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- Path: uunet!wyse!mikew
- From: mikew@wyse.wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v03i008: display the default colormap, Part01/01
- Message-ID: <2031@wyse.wyse.com>
- Date: 3 Feb 89 01:21:46 GMT
- Organization: Wyse Technology, San Jose
- Lines: 518
- Approved: mikew@wyse.com
- Submitted-by: bradley@scotty.dccs.upenn.edu (John Bradley)
- Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 8
- Archive-name: xcmap/part01
- xcmap is a program that displays the contents of the default colormap on
- 4-, 6-, and 8-bit X11 displays. It displays the colormap both as a grid of
- colored rectangles, and as RGB components.
- This is a very useful thing to anybody who's trying to do color-intensive
- programs (such as displaying GIF pictures...) on X.
- It's also kind of neat to watch.
- John Bradley - bradley@cis.upenn.edu
- -------------------------(cut here)--------------------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- # to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
- if `test ! -d ./xcmap`
- then
- mkdir ./xcmap
- echo "mkdir ./xcmap"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/README`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/README"
- cat > ./xcmap/README << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- xcmap is a program that displays the contents of the default colormap on
- 4-, 6-, and 8-bit X11 displays. It displays the colormap both as a grid of
- colored rectangles, and as RGB components.
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/README"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/xcmap.man`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/xcmap.man"
- cat > ./xcmap/xcmap.man << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- .TH xcmap 1X
- xcmap \- displays the default colormap on X11 displays
- \fBxcmap\fP [ [-d] \fIdisplay\fP] [ [-g] \fIgeometry\fP]
- \fBxcmap\fP is an X11 program that displays the contents of the colormap
- on 4-, 6-, and 8-bit color (or greyscale) displays. It displays a grid
- of squares, (4x4, 8x8, or 16x16 grid, depending on the number of planes)
- that correspond to entries in the colormap. The squares are (of course)
- drawn in their corresponding color.
- .PP
- You may click (with the left button) on any of these squares. Doing so
- will display the pixel number corresponding to that square, and its red,
- green, and blue components (as 4-digit hex numbers). It will continue to do
- this as long as you hold the button down.
- .PP
- Note: This program points out a bug in the X11R2 server for the IBM RT
- Megapel display. Essentially, the problem is a discrepancy between what the
- server THINKS the colormap is, and what the colormap in the hardware
- .PP
- John Bradley - bradley@cis.upenn.edu
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/xcmap.man"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/Makefile`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/Makefile"
- cat > ./xcmap/Makefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- XLIB = -lX11
- OBJS = xcmap.o
- all: xcmap
- xcmap: $(OBJS)
- cc $(CFLAGS) -o xcmap $(OBJS) $(XLIB) $(CLIBS)
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJS)
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/Makefile"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/xcmap.c`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/xcmap.c"
- cat > ./xcmap/xcmap.c << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- /*
- * xcmap.c - shows the contents of the colormap on 4, 6, or 8-bit X11 displays
- *
- * Author: John Bradley, University of Pennsylvania
- * (bradley@cis.upenn.edu)
- */
- #define REVDATE "Rev: 2/1/89"
- /* include files */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- typedef unsigned char byte;
- /* text centering macros for X11 */
- #define CENTERX(f,x,str) ((x)-XTextWidth(f,str,strlen(str))/2)
- #define CENTERY(f,y) ((y)-((f->ascent+f->descent)/2)+f->ascent)
- #define FONT "8x13"
- /* X stuff */
- Display *theDisp;
- int theScreen, dispcells;
- Colormap theCmap;
- Window rootW, mainW;
- GC theGC;
- unsigned long fcol,bcol;
- Font mfont;
- XFontStruct *mfinfo;
- Visual *theVisual;
- /* global vars */
- int WIDE,HIGH,cWIDE,cHIGH,nxcells,nycells, pvalup;
- XColor defs[256];
- char *cmd, tmpstr[128];
- /*******************************************/
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- /*******************************************/
- {
- int i;
- char *display, *geom;
- XEvent event;
- cmd = argv[0];
- display = geom = NULL;
- /*********************Options*********************/
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- char *strind;
- if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-g",2)) { /* geometry */
- i++;
- geom = argv[i];
- continue;
- }
- if (argv[i][0] == '=') { /* old-style geometry */
- geom = argv[i];
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(argv[i],"-d",2)) { /* display */
- i++;
- display = argv[i];
- continue;
- }
- strind = index(argv[i], ':'); /* old-style display */
- if(strind != NULL) {
- display = argv[i];
- continue;
- }
- Syntax(cmd);
- }
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Open up the display. */
- if ( (theDisp=XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL)
- FatalError("can't open display");
- theScreen = DefaultScreen(theDisp);
- theCmap = DefaultColormap(theDisp, theScreen);
- rootW = RootWindow(theDisp,theScreen);
- theGC = DefaultGC(theDisp,theScreen);
- fcol = WhitePixel(theDisp,theScreen);
- bcol = BlackPixel(theDisp,theScreen);
- theVisual = DefaultVisual(theDisp,theScreen);
- dispcells = DisplayCells(theDisp, theScreen);
- if (dispcells!=16 && dispcells!=64 && dispcells != 256) {
- sprintf(tmpstr,"dispcells = %d. This program can only deal with 4, 6, and 8-bit displays.",dispcells);
- FatalError(tmpstr);
- }
- switch (dispcells) {
- case 16: nxcells = nycells = 4; break;
- case 64: nxcells = nycells = 8; break;
- case 256: nxcells = nycells = 16; break;
- }
- /**************** Create/Open X Resources ***************/
- if ((mfinfo = XLoadQueryFont(theDisp,FONT))==NULL) {
- sprintf(tmpstr,"couldn't open '%s' font",FONT);
- FatalError(tmpstr);
- }
- mfont=mfinfo->fid;
- XSetFont(theDisp,theGC,mfont);
- XSetForeground(theDisp,theGC,fcol);
- XSetBackground(theDisp,theGC,bcol);
- CreateMainWindow(cmd,geom,argc,argv);
- Resize(WIDE,HIGH);
- XSelectInput(theDisp, mainW, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask
- | StructureNotifyMask | ButtonPressMask);
- XMapWindow(theDisp,mainW);
- /**************** Main loop *****************/
- while (1) {
- XNextEvent(theDisp, &event);
- HandleEvent(&event);
- }
- }
- /****************/
- HandleEvent(event)
- XEvent *event;
- /****************/
- {
- switch (event->type) {
- case Expose: {
- XExposeEvent *exp_event = (XExposeEvent *) event;
- if (exp_event->window==mainW)
- DrawWindow(exp_event->x,exp_event->y,
- exp_event->width, exp_event->height);
- }
- break;
- case ButtonPress: {
- XButtonEvent *but_event = (XButtonEvent *) event;
- if (but_event->window == mainW && but_event->button == Button1)
- TrackMouse(but_event->x, but_event->y);
- }
- break;
- case KeyPress: {
- XKeyEvent *key_event = (XKeyEvent *) event;
- KeySym ks;
- XComposeStatus status;
- XLookupString(key_event,tmpstr,128,&ks,&status);
- if (tmpstr[0]=='q' || tmpstr[0]=='Q') Quit();
- }
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify: {
- XConfigureEvent *conf_event = (XConfigureEvent *) event;
- if (conf_event->window == mainW &&
- (conf_event->width != WIDE || conf_event->height != HIGH))
- Resize(conf_event->width, conf_event->height);
- }
- break;
- case CirculateNotify:
- case MapNotify:
- case DestroyNotify:
- case GravityNotify:
- case ReparentNotify:
- case UnmapNotify: break;
- default:
- printf("event type=%ld\n",event->type);
- FatalError("Unexpected X_Event");
- } /* end of switch */
- }
- /***********************************/
- Syntax()
- {
- printf("Usage: %s filename [=geometry | -geometry geom] [ [-display] display]\n",cmd);
- exit(1);
- }
- /***********************************/
- FatalError (identifier)
- char *identifier;
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n",cmd, identifier);
- exit(-1);
- }
- /***********************************/
- Quit()
- {
- exit(0);
- }
- /***********************************/
- CreateMainWindow(name,geom,argc,argv)
- char *name,*geom,**argv;
- int argc;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
- unsigned int xswamask;
- XSizeHints hints;
- int i,x,y,w,h;
- WIDE = HIGH = 256; /* default window size */
- x=y=w=h=1;
- i=XParseGeometry(geom,&x,&y,&w,&h);
- if (i&WidthValue) WIDE = w;
- if (i&HeightValue) HIGH = h;
- if (i&XValue || i&YValue) hints.flags = USPosition;
- else hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.flags |= USSize;
- if (i&XValue && i&XNegative)
- x = XDisplayWidth(theDisp,theScreen)-WIDE-abs(x);
- if (i&YValue && i&YNegative)
- y = XDisplayHeight(theDisp,theScreen)-HIGH-abs(y);
- hints.x=x; hints.y=y;
- hints.width = WIDE; hints.height = HIGH;
- hints.max_width = DisplayWidth(theDisp,theScreen);
- hints.max_height = DisplayHeight(theDisp,theScreen);
- hints.min_width = 16;
- hints.min_height = 16;
- hints.width_inc = hints.height_inc = 16;
- hints.flags |= PMaxSize | PMinSize | PResizeInc;
- xswa.background_pixel = bcol;
- xswa.border_pixel = fcol;
- xswa.cursor = XCreateFontCursor (theDisp, XC_top_left_arrow);
- xswamask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWCursor;
- mainW = XCreateWindow(theDisp,rootW,x,y,WIDE,HIGH,2,0,CopyFromParent,
- CopyFromParent, xswamask, &xswa);
- XSetStandardProperties(theDisp,mainW,"xcmap","xcmap",None,
- argv,argc,&hints);
- if (!mainW) FatalError("Can't open main window");
- }
- /***********************************/
- DrawWindow(x,y,w,h)
- int x,y,w,h;
- {
- int i,j,x1,y1,x2,y2;
- x1 = x / cWIDE; y1 = y / cHIGH; /* (x1,y1) (x2,y2): bounding */
- x2 = ((x+w) + cWIDE - 1) / cWIDE; /* rect in cell coords */
- y2 = ((y+h) + cHIGH - 1) / cHIGH;
- for (i=y1; i<y2; i++) {
- for (j=x1; j<x2; j++) {
- XSetForeground(theDisp,theGC,(unsigned long) (i*nycells+j) );
- XFillRectangle(theDisp,mainW,theGC,j*cWIDE,i*cHIGH,cWIDE,cHIGH);
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- Resize(w,h)
- int w,h;
- {
- cWIDE = (w + nxcells - 1) / nxcells;
- cHIGH = (h + nycells - 1) / nycells;
- WIDE = w; HIGH = h;
- }
- /***********************************/
- TrackMouse(mx,my)
- int mx,my;
- {
- /* called when there's a button press in the window. draws the pixel
- value, and loops until button is released */
- Window rootW,childW;
- int rx,ry,x,y;
- unsigned int mask;
- pvalup = 0;
- DrawPixValue(mx,my);
- while (1) {
- if (XQueryPointer(theDisp,mainW,&rootW,&childW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) {
- if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break; /* button released */
- DrawPixValue(x,y);
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************/
- DrawPixValue(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- static unsigned long pix, lastpix;
- static int pvaly;
- if (!pvalup) { /* it's not up. make it so */
- if (y >= HIGH/2) pvaly = 0; else pvaly = HIGH - 12;
- pvalup = 1;
- lastpix = 0xffff; /* kludge to force redraw on first */
- XClearArea(theDisp,mainW,0,pvaly,WIDE,13,True);
- }
- x /= cWIDE; y /= cHIGH;
- pix = y * nxcells + x;
- if (pix != lastpix) {
- XColor def;
- char *sp;
- XSetForeground(theDisp,theGC,fcol);
- lastpix = def.pixel = pix;
- XQueryColor(theDisp, theCmap, &def);
- sprintf(tmpstr, "Pix %3ld = ($%04x, $%04x, $%04x)",
- pix, def.red, def.green, def.blue);
- /* make the hex uppercase */
- for (sp=tmpstr+4; *sp; sp++)
- if (islower(*sp)) *sp = toupper(*sp);
- XDrawImageString(theDisp,mainW,theGC,5,pvaly+10,tmpstr,strlen(tmpstr));
- }
- }
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/xcmap.c"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/patchlevel.h`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/patchlevel.h"
- cat > ./xcmap/patchlevel.h << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- #define PATCHLEVEL 0
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/patchlevel.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/AUTHOR`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/AUTHOR"
- cat > ./xcmap/AUTHOR << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- Written by John Bradley (bradley@cis.upenn.edu), one of the fine folks at
- the University of Pennsylvania.
- Do whatever you want with this program, though it *would* be nice if my name
- remained on it somewhere... Other than that, it may be freely modified,
- distributed, and used to fill up disk space.
- --jhb
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/AUTHOR"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./xcmap/Imakefile`
- then
- echo "writing ./xcmap/Imakefile"
- cat > ./xcmap/Imakefile << '\Rogue\Monster\'
- OBJS = \
- xcmap.o
- SRCS = \
- xcmap.c
- ComplexProgramTarget(xcmap)
- \Rogue\Monster\
- else
- echo "will not over write ./xcmap/Imakefile"
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 1 of 1"
- exit
- --
- Mike Wexler(wyse!mikew) Phone: (408)433-1000 x1330
- Moderator of comp.sources.x