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- Path: uunet!ssbell!kent@ssbell.uu.net
- From: kent@ssbell.uu.net (Kent Landfield)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v05i046: golddig2 -- A game for X11, Part02/04
- Message-ID: <595@ssbell.uu.net>
- Date: 14 Dec 89 03:16:34 GMT
- Sender: kent@ssbell.uu.net
- Lines: 1225
- Approved: kent@ssbell.uu.net (Kent Landfield)
- Submitted-by: Alexander Siegel <siegel@cs.cornell.edu>
- Posting-number: Volume 5, Issue 46
- Archive-name: golddig2/part02
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 2 (of 4)."
- # Contents: golddig2/Makefile golddig2/golddig.h golddig2/golddig.p
- # golddig2/goldlev010 golddig2/goldlev011 golddig2/goldlev012
- # golddig2/goldlev013 golddig2/goldlev014 golddig2/goldlev015
- # golddig2/goldlev016 golddig2/goldlev018 golddig2/makelev.c
- # golddig2/scores.c
- # Wrapped by kent@ssbell on Wed Dec 13 20:36:50 1989
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'golddig2/Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/Makefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/Makefile'\" \(2241 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X# This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989
- X# at Cornell University. It may may copied freely for private use or
- X# public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed. This
- X# program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this
- X# program may not be sold or traded for financial gain.
- X
- X# Name of game executable
- XGAME = golddig
- X# Name of level editor executable
- XEDITOR = makelev
- X# Directory where games binaries are stored
- XBIN = /usr/public/${HOSTTYPE}/games
- X# Directory where the library for this game will be stored
- XLIB = /usr/public/sun3/games/lib/${GAME}
- X# Directory where manual pages are kept
- XMAN = /usr/public/man/man${MANEXT}
- X# Font used to display score
- XSCOREFONT = -adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18-180-75-75-p-99-iso8859-1
- X# Height of SCOREFONT
- X
- X# Common compilers
- X#CC = cc
- XCC = gcc
- X
- X# Some common choices for CFLAGS.
- X#CFLAGS = -O2
- XCFLAGS = -O -W -Wreturn-type -Wunused -g -finline-functions
- X#CFLAGS = -g
- X
- Xall: ${GAME} ${EDITOR}
- X
- Xinstall: all
- X -mkdir ${LIB}
- X cp ${GAME} ${EDITOR} ${BIN}
- X# The next line sets up the level files so that anyone can edit all of
- X# the levels. Remove this line to have better security.
- X chmod 4755 ${BIN}/${EDITOR}
- X touch ${LIB}/scores
- X# Allow anyone to modify the high score file. An alternative is to
- X# change the mode bits of ${GAME} to be 4755.
- X chmod 666 ${LIB}/scores
- X cp goldlev* default ${LIB}
- X cp golddig.p ${MAN}/golddig.${MANEXT}
- X
- Xupdate: all
- X cp ${GAME} ${EDITOR} ${BIN}
- X# The next line sets up the level files so that anyone can edit all of
- X# the levels. Remove this line to have better security.
- X chmod 4755 ${BIN}/${EDITOR}
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f *.o *~ bitmap/*~ core ${GAME} ${EDITOR}
- X
- XSRCS = golddig.c shared.c badguy.c movement.c scores.c
- XOBJS = golddig.o shared.o badguy.o movement.o scores.o
- X
- Xlint:
- X lint -DLIB=\"${LIB}\" -DSCOREFONT=\"${SCOREFONT}\" \
- X
- X${GAME}: ${OBJS}
- X ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${GAME} ${OBJS} -lX11
- X
- X${EDITOR}: makelev.o shared.o
- X ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${EDITOR} makelev.o shared.o -lX11
- X
- X.c.o:
- X ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c -DLIB=\"${LIB}\" -DSCOREFONT=\"${SCOREFONT}\" \
- if test 2241 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/Makefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/Makefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/golddig.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/golddig.h'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/golddig.h'\" \(7140 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/golddig.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989 */
- X/* at Cornell University. It may may copied freely for private use or */
- X/* public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed. This */
- X/* program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this */
- X/* program may not be sold or traded for financial gain. */
- X
- X/* Start up default values */
- X#define DEFWORLD "goldlev" /* Default world name */
- X
- Xint xsize,ysize; /* Current level width and height */
- Xint levelstart; /* Level that player started at */
- Xint levelnum; /* Current level number */
- Xint score; /* Total score */
- Xint speed; /* Speed of game. 1 is slowest, 5 is default */
- Xint goldleft; /* Total number of treasure blocks left */
- Xchar *worldname; /* Name of world (set of levels) */
- Xchar filename[300]; /* Current file name of this level */
- Xint curtick; /* Current clock tick number */
- X
- XDisplay *disp; /* X11 display of client */
- XWindow wind; /* X11 window where game is displayed */
- X
- X/* Enumerated type to described direction or activity */
- Xenum directs {
- X};
- X/* Structure describing all stats of thing */
- Xstruct thing_s {
- X int xstart,ystart; /* Starting position of thing. For both */
- X /* this pair and (xpos,ypos), the value is */
- X /* actually 2 times the expected value. */
- X /* This allows for describing when a thing */
- X /* is half way between one block and another. */
- X int xpos,ypos; /* Current position of thing */
- X int xold,yold; /* Previous position before last movement */
- X int redraw; /* Non-zero if thing should be redrawn */
- X enum directs dir; /* Current movement direction or action */
- X char hold; /* What is it carrying */
- X} player; /* The player is a thing too */
- X
- X/* These are used in the bit pattern for the generalized block */
- X/* description data structure which is in shared.c. New bit */
- X/* descriptor can be added without modifying anything else. */
- X#define UPLEVEL 0x2 /* Jump to next level on contact */
- X#define ULEAVE 0x4 /* Can you leave this block upwards */
- X#define DLEAVE 0x8 /* Can you leave this block downwards */
- X#define LLEAVE 0x10 /* Can you leave this block to the left */
- X#define RLEAVE 0x20 /* Can you leave this block to the right */
- X#define HENTER 0x40 /* Can you enter this block horizontally */
- X#define VENTER 0x80 /* Can you enter this block vertically */
- X#define STOPBAD 0x100 /* Stops badguys from passing through. */
- X /* They must climb out. */
- X#define CANDIG 0x200 /* Can this block be dug */
- X#define INACTIVE 0x400 /* Does this block activate after treasure */
- X /* is gone, space is used otherwise */
- X#define TREASURE 0x800 /* Get points for contact, then turned */
- X /* into space */
- X#define KILLIN 0x1000 /* Kills anyone standing in it */
- X#define NODRAW 0x2000 /* Can not draw it in editor */
- X#define DIGUND 0x4000 /* Can dig out underneath this block */
- X#define PICKUP 0x8000 /* Can pickup block and replace it with space */
- X#define TELEPORT 0x10000 /* Does this cause teleportation on contact */
- X#define ARMOR 0x20000 /* Grants invulnerability to player if held */
- X#define STOPFALL 0x40000 /* Prevent holder from falling */
- X#define NSHOVEL 0x80000 /* Holder can dig much bigger holes */
- X#define TIMESTOP 0x100000 /* Stop time for all except player if held */
- X#define REVERSE 0x200000 /* Reverse bad guy direction if player holds */
- X#define UPTWO 0x400000 /* Causes jump up two spaces on contact */
- X#define ANCHOR 0x800000 /* Slows movement to one half if held, and */
- X /* prevents jumps or teleports */
- X#define UPALL 0x1000000 /* Jump to the top of screen on contact */
- X#define SPEED 0x2000000 /* Allow player double movement if held */
- X#define PSHOVEL 0x4000000 /* Makes holes permanent when dug */
- X#define RSHOVEL 0x8000000 /* Make bricks out of space */
- X#define DFALL 0x10000000 /* Fall downwards out of this space */
- X#define UFALL 0x20000000 /* Fall upwards out of this space */
- X#define LFALL 0x40000000 /* Fall to the left out of this space */
- X#define RFALL 0x80000000 /* Fall to the right out of this space */
- X#define CANFALL (DFALL | UFALL | LFALL | RFALL) /* Bitmask for */
- X /* detecting gravity */
- X
- X/* Predefined important block types. Other types can be added WITHOUT */
- X/* adding to this list. */
- X#define SPACE ' '
- X#define BRICK '#'
- X#define STONE '@'
- X#define HOLE1 '1'
- X#define PLAYER 'p'
- X#define BADGUY 'b'
- X
- X#define MAXLEVEL 5000 /* Maximum size of a level */
- Xchar level[MAXLEVEL]; /* Array describing level using characters */
- X /* from above */
- Xchar moveallow[MAXLEVEL]; /* Array describing which directions can be moved */
- X /* out of any position in level */
- X/* Bit patterns for moveallow array */
- X#define MOVEUP 0x1 /* Upward movement is allowed */
- X#define MOVEDOWN 0x2 /* Downward movement is allowed */
- X#define MOVELEFT 0x4 /* Left movement is allowed */
- X#define MOVERIGHT 0x8 /* Right movement is allowed */
- X#define FORCEUP 0x10 /* Upward movement is forced */
- X#define FORCEDOWN 0x20 /* Downward movement is forced */
- X#define FORCELEFT 0x40 /* Left movement is forced */
- X#define FORCERIGHT 0x80 /* Right movement is forced */
- X#define FORCEALL 0xf0 /* Movement is forced in some direction */
- X
- X/* Array of block type descriptors. The actual values for this array */
- X/* are in shared.c. */
- Xstruct symbs_s {
- X char symb; /* Character symbol representing block */
- X char inplay; /* Character describing what this block looks like */
- X /* during actual play. It is the symbol character */
- X /* for this or another block type. */
- X char *name; /* Symbol name in English */
- X char *bits; /* Bitmap defined by a X11 bitmap file. */
- X long code; /* Bit code describing properties of block */
- X KeySym xkey1,xkey2; /* One or two X11 keyboard symbols for symbol */
- X};
- X
- X/* Array for fast lookup of block types. This array is index by the */
- X/* actual block character. */
- Xstruct fast_s {
- X GC gc; /* Graphics cursor used for drawing block */
- X long code; /* Code describing block properties */
- X} fast_lookup[256];
- X
- X/* Global declarations of some functions */
- XGC makegc();
- Xvoid xstart();
- Xvoid xend();
- Xvoid setchar();
- Xvoid draw_block();
- Xvoid draw_level();
- Xvoid load_level();
- Xvoid save_level();
- Xint overlap_badguy();
- Xvoid move_badguy();
- Xvoid init_badguy();
- Xvoid start_badguy();
- Xvoid move_badguys();
- Xvoid draw_badguys();
- Xint in_hole();
- Xint movething();
- Xvoid fill_hole();
- Xvoid regen_tree();
- Xvoid regen_allow();
- Xvoid add_score();
- Xvoid draw_score();
- Xvoid change_holes();
- Xvoid redrawall();
- if test 7140 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/golddig.h'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/golddig.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/golddig.h'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/golddig.p' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/golddig.p'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/golddig.p'\" \(5026 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/golddig.p' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.TH GOLDDIG P "September 29 1989"
- X.UC 4
- Xgolddig - Getting the Gold and Avoiding Death
- X.SH
- X.B golddig
- X[
- X.B \-l
- X.I level
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-s
- X.I speed
- X]
- X[
- X.I world
- X]
- X.br
- X.B makelev
- X.B \-l
- X.I level
- X[
- X.B \-w
- X.I width
- X]
- X[
- X.B \-h
- X.I height
- X]
- X[
- X.I world
- X]
- X.PP
- X.I golddig
- Xis a fast action game designed for use with the X window system.
- X.I makelev
- Xis used to create and edit new levels which can be used by
- X.I golddig.
- X.PP
- XThe goal in
- X.I golddig
- Xis to pick up all the gold pieces and then go to the next level
- Xwithout getting eaten by one of the bad guys. The gold pieces are
- Xdistinctive small circular coins. After picking up all of the gold,
- Xthe player must get to an open door or the top row of the level.
- XAfter accomplishing this, the game will start the next level.
- X.PP
- XThe
- X.B "\-l"
- Xoption sets the level number for editing or for starting the game.
- XThis may be any integer greater than 0. By default, the game starts
- Xat level 1. The
- X.B "\-s"
- Xoptions sets the game speed. A value of 1 is very slow and a value of
- X10 is fast. The default value is 5. The
- X.B "\-w"
- Xand
- X.B "\-h"
- Xoptions set the width and height of the level when creating a new
- Xlevel. The
- X.B world
- Xoption is used to select a world name. A world is a distinct set of
- Xnumbered levels. Any valid file name may be used as the world name.
- XDifferent worlds may be used to allow users to control private sets of
- Xlevels.
- X.PP
- XWhen playing
- X.I golddig
- Xthe following keyboard commands may be used:
- X.PP
- X<space>,R11 \- stop
- X.br
- Xa,j,left arrow \- move left
- X.br
- Xd,l,right arrow \- move right
- X.br
- Xw,i,up arrow \- move up
- X.br
- Xs,k,down arrow \- move down
- X.br
- Xz,<,q,u,R13 \- make hole left
- X.br
- Xx,>,e,o,R15 \- make hole right
- X.br
- Xr,y,R7 \- put down any held item
- X.br
- X1\-9 \- change the game speed during the game
- X.PP
- XIn addition, some control keys can be used:
- X.PP
- X^S,^Z \- freeze the game
- X.br
- X^Q,^Y \- reactivate the game
- X.br
- X^C,^U,^\\ \- kill the game
- X.br
- X^R - redraw the level
- X.PP
- XThe mouse must be placed in the game window to use the keyboard
- Xcommands. When a level starts, everything is frozen, and any key will
- Xstart the game.
- X.PP
- X.I makelev
- Xis used as a graphics editor. Each level is divided into a grid of
- Xblocks. The blocks are "painted" by pressing the left mouse button
- Xdown and moving the mouse. The right mouse button always erases
- Xblocks. A new block type is selected by a keyboard
- Xkey. Currently, the following block types are supported:
- X.PP
- X<space> \- draw spaces
- X.br
- X! \- draw escapes
- X.br
- X# \- draw walls
- X.br
- X$ \- draw golds
- X.br
- X- \- draw ropes
- X.br
- X< \- draw left arrows
- X.br
- X= \- draw tubes
- X.br
- X> \- draw right arrows
- X.br
- X@ \- draw stones
- X.br
- X^ \- draw anti-spaces
- X.br
- Xa \- draw armors
- X.br
- Xb \- draw bad guys
- X.br
- Xc \- draw chutes
- X.br
- Xd \- draw down arrows
- X.br
- Xe \- draw reverse monsters
- X.br
- Xf \- draw up arrows
- X.br
- Xg \- draw ghost bricks
- X.br
- Xi \- draw invisible blocks
- X.br
- Xj \- draw jump pads
- X.br
- Xk \- draw kill zones
- X.br
- Xl \- draw power shovels
- X.br
- Xm \- draw super jump pads
- X.br
- Xn \- draw nuclear shovels
- X.br
- Xo \- draw anchors
- X.br
- Xp \- draw players
- X.br
- Xq \- draw speed boots
- X.br
- Xr \- draw parachutes
- X.br
- Xs \- draw step ladders
- X.br
- Xt \- draw teleporters
- X.br
- Xu \- draw leave levels
- X.br
- Xv \- draw vertical ropes
- X.br
- Xw \- draw windows
- X.br
- Xx \- draw extra bricks
- X.br
- Xy \- draw heavy fogs
- X.br
- Xz \- draw time stops
- X.br
- X| \- draw ladders
- X.br
- X~ \- draw portable ropes
- X.PP
- XA player block sets where the player begins in the level. If more
- Xthan one is used in a level, all but one will be ignored. Bad guy
- Xblocks set where the bad guys begin the level. There is a limit to
- Xthe total number of bad guys, and that number is compiled into the game.
- XPressing control W inside the editor window will stop editing
- Xand save the level. Pressing control C quits without saving.
- XPressing control E will erase the contents of the
- Xeditor. The properties of the rest of the block can be
- Xdetermined with experimentation.
- X.PP
- XA really good level has several properties. The first important
- Xproperty is efficiency. A good level makes careful use of all of the
- Xavailable space unless it is trying to achieve a specific effect.
- XAnother critical property is fairness. A player should always be
- Xforewarned or have an escape if trouble comes up. Nothing is more
- Xirritating than a killer trap where the user had no way of guessing that
- Xit was coming up. It is also important to avoid tedious and repetative
- Xlevels. Really difficult traps should be rewarded with lots of gold.
- XAlex Siegel at Cornell University during September of 1989.
- X.SH
- X/usr/games/golddig - golddig executable
- X.br
- X/usr/games/makelev - level editor executable
- X.br
- X/usr/games/lib/golddig - directory for storing files which are private to
- X.I golddig
- X.br
- X/usr/games/lib/golddig/scores - file for storing high score list
- X.br
- X/usr/games/lib/golddig/default - default level for use when no
- Xgenerated level is available
- X.br
- X/usr/games/lib/golddig/goldlev### - default levels used when no world
- Xname is specified
- XThis game is the first totally bug free program ever written.
- if test 5026 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/golddig.p'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/golddig.p'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/golddig.p'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev010' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev010'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev010'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev010' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- X ! !
- X-- |------! ! ------
- X| -| |-- $$ $ $$ |#@@#@ |
- X| | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | |
- X| | $$$ b $$$ | |#|##|
- X| | |@@@@@@@@###@@@@@@@@ | $ |$|$$|
- X| $ $ $ | | $$ b $$ | | $| |#|##|
- X| | | |@@@@###@@@@ | | |$ |$|$$|
- X| | | | b | | | $| |#|##|
- X| | | | |@#@ | | | |$ |$|$$|
- X| | | | |-$| @ | @ | @ | $| |#|##|
- X| p | | | | -| $ | $ | $ | |$ |$|$$|
- X| @@@@@@ | | | | | @ | @ | @ | $| |#|##|
- X| @$== @ | | | | | $ | $ | $ | |$ |$|$$|
- X| $ v | | | | | @ | @ | @ | $| |####|
- X| v | | | | | $ | $ | $ | |$ | |
- X| v | | |-$ | | @ | @ | @ | $| @ |$$$$|
- X| |# ##v | |-$ | | | @| @| | |$ @@@@@@@@
- X| |####v | | | #$|b $ # | | | $|
- X| | #v | | | ######## | | | |$ #b
- X| | $ #v | | # | $ b $ # | | $| #######|
- X| |####v | | ################ | | |$ # |
- X| $ v | # | $ $ $ # | $| #|######
- X|- $ v | ##|##################### | | #|
- X| c v | $|$$ $ $ $$ $$ | | #######|
- X| @$==v@ | #|####|####|#####|####| | | ----- |
- X| @@ @@ | |$$ b| |b |b $$| | | |$$$$$|
- X|---------| |######################| | | | |
- X$$ $$| |$$ $$ $$ $$| | |- |######|
- X##########|##########################| |
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev010'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev010'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev010'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev011' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev011'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev011'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev011' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- X @ @
- X ||| @ @
- X |v| |= |- |- | | @ @ @ @
- X | | |= | | | $!@ @
- X | ^^# @ @
- X | | ^^@^ $ @
- X | == || c- $^^i^^$
- X | | cc || c ^^^iii$
- X - ^^i $t$
- X |---------------------- ^i $|$
- X | i iii i i iii i i i i ^^i $t$t$
- X |i $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ^^i $|$|$
- X | i ii i i i ii i i i ^i $t$t$t$
- X | $i i i i $i $^i $|$|$|$
- X | i i i i i i ibi i ^^i $t$t$t$t$
- X | $ i i i$ i ^i $|$|$|$|$
- X | ii iibi i i i iii i i ^i t$t$t$t$t
- X | i$ i $ $^i k|-|-|-|-|k
- X | i $ii$i i$$$i i$i $ i i ^^i$t$t$t$t$t$t$
- X |i $i i i ii$ ^i $|$|$|$|$|$|$
- X | i i ii iii i iii i i i^i$t$t$t$t$t$t$t$
- X | $ i i i $i ^i$|$|$|$|$|$|$|$
- X |i i i iii ibi i ii ii ^^it!t!t!t t!t!t!t
- X | $i i i ib $ i ^i j!!!!!!c!!!!!!j
- X | i i i i i i i i i ii ^i b!c c!ccc!c c!b
- X | $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $i$ i^i ! ! c ! !
- X | i ii i i i ii i ii ^i ! ! c ! !
- X | i i i i i ! ! c ! ! i
- X || p @ ! !@m@! ! @
- X##################################################
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev011'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev011'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev011'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev012' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev012'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev012'\" \(3556 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev012' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X70 50
- X
- X !----------------
- X $$k ## k$^
- X ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^
- X @@@ ^^ ^k^ ^ ^k ^^
- X @@$@ ^^### ^^ ^^^^^^^
- X @$|@ @@@@@ ^$$^#$^k^^ ##^^
- X @@@@$|@ @$$ @@ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^$^
- X @$---|@@@|-$ @ ^k^ ^^ ^^^k^^^^^
- X @$ $|$ $|$$ ^^^$$$$^k^$$^^ ^
- X @@@@|@@@@@@@@@@@| ^## ^^^##^^ ^###
- X @ b| | ^^^ ^^^^#^^ ^^k^
- X @|@@@@@@|@@@@@|#| | k$$$ $^|^ ^^^^
- X @| @|-| @ $ |@| | ^^^^ ^^^^$$^^^
- X @| $ @|-$$@$|$|@| | k^ ^k^^^ #^
- X @|$|$@$-|$@|@@@@| # | ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^
- X @|$|$@| $@|$ $@ |# |
- X @| | @|$ @$|$|@ |=#|-----|
- X@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
- Xd<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
- Xd>>>>>>>>>>>>df @@@ #############|####f<< |
- Xdfd<<<<<<<<<<df $$$<>>>>>>>>>>>>df<|>dff|k |####@#|
- Xdfd>>>>>>>>dfdf |=|kf<<d<<>>>>dd>fdfd<<<f | @
- X f f <<<<<< f f #j#>>>fkdffd<<d>>>ffd>>|f |###@#j
- X f f - f f f #j#fd<|>>ffddf|f>>>f>fk|f | @
- Xbfbfb $$$ fbfbf #j#fdk|>>>|ddfdffkd<<<<df |##@#j
- Xdfdfd ### fdfdf! #j#f>ffd<<<<kfdfff<>>dfdf | @
- Xdfdfd fdfdf #j#fd<fd>d>>>f>>ff<fk<fdf |#@#j
- Xdfdf>>>>>>fdfdf #j#fdffdf<f|<<<<d<|f<<f<f | @
- Xdfdf<<<<<<<<fdf #j#fdff>>>fd<><fdff>kff>f |@#j @
- Xdf>>>>>>>>>>fdf #j#fdf|<<|<|>f>fdff|>ffd |@|$$$ @
- Xdf<<<<<<<<<<<<f #j#fdf<<<<d<<<fddfffd<f< |@@@@@@@@@@
- Xd >> f #j#f>>d>d|>>|ff<<d|fdf<|k@ | -
- X>>>>>>>>>>f####|-- #j#fd<dfdfd<d|<d<dffd>df -=========== @|
- X b b b |#j#fdf>fdfdfdkf<f<ff>fdf |#- # @ @|
- X$$yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy#|#j#fdf<<<fdf|>>>>>|fd<<f |# # $$$-t @s@|
- X#|y#|########|#|# | >>>>>|>>>d>>>>>|>>>f |@>===>>>>> @ @|
- Xy|yy|y$$yyyyy|y|@@@@@@@@@ >f |@@@@@@@@@@ @ |
- X#####y|#y#|###y|@ # | tc @ @
- Xyyyyyy|yyy|yyyy|@###@@@@| # # | t-$$$-- @@@@
- Xy###|#######|#y|@ @ | # | <<<<<<<<@
- Xyyyy|yyyyyyy|yy|@###@ | $ # $ $ | | @@@@@@@@
- Xy#|########|##y| @ b | $## $ $ $ | | ct
- Xyy|yy$$yyyy|y$y|@@@@@ | # $ $| | --$$$-t
- Xy|##y#|y#|##y|y|@ | $ ## $ $ | | @>>>>>>>>
- Xy|yyyy|yy|yyy|y|@ |# $$ $# $ #| | @@@@@@@@
- X###########|##y|@ | # $ $ | | tc
- X$$yyyyyyyyy|yyy|@ | $# $ # # # | | ---$$$--
- X#|y##|########y|@ | $ $ | | <<<<<<<<<@|
- Xy|yyy|yyyyyyyy |@ lx p|### ## ## | | @@@@@@@@@ |
- if test 3556 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev012'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev012'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev012'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev013' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev013'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev013'\" \(3556 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev013' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X70 50
- X ------------- d d
- X ######## | | | |@-~-------------~----------------#|
- X ####### | | | |@dd<<<<d>>dd>>>d |||||||||||||||||#|
- X ####### | | | |@fd<<<>f<>dd>>dd ||||||||||||||||-j#|
- X ####### | | | |@fdff<ff<<ddfd<d |||||||||||||||||# |#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### | | | |@fd>>>>f>fd>f>dd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### | | | |@fd>>>>ff>dfffdd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X $$$$$$# > > |>|@f><<d>>f>dfffdd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f| | | |@fd>ff<f<<dfffdd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f|<|<|<|@f<f<fddf>dfffdd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyy$ |
- X ####### | | |f|@f>d<d>f<fd|<<<d |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyy##|
- X ####### >|>|>|f|@ff>>>>dd>ddddfd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f| | | |@f<ff<<d><d>>dfd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f|<|<|<|@fd>f>ddd>dddddd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X $$$$$$# | | |f|@f<<f<<<<<<dd>dd |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### > > >|f|@kkkkkkkkkkkkkd> |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f| | | |@>>>>>>>>>>>>>d# |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### f|<|<|<|@| |$|$|$|$|$|d# |||||||||||||||||#v|#yyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
- X ####### # # | |@|q|$|$|$|$|$|d# |||||||||||||||||#vv#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- X ####### | |j|@| |$|$|$|$|$| # |||||||||||||||||#vv
- X ####### |#b #| |@| |$|$|$|$|$| # |||||||||||||||||#v>>>>>>>>
- X $$$$$$# |####| |@| |$|$|$|$|$| # |||||||||||||||||#v<d<<<<<<-->>>>>>>
- X ####### ||-|-| |@| |$|$|$|$|$| # |||||||||||||||||# fd f
- X ####### || | | |@| |-|-|-|-|-| # |||||||||||||||||# fd f
- X ######$ || | | | < | | | | | | # |||||||||||||||||# fd a d-f
- X #######@@@@@@@@|####g#g#g#g#g#g# |||||||||||||||||# fd d
- X ####### kg |#m|m|m|m|m|m|m|#k#||||||||||||||||# fd d
- X #######kj-od |################################### fd d
- X $$$$$$# <j-gd |----------------------------------| f>>>>>>>d
- X ####### >j-gd | | f<<<<<<<$<
- X ####### dj-gd| | #
- X #######d$$ fj-g| |
- X #######d###g-jg| r |r $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- X ####### dg-jg |#v#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y##v##################
- X ####### dg-jg |#vy#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#v#|--
- X $$$$$$#dg-jg |#v#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y##v#| @ $
- Xb#######g-jg |#vy#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#v#| @@@
- X -jg $|#v#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y##v#|
- Xm@ j p$$$$$|#vy#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#v#|
- X@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@#v#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y##v#|
- X b b #t#vy#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#v#|
- Xt|t|t|t|t|t|t|t# #v#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y#y##v#|
- X|$|$|$|$|$|$|$|# #vy#y#y#y $ y#y#y#y#y#y $ y#y#y#y#v#| @ @ @ @ @
- Xt| | | | | | |t# #v#y#y#y#####y#y#y#y#y#####y#y#y##v#| @ = @ = @$@
- X|$#$#$#$#$#$#$|# #v========== = == == = ===========v#| u@v@v@v@v@v@
- Xt|t|t|t|t|t|t|t# e # g g # # | @v@v@v@v@v@
- X|$|$|$|$|$|$|$|# #####| $ | !-|@v@v@v@v@v@
- Xt|t|t|t|t|t|t|t#-#$ |# |# | !@|@v@v@v@v@v@
- X|$|$|$|$|$|$|r|# ###### # ---- b |# # |@b!@|@v@v@v@v@v@
- Xt|t|t|t|t|t---t#t###### #yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy# #|@@@@| |@|=|@|=|@
- if test 3556 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev013'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev013'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev013'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev014' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev014'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev014'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev014' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- X|||||||||||| | ! @
- X| # | | ! b @
- X|@@@@@@@@# | | ! @
- X|@ #|##|------------ ! @
- X|@|#@####@##@#| ! @
- X|@| |### @###| #b###|###!$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ @
- X|@|##@#@###@##| #|###|##################|@
- X|@|###########| #|#$#|#$#|$$$$$$$ $$$$$$|@
- X|@|$$$$$$$####| #|###|###|###############@
- X|@|###########| #|#$#|#$#|$$$$$$$ $$$$$$|@
- X|@@@@@@@@@@@@@|##########|###|##################|@
- X| | |-|#|#$#|#$#|$$$$$$$ $$$$$$|@
- X| @@@@ - -| |#|#|###|###|###############@
- X| @$ | |#|#|#$#|#$#| @
- X| @@@ @###############|#|###|###| @
- X| @ @@@ |#|#$#|#$#| #| | @
- X@@@@ |#|###|################| @
- X |#|#$#|#$# #| @
- X | | #|# #| #|#|###|### #| @
- X#####| ###|###|###|###|#|#$#|#$# #| @
- X| $-|$-## |$-#|$-#|#-$|#|###|### #| @
- X| |#|#$#|#$# #| @
- X|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#|#@$$$$$$ -| p@
- X|#b$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ | #####################
- X|####################### @ b@
- X|####################### @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- X|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|!!!!- @ @ @--------------
- X|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|--|!- |@|@|@|@ $$$$$$$$$$$$|
- X|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|!!|!- |@| | | ------------|
- X|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|!!|#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev014'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev014'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev014'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev015' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev015'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev015'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev015' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- Xl> $$$$ $$$$
- X|$##@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- X$|@ @
- X|$@ @
- X$|@ @
- X|$@k$$ @
- X$|@ ##@@@@@ ## # ##@@@@@@ @
- X|$@ @|----|@ ### # @|-----|@@
- X$|@ @|$$$$|@ $$$$$$$ # # # @|$$$$$|@@
- X|$@ @|$$$$|@|@@@@@@@@ # ## # @|$$$$$|@@
- X$|@ @|$$$$|@| # # # @|$$$$$|@@
- X|$@ @|$$$$|@| # ## # @|$$$$$|@@
- X$|@ @|$$$$|@| !!!!!!!-!#! # # # @|$$$$$|@@
- X|$@ @|----b@| k!!!!!!!#!!! # ## # @|$$$$$|@@
- X$|@ @@@@@@@ | k|----|@@@@@ # # # @|-----b@@
- X|$@ @ | k|kk!!#bs i # ## # @@@@@@@@ @
- X$|@ @ | k|--|@@@@@@@ # # # @ @
- X|$@ @$ | kkkk#!!!!!!! # ### @ @
- X$|@ @|------| !!!#!$!!!!!! # # @ @
- X|$@ @| !!!#!#!!!!!! # # @ @
- X$|@ -| !!!###!!!!!! @
- X|$@ b @
- X$|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##
- X|$ $ $ $ b $ $ $ $
- X ###############################################|
- X $ $ $ b $ $ $ $ |@
- X|##########################|####################@w
- X| $ $ $ b $ $ $ $ p!
- X|################################################|
- X| $ $ $ $ $ $ $ |
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev015'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev015'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev015'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev016' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev016'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev016'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev016' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- X#!b####b####b####b####b####b####b####b####b####b##
- X !t t t t t t t t t |
- X !| | | | | | | | | |
- X$!| $ | $ | $ | $$$| $$$| $$$| $ | $ ||| $ | $
- X|!| $| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |t| | |$|
- X##|####|####|####|####|####|####|####|###|||###|##
- X | | | | | | | ||| | |
- X$$| $ | $ | $ | | $ | $ | $|t| $ | $ |$$
- X@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@|||@@@|@@@@|@@
- X | | | | | | ||| | | |
- X$$| $ | $ | $ | | $ | $|t| $ | $ | $ |$$
- X@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@@|||@@@|@@@@|@@@@|@@
- X | | | | | ||| | | | |
- X$$| $ | $ | $ | $ | $|t| $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X##|####|####|####|####|###|||###|####|####|####|##
- X | | | | ||| | | | | |
- X$$| $ | $ | $ | $|t| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X##|####|####|####|###|||###|####|####|####|####|##
- X | | | ||| | | | | | |
- X$$| $ | $ | $|t| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X##|####|####|###|||###|####|####|####|####|####|##
- X | | ||| | | | | | | |
- X$$| $ | $|t| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X##|####|###|||###|####|####|####|####|####|####|##
- X | ||| | | | | | | | |
- X$$| $|t| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X##|###|||###|####|####|####|####|####|####|####|##
- X$||| | | | | | | | | |
- Xp|t| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |$$
- X#|||##############################################
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev016'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev016'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev016'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/goldlev018' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/goldlev018'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/goldlev018'\" \(1536 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/goldlev018' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X50 30
- X b# $ $ $ $ $ $ i $-- $-k v v | - |
- X> #|@@@@@@@@@@@@#$ vk-kv--$ $--$k | $- $ v -
- X > #f$$------$~$#@# | --|k -k|$k| -v | v-$| v
- X -==-|-------v####$ v$k $- $-| k$ |k|$ $ - - v
- X m -===========f#@@## | kv k|-$k--k |--$k c
- X f$$---------$~$####$ v$-$- $| -k|-$k $|c$ k
- X -=-|----------v##### | = cv k$ v |$ -|k-|k |
- X m -=============f#@@@##$ v$k-v$ -|$ k-|kk-| |
- X f$$------------$~$#### | $|-$k$-v$ k$|- k -
- X -=-|-------------v#####$ |- |-| | $| kk |
- X m -================f#@@@## |-k $-|$k- k$- $$
- X f$$---------------$~$####$ -|v$ -$ck v ####
- X -=-|----------------v#@@@# k-| |- |c -|k
- X m -===================f $$@#$# k $|c v
- X f$$$~-# $$v$$$$$$$$$$@|### | -vk
- X -===-|# |@t@@#########|############ $
- X m |#@#@## | v -~-| i| =========== $
- X f$$~-#$$$$|$@ $ | i | $$$$$$ ==========
- X -==-|#|#####t@$~-| i | @@@@| c
- X m |#@@##|$$$$@b $$ | i | b b | =
- X f$~-#@@###| $@ | i | $ $ | =
- X -=-|#|---~| $u | i | ~ ~ |
- X m |#@##| |p# | ~ ~ |
- X f$~-#######@ @###### | ~ ~ |
- X -=-|##@@@@@ t i | ~ ~ |
- X m |#@##$<< ii | ~ ~ |
- X f$~-$~ f ii | ~ ~ |
- X> -=-|$$#f $ @ $$$$$$$$$|c~ ~c|$$$$$$$$$
- X > |#@#@@#f$ ~s$# | @ | @
- X @m@$$$$$$ $@ #################=|#############=
- if test 1536 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/goldlev018'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/goldlev018'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/goldlev018'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/makelev.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/makelev.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/makelev.c'\" \(6268 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/makelev.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989 */
- X/* at Cornell University. It may may copied freely for private use or */
- X/* public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed. This */
- X/* program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this */
- X/* program may not be sold or traded for financial gain. */
- X
- X/* Modified by Josh Siegel to work with NeWS/X11 */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include <X11/Xutil.h>
- X#include "golddig.h"
- X
- X#define EVMASK KeyPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask
- X
- X/* Plug into original block type definitions in shared.c */
- Xextern struct symbs_s symbs[];
- X
- X/* Current drawing character */
- Xchar curchar = ' ';
- X
- X/* Redraw the entire level */
- Xvoid redrawall()
- X{
- X draw_level();
- X XFlush(disp);
- X}
- X
- X/* Set the score to be equal to the number of gold pieces */
- Xvoid count_gold()
- X{
- X register int i,levsize;
- X
- X levsize = xsize*ysize;
- X score = 0;
- X for(i=0;i<levsize;++i)
- X if(fast_lookup[level[i]].code & TREASURE)
- X score ++;
- X}
- X
- X/* Main routine for editing levels */
- Xvoid main(argc,argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X register int i;
- X static XEvent xev;
- X KeySym keyhit;
- X int keycount;
- X char buf[50];
- X
- X /* Set up default values for describing world */
- X worldname = DEFWORLD;
- X levelnum = -1;
- X goldleft = 0;
- X score = 0;
- X speed = 0;
- X /* Use size of default level as default level size */
- X xsize = -1;
- X ysize = -1;
- X
- X /* Read in command line options */
- X for(i=1;i<argc;++i) {
- X if(argv[i][0] == '-') {
- X /* -w sets the level width */
- X if(argv[i][1] == 'w') {
- X if(argv[i][2] == '\0' && i+1 < argc) {
- X sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&xsize);
- X i++;
- X }
- X else
- X sscanf(argv[i]+2,"%d",&xsize);
- X }
- X /* -h sets the level height */
- X else if(argv[i][1] == 'h') {
- X if(argv[i][2] == '\0' && i+1 < argc) {
- X sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&ysize);
- X i++;
- X }
- X else
- X sscanf(argv[i]+2,"%d",&ysize);
- X }
- X /* -l sets the level number */
- X else if(argv[i][1] == 'l') {
- X if(argv[i][2] == '\0' && i+1 < argc) {
- X sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&levelnum);
- X i++;
- X }
- X else
- X sscanf(argv[i]+2,"%d",&levelnum);
- X }
- X else {
- X printf("usage: makelev [-h <height>] [-w <width>] -l <level> [<world name>]\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X }
- X /* If it doesn't start with a dash, it must a the world name */
- X else {
- X worldname = argv[i];
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X /* Make sure some value was chosen for the level number. This */
- X /* discourages everybody editing the same level all the time. */
- X if(levelnum == -1) {
- X printf("usage: levelmake [-h <height>] [-w <width>] -l <level> [<world name>]\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X /* Load in level data from file. */
- X load_level();
- X
- X printf("Welcome. Type h for help.\n");
- X
- X /* Start up X windows and create all graphics cursors */
- X xstart(EVMASK);
- X /* Set the name of the output window */
- X XStoreName(disp,wind,"Gold Digger 2.0 Level Generator");
- X
- X /* Main event loop */
- X do {
- X /* Get the next X window event */
- X XWindowEvent(disp,wind,EVMASK,&xev);
- X /* If it was an expose event, redraw everything */
- X if(xev.type == Expose) {
- X /* Count the number of gold pieces in level */
- X count_gold();
- X /* Redraw the level */
- X redrawall();
- X }
- X else if(xev.type == KeyPress) {
- X keycount = XLookupString(&xev,buf,50,&keyhit,(XComposeStatus *) NULL);
- X /* If the 'h', '?' or '/' key was hit, print out the text */
- X /* descriptions of each block type */
- X if(keyhit == XK_H || keyhit == XK_h || keyhit == XK_question ||
- X keyhit == XK_slash) {
- X for(i=0;symbs[i].symb != '\0';++i)
- X if(! (symbs[i].code & NODRAW))
- X printf("%c - draw %ss\n",symbs[i].symb,symbs[i].name);
- X puts("Type ^W to finish editing and save the level.");
- X puts("Type ^C to quit editing.");
- X puts("Type ^E to erase level.");
- X puts("Use the left mouse button to paint blocks.");
- X puts("Use the right mouse button to erase blocks.");
- X putchar('\n');
- X }
- X /* A ^E erases the entire level */
- X else if((keyhit == XK_E || keyhit == XK_e) &&
- X (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask)) {
- X /* Replice level contents with space */
- X for(i=0;i<xsize*ysize;++i)
- X level[i] = SPACE;
- X /* There is no gold now */
- X score = 0;
- X /* Redraw empty level */
- X redrawall();
- X }
- X else {
- X /* Search through the block descriptions for one which has a */
- X /* key code which matches the key code of the key which was */
- X /* hit. */
- X for(i=0;symbs[i].symb != '\0';++i)
- X if(! (symbs[i].code & NODRAW))
- X if(keyhit == symbs[i].xkey1 || keyhit == symbs[i].xkey2) {
- X /* Change the current drawing character to the symbol */
- X /* which was found. */
- X curchar = symbs[i].symb;
- X /* Count and display the number of gold pieces in level */
- X count_gold();
- X draw_score();
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X /* If the mouse moves with the button pressed, or the button is */
- X /* pressed, draw the current block at that position */
- X else if(xev.type == MotionNotify) {
- X if(xev.xmotion.state & Button3Mask)
- X setchar(xev.xmotion.x >> 4,xev.xmotion.y >> 4,SPACE);
- X else
- X setchar(xev.xmotion.x >> 4,xev.xmotion.y >> 4,curchar);
- X }
- X else if(xev.type == ButtonPress) {
- X if(xev.xbutton.button == Button3)
- X setchar(xev.xbutton.x >> 4,xev.xbutton.y >> 4,SPACE);
- X else
- X setchar(xev.xbutton.x >> 4,xev.xbutton.y >> 4,curchar);
- X }
- X /* Flush the graphics commands out to the server */
- X XFlush(disp);
- X /* Loop until a control key is pressed */
- X } while(xev.type != KeyPress ||
- X (keyhit != XK_C && keyhit != XK_c &&
- X keyhit != XK_W && keyhit != XK_w) ||
- X ! (xev.xkey.state & ControlMask));
- X
- X /* Terminated X windows connection */
- X xend();
- X /* Save level to data file */
- X if(keyhit == XK_W || keyhit == XK_w)
- X save_level();
- X exit(0);
- X}
- if test 6268 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/makelev.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/makelev.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/makelev.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'golddig2/scores.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'golddig2/scores.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'golddig2/scores.c'\" \(3716 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'golddig2/scores.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/* This program was written by Alexander Siegel in September of 1989 */
- X/* at Cornell University. It may may copied freely for private use or */
- X/* public dispersion provided that this comment is not removed. This */
- X/* program, any portion of this program, or any derivative of this */
- X/* program may not be sold or traded for financial gain. */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- X#include <X11/keysym.h>
- X#include "golddig.h"
- X
- Xchar *getenv(),*sprintf();
- X
- X#define NUMHIGH 15 /* Number of high scores that will be remembered */
- X
- X/* Add a high score to the high score list */
- Xvoid add_score(whydie)
- Xchar *whydie; /* Textual description of reason for death */
- X{
- X /* Structure containing top game results */
- X struct {
- X int score; /* Final score */
- X int slev,elev; /* Starting and ending level */
- X int uid; /* Player account uid */
- X char desc[80]; /* Text description */
- X } tops[NUMHIGH],next;
- X FILE *sfile; /* High score file */
- X char buf[200];
- X register int i;
- X int numscore,cur,numgame;
- X
- X /* Generate name of high score file */
- X sprintf(buf,"%s/scores",LIB);
- X /* Open high score file */
- X sfile = fopen(buf,"r");
- X /* Set default values for number of games and high scores */
- X numscore = 0;
- X numgame = 0;
- X /* If file is readable, load in old high score list */
- X if(sfile != NULL) {
- X /* Load a line on text */
- X if(fgets(buf,200,sfile))
- X sscanf(buf,"%d",&numgame);
- X /* Extract score information from line */
- X while(fgets(buf,200,sfile) && numscore < NUMHIGH) {
- X sscanf(buf,"%d %d %d %d %[^\n]",&(next.score),&(next.slev),&(next.elev),
- X &(next.uid),next.desc);
- X tops[numscore] = next;
- X numscore ++;
- X }
- X fclose(sfile);
- X }
- X
- X /* Contruct the structure containing the score for this game */
- X next.score = score;
- X next.slev = levelstart;
- X next.elev = levelnum;
- X next.uid = getuid();
- X sprintf(next.desc,"%s %s",getenv("USER"),whydie);
- X cur = -1;
- X /* Insert new score in old high score list */
- X if(numscore < NUMHIGH || tops[NUMHIGH - 1].score < next.score) {
- X /* Iterate through high score list */
- X for(i = (numscore >= NUMHIGH ? NUMHIGH-2 : numscore-1);i >= 0;i--) {
- X /* Look for place for insertion */
- X if(next.score > tops[i].score)
- X tops[i+1] = tops[i]; /* Move old scores down one place in list */
- X else
- X break; /* Found spot for insertion */
- X }
- X tops[i+1] = next; /* Overwrite entry in high score list */
- X cur = i+1; /* Remember where new high score was inserted */
- X /* Increment the number of high scores */
- X if(numscore < NUMHIGH)
- X numscore ++;
- X }
- X
- X /* Increment and print the number of games played */
- X numgame ++;
- X printf("High scores after %d games played:\n",numgame);
- X /* Print out new high score list */
- X for(i=0;i<numscore;++i) {
- X /* Flag new high score with a leading > */
- X if(i == cur)
- X putchar('>');
- X else
- X putchar(' ');
- X printf("%s on level %d (started at %d). Final score was %d.\n",
- X tops[i].desc,tops[i].elev,tops[i].slev,tops[i].score);
- X }
- X /* If current game did not make it to the high score list, print it */
- X /* afterwords */
- X if(cur == -1) {
- X puts("...");
- X printf(">%s on level %d (started at %d). Final score was %d.\n",
- X next.desc,next.elev,next.slev,next.score);
- X }
- X
- X /* Save new high score list to score file */
- X sprintf(buf,"%s/scores",LIB);
- X sfile = fopen(buf,"w");
- X if(sfile == NULL) {
- X perror(buf);
- X return;
- X }
- X fprintf(sfile,"%d\n",numgame);
- X for(i=0;i<numscore;++i)
- X fprintf(sfile,"%d %d %d %d %s\n",tops[i].score,tops[i].slev,
- X tops[i].elev,tops[i].uid,tops[i].desc);
- X fclose(sfile);
- X}
- if test 3716 -ne `wc -c <'golddig2/scores.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'golddig2/scores.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'golddig2/scores.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 4\).
- cp /dev/null ark2isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0