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- /*
- * DVI previewer for X.
- *
- * Eric Cooper, CMU, September 1985.
- *
- * Code derived from dvi-imagen.c.
- *
- * Modification history:
- * 1/1986 Modified for X.10 by Bob Scheifler, MIT LCS.
- * 7/1988 Modified for X.11 by Mark Eichin, MIT
- * 12/1988 Added 'R' option, toolkit, magnifying glass
- * --Paul Vojta, UC Berkeley.
- * 2/1989 Added tpic support --Jeffrey Lee, U of Toronto
- *
- * Compilation options:
- * X10 compile for X10
- * MSBITFIRST store bitmaps internally in with significant bit first
- * BMSHORT store bitmaps in shorts instead of bytes
- * BMLONG store bitmaps in longs instead of bytes
- */
- #ifndef lint
- #include "patchlevel.h"
- static struct {char a[36], b, c;}
- #ifndef X10
- dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X11), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
- #else X10
- dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X10), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
- #endif X10
- #endif lint
- #ifndef X10
- #undef Boolean
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- #ifdef OLD_X11_TOOLKIT
- #include <X11/Atoms.h>
- #else not OLD_X11_TOOLKIT
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #endif not OLD_X11_TOOLKIT
- #include <X11/Shell.h> /* needed for def. of XtNiconX */
- #include <X11/Viewport.h>
- #include <X11/Simple.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- #include "xdvi.icon"
- #else X10
- #include <X/Xlib.h>
- #endif X10
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "xdvi.h"
- #ifndef X10
- static Display *DISP;
- #define DPY DISP,
- static Screen *SCRN;
- static Cursor redraw_cursor, ready_cursor;
- #define SetCursor(x) XDefineCursor(DISP, mane.win, x)
- #define ClearPage() XClearWindow(DISP, mane.win);
- #define Flush() XFlush(DISP)
- static Boolean unmapped = True;
- #ifndef X11HEIGHT
- #define X11HEIGHT 8 /* Height of server default font */
- #endif X11HEIGHT
- #else X10
- #define DPY
- #define GC int
- #define XtNumber(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
- #define XtPending XPending
- typedef int Position;
- typedef int Dimension;
- #define SetCursor(x)
- #define ClearPage() XClear(mane.win);
- #define XBell(a,b) XFeep(b/10-1)
- #define Flush() XFlush()
- #define ConnectionNumber(DISP) (_XlibCurrentDisplay->fd)
- #ifndef X10FONT
- #define X10FONT "helv10b" /* Font for X10 error messages */
- #define X10HEIGHT 10
- #endif X10FONT
- #endif X10
- #define MAGBORD 1 /* border size for magnifier */
- char *font_path;
- char default_font_path[] = DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
- /*
- * Command line flags.
- */
- int debug = 0;
- Boolean list_fonts = False;
- int density = 40;
- int pixels_per_inch = 300;
- static char *margins, *sidemargin, *topmargin;
- static Boolean reverse;
- static Dimension bwidth = 2;
- static int bak_shrink;
- static char *debug_arg;
- static int mg_size[5] = {200, 350, 600, 900, 1200};
- char *dvi_name = NULL;
- FILE *dvi_file; /* user's file */
- char *prog;
- char *curr_page = NULL;
- #ifndef X10
- static double specialConv;
- /* fg and bg colors */
- static Arg fore_args = {XtNforeground, (XtArgVal) 0};
- static Arg back_args = {XtNbackground, (XtArgVal) 0};
- static XColor hl_Color, cr_Color;
- #endif X10
- static char *fore_color;
- static char *back_color;
- static char *high_color;
- static char *curs_color;
- static GC foreGC, highGC;
- #ifndef X10
- static GC ruleGC;
- static GC foreGC2;
- #else X10
- #define ruleGC foreGC
- #endif X10
- int page_w, page_h;
- static int screen_w, screen_h;
- static Dimension window_w, window_h;
- static int home_x, home_y;
- static int min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
- struct WindowRec mane = {NULL, 4, 0, 0, MAXINT, 0, MAXINT, 0};
- struct WindowRec alt = {NULL, 1, 0, 0, MAXINT, 0, MAXINT, 0};
- /* curr is temporary storage except for within redraw() */
- struct WindowRec curr = {NULL, 4, 0, 0, MAXINT, 0, MAXINT, 0};
- /*
- * Mechanism to keep track of the magnifier window. The problems are,
- * (a) if the button is released while the window is being drawn, this
- * could cause an X error if we continue drawing in it after it is
- * destroyed, and
- * (b) creating and destroying the window too quickly confuses the window
- * manager, which is avoided by waiting for an expose event before
- * destroying it.
- */
- static short alt_stat; /* 1 = wait for expose, */
- /* -1 = destroy upon expose */
- static Boolean alt_canit; /* stop drawing this window */
- int pageno_correct = 1;
- /*
- * Data for buffered events.
- */
- static Boolean canit = False,
- arg = False;
- static short event_counter = 0,
- event_freq = 70;
- static int number = 0,
- sign = 1;
- static jmp_buf canit_env;
- static void can_exposures(), read_events();
- char *malloc(), *index(), *rindex(), *sprintf(), *getenv(),
- *strcpy(), *strcat();
- double atof();
- #ifndef X10
- /* Things we need from spec_draw, unfortunately */
- /* (ignored for now)
- extern int pen_size, blacken, whiten, shade;
- */
- #define toint(x) ((int) ((x) + 0.5))
- #define xconv(x) (toint(specialConv*(x))/shrink_factor + PXL_H)
- #define yconv(y) (toint(specialConv*(y))/shrink_factor + PXL_V)
- /*
- * Draw a line from (fx,fy) to (tx,ty).
- * Right now, we ignore pen_size.
- */
- void
- line_btw(fx, fy, tx, ty)
- int fx, fy, tx, ty;
- {
- register int fcx = xconv(fx),
- tcx = xconv(tx),
- fcy = yconv(fy),
- tcy = yconv(ty);
- if ((fcx < max_x || tcx < max_x) && (fcx >= min_x || tcx >= min_x) &&
- (fcy < max_y || tcy < max_y) && (fcy >= min_y || tcy >= min_y))
- XDrawLine(DISP, curr.win, ruleGC,
- fcx - curr.base_x, fcy - curr.base_y,
- tcx - curr.base_x, tcy - curr.base_y);
- }
- /*
- * Draw a dot at (x,y)
- */
- void
- dot_at(x, y)
- {
- register int cx = xconv(x),
- cy = yconv(y);
- if (cx < max_x && cx >= min_x && cy < max_y && cy >= min_y)
- XDrawPoint(DISP, curr.win, ruleGC,
- cx - curr.base_x, cy - curr.base_y);
- }
- /*
- * Apply the requested attributes to the last path (box) drawn.
- * Attributes are reset.
- * (Not currently implemented.)
- */
- /* ARGSUSED */
- void
- do_attribute_path(last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y)
- int last_min_x, last_max_x, last_min_y, last_max_y;
- {
- }
- #else X10
- /*
- * Specials are not implemented in X10.
- */
- void
- applicationDoSpecial(cmd)
- char *cmd;
- {
- if (spec_warn) Fprintf(stderr, "special ``%s'' not implemented\n", cmd);
- }
- #endif X10
- #ifndef X10
- static Widget top_level, vport_widget, draw_widget, clip_widget;
- static XImage *image;
- static Arg vport_args[] = {
- {XtNallowHoriz, (XtArgVal) True},
- {XtNallowVert, (XtArgVal) True},
- };
- /* Note: Argument order in the following is important! */
- static Arg draw_args[] = {
- {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNx, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNy, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) ""},
- };
- static void set_draw_args();
- #else X10
- static int GXfunc;
- static int backpix, backmap, bdrmap;
- /*
- * Cursor and mask for valid cursor
- */
- #include "xdvi_curs.h"
- #include "xdvi_mask.h"
- #endif X10
- #ifdef lint
- #ifndef X10
- WidgetClass viewportWidgetClass, simpleWidgetClass;
- char xdvi_bits[288];
- #else X10
- short xdvi_bits[15], xdvi_mask_bits[15];
- Display *_XlibCurrentDisplay;
- #endif X10
- #endif lint
- /**
- ** Put a rectangle on the screen. hl determines the GC.
- **/
- put_rectangle(x, y, w, h, hl)
- int x, y, w, h;
- Boolean hl;
- {
- if (x < max_x && x + w >= min_x && y < max_y && y + h >= min_y) {
- if (--event_counter == 0) read_events(False);
- #ifndef X10
- XFillRectangle(DISP, curr.win, hl ? highGC : ruleGC,
- x - curr.base_x, y - curr.base_y, w?w:1, h?h:1);
- #else X10
- XPixSet(curr.win, x - curr.base_x, y - curr.base_y,
- w?w:1, h?h:1, hl ? highGC : ruleGC);
- #endif X10
- }
- }
- put_bitmap(bitmap, x, y)
- register struct bitmap *bitmap;
- register int x, y;
- {
- if (debug & DBG_BITMAP)
- Printf("X(%d,%d)\n", x-curr.base_x, y-curr.base_y);
- if (x < max_x && x + bitmap->w >= min_x &&
- y < max_y && y + bitmap->h >= min_y) {
- if (--event_counter == 0) read_events(False);
- #ifndef X10
- image->width = bitmap->w;
- image->height = bitmap->h;
- image->data = (char *)bitmap->bits;
- image->bytes_per_line = bitmap->bytes_wide;
- XPutImage(DISP, curr.win, foreGC, image,
- 0, 0,
- x - curr.base_x, y - curr.base_y,
- bitmap->w, bitmap->h);
- if (foreGC2)
- XPutImage(DISP, curr.win, foreGC2, image,
- 0, 0,
- x - curr.base_x, y - curr.base_y,
- bitmap->w, bitmap->h);
- #else X10
- XBitmapBitsPut(curr.win, x - curr.base_x, y - curr.base_y,
- bitmap->w, bitmap->h, (char *) bitmap->bits,
- foreGC, backpix, NULL, GXfunc, AllPlanes);
- #endif X10
- }
- }
- put_border(x, y, w, h, t)
- int x, y, w, h, t;
- {
- put_rectangle(x, y, w, t, True);
- put_rectangle(x, y, t, h, True);
- put_rectangle(x, y + h - t, w, t, True);
- put_rectangle(x + w - t, y, t, h, True);
- }
- #ifndef X10
- /*
- * routines for X11 toolkit
- */
- static Arg arg_wh[] = {
- {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) &window_w},
- {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) &window_h},
- };
- #define get_wh(widget) XtGetValues(widget, arg_wh, 2)
- static Position window_x, window_y;
- static Arg arg_xy[] = {
- {XtNx, (XtArgVal) &window_x},
- {XtNy, (XtArgVal) &window_y},
- };
- #define get_xy() XtGetValues(draw_widget, arg_xy, 2)
- #define mane_base_x 0
- #define mane_base_y 0
- static Boolean
- scroll(horizontal, percent)
- Boolean horizontal;
- float percent;
- {
- register Widget widget;
- widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget,
- horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical");
- if (!widget) return False;
- XtGetValues(clip_widget, horizontal ? &arg_wh[0] : &arg_wh[1], 1);
- XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNscrollProc,
- (int) (percent*(horizontal ? window_w : window_h)));
- return True;
- }
- /*
- * We unmap the window so that it does not generate expose events when
- * moving things around. I have found that compress_exposure does not do
- * this.
- */
- static
- unmap()
- {
- if (unmapped) return;
- XUnmapWindow(DISP, mane.win);
- unmapped = True;
- }
- static
- home()
- {
- register Widget widget;
- register int coord;
- unmap();
- get_xy();
- get_wh(clip_widget);
- widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "horizontal");
- if (widget) {
- coord = 0;
- if (page_w > window_w) {
- coord = (page_w - window_w) / 2;
- if (coord > home_x / mane.shrinkfactor)
- coord = home_x / mane.shrinkfactor;
- }
- XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNscrollProc, window_x + coord);
- }
- widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "vertical");
- if (widget) {
- coord = 0;
- if (page_h > window_h) {
- coord = (page_h - window_h) / 2;
- if (coord > home_y / mane.shrinkfactor)
- coord = home_y / mane.shrinkfactor;
- }
- XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNscrollProc, window_y + coord);
- }
- }
- static void
- center(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- register Widget widget;
- /* We use the clip widget here because it gives a more exact value. */
- get_wh(clip_widget);
- x -= window_w/2;
- y -= window_h/2;
- widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "horizontal");
- if (widget) XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNscrollProc, x);
- widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "vertical");
- if (widget) XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNscrollProc, y);
- XWarpPointer(DISP, None, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, -x, -y);
- }
- /*
- * callback routines
- */
- /* The following callback routine should never be called. */
- static void
- handle_key(widget, junk, event)
- Widget widget;
- caddr_t junk;
- XEvent *event;
- {
- XBell(DISP, 20);
- }
- #else X10
- static
- home()
- {
- mane.base_x = 0;
- if (page_w > window_w) {
- mane.base_x = (page_w - window_w) / 2;
- if (mane.base_x > home_x / mane.shrinkfactor)
- mane.base_x = home_x / mane.shrinkfactor;
- }
- mane.base_y = 0;
- if (page_h > window_h) {
- mane.base_y = (page_h - window_h) / 2;
- if (mane.base_y > home_y / mane.shrinkfactor)
- mane.base_y = home_y / mane.shrinkfactor;
- }
- }
- #define unmap()
- #define get_wh(widget)
- #define get_xy()
- #define window_x 0
- #define window_y 0
- #define mane_base_x mane.base_x
- #define mane_base_y mane.base_y
- #endif X10
- #ifndef X10
- static void
- handle_button(widget, junk, event)
- Widget widget;
- caddr_t junk;
- XButtonEvent *event;
- #else X10
- static void
- handle_button(event, mag_size)
- XButtonPressedEvent *event;
- int mag_size;
- #endif X10
- {
- int x, y;
- #ifndef X10
- int mag_size = mg_size[event->button - 1];
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- #endif X10
- if (alt.win != NULL || mane.shrinkfactor == 1 || mag_size <= 0)
- XBell(DISP, 20);
- else {
- #ifndef X10
- x = event->x_root - mag_size/2;
- if (x > WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD)
- x = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD;
- if (x < 0) x = 0;
- y = event->y_root - mag_size/2;
- if (y > HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD)
- y = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD;
- if (y < 0) y = 0;
- #else X10
- x = event->x - mag_size/2;
- if (x > window_w - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD)
- x = window_w - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD;
- if (x < 0) x = 0;
- y = event->y - mag_size/2;
- if (y > window_h - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD)
- y = window_h - mag_size - 2*MAGBORD;
- if (y < 0) y = 0;
- #endif X10
- alt.base_x = (event->x + mane_base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor -
- mag_size/2;
- alt.base_y = (event->y + mane_base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor -
- mag_size/2;
- #ifndef X10
- attr.save_under = True;
- attr.border_pixel = fore_args.value;
- attr.background_pixel = back_args.value;
- alt.win = XCreateWindow(DISP, RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
- x, y, mag_size, mag_size, MAGBORD,
- 0, /* depth from parent */
- InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
- CWSaveUnder|CWBorderPixel|CWBackPixel, &attr);
- XSetTransientForHint(DISP, alt.win, XtWindow(top_level));
- XSelectInput(DISP, alt.win, ExposureMask);
- #else X10
- alt.win = XCreateWindow(mane.win,
- x, y, mag_size, mag_size, MAGBORD,
- bdrmap, backmap);
- XSelectInput(alt.win, ExposeRegion);
- #endif X10
- XMapWindow(DPY alt.win);
- alt_stat = 1; /* waiting for exposure */
- }
- }
- #ifndef X10
- static void
- handle_release(widget, junk, event)
- Widget widget;
- caddr_t junk;
- XButtonEvent *event;
- #else X10
- static void
- handle_release()
- #endif X10
- {
- if (alt.win)
- if (alt_stat) alt_stat = -1; /* destroy upon expose */
- else {
- XDestroyWindow(DPY alt.win);
- if (curr.win == alt.win) alt_canit = True;
- alt.win = NULL;
- can_exposures(&alt);
- }
- }
- #ifndef X10
- static void
- handle_exp(widget, windowrec, event)
- Widget widget;
- struct WindowRec *windowrec;
- register XExposeEvent *event;
- {
- if (windowrec == &alt)
- if (alt_stat < 0) { /* destroy upon exposure */
- alt_stat = 0;
- handle_release(widget, (caddr_t) NULL, (XButtonEvent *) event);
- return;
- }
- else
- alt_stat = 0;
- if (windowrec->min_x > event->x) windowrec->min_x = event->x;
- if (windowrec->max_x < event->x + event->width)
- windowrec->max_x = event->x + event->width;
- if (windowrec->min_y > event->y) windowrec->min_y = event->y;
- if (windowrec->max_y < event->y + event->height)
- windowrec->max_y = event->y + event->height;
- }
- #endif X10
- #ifndef X10
- #define TRSIZE 100
- #endif X10
- static void
- read_events(wait)
- Boolean wait;
- {
- char ch;
- Boolean arg0;
- int number0;
- XEvent event;
- #ifndef X10
- char trbuf[TRSIZE];
- #endif X10
- char *string;
- int nbytes;
- int next_page;
- alt_canit = False;
- for (;;) {
- ch = '\0';
- event_counter = event_freq;
- /*
- * If we get a hit at this point, then we'll just end up making
- * an extra call.
- * Also, watch out, if we destroy the magnifying glass while
- * writing it.
- */
- if (!XtPending() && (!wait || canit || mane.min_x < MAXINT ||
- alt.min_x < MAXINT))
- if (alt_canit) longjmp(canit_env, 1);
- else return;
- #ifndef X10
- XtNextEvent(&event);
- if (event.xany.window == alt.win &&
- event.type == Expose) {
- handle_exp((Widget) NULL, &alt, &event.xexpose);
- continue;
- }
- if (event.type != KeyPress) {
- XtDispatchEvent(&event);
- continue;
- }
- string = trbuf;
- nbytes = XLookupString(&event, string, TRSIZE, NULL, NULL);
- if (nbytes > 1) goto bad;
- if (nbytes != 0) ch = *string;
- #else X10
- XNextEvent(&event);
- switch (event.type) {
- case ExposeWindow:
- if (event.window == mane.win) {
- window_h = ((XExposeEvent *)(&event))->height;
- window_w = ((XExposeEvent *)(&event))->width;
- home();
- ch = '\f';
- break;
- }
- /* otherwise control passes through */
- case ExposeRegion:
- /* check in case we already destroyed the window */
- if (event.window == mane.win || alt.win != NULL) {
- struct WindowRec *wr =
- (event.window == mane.win ? &mane : &alt);
- if (wr == &alt)
- if (alt_stat < 0) { /* destroy upon exposure */
- alt_stat = 0;
- handle_release();
- break;
- }
- else
- alt_stat = 0;
- #define ev ((XExposeEvent *)(&event))
- if (wr->min_x > ev->x) wr->min_x = ev->x;
- if (wr->max_x < ev->x + ev->width)
- wr->max_x = ev->x + ev->width;
- if (wr->min_y > ev->y) wr->min_y = ev->y;
- if (wr->max_y < ev->y + ev->height)
- wr->max_y = ev->y + ev->height;
- #undef ev
- }
- break;
- case ButtonPressed: {
- int n = 0;
- switch (((XButtonPressedEvent *) (&event))->detail &
- ValueMask) {
- case LeftButton: n=0; break;
- case MiddleButton: n=1; break;
- case RightButton: n=2; break;
- }
- handle_button((XButtonPressedEvent *) (&event), mg_size[n]);
- }
- break;
- case ButtonReleased:
- handle_release();
- break;
- case KeyPressed:
- string = XLookupMapping (&event, &nbytes);
- if (nbytes > 1) goto bad;
- if (nbytes != 0) ch = *string;
- break;
- }
- #endif X10
- if (ch == '\0') continue;
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- arg = True;
- number = number * 10 + sign * (ch - '0');
- continue;
- }
- else if (ch == '-') {
- arg = True;
- sign = -1;
- number = 0;
- continue;
- }
- arg0 = arg;
- arg = False;
- number0 = number;
- number = 0;
- sign = 1;
- next_page = current_page;
- switch (ch) {
- case 'q':
- case '\003': /* control-C */
- case '\004': /* control-D */
- exit(0);
- case 'n':
- case 'f':
- case ' ':
- case '\r':
- case '\n':
- /* scroll forward; i.e. go to relative page */
- next_page = current_page + (arg0 ? number0 : 1);
- break;
- case 'p':
- case 'b':
- case '\b':
- case '\177': /* Del */
- /* scroll backward */
- next_page = current_page - 1;
- break;
- case 'g':
- /* go to absolute page */
- next_page = (arg0 ? number0 - pageno_correct :
- total_pages - 1);
- break;
- case 'P': /* declare current page */
- pageno_correct = arg0 * number0 - current_page;
- continue;
- case '\f':
- /* redisplay current page */
- break;
- case '^':
- home();
- break;
- #ifndef X10
- case 'u':
- if (!scroll(False, -0.67)) goto bad;
- continue;
- case 'd':
- if (!scroll(False, 0.67)) goto bad;
- continue;
- case 'l':
- if (!scroll(True, -0.67)) goto bad;
- continue;
- case 'r':
- if (!scroll(True, 0.67)) goto bad;
- continue;
- case 'c':
- center(event.xkey.x, event.xkey.y);
- continue;
- case 'M':
- XTranslateCoordinates(DISP, event.xkey.window, mane.win,
- event.xkey.x, event.xkey.y, &home_x, &home_y,
- &number0); /* throw away last argument */
- home_x *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- home_y *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- continue;
- case '\020': /* Control P */
- Printf("Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %d\n",
- BitmapUnit(DISP), BitmapBitOrder(DISP),
- ImageByteOrder(DISP));
- continue;
- #else X10
- case 'u':
- if (mane.base_y == 0) goto bad;
- mane.base_y -= window_h;
- if (mane.base_y < 0)
- mane.base_y = 0;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (mane.base_y >= page_h - window_h) goto bad;
- mane.base_y += window_h;
- if (mane.base_y > page_h - window_h)
- mane.base_y = page_h - window_h;
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (mane.base_x == 0) goto bad;
- mane.base_x -= window_w;
- if (mane.base_x < 0)
- mane.base_x = 0;
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (mane.base_x >= page_w - window_w) goto bad;
- mane.base_x += window_w;
- if (mane.base_x > page_w - window_w)
- mane.base_x = page_w - window_w;
- break;
- case 'c':
- #define ev ((XKeyPressedEvent *) (&event))
- mane.base_x += ev->x - window_w/2;
- mane.base_y += ev->y - window_h/2;
- XWarpMouse(mane.win, window_w/2, window_h/2, 3);
- break;
- case 'M':
- home_x = (ev->x + mane.base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- home_y = (ev->y + mane.base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- continue;
- #undef ev
- #endif X10
- case 's':
- if (!arg0) {
- long fac1, fac2;
- shrink_factor = 1;
- get_wh(vport_widget);
- fac1 = ROUNDUP(PAPER_WIDTH, window_w);
- fac2 = ROUNDUP(PAPER_HEIGHT, window_h);
- if (fac1 < fac2)
- number0 = fac2;
- else
- number0 = fac1;
- }
- if (number0 <= 0) goto bad;
- if (number0 == mane.shrinkfactor) continue;
- shrink_factor = mane.shrinkfactor = number0;
- unmap();
- init_page();
- if (number0 != 1 && number0 != bak_shrink) {
- bak_shrink = number0;
- reset_fonts();
- }
- #ifndef X10
- set_draw_args();
- XtSetValues(draw_widget, draw_args, 2);
- #endif X10
- home();
- break;
- case 'S':
- if (!arg0) goto bad;
- if (number0 < 0) goto bad;
- if (number0 == density) continue;
- density = number0;
- reset_fonts();
- if (mane.shrinkfactor == 1) continue;
- unmap();
- break;
- case 'R':
- /* reread DVI file */
- --dvi_time; /* then it will notice a change */
- break;
- default:
- goto bad;
- }
- if (0 <= next_page && next_page < total_pages) {
- if (current_page != next_page) {
- current_page = next_page;
- spec_warn = True;
- home();
- }
- canit = True;
- Flush();
- longjmp(canit_env, 1);
- }
- bad: XBell(DISP, 10);
- }
- }
- static
- redraw(windowrec)
- struct WindowRec *windowrec;
- {
- char *errtext;
- #ifdef X10
- static FontInfo *font = 0;
- #endif X10
- curr = *windowrec;
- min_x = curr.min_x + curr.base_x;
- min_y = curr.min_y + curr.base_y;
- max_x = curr.max_x + curr.base_x;
- max_y = curr.max_y + curr.base_y;
- can_exposures(windowrec);
- if (debug & DBG_EVENT)
- Printf("Redraw %d x %d at (%d, %d) (base=%d,%d)\n", max_x - min_x,
- max_y - min_y, min_x, min_y, curr.base_x, curr.base_y);
- SetCursor(redraw_cursor);
- if (errtext = (char *) setjmp(dvi_env)) {
- ClearPage();
- #ifndef X10
- get_xy();
- XDrawString(DISP, mane.win, foreGC,
- 5 - window_x, 5 + X11HEIGHT - window_y,
- errtext, strlen(errtext));
- #else X10
- if (!font) font = XOpenFont(X10FONT);
- XTextMask(mane.win, 5, 5 + X10HEIGHT, errtext, strlen(errtext),
- font->id, foreGC);
- #endif X10
- if (dvi_file) {
- Fclose(dvi_file);
- dvi_file = NULL;
- }
- }
- else {
- draw_page();
- spec_warn = False;
- }
- }
- redraw_page()
- {
- if (debug & DBG_EVENT) fputs("Redraw page: ", stdout);
- get_wh(clip_widget);
- get_xy();
- ClearPage();
- mane.min_x = -window_x;
- mane.max_x = -window_x + window_w;
- mane.min_y = -window_y;
- mane.max_y = -window_y + window_h;
- redraw(&mane);
- }
- /*
- * Interrupt system for receiving events. The program sets a flag
- * whenever an event comes in, so that at the proper time (i.e., when
- * reading a new dvi item), we can check incoming events to see if we
- * still want to go on printing this page. This way, one can stop
- * displaying a page if it is about to be erased anyway. We try to read
- * as many events as possible before doing anything and base the next
- * action on all events read.
- * Note that the Xlib and Xt routines are not reentrant, so the most we
- * can do is set a flag in the interrupt routine and check it later.
- * Also, sometimes the interrupts are not generated (some systems only
- * guarantee that SIGIO is generated for terminal files, and on the system
- * I use, the interrupts are not generated if I use "(xdvi foo &)" instead
- * of "xdvi foo"). Therefore, there is also a mechanism to check the
- * event queue every 70 drawing operations or so. This mechanism is
- * disabled if it turns out that the interrupts do work.
- * For a fuller discussion of some of the above, see xlife in
- * comp.sources.x.
- */
- static void
- can_exposures(windowrec)
- struct WindowRec *windowrec;
- {
- windowrec->min_x = windowrec->min_y = MAXINT;
- windowrec->max_x = windowrec->max_y = 0;
- }
- static int
- handle_intr() {
- event_counter = 1;
- event_freq = -1; /* forget Plan B */
- }
- static void
- enable_intr() {
- int socket = ConnectionNumber(DISP);
- if (!isatty(0)) {
- puts("trying...");
- if (dup2(socket, 0) == -1) perror(prog);
- socket = 0;
- }
- (void) signal(SIGIO, handle_intr);
- (void) fcntl(socket, F_SETOWN, getpid());
- (void) fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0) | FASYNC);
- }
- static
- do_pages()
- {
- if (debug & DBG_BATCH) {
- while (mane.min_x == MAXINT) read_events(True);
- for (current_page = 0; current_page < total_pages; ++current_page)
- redraw_page();
- exit(0);
- }
- else {
- enable_intr();
- (void) setjmp(canit_env);
- for (;;) {
- SetCursor(ready_cursor);
- read_events(True);
- if (canit) {
- canit = False;
- can_exposures(&mane);
- can_exposures(&alt);
- #ifndef X10
- if (unmapped) {
- /* this creates a redraw event */
- XMapWindow(DISP, mane.win);
- unmapped = False;
- }
- else
- #endif
- redraw_page();
- }
- else if (alt.min_x < MAXINT) redraw(&alt);
- else if (mane.min_x < MAXINT) redraw(&mane);
- Flush();
- }
- }
- }
- static
- usage() {
- #ifndef X10
- fputs("\
- Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-rv]\n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
- [-mgs[n] <size>] [-geometry <geometry>] [#<geometry>]\n\
- [-display <host:display>] dvi_file\n", stderr);
- #else X10
- fputs("\
- Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-rv]\n\
- [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
- [-cr <color>]\n\
- [-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>]\n\
- [-mgs[n] <size>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
- [-display <host:display> | host:display] dvi_file\n", stderr);
- #endif X10
- exit(1);
- }
- /**
- ** Main programs start here.
- **/
- #ifndef X10
- static char *icon_geometry;
- static Boolean thorough;
- static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = {
- {"-d", ".debugLevel", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"+", ".gotoPage", XrmoptionStickyArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-s", ".shrinkFactor", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-S", ".densityPercent", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-p", ".pixelsPerInch", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-margins", ".margins", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-sidemargin", ".sideMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-topmargin", ".topMargin", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- {"+l", ".listFonts", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- {"-fg", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-foreground", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-bg", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-background", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-hl", ".highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-cr", ".cursorColor", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"#", ".iconGeometry",XrmoptionStickyArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-thorough", ".thorough", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
- {"+thorough", ".thorough", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
- {"-mgs", ".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs1", ".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs2", ".magnifierSize2",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs3", ".magnifierSize3",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs4", ".magnifierSize4",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"-mgs5", ".magnifierSize5",XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL},
- };
- static XtResource resources[] = {
- {"debugLevel", "DebugLevel", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &debug_arg, XtRString, NULL},
- {"gotoPage", "GotoPage", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &curr_page, XtRString, NULL},
- {"shrinkFactor", "ShrinkFactor", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &shrink_factor, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
- {"densityPercent", "DensityPercent", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &density, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &density},
- {"pixelsPerInch", "PixelsPerInch", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &pixels_per_inch, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- {"margins", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &margins, XtRString, NULL},
- {"sideMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
- {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
- {"listFonts", "ListFonts", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- (Cardinal) &list_fonts, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- {"reverseVideo", "ReverseVideo", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- (Cardinal) &reverse, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- (Cardinal)&fore_args.value, XtRPixel, (caddr_t) &fore_args.value},
- {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal)&fore_color, XtRString, NULL},
- {"background", "Background", XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- (Cardinal)&back_args.value, XtRPixel, (caddr_t) &back_args.value},
- {"background", "Background", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal)&back_color, XtRString, NULL},
- {"highlight", "Highlight", XtRColor, sizeof(XColor),
- (Cardinal)&hl_Color, XtRColor, (caddr_t) &hl_Color},
- {"highlight", "Highlight", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal)&high_color, XtRString, NULL},
- {"cursorColor", "CursorColor", XtRColor, sizeof(XColor),
- (Cardinal)&cr_Color, XtRColor, (caddr_t) &cr_Color},
- {"cursorColor", "CursorColor", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal)&curs_color, XtRString, NULL},
- {"iconGeometry", "IconGeometry", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
- (Cardinal)&icon_geometry, XtRString, (caddr_t) NULL},
- {"thorough", "Thorough", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- (Cardinal)&thorough, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &thorough},
- {"magnifierSize1", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[0], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- {"magnifierSize2", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[1], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
- {"magnifierSize3", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[2], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
- {"magnifierSize4", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[3], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[3]},
- {"magnifierSize5", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- (Cardinal) &mg_size[4], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[4]},
- };
- static void
- set_draw_args() {
- draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
- draw_args[1].value = (XtArgVal) page_h;
- }
- static Arg temp_args1[] = {
- {XtNiconX, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNiconY, (XtArgVal) 0},
- };
- static Arg temp_args2 = {XtNborderWidth, (XtArgVal) &bwidth};
- static Arg temp_args3[] = {
- {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) 0},
- {XtNiconPixmap, (XtArgVal) 0},
- };
- /*
- * X11 main program
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- prog = *argv;
- if (*prog == '/') prog = rindex(prog, '/') + 1;
- top_level = XtInitialize(prog, "XDvi", options, XtNumber(options),
- &argc, argv);
- if (argc != 2) usage();
- dvi_name = argv[1];
- XtGetApplicationResources(top_level, (caddr_t) NULL, resources,
- XtNumber(resources), NULL, 0);
- if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0) usage();
- if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
- mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
- specialConv = pixels_per_inch / 1000.0;
- if (debug_arg != NULL)
- debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
- if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
- if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- /* The following code is lifted from Xterm */
- DISP = XtDisplay(top_level);
- SCRN = XtScreen(top_level);
- if (icon_geometry != NULL) {
- int scr, junk;
- for(scr = 0; /* yyuucchh */
- SCRN != ScreenOfDisplay(DISP, scr);
- scr++);
- temp_args1[0].name = XtNiconX;
- temp_args1[1].name = XtNiconY;
- XGeometry(DISP, scr, icon_geometry, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- &temp_args1[0].value, &temp_args1[1].value, &junk, &junk);
- XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args1, 2);
- }
- if ((font_path = getenv(FONT_PATH)) == NULL)
- font_path = default_font_path;
- else if (*font_path == ':')
- /*concatenate default_font_path before font_path */
- font_path = strcat(strcpy(malloc((unsigned)
- strlen(default_font_path) + strlen(font_path) + 1),
- default_font_path), font_path);
- open_dvi_file();
- if (curr_page) {
- current_page = (*curr_page ? atoi(curr_page) : total_pages) - 1;
- if (current_page < 0 || current_page >= total_pages) usage();
- }
- /* Set default window size and icon */
- XtGetValues(top_level, &temp_args2, 1); /* get border width */
- screen_w = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- screen_h = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
- temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w<screen_w ? page_w : screen_w);
- temp_args3[1].value = (XtArgVal) (page_h<screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
- temp_args3[2].value = (XtArgVal) (XCreateBitmapFromData(DISP,
- RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),
- xdvi_bits, xdvi_width, xdvi_height));
- XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args3, 3);
- vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
- top_level, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
- clip_widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "clip");
- set_draw_args();
- draw_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("drawing", simpleWidgetClass,
- vport_widget, draw_args, XtNumber(draw_args));
- XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, KeyPressMask, 0, handle_key,
- (caddr_t) NULL);
- XtAddEventHandler(draw_widget, ExposureMask, GraphicsExpose, handle_exp,
- (caddr_t) &mane);
- XtAddEventHandler(draw_widget, ButtonPressMask, 0, handle_button,
- (caddr_t) NULL);
- XtAddEventHandler(draw_widget, ButtonReleaseMask, 0, handle_release,
- (caddr_t) NULL);
- XtRealizeWidget(top_level);
- curr.win = mane.win = XtWindow(draw_widget);
- /* unmapped = True; (it was initialized this way) */
- home(); /* no need to unmap at this stage */
- unmapped = False;
- if (reverse) {
- if (!fore_color) fore_args.value = WhitePixelOfScreen(SCRN);
- if (!back_color) back_args.value = BlackPixelOfScreen(SCRN);
- fore_color = back_color = (char *)1; /* nonzero */
- } else {
- if (!fore_color) fore_args.value = BlackPixelOfScreen(SCRN);
- if (!back_color) back_args.value = WhitePixelOfScreen(SCRN);
- }
- if (fore_color) XtSetValues(draw_widget, &fore_args, 1);
- if (back_color) {
- XtSetValues(draw_widget, &back_args, 1);
- XtSetValues(clip_widget, &back_args, 1);
- }
- {
- XGCValues values;
- Pixel set_bits = (Pixel) (fore_args.value & ~back_args.value);
- Pixel clr_bits = (Pixel) (back_args.value & ~fore_args.value);
- #define MakeGC(fcn, fg, bg) (values.function = fcn, values.foreground=fg,\
- values.background=bg,\
- XCreateGC(DISP, RootWindowOfScreen(SCRN),\
- GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground, &values))
- if (set_bits && clr_bits)
- ruleGC = MakeGC(GXcopy, fore_args.value, back_args.value);
- if (!thorough && ruleGC) {
- foreGC = ruleGC;
- puts("Note: overstrike characters may be incorrect.");
- }
- else {
- if (set_bits) foreGC = MakeGC(GXor, set_bits, 0);
- if (clr_bits)
- *(foreGC ? &foreGC2 : &foreGC) =
- MakeGC(GXandInverted, clr_bits, 0);
- if (!ruleGC) ruleGC = foreGC;
- }
- highGC = ruleGC;
- if (high_color)
- highGC = MakeGC(GXcopy, hl_Color.pixel, back_args.value);
- }
- ready_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(DISP, XC_cross);
- redraw_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(DISP, XC_watch);
- if (!curs_color)
- if (high_color) cr_Color = hl_Color;
- else {
- cr_Color.pixel = fore_args.value;
- XQueryColor(DISP, DefaultColormapOfScreen(SCRN), &cr_Color);
- }
- {
- XColor bg_Color;
- bg_Color.pixel = back_args.value;
- XQueryColor(DISP, DefaultColormapOfScreen(SCRN), &bg_Color);
- XRecolorCursor(DISP, ready_cursor, &cr_Color, &bg_Color);
- XRecolorCursor(DISP, redraw_cursor, &cr_Color, &bg_Color);
- }
- image = XCreateImage(DISP, DefaultVisualOfScreen(SCRN), 1, XYBitmap, 0,
- (char *)NULL, 0, 0, BITS_PER_BMUNIT, 0);
- image->bitmap_unit = BITS_PER_BMUNIT;
- #ifndef MSBITFIRST
- image->bitmap_bit_order = LSBFirst;
- image->bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst;
- {
- short endian = (MSBFirst << 8) + LSBFirst;
- image->byte_order = *((char *) &endian);
- }
- do_pages();
- }
- #else X10
- static char *display;
- static char *brdr_color;
- static char *geometry;
- static struct option {
- char *name;
- char *resource;
- enum {FalseArg, TrueArg, StickyArg, SepArg} argclass;
- enum {BooleanArg, StringArg, NumberArg} argtype;
- caddr_t address;
- } options[] = {
- /* the display option MUST be first */
- {"-display", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &display},
- {"-d", "debugLevel", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &debug_arg},
- {"+", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &curr_page},
- {"-s", "shrinkFactor", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
- {"-S", "densityPercent", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &density},
- {"-p", "pixelsPerInch", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- {"-margins", "margins", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &margins},
- {"-sidemargin", "sideMargin", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &sidemargin},
- {"-topmargin", "topMargin", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &topmargin},
- {"-l", "listFonts", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- {"+l", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
- {"-rv", "reverseVideo", TrueArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- {"+rv", NULL, FalseArg, BooleanArg, (caddr_t) &reverse},
- {"-bw", "borderWidth", SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- {"-borderwidth", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &bwidth},
- {"-fg", "foreground", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- {"-foreground", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &fore_color},
- {"-bg", "background", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- {"-background", NULL, SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &back_color},
- {"-hl", "highlight", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &high_color},
- {"-bd", "borderColor", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &brdr_color},
- {"-cr", "cursorColor", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &curs_color},
- {"-geometry", "geometry", SepArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &geometry},
- {"=", NULL, StickyArg, StringArg, (caddr_t) &geometry},
- {"-mgs", NULL, SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- {"-mgs1", "magnifierSize1",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
- {"-mgs2", "magnifierSize2",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
- {"-mgs3", "magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, (caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
- };
- /*
- * X10 main program
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char **arg;
- char **argvend = argv + argc;
- char *optstring;
- caddr_t addr;
- struct option *opt, *candidate;
- int len1, len2, matchlen;
- OpaqueFrame frame;
- char def[32];
- int mouspix;
- Color cdef;
- prog = *argv;
- if (*prog == '/') prog = rindex(prog, '/') + 1;
- /*
- * Process the option table. This is not guaranteed for all possible
- * option tables, but at least it works for this one.
- */
- for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argvend; ++arg) {
- len1 = strlen(*arg);
- candidate = NULL;
- matchlen = 0;
- for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt) {
- len2 = strlen(opt->name);
- if (opt->argclass == StickyArg) {
- if (matchlen <= len2 && !strncmp(*arg, opt->name, len2)) {
- candidate = opt;
- matchlen = len2;
- }
- }
- else if (len1 <= len2 && matchlen <= len1 &&
- !strncmp(*arg, opt->name, len1)) {
- if (len1 == len2) {
- candidate = opt;
- break;
- }
- if (matchlen < len1) candidate = opt;
- else if (candidate && candidate->argclass != StickyArg)
- candidate = NULL;
- matchlen = len1;
- }
- }
- if (candidate == NULL) {
- if (**arg == '-') usage();
- if (index(*arg, ':') != NULL) { /* display */
- --arg;
- candidate = options;
- }
- else if (dvi_name) usage();
- else {
- dvi_name = *arg;
- continue;
- }
- }
- addr = candidate->address;
- for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
- if (opt->address == addr) opt->resource = NULL;
- switch (candidate->argclass) {
- case FalseArg: *((Boolean *) addr) = False; break;
- case TrueArg: *((Boolean *) addr) = True; break;
- case StickyArg: optstring = *arg + strlen(candidate->name);
- break;
- case SepArg:
- ++arg;
- if (arg >= argvend) usage();
- optstring = *arg;
- break;
- }
- switch (candidate->argtype) {
- case StringArg: *((char **) addr) = optstring; break;
- case NumberArg: *((int *) addr) = atoi(optstring); break;
- }
- }
- if (XOpenDisplay(display) == NULL)
- oops("Can't open display\n");
- for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
- if (opt->resource && (optstring = XGetDefault(prog, opt->resource)))
- switch (opt->argtype) {
- case StringArg:
- *((char **) opt->address) = optstring;
- break;
- case NumberArg:
- *((int *) opt->address) = atoi(optstring);
- break;
- case BooleanArg:
- *((Boolean *) opt->address) =
- (strcmp(optstring, "on") == 0);
- }
- if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0 ||
- dvi_name == NULL) usage();
- if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
- mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
- if (debug_arg != NULL)
- debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
- if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
- if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
- if ((font_path = getenv(FONT_PATH)) == NULL)
- font_path = default_font_path;
- else if (*font_path == ':')
- /*concatenate default_font_path before font_path */
- font_path = strcat(strcpy(malloc((unsigned)
- strlen(default_font_path) + strlen(font_path) + 1),
- default_font_path), font_path);
- open_dvi_file();
- if (curr_page) {
- current_page = (*curr_page ? atoi(curr_page) : total_pages) - 1;
- if (current_page < 0 || current_page >= total_pages) usage();
- }
- if (reverse) {
- foreGC = WhitePixel;
- highGC = WhitePixel;
- backpix = BlackPixel;
- backmap = BlackPixmap;
- bdrmap = WhitePixmap;
- mouspix = WhitePixel;
- GXfunc = GXor;
- } else {
- foreGC = BlackPixel;
- highGC = BlackPixel;
- backpix = WhitePixel;
- backmap = WhitePixmap;
- bdrmap = BlackPixmap;
- mouspix = BlackPixel;
- GXfunc = GXand;
- }
- if (DisplayCells() > 2) {
- if (fore_color && XParseColor(fore_color, &cdef) &&
- XGetHardwareColor(&cdef))
- foreGC = cdef.pixel;
- if (back_color && XParseColor(back_color, &cdef) &&
- XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) {
- backpix = cdef.pixel;
- backmap = XMakeTile(backpix);
- }
- if (high_color && XParseColor(high_color, &cdef) &&
- XGetHardwareColor(&cdef))
- highGC = cdef.pixel;
- if (brdr_color && XParseColor(brdr_color, &cdef) &&
- XGetHardwareColor(&cdef))
- bdrmap = XMakeTile(cdef.pixel);
- if (curs_color && XParseColor(curs_color, &cdef) &&
- XGetHardwareColor(&cdef))
- mouspix = cdef.pixel;
- }
- frame.bdrwidth = bwidth;
- screen_w = DisplayWidth() - 2*bwidth;
- screen_h = DisplayHeight() - 2*bwidth;
- frame.width = (page_w < screen_w ? page_w : screen_w);
- frame.height = (page_h < screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
- frame.border = bdrmap;
- frame.background = backmap;
- frame.x = 0;
- frame.y = 0;
- Sprintf(def, "=%dx%d+0+0", frame.width, frame.height);
- mane.win = XCreate("DVI Previewer", prog, geometry, def,
- &frame, 50, 50);
- window_w = frame.width;
- window_h = frame.height;
- XSelectInput(mane.win,
- KeyPressed|ButtonPressed|ButtonReleased|
- ExposeWindow|ExposeRegion);
- XMapWindow(mane.win);
- XDefineCursor(mane.win,
- XCreateCursor(xdvi_width, xdvi_height, xdvi_bits, xdvi_mask_bits,
- xdvi_x_hot, xdvi_y_hot, mouspix, backpix, GXcopy));
- do_pages();
- }
- #endif X10