home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989 */
- /* at Cornell University. It may may copied freely for private use or */
- /* public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed. This */
- /* program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this */
- /* program may not be sold or traded for financial gain. */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/keysym.h>
- #include "golddig.h"
- char *getenv(),*sprintf();
- #define NUMHIGH 15 /* Number of high scores that will be remembered */
- /* Add a high score to the high score list */
- void add_score(whydie)
- char *whydie; /* Textual description of reason for death */
- {
- /* Structure containing top game results */
- struct {
- int score; /* Final score */
- int slev,elev; /* Starting and ending level */
- int uid; /* Player account uid */
- char desc[80]; /* Text description */
- } tops[NUMHIGH],next;
- FILE *sfile; /* High score file */
- char buf[200];
- register int i;
- int numscore,cur,numgame;
- /* Generate name of high score file */
- sprintf(buf,"%s/scores",LIB);
- /* Open high score file */
- sfile = fopen(buf,"r");
- /* Set default values for number of games and high scores */
- numscore = 0;
- numgame = 0;
- /* If file is readable, load in old high score list */
- if(sfile != NULL) {
- /* Load a line on text */
- if(fgets(buf,200,sfile))
- sscanf(buf,"%d",&numgame);
- /* Extract score information from line */
- while(fgets(buf,200,sfile) && numscore < NUMHIGH) {
- sscanf(buf,"%d %d %d %d %[^\n]",&(next.score),&(next.slev),&(next.elev),
- &(next.uid),next.desc);
- tops[numscore] = next;
- numscore ++;
- }
- fclose(sfile);
- }
- /* Contruct the structure containing the score for this game */
- next.score = score;
- next.slev = levelstart;
- next.elev = levelnum;
- next.uid = getuid();
- sprintf(next.desc,"%s %s",getenv("USER"),whydie);
- cur = -1;
- /* Insert new score in old high score list */
- if(numscore < NUMHIGH || tops[NUMHIGH - 1].score < next.score) {
- /* Iterate through high score list */
- for(i = (numscore >= NUMHIGH ? NUMHIGH-2 : numscore-1);i >= 0;i--) {
- /* Look for place for insertion */
- if(next.score > tops[i].score)
- tops[i+1] = tops[i]; /* Move old scores down one place in list */
- else
- break; /* Found spot for insertion */
- }
- tops[i+1] = next; /* Overwrite entry in high score list */
- cur = i+1; /* Remember where new high score was inserted */
- /* Increment the number of high scores */
- if(numscore < NUMHIGH)
- numscore ++;
- }
- /* Increment and print the number of games played */
- numgame ++;
- printf("High scores after %d games played:\n",numgame);
- /* Print out new high score list */
- for(i=0;i<numscore;++i) {
- /* Flag new high score with a leading > */
- if(i == cur)
- putchar('>');
- else
- putchar(' ');
- printf("%s on level %d (started at %d). Final score was %d.\n",
- tops[i].desc,tops[i].elev,tops[i].slev,tops[i].score);
- }
- /* If current game did not make it to the high score list, print it */
- /* afterwords */
- if(cur == -1) {
- puts("...");
- printf(">%s on level %d (started at %d). Final score was %d.\n",
- next.desc,next.elev,next.slev,next.score);
- }
- /* Save new high score list to score file */
- sprintf(buf,"%s/scores",LIB);
- sfile = fopen(buf,"w");
- if(sfile == NULL) {
- perror(buf);
- return;
- }
- fprintf(sfile,"%d\n",numgame);
- for(i=0;i<numscore;++i)
- fprintf(sfile,"%d %d %d %d %s\n",tops[i].score,tops[i].slev,
- tops[i].elev,tops[i].uid,tops[i].desc);
- fclose(sfile);
- }