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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- char fontname[100];
- int pointsize, xres, yres;
- int bbx, bby, offx, offy;
- int nchars;
- u_char *bitmaps[256] = { 0 };
- fatal(m)
- char *m;
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m);
- exit(1);
- }
- char *xfgets(s, max, f)
- char *s;
- int max;
- FILE *f;
- {
- register char *r;
- do
- {
- if ((r = fgets(s, max, f)) == NULL)
- break;
- } while (strncmp("COMMENT ", s, 8) == 0);
- return (r);
- }
- /*
- ** Read line in and match against s.
- ** If mustmatch and none found, exit.
- ** If !mustmatch and none found, return 0.
- ** Else return 1.
- */
- int match(s, line, max, mustmatch)
- char *s, *line;
- int max, mustmatch;
- {
- int len = strlen(s);
- if (xfgets(line, max, stdin) == NULL)
- fatal("Unexpected EOF on input");
- if (strncmp(line, s, len) != 0)
- {
- if (mustmatch)
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "Expected %s, got %s", s, line);
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- return (0);
- }
- return (1);
- }
- readproperties(line, max)
- char *line;
- int max;
- {
- int nprops;
- if (sscanf(line, "STARTPROPERTIES %d", &nprops) != 1)
- fatal("No property count");
- while (nprops-- > 0)
- if (xfgets(line, max, stdin) == NULL)
- fatal("Unexpected EOF on input reading properties");
- (void)match("ENDPROPERTIES", line, max, 1);
- }
- u_char *readbitmap(line, max, width, height)
- char *line;
- int max;
- int width, height;
- {
- register int i, j, bytewidth;
- register u_char *p, *q;
- unsigned byte;
- char *malloc();
- (void)match("BITMAP", line, max, 1);
- bytewidth = (width + 7) / 8;
- if ((q = p = (u_char *)malloc(bytewidth * height)) == NULL)
- fatal("Cannot allocate bitmap storage");
- for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
- {
- if (xfgets(line, max, stdin) == NULL)
- fatal("Unexpected EOF on input reading bitmap");
- for (j = 0; j < bytewidth; ++j)
- {
- if (sscanf(&line[j*2], "%02x", &byte) != 1)
- fatal("Cannot read hex pair");
- *q++ = byte & 0xff;
- }
- }
- (void)match("ENDCHAR", line, max, 1);
- return (p);
- }
- read1char(line, max)
- char *line;
- int max;
- {
- int charnum;
- int width, bbx, bby, offx, offy;
- float dx, dy;
- (void)match("STARTCHAR", line, max, 1);
- (void)match("ENCODING", line, max, 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "ENCODING %d", &charnum) != 1)
- fatal("No position number for character");
- (void)match("SWIDTH", line, max, 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "SWIDTH %g %g", &dx, &dy) != 2)
- fatal("No scalable width info for character");
- (void)match("DWIDTH", line, max, 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "DWIDTH %d", &width) != 1)
- fatal("No width info for character");
- (void)match("BBX", line, max, 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "BBX %d %d %d %d", &bbx, &bby, &offx, &offy) != 4)
- fatal("Insufficient bounding box info for character");
- bitmaps[charnum % 0x100] = readbitmap(line, max, bbx, bby);
- storeglyph(charnum, bbx, bby, offx, offy, dx, dy);
- }
- readchars(line, max)
- char *line;
- int max;
- {
- (void)match("CHARS", line, max, 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "CHARS %d", &nchars) != 1)
- fatal("No count of chars");
- while (nchars-- > 0)
- read1char(line, max);
- }
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char line[512];
- initialize(argc, argv);
- (void)match("STARTFONT 2.1", line, sizeof(line), 1);
- while (!match("FONT", line, sizeof(line), 0))
- ;
- if (sscanf(line, "FONT %s", fontname) != 1)
- fatal("No font name");
- (void)match("SIZE", line, sizeof(line), 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "SIZE %d %d %d", &pointsize, &xres, &yres) != 3)
- fatal("Insufficient size info");
- (void)match("FONTBOUNDINGBOX", line, sizeof(line), 1);
- if (sscanf(line, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d", &bbx, &bby,
- &offx, &offy) != 4)
- fatal("Insufficient bounding box info");
- if (match("STARTPROPERTIES", line, sizeof(line), 0))
- readproperties(line, sizeof(line));
- readchars(line, sizeof(line));
- dumpfont(bitmaps);
- exit(0);
- }