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- Path: uunet!wyse!mikew
- From: mikew@wyse.wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v03i003: Purdue speedups to R3 server, Release 2, Part01/04
- Message-ID: <2019@wyse.wyse.com>
- Date: 31 Jan 89 19:56:18 GMT
- Organization: Wyse Technology, San Jose
- Lines: 798
- Approved: mikew@wyse.com
- Submitted-by: spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 3
- Archive-name: p2speedups/part01
- # Purdue/Purdue+ patches, part 1 of 4
- # Shar archive. Give the following as input to /bin/sh
- # Packed Sun Jan 22 19:39:47 EST 1989 by spaf@uther.cs.purdue.edu
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # Timings
- # Usenet
- # dbm-gcc.h.patch
- # miarc.c.patch
- # os.h.patch
- # cfboldmfb.c.patch
- # mfbbstore.c.patch
- # mfbfillrct.c.patch
- # mfbpntwin.c.patch
- # mfbimggblt.c.patch
- #
- #
- echo x - README
- sed 's/^X//' >README <<'*-*-END-of-README-*-*'
- XAbout Purdue/PurduePlus 2.0
- X---------------------------
- XThis is the second release (for X11R3) of a set of changes to the
- Xframe buffer code of the X11 sample server. These changes are
- Xdesigned to make the server faster for B/W for most machines, and Vax
- Xand 68020 machines (e.g., MacIIs, Apollos, Sun 3s) in particular.
- X(Patches for the color fb will follow, eventually.)
- X
- XThe changes make a significant (but sometimes difficult to measure
- Xobjectively) impact on the speed of most operations. This speedup
- Xwill differ based on your job mix and machine configuration. Some
- Xoperations appear to take up to 50% less cpu time to complete.
- XIncremental measurements with gprof, time, and other tools show each
- Xchange to have a positive overall effect on the server efficiency. In
- Xparticular, painting windows and drawing lines appears to be much
- Xfaster. An "ico -r" is obviously faster and smoother, as is tiling
- Xthe root window.
- X
- XInterestingly enough, the binary after installing these patches also
- Xseems *smaller*.
- X
- XThis second release is basically an integration of the first release
- Xof each of the Purdue and Purdue+ releases, along with new
- Xoptimizations and bug fixes. Some special changes have been made to
- Xtake advantage of optimizations possible when using the GCC compiler.
- XThese have all been ifdef'd on the symbol __GNUC__ so they will not
- Xinterfere with compilation using other compilers. However, if you
- Xhave the GCC compiler, you can take advantage of these (and they are
- Xwell-worth the effort!). The GCC-specific changes are noted below.
- X
- XMotivation & Changes
- X--------------------
- XThe generic server shipped with X11R3 is designed to run on many
- Xdifferent machines. It was not written with speed in mind, although
- Xsome efforts were made at optimization. Looking at the code reveals
- Xa number of places where changes could be made to make the code
- Xfaster. These include:
- X * Optimized or added bitmasking functions, taking advantage of
- X properties known to exist for certain arithmetic operators
- X and domains of input;
- X * Replacing calculated bitmasks with table lookups
- X * Use of Duff's device in some places where it looks beneficial
- X (note: the first release of these patches used a Duff's device
- X or order 8. Tests with Sun 3s and MacIIs show that an order
- X 4 device gives better performance, probably due to caching.)
- X * Reordering of code to share variables or move invariants out of
- X loops.
- X * Expanding some code inline instead of doing calls or loops
- X * Taking advantage of knowledge about *when* code is called.
- X
- XWe have tried to make these changes in a way that is maintainable
- Xand easily marked; every modification is enclosed in ifdef's on
- Xthe symbol PURDUE.
- X
- XInstallation
- X------------
- XThe patches in this archive should all be applied to the files in the
- Xserver/ddx/{mfb,cfb,mi} and server/include directories. These are all
- Xformed to apply to *unmodified* X11R3 server sources. Using Larry Wall's
- X"patch" program, you can apply them all as follows:
- X server="path to your X11 server source directory"
- X for patch in *.patch
- X do
- X patch -l -N -p -d $server < $patch
- X done
- X
- XNext, you need to set the symbol PURDUE (and possibly NO_3_60_CG4, see
- X"A GCC & Sun Problem," below) in your site.def file (e.g., #define
- XOptimizedCDebugFlags -O -DPURDUE") to use them. You can also patch
- Xyour Makefiles (e.g., server/ddx/mfb/Imakefile) as follows:
- X
- X *** server/ddx/mfb/Imakefile.orig Thu Nov 17 15:52:45 1988
- X --- server/ddx/mfb/Imakefile Thu Nov 17 15:52:45 1988
- X ***************
- X *** 19,24 ****
- X --- 19,25 ----
- X mfbpawhite.o mfbpablack.o mfbpainv.o mfbtile.o \
- X mfbtewhite.o mfbteblack.o mfbmisc.o mfbbstore.o
- X
- X STD_DEFINES = ServerDefines
- X CDEBUGFLAGS = ServerCDebugFlags
- X INCLUDES = -I. -I../../include -I$(INCLUDESRC)
- X
- XSimilar patches must be made to ddx/mi/Imakefile and ddx/cfb/Imakefile
- Xsince ddx/mfb/maskbits.h is included in files in those directories.
- X
- XNote: The change to ddx/mi/miarc.c is to fix a bug, and you may
- Xinstall it if you wish. The bug has been submitted to the X folks but
- Xnot yet officially "blessed." The change to ddx/mfb/mfbimggblt.c is
- Xalso a bug fix for a clipping problem, and it too has yet to be
- Xofficially sanctioned, but it works for us so you're welcome to use it
- Xif you see fit.
- X
- XWhatever changes you make, you will need to cd to the server
- Xdirectory, then:
- X make clean Makefile; make Makefiles depend; make
- X
- XGCC Notes
- X---------
- XA working server can be built using gcc 1.31 and the flags
- X"-O -traditional -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce" and either of
- X"-msoft-float" or "-m68881", as appropriate. gcc 1.32 is known
- Xto produce bad code and should be avoided.
- X
- XGCC-specific changes in these patches include:
- X * Special "asm" instructions to use bitfield instructions on
- X Vaxen and 68020 machines in place of shift/mask combinations
- X in the getbits/putbits macros.
- X * Using the builtin alloca function instead of the library
- X alloca call.
- X
- XGCC-specific changes have been marked with ifdef __GNUC__. Note that
- Xthe change to include/os.h does *not* have the PURDUE symbol
- Xassociated with it since it is dependent on only the compiler being
- Xused.
- X
- XIf you have source code available, consider compiling your heap code
- X(malloc, free, calloc, etc) with gcc and including it with the server.
- XYou can either do this with the entire library, or you can copy the
- Xheap source code into the os/4.2bsd directory and recompile it there.
- XUnder SunOS 3.4 on a Sun 3, recompiling the heap code with gcc (using
- Xthe -finline-functions and -fstrength-reduce options) results in more
- Xthan a 100% speedup in heap operations.
- X
- XAlso, using GCC to compile os/4.2bsd/oscolor.c can result in problems
- Xunless you take corrective measures. The problem lies with the fact
- Xthat GCC returns structures differently as function values than does
- Xcc-derived code. The symptom of this problem is that a GCC-compiled
- Xserver will have totally black (or white) screens with no observable
- Xtext. To fix the problem, either compile oscolor.c with the regular
- X"cc" compiler, or compile the dbm library with gcc and link against
- Xthat. You can also apply the enclosed dbm-gcc.h.patch file to your
- X/usr/include/dbm.h file and compile oscolor.c with gcc as normal.
- X
- XIf you have source code available, copy both the dbm and heap files
- Xto os/4.2bsd, then modify the Imakefile as follows:
- X
- X *** Imakefile.orig Sun Oct 30 22:46:56 1988
- X --- Imakefile Wed Jan 18 22:49:37 1989
- X ***************
- X *** 13,23 ****
- X */
- X
- X #ifndef OtherSources
- X ! #define OtherSources
- X #endif
- X
- X #ifndef OtherObjects
- X ! #define OtherObjects
- X #endif
- X
- X --- 13,23 ----
- X */
- X
- X #ifndef OtherSources
- X ! #define OtherSources dbm.c malloc.c
- X #endif
- X
- X #ifndef OtherObjects
- X ! #define OtherObjects dbm.o malloc.o
- X #endif
- X
- X
- X
- XA GCC & Sun Problem
- X-------------------
- XOne change in particular should be noted. The inclusion of the
- XGCC-defined "asm" statements to speed up bit operations is a big win
- Xfor most 68020 machines and Vaxen. Unfortunately, the Sun 3/60+CG4
- Xcombination as sold by Sun has a bug in the firmware that causes
- Xwrites using the "bfins" instruction to fail in some circumstances.
- XThis has been reported to Sun as bug report #1016963. You should
- Xenquire of your Sun support people if some kind of fix is available.
- X
- XIn the meantime, this set of patches is distributed with a software
- Xworkaround. BY DEFAULT the workaround is installed. If you are
- Xbuilding a server that will NEVER run on Sun 3/60+CG4 machines, then
- Xbe sure to define the symbol NO_3_60_CG4 along with the symbol PURDUE.
- XI.e., your site.def file should include the flags -DPURDUE
- X-DNO_3_60_CG4. You only need to do this if you build the server with
- Xthe gcc compiler and you are building for a mc68020 processor; the
- Xoptimizations involved are automatically enabled for other
- Xarchitectures. Once Sun develops an ECO to fix the bug, this flag can
- Xalso be turned on for 3/60+CG4 machines. This would be nice, because
- Xwithout the fix, those machines can only use 1/2 of the speedups.
- X
- XColor Machines
- X--------------
- XAs time allows, we will examine similar changes to the cfb code for
- Xcolor machines. Stay tuned.
- X
- XQuestions
- X-----------
- XWe will try to respond to any of your questions or comments about
- Xthese patches -- just send us some e-mail. We would also like to hear
- Xabout any of your own enhancements, benchmarks, etc. Enjoy!
- X
- XGene Spafford & Martin Friedmann
- Xspaf@cs.purdue.edu martin@citi.umich.edu
- X1/22/89
- X
- XThanks to:
- X----------
- XSam Kimery of PURDUE ECN helped develop the optimizations in
- Xthe first release of these fixes (for X11R2). Terry Donahue of
- XProject Athena contributed some server fixes with the X11R3 release
- Xthat helped focus our attention on certain sections of code. The
- XPurdue/Florida Software Engineering Research Center provided the
- Xmachines and funding that allowed Spaf to do his tinkering. Thanks
- Xto Jim Fulton for testing the changes (Release I) on a Mac II, and for
- Xrecommending some format changes. Rusty Sanders of Megatek helped
- Xisolate the bug in the Sun 3/60+CG4 combo.
- X
- XOur thanks and apologies to anyone else we forgot to mention.
- X
- *-*-END-of-README-*-*
- echo x - Timings
- sed 's/^X//' >Timings <<'*-*-END-of-Timings-*-*'
- XThe following are some rough timing figures for the performance
- Ximprovement possible using the Purdue/Purdue+ patches.
- X
- XSystem:
- X Sun 3/60 with CG4, Sun OS 3.4, 8Mb memory, local disk
- X All tests run with "-mono" switch on server.
- X All compiles done with software floating point.
- X
- XOriginal version:
- X X11R3 server, patches 1-4 applied.
- X Compiled with Sun cc compiler, -O -fsoft-float options
- X
- XNew version:
- X X11R3 server, patches 1-4 applied.
- X Purdue/Purdue+ 2.0 patches applied.
- X Compiled with 1.31 GCC, with options:
- X -O -traditional -msoft-float -fstrength-reduce -finline-functions
- X Linked with Sun 3.4 "malloc" recompiled with GCC
- X (same options as above)
- X
- XRun against canned exercise, including:
- X xload, xphoon, xsetroot -bitmap, xterm (with and without -j),
- X ico -r, and others.
- X
- XOriginal version user+sys time: 289.0 seconds, startup to shutdown.
- XNew version user+sys time: 218.4 seconds, startup to shutdown, a 24+%
- X improvement.
- X
- XSome selected excerpts from grof for the two versions:
- X
- XOld version New version
- X----------- -----------
- X total total
- X ms/call name ms/call name
- X 42.50 _mfbUnnaturalTileFS 31.34 _mfbUnnaturalTileFS
- X 10.26 _mfbDoBitblt 7.07 _mfbDoBitblt
- X 6.62 _mfbImageGlyphBltWhite 4.19 _mfbImageGlyphBltWhite
- X 4.98 _mfbTEGlyphBltWhite 3.70 _mfbTEGlyphBltWhite
- X 4.50 _mfbPaintWindow32 3.88 _mfbPaintWindow32
- X 1.71 _mfbPushPixels 1.43 _mfbPushPixels
- X 1.15 _mfbBlackSolidFS 0.78 _mfbBlackSolidFS
- X 0.71 _mfbLineSS 0.52 _mfbLineSS
- X 0.37 _mfbSolidBlackArea 0.32 _mfbSolidBlackArea
- X 0.21 _mfbBresS 0.12 _mfbBresS
- X 0.12 _malloc 0.05 _malloc
- *-*-END-of-Timings-*-*
- echo x - Usenet
- sed 's/^X//' >Usenet <<'*-*-END-of-Usenet-*-*'
- X[Note: this was posted to the listed groups on 1/21/89]
- X
- XNewsgroups: comp.windows.x,comp.unix.wizards,comp.sys.sun
- XSubject: Sun 3/60+CG4 problem -- Explained!
- XFollowup-to: comp.windows.x
- XKeywords: Purdue speedups, bitrot, bfins, gcc
- X
- XA while back, I posted a request concerning running the X11R3 server
- Xwith Purdue+ patches on a Sun 3/60+CG4. I had been having problems
- Xwith "bitrot" that no one else seemed to get, and I couldn't find the
- Xreason why.
- X
- XI found out why.
- X
- XThe 3/60+CG4 combo has a firmware bug not present in other systems.
- X
- XYup, you find this only on Sun 3/60's with a CG4, and the bug only
- Xoccurs if you are trying to do a 24 bit write to the frame buffer
- Xmemory with the bfins instruction. How's that for bizarre? I was told
- Xthat I am the first person in the 2 years since the machine was
- Xreleased who has found a way to exercise the bug.
- X
- XI don't know the exact cause of this bug, although I have some informed
- Xspeculation based on flags & bus writes. I do know there is no way to
- Xfix it in software -- it will require a hardware fix. This means that
- Xour soon-to-be-released set of Purdue/Purdue+ patches using inline
- Xassembly must have a special set of macros for that particular
- Xcombination. It also means that anyone with a Sun 3/60+CG4 cannot take
- Xfull advantage of the speedups we've developed.
- X
- XThe problem has been filed as Sun bug report 1016963. If you have a
- XSun 3/60+CG4, you can ask your field service creatures if an ECO has
- Xbeen issued to fix the problem. If enough people ask, maybe they'll
- Xcome up with one :-)
- X
- XIn the meantime, thanks to everyone who responded, including a number
- Xof people at Sun who asked that I not mention their names (either
- Xbecause they're humble or because Sun penalizes employees for helping
- Xcustomers?), folks at CSRI in Toronto who checked the code on lots of
- Xdifferent Sun configurations, and especially Rusty Sanders @ Megatek
- Xwho came up with a program that could reliably recreate the problem.
- X
- XWatch comp.windows.x for an announcement of the Purdue 2.0 patches.
- X--
- XGene Spafford
- XNSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center,
- XDept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
- XInternet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu uucp: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf
- *-*-END-of-Usenet-*-*
- echo x - dbm-gcc.h.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >dbm-gcc.h.patch <<'*-*-END-of-dbm-gcc.h.patch-*-*'
- X*** /usr/include/dbm.h Mon Sep 15 14:19:18 1986
- X--- /u17/serc/lib/gcc-include/dbm.h Wed Nov 23 09:09:31 1988
- X***************
- X*** 24,34 ****
- X--- 24,48 ----
- X int dsize;
- X } datum;
- X
- X+ #ifdef __GNUC__
- X+
- X+ datum *fetch();
- X+ #define fetch *fetch
- X+ datum *firstkey();
- X+ #define firstkey *firstkey
- X+ datum *nextkey();
- X+ #define nextkey *nextkey
- X+ datum *makdatum();
- X+ #define makdatum *makdatum
- X+ datum *firsthash();
- X+ #define firsthash *firsthash
- X+ #else
- X datum fetch();
- X datum makdatum();
- X datum firstkey();
- X datum nextkey();
- X datum firsthash();
- X+ #endif
- X long calchash();
- X long hashinc();
- X
- *-*-END-of-dbm-gcc.h.patch-*-*
- echo x - miarc.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >miarc.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-miarc.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a05374 Sun Jan 22 19:28:37 1989
- X--- ddx/mi/miarc.c Sun Jan 22 19:28:11 1989
- X***************
- X*** 711,717 ****
- X--- 711,721 ----
- X * I'm just using cdt 'cause I'm lazy.
- X */
- X cdt = fmax(parc->width, parc->height)/2.0;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X if(cdt <= 0)
- X+ #else /* PURDUE */
- X+ if (cdt < 1.0)
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X return 0;
- X dt = asin( 1.0 / cdt ); /* minimum step necessary */
- X count = et/dt;
- *-*-END-of-miarc.c.patch-*-*
- echo x - os.h.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >os.h.patch <<'*-*-END-of-os.h.patch-*-*'
- X*** include/os.h.orig Thu Dec 29 17:37:18 1988
- X--- include/os.h Thu Dec 22 01:41:01 1988
- X***************
- X*** 69,74 ****
- X--- 69,79 ----
- X #endif /* defined(__HIGHC__) */
- X
- X
- X+ #ifdef __GNUC__
- X+ #define alloca __builtin_alloca
- X+ #define ALLOCATE_LOCAL(size) alloca((int)(size))
- X+ #define DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ptr) /* as nothing */
- X+ #else /* ! __GNUC__ */
- X #if defined(vax) || defined(sun)
- X /*
- X * Some System V boxes extract alloca.o from /lib/libPW.a; if you
- X***************
- X*** 79,85 ****
- X #define ALLOCATE_LOCAL(size) alloca((int)(size))
- X #define DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ptr) /* as nothing */
- X #endif /* vax or sun */
- X!
- X
- X char *malloc();
- X--- 84,90 ----
- X #define ALLOCATE_LOCAL(size) alloca((int)(size))
- X #define DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ptr) /* as nothing */
- X #endif /* vax or sun */
- X! #endif /* __GNUC__ */
- X
- X char *malloc();
- *-*-END-of-os.h.patch-*-*
- echo x - cfboldmfb.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >cfboldmfb.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-cfboldmfb.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a01511 Wed Jan 18 23:14:43 1989
- X--- ddx/cfb/cfboldmfb.c Wed Jan 18 22:43:16 1989
- X***************
- X*** 1,3 ****
- X--- 1,4 ----
- X+ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */
- X /*
- X Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
- X and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- X***************
- X*** 26,31 ****
- X--- 27,35 ----
- X #include "servermd.h"
- X #include "pixmapstr.h"
- X #include "../mfb/maskbits.h"
- X+ #ifdef PURDUE
- X+ #include "../mfb/mfb.h"
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X
- X /* mfbQuickBlt -- a quick and dirty bitblit routine
- X * copies from psrcBase(xSrc, ySrc) to pdstBase(xDst, yDst) an array of bits
- X***************
- X*** 104,110 ****
- X--- 108,118 ----
- X while(h--)
- X {
- X getbits(psrc, srcBit, w, tmpSrc);
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X putbits(tmpSrc, dstBit, w, pdst);
- X+ #else
- X+ u_putbits(tmpSrc, dstBit, w, pdst);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X psrc += wSrc;
- X pdst += wDst;
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 146,153 ****
- X--- 154,165 ----
- X
- X if (startmask)
- X {
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getbits(psrc, (xSrc & 0x1f), nstart, tmpSrc);
- X putbits(tmpSrc, (xDst & 0x1f), nstart, pdst);
- X+ #else
- X+ getandputbits(psrc, (xSrc&0x1f), (xDst&0x1f), nstart, pdst);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X pdst++;
- X if (srcStartOver)
- X psrc++;
- X***************
- X*** 154,159 ****
- X--- 166,176 ----
- X }
- X
- X nl = nlMiddle;
- X+ #if defined(PURDUE) && defined(FASTGETBITS)
- X+ Duff(nl, { FASTGETBITS(psrc, xoffSrc, 32, tmpSrc);
- X+ *pdst++ = tmpSrc;
- X+ psrc++;});
- X+ #else
- X while (nl--)
- X {
- X getbits(psrc, xoffSrc, 32, tmpSrc);
- X***************
- X*** 160,170 ****
- X--- 177,192 ----
- X *pdst++ = tmpSrc;
- X psrc++;
- X }
- X+ #endif
- X
- X if (endmask)
- X {
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getbits(psrc, xoffSrc, nend, tmpSrc);
- X putbits(tmpSrc, 0, nend, pdst);
- X+ #else
- X+ getandputbits0(psrc, xoffSrc, nend, pdst);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X }
- X
- X psrcLine += wSrc;
- X***************
- X*** 188,198 ****
- X--- 210,229 ----
- X
- X if (endmask)
- X {
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getbits(psrc, xoffSrc, nend, tmpSrc)
- X putbits(tmpSrc, 0, nend, pdst)
- X+ #else
- X+ getandputbits0(psrc, xoffSrc, nend, pdst);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X }
- X
- X nl = nlMiddle;
- X+ #if defined(PURDUE) && defined(FASTGETBITS)
- X+ Duff(nl, {--psrc;
- X+ FASTGETBITS(psrc, xoffSrc, 32, tmpSrc);
- X+ *--pdst = tmpSrc;});
- X+ #else
- X while (nl--)
- X {
- X --psrc;
- X***************
- X*** 199,204 ****
- X--- 230,236 ----
- X getbits(psrc, xoffSrc, 32, tmpSrc)
- X *--pdst = tmpSrc;
- X }
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X
- X if (startmask)
- X {
- X***************
- X*** 205,212 ****
- X--- 237,248 ----
- X if (srcStartOver)
- X --psrc;
- X --pdst;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getbits(psrc, (xSrc & 0x1f), nstart, tmpSrc)
- X putbits(tmpSrc, (xDst & 0x1f), nstart, pdst)
- X+ #else
- X+ getandputbits(psrc, (xSrc&0x1f), (xDst&0x1f), nstart, pdst);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X }
- X
- X pdstLine += wDst;
- *-*-END-of-cfboldmfb.c.patch-*-*
- echo x - mfbbstore.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >mfbbstore.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-mfbbstore.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a01540 Wed Jan 18 23:15:09 1989
- X--- ddx/mfb/mfbbstore.c Tue Jan 17 23:39:16 1989
- X***************
- X*** 1,3 ****
- X--- 1,4 ----
- X+ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */
- X /***********************************************************
- X
- X Copyright 1987 by the Regents of the University of California
- X***************
- X*** 60,65 ****
- X--- 61,67 ----
- X
- X pBox = prgnSave->rects;
- X pPt = pPtsInit;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X for (i = prgnSave->numRects; i > 0; i--) {
- X pPt->x = pBox->x1 + xorg;
- X pPt->y = pBox->y1 + yorg;
- X***************
- X*** 66,71 ****
- X--- 68,77 ----
- X pPt++;
- X pBox++;
- X }
- X+ #else
- X+ i = prgnSave->numRects;
- X+ Duff(i, pPt->x = pBox->x1 + xorg; pPt->y = pBox->y1 + yorg; pPt++; pBox++);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X
- X
- X mfbDoBitblt((DrawablePtr)pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->devPrivate,
- X***************
- X*** 112,117 ****
- X--- 118,124 ----
- X
- X pBox = prgnRestore->rects;
- X pPt = pPtsInit;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X for (i = prgnRestore->numRects; i > 0; i--) {
- X pPt->x = pBox->x1 - xorg;
- X pPt->y = pBox->y1 - yorg;
- X***************
- X*** 118,123 ****
- X--- 125,134 ----
- X pPt++;
- X pBox++;
- X }
- X+ #else
- X+ i = prgnRestore->numRects;
- X+ Duff(i, pPt->x = pBox->x1 - xorg; pPt->y = pBox->y1 - yorg; pPt++; pBox++);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X
- X
- X mfbDoBitblt(pPixmap,
- *-*-END-of-mfbbstore.c.patch-*-*
- echo x - mfbfillrct.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >mfbfillrct.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-mfbfillrct.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a01544 Wed Jan 18 23:15:11 1989
- X--- ddx/mfb/mfbfillrct.c Tue Jan 17 23:39:20 1989
- X***************
- X*** 1,3 ****
- X--- 1,4 ----
- X+ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */
- X /***********************************************************
- X Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
- X and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- X***************
- X*** 81,86 ****
- X--- 82,88 ----
- X yorg = ((WindowPtr)pDrawable)->absCorner.y;
- X prect = prectInit;
- X n = nrectFill;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X while(n--)
- X {
- X prect->x += xorg;
- X***************
- X*** 87,92 ****
- X--- 89,97 ----
- X prect->y += yorg;
- X prect++;
- X }
- X+ #else
- X+ Duff (n, prect->x += xorg; prect->y += yorg; prect++);
- X+ #endif
- X }
- X
- X prect = prectInit;
- *-*-END-of-mfbfillrct.c.patch-*-*
- echo x - mfbpntwin.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >mfbpntwin.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-mfbpntwin.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a01570 Wed Jan 18 23:15:31 1989
- X--- ddx/mfb/mfbpntwin.c Tue Jan 17 23:39:43 1989
- X***************
- X*** 1,4 ****
- X--- 1,5 ----
- X /* $XConsortium: mfbpntwin.c,v 1.2 88/09/06 14:53:46 jim Exp $ */
- X+ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */
- X /***********************************************************
- X Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
- X and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- X***************
- X*** 179,186 ****
- X--- 180,191 ----
- X nlw = nlwMiddle;
- X *p = (*p & ~startmask) | (srcpix & startmask);
- X p++;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X while (nlw--)
- X *p++ = srcpix;
- X+ #else
- X+ Duff (nlw, *p++ = srcpix );
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X *p = (*p & ~endmask) | (srcpix & endmask);
- X p += nlwExtra;
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 195,202 ****
- X--- 200,211 ----
- X nlw = nlwMiddle;
- X *p = (*p & ~startmask) | (srcpix & startmask);
- X p++;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X while (nlw--)
- X *p++ = srcpix;
- X+ #else
- X+ Duff (nlw, *p++ = srcpix );
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X p += nlwExtra;
- X }
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 207,214 ****
- X--- 216,227 ----
- X srcpix = psrc[y%tileHeight];
- X y++;
- X nlw = nlwMiddle;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X while (nlw--)
- X *p++ = srcpix;
- X+ #else
- X+ Duff (nlw, *p++ = srcpix);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X *p = (*p & ~endmask) | (srcpix & endmask);
- X p += nlwExtra;
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 220,227 ****
- X--- 233,244 ----
- X srcpix = psrc[y%tileHeight];
- X y++;
- X nlw = nlwMiddle;
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X while (nlw--)
- X *p++ = srcpix;
- X+ #else
- X+ Duff (nlw, *p++ = srcpix);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X p += nlwExtra;
- X }
- X }
- *-*-END-of-mfbpntwin.c.patch-*-*
- echo x - mfbimggblt.c.patch
- sed 's/^X//' >mfbimggblt.c.patch <<'*-*-END-of-mfbimggblt.c.patch-*-*'
- X*** /tmp/,RCSt1a05345 Sun Jan 22 19:06:24 1989
- X--- ddx/mfb/mfbimggblt.c Sun Jan 22 19:05:50 1989
- X***************
- X*** 1,3 ****
- X--- 1,4 ----
- X+ /* Combined Purdue/PurduePlus patches, level 2.0, 1/17/89 */
- X /***********************************************************
- X Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
- X and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- X***************
- X*** 277,282 ****
- X--- 278,286 ----
- X int glyphRow; /* first row of glyph not wholly
- X clipped out */
- X int glyphCol; /* leftmost visible column of glyph */
- X+ #ifdef PURDUE
- X+ int getWidth; /* bits to get from glyph */
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X
- X if(!(ppos = (TEXTPOS *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(nglyph * sizeof(TEXTPOS))))
- X return;
- X***************
- X*** 375,380 ****
- X--- 379,387 ----
- X
- X glyphCol = (leftEdge - ppos[i].xpos) -
- X (pci->metrics.leftSideBearing);
- X+ #ifdef PURDUE
- X+ getWidth = w + glyphCol;
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X xoff = xchar + (leftEdge - ppos[i].xpos);
- X if (xoff > 31)
- X {
- X***************
- X*** 392,398 ****
- X--- 399,409 ----
- X maskpartialbits(xoff, w, startmask);
- X while (h--)
- X {
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getshiftedleftbits(pglyph, glyphCol, w, tmpSrc);
- X+ #else /* PURDUE */
- X+ getshiftedleftbits(pglyph, glyphCol, getWidth, tmpSrc);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask);
- X pglyph += widthGlyph;
- X pdst += widthDst;
- X***************
- X*** 404,410 ****
- X--- 415,425 ----
- X nFirst = 32 - xoff;
- X while (h--)
- X {
- X+ #ifndef PURDUE
- X getshiftedleftbits(pglyph, glyphCol, w, tmpSrc);
- X+ #else /* PURDUE */
- X+ getshiftedleftbits(pglyph, glyphCol, getWidth, tmpSrc);
- X+ #endif /* PURDUE */
- X *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask);
- X *(pdst+1) OPEQ (SCRLEFT(tmpSrc, nFirst) & endmask);
- X pglyph += widthGlyph;
- *-*-END-of-mfbimggblt.c.patch-*-*
- exit
- --
- Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew) Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
- Moderator of comp.sources.x