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- Path: uunet!island!argv
- From: argv@island.uu.net (Dan Heller)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v04i056: xtroff -- troff previewer for X11, Part11/18
- Message-ID: <890@island.uu.net>
- Date: 18 Jul 89 07:26:51 GMT
- Organization: Island Graphics, Marin County, California
- Lines: 1547
- Approved: island!argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: Mark Moraes <moraes@ai.toronto.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 56
- Archive-name: xtroff/part11
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 11 (of 18)."
- # Contents: xtroff/Makefile xtroff/NeWS/news.awk xtroff/README
- # Wrapped by moraes@neat.ai on Thu Jul 13 20:55:16 1989
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'xtroff/Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xtroff/Makefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xtroff/Makefile'\" \(16795 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xtroff/Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit!
- X# $XConsortium: imake.c,v 1.37 88/10/08 20:08:30 jim Exp $
- X#
- X# The cpp used on this machine replaces all newlines and multiple tabs and
- X# spaces in a macro expansion with a single space. Imake tries to compensate
- X# for this, but is not always successful.
- X#
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# X Window System Makefile generated from template file Imake.tmpl
- X# $XConsortium: Imake.tmpl,v 1.91 88/10/23 22:37:10 jim Exp $
- X#
- X# Do not change the body of the imake template file. Server-specific
- X# parameters may be set in the appropriate .macros file; site-specific
- X# parameters (but shared by all servers) may be set in site.def. If you
- X# make any changes, you'll need to rebuild the makefiles using
- X# "make World" (at best) or "make Makefile; make Makefiles" (at least) in
- X# the top level directory.
- X#
- X# If your C preprocessor doesn't define any unique symbols, you'll need
- X# to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing
- X# "make Makefile", "make Makefiles", or "make World").
- X#
- X# If you absolutely can't get imake to work, you'll need to set the
- X# variables at the top of each Makefile as well as the dependencies at the
- X# bottom (makedepend will do this automatically).
- X#
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# platform-specific configuration parameters - edit Sun.macros to change
- X
- X# platform: $XConsortium: Sun.macros,v 1.52 88/10/23 11:00:55 jim Exp $
- X# operating system: SunOS 4.0
- X
- X AS = as
- X CC = cc
- X CPP = /lib/cpp
- X LD = ld
- X LINT = lint
- X INSTALL = install
- X TAGS = ctags
- X RM = rm -f
- X MV = mv
- X LN = ln -s
- X RANLIB = ranlib
- X AR = ar clq
- X LS = ls
- X LINTOPTS = -axz
- X MAKE = make
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# site-specific configuration parameters - edit site.def to change
- X
- X# site: $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.16 88/10/12 10:30:24 jim Exp $
- X
- X XWSRC = $(CONTRIBSRC)/widgets/Xhp/Xw
- X
- X XWLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXw.a
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# definitions common to all Makefiles - do not edit
- X
- X SHELL = /bin/sh
- X
- X USRLIBDIR = /local/lib/X11
- X BINDIR = /local/bin/X11
- X INCDIR = $(LIBDIR)/include
- X INCROOT = $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
- X ADMDIR = /var/scr/Xerrors
- X LIBDIR = /local/share/X11
- X FONTDIR = $(LIBDIR)/fonts
- X XINITDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xinit
- X XDMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/xdm
- X UWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/uwm
- X AWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/awm
- X TWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/twm
- X MANPATH = /local/man
- X XAPPLOADDIR = $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults
- X
- X INSTBINFLAGS = -m 0755
- X INSTUIDFLAGS = -m 4755
- X INSTLIBFLAGS = -m 0664
- X INSTINCFLAGS = -m 0444
- X INSTMANFLAGS = -m 0444
- X INSTAPPFLAGS = -m 0444
- X INSTKMEMFLAGS = -g kmem -m 2755
- X FCFLAGS = -t
- X
- X DEPEND = $(DEPENDSRC)/makedepend
- X IMAKE = $(IMAKESRC)/imake.`mach`
- X RGB = $(RGBSRC)/rgb
- X FC = $(BDFTOSNFSRC)/bdftosnf
- X MKDIRHIER = $(SCRIPTSSRC)/mkdirhier.sh
- X
- X TOP = /ai/src/X.V11R3
- X CLIENTSRC = $(TOP)/clients
- X DEMOSRC = $(TOP)/demos
- X LIBSRC = $(TOP)/lib
- X FONTSRC = $(TOP)/fonts
- X SERVERSRC = $(TOP)/server
- X UTILSRC = $(TOP)/util
- X EXAMPLESRC = $(TOP)/examples
- X CONTRIBSRC = $(TOP)/contrib
- X DOCSRC = $(TOP)/doc
- X RGBSRC = $(TOP)/rgb
- X DEPENDSRC = $(UTILSRC)/makedepend
- X IRULESRC = $(UTILSRC)/imake.includes
- X EXTENSIONSRC = $(TOP)/extensions
- X
- X
- X
- X XMULIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXmu.a
- X OLDXLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/liboldX.a
- X XAWLIB = $(USRLIBDIR)/libXaw.a
- X
- X LINTXLIB = $(XLIBSRC)/llib-lX11.ln
- X LINTXMU = $(XMUSRC)/llib-lXmu.ln
- X LINTXAW = $(AWIDGETSRC)/llib-lXaw.ln
- X MACROFILE = Sun.macros
- X -s Makefile $(IMAKE_DEFINES)
- X RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a \
- X .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# rules: $XConsortium: Imake.rules,v 1.71 88/10/23 22:46:34 jim Exp $
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# start of Imakefile
- X
- X#
- X# Xtroff ImakeFile
- X#
- X# make [all] compiles the programs in this directory, and the
- X# relevant subdirectories - fontstuff are font
- X# manipulation programs, xfonts has the stuff for
- X# by piping the 75dpi bdf through awk scripts
- X# to remap it to PostScript collation sequences,
- X# and generating compressed snf.
- X# make install makes and installs the programs
- X# make vfonts makes and installs scaled and converted vfonts
- X# for the devsun device. Not strictly necessary, but
- X# useful for large fonts. xpic can use them too.
- X# make imfonts Scales and converts Imagen RST fonts if you have them
- X# for the Imagen device. Good if you have them.
- X# make devsun Installs the devsun width info and runs makedev
- X# Do this if you install the vfonts
- X# make devpsc Installs the devpsc width info and runs makedev
- X# If you already have a devpsc device, from
- X# Transcript(tm), or some other ditroff to
- X# PostScript(tm) translation package,
- X# then you probably don't need this.
- X#
- X# Xtroff doesn't need (more important, doesn't use properly) the
- X# devsun fonts, which are still here for the Suntools version.
- X# You may want to do a 'make vfonts devsun' if you use xpic, which
- X# can use those fonts too. (They are nice and large, for making slides)
- X#
- X# The following two defines might need to be changed. The VFONTS
- X# definition points towards the directory containing the Sun modified
- X# Berkeley versatec font catalog. These bits of these fonts are used
- X# as the default screen font. See the file fontstuff/MakeSunFonts for
- X# more details.
- X#
- X# The RSTFONTS definition points to the RST (Imagen) font
- X# files. If you don't have an Imagen printer then you won't need to
- X# worry about these bits. If you do have an Imagen printer then you
- X# may want to see the file fontstuff/MakeImagenFonts for a way of getting
- X# more accurate bits on the screen. If you don't want to worry about
- X# the fonts (and I don't blame you) then xtroff will use the
- X# X fonts described above for.
- X#
- X# The SUNTROFF_FONTS points to the directory where the fonts
- X# sit. It has subdirectories of the form 'dev'$DEVICE for each
- X# typesetter's fonts - devsun is the default for the scaled
- X# versatec fonts, devimp is for imagen, etc.
- X
- X VFONTS = /usr/lib/vfont
- X RSTFONTS = /usr/uturing/ron/rst
- X RSTDEVICE = imp #imagen
- X SUNDEVICE = sun #versatec - other printers like lw.
- X WIDTHDIR = /local/share/troff
- X MAKEDEV = /local/src/v8troff/troff/makedev
- X
- X# Percent MUST be two digits
- X# For the imagen, percent is 120 / 300, i.e 40.
- X
- X# For versatec fonts, which we use for laserwriters etc.,
- X# percent should be 120/200. i.e. 66. We use 50 for a better
- X# error margin.
- X
- X# For lots of debugging info, especially FONTDEBUG.
- X
- X# defining -DNOADJUST excludes some experimental code which tries to
- X# adjust character positions to make the X font match the troff
- X# font more closely. It may look better if you don't define it -
- X# ligatures, especially 'fi' come out wrong at present if it is
- X# undefined.
- X# -DFASTARCS does not use an ellipse drawing algorithm that approximates
- X# ellipses as polygons. Define it if your server draws arcs fast.
- X# (Leave it undefined on Suns, uVaxen, anything using the R3 sample
- X# server miarc.c code)
- X# -DBEZERKELYISM allows the parser to understand the ditroff
- X# sequences emitted by Berkeley ditroff. (May work, I don't have
- X# Berkeley ditroff to test it)
- X# We have Menu/Menu.o, checkitem/CheckItem.o and menuitem/MenuItem.o
- X# installed as XtStuff - In fact, we keep all three (Menu. checkitem,
- X# menuitem) in one directory to make matters simpler.
- X# Window is adapted from the R2 version Chris Peterson's xman program.
- X
- X INCLUDES = -I./bitmaps -I./XtStuff -I$(TOP)
- X MATHLIB = -lm
- X
- X FC = bdftosnf
- X XTSTUFF = XtStuff/libXtStuff.a
- X OBJS = xwindows.o suntroff.o parse.o font.o draw.o \
- X fixpoint.o curves.o arc.o
- X SRCS = xwindows.c suntroff.c parse.c font.c draw.c \
- X fixpoint.c curves.c arc.c
- X PROGRAMS = xtroff
- X PREVIEWER = xtroff
- X
- X.SUFFIXES: .manX .man
- X
- X.manX.man:
- X rm -f $*.man
- X sed -e 's?WIDTHDIR?$(WIDTHDIR)?g'\
- X -e 's?FONTDIR?$(SUNTROFF_FONTS)?g' $*.manX > $*.man
- X
- X# Comment out fontstuff and xfonts if you are compiling this on a crunch
- X# machine which has no displays or X terminals attached.
- X
- XSUBDIRS = XtStuff fontstuff xfonts
- X
- Xall::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "making all in $$i"; \
- X done
- X
- Xdepend::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "depending in $$i"; \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) depend ); \
- X done
- X
- X PROGRAM = xtroff
- X
- Xall:: xtroff
- X
- X $(RM) $@
- X
- Xrelink::
- X $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
- X
- Xinstall:: xtroff
- X
- Xinstall.man:: xtroff.man
- X $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTMANFLAGS) xtroff.man $(MANDIR)/xtroff.x
- X
- Xdepend:: $(DEPEND)
- X
- Xdepend::
- X $(DEPEND) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS)
- X
- X @echo "making $@"; \
- X cd $(DEPENDSRC); $(MAKE)
- X
- Xclean::
- X $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
- X
- XXtStuff/libXtStuff.a::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in XtStuff ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "making XtStuff/libXtStuff.a in $$i"; \
- X done
- X
- Xvfonts::
- X -mkdir $(SUNTROFF_FONTS)
- X cd fontstuff; make $(MFLAGS) CDEBUGFLAGS="$(CDEBUGFLAGS)" \
- X sunfonts
- X
- Ximfonts::
- X -mkdir $(SUNTROFF_FONTS)
- X cd fontstuff; make $(MFLAGS) CDEBUGFLAGS="$(CDEBUGFLAGS)" \
- X rstfonts
- X
- Xdevsun::
- X cp -r devsun ${WIDTHDIR}; \
- X cd ${WIDTHDIR}/devsun; \
- X rm -f [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]
- X
- XMakefiles::
- X $(RM) devpsc/Makefile.bak
- X -@if [ -f devpsc/Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(MV) devpsc/Makefile devpsc/Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(MV) devpsc/Makefile devpsc/Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X cd devpsc; ../$(IMAKE) -TImake.tmpl -I../$(IRULESRC) \
- X -s Makefile $(IMAKE_DEFINES) -DTOPDIR=../$(TOP); \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- X
- Xdevpsc::
- X cd devpsc; make $(MFLAGS) MAKEDEV=$(MAKEDEV) \
- X
- Xclean::
- X rm -f xtroff.man
- X cd devpsc; make clean
- X
- Xtar:
- X make clean
- X -rm /tmp/xtroff.tar.Z
- X cd ..; tar cvfX - xtroff/ExcludeFiles ./xtroff \
- X | compress > /tmp/xtroff.tar.Z
- X
- Xlint:
- X cd XtStuff; make llib-lXtStuff.ln
- X XtStuff/llib-lXtStuff.ln -lXaw -lXt -lX11 -lm $(LINTFLAGS)
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# Imake.tmpl common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit
- X
- Xemptyrule::
- X
- Xclean::
- X $(RM_CMD) \#*
- X
- XMakefile:: $(IMAKE)
- X
- XMakefile:: Imakefile \
- X $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl \
- X $(IRULESRC)/Imake.rules \
- X $(IRULESRC)/site.def \
- X -@if [ -f Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X
- X$(IMAKE):
- X @echo "making $@"; \
- X
- Xtags::
- X $(TAGS) -w *.[ch]
- X $(TAGS) -xw *.[ch] > TAGS
- X
- X$(XLIB)::;
- X-L$(LIBSRC)/Xpic::;
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# rules for building in SUBDIRS - do not edit
- X
- Xinstall::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "installing in $$i"; \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
- X DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR)' install ); \
- X done
- X
- Xinstall.man::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "installing man pages in $$i"; \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
- X DESTDIR='$(DESTDIR)' install.man ); \
- X done
- X
- Xclean::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "cleaning in $$i"; \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) RM_CMD='$(RM_CMD)' clean ); \
- X done
- X
- Xtags::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X (cd $$i ; echo "tagging in $$i"; \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) TAGS='$(TAGS)' tags ); \
- X done
- X
- XMakefiles:: $(IMAKE)
- X
- XMakefiles::
- X @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
- X for i in $(SUBDIRS) ;\
- X do \
- X echo "Making Makefiles in $$i..."; \
- X case "$$i" in \
- X ./?*/?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../../ sub=subsubsubsub;; \
- X ./?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../ sub=subsubsub;; \
- X ./?*/?*) newtop=../../ sub=subsub;; \
- X ./?*) newtop=../ sub=sub;; \
- X */?*/?*/?*) newtop=../../../../ sub=subsubsubsub;; \
- X */?*/?*) newtop=../../../ sub=subsubsub;; \
- X */?*) newtop=../../ sub=subsub;; \
- X *) newtop=../ sub=sub;; \
- X esac; \
- X $(MAKE) $${sub}dirMakefiles NEWTOP=$$newtop \
- X done
- X
- XsubdirMakefiles:
- X $(RM) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak
- X -@if [ -f $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- X
- XsubsubdirMakefiles:
- X $(RM) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak
- X -@if [ -f $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- X
- XsubsubsubdirMakefiles:
- X $(RM) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak
- X -@if [ -f $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X cd $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR); $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=../../../$(TOP); \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- X
- XsubsubsubsubdirMakefiles:
- X $(RM) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak
- X -@if [ -f $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile ]; then \
- X echo "$(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak"; \
- X $(MV) $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR)/Makefile.bak; \
- X else exit 0; fi
- X cd $(MAKEFILE_SUBDIR); $(IMAKE_CMD) -DTOPDIR=../../../../$(TOP); \
- X $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) Makefiles
- X
- X###########################################################################
- X# dependencies generated by makedepend
- X
- if test 16795 -ne `wc -c <'xtroff/Makefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xtroff/Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xtroff/Makefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk'\" \(14490 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X# Translate from NeWS format BDF file to X11 format BDF file.
- X# D. A. Cahlander 88/12/31. dac@cray.com
- X
- X
- X# Define FONT family name
- X
- X family["Times-Bold"] = "B"
- X family["Times-BoldItalic"] = "BI"
- X family["Courier"] = "C"
- X family["Courier-Bold"] = "CB"
- X family["Courier-BoldOblique"] = "CN"
- X family["Courier-Oblique"] = "CO"
- X family["Helvetica"] = "H"
- X family["Helvetica-Bold"] = "HB"
- X family["Helvetica-BoldOblique"] = "HN"
- X family["Helvetica-Oblique"] = "HO"
- X family["Times-Italic"] = "I"
- X family["Times-Roman"] = "R"
- X family["Symbol"] = "S"
- X
- X# family["Boston"] = "Boston"
- X# family["Cyrillic"] = "Cyrillic"
- X# family["Cursor"] = "Cursor"
- X# family["GFont"] = "GFont"
- X# family["Helvetica-Medium"] = "Hevetica-Medium"
- X# family["Icon"] = "Icon"
- X# family["Kanji"] = "Kanji"
- X# family["Screen"] = "Screen"
- X# family["Symbol-Medium"] = "Symbol-Medium"
- X
- X# Define SWIDTH the same as X11 timR10.bdf
- X
- X swidth["space"] = 250
- X swidth["exclam"] = 333
- X swidth["quotedbl"] = 408
- X swidth["numbersign"] = 500
- X swidth["dollar"] = 500
- X swidth["percent"] = 833
- X swidth["ampersand"] = 778
- X swidth["quoteright"] = 333
- X swidth["parenleft"] = 333
- X swidth["parenright"] = 333
- X swidth["asterisk"] = 500
- X swidth["plus"] = 564
- X swidth["comma"] = 250
- X swidth["minus"] = 564
- X swidth["period"] = 250
- X swidth["slash"] = 278
- X swidth["zero"] = 500
- X swidth["one"] = 500
- X swidth["two"] = 500
- X swidth["three"] = 500
- X swidth["four"] = 500
- X swidth["five"] = 500
- X swidth["six"] = 500
- X swidth["seven"] = 500
- X swidth["eight"] = 500
- X swidth["nine"] = 500
- X swidth["colon"] = 278
- X swidth["semicolon"] = 278
- X swidth["less"] = 564
- X swidth["equal"] = 564
- X swidth["greater"] = 564
- X swidth["question"] = 444
- X swidth["at"] = 921
- X swidth["A"] = 722
- X swidth["B"] = 667
- X swidth["C"] = 667
- X swidth["D"] = 722
- X swidth["E"] = 611
- X swidth["F"] = 556
- X swidth["G"] = 722
- X swidth["H"] = 722
- X swidth["I"] = 333
- X swidth["J"] = 389
- X swidth["K"] = 722
- X swidth["L"] = 611
- X swidth["M"] = 889
- X swidth["N"] = 722
- X swidth["O"] = 722
- X swidth["P"] = 556
- X swidth["Q"] = 722
- X swidth["R"] = 667
- X swidth["S"] = 556
- X swidth["T"] = 611
- X swidth["U"] = 722
- X swidth["V"] = 722
- X swidth["W"] = 944
- X swidth["X"] = 722
- X swidth["Y"] = 722
- X swidth["Z"] = 611
- X swidth["bracketleft"] = 333
- X swidth["backslash"] = 278
- X swidth["bracketright"] = 333
- X swidth["asciicircum"] = 469
- X swidth["underscore"] = 500
- X swidth["quoteleft"] = 333
- X swidth["a"] = 444
- X swidth["b"] = 500
- X swidth["c"] = 444
- X swidth["d"] = 500
- X swidth["e"] = 444
- X swidth["f"] = 333
- X swidth["g"] = 500
- X swidth["h"] = 500
- X swidth["i"] = 278
- X swidth["j"] = 278
- X swidth["k"] = 500
- X swidth["l"] = 278
- X swidth["m"] = 778
- X swidth["n"] = 500
- X swidth["o"] = 500
- X swidth["p"] = 500
- X swidth["q"] = 500
- X swidth["r"] = 333
- X swidth["s"] = 389
- X swidth["t"] = 278
- X swidth["u"] = 500
- X swidth["v"] = 500
- X swidth["w"] = 722
- X swidth["x"] = 500
- X swidth["y"] = 500
- X swidth["z"] = 444
- X swidth["braceleft"] = 480
- X swidth["bar"] = 200
- X swidth["braceright"] = 480
- X swidth["asciitilde"] = 541
- X swidth["exclamdown"] = 333
- X swidth["cent"] = 500
- X swidth["sterling"] = 500
- X swidth["currency"] = 500
- X swidth["yen"] = 500
- X swidth["brokenbar"] = 200
- X swidth["section"] = 500
- X swidth["dieresis"] = 333
- X swidth["copyright"] = 760
- X swidth["ordfeminine"] = 276
- X swidth["guillemotleft"] = 500
- X swidth["logicalnot"] = 564
- X swidth["hyphen"] = 333
- X swidth["registered"] = 760
- X swidth["macron"] = 333
- X swidth["degree"] = 400
- X swidth["plusminus"] = 564
- X swidth["twosuperior"] = 300
- X swidth["threesuperior"] = 300
- X swidth["acute"] = 333
- X swidth["mu"] = 500
- X swidth["paragraph"] = 453
- X swidth["periodcentered"] = 250
- X swidth["cedilla"] = 333
- X swidth["onesuperior"] = 300
- X swidth["ordmasculine"] = 310
- X swidth["guillemotright"] = 500
- X swidth["onequarter"] = 750
- X swidth["onehalf"] = 750
- X swidth["threequarters"] = 750
- X swidth["questiondown"] = 444
- X swidth["Agrave"] = 722
- X swidth["Aacute"] = 722
- X swidth["Acircumflex"] = 722
- X swidth["Atilde"] = 722
- X swidth["Adieresis"] = 722
- X swidth["Aring"] = 722
- X swidth["AE"] = 889
- X swidth["Ccedilla"] = 667
- X swidth["Egrave"] = 611
- X swidth["Eacute"] = 611
- X swidth["Ecircumflex"] = 611
- X swidth["Edieresis"] = 611
- X swidth["Igrave"] = 333
- X swidth["Iacute"] = 333
- X swidth["Icircumflex"] = 333
- X swidth["Idieresis"] = 333
- X swidth["Eth"] = 722
- X swidth["Ntilde"] = 722
- X swidth["Ograve"] = 722
- X swidth["Oacute"] = 722
- X swidth["Ocircumflex"] = 722
- X swidth["Otilde"] = 722
- X swidth["Odieresis"] = 722
- X swidth["multiply"] = 564
- X swidth["Oslash"] = 722
- X swidth["Ugrave"] = 722
- X swidth["Uacute"] = 722
- X swidth["Ucircumflex"] = 722
- X swidth["Udieresis"] = 722
- X swidth["Yacute"] = 722
- X swidth["Thorn"] = 556
- X swidth["germandbls"] = 500
- X swidth["agrave"] = 444
- X swidth["aacute"] = 444
- X swidth["acircumflex"] = 444
- X swidth["atilde"] = 444
- X swidth["adieresis"] = 444
- X swidth["aring"] = 444
- X swidth["ae"] = 667
- X swidth["ccedilla"] = 444
- X swidth["egrave"] = 444
- X swidth["eacute"] = 444
- X swidth["ecircumflex"] = 444
- X swidth["edieresis"] = 444
- X swidth["igrave"] = 278
- X swidth["iacute"] = 278
- X swidth["icircumflex"] = 278
- X swidth["idieresis"] = 278
- X swidth["eth"] = 500
- X swidth["ntilde"] = 500
- X swidth["ograve"] = 500
- X swidth["oacute"] = 500
- X swidth["ocircumflex"] = 500
- X swidth["otilde"] = 500
- X swidth["odieresis"] = 500
- X swidth["divide"] = 564
- X swidth["oslash"] = 500
- X swidth["ugrave"] = 500
- X swidth["uacute"] = 500
- X swidth["ucircumflex"] = 500
- X swidth["udieresis"] = 500
- X swidth["yacute"] = 500
- X swidth["thorn"] = 500
- X swidth["ydieresis"] = 500
- X swidth["Zcaron"] = 611
- X swidth["zcaron"] = 444
- X swidth["Scaron"] = 556
- X swidth["scaron"] = 389
- X swidth["oe"] = 722
- X swidth["lslash"] = 278
- X swidth["dotlessi"] = 278
- X swidth["Ydieresis"] = 722
- X swidth["OE"] = 889
- X swidth["Lslash"] = 611
- X swidth["emdash"] = 1000
- X swidth["caron"] = 333
- X swidth["ogonek"] = 333
- X swidth["hungarumlaut"] = 333
- X swidth["ring"] = 333
- X swidth["dotaccent"] = 333
- X swidth["breve"] = 333
- X swidth["tilde"] = 333
- X swidth["circumflex"] = 333
- X swidth["grave"] = 333
- X swidth["perthousand"] = 1000
- X swidth["ellipsis"] = 1000
- X swidth["quotedblright"] = 444
- X swidth["quotedblbase"] = 444
- X swidth["quotesinglbase"] = 333
- X swidth["bullet"] = 350
- X swidth["daggerdbl"] = 500
- X swidth["dagger"] = 500
- X swidth["endash"] = 500
- X swidth["fl"] = 556
- X swidth["fi"] = 556
- X swidth["guilsinglright"] = 333
- X swidth["guilsinglleft"] = 333
- X swidth["quotedblleft"] = 444
- X swidth["quotesingle"] = 180
- X swidth["florin"] = 500
- X swidth["fraction"] = 167
- X swidth["trademark"] = 980
- X
- X# define location of "special" character set
- X
- X special[32] = "space"
- X special[33] = "exclam"
- X special[34] = "universal"
- X special[35] = "numbersign"
- X special[36] = "existential"
- X special[37] = "percent"
- X special[38] = "ampersand"
- X special[39] = "suchthat"
- X special[40] = "parenleft"
- X special[41] = "parenright"
- X special[42] = "asteriskmath"
- X special[43] = "plus"
- X special[44] = "comma"
- X special[45] = "minus"
- X special[46] = "period"
- X special[47] = "slash"
- X special[48] = "zero"
- X special[49] = "one"
- X special[50] = "two"
- X special[51] = "three"
- X special[52] = "four"
- X special[53] = "five"
- X special[54] = "six"
- X special[55] = "seven"
- X special[56] = "eight"
- X special[57] = "nine"
- X special[58] = "colon"
- X special[59] = "semicolon"
- X special[60] = "less"
- X special[61] = "equal"
- X special[62] = "greater"
- X special[63] = "question"
- X special[64] = "congruent"
- X special[65] = "Alpha"
- X special[66] = "Beta"
- X special[67] = "Chi"
- X special[68] = "Delta"
- X special[69] = "Epsilon"
- X special[70] = "Phi"
- X special[71] = "Gamma"
- X special[72] = "Eta"
- X special[73] = "Iota"
- X special[74] = "theta1"
- X special[75] = "Kappa"
- X special[76] = "Lambda"
- X special[77] = "Mu"
- X special[78] = "Nu"
- X special[79] = "Omicron"
- X special[80] = "Pi"
- X special[81] = "Theta"
- X special[82] = "Rho"
- X special[83] = "Sigma"
- X special[84] = "Tau"
- X special[85] = "Upsilon"
- X special[86] = "sigma1"
- X special[87] = "Omega"
- X special[88] = "Xi"
- X special[89] = "Psi"
- X special[90] = "Zeta"
- X special[91] = "bracketleft"
- X special[92] = "therefore"
- X special[93] = "bracketright"
- X special[94] = "perpendicular"
- X special[95] = "underscore"
- X special[96] = "radicalex"
- X special[97] = "alpha"
- X special[98] = "beta"
- X special[99] = "chi"
- X special[100] = "delta"
- X special[101] = "epsilon"
- X special[102] = "phi"
- X special[103] = "gamma"
- X special[104] = "eta"
- X special[105] = "iota"
- X special[106] = "phi1"
- X special[107] = "kappa"
- X special[108] = "lambda"
- X special[109] = "mu"
- X special[110] = "nu"
- X special[111] = "omicron"
- X special[112] = "pi"
- X special[113] = "theta"
- X special[114] = "rho"
- X special[115] = "sigma"
- X special[116] = "tau"
- X special[117] = "upsilon"
- X special[118] = "omega1"
- X special[119] = "omega"
- X special[120] = "xi"
- X special[121] = "psi"
- X special[122] = "zeta"
- X special[123] = "braceleft"
- X special[124] = "bar"
- X special[125] = "braceright"
- X special[126] = "similar"
- X special[161] = "Upsilon1"
- X special[162] = "minute"
- X special[163] = "lessequal"
- X special[164] = "fraction"
- X special[165] = "infinity"
- X special[166] = "florin"
- X special[167] = "club"
- X special[168] = "diamond"
- X special[169] = "heart"
- X special[170] = "spade"
- X special[171] = "arrowboth"
- X special[172] = "arrowleft"
- X special[173] = "arrowup"
- X special[174] = "arrowright"
- X special[175] = "arrowdown"
- X special[176] = "degree"
- X special[177] = "plusminus"
- X special[178] = "second"
- X special[179] = "greaterequal"
- X special[180] = "multiply"
- X special[181] = "proportional"
- X special[182] = "partialdiff"
- X special[183] = "bullet"
- X special[184] = "divide"
- X special[185] = "notequal"
- X special[186] = "equivalence"
- X special[187] = "approxequal"
- X special[188] = "ellipsis"
- X special[189] = "arrowvertex"
- X special[190] = "arrowhorizex"
- X special[191] = "carriagereturn"
- X special[192] = "aleph"
- X special[193] = "Ifraktur"
- X special[194] = "Rfraktur"
- X special[195] = "weierstrass"
- X special[196] = "circlemultiply"
- X special[197] = "circleplus"
- X special[198] = "emptyset"
- X special[199] = "intersection"
- X special[200] = "union"
- X special[201] = "propersuperset"
- X special[202] = "reflexsuperset"
- X special[203] = "notsubset"
- X special[204] = "propersubset"
- X special[205] = "reflexsubset"
- X special[206] = "element"
- X special[207] = "notelement"
- X special[208] = "angle"
- X special[209] = "gradient"
- X special[210] = "registerserif"
- X special[211] = "copyrightserif"
- X special[212] = "trademarkserif"
- X special[213] = "product"
- X special[214] = "radical"
- X special[215] = "dotmath"
- X special[216] = "logicalnot"
- X special[217] = "logicaland"
- X special[218] = "logicalor"
- X special[219] = "arrowdblboth"
- X special[220] = "arrowdblleft"
- X special[221] = "arrowdblup"
- X special[222] = "arrowdblright"
- X special[223] = "arrowdbldown"
- X special[224] = "lozenge"
- X special[225] = "angleleft"
- X special[226] = "registersans"
- X special[227] = "copyrightsans"
- X special[228] = "trademarksans"
- X special[229] = "summation"
- X special[230] = "parenlefttp"
- X special[231] = "parenleftex"
- X special[232] = "parenleftbt"
- X special[233] = "bracketlefttp"
- X special[234] = "bracketleftex"
- X special[235] = "bracketleftbt"
- X special[236] = "bracelefttp"
- X special[237] = "braceleftmid"
- X special[238] = "braceleftbt"
- X special[239] = "braceex"
- X special[240] = "apple"
- X special[241] = "angleright"
- X special[242] = "integral"
- X special[243] = "integraltp"
- X special[244] = "integralex"
- X special[245] = "integralbt"
- X special[246] = "parenrighttp"
- X special[247] = "parenrightex"
- X special[248] = "parenrightbt"
- X special[249] = "bracketrighttp"
- X special[250] = "bracketrightex"
- X special[251] = "bracketrightbt"
- X special[252] = "bracerighttp"
- X special[253] = "bracerightmid"
- X special[254] = "bracerightbt"
- X special[133] = "box"
- X special[132] = "square"
- X special[134] = "circle"
- X special[135] = "boxrule"
- X special[137] = "rule"
- X special[148] = "rightceiling"
- X special[136] = "boldvertical"
- X special[146] = "rightfloor"
- X special[141] = "righttopcurly"
- X special[144] = "rightmidcurly"
- X special[142] = "rightbotcurly"
- X special[147] = "leftceiling"
- X special[145] = "leftfloor"
- X special[139] = "lefttopcurly"
- X special[143] = "leftmidcurly"
- X special[140] = "leftbotcurly"
- X}
- X
- X# Header from fonts/bdf/75dpi/timR24.bdf
- X#
- X# FONT -Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-P-54-ISO8859-1
- X# SIZE 10 75 75
- X# FONTBOUNDINGBOX 11 11 -1 -3
- X# COMMENT Begin LogicalFontDescription
- X# FAMILY_NAME "Times"
- X# FOUNDRY "Adobe"
- X# WEIGHT_NAME "Medium"
- X# SLANT "R"
- X# DEVICE_FONT_NAME "Times-Roman"
- X# COMMENT END LogicalFontDescription
- X# FULL_NAME "Times Roman"
- X# COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) 1984, 1987 Adobe Systems, Inc., Portions Copyright 1988 Digital Equipment Corp."
- X# COMMENT ***** end of inserted font properties
- X# CHARS 228
- X# STARTCHAR space
- X# SWIDTH 250 0
- X# DWIDTH 2 0
- X# BBX 1 1 0 0
- X# 00
- X
- X# Change the version number and fill in what is needed for bdftosnf
- X
- X/^StartFont / {
- X print "STARTFONT 2.1"
- X next
- X}
- X
- X/^Comment / { $1 = "COMMENT" }
- X
- X/^Font / {
- X fontname = $2
- X next
- X}
- X
- X/^Size / {
- X if (length(family[fontname]))
- X print "FONT devpsc." family[fontname] "." $2 "." 75
- X else
- X print "FONT " fontname "." $2 "." 75
- X $1 = "SIZE"
- X}
- X
- X/^FontBoundingBox / {
- X print
- X print "DEVICE_FONT_NAME \"" fontname "\""
- X print "RESOLUTION_X 75"
- X print "RESOLUTION_Y 75"
- X if ($3 > $5) {
- X print "FONT_ASCENT", $3
- X print "FONT_DESCENT", -$5
- X } else {
- X print "FONT_ASCENT", $5
- X print "FONT_DESCENT", -$3
- X }
- X next
- X}
- X
- X/^Chars / { $1 = "CHARS" }
- X
- X/^StartChar / {
- X $1 = "STARTCHAR"
- X ch = $2
- X if (fontname == "Symbol")
- X next
- X}
- X
- X/^Encoding / {
- X $1 = "ENCODING"
- X
- X# Change encoded name for the Symbol set since dumpfont
- X# gives the wrong name.
- X
- X if (fontname == "Symbol") {
- X if (length(special[$2]))
- X ch = special[$2]
- X else
- X ch = "<unknown>"
- X print "STARTCHAR", ch
- X print
- X next
- X }
- X
- X# Change to unencoded for "<unknown>" characters.
- X# These characters could even be removed from the character set.
- X
- X if ((ch == "<unknown>") && length(family[fontname]))
- X $2 = -1
- X}
- X
- X# SWIDTH is not provided. It is not needed for xtroff, but
- X# should be supplied for completeness. Here it is supplied
- X# from a canned table.
- X
- X/^DWidth / {
- X if (length(swidth[ch]) != 0)
- X print "SWIDTH", swidth[ch], "0"
- X else
- X print "SWIDTH 250 0"
- X $1 = "DWIDTH"
- X}
- X
- X/^Bitmap/ { $1 = "BITMAP" }
- X
- X/^EndChar/ { $1 = "ENDCHAR" }
- X
- X/^EndFont/ { $1 = "ENDFONT" }
- X
- X# other
- X
- X{ print }
- if test 14490 -ne `wc -c <'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xtroff/NeWS/news.awk'
- fi
- if test -f 'xtroff/README' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'xtroff/README'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'xtroff/README'\" \(15047 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'xtroff/README' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XThis directory contains a Device Independent Troff previewer for a
- XSun workstation. It is based on a previewer originally written by
- XDavid Slattengren (Berkeley) and Rich Hyde (Purdue) and was nearly
- Xall rewritten by Malcolm Slaney (Schlumberger Palo Alto Research).
- X(An X Windows interface for X Version 11 also exists - see README.X11)
- X
- XFirst the appropiate legal mumblings......
- X
- XThis command was developed as an independent project to satisfy a need
- Xof the author. This program may contain bugs and the user is cautioned
- Xto independently verify that the program is suitable for the user's
- Xintended purpose. The program is made available on an ``as is'' basis
- Xwith all faults and without any implied or expressed warranties or support
- Xfrom either the author, Malcolm Slaney, or the Schlumberger Palo Alto
- XResearch Laboratory.
- X
- XI am putting this program in the Unix domain. You are free to use
- Xit as you wish. In return I ask two things. First, that you do not
- Xremove the names of the authors from this work. Secondly, if you
- Xmake changes or improvements to this program that you pass these
- Xchanges back to the author so that everybody can benefit from the
- Ximprovements.
- X
- X
- X Malcolm Slaney (December 1986)
- X Schlumberger Palo Alto Research
- X 3340 Hillview Avenue
- X Palo Alto, CA 94304
- X (415) 496-4669
- X spar!malcolm@decwrl.dec.com
- X malcolm@ecn.purdue.edu
- X malcolm@spar.slb.com (Someday)
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDitroff (Device Independent Troff) outputs a file containing commands
- Xfor a pseudo typesetter. SunTroff reads this file and displays an
- Xapproximation to the typeset output as a window on a Sun workstation.
- XThe current code makes extensive use of Sun View and will runs under
- Xeither Sun Unix 3.0 or 3.2. It has not been tested with other versions
- Xof Sun software. (Note that ditroff is NOT the same as /usr/bin/troff
- Xin SunOS. Ditroff is supplied with the Documenters WorkBench by AT&T,
- Xor with the research editions of Unix from Bell labs (eg) Eighth
- XEdition. To tell if your typesetter if ditroff, try running the
- Xsuntroff.man through it - if you get something resembling
- Xsuntroff.tr (i.e ASCII commands) then it's ditroff - if you get a
- Xbinary file, or the dreaded 'Typesetter busy', then you've got the
- Xvenerable old troff that produces stuff for a CAT typesetter).
- X
- XDitroff reads files containing typesetter information from a directory
- X(at SPAR it is in /usr/spar/font/ditroff). This information is also
- Xused by SunTroff (and most of the filters that convert ditroff output
- Xinto bits for a typesetter.) Within the ditroff directory there
- Xare sub directories for each of the typesetters supported by ditroff.
- XThese directories are named /usr/spar/font/ditroff/devXXX where XXX is
- Xreplaced with the typesetter name.
- X(At CSRI, University of Toronto, the troff directory is called
- X /local/share/troff, and ditroff is called /local/bin/troff)
- X
- XIn addition their is another directory (called /usr/spar/font/suntroff
- Xat SPAR) with the actual fonts used by Suntroff. This directory
- Xparallel's the ditroff directory with seperate directories for
- Xeach typesetter. These directories contain the reduced fonts used
- Xto approximate each typesetter. Suntroff (as it is used at SPAR)
- Xuses fonts that have 120 dots per inch.
- X(At CSRI, this directory is /local/lib/suntroff)
- X
- XThere is software provided (originally written at Berkeley) that will
- Xconvert Berkeley versatec format or Imagen RST format fonts to a
- Xreadable format, reduce them by any desired fraction and then convert
- Xthem back to Versatec format for use by Suntroff. SunTroff can only
- Xread font information in Berkeley Versatec format (this is also the
- Xdefault for the rest of the Sun software.)
- X
- XThe hardest problem with SunTroff (possibly unsolved) is the fonts.
- XThe only fonts that are available to Sun users are the versatec fonts
- Xfound in /usr/lib/vfont. Other typesetters (like Imagen) sometimes
- Xprovide fonts but not in a common format. Finally there are typesetters
- X(like Adobe and Apple) where there it is not possible to get the font
- Xbits.
- X
- XSunTroff will try to use the fonts available for each typesetter. Here
- Xat SPAR this means that our 300 dpi Imagen printer has some of the
- Xfonts it needs. All other devices default to the Versatec fonts. SunTroff
- Xis pretty smart about picking the right size if exactly the right size
- Xisn't available. If the correct font name isn't present (like a
- XRoman Helvetica, HR) then it defaults to the Roman font.
- X
- XIn addition to the normal typesetters it is also necessary to define
- Xa new typesetter called sun that represents the default typesetter.
- XIn the ditroff font directory this can be a link to the Versatec information
- X(link devvp to devsun) but in the SunTroff directory it contains the
- Xactual bits for the default fonts. Here is what these two directories
- Xcontain at SPAR.
- X
- X/usr/spar/font/ditroff:
- Xtotal 25
- X 1 drwxrwxr-x 9 malcolm 512 Oct 29 12:17 .
- X 1 drwxrwxr-x 6 root 512 Sep 14 13:21 ..
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 12 Oct 22 15:58 devi24 -> devimagen300
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 12 Oct 22 15:58 devimagen -> devimagen300
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 12 Oct 22 15:58 devimagen24 -> devimagen300
- X 1 drwxrwxr-x 3 malcolm 1024 Sep 29 11:51 devimagen300
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 12 Oct 22 15:58 devip -> devimagen300
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devlw1 -> devpsc
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devlw2 -> devpsc
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devlw3 -> devpsc
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devlw4 -> devpsc
- X 2 drwxrwxr-x 2 malcolm 1536 Jul 7 20:12 devpsc
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 5 Oct 29 12:17 devsun -> devva
- X 1 drwxrwxr-x 2 malcolm 512 Jun 30 10:44 devter
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devterm -> devter
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 6 Oct 22 15:58 devterminal -> devter
- X 2 drwxrwxr-x 2 malcolm 2048 Jun 30 10:45 devva
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 5 Oct 22 15:58 devvarian -> devva
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 5 Oct 22 15:58 devversatec -> devva
- X 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 malcolm 5 Oct 22 15:58 devvp -> devva
- X
- X/usr/spar/font/suntroff:
- Xtotal 6
- X 1 drwxr-xr-x 4 malcolm 512 Sep 14 13:53 .
- X 1 drwxrwxr-x 6 root 512 Sep 14 13:21 ..
- X 3 drwxr-xr-x 2 malcolm 3072 Sep 26 17:06 devimagen
- X 1 drwxr-xr-x 2 malcolm 1024 Sep 15 09:38 devsun
- X
- XNote that in the /usr/spar/font/ditroff directory there are really
- Xonly five different devices supported (300 dpi Imagen, 300 dpi
- XPostscript, dumb terminals and the 200 dpi Versatec type
- Xdevices). Each directory contains the DESC and font files needed
- Xfor ditroff.
- X
- XThe /usr/spar/font/suntroff directory only contains two directories,
- Xone for the imagen fonts and the other for the default sun fonts. The
- Xprograms in the fontstuff subdirectory are used to make these fonts.
- XIf anybody figures out a way to get the Apple fonts I would dearly
- Xlove to hear from them.
- X
- XInstallation of SunTroff is relatively easy. The following represents
- Xa short do list (I hope I haven't forgotten anything). Except for
- Xcreating the BITDIR (see 2 below) directory and installing the binary
- Ximage of suntroff there is no need for special permissions.
- X
- X1) Edit the Makefile. Change the definitions of VFONTS and RSTFONTS
- X to point to the location of your Versatec Font Files (as provided
- X by Sun) and the RST (Imagen) fonts. If you don't have an Imagen
- X printer (or you don't want to mess with the Imagen fonts) then
- X don't worry about the RSTFONTS. These two definitions are needed
- X by the programs that attempt to automatically make the font files
- X needed for the screen. Change SUNTROFF_FONTS to the directory
- X where you want the scaled sunfonts to go (they'll be put in devXXX
- X subdirectories, and set DEVICE to whatever XXX is to be. (eg) sun
- X for devsun, or imp for devimp.) Change MAKEDEV to point to
- X either makedev (for AT&T ditroff people) or devconfig (for Berkeley
- X ditroff people). Change WIDTHDIR to point to wherever ditroff
- X looks for its font width tables. To find that out, type
- X something like
- X ditroff -t -Tfoo suntroff.man > /dev/null
- X You should get an error message like
- X
- X ditroff: can't open tables for /usr/local/lib/troff//devfoo/DESC.out
- X
- X Whatever is before the devfoo is WIDTHDIR.
- X (At CSRI, we call ditroff troff, and just bury the Sun
- X supplied /usr/bin/troff)
- X
- X People using Berkeley ditroff should add -DBEZERKELYISM to the
- X DEFINES line in the Makefile.
- X
- X2) Make sure that the dev.h file is correct. There are two versions.
- X The one supplied is identical to AT&T's version and should work
- X for most people. If your version of DESC.out files are compiled
- X with another version of dev.h then you should replace this copy
- X of the dev.h file with your own. It doesn't really matter which
- X version you use as long as you are consistent.
- X
- X3) Type make. This will make the suntroff binary.
- X
- X4) Type 'make fonts' which will make the font conversion programs, and
- X then scale and make the fonts, and install them in
- X
- X5) Type 'make width'. This will install the devsun directory in
- X WIDTHDIR. It runs either makedev (for you AT&T ditroff people) or
- X devconfig (for you Berkeley ditroff people).
- X
- X The devsun directory (and more specifically the DESC.out file that
- X devconfig/makedev create) is necessary so that SunTroff knows how
- X to find the special characters (like ligatures) in the font files.
- X
- X In the directory devsun I have supplied the DESC and font
- X description files we use for the Versatec (default) fonts. If
- X your site doesn't already support the Versatec fonts then these
- X description files might be a good place to start. Be sure to
- X put them in with the rest of your fonts and run either makedev
- X (AT&T) or devconfig (Berkeley). You need to have a devsun
- X directory......it can either be a link to the devversatec
- X (or whatever you call it) or a copy of the devsun directory
- X supplied here.
- X
- X6) To test. Type the command "suntroff suntroff.tr" while
- X running in suntools. Things should be pretty obvious from the
- X right mouse button menu, the middle mouse button and the
- X status panel. (The files suntroff.tr and xtroff.tr are both
- X ditroff output files for test purposes. They are the suntroff
- X and xtroff manuals respectively). Then you can create a ditroff
- X output file with the -t flag to ditroff.
- X
- XOne final note (or things not to get bitten by)
- XNote there are two different versions of the dev.h file that describes
- Xthe DESC.out files. The AT&T version is probably the most widespread
- Xand is what is distributed in this directory. Berkeley made a couple
- Xof small changes in the size of some of the string arrays and changed
- Xa couple of the spare slots into graphics specifications. It doesn't
- Xmatter which one you use as long as it is the same as the one used
- Xto make your DESC.out files. (If you're not sure then the one supplied
- Xis probably correct for you.)
- X
- XIf you don't have the proper $(WIDTHDIR)/devsun/DESC.out file installed then
- XSunTroff will not be able to find the special characters like ligatures
- X(fi, ffi, etc).
- X
- XThe files found in this directory are listed below. Note the source files
- Xare organized the way they are because there is somebody at SPAR who is
- Xinterested in using the SunTroff user interface (in sunwindows.c) as part
- Xof a TeX previewer. The file sunwindows.c contains all the SunView code,
- Xand suntroff.c and *.c contain all the ditroff dependent stuff.
- X
- X README This file.
- X
- X dev.h Contains structure describing the
- X binary file with typesetter information.
- X
- X devsun/ A directory containing the DESC and
- X font description files needed for DiTroff.
- X Be sure to install this information in
- X your ditroff font directory. SunTroff needs
- X this information so it can figure out the
- X mapping of the special characters.
- X If you already have Ditroff working on
- X the versatec then just use that directory.
- X
- X suntroff The binary executable. Install in
- X your favorite source directory.
- X
- X suntroff.h Various system defines. You will
- X definitely have to change the location
- X of your font directories (FONTDIR and
- X BITDIR). The rest of the stuff is
- X probably OK. Also note the LPR command
- X that is used. It could be different
- X at different sites.
- X
- X suntroff.man The manual page
- X suntroff.tr The ditroff output of the manual page
- X
- X suntroff.c Miscellaneous functions that don't
- X really fit anywhere else. The functions
- X in sunwindows.c mostly call the functions
- X in this file.
- X
- X curves.c The fancy drawing commands. There were
- X not written at SPAR.
- X
- X draw.c The simple drawing commands. Most of
- X the word is done by SunView.
- X
- X fixpoint.c Fixed point arithmetic used by the
- X routines in curves.c
- X
- X font.c All the routines needed to deal with
- X the fonts. This includes font loading
- X and caching.
- X
- X parse.c Parse the troff input file. No real
- X work is done by this file. It depends
- X on the other files to draw the
- X characters.
- X
- X sunwindows.c This file contains all the SunView interface.
- X This includes the page movement, the
- X panel and the menu. It provides a large
- X bit map for the troff drawing functions
- X to scribble on then displays the desired
- X part of the page for the user.
- X
- X
- XIn the fontstuff directory:
- X
- X MakeSunFonts Program to make the reduced fonts
- X needed by SunTroff. By default it
- X reads the fonts in /usr/lib/vfont
- X reduces them and puts them in
- X the proper directory.
- X
- X MakeImagenFonts Program to make the reduced fonts
- X needed by SunTroff to emulate the
- X 300 DPI Imagen printers.
- X
- X ch2rst
- X ch2rst.c Convert a font in character format
- X back into RST (Imagen) format
- X ch2cft
- X ch2vft.c Convert a font in character format
- X back into Versatec format
- X
- X rst.h Describes the RST (Imagen) format.
- X
- X rst2ch
- X rst2ch.c Convert an RST format font into
- X a readable (character) format.
- X
- X scalech
- X scalech.c Scale a readable font (as created
- X by rst2ch and vft2ch) by a fraction
- X less than 1.
- X
- X vf2bdf
- X vf2bdf.c Convert a Vfont (Versatec format)
- X font into the BDF format used by
- X X11. (Originally from Ken Yap, at Rochester,
- X a couple of fixes by Dana Chee at bellcore
- X - moraes)
- X
- X vft2ch
- X vft2ch.c Convert a Vfont (Versatec format)
- X font into character format.
- X
- XIn the bitmaps directory:
- X
- X ditroff.icon An icon for the SunTroff program.
- X
- X ditroff.bitmap An icon for the X11 program.
- X
- X hand.x11.mask
- X hand.x11.bitmap The hand cursor for the X11 program.
- X (All conversions from Sun format to X11
- X format were made using Jef Poskanzer's
- X pbm programs - moraes)
- X
- XPlease contact me if you have any questions, comments, bugs and (most
- Ximportantly) any improvements.
- X
- X Malcolm Slaney
- X Schlumberger Palo Alto Research
- X 3340 Hillview Avenue
- X Palo Alto, CA 94304
- X (415) 496-4669
- X {decwrl,pur-ee}!malcolm
- X spar!malcolm@decwrl.dec.com
- X malcolm@malcolm.purdue.edu
- X
- if test 15047 -ne `wc -c <'xtroff/README'`; then
- echo shar: \"'xtroff/README'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'xtroff/README'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 11 \(of 18\).
- cp /dev/null ark11isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 18 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0