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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "bdf.h"
- #include "gf.h"
- #define NCHARS 256
- static charinfo ci[NCHARS];
- static int filepos = 0; /* position in gf output */
- static FILE *plfile = NULL; /* property list output */
- /*
- ** The parameters to these routines follow the order
- ** they are described in gftopk.web.
- */
- static out(c)
- int c;
- {
- putchar(c);
- filepos++;
- }
- static out2(c)
- int c;
- {
- out((c >> 8) & 0xff);
- out(c & 0xff);
- }
- static out3(c)
- int c;
- {
- out((c >> 16) & 0xff);
- out((c >> 8) & 0xff);
- out(c & 0xff);
- }
- static out4(c)
- int c;
- {
- out((c >> 24) & 0xff);
- out((c >> 16) & 0xff);
- out((c >> 8) & 0xff);
- out(c & 0xff);
- }
- static paint(n)
- register int n;
- {
- if (0 <= n && n < 64)
- out(PAINT0 + n);
- else if (64 <= n && n < 256)
- {
- out(PAINT1);
- out(n);
- }
- else if (256 <= n && n < 65536)
- {
- out(PAINT2);
- out2(n);
- }
- else if (65536 <= n && n < (1 << 24))
- {
- out(PAINT3);
- out3(n);
- }
- else
- fatal("Impossibly large value for paint(n)");
- }
- static boc(c, p, minm, maxm, minn, maxn)
- int c, p, minm, maxm, minn, maxn;
- {
- if (p == -1 &&
- 0 <= maxm && maxm < 256 &&
- (maxm - minm) < 256 &&
- 0 <= maxn && maxn < 256 &&
- (maxn - minn) < 256)
- {
- out(BOC1);
- out(c);
- out(maxm-minm);
- out(maxm);
- out(maxn-minn);
- out(maxn);
- }
- else
- {
- out(BOC);
- out4(c);
- out4(p);
- out4(minm);
- out4(maxm);
- out4(minn);
- out4(maxn);
- }
- }
- static eoc()
- {
- out(EOC);
- }
- static skip(n)
- int n;
- {
- if (n <= 0)
- out(SKIP0);
- else if (1 <= n && n <= 256)
- {
- out(SKIP1);
- out(n-1);
- }
- else if (256 < n && n < 65536)
- {
- out(SKIP2);
- out2(n);
- }
- else if (65536 <= n && n < (1 << 24))
- {
- out(SKIP3);
- out3(n);
- }
- else
- fatal("Impossibly large value for skip(n)");
- }
- static newrow(m)
- int m;
- {
- if (m <= 0)
- out(NEWROW0);
- else if (1 <= m && m <= 164)
- out(NEWROW1+m-1);
- else
- fatal("Too large a value for newrow(m)");
- }
- static xxx(k, x)
- int k;
- char *x;
- {
- if (0 <= k && k < 256)
- {
- out(XXX1);
- out(k);
- }
- else if (256 <= k && k < 65536)
- {
- out(XXX2);
- out2(k);
- }
- else if (65536 <= k && k < (1 << 24))
- {
- out(XXX3);
- out3(k);
- }
- else
- {
- out(XXX4);
- out4(k);
- }
- while (k-- > 0)
- out(*x++);
- }
- static yyy(n)
- int n;
- {
- out(YYY);
- out4(n);
- }
- static noop()
- {
- out(NOOP);
- }
- static charloc(c, dx, dy, w, p)
- int c, dx, dy, w, p;
- {
- if (dy == 0 && (dx & 0xffff) == 0 && (dx >> 16) < 256)
- {
- out(CHARLOC0);
- out(c);
- out(dx >> 16);
- out4(w);
- out4(p);
- }
- else
- {
- out(CHARLOC);
- out(c);
- out4(dx);
- out4(dy);
- out4(w);
- out4(p);
- }
- }
- static pre(i, k, x)
- int i, k;
- char *x;
- {
- out(PRE);
- out(i);
- out(k);
- while (k-- > 0)
- out(*x++);
- }
- static post(p)
- int p;
- {
- out(POST);
- out4(p);
- out4(pointsize * FIX);
- out4(0); /* checksum */
- out4((xres * (1 << 16))/72); /* hppp */
- out4((yres * (1 << 16))/72); /* vppp */
- out4(offx); /* global */
- out4(bbx + offx);
- out4(offy);
- out4(bby + offy - 1);
- }
- static postpost(q, i)
- int q, i;
- {
- register int n;
- out(POSTPOST);
- out4(q);
- out(i);
- for (n = 0; n < 4; ++n)
- out(223);
- while (filepos & 0x3) /* round off to 4 bytes */
- out(223);
- }
- initialize(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- register int i;
- if (argc < 2)
- fatal("Usage: bdf2gf gf [pl]");
- if (freopen(argv[1], "w", stdout) == NULL)
- fatal("Cannot open gf file");
- if (argc >= 3)
- {
- if ((plfile = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL)
- fatal("Cannot open pl file");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NCHARS; ++i)
- ci[i].p = -1;
- }
- storeglyph(n, bbx, bby, offx, offy, dx, dy)
- int n, bbx, bby, offx, offy;
- float dx, dy;
- {
- register charinfo *cp;
- n %= NCHARS;
- cp = &ci[n];
- if (cp->p != -1)
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "Warning, redefinition of char %d\n", n);
- cp->bbx = bbx;
- cp->bby = bby;
- cp->offx = offx;
- cp->offy = offy;
- cp->w = dx * (float)FIX / 1000.0;
- /*
- ** Conversion from BDF swidths to pixels:
- ** pixels = swidth * (pointsize / 72) * resolution / 1000;
- ** i.e. swidths are dimensionless and 1000x the true width.
- ** Swidths normally range in the high hundreds, as you would expect.
- **
- ** To convert to GF escapements we round and multiply by 2^16.
- */
- dx *= (float)(pointsize * xres) / 72000.0;
- cp->dx = (int)(dx + 0.5) * (1 << 16);
- dy *= (float)(pointsize * yres) / 72000.0;
- cp->dy = (int)(dy + 0.5) * (1 << 16);
- }
- /*
- ** We can save white_pixels until a black_pixel forces us
- ** to output them.
- ** If end_of_row == 0, then white_pixels are row trailing counts,
- ** otherwise they are row leading counts.
- */
- static int white_pixels = 0;
- static int end_of_row = 0;
- static run(color, length)
- int color, length;
- {
- register int leading_white;
- if (length <= 0)
- return;
- if (color == WHITE_PIXEL)
- white_pixels += length;
- else /* BLACK_PIXEL */
- {
- if (end_of_row <= 0)
- paint(white_pixels);
- else
- {
- /*
- ** This is how we dispose of most of the blank rows.
- */
- if (end_of_row > 1)
- skip(end_of_row - 1);
- if ((leading_white = white_pixels) > 164)
- leading_white = 164;
- newrow(leading_white);
- /*
- ** It is very unlikely that we will have more than 164
- ** leading columns of white but in case, we output a paint(0)
- ** followed by as many more white pixels as we need.
- */
- if ((white_pixels - leading_white) > 0)
- {
- paint(0);
- paint(white_pixels);
- }
- }
- white_pixels = end_of_row = 0; /* reset counts */
- paint(length); /* and automatically reverse color */
- }
- }
- static endrow()
- {
- /*
- ** If we have white pixels here they are trailing pixels and
- ** we can just throw them away because we will output
- ** a newrow command next.
- */
- white_pixels = 0;
- ++end_of_row;
- }
- static dump1map(n, bitmap)
- int n;
- u_char *bitmap;
- {
- register int i, j, save, paintswitch, bitpos;
- register u_char *p;
- register int bytewidth;
- register charinfo *cp;
- if (bitmap == 0) /* no bitmap? */
- return;
- cp = &ci[n];
- i = filepos; /* save position */
- /* any xxx's come here */
- boc(n, cp->p, cp->offx, cp->bbx + cp->offx,
- cp->offy, cp->bby + cp->offy - 1);
- cp->p = i; /* set backpointer */
- /* dump bitmap here */
- bytewidth = (cp->bbx + 7) / 8;
- white_pixels = end_of_row = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < cp->bby; ++i)
- {
- p = &bitmap[i * bytewidth];
- bitpos = 7;
- paintswitch = WHITE_PIXEL;
- for (save = j = 0; j < cp->bbx; ++j)
- {
- if (((*p >> bitpos) & 0x1) != paintswitch)
- {
- run(paintswitch, j - save);
- save = j;
- paintswitch ^= 0x1;
- }
- if (--bitpos < 0)
- {
- ++p;
- bitpos = 7;
- }
- }
- run(paintswitch, j - save);
- endrow();
- }
- eoc();
- }
- static dump1loc(n, bitmap)
- int n;
- u_char *bitmap;
- {
- register charinfo *cp;
- if (bitmap == 0)
- return;
- cp = &ci[n];
- charloc(n, cp->dx, cp->dy, cp->w, cp->p);
- }
- static fontdimens(scale, bitmaps)
- float scale;
- u_char *bitmaps[NCHARS];
- {
- register int ch;
- register charinfo *cp;
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(FONTDIMEN\n");
- ch = bitmaps[' '] != 0 ? ' ' : 'x';
- if (bitmaps[ch] != 0)
- {
- cp = &ci[ch];
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (SPACE D %d)\n", cp->bbx);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (STRETCH R %.9f)\n", (float)cp->bbx * 0.5);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (SHRINK R %.9f)\n", (float)cp->bbx * 0.3);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (EXTRASPACE R %.9f)\n", (float)cp->bbx * 0.3);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (QUAD D %d)\n", cp->bbx * 2);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (XHEIGHT D %d)\n", cp->bby);
- }
- else
- {
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (SPACE R %.9f)\n", scale * 0.75);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (STRETCH R %.9f)\n", scale * 0.375);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (SHRINK R %.9f)\n", scale * 0.225);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (EXTRASPACE R %.9f)\n", scale * 0.225);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (QUAD R %.9f)\n", scale * 1.5);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (XHEIGHT R %.9f)\n", scale * 0.75);
- }
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " )\n");
- }
- static dump1pl(n, bitmap)
- int n;
- u_char *bitmap;
- {
- register charinfo *cp;
- if (bitmap == 0)
- return;
- cp = &ci[n];
- if (' ' < n && n <= '~' && n != '(' && n != ')')
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(CHARACTER C %c\n", n);
- else
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(CHARACTER D %d\n", n);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (CHARWD D %d)\n", cp->bbx);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (CHARHT D %d)\n", cp->bby + cp->offy);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " (CHARDP D %d)\n", -cp->offy);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, " )\n");
- }
- static dumppl(bitmaps)
- u_char *bitmaps[NCHARS];
- {
- register int i;
- register float du;
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(DESIGNSIZE D %d)\n", pointsize);
- du = (float)xres * (float)pointsize / 72.0;
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(DESIGNUNITS R %.9f)\n", du);
- (void)fprintf(plfile, "(COMMENT Units are in pixels)\n");
- fontdimens(du, bitmaps);
- for (i = 0; i < NCHARS; ++i)
- dump1pl(i, bitmaps[i]);
- (void)fclose(plfile);
- }
- dumpfont(bitmaps)
- u_char *bitmaps[NCHARS];
- {
- register int i, lastboc, pos;
- pre(131, 0, "");
- for (i = 0; i < NCHARS; ++i)
- dump1map(i, bitmaps[i]);
- lastboc = filepos; /* save position of lastboc */
- /* xxx's for the postamble go here */
- pos = filepos; /* save position of post */
- /* beginning of postamble */
- post(lastboc);
- for (i = 0; i < NCHARS; ++i)
- dump1loc(i, bitmaps[i]);
- postpost(pos, 131);
- if (plfile != NULL)
- dumppl(bitmaps);
- }