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- /* reduce.c:
- *
- * reduce an image's colormap usage to a set number of colors.
- *
- * jim frost 07.06.89
- *
- * Copyright 1989 Jim Frost. See included file "copyright.h" for complete
- * copyright information.
- */
- #include "copyright.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #define DIST(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (B) - (A) : (A) - (B))
- /* find the distance between two colors. we loose some accuracy here because
- * a triple squared short may not fit in a long. we use a table lookup
- * to help speed this up; it's an O(exp(n,2)) algorithm.
- */
- static unsigned int squareInit= 0;
- static unsigned long squareTable[32768];
- static void initSquareTable()
- { unsigned long a;
- for (a= 0; a < 32768; a++)
- squareTable[a]= a * a;
- squareInit= 1;
- }
- static unsigned long colorDistance(rgb, a, b)
- RGBMap *rgb;
- Pixel a, b;
- {
- return(squareTable[DIST(*(rgb->red + a), *(rgb->red + b)) >> 1] +
- squareTable[DIST(*(rgb->green + a), *(rgb->green + b)) >> 1] +
- squareTable[DIST(*(rgb->blue + a), *(rgb->blue + b)) >> 1]);
- }
- Pixel bestColor(rgb, color, rdist)
- RGBMap *rgb;
- Pixel color;
- unsigned long *rdist;
- { Pixel qcolor, bcolor;
- unsigned long qdist, bdist;
- bdist= 0xffffffff;
- for (qcolor= color + 1; qcolor < rgb->used; qcolor++)
- if ((qdist= colorDistance(rgb, color, qcolor)) && (qdist < bdist)) {
- bdist= qdist;
- bcolor= qcolor;
- }
- *rdist= bdist;
- return(bcolor);
- }
- void reduceRGBMap(rgb, n, verbose)
- RGBMap *rgb;
- int verbose;
- { unsigned int numcolors;
- Pixel a, b;
- Pixel lowextreme, highextreme; /* intensity extremes */
- unsigned long lowintensity, highintensity, myintensity;
- Pixel bcolor1; /* closest colors */
- Pixel bcolor2;
- unsigned long bdist;
- Pixel *best; /* array holding best match for each color */
- unsigned long *dists; /* array holding distances of best matches */
- Pixel *same; /* array holding identical pixel lists */
- Intensity newred, newgreen, newblue;
- if (!squareInit) /* only do multiplies once */
- initSquareTable();
- if (verbose) {
- printf(" Reducing colormap to %d colors...", n);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- best= (Pixel *)lmalloc(sizeof(Pixel) * rgb->used);
- same= (Pixel *)lmalloc(sizeof(Pixel) * rgb->used);
- dists= (unsigned long *)lmalloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * rgb->used);
- /* find out how many unique colors we have by subtracting identical ones
- * and build table of identicals. find extreme intensities while we're
- * at it.
- */
- lowextreme= highextreme= rgb->used - 1;
- lowintensity= highintensity= *(rgb->red + lowextreme) +
- *(rgb->green + lowextreme) + *(rgb->blue + lowextreme);
- for (a= 0; a < rgb->used; a++)
- *(same + a)= a;
- for (numcolors= rgb->used, a= 0; a < rgb->used - 1; a++) {
- if (*(same + a) == a) {
- myintensity= *(rgb->red + a) + *(rgb->green + a) + *(rgb->blue + a);
- if (myintensity < lowintensity) {
- lowintensity= myintensity;
- lowextreme= a;
- }
- if (myintensity > highintensity) {
- highintensity= myintensity;
- highextreme= a;
- }
- for (b= a + 1; b < rgb->used; b++) {
- if ((*(rgb->red + a) == *(rgb->red + b)) &&
- (*(rgb->green + a) == *(rgb->green + b)) &&
- (*(rgb->blue + a) == *(rgb->blue + b))) {
- numcolors--;
- *(same + b)= a;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (a= 0; a < rgb->used - 1; a++) /* build table of "bests" */
- *(best + a)= bestColor(rgb, a, dists + a);
- /* find the two closest colors in the colormap and average them, thus
- * reducing the size of the colormap by one. continue until we fit.
- * this is simplistic but effective.
- */
- while (numcolors-- > n) {
- bdist= 0xffffffff; /* a really big number */
- for (a= 0; a < rgb->used - 1; a++)
- if ((*(same + a) == a) && (*(dists + a) < bdist)) {
- bdist= *(dists + a);
- bcolor1= a;
- }
- bcolor2= *(same + *(best + bcolor1));
- /* calculate new rgb values. we average the colors unless one of them
- * is an extreme.
- */
- if ((bcolor1 == lowextreme) || (bcolor1 == highextreme)) {
- newred= *(rgb->red + bcolor1);
- newgreen= *(rgb->green + bcolor1);
- newblue= *(rgb->blue + bcolor1);
- }
- else if ((bcolor2 == lowextreme) || (bcolor2 == highextreme)) {
- newred= *(rgb->red + bcolor2);
- newgreen= *(rgb->green + bcolor2);
- newblue= *(rgb->blue + bcolor2);
- }
- else {
- newred= ((unsigned int)(*(rgb->red + bcolor1)) +
- (unsigned int)(*(rgb->red + bcolor2))) >> 1;
- newgreen= ((unsigned int)(*(rgb->green + bcolor1)) +
- (unsigned int)(*(rgb->green + bcolor2))) >> 1;
- newblue= ((unsigned int)(*(rgb->blue + bcolor1)) +
- (unsigned int)(*(rgb->blue + bcolor2))) >> 1;
- }
- for (a= 0; a < rgb->used; a++)
- if ((*(same + a) == bcolor1) || (*(same + a) == bcolor2)) {
- *(same + a)= bcolor1;
- *(rgb->red + a)= newred;
- *(rgb->green + a)= newgreen;
- *(rgb->blue + a)= newblue;
- }
- for (a= 0; a < rgb->used - 1; a++)
- if ((*(best + a) == bcolor1) || (*(same + a) == bcolor1) ||
- (*(same + *(best + a)) == bcolor1))
- *(best + a)= bestColor(rgb, a, dists + a);
- }
- lfree(best);
- lfree(dists);
- lfree(same);
- if (verbose)
- printf("done\n");
- }
- void reduce(image, n, verbose)
- Image *image;
- unsigned int n, verbose;
- { char buf[BUFSIZ];
- goodImage(image);
- if (! RGBP(image)) /* we're AT&T */
- return;
- compress(image, verbose);
- reduceRGBMap(&(image->rgb), n, verbose);
- compress(image, verbose);
- sprintf(buf, "%s (%d colors)", image->title, image->rgb.used);
- lfree(image->title);
- image->title= dupString(buf);
- }