home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1993-10-21 | 31.7 KB | 1,001 lines |
- points = tmp_p;
- }
- + /* ignore identical points */
- + if (npoints > 0 &&
- + points[npoints-1].x == (short) x && points[npoints-1].y == (short) y)
- + return;
- points[npoints].x = (short) x;
- points[npoints].y = (short) y;
- npoints++;
- ***************
- *** 292,298 ****
- double xleft, xright, d, asqr, bsqr;
- int ymax, yy=0;
- int k,m,dir;
- ! float savezoom, savexoff, saveyoff;
- int zoomthick;
- XPoint *ipnts;
- --- 296,303 ----
- double xleft, xright, d, asqr, bsqr;
- int ymax, yy=0;
- int k,m,dir;
- ! float savezoom;
- ! int savexoff, saveyoff;
- int zoomthick;
- XPoint *ipnts;
- ***************
- *** 313,319 ****
- savexoff = zoomxoff;
- saveyoff = zoomyoff;
- zoomscale = 1.0;
- ! zoomxoff = zoomyoff = 0.0;
- cphi = cos((double)angle);
- sphi = sin((double)angle);
- --- 318,324 ----
- savexoff = zoomxoff;
- saveyoff = zoomyoff;
- zoomscale = 1.0;
- ! zoomxoff = zoomyoff = 0;
- cphi = cos((double)angle);
- sphi = sin((double)angle);
- ***************
- *** 440,446 ****
- if (line->eps->file[0] == '\0')
- string = EMPTY_EPS;
- else {
- ! string = rindex(line->eps->file, '/');
- if (string == NULL)
- string = line->eps->file;
- else
- --- 445,451 ----
- if (line->eps->file[0] == '\0')
- string = EMPTY_EPS;
- else {
- ! string = strrchr(line->eps->file, '/');
- if (string == NULL)
- string = line->eps->file;
- else
- ***************
- *** 453,463 ****
- ymin = min3(p0->y, p1->y, p2->y);
- xmax = max3(p0->x, p1->x, p2->x);
- ymax = max3(p0->y, p1->y, p2->y);
- ! canvas_font = lookfont(0, 12, 0.0); /* get a size 12 font */
- txt = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, strlen(string), string);
- x = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - txt.x / 2;
- y = (ymin + ymax) / 2;
- ! pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, canvas_font, string, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- /* return; */
- }
- }
- --- 458,469 ----
- ymin = min3(p0->y, p1->y, p2->y);
- xmax = max3(p0->x, p1->x, p2->x);
- ymax = max3(p0->y, p1->y, p2->y);
- ! canvas_font = lookfont(0, 12); /* get a size 12 font */
- txt = pf_textwidth(canvas_font, strlen(string), string);
- x = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - txt.x / 2;
- y = (ymin + ymax) / 2;
- ! pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, canvas_font,
- ! 0.0, string, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- /* return; */
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 832,846 ****
- {
- PR_SIZE size;
- int x,y;
- - float angle;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- int x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4;
- ! if (appres.textoutline) /* get corners of rectangle at actual angle */
- ! text_bound_both(text, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax,
- ! &x1,&y1, &x2,&y2, &x3,&y3, &x4,&y4);
- ! else
- ! text_bound(text, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- if (!overlapping(ZOOMX(xmin), ZOOMY(ymin), ZOOMX(xmax), ZOOMY(ymax),
- clip_xmin, clip_ymin, clip_xmax, clip_ymax))
- --- 838,848 ----
- {
- PR_SIZE size;
- int x,y;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- int x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4;
- ! text_bound(text, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax,
- ! &x1,&y1, &x2,&y2, &x3,&y3, &x4,&y4);
- if (!overlapping(ZOOMX(xmin), ZOOMY(ymin), ZOOMX(xmax), ZOOMY(ymax),
- clip_xmin, clip_ymin, clip_xmax, clip_ymax))
- ***************
- *** 856,893 ****
- x = text->base_x;
- y = text->base_y;
- - angle = text->angle*180.0/M_PI;
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED || text->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED) {
- size = pf_textwidth(text->fontstruct, strlen(text->cstring),
- text->cstring);
- size.x = size.x/zoomscale;
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED) {
- ! if (angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- ! x -= size.x / 2; /* 0 to 89 degrees */
- ! else if (angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- ! y += size.x / 2; /* 90 to 179 degrees */
- ! else if (angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- ! x += size.x / 2; /* 180 to 269 degrees */
- ! else
- ! y -= size.x / 2; /* 270 to 359 degrees */
- !
- } else { /* T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED */
- ! if (angle < 90.0 - 0.001)
- ! x -= size.x; /* 0 to 89 degrees */
- ! else if (angle < 180.0 - 0.001)
- ! y += size.x; /* 90 to 179 degrees */
- ! else if (angle < 270.0 - 0.001)
- ! x += size.x; /* 180 to 269 degrees */
- ! else
- ! y -= size.x; /* 270 to 359 degrees */
- }
- }
- if (hidden_text(text))
- ! pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, lookfont(0,12,text->angle),
- ! hidden_text_string, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- else
- pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, text->fontstruct,
- ! text->cstring, text->color);
- }
- /*********************** COMPOUND ***************************/
- --- 858,881 ----
- x = text->base_x;
- y = text->base_y;
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED || text->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED) {
- size = pf_textwidth(text->fontstruct, strlen(text->cstring),
- text->cstring);
- size.x = size.x/zoomscale;
- if (text->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED) {
- ! x = round(x-cos(text->angle)*size.x/2);
- ! y = round(y+sin(text->angle)*size.x/2);
- } else { /* T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED */
- ! x = round(x-cos(text->angle)*size.x);
- ! y = round(y+sin(text->angle)*size.x);
- }
- }
- if (hidden_text(text))
- ! pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, lookfont(0,12),
- ! text->angle, hidden_text_string, DEFAULT_COLOR);
- else
- pw_text(canvas_win, x, y, op, text->fontstruct,
- ! text->angle, text->cstring, text->color);
- }
- /*********************** COMPOUND ***************************/
- ***************
- *** 1038,1046 ****
- dec = 1;
- }
- if (xstart == xend && ystart == yend) {
- ! test_succeed = margin = 1;
- } else {
- ! test_succeed = margin = 1;
- }
- if (!add_point(xoff + x, yoff - y))
- --- 1026,1034 ----
- dec = 1;
- }
- if (xstart == xend && ystart == yend) {
- ! test_succeed = margin = 2;
- } else {
- ! test_succeed = margin = 3;
- }
- if (!add_point(xoff + x, yoff - y))
- ***************
- *** 1072,1079 ****
- if (!add_point(xoff + x, yoff - y))
- break;
- ! if (abs(x - xend) < margin && abs(y - yend) < margin)
- ! test_succeed--;
- }
- if (xstart == xend && ystart == yend) /* end points should touch */
- --- 1060,1068 ----
- if (!add_point(xoff + x, yoff - y))
- break;
- ! if ((abs(x - xend) < margin && abs(y - yend) < margin) &&
- ! (x != xend || y != yend))
- ! test_succeed--;
- }
- if (xstart == xend && ystart == yend) /* end points should touch */
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_elastic.c xfig.2.1.8/u_elastic.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_elastic.c Fri Feb 12 09:04:23 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_elastic.c Mon Sep 13 16:52:45 1993
- ***************
- *** 161,177 ****
- {
- float angle, dx, dy;
- if (x == cur_x && y == cur_y)
- return;
- dx = x - fix_x;
- dy = fix_y - y;
- ! if (sqrt((double) (dx * dx + dy * dy)) < 7)
- return;
- if (dx == 0)
- ! angle = -90;
- else
- ! angle = 180 * atan((double) (dy / dx)) / 3.1416;
- elastic_line();
- if (manhattan_mode) {
- --- 161,179 ----
- {
- float angle, dx, dy;
- + length_msg(MSG_LENGTH);
- if (x == cur_x && y == cur_y)
- return;
- dx = x - fix_x;
- dy = fix_y - y;
- ! /* only move if the pointer has moved at least 2 pixels */
- ! if (sqrt((double) (dx * dx + dy * dy)) < 2.0)
- return;
- if (dx == 0)
- ! angle = -90.0;
- else
- ! angle = 180.0 * atan((double) (dy / dx)) / M_PI;
- elastic_line();
- if (manhattan_mode) {
- ***************
- *** 187,207 ****
- else
- angle90_line(x, y);
- } else {
- ! if (angle < -45)
- angle90_line(x, y);
- ! else if (angle < 45)
- angle0_line(x, y);
- else
- angle90_line(x, y);
- }
- } else {
- ! if (angle < 0)
- angle135_line(x, y);
- else
- angle45_line(x, y);
- }
- elastic_line();
- - length_msg(MSG_LENGTH);
- }
- angle0_line(x, y)
- --- 189,208 ----
- else
- angle90_line(x, y);
- } else {
- ! if (angle < -45.0)
- angle90_line(x, y);
- ! else if (angle < 45.0)
- angle0_line(x, y);
- else
- angle90_line(x, y);
- }
- } else {
- ! if (angle < 0.0)
- angle135_line(x, y);
- else
- angle45_line(x, y);
- }
- elastic_line();
- }
- angle0_line(x, y)
- ***************
- *** 442,449 ****
- rx = cur_x - fix_x;
- ry = cur_y - fix_y;
- if (cur_angle != 0.0) {
- ! angle_ellipse(fix_x, fix_y, rx, ry, cur_angle,
- } else {
- x1 = fix_x + rx;
- x2 = fix_x - rx;
- --- 443,450 ----
- rx = cur_x - fix_x;
- ry = cur_y - fix_y;
- if (cur_angle != 0.0) {
- ! angle_ellipse(fix_x, fix_y, rx, ry, cur_angle, INV_PAINT, 1,
- } else {
- x1 = fix_x + rx;
- x2 = fix_x - rx;
- ***************
- *** 754,760 ****
- elastic_movetext()
- {
- pw_text(canvas_win, cur_x + x1off, cur_y + y1off, INV_PAINT,
- ! new_t->fontstruct, new_t->cstring, new_t->color);
- }
- --- 755,762 ----
- elastic_movetext()
- {
- pw_text(canvas_win, cur_x + x1off, cur_y + y1off, INV_PAINT,
- ! new_t->fontstruct, new_t->angle,
- ! new_t->cstring, new_t->color);
- }
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_error.c xfig.2.1.8/u_error.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_error.c Mon Mar 29 14:31:49 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_error.c Tue Aug 31 10:04:18 1993
- ***************
- *** 85,91 ****
- } else
- fprintf(stderr, "xfig: figure empty or not modified - exiting\n");
- ! quit();
- }
- /* ARGSUSED */
- --- 85,91 ----
- } else
- fprintf(stderr, "xfig: figure empty or not modified - exiting\n");
- ! goodbye(); /* finish up and exit */
- }
- /* ARGSUSED */
- ***************
- *** 101,107 ****
- {
- return;
- }
- - /* free all the GC's */
- - free_GCs();
- emergency_quit();
- }
- --- 101,105 ----
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_fonts.c xfig.2.1.8/u_fonts.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_fonts.c Mon Mar 29 14:24:40 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_fonts.c Fri Sep 17 10:25:48 1993
- ***************
- *** 18,32 ****
- /* printer font names for indicator window */
- ! struct _xfstruct x_fontinfo[NUM_X_FONTS] = {
- {"-adobe-times-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ! {"-schumacher-clean-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-schumacher-clean-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-schumacher-clean-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-schumacher-clean-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-medium-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- --- 18,36 ----
- /* printer font names for indicator window */
- ! struct _xfstruct x_fontinfo[NUM_FONTS] = {
- {"-adobe-times-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-times-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ! {"-schumacher-clean-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL}, /* closest to Avant-Garde */
- {"-schumacher-clean-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-schumacher-clean-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-schumacher-clean-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-times-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL}, /* closest to Bookman */
- + {"-adobe-times-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-times-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-times-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-medium-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-courier-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ***************
- *** 35,45 ****
- {"-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ! {"-*-lucidabright-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-*-lucidabright-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-*-lucidabright-demibold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-*-lucidabright-demibold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- --- 39,53 ----
- {"-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL}, /* closest to Helv-nar. */
- + {"-adobe-helvetica-medium-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- + {"-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-adobe-new century schoolbook-bold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ! {"-*-lucidabright-medium-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL}, /* closest to Palatino */
- {"-*-lucidabright-medium-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-*-lucidabright-demibold-r-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- {"-*-lucidabright-demibold-i-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- ***************
- *** 48,99 ****
- {"-*-zapfdingbats-*-*-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- };
- ! struct _fstruct ps_fontinfo[NUM_PS_FONTS + 1] = {
- {"Default", -1},
- ! {"Times-Roman", 0},
- ! {"Times-Italic", 1},
- ! {"Times-Bold", 2},
- ! {"Times-BoldItalic", 3},
- ! {"AvantGarde-Book", 4},
- ! {"AvantGarde-BookOblique", 5},
- ! {"AvantGarde-Demi", 6},
- ! {"AvantGarde-DemiOblique", 7},
- ! {"Bookman-Light", 0},
- ! {"Bookman-LightItalic", 0},
- ! {"Bookman-Demi", 0},
- ! {"Bookman-DemiItalic", 0},
- ! {"Courier", 8},
- ! {"Courier-Oblique", 9},
- ! {"Courier-Bold", 10},
- ! {"Courier-BoldOblique", 11},
- ! {"Helvetica", 12},
- ! {"Helvetica-Oblique", 13},
- ! {"Helvetica-Bold", 14},
- ! {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", 15},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow", 0},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", 0},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", 0},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", 0},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", 16},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", 17},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", 18},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", 19},
- ! {"Palatino-Roman", 20},
- ! {"Palatino-Italic", 21},
- ! {"Palatino-Bold", 22},
- ! {"Palatino-BoldItalic", 23},
- ! {"Symbol", 24},
- ! {"ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", 25},
- ! {"ZapfDingbats", 26},
- };
- struct _fstruct latex_fontinfo[NUM_LATEX_FONTS] = {
- ! {"Default", 0},
- ! {"Roman", 0},
- ! {"Bold", 2},
- ! {"Italic", 1},
- ! {"Modern", 12},
- ! {"Typewriter", 8},
- };
- x_fontnum(psflag, fnum)
- --- 56,107 ----
- {"-*-zapfdingbats-*-*-*--", (struct xfont*) NULL},
- };
- ! struct _fstruct ps_fontinfo[NUM_FONTS + 1] = {
- {"Default", -1},
- ! {"Times-Roman", 0},
- ! {"Times-Italic", 1},
- ! {"Times-Bold", 2},
- ! {"Times-BoldItalic", 3},
- ! {"AvantGarde-Book", 4},
- ! {"AvantGarde-BookOblique", 5},
- ! {"AvantGarde-Demi", 6},
- ! {"AvantGarde-DemiOblique", 7},
- ! {"Bookman-Light", 8},
- ! {"Bookman-LightItalic", 9},
- ! {"Bookman-Demi", 10},
- ! {"Bookman-DemiItalic", 11},
- ! {"Courier", 12},
- ! {"Courier-Oblique", 13},
- ! {"Courier-Bold", 14},
- ! {"Courier-BoldOblique", 15},
- ! {"Helvetica", 16},
- ! {"Helvetica-Oblique", 17},
- ! {"Helvetica-Bold", 18},
- ! {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", 19},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow", 20},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", 21},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", 22},
- ! {"Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", 23},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", 24},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", 25},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", 26},
- ! {"NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", 27},
- ! {"Palatino-Roman", 28},
- ! {"Palatino-Italic", 29},
- ! {"Palatino-Bold", 30},
- ! {"Palatino-BoldItalic", 31},
- ! {"Symbol", 32},
- ! {"ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", 33},
- ! {"ZapfDingbats", 34},
- };
- struct _fstruct latex_fontinfo[NUM_LATEX_FONTS] = {
- ! {"Default", 0},
- ! {"Roman", 0},
- ! {"Bold", 2},
- ! {"Italic", 1},
- ! {"Modern", 16},
- ! {"Typewriter", 12},
- };
- x_fontnum(psflag, fnum)
- ***************
- *** 110,116 ****
- if (font == NULL)
- return(DEF_PS_FONT);
- ! for (i=0; i<NUM_PS_FONTS; i++)
- if (strcmp(ps_fontinfo[i].name, font) == 0)
- return (i-1);
- return(DEF_PS_FONT);
- --- 118,124 ----
- if (font == NULL)
- return(DEF_PS_FONT);
- ! for (i=0; i<NUM_FONTS; i++)
- if (strcmp(ps_fontinfo[i].name, font) == 0)
- return (i-1);
- return(DEF_PS_FONT);
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_fonts.h xfig.2.1.8/u_fonts.h
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_fonts.h Wed Jan 6 15:02:53 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_fonts.h Mon Aug 23 15:23:31 1993
- ***************
- *** 20,27 ****
- #define LATEX_FONTPANE_WD 112
- #define PS_FONTPANE_HT 20
- #define LATEX_FONTPANE_HT 20
- ! #define NUM_X_FONTS 27
- ! #define NUM_PS_FONTS 35
- #define NUM_LATEX_FONTS 6
- /* element of linked list for each font
- --- 20,26 ----
- #define LATEX_FONTPANE_WD 112
- #define PS_FONTPANE_HT 20
- #define LATEX_FONTPANE_HT 20
- ! #define NUM_FONTS 35
- #define NUM_LATEX_FONTS 6
- /* element of linked list for each font
- ***************
- *** 33,47 ****
- int size; /* size in points */
- Font fid; /* X font id */
- char *fname; /* actual name of X font found */
- ! struct flist *list; /* list of fonts by angle */
- struct xfont *next; /* next in the list */
- };
- -
- - struct flist {
- - int dir; /* direction (0=0 degrees, 1=90, 2=180, 3=270) */
- - XRotFontStruct *fstruct; /* X font structure */
- - struct flist *next;
- - };
- struct _fstruct {
- char *name; /* Postscript font name */
- --- 32,40 ----
- int size; /* size in points */
- Font fid; /* X font id */
- char *fname; /* actual name of X font found */
- ! XFontStruct *fstruct; /* X font structure */
- struct xfont *next; /* next in the list */
- };
- struct _fstruct {
- char *name; /* Postscript font name */
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_free.c xfig.2.1.8/u_free.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_free.c Wed Jan 6 12:03:02 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_free.c Tue May 11 09:08:41 1993
- ***************
- *** 169,175 ****
- int i;
- XFreeGC(tool_d, gc);
- - XFreeGC(tool_d, bold_gc);
- XFreeGC(tool_d, button_gc);
- XFreeGC(tool_d, color_gc);
- XFreeGC(tool_d, ind_button_gc);
- --- 169,174 ----
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_markers.c xfig.2.1.8/u_markers.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_markers.c Wed Dec 9 17:15:16 1992
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_markers.c Wed Jun 16 14:55:28 1993
- ***************
- *** 40,47 ****
- int x, y;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- ellipse_in_mask()
- --- 40,47 ----
- int x, y;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, MARK_SIZ-2, MARK_SIZ-2, 0, 0);
- }
- ellipse_in_mask()
- ***************
- *** 271,278 ****
- F_ellipse *e;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x - 2, e->start.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x - 2, e->end.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- if (e->tagged)
- toggle_ellipsehighlight(e);
- }
- --- 271,278 ----
- F_ellipse *e;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x - 2, e->start.y - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x - 2, e->end.y - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- if (e->tagged)
- toggle_ellipsehighlight(e);
- }
- ***************
- *** 282,290 ****
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x, e->start.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x - 1, e->start.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x, e->end.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x - 1, e->end.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_arcmarker(a)
- --- 282,290 ----
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x, e->start.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->start.x - 1, e->start.y - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x, e->end.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, e->end.x - 1, e->end.y - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_arcmarker(a)
- ***************
- *** 291,299 ****
- F_arc *a;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[0].x - 2, a->point[0].y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[1].x - 2, a->point[1].y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[2].x - 2, a->point[2].y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- if (a->tagged)
- toggle_archighlight(a);
- }
- --- 291,299 ----
- F_arc *a;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,a->point[0].x-2,a->point[0].y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,a->point[1].x-2,a->point[1].y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,a->point[2].x-2,a->point[2].y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- if (a->tagged)
- toggle_archighlight(a);
- }
- ***************
- *** 303,313 ****
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[0].x, a->point[0].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[0].x - 1, a->point[0].y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[1].x, a->point[1].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[1].x - 1, a->point[1].y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[2].x, a->point[2].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[2].x - 1, a->point[2].y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_textmarker(t)
- --- 303,313 ----
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[0].x, a->point[0].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[0].x-1, a->point[0].y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[1].x, a->point[1].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[1].x-1, a->point[1].y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[2].x, a->point[2].y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, a->point[2].x-1, a->point[2].y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_textmarker(t)
- ***************
- *** 319,326 ****
- /* adjust for text angle */
- dy = (int) ((double) t->height * cos(t->angle));
- dx = (int) ((double) t->height * sin(t->angle));
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x - dx - 2, t->base_y - dy - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x - 2, t->base_y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- if (t->tagged)
- toggle_texthighlight(t);
- }
- --- 319,326 ----
- /* adjust for text angle */
- dy = (int) ((double) t->height * cos(t->angle));
- dx = (int) ((double) t->height * sin(t->angle));
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,t->base_x-dx-2,t->base_y-dy-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,t->base_x-2,t->base_y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- if (t->tagged)
- toggle_texthighlight(t);
- }
- ***************
- *** 334,343 ****
- /* adjust for text angle */
- dy = (int) ((double) t->height * cos(t->angle));
- dx = (int) ((double) t->height * sin(t->angle));
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x - dx, t->base_y - dy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x - dx - 1, t->base_y - dy - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x, t->base_y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x - 1, t->base_y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_all_compoundmarkers()
- --- 334,343 ----
- /* adjust for text angle */
- dy = (int) ((double) t->height * cos(t->angle));
- dx = (int) ((double) t->height * sin(t->angle));
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x-dx, t->base_y-dy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x-dx-1, t->base_y-dy-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x, t->base_y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, t->base_x-1, t->base_y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_all_compoundmarkers()
- ***************
- *** 351,360 ****
- F_compound *c;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x - 2, c->nwcorner.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x - 2, c->secorner.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x - 2, c->secorner.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x - 2, c->nwcorner.y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- if (c->tagged)
- toggle_compoundhighlight(c);
- }
- --- 351,360 ----
- F_compound *c;
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,c->nwcorner.x-2,c->nwcorner.y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,c->secorner.x-2,c->secorner.y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,c->nwcorner.x-2,c->secorner.y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win,c->secorner.x-2,c->nwcorner.y-2,MARK_SIZ,MARK_SIZ,0,0);
- if (c->tagged)
- toggle_compoundhighlight(c);
- }
- ***************
- *** 364,376 ****
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x - 1, c->nwcorner.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x - 1, c->secorner.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x, c->secorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x - 1, c->secorner.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x - 1, c->nwcorner.y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_linemarker(l)
- --- 364,376 ----
- {
- set_line_stuff(1, RUBBER_LINE, 0.0, (INV_PAINT), DEFAULT_COLOR);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x-1, c->nwcorner.y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x-1, c->secorner.y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x, c->secorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->nwcorner.x-1, c->secorner.y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, c->secorner.x-1, c->nwcorner.y-1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- toggle_linemarker(l)
- ***************
- *** 386,395 ****
- for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy || l->points->next == NULL) {
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 2, fy - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- }
- if (l->tagged)
- toggle_linehighlight(l);
- --- 386,395 ----
- for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy || l->points->next == NULL) {
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 2, fy - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- }
- if (l->tagged)
- toggle_linehighlight(l);
- ***************
- *** 409,419 ****
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- set_marker(canvas_win, x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- set_marker(canvas_win, fx, fy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 1, fy - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- --- 409,419 ----
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- set_marker(canvas_win, x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- set_marker(canvas_win, fx, fy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 1, fy - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 430,439 ****
- for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 2, fy - 2, 5, 5, 0, 0);
- }
- if (s->tagged)
- toggle_splinehighlight(s);
- --- 430,439 ----
- for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 2, y - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 2, fy - 2, MARK_SIZ, MARK_SIZ, 0, 0);
- }
- if (s->tagged)
- toggle_splinehighlight(s);
- ***************
- *** 453,462 ****
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- set_marker(canvas_win, x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- set_marker(canvas_win, fx, fy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 1, fy - 1, 3, 3, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- --- 453,462 ----
- x = p->x;
- y = p->y;
- set_marker(canvas_win, x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, x - 1, y - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- if (x != fx || y != fy) {
- set_marker(canvas_win, fx, fy, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- ! set_marker(canvas_win, fx - 1, fy - 1, SM_MARK, SM_MARK, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_print.c xfig.2.1.8/u_print.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_print.c Tue Mar 23 10:47:40 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_print.c Tue Aug 31 13:37:19 1993
- ***************
- *** 68,74 ****
- if (emptyname(printer)) { /* send to default printer */
- ! #if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)
- sprintf(syspr, "lp %s -oPS", params);
- #else
- sprintf(syspr, "lpr %s -J %s", params, shell_protect_string(cur_filename));
- --- 68,74 ----
- if (emptyname(printer)) { /* send to default printer */
- ! #if (defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)) && !defined(BSDLPR)
- sprintf(syspr, "lp %s -oPS", params);
- #else
- sprintf(syspr, "lpr %s -J %s", params, shell_protect_string(cur_filename));
- ***************
- *** 76,82 ****
- put_msg("Printing figure on default printer in %s mode ... ",
- print_landscape ? "LANDSCAPE" : "PORTRAIT");
- } else {
- ! #if defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)
- sprintf(syspr, "lp %s -d%s -oPS", params, printer);
- #else
- sprintf(syspr, "lpr %s -J %s -P%s", params, shell_protect_string(cur_filename),
- --- 76,82 ----
- put_msg("Printing figure on default printer in %s mode ... ",
- print_landscape ? "LANDSCAPE" : "PORTRAIT");
- } else {
- ! #if (defined(SYSV) || defined(SVR4)) && !defined(BSDLPR)
- sprintf(syspr, "lp %s -d%s -oPS", params, printer);
- #else
- sprintf(syspr, "lpr %s -J %s -P%s", params, shell_protect_string(cur_filename),
- ***************
- *** 111,117 ****
- char tmp_name[PATH_MAX];
- char tmp_fig_file[32];
- char *outfile;
- ! int tlen, status;
- /* if file exists, ask if ok */
- if (!ok_to_write(file, "EXPORT"))
- --- 111,117 ----
- char tmp_name[PATH_MAX];
- char tmp_fig_file[32];
- char *outfile;
- ! int tlen;
- /* if file exists, ask if ok */
- if (!ok_to_write(file, "EXPORT"))
- diff -rc xfig.2.1.7a/u_redraw.c xfig.2.1.8/u_redraw.c
- *** xfig.2.1.7a/u_redraw.c Wed Jan 6 16:13:20 1993
- --- xfig.2.1.8/u_redraw.c Wed May 12 11:45:58 1993
- ***************
- *** 520,531 ****
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- int dum;
- ! if (appres.textoutline) {
- ! text_bound_both(t, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax,
- ! &dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum,&dum);
- ! } else {
- ! text_bound(t, &xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax);
- ! }
- redisplay_zoomed_region(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
- }
- --- 520,527 ----
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- int dum;