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- ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: hacks; base: 8; lowercase: t -*-
- (defvar *color-screen-array*)
- (defsubst //- (n d) (floor n d))
- (defun \- (n d)
- (multiple-value-bind (nil rem) (floor n d) rem))
- (defsubst //+ (n d) (ceiling n d))
- (defmacro plot (x1 y1)
- `(as-2-reverse (1+ (ar-2-reverse *color-screen-array* ,x1 ,y1))
- *color-screen-array*
- ,x1
- ,y1))
- (defun draw-sym-line (x0 y0 xn yn &optional ignore ignore
- &aux (max (max (abs (- xn x0)) (abs (- yn y0)))))
- (draw-sym-subline x0 y0 xn yn 0 max))
- (defun draw-sym-fractional-line (x0 y0 xn yn begfrac endfrac
- &aux (max (max (abs (- xn x0)) (abs (- yn y0)))))
- (draw-sym-subline x0 y0 xn yn
- (- (fix (* -1 begfrac max)))
- (fix (* endfrac max))))
- (defun draw-sym-subline (x0 y0 xn yn i j &optional (dx (abs (- xn x0))) (dy (abs (- yn y0))))
- (cond ((> xn x0) (cond ((> yn y0) (cond ((> dx dy) (line-loop #'plot0 x0 y0 dx dy i j))
- ((line-loop #'plot1 y0 x0 dy dx i j))))
- ((cond ((> dx dy) (line-loop #'plot7 x0 (- y0) dx dy i j))
- ((line-loop #'plot6 (- y0) x0 dy dx i j))))))
- ((cond ((> yn y0) (cond ((> dx dy) (line-loop #'plot3 (- x0) y0 dx dy i j))
- ((line-loop #'plot2 y0 (- x0) dy dx i j))))
- ((cond ((> dx dy) (line-loop #'plot4 (- x0) (- y0) dx dy i j))
- ((line-loop #'plot5 (- y0) (- x0) dy dx i j))))))))
- (defun line-loop (fun x0 y0 dx dy i j
- &aux (num (+ dx (* 2 i dy))))
- (do ((j2 (min j (ash dx -1)))
- (y (+ y0 (truncate num (ash dx 1))))
- (i i (1+ i))
- (x (+ x0 i) (1+ x))
- (f (ash (- (\ num (ash dx 1)) dx) -1) (+ f dy)))
- ((> i j2) (do ((i i (1+ i))
- (x x (1+ x))
- (f f (+ f dy)))
- ((> i j))
- (and (> (+ f f) dx) (setq f (- f dx) y (1+ y)))
- (funcall fun x y)))
- (and ( (+ f f) dx) (setq f (- f dx) y (1+ y)))
- (funcall fun x y)))
- (defun draw-clip-sym-line (x0 y0 xn yn xe ye xf yf
- &optional (dx (abs (- xn x0))) (dy (abs (- yn y0))))
- (cond ((> xn x0) (cond ((> yn y0) (cond ((> dx dy)
- (line-clip #'plot0 x0 y0 dx dy xe ye xf yf))
- ((line-clip #'plot1 y0 x0 dy dx ye xe yf xf))))
- ((cond ((> dx dy)
- (line-clip #'plot7 x0 (- y0) dx dy xe (- yf) xf (- ye)))
- ((line-clip #'plot6 (- y0) x0 dy dx (- yf) xe (- ye) xf))))))
- ((cond ((> yn y0)
- (cond ((> dx dy)
- (line-clip #'plot3 (- x0) y0 dx dy (- xf) ye (- xe) yf))
- ((line-clip #'plot2 y0 (- x0) dy dx ye (- xf) yf (- xe)))))
- ((cond ((> dx dy)
- (line-clip #'plot4 (- x0) (- y0) dx dy (- xf) (- yf) (- xe) (- ye)))
- ((line-clip #'plot5 (- y0) (- x0) dy dx (- yf) (- xf) (- ye) (- xe)))))))))
- ;clip symmetric segment (x0, y0) thru (xn, yn) to the rectangle (xe, ye) < (xf,yf)
- (defun line-clip (fun x0 y0 dx dy xe ye xf yf
- &aux (x (max x0 xe (if (= dy 0) xe (+ x0 (//+ (* dx
- (1- (ash (- ye y0) 1)))
- (ash dy 1))))))
- (num (+ dx (* 2 dy (- x x0))))
- (lx (min xf (if (= dy 0) xf (+ x0 (//+ (* dx (1- (ash (- yf y0) 1)))
- (ash dy 1)))))))
- (do ((xx (min (+ x0 (ash dx -1)) lx))
- (y (+ y0 (//- num (ash dx 1))))
- (x x (1+ x))
- (f (ash (- (\- num (ash dx 1)) dx) -1) (+ f dy)))
- ((> x xx) (do ((xx lx)
- (x x (1+ x))
- (f f (+ f dy)))
- ((> x xx))
- (and (> (+ f f) dx) (setq f (- f dx) y (1+ y)))
- (funcall fun x y)))
- (and ( (+ f f) dx) (setq f (- f dx) y (1+ y)))
- (funcall fun x y)))
- ;line-clip incorrectly assumes that subsegment starts prior to midpoint of supersegment.
- ;the "divide for nearest integer" (ie divide for remainder of minimum magnitude),
- ;which is simulated the //- and \- of num and (ash dx 1), always rounds up on the
- ;half integer case, but should round down (for symmetry) if startup is in 2nd half.
- ;it would be nice to have these other flavors of divide.
- (defun plot0 (x y) (plot x y))
- (defun plot1 (x y) (plot y x))
- (defun plot2 (x y) (plot (- y) x))
- (defun plot3 (x y) (plot (- x) y))
- (defun plot4 (x y) (plot (- x) (- y)))
- (defun plot5 (x y) (plot (- y) (- x)))
- (defun plot6 (x y) (plot y (- x)))
- (defun plot7 (x y) (plot x (- y)))
- (declare (special min-x min-y max-x max-y mid-x mid-y beg end))
- (defun semi-circ (r &optional (y 0) (x r) (f 0))
- ; (color:clear)
- (let ((min-x (screen-x1 tv-color-screen))
- (min-y (screen-y1 tv-color-screen))
- (max-x (1- (screen-x2 tv-color-screen)))
- (max-y (1- (screen-y2 tv-color-screen)))
- (mid-x (truncate (screen-width tv-color-screen) 2))
- (mid-y (truncate (screen-height tv-color-screen) 2)))
- (semi-circ-1 r y x f))) )
- (defun semi-circ-1 (r y x f)
- (rect-points x y)
- (and (< y (1- x)) (semi-circ-1 r
- (1+ y)
- (cond (( (setq f (+ f y y 1)) x)
- (setq f (- f x x -1))
- (1- x))
- (t x))
- f))
- (and ( x y) ( y 0) (rect-points y x)))
- (defun semi-wedge (r)
- ; (color:clear)
- (SETQ MAX-X (1- MAX-X) MAX-Y (1- MAX-Y))
- (let ((mid-x (truncate (- MAX-X MIN-X) 2))
- (mid-y (truncate (- MAX-Y MIN-Y) 2)))
- (do ((y 0 (1+ y))
- (x r)
- (f 0 (+ f y y 1)))
- ((> y x))
- (and ( f x) (setq x (1- x) f (- f x x -1)))
- (draw-clip-sym-line mid-x mid-y (+ x mid-x) (+ y mid-y) min-x min-y max-x max-y))
- (x mid-x (1+ x)))
- ((> x max-x))
- (as-2-reverse (1- (ash (ar-2-reverse a x mid-y) 1)) a x mid-y)
- (and ( (+ x (- mid-x) mid-y) max-y)
- (as-2-reverse
- (1- (ash (ar-2-reverse a x (+ x (- mid-x) mid-y)) 1))
- a x (+ x (- mid-x) mid-y)))
- (do ((yy (min max-y (+ x mid-y (- mid-x))))
- (y mid-y (1+ y)))
- ((> y yy))
- (do ((v (ar-2-reverse a x y))
- (x x (+ mid-x mid-y (- y)))
- (y y (+ mid-y x (- mid-x)))
- (i 0 (1+ i)))
- (( i 4))
- (and ( y max-y) (> y min-y)
- (as-2-reverse (as-2-reverse v a (+ mid-x mid-x (- x)) y)
- a x y))))))))
- "Report that we can't do this demo."
- ;;this is better than wedging the machine, or generating an ugly error, or doing nothing
- (TV:NOTIFY NIL "Sorry, apparently you don't have a color screen."))
- (defun smoking-clover (&optional (size 5432) (speed 4321))
- "Displays a really neat pattern on the color screen. Slowly at first, then speed up."
- (setq *color-screen-array* (tv:sheet-screen-array color:color-screen))
- (COLOR:write-color-map 0 0 0 0)
- (color:clear)
- (COLOR:random-color-map)
- (semi-wedge size)
- (color-guard speed)))
- (T
- (defun semi-circ-1 (r y x f)
- (rect-points x y)
- (and (< y (1- x)) (semi-circ-1 r
- (1+ y)
- (cond (( (setq f (+ f y y 1)) x)
- (setq f (- f x x -1))
- (1- x))
- (t x))
- f))
- (and ( x y) ( y 0) (rect-points y x)))
- (defun mask-points (x y)
- (draw-sym-fractional-line
- (- mid-x x) (- mid-y y) (+ mid-x x) (+ mid-y y) beg end)
- (draw-sym-fractional-line
- (+ mid-x y) (- mid-y x) (- mid-x y) (+ mid-y x) beg end))
- (defun rect-points (x y)
- (draw-clip-sym-line
- (- mid-x x) (- mid-y y) (+ mid-x x) (+ mid-y y) min-x min-y max-x max-y)
- (draw-clip-sym-line
- (+ mid-x y) (- mid-y x) (- mid-x y) (+ mid-y x) min-x min-y max-x max-y))
- (defun mash-points (x y &aux (m1 (cond ((> y x) (1- mid-y))
- ((min mid-x
- (- (truncate (- (* mid-x mid-x (- y x))
- (* mid-y (- (* y mid-x) (* x mid-y))))
- (* x (- mid-y mid-x))) 5)))))
- (z (max x y)))
- (draw-sym-subline
- (- mid-x x) (- mid-y y) (+ mid-x x) (+ mid-y y) (- z m1 -1) (+ z m1))
- (or (= y 0) (draw-sym-subline
- (- mid-x x) (+ mid-y y) (+ mid-x x) (- mid-y y) (- z m1 -1) (+ z m1))))
- (defun color-ramp (red green blue)
- (do ((r 0 (+ r red))
- (g 0 (+ g green))
- (b 0 (+ b blue))
- (i 0 (1+ i)))
- ((= i 20))
- (COLOR:write-color-map i r g b))))
- (defun color-march (&optional (y 0))
- (do ((dr 0 (- (random 42) 20))
- (dg -21 (- (random 42) 20))
- (db 21 (- (random 42) 20)))
- ((funcall terminal-io ':tyi-no-hang))
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (COLOR:read-color-map y)
- (do ((r r (+ r dr))
- (g g (+ g dg))
- (b b (+ b db)))
- ((bit-test (logior r g b) 400))
- (do ((i 17 (1- i))
- (r r) (g g) (b b))
- ((< i y))
- (cond ((= (logand i 1) 1)
- (do ((tv-adr (TV:screen-control-address color:color-screen)))
- ((bit-test (%xbus-read tv-adr) 40)))))
- (COLOR:write-color-map-immediate i r g
- (prog1 b
- (multiple-value (r g b)
- (COLOR:read-color-map i))))))))))
- (T
- (defun color-guard (&optional (snooze 0) (y 0)
- &aux (map-values (make-array '(20 3)
- ':type 'art-8b)))
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
- (r) (g) (b))
- (( i 20))
- (multiple-value (r g b) (COLOR:read-color-map i))
- (aset r map-values i 0)
- (aset g map-values i 1)
- (aset b map-values i 2))
- (do ((dr 0 (- (random 42) 20))
- (dg -21 (- (random 42) 20))
- (db 21 (- (random 42) 20)))
- ((funcall terminal-io ':tyi-no-hang) (return-array map-values))
- (do ((r (aref map-values y 0) (+ r dr))
- (g (aref map-values y 1) (+ g dg))
- (b (aref map-values y 2) (+ b db)))
- ((bit-test (logior r g b) 400))
- (do ((i snooze (1- i))) ((< i 0)))
- (do ((i 17 (1- i))
- (or) (og) (ob)
- (r r or)
- (g g og)
- (b b ob))
- ((< i y))
- (setq or (aref map-values i 0) og (aref map-values i 1) ob (aref map-values i 2))
- (aset r map-values i 0)
- (aset g map-values i 1)
- (aset b map-values i 2))
- (COLOR:blt-color-map map-values))))
- (defun color-zoom (&optional (z 0) &aux (map-values (make-array '(20 3)
- ':type 'art-8b)))
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
- (r) (g) (b))
- (( i 20))
- (multiple-value (r g b) (COLOR:read-color-map i))
- (aset r map-values i 0)
- (aset g map-values i 1)
- (aset b map-values i 2))
- (do ((j 1)
- (dr 0 (- (random 80) 36))
- (dg -21 (- (random 80) 36))
- (db 21 (- (random 80) 36)))
- ((funcall terminal-io ':tyi-no-hang) (return-array map-values))
- (do ((r (aref map-values j 0) (+ r dr))
- (g (aref map-values j 1) (+ g dg))
- (b (aref map-values j 2) (+ b db)))
- ((bit-test (logior r g b) 400))
- (setq j (logand (1- j) 17))
- (do ((i j (logand (1- i) 17))
- (r r) (g g) (b b)
- (rr) (gg) (bb)
- (k 0 (1+ k)))
- ((= k 20))
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))((> i z))) ;snooze
- (setq rr (aref map-values i 0)
- gg (aref map-values i 1)
- bb (aref map-values i 2))
- (aset r map-values i 0)
- (aset g map-values i 1)
- (aset b map-values i 2)
- (setq r (ash (+ r (* 37 rr) 25) -5)
- g (ash (+ g (* 37 gg) 25) -5)
- b (ash (+ b (* 37 bb) 25) -5)))
- (COLOR:blt-color-map map-values))))
- (defun color-mash ()
- (do ((i 1)
- (dr 0 (- (random 8) 4))
- (dg -21 (- (random 8) 4))
- (db 21 (- (random 8) 4)))
- ((funcall terminal-io ':tyi-no-hang))
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (COLOR:read-color-map i)
- (do ((r r (+ r dr))
- (g g (+ g dg))
- (b b (+ b db)))
- ((bit-test (logior r g b) 400))
- ; (and (bit-test i 1)
- ; (do ((tv-adr (screen-control-address tv-color-screen)))
- ; ((bit-test (%xbus-read tv-adr) 40))))
- (COLOR:write-color-map (setq i (logand (1- i) 17))
- r
- g
- b
- t))))))
- (T
- (defun frac-tour (a b &optional (xx (screen-x2 tv-color-screen))
- (yy (screen-y2 tv-color-screen)))
- (do ((pixel-array (screen-buffer-pixel-array tv-color-screen))
- (x (screen-x1 tv-color-screen) (1+ x)))
- (( x xx))
- (do ((y (screen-y1 tv-color-screen) (1+ y)))
- (( y yy))
- (as-2-reverse (fracpart (+ (* a x) (* b y))) pixel-array x y)))) )
- ;(defun fracpart (a) (fix (ash (- a (fix a)) 4)))
- (defun fracpart (a) (- 17 (haulong (fix (ash (- a (fix (+ a .5))) 20)))))
- (defun random-ramp ()
- (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
- ((= i 20))
- (COLOR:write-color-map i (random (+ 17 (ash i 4)))
- (random (+ 17 (ash i 4)))
- (random (+ 17 (ash i 4)))))))
- (T
- (defun brighten ()
- "Possibly make the color screen more visible."
- (do ((i 17 (- i 3))
- (r 377 (- r 60))
- (g 377 (- g 60))
- (b 377 (- b 60)))
- (( i 2))
- (color:write-color-map i r 0 0)
- (color:write-color-map (1- i) 0 g 0)
- (color:write-color-map (- i 2) 0 0 b))
- (color:write-color-map 0 0 0 0)))
- (T
- (defdemo "Color TV Hacks" "Various demos that run on the color screen, if you have one."
- "Color"
- ("Smoking Clover" "Gosper's spectacular display hack." (smoking-clover))
- ("Cafe Slide" "Cafe wall illusion. Type space to start it sliding." (cafe-slide))
- ("Color Mash" "Mash up the color map." (color-mash))
- ("Color March" "March colors through the color map." (color-march))
- ; ("Color Ramp" "This can't work." (color-ramp))
- ("Random Ramp" "Randomize color map." (random-ramp))
- ("Brighten" "" (brighten)))