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- /*
- * $Source: /mit/sipbsrc/uus/src/xscreensaver/RCS/xscreensaver.h,v $
- * $Author: jik $
- * $Header: xscreensaver.h,v 1.7 89/02/28 06:55:31 jik Exp $
- *
- * This file is part of xscreensaver. It contains the general header
- * stuff for the screensaver.
- *
- * Author: Jonathan Kamens, MIT Project Athena and
- * MIT Student Information Processing Board
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1989 by Jonathan Kamens. This code may be
- * distributed freely as long as this notice is kept intact in its
- * entirety and every effort is made to send all corrections and
- * improvements to the code back to the author. Also, don't try to
- * make any money off of it or pretend that you wrote it.
- */
- #define PASSWDLENGTH 13 /* length of correct password in */
- /* the /etc/passwd file */
- #define MAXUSERNAME 15 /* maximum length of a username */
- #define MAXPASSWORD 20 /* maximum length of a password */
- #define MAXPROMPT 10 /* max number of lines in a */
- /* promptbox */
- typedef struct {
- int velocity, timeout, menu_button;
- Boolean use_background, auto_lock, use_passwd, transparent, no_fork;
- Boolean d_time, d_elapsed, d_timeout, leave_close, start_locked;
- String key, ekey, lock_message;
- String lock_command, unlock_command;
- } Defaults;
- #define TIME_FORMAT "Time: %d:%02d"
- #define ELAPSED_FORMAT "Elapsed: %d:%02d"
- #define TIMEOUT_FORMAT "Timeout: %d %s, %d %s"
- #define TIMELEFT_FORMAT "Time Left: %d %s, %d %s"
- #define USER_FORMAT "User: %s"
- #define PASS_PROMPT1 "Enter password: "
- #define PASS_PROMPT2 "Enter it again: "
- typedef enum {
- Force,
- NoForce,
- } ForceType;
- typedef struct {
- char *str;
- char *name;
- Pixmap bitmap;
- Boolean use_default;
- Boolean center;
- int spread;
- Dimension width;
- } PromptLine;
- static PromptLine default_line = {
- "promptLabel",
- "prompt",
- (Pixmap) NULL,
- False,
- True,
- 0,
- 0
- };
- /* Note that if MAXTIMEOUT is set, then TIMEOUT must not be set to 0! */
- /* If it is, then a spurious error message will be generated every */
- /* time the program is run! Both TIMEOUT and MAXTIMEOUT should be */
- /* set in minutes. */
- #define TIMEOUT "0"
- #define CMPERMINUTE "40"
- #define MENUBUTTON "2"
- /* If your C library uses "putenv" instead of "setenv," you need to */
- /* define setenv to putenv, because my library uses setenv. */
- #define setenv putenv
- typedef struct {
- Widget widget;
- Dimension width;
- } WidgetandWidth;
- typedef struct {
- int start, current, saver;
- } Times;
- typedef struct {
- int timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures;
- } Saver;