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- Path: uunet!wyse!mikew
- From: mikew@wyse.wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v03INF1: Introduction to comp.sources.x
- Message-ID: <1994@wyse.wyse.com>
- Date: 13 Jan 89 19:03:05 GMT
- Organization: Wyse Technology, San Jose
- Lines: 583
- Approved: mikew@wyse.com
- Submitted-by: mikew@wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
- Posting-number: Volume 3, Info 1
- Archive-name: intro3.1
- This is the first of two introductory articles about comp.sources.x.
- This one describes how to submit source to the newsgroup, where the
- archive sites are, and how to contact them. The companion articles lists
- all previously-published sources.
- I am always looking for suggestions on how to improve the usefulness
- of the newsgroup, and can be contacted as listed below.
- -Mike Wexler
- --------------------
- Subject: Submitting source for publication
- Items intended for posting or queries and problem notes should be sent to
- wyse.com!x-sources.
- If you want verification of arrival, so say in a cover note, or at the
- beginning of your submission, if it is small. I try to verify that a
- program works, and if I can't get it to work, I may hold up posting it
- for a couple of days. Please note that, except in rare cases, source
- that doesn't meet the guidelines will not be published. The backlog
- from receipt to posting varies from one to four weeks depending mostly
- on the set of submissions currently in my queue and my current work load.
- -------------------
- Subject: Guidelines
- To make life easier for both me and the users of the comp.sources.x
- newsgroup, I will require that the following be included in all
- postings.
- 1. shell commands to extract all the files - This means
- the postings should be in shar format.
- 2. a README file - This should be a brief description
- of what this posting is.
- 3. source code, a patch in context diff format, fonts in
- bdf format, or documentation in PostScript format.
- 4. a patchlevel.h -- This keeps track of how many official
- patches have been applied. When you send out a
- modification it should be in context diff format
- and it should update the patchlevel.h file.
- Example:
- #define PATCHLEVEL 0
- 5. A list of authors and their copying policy. Please put
- this in a file called AUTHOR.
- 6. filenames that are 12 or fewer characters long
- All source code should include:
- 1. an Imakefile. For more information on Imakefile's,
- read imake.man in util/imake on the X11 Release 3
- distribution.
- 2. a Makefile
- 2. a man page
- 3. #include <X11/Xos.h> instead of things like types.h, strings.h
- and time.h
- 4. use -display displayname and -geometry geomspec instead of old
- style.
- For more information on patch see patch.man in util/patch/patch.man in
- the X11 Release 3 distribution or in volume7 of the comp.sources.unix
- archives. Patches can be made with diff -c on 4.XBSD based machines and
- with diffc on others. Diffc can be found in volume 1 of the
- comp.sources.unix archives.
- All patches should include:
- 1. A patch to patchlevel.h that increments the PATCHLEVEL by 1.
- If any of the above are not included, I will tell the poster and
- wait until they are included before I post the program.
- The following things should be included, but are not required yet.
- BTW, items 1 in the optional list are required by MIT if you want to
- be put on their source tape.
- --------------------
- Subject: The structure of comp.sources.x articles
- Each posting in comp.sources.x is called an "issue"; there are roughly 100
- issues to a volume. The division is arbitrary, and has varied greatly in
- the past. There are two types of articles in comp.sources.x; sources
- and "information postings." They can be distinguished by the subject
- line:
- Subject: v07INF8: Index for Volume 7 and other info
- This first word in the title identifies this as the eighth info posting of
- volume seven. Similarly, the subject line shown below:
- Subject: v01i060: select: a selection widget, Part01/01
- identifies this as the 60th source article in Volume 1. All sources are
- broken up into pieces. This is part 1 of a 1 part posting.
- Subject: v01i056: xphoon: Show phase of the Moon on root window, Part01/04
- The first few lines of an article are auxiliary headers that look like this:
- Submitted-by: root@freeware.ATT.COM
- Posting-number: Volume 7, Issue 82
- Archive-name: new-login
- The "Submitted by" is the author of the program. IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS ABOUT
- When possible, this address is in domain form, otherwise it is a UUCP bang
- path relative to some major site such as "uunet."
- The second line repeats the volume/issue information for the aide of NOTES
- sites and automatic archiving programs.
- The Archive-name is the "official" name of this source in the archive. Large
- postings will have names that look like this:
- Archive-name: patch2/Part01
- Please try to use this name when requesting that sources be mailed to you.
- Also, note that the "part number" given in the title, and the archive name
- given in the auxiliary header need not be identical.
- --------------------
- Subject: Reporting and tracking bugs and patches to postings
- You should probably subscribe to comp.sources.bugs.
- Some of the larger postings have established channels for distributing
- bug reports (e.g., Larry Wall posts patches in comp.sources.bugs; C News
- has update bulletins there and in one of the news groups, etc.). Others
- are sort of "catch as catch can."
- Sometimes, when new versions of previously-published software is available,
- just patches are put out, usually in the form of shar files containing
- input for the "patch" program, new files, etc. Sometimes complete new
- versions are put out. Which method is used depends on the poster and
- the moderator. Minor updates must be in patch form and update the
- patchlevel.h file. Major updates should me the guidelines for postings.
- To report bugs, contact the person listed in the Submitted-to header.
- Often there is a contact address in a README file, too. I do not maintain
- the sources I moderate, so don't send your bug reports to me.
- --------------------
- Subject: Becoming an archive site
- If you collect comp.sources.x postings and are willing and able to make
- your collection available to other people, please let me know. Benefits
- include the undying gratitude of your colleagues, and a promise from me to
- try to make sure you never lose an article. Also I will set up direct
- connections to archivers in the United States that have a Telebit modem
- available.
- --------------------
- Subject: Accessing the archives
- The complete archives are fairly large; an average volume is three to
- four megabytes.
- There are several active archive sites around the net. Archive sites in
- the U.K., Canada, and Switzerland are set up, and may be extended to
- provide full European coverage. If you are interested please contact me.
- I would love to have a Asia, Australia, and BITNET archives.
- Some sites below will send tapes through the mail. For those sites, send
- a 1/2" mag tape WITH RETURN POSTAGE and RETURN MAILER. Tapes without
- postage or mailer will not be returned. No other methods (COD, etc.) are
- available; please don't ask.
- At the present time, I do not have ready access to the archives, nor
- the support of my employer to do this. Please don't ask me for missing
- issues, unless you are sure you are reporting a net-wide problem of
- propogation. At the end are detailed instructions on how to access
- the archives. More sites will be listed there in the future.
- --------------------
- Subject: Listing of archive sites in no particular order
- Here is what each field means:
- Person/Site: The name of the person and their mail address
- Where: The general area they are located in
- Service: How people will access their archive
- Direct connect: Whether we can establish a UUCP connection for the
- purposes of insuring that the archives are up to date.
- Modems: For sites providing UUCP access, what types of modems are
- available.
- Person/Site: Rick Adams(postmaster@uunet)
- Where: Fairfax, VA
- Service: contact the postmaster for more information
- Person/Site: Jason Winters (jason@aeras)
- Where: San Jose, CA
- Service: Anonymous UUCP & SnailMail tapes (Under duress)
- Modems: 1200, 2400, Telebit (3 lines)
- Person/Site: James Turner (turner@daisy):
- Where: Mtn View, CA
- Service: Anonymous UUCP & SnailMail tapes
- Direct connect: Yes
- Modems: 1200/2400, Telebits RSN
- Person/Site: Rich Kulawiec (rsk@j.cc.purdue.edu)
- Where: Indiana
- Service: Anonymous FTP
- Direct connect: No
- Person/Site: Lee Daniels (lee@hhb)
- Where: New Jersey
- Service: anonymous UUCP
- Direct connect: Yes
- Modems: connect: 1200/2400
- Person/Site: Paul Vixie (vixie@decwrl.dec.com)
- Where: Palo Alto, California
- Service: Anonymous FTP(decwrl.dec.com), UUCP to existing neighbors
- Direct connect: No
- Person/Site: Ron Heiby (heiby@mcdchg)
- Where: Illinois
- Service: Anonymous UUCP
- Direct Connect: Yes
- Modems: 1200 Baud
- Person/Site: Sharan Kalwani (shan@mcf.uucp or mcf!shan@umix.cc.umich.edu)
- Where: Michigan
- Service: mail server and possible UUCP access
- Direct connect: Yes
- Modems: 1200/2400, Trailblazer
- Person/site: David Herron (david@e.ms.uky.edu)
- Where: Kentucky
- Service: UUCP and anonymous FTP
- Direct connect: ?
- Modems: Trailblazer
- Person/site: Russell Brown (russell@imtec)
- Where: Peterborough, Cambrideshire, U.K.
- Service: anonymous UUCP
- Direct connect: Probably not
- Modems: Steebek Quatro - V.22 V.22bis V.23
- Person/Site: David Haynes (x-depot@geac)
- Where: Markham, Ontario CANADA
- Service: Mail server, tarmail, Anonymous UUCP, Tape Duplication
- Direct connect: Yes
- Modems: Telebits (X.25 soon)
- Person/Site: Jamie Watson (mcvax!cernvax!pan!jw)
- Where: Solothurn, Switzerland
- Service: Anonymous UUCP, SnailMail tapes/diskettes
- Direct connect: No.
- Modems: Multitech 1200/2400
- Person/Site: Lee McLoughlin (lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk)
- Where: Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
- Service: Janet/PSS NIFTP, mail info-server
- Direct connect: No
- Modems: Indirectly thru' modems onto Janet 300/1200/2400
- Person/site: Jeff Beadles (jeff@tekcsc.mkt.tek.com)
- Where: Wilsonville, Oregon
- Service: mail server, tapes, possible uucp
- Direct connect: Yes
- Modems: Trailblazer
- Person/site: (svnet@unixprt)
- Where:
- Service:
- Direct connect:
- Modems:
- Person/Site: X Users Group (harden@ics or xug@zermatt.lcs.mit.edu)
- Where: Long Island, New York or Cambridge, Mass.
- Service: ?
- Direct connect: ?
- Modems: ?
- Person/Site: pax@dune
- Fidonet: 369/6 - The Eye of Osiris OPUS/UFGATE 305-973-1947
- Service: Fidonet archive, anonymous UUCP
- Direct connect: ?
- Modems: ?
- Detailed instructions:
- Person/Site: jason@aeras
- Good morning Mister Phelps:
- Your mission, should you decide to accept it is to recover the archive
- files saved from the USENET Comp.sources.* groups. The wellbeing of
- the users of your machine make it imperative that you succeed.
- Current informants state that sources.unix, games, and misc are being
- held for future generations of hackers.
- Target machine: Arete' System 1200
- System Statistics:
- aeras Any 1200 4089439152 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- aeras Any 19200 4089439246 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- aeras Any 2400 4089439396 "" "" ogin:--ogin: uugarch word: freebee
- Suggested places to get additional information:
- /u3/archive/sources/LISTING
- It has been rumored that the file LISTING contains the names of all the
- programs stored in the archives, and the sizes. Note: all archives have
- probably been stored in compressed form, with 12 bit compression
- (for machines that can't handle 16 bit). All multiple file programs
- have been stored in seperate directories, then compressed.
- Best sources currently state that more information about the files stored
- in a particular volume are kept in files called LOGFILE. Such as:
- /u3/archive/sources/games/vol1/LOGFILE
- would be the one to get to examine the exact contents of volume 1 of the
- games section.
- Additional information from files: sample command to recover files:
- uucp aeras!/u3/archive/sources/games/vol1/LOGFILE /tmp/.
- Special note: wild cards have been proven to not be reliable, so to assure
- success they are not recommened tools.
- Good luck.
- As always: should you or anyone of your IM Force be caught, the
- secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions or phone number.
- This e-mail will self destruct upon typeing 'rm -rf /*' from the root console.
- Person/Site: shan@mcf.uucp (Sharan Kalwani)
- Sharan Kalwani at the Michigan Cancer Foundation (shan@mcf.uucp) has
- set up a mail-based server. The archive resides on mcf's machine.
- Comp.sources.x, comp.sources.unix and other stuff are available.
- Mail to "archives@mcf.uucp" and supply the text
- send index from comp.sources.x
- for some help on how to access the files and an index of the files
- currently online.
- For human help, mail to shan@mcf.uucp or shan%mcf.uucp@umix.cc.umich.edu.
- Person/Site: lee@hhb (Lee Daniels)
- The East Coast Xarchive is now available. The purpose of this archive is
- to provide access to all publicly available X Window System based soft-
- ware through UUCP. The archive contains a complete comp.sources.x direct-
- ory and a copy of what can be found on expo/contrib and expo/pub. The
- expo directories will be updated roughly once a month.
- The archive can currently be accessed at 1200 and 2400 baud. I am hoping
- to get a Telebit Trailblazer added in the near future.
- I am setting up this archive to be pseudo annonymous. In other words, I
- am giving everyone access, but I want you to ask for a connection using
- the attached form. When you submit the form, I will authorize your host
- to call the archive and I will send you back a copy of the L.sys entry
- for the archive. By not making the archive totally annonymous, I will be
- able to document the usage of the archive in order to help justify its
- existence to the system administrator and upper management. I am hoping
- to have enough information to help justify adding the Telebit Trailblazer.
- I am not going to generally provide other access to the archive other than
- UUCP but if you have a special need, send me mail and maybe something can
- be worked out. Please fill out the following form completely and I will
- send you the rest of the information.
- Lee Daniels princeton!hhb!lee@uunet.uu.net
- HHB Systems
- 1000 Wyckoff Avenue (201) 848-8000
- Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
- ---------------------------- c u t h e r e ---------------------------------
- Name:
- Email address:
- Phone number:
- Company:
- Company address:
- UUCP system's hostname:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: heiby@mcdchg.UUCP (Ron Heiby)
- Here's a copy of the current "howto.snarf" file for comp.sources.unix
- archives I maintain. It will have to be modified for addition of the
- "X" archives. Specifically, people will have to snarf something like
- "~/unix/vol01/ZZZZ" or "~/x/vol01/ZZZZ" for the .unix and .x archives,
- respectively. When it's set up, I'll send you an updated "howto.snarf".
- Ron.
- -----
- 05/17/88 How to snarf files from the comp.sources.unix archives
- This file explains how to get files from the comp.sources.unix archive being
- maintained by the Motorola Microcomputer Div. sales office in Schaumburg, IL.
- This is not an official service of Motorola and may be discontinued any time.
- The contents of the comp.sources.unix archive have been donated by the
- submitters of the files to the Usenet comp.sources.unix moderator for free
- availability throughout the community. Motorola assumes no responsibility for
- the contents of these files, including the suitability for their use in any
- application on any hardware. (Some of the material, for example is known not
- to run on systems sold by Motorola.) Any questions about suitability, problems
- with the software or documentation, or anything else related to the contents of
- the files should be directed to the persons who submitted the material
- originally (usually the authors).
- (Now that I think I've covered my behind sufficiently...)
- The comp.sources.unix archives are currently resident on a Motorola VME Delta
- Series Model 2616 running System V/68 Release 3.0 named "mcdchg". This system
- is used throughout the day, but one modem line has been made available during
- evening and weekend hours for getting sources from the archives. When logging
- in using these procedures, mcdchg will identify itself as "mcdch1". At some
- time in the future, we may go back to a two-machine networked approach. Any
- sites that already have an established uucp connection with mcdchg should send
- me mail to have archive access "turned on" for your uucp login, as this
- procedure will not work for you as is.
- In order to ensure that the archive service does not interfere with real
- work, the uucico for the archive login will be have its "x" permission bits
- turned off at 8 a.m. Chicago local time (CST6CDT) and on again at 6 p.m. on
- weekdays. Execute permission will be turned on throughout Saturday and Sunday.
- The following description of how to set up your system's uucp configuration
- files is based on the Honey DanBer UUCP (Basic Networking Utilities)
- implementation, as it's the only one I've used that made any sense.
- You may have to adjust what I say to fit your system's requirements.
- The phone number for "mcdch1" is (currently) 1-312-576-7902. There is
- a single line on that number. The modem will answer at 1200bps and will
- require a carraige return to get a "login:" prompt. In response to the
- login prompt, your system should send the login id, "pduucp". The password
- is "public". As I said above, all this is turned off between about 8 a.m.
- and 6 p.m. Chicago time Monday through Friday, so we can get our real work
- done, so don't bother trying it during those periods.
- The Systems file entry for doing this looks something like:
- (For HoneyDanBer UUCP (BNU) users. Combine into a single line.)
- mcdch1 Wk1800-0730,Sa,Su ACU 1200 chicago5767902
- "" \r\c in:--in: pduucp word: public
- Once you have your system set up to place an outgoing UUCP call to
- "mcdch1", you can retrieve material from the archives. There are two files
- that are excellent choices for testing your link. This file is file
- mcdch1!~/howto.snarf. The current directory of what is stored in the
- comp.sources.unix archives is found in the file mcdch1!~/directory.
- To get either of these, execute a command like:
- uucp mcdch1!~/howto.snarf !~/MYNAME/
- uucp mcdch1!~/directory !~/MYNAME/
- The directory is simply the output from "ls -sRxF" on the comp.sources.unix
- archive disk hierarchy. It is updated just before 6 p.m. every day.
- Here is an old sample from the directory:
- total 15 0 directory 1 make.dir* 2 vol1/
- ./vol1:
- total 941 16 ANSI.C.Z 12 C-Kermit.ann
- 41 Digest.Z 12 NIC 13 Smail.Z
- 1 UK-1.1/ 1 Xlisp1.4/ 20 bed.Z
- ./vol1/UK-1.1:
- total 105 4 Anno 48 Part1.Z 31 Part2.Z 22 Part3.Z
- This sample shows part of the first volume of comp.sources.unix. The entries
- with a slash "/" at the end of their names are directories, whose contents are
- detailed below (e.g. UK-1.1). The number preceding each name is the
- approximate size of the file in 512 byte blocks. Entries whose name ends with
- a ".Z" have been compressed by the program compress 4.0, which can be found
- (in uncompressed form) in volume 2.
- Be sure to look carefully to be sure you are getting the latest version
- available. Also, look for "index" files to help find what you want.
- NOTE: There are occasionally inconsistencies between the archive names we have
- on disk and those published in the index by the comp.sources.unix moderator.
- WARNING: These files are not stored under /usr/spool/uucppublic, so requests
- that specify an absolute pathname, rather than one under "~" will almost
- certainly fail.
- WARNING: Please be aware that uucp commands asking for file names containing
- wild cards will almost certainly not work. This is because all of the
- implementations I know of submit a uux job to the remote system asking
- it to run "uucp" on the wild card filename. Systems logging in with
- "pduucp" are prohibited from executing "uucp" or other commands via "uux".
- So, be sure to ask for each file separately.
- Steve Pearse (wp3b01!pearse) sent the following script which helps make
- the uucp commands easier to issue. I've modified it somewhat. I hope I
- didn't break it too much.
- ##########################
- # getmod - Get comp.sources.unix archives files via uucp
- if [ "$1" = "" ]
- then
- echo "type files in form of [ N/file or N/dir/file ], where"
- echo "N is the volume number (as in volN)"
- echo "or getmod -l to get list of available files"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "$1" = "-l" ]
- then
- uucp -m mcdch1!~/directory !~/receive/src.unix/
- exit 0
- fi
- for file
- do
- uucp -m mcdch1!~/vol"$file" !~/receive/src.unix/
- done
- echo "requested file(s) $* on `date`" |tee -a $HOME/modreqs
- exit 0
- ##########################
- If you can't figure out why the comp.sources.unix archive doesn't work,
- re-read this file. If you still have trouble, talk with your system
- administrator. If you are the system administrator, send electronic
- mail to me at heiby@mcdchg.UUCP (mcdchg!heiby). Have fun! Ron.
- -----
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A n n o u n c i n g !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T h e !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W e s t C o a s t X a r c h i v e !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The West Coast Xarchive is now available. The purpose of this archive is
- to provide access to all publicly available X Window System based soft-
- ware through UUCP. The archive contains a complete comp.sources.x direct-
- ory and a copy of what can be found on expo/contrib and expo/pub. The
- expo directories will be updated roughly once a month.
- The archive can currently be accessed at 1200/2400 baud or at 19.2K
- baud (Telebit Trailblazer). Access is by anonymous login, the userid
- is UXarchiv with no password. The dialin numbers are:
- 415-967-4619 1200/2400 dial-in
- 415-967-4718 trailblazer dial-in
- A sample L.sys entry might be:
- daisy Any ACU 19200 4159674718 "" \d ogin: UXarchiv
- daisy Any ACU 2400 4159674619 ogin:-BREAK-ogin: UXarchiv
- To get a current listing of what files are available and where they
- can be found, download the file /usr/spool/uucppublic/Xarchive/ls-lR.Z
- ...{decwrl|ucbvax}!imagen!atari!daisy!turner (James M. Turner)
- ...uunet!daisy!turner
- Daisy Systems, 700 E. Middlefield Rd, P.O. Box 7006,
- Mountain View CA 94039-7006. (415)960-0123
- --
- Please send comp.sources.x-related mail to mikew@wyse.com
- --
- Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew) Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
- Moderator of comp.sources.x