1;
- X if(instr(delim, temp) != NULL) is_delim = 1;
- X else is_delim = 0;
- X
- X /* if an escape char and not already escaped */
- X if(*point1 == '\\' && !in_escape && esc) beg_escape = 1;
- X
- X /* if a double quote, not in single quote, and not escaped */
- X if(*point1 == '"' && !in_s_quote && !in_escape)
- X {
- X /* if not escaped, in double quote, and it is a double quote */
- X if(d_quote && in_d_quote && !beg_escape)
- X {
- X is_quote = 1;
- X in_d_quote = 0;
- X *point2 = 0;
- X start = ps_add_node(start, t_component,
- X '"', *point1);
- X point2 = t_component;
- X }
- X else
- X if(d_quote && !in_d_quote) /* beginning double quote */
- X {
- X is_quote = 1;
- X in_d_quote = 1;
- X beg_component = 1;
- X }
- X }
- X /* if a single quote, not in double quote, and not escaped */
- X if(*point1 == '\'' && !in_d_quote && !in_escape)
- X {
- X /* if not escaped, in single quote, and it is a single quote */
- X if(s_quote && in_s_quote && !beg_escape)
- X {
- X is_quote = 1;
- X in_s_quote = 0;
- X *point2 = 0;
- X start = ps_add_node(start, t_component,
- X '\'', *point1);
- X point2 = t_component;
- X }
- X else
- X if(s_quote && !in_s_quote) /* beginning single quote */
- X {
- X is_quote = 1;
- X in_s_quote = 1;
- X beg_component = 1;
- X }
- X }
- X /* if delimiter, not in quotes and not escaped, or is a quote */
- X if( (is_delim && !in_d_quote && !in_s_quote && !in_escape) || is_quote)
- X {
- X /* at the beginning of a component */
- X beg_component = 1;
- X in_component = 0;
- X *point2 = 0;
- X if(strlen(t_component)) start = ps_add_node(start, t_component,
- X t_start_delim, *point1);
- X /* store the start delimiter */
- X t_start_delim = *point1;
- X point2 = t_component;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X if(beg_component) /* if start of component, mark as in comp. */
- X {
- X in_component = 1;
- X beg_component = 0;
- X }
- X /* copy while in component */
- X if(in_component && !beg_escape)
- X {
- X *point2 = *point1;
- X point2++;
- X }
- X }
- X point1++;
- X }
- X /* if still in component, terminate and add it to the list */
- X if(in_component)
- X {
- X *point2 = 0;
- X if(strlen(t_component)) start = ps_add_node(start, t_component,
- X t_start_delim, *point1);
- X }
- X /* free temp storage */
- X free(t_string);
- X free(t_component);
- X return(start);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Name: ps_add_node()
- X
- X Description: private routine called to build list
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic struct ps_component *ps_add_node(start, text, start_delim, end_delim)
- X struct ps_component *start;
- X char *text;
- X char start_delim, end_delim;
- X {
- X struct ps_component *hold, *current, *prev;
- X
- X hold = (struct ps_component *) malloc(sizeof(struct ps_component));
- X if(hold == NULL) return(NULL);
- X hold->ps_text = malloc(strlen(text) + 1);
- X if(hold->ps_text == NULL) return(NULL);
- X strcpy(hold->ps_text, text);
- X hold->ps_start_delim = start_delim;
- X hold->ps_end_delim = end_delim;
- X current = start;
- X prev = current;
- X while(current != NULL)
- X {
- X prev = current;
- X current = current->ps_next;
- X }
- X if(prev == NULL)
- X {
- X start = hold;
- X hold->ps_prev = NULL;
- X hold->ps_next = NULL;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X prev->ps_next = hold;
- X hold->ps_prev = prev;
- X hold->ps_next = NULL;
- X }
- X return(start);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X Name: free_ps_list()
- X
- X Description: Routine to free a list built by parse_string. Pass the
- X address of the first node in the list.
- X*/
- X
- Xfree_ps_list(start)
- X struct ps_component *start;
- X {
- X struct ps_component *current, *hold;
- X
- X current = start;
- X while(current != NULL)
- X {
- X hold = current->ps_next;
- X if(current->ps_text != NULL) free(current->ps_text);
- X free(current);
- X current = hold;
- X }
- X return(1);
- X }
- chmod 0644 pan3.0/parser.c ||
- echo 'restore of pan3.0/parser.c failed'
- Wc_c="`wc -c < 'pan3.0/parser.c'`"
- test 8168 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
- echo 'pan3.0/parser.c: original size 8168, current size' "$Wc_c"
- fi
- true || echo 'restore of pan3.0/rmfolder.c failed'
- echo End of part 3, continue with part 4
- exit 0
- --
- Jeffrey Bailey
- Racal-Datacom, Inc.
- Mail Stop E-110
- 1601 N. Harrison Parkway INET : jeff@rd1.interlan.com
- Sunrise, FL 33323-2899 UUCP : ...uflorida!novavax!rd1!jeff
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
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