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- id AA02643; Wed, 4 Jan 89 22:53:38 PST
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- Cc: shipley%widow.Berkeley.EDU@lilac.berkeley.edu, mikew@wyse.wyse.com
- Subject: Re: browser widget
- In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 04 Jan 89 10:58:55 PST.
- <8901041858.AA00866@wyse.wyse.com>
- Date: Wed, 04 Jan 89 22:43:32 PST
- > Could you send me a man page for the browser widget?
- > Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew) Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
- > Moderator of comp.sources.x
- .TH BrowserWidget 3X
- BrowserWidget - Dialog widet for selecting files
- The BrowserWidget is a Utility widget which prompts
- the user ror file sectection.
- .TS
- l l l l.
- _
- \fBName Type Default Description\fR
- =
- XtNvalue XtRString NULL T{
- full path to directory to start Browsing
- T}
- XtNdefaultDistance XtRInt 10 T{
- distance between subwidgets inside BrowserWidget
- T}
- XtNopenCallback XtCallbackList NULL Callbacks for open button
- XtNcancelCallback XtCallbackList NULL Callbacks for cansel button
- XtNdestroyCallback XtCallbackList NULL Callbacks for XtDestroyWidget
- XtNmappedWhenManaged Boolean True Whether XtMapWidget is automatic
- XtNfunction Boolean (*func)() NULL see below
- XtNreverseVideo Boolean FALSE display widget in reverse video
- _
- .TE
- .IP XtNvalue
- The resource \*QXtNvalue\*U defines the base directory which the BrowserWidget
- use to start querying user from.
- This resource has no default value thus it \fBmust be given\fR.
- .\"
- .IP XtNdefaultDistance
- The resource \*QXtNdefaultDistance\*U defines the distance
- between the child widgets of the BrowserWidget.
- .\"
- .IP XtNopenCallback
- This callback is called when the user selects a file.
- .\"
- .IP XtNcancelCallback
- This callback is called when the user selects the cancel button.
- .\"
- .IP XtNfunction
- This resource is a pointer to a function whose argument is
- a pointer to a directory entry for each file in the directory
- currently being scaned; the function should return TRUE if the
- directory entry is to be included.
- If this pointer is null, then all the directory entries will be included.
- .\"
- .IP "Other resources"
- The resource for the open button is \*Qopen\*U; the resource for the cancel
- button is \*Qcancel\*U. These can be used to change the default labels.
- .\"
- The BrowserWidget takes command via mouse actions or keyboard entery.
- Selection using the mouse is done by ether double clicking on the
- desired file of directory, or by clicking once on the desired entry
- and selecting the open button.
- Selection using the keyboard is very much like using file completion
- in the C-shell.
- Generally you type a partial filename followed by an ESC character
- and the BrowserWidget fills in the remaining unambiguous characters
- of partial filename
- If the user enters a Control-C the cancel callback will be called.
- Selection is done by entering a line feed for or carrage return.
- .LP
- If the selected directory entry is a directory the directory will
- be followed and the menu will be redisplayed else the selected file
- will be returned as a part of the open callback.
- .\"
- scandir(3)
- .\"
- Viewport sometime gets confused about the size of the ListWidget (menu)
- and the user will be unable to use scrollbar.
- ListWidget will dump core if the user mouses to quickly.