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- Path: uunet!island!argv
- From: argv@island.uu.net (Dan Heller)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v03i062: xwatchwin -- watch a window on another X server, Part01/01
- Message-ID: <661@island.uu.net>
- Date: 31 Mar 89 07:05:10 GMT
- Sender: news@island.uu.net
- Organization: Island Graphics, Marin County, California
- Lines: 683
- Approved: island!argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: George Drapeau <drapeau@jessica.stanford.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 62
- Archive-name: xwatchwin/part01
- [I generated a README from the man page. As sent, there were *lots* of
- lines that went over 80 chars (many over two or three lines), so I
- reformatted much of the code by moving comments above the lines they
- commented. I tried to preserve as much of the original style of the
- author as possible. Please be aware of this when sending articles to
- be posted by any newsgroup. --argv]
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shar archive. Extract with sh, not csh.
- #George D. Drapeau Internet: drapeau@jessica.stanford.edu
- #Academic Information Resources
- #Stanford University
- echo x - Imakefile
- cat > Imakefile << '25787!Funky!Stuff!'
- #ifdef SunSharedLibs
- #else
- #endif
- SimpleProgramTarget(xwatchwin)
- 25787!Funky!Stuff!
- echo x - Makefile
- cat > Makefile << '25787!Funky!Stuff!'
- # Makefile generated by imake - do not edit!
- # $XConsortium: imake.c,v 1.37 88/10/08 20:08:30 jim Exp $
- #
- # The cpp used on this machine replaces all newlines and multiple tabs and
- # spaces in a macro expansion with a single space. Imake tries to compensate
- # for this, but is not always successful.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # X Window System Makefile generated from template file Imake.tmpl
- # $XConsortium: Imake.tmpl,v 1.91 88/10/23 22:37:10 jim Exp $
- #
- # Do not change the body of the imake template file. Server-specific
- # parameters may be set in the appropriate .macros file; site-specific
- # parameters (but shared by all servers) may be set in site.def. If you
- # make any changes, you'll need to rebuild the makefiles using
- # "make World" (at best) or "make Makefile; make Makefiles" (at least) in
- # the top level directory.
- #
- # If your C preprocessor doesn't define any unique symbols, you'll need
- # to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing
- # "make Makefile", "make Makefiles", or "make World").
- #
- # If you absolutely can't get imake to work, you'll need to set the
- # variables at the top of each Makefile as well as the dependencies at the
- # bottom (makedepend will do this automatically).
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # platform-specific configuration parameters - edit Sun.macros to change
- # platform: $XConsortium: Sun.macros,v 1.52 88/10/23 11:00:55 jim Exp $
- # operating system: SunOS 4.0
- AS = as
- CC = cc
- CPP = /lib/cpp
- LD = ld
- LINT = lint
- INSTALL = install
- TAGS = ctags
- RM = rm -f
- MV = mv
- LN = ln -s
- RANLIB = ranlib
- AR = ar clq
- LS = ls
- LINTOPTS = -axz
- MAKE = make
- ###########################################################################
- # site-specific configuration parameters - edit site.def to change
- # site: $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.16 88/10/12 10:30:24 jim Exp $
- ###########################################################################
- # definitions common to all Makefiles - do not edit
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- DESTDIR = /usr/local
- BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/X11R3/bin
- INCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/include/X11R3
- ADMDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/adm
- FONTDIR = $(LIBDIR)/fonts
- XINITDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xinit
- XDMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xdm
- UWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/uwm
- AWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/awm
- TWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/twm
- XAPPLOADDIR = $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults
- INSTBINFLAGS = -sm 0755
- INSTUIDFLAGS = -m 4755
- INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0664
- INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444
- INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444
- INSTAPPFLAGS = -m 0444
- INSTKMEMFLAGS = -g kmem -m 2755
- FCFLAGS = -t
- DEPEND = $(DEPENDSRC)/makedepend
- IMAKE = $(IMAKESRC)/imake
- RGB = $(RGBSRC)/rgb
- FC = $(BDFTOSNFSRC)/bdftosnf
- MKDIRHIER = $(SCRIPTSSRC)/mkdirhier.sh
- TOP = /usr/local/X
- CLIENTSRC = $(TOP)/clients
- DEMOSRC = $(TOP)/demos
- LIBSRC = $(TOP)/lib
- FONTSRC = $(TOP)/fonts
- SERVERSRC = $(TOP)/server
- UTILSRC = $(TOP)/util
- EXAMPLESRC = $(TOP)/examples
- CONTRIBSRC = $(TOP)/contrib
- DOCSRC = $(TOP)/doc
- RGBSRC = $(TOP)/rgb
- DEPENDSRC = $(UTILSRC)/makedepend
- IRULESRC = $(UTILSRC)/imake.includes
- EXTENSIONSRC = $(TOP)/extensions
- XLIB = $(XLIBSRC)/libX11.a
- XMULIB = $(XMUSRC)/libXmu.a
- LINTXLIB = $(XLIBSRC)/llib-lX11.ln
- LINTXMU = $(XMUSRC)/llib-lXmu.ln
- LINTXAW = $(AWIDGETSRC)/llib-lXaw.ln
- MACROFILE = Sun.macros
- -s Makefile $(IMAKE_DEFINES)
- RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a \
- .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut
- ###########################################################################
- # rules: $XConsortium: Imake.rules,v 1.71 88/10/23 22:46:34 jim Exp $
- ###########################################################################
- # start of Imakefile
- OBJS = xwatchwin.o
- SRCS = xwatchwin.c
- PROGRAM = xwatchwin
- all:: xwatchwin
- xwatchwin: $(OBJS) $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES)
- $(RM) $@
- relink::
- $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
- install:: xwatchwin
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTALLFLAGS) xwatchwin $(BINDIR)
- install.man:: xwatchwin.man
- $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) xwatchwin.man $(MANDIR)/xwatchwin.1
- depend:: $(DEPEND)
- depend::
- $(DEPEND) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS)
- $(DEPEND):
- @echo "making $@"; \
- cd $(DEPENDSRC); $(MAKE)
- clean::
- $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
- ###########################################################################
- # Imake.tmpl common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit
- emptyrule::
- clean::
- $(RM_CMD) \#*
- Makefile:: $(IMAKE)
- Makefile:: Imakefile \
- $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl \
- $(IRULESRC)/Imake.rules \
- $(IRULESRC)/site.def \
- -@if [ -f Makefile ]; then \
- echo "$(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \
- $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \
- else exit 0; fi
- $(IMAKE):
- @echo "making $@"; \
- tags::
- $(TAGS) -w *.[ch]
- $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS
- ###########################################################################
- # empty rules for directories that do not have SUBDIRS - do not edit
- install::
- @echo "install done"
- install.man::
- @echo "install.man done"
- Makefiles::
- ###########################################################################
- # dependencies generated by makedepend
- 25787!Funky!Stuff!
- echo x - xwatchwin.c
- cat > xwatchwin.c << '25787!Funky!Stuff!'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #define STRINGLENGTH 256
- #define SLEEPTIME 0 /* Sleep for this many seconds before redrawing */
- char **Argv;
- int Argc;
- Display *dpy;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- Window watchWin,GetWindowByName();
- int i,strPos,optIndex;
- char displayName[64],xWatchName[STRINGLENGTH];
- char *optstring;
- extern char *optarg;
- extern int optind,opterr;
- int windowID,windowIDSet,updateTime,updateTimeSet;
- if (argc < 3) /* Did user enter enough arguments? */
- { /* Nope, print an error message and exit. */
- printf("Usage:\t%s HostName [-u UpdateTime] [-w windowID] [WindowName]\n",
- argv[0]);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Initialize var to update every SLEEPTIME seconds. */
- updateTime = SLEEPTIME;
- updateTimeSet = 0;
- windowIDSet = 0;
- optind = 2; /* Skip over first, obligatory argument (hostname) */
- while ((optIndex = getopt(argc,argv,"u:w:")) != -1) /* Get user's arguments */
- switch (optIndex)
- {
- case 'u': /* User wants to update every 'optarg' seconds. */
- updateTime = atoi(optarg);
- updateTimeSet = 1; /* Set flag saying user specified this option. */
- break;
- case 'w': /* User wants to specify window by id instead of by name */
- sscanf(&optarg[2],"%lx",&windowID);
- windowIDSet = 1; /* Set flag saying user specified this option. */
- break;
- } /* end switch (optIndex) */
- Argv = argv;
- Argc = argc;
- sprintf(displayName,"%s:0.0",argv[1]); /* Set the X display name. */
- if (!windowIDSet) /* Did user specify window to watch by number? */
- for (i=2, bzero(xWatchName, STRINGLENGTH); i < argc; i++)
- /* No, parse rest of arguments as window name to watch */
- {
- if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-u")) /* Don't parse optional arguments */
- {
- i++; /* Skip over argument to '-u' switch. */
- continue;
- }
- /* Get current length of xWatchName string */
- strPos = strlen(xWatchName);
- /* Copy another argument to the end of the string */
- strcpy(&xWatchName[strPos],argv[i]);
- }
- /* Attempt to open a connection with the remote X server */
- if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(displayName)) == NULL)
- {
- /* Couldn't open the display for some reason, so... */
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not open Display %s\n", argv[0],displayName);
- exit(1); /* ...report the error and exit with an error code */
- }
- if (!windowIDSet) /* Did user specify a window to watch by id? */
- /* No, get window id from window name. */
- watchWin = GetWindowByName(XDefaultRootWindow(dpy),xWatchName);
- else watchWin = windowID; /* Yes, use user-specified window id. */
- if (watchWin) /* Did the user find the window s/he was looking for? */
- /* Yes, periodically show the contents of that window */
- WatchWindow(watchWin,updateTime);
- else /* No, report that the window was not found, and exit. */
- {
- printf("Could not find the window you specified.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- } /* end function main */
- /* Takes two strings, removes spaces from the second,... */
- /* ...and compares them.. Returns 1 if equal, 0 if not. */
- WinNamesEqual(str1,str2)
- char *str1,*str2;
- {
- char tempStr[STRINGLENGTH],*tempStrPtr;
- int index;
- bzero(tempStr,STRINGLENGTH); /* Clear the contents of the string, if any */
- /* Go through each character in the second string. */
- for (tempStrPtr=tempStr; *str2; str2++)
- {
- if (!isspace(*str2)) /* Is this character a space? */
- *tempStrPtr++ = *str2; /* No, copy this character to a temp string. */
- }
- if (!strcmp(str1,tempStr)) /* Are the two resulting string equal? */
- return(1); /* Yes, return 1 */
- else
- return(0); /* No, return 0 */
- } /* end function WinNamesEqual */
- WatchWindow(win,updateTime)
- Window win;
- int updateTime;
- {
- Display *dpy2;
- Window copyWin;
- GC gc;
- XWindowAttributes copyWinInfo,newWinInfo;
- XSetWindowAttributes copyWinAttrs;
- XWMHints wmHints;
- XSizeHints sizeHints;
- XImage *image;
- struct timeval currentTime;
- struct timezone zone;
- long timeInSecs;
- Bool srcWinUnmapped;
- /* Get the window attributes of the window we're watching */
- XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,©WinInfo);
- /* Is the original window in a state to be watched? */
- if (copyWinInfo.map_state != IsViewable)
- { /* Nope, tell the user of the problem and exit. */
- printf("The window you wish to look at is not in a state to be viewed\n");
- printf("(perhaps it is iconified or not mapped)\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Attempt to open a connection with the local X server */
- if ((dpy2 = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)
- {
- /* Couldn't open the display for some reason, so... */
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: Could not open Display.\n", Argv[0]);
- exit(1); /* ...report the error and exit with an error code */
- }
- /* Set a couple more attributes */
- copyWinAttrs.colormap = XDefaultColormap(dpy2,XDefaultScreen(dpy2));
- copyWinAttrs.bit_gravity = copyWinInfo.bit_gravity;
- /* Check for different depths b/w source & dest displays */
- if (copyWinInfo.depth != XDefaultDepth(dpy2,XDefaultScreen(dpy2)))
- {
- puts("Sorry, the original and copied windows contain incompatible");
- puts("information (i.e., they don't use the same number of bits per pixel.");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Create a copy of the window we're watching */
- copyWin = XCreateWindow(dpy2,XDefaultRootWindow(dpy2),
- copyWinInfo.x,copyWinInfo.y,
- copyWinInfo.width,copyWinInfo.height,
- copyWinInfo.border_width,
- copyWinInfo.depth,
- CopyFromParent,
- XDefaultVisual(dpy2,XDefaultScreen(dpy2)),
- (CWColormap|CWBitGravity),
- ©WinAttrs);
- /* Get size hints for window being watched */
- XGetNormalHints(dpy,win,&sizeHints);
- /* Set standard window properties for my window */
- XSetStandardProperties(dpy2,copyWin,"XWatchWin","XWatchWin",
- None,Argv,Argc,&sizeHints);
- /* Get window mgr hints for the window being watched */
- XGetWMHints(dpy,win,&wmHints);
- /* Tell the X server about my window manager hints */
- XSetWMHints(dpy2,copyWin,&wmHints);
- gc = XDefaultGC(dpy2,0); /* Get a default graphics context */
- /* Only interested in exposures and button presses */
- XSelectInput(dpy2,copyWin,(ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask));
- /* Put the window up on the display */
- XMapWindow(dpy2,copyWin);
- XSelectInput(dpy,win, /* Only interested if the source window is... */
- /* ...iconified or if it's mapped/unmapped */
- (VisibilityChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask));
- /* Store an image of the original window in an XImage */
- image = XGetImage(dpy,(Drawable)win,
- 0,0,
- copyWinInfo.width,copyWinInfo.height,
- AllPlanes,XYPixmap);
- gettimeofday(¤tTime,&zone); /* Get the current time. */
- timeInSecs = currentTime.tv_sec; /* Save the current time in seconds */
- /* Set variable saying it's okay to watch the src window. */
- srcWinUnmapped = 0;
- while (1) /* Enter an infinite event loop */
- {
- XEvent event;
- /* Check if the source window was turned into an... */
- if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy,win,
- (VisibilityChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask),
- &event))
- { /* ...icon or back into a window */
- /* Get the window attributes of the window we're watching */
- XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,&newWinInfo);
- /* Is the original window in a state to be watched? */
- if (newWinInfo.map_state != IsViewable)
- {
- /* Let program know that the src window is unwatchable. */
- srcWinUnmapped = 1;
- printf("The window you are watching just became 'invisible'..\n");
- printf("I will wait until it is 'visible' again...\n");
- continue;
- }
- else
- /* Let program know that src window is watchable again. */
- srcWinUnmapped = 0;
- } /* end if(XCheckWindowEvent... */
- /* Look for window events, but don't sit around... */
- if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy2,copyWin,
- (ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask),
- /* ...waiting for one (i.e., don't block) */
- &event))
- switch (event.type)
- {
- case ButtonPress:
- XDestroyImage(image);/* Free memory resources used by the image */
- exit(0); /* Get outtahere */
- break;
- case Expose:
- /* Put the original window's image into the... */
- XPutImage(dpy2,(Drawable)copyWin,
- gc,image,0,0,0,0, /* ...copy of the window. */
- copyWinInfo.width,copyWinInfo.height);
- break;
- } /* end switch (event.type) */
- gettimeofday(¤tTime,&zone); /* Get the current time. */
- /* Have 'updateTime' seconds passed? */
- if (currentTime.tv_sec > (timeInSecs + updateTime))
- { /* Yes, update the local copy of the window. */
- if (srcWinUnmapped)/* Is the source window watchable? */
- continue; /* No, go through the event loop again. */
- else /* Yes, it's watchable, so get a new copy of the window. */
- {
- XDestroyImage(image);/* Free memory resources used by the image */
- /* Store an image of the original window in an XImage */
- image = XGetImage(dpy,(Drawable)win,
- 0,0,
- copyWinInfo.width,copyWinInfo.height,
- AllPlanes,XYPixmap);
- } /* end else XDestroyImage... */
- /* Put the original window's image into the... */
- XPutImage(dpy2,(Drawable)copyWin,
- gc,image,0,0,0,0, /* ...copy of the window. */
- copyWinInfo.width,copyWinInfo.height);
- timeInSecs = currentTime.tv_sec;/* Update the current time */
- } /* end if currentTime... */
- } /* end while(1) */
- } /* end function WatchWindow */
- /* Given the name of a window and the top of a ... */
- /* ...window tree, this function will try to find... */
- /* the Window ID corresponding to the window name... */
- /* ...given as argument. */
- Window GetWindowByName(window,windowName)
- Window window;
- char *windowName;
- {
- Window rootWin,parentWin,wID;
- Window *childWinList;
- int numChildren,i;
- char *childWinName;
- /* Get information about windows that are children... */
- XQueryTree(dpy,window,
- &rootWin,&parentWin,&childWinList, /* ...of 'window'. */
- &numChildren);
- for (i=0;i<numChildren;i++) /* Look at each child of 'window' */
- {
- /* Get the name of that window */
- XFetchName(dpy,childWinList[i],&childWinName);
- if (childWinName != NULL) /* Is there a name attached to this window? */
- {
- /* Is this the window the user is looking for? */
- if (WinNamesEqual(windowName,childWinName))
- {
- XFree(childWinList);/* Free up space taken by list of windows */
- XFree(childWinName);/* Return space taken by this window's name */
- /* Yes, return the Window ID of this window */
- return(childWinList[i]);
- }
- XFree(childWinName);/* Return space taken by this window's name */
- } /* end if childWinName... */
- } /* end for i=0... */
- /* If this section of code is reached, then no match was found at this
- * level of the tree
- */
- for (i=0;i<numChildren;i++) /* Recurse on the children of this window */
- {
- wID = GetWindowByName(childWinList[i],windowName);
- if (wID) /* Was a match found in this window's children? */
- {
- XFree(childWinList); /* Free up space taken by list of windows */
- return(wID); /* Return the ID of the window that matched */
- }
- } /* end for i=0... */
- /* If this section of code is reached, then no match was found below
- * this level of the tree
- */
- XFree(childWinList); /* Free up space taken by list of windows */
- return((Window)0); /* No match was found, return 0. */
- } /* end function GetWindowByName */
- 25787!Funky!Stuff!
- echo x - xwatchwin.man
- cat > xwatchwin.man << '25787!Funky!Stuff!'
- .TH xwatchwin 1 "17 March 1989" "X Version 11"
- xwatchwin - watch a window on another X server
- .B "xwatchwin"
- hostname
- [\-u \fIupdatetime\fP] [\-w \fIwindowID\fP] [window name]
- .PP
- \fIxwatchwin\fP allows you to peek at a window on another X server.
- To use it, you must specify the name of the machine you want to watch, then
- the name of the window on that machine. \fIXwatchwin\fP will attempt to
- connect with the X server \fIhostname\fP:0.0, and if successful, will try
- to retrieve a copy of the window in which you specified interest.
- You may specify the window you want to watch either by name or by its
- window id, usually a hexidecimal number. Usually specifying the
- window by name is simpler, although not all windows have names
- associated with them; in that case you must use the window id option.
- If the window you want to watch is not in a viewable state,
- \fIxwatchwin\fP will tell you so and exit. If while you are watching a
- window it becomes 'unviewable', \fIxwatchwin\fP will print a message to
- stdout and wait until the window becomes 'viewable' again.
- \fIxwatchwin\fP was written as an aid to a class for people learning to
- use X. The idea is that the instructor would type into an xterm
- window on his/her display and the students would use \fIxwatchwin\fP to
- see what the instructor typed. The students could then type the same
- thing in their own terminal windows. I hope that others will find
- equally (if not more) constructive uses.
- .TP 8
- .B \-u \fIupdatetime\fP
- This option specifies how often (in seconds) you want to get a new copy
- of the window you're watching. It is in effect a 'sample rate'. By default,
- \fIxwatchwin\fP updates your copy of the window as often as it can. The time
- it takes to actually do the update is dependent on the speed of the X server
- on both machines, the speed of the intervening network, and other factors.
- .TP 8
- .B \-w \fIwindowID\fP
- This option specifies the window you want to watch by number, for example,
- "0x50000b". Use the xlswins(1) command to get a list of window id's and
- possibly their names on the remote server.
- You must specify a window to watch either by name or by id. Specifying
- a window to watch by name is usually easier if you know what you're looking for.
- If there is an X server on the remote machine "crow" and if on that server
- there is a window called "X Terminal Emulator", you can watch that window
- by typing
- xwatchwin crow X Terminal Emulator
- If there is a window on "crow" that has no name but has a window id of
- "0x50000b", you can watch it by typing
- xwatchwin crow -w 0x50000b
- If you want to get new copies of a window only every 30 seconds, you can
- do so by typing
- xwatchwin crow -u 30 -w 0x50000b
- xlswins(1), xwininfo(1), xdpyinfo(1),
- \fIxwatchwin\fP doesn't support the \-display option. You must set the
- display on which the \fIxwatchwin\fP window is created by changing your
- DISPLAY environment variable.
- If the window you're watching is unmapped (made 'invisible')
- while \fIxwatchwin\fP
- is getting a new copy of that window, the program will crash. The smaller
- your update interval, the more likely you are to experience this bug (although
- it hasn't happened all that often to me).
- Parsing arguments is messy and not as forgiving as it should be.
- The event loop is a mess.
- \fIxwatchwin\fP cannot deal with two displays with different depths.
- For example, if the window you're watching is an 8-bit color window and
- your display only supports 2-bit color, \fIxwatchwin\fP will not be able
- to display the window. To understand the issues involved in fixing
- this, see the paper by David's Lemke and Rosenthal, "\fIVisualizing X11
- Clients\fP".
- Copyright 1989, George D. Drapeau
- George D. Drapeau
- .PP
- Stanford University
- .br
- Academic Information Resources / Systems Development
- .br
- Internet: drapeau@jessica.stanford.edu
- .br
- UUCP: labrea!drapeau@jessica
- 25787!Funky!Stuff!