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- From: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v05i073: Xloadimage, Patch03, Part02/02
- Message-ID: <655@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- Date: 5 Feb 90 05:28:30 GMT
- Approved: kent@ssbell.IMD.Sterling.COM (Kent Landfield)
- Submitted-by: Jim Frost <jimf@saber.com>
- Posting-number: Volume 5, Issue 73
- Archive-name: xldimage/patch3.2-2
- Patch-To: xldimage: Volume 5, Issue 27-28,30
- This is part 2 of a 2 part patch to xloadimage to bring it from
- patchlevel 02 to patchlevel 03.
- There are many bug fixes and improvements in patchlevel 03, including
- a new loader for GIF images. This version should work on most X
- servers, including those with depths of odd values such as 2 or 4 (eg
- 386/ix servers). See the README file for more information.
- Part 1 contains a patch file which should be applied to a virgin
- patchlevel 02 source directory. Save it in the file "patch.03" and
- apply via "patch < patch.03".
- Part 2, which follows, contains a shar file with the new GIF loader
- and associated header files. Save it in the file "patch.03.shar" and
- unpack it via "sh patch.03.shar".
- If you do not have xloadimage or do not have it updated to patchlevel
- 02, you can get the original source (distributed at patchlevel 01) and
- the 02 patch from the comp.sources.x archives, or you can get the full
- distribution from expo.lcs.mit.edu in /contrib/xloadimage.1.03.tar.Z
- via anonymous ftp. The original source and 02 patch are also on expo
- but have been moved to /oldcontrib.
- Feel free to email any questions or comments.
- Enjoy,
- jim frost
- saber software
- jimf@saber.com
- -- patch.03.shar: cut here --
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then
- # unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". (Files
- # unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # gif.c gif.h kljcpyrght.h
- echo x - gif.c
- cat > "gif.c" << '//E*O*F gif.c//'
- /* gif.c:
- *
- * adapted from code by kirk johnson (tuna@athena.mit.edu). most of this
- * code is unchanged. -- jim frost 12.31.89
- *
- * gifin.c
- * kirk johnson
- * november 1989
- *
- * routines for reading GIF files
- *
- * Copyright 1989 Kirk L. Johnson (see the included file
- * "kljcpyrght.h" for complete copyright information)
- */
- #include "xloadimage.h"
- #include "gif.h"
- #include "kljcpyrght.h"
- /****
- **
- ** local #defines
- **
- ****/
- #define PUSH_PIXEL(p) \
- { \
- if (pstk_idx == PSTK_SIZE) \
- gifin_fatal("pixel stack overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()"); \
- else \
- pstk[pstk_idx++] = (p); \
- }
- /****
- **
- ** local variables
- **
- ****/
- static int interlace_start[4]= { /* start line for interlacing */
- 0, 4, 2, 1
- };
- static int interlace_rate[4]= { /* rate at which we accelerate vertically */
- 8, 8, 4, 2
- };
- static BYTE file_open = 0; /* status flags */
- static BYTE image_open = 0;
- static ZFILE *ins; /* input stream */
- static int root_size; /* root code size */
- static int clr_code; /* clear code */
- static int eoi_code; /* end of information code */
- static int code_size; /* current code size */
- static int code_mask; /* current code mask */
- static int prev_code; /* previous code */
- /*
- * NOTE: a long is assumed to be at least 32 bits wide
- */
- static long work_data; /* working bit buffer */
- static int work_bits; /* working bit count */
- static BYTE buf[256]; /* byte buffer */
- static int buf_cnt; /* byte count */
- static int buf_idx; /* buffer index */
- static int table_size; /* string table size */
- static int prefix[STAB_SIZE]; /* string table : prefixes */
- static int extnsn[STAB_SIZE]; /* string table : extensions */
- static BYTE pstk[PSTK_SIZE]; /* pixel stack */
- static int pstk_idx; /* pixel stack pointer */
- /****
- **
- ** global variables
- **
- ****/
- static int gifin_rast_width; /* raster width */
- static int gifin_rast_height; /* raster height */
- static BYTE gifin_g_cmap_flag; /* global colormap flag */
- static int gifin_g_pixel_bits; /* bits per pixel, global colormap */
- static int gifin_g_ncolors; /* number of colors, global colormap */
- static BYTE gifin_g_cmap[3][256]; /* global colormap */
- static int gifin_bg_color; /* background color index */
- static int gifin_color_bits; /* bits of color resolution */
- static int gifin_img_left; /* image position on raster */
- static int gifin_img_top; /* image position on raster */
- static int gifin_img_width; /* image width */
- static int gifin_img_height; /* image height */
- static BYTE gifin_l_cmap_flag; /* local colormap flag */
- static int gifin_l_pixel_bits; /* bits per pixel, local colormap */
- static int gifin_l_ncolors; /* number of colors, local colormap */
- static BYTE gifin_l_cmap[3][256]; /* local colormap */
- static BYTE gifin_interlace_flag; /* interlace image format flag */
- /*
- * open a GIF file, using s as the input stream
- */
- static int gifin_open_file(s)
- ZFILE *s;
- {
- /* make sure there isn't already a file open */
- if (file_open)
- return GIFIN_ERR_FAO;
- /* remember that we've got this file open */
- file_open = 1;
- ins = s;
- /* check GIF signature */
- if (zread(ins, buf, GIF_SIG_LEN) != GIF_SIG_LEN)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- buf[GIF_SIG_LEN] = '\0';
- if (strcmp((char *) buf, GIF_SIG) != 0)
- /* read screen descriptor */
- if (zread(ins, buf, GIF_SD_SIZE) != GIF_SD_SIZE)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- /* decode screen descriptor */
- gifin_rast_width = (buf[1] << 8) + buf[0];
- gifin_rast_height = (buf[3] << 8) + buf[2];
- gifin_g_cmap_flag = (buf[4] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
- gifin_color_bits = ((buf[4] & 0x70) >> 4) + 1;
- gifin_g_pixel_bits = (buf[4] & 0x07) + 1;
- gifin_bg_color = buf[5];
- if (buf[6] != 0)
- return GIFIN_ERR_BAD_SD;
- /* load global colormap */
- if (gifin_g_cmap_flag)
- {
- gifin_g_ncolors = (1 << gifin_g_pixel_bits);
- if (gifin_load_cmap(gifin_g_cmap, gifin_g_ncolors) != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- else
- {
- gifin_g_ncolors = 0;
- }
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * open next GIF image in the input stream; returns GIFIN_SUCCESS if
- * successful. if there are no more images, returns GIFIN_DONE. (might
- * also return various GIFIN_ERR codes.)
- */
- static int gifin_open_image()
- {
- int i;
- int separator;
- /* make sure there's a file open */
- if (!file_open)
- return GIFIN_ERR_NFO;
- /* make sure there isn't already an image open */
- if (image_open)
- return GIFIN_ERR_IAO;
- /* remember that we've got this image open */
- image_open = 1;
- /* skip over any extension blocks */
- do
- {
- separator = zgetc(ins);
- if (separator == GIF_EXTENSION)
- {
- if (gifin_skip_extension() != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- }
- while (separator == GIF_EXTENSION);
- /* check for end of file marker */
- if (separator == GIF_TERMINATOR)
- return GIFIN_DONE;
- /* make sure we've got an image separator */
- if (separator != GIF_SEPARATOR)
- /* read image descriptor */
- if (zread(ins, buf, GIF_ID_SIZE) != GIF_ID_SIZE)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- /* decode image descriptor */
- gifin_img_left = (buf[1] << 8) + buf[0];
- gifin_img_top = (buf[3] << 8) + buf[2];
- gifin_img_width = (buf[5] << 8) + buf[4];
- gifin_img_height = (buf[7] << 8) + buf[6];
- gifin_l_cmap_flag = (buf[8] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
- gifin_interlace_flag = (buf[8] & 0x40) ? 1 : 0;
- gifin_l_pixel_bits = (buf[8] & 0x07) + 1;
- /* load local colormap */
- if (gifin_l_cmap_flag)
- {
- gifin_l_ncolors = (1 << gifin_l_pixel_bits);
- if (gifin_load_cmap(gifin_l_cmap, gifin_l_ncolors) != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- else
- {
- gifin_l_ncolors = 0;
- }
- /* initialize raster data stream decoder */
- root_size = zgetc(ins);
- clr_code = 1 << root_size;
- eoi_code = clr_code + 1;
- code_size = root_size + 1;
- code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
- work_bits = 0;
- work_data = 0;
- buf_cnt = 0;
- buf_idx = 0;
- /* initialize string table */
- for (i=0; i<STAB_SIZE; i++)
- {
- prefix[i] = NULL_CODE;
- extnsn[i] = i;
- }
- /* initialize pixel stack */
- pstk_idx = 0;
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * try to read next pixel from the raster, return result in *pel
- */
- static int gifin_get_pixel(pel)
- int *pel;
- {
- int code;
- int first;
- int place;
- /* decode until there are some pixels on the pixel stack */
- while (pstk_idx == 0)
- {
- /* load bytes until we have enough bits for another code */
- while (work_bits < code_size)
- {
- if (buf_idx == buf_cnt)
- {
- /* read a new data block */
- if (gifin_read_data_block() != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- if (buf_cnt == 0)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOD;
- }
- work_data |= ((long) buf[buf_idx++]) << work_bits;
- work_bits += 8;
- }
- /* get the next code */
- code = work_data & code_mask;
- work_data >>= code_size;
- work_bits -= code_size;
- /* interpret the code */
- if (code == clr_code)
- {
- /* reset decoder stream */
- code_size = root_size + 1;
- code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
- prev_code = NULL_CODE;
- table_size = eoi_code + 1;
- }
- else if (code == eoi_code)
- {
- /* Ooops! no more pixels */
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- else if (prev_code == NULL_CODE)
- {
- gifin_push_string(code);
- prev_code = code;
- }
- else
- {
- if (code < table_size)
- {
- first = gifin_push_string(code);
- }
- else
- {
- place = pstk_idx;
- first = gifin_push_string(prev_code);
- pstk[place] = first;
- }
- gifin_add_string(prev_code, first);
- prev_code = code;
- }
- }
- /* pop a pixel off the pixel stack */
- *pel = (int) pstk[--pstk_idx];
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * close an open GIF image
- */
- static int gifin_close_image()
- {
- /* make sure there's an image open */
- if (!image_open)
- return GIFIN_ERR_NIO;
- /* skip any remaining raster data */
- do
- {
- if (gifin_read_data_block() != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- while (buf_cnt > 0);
- /* mark image as closed */
- image_open = 0;
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * close an open GIF file
- */
- static int gifin_close_file()
- {
- /* make sure there's a file open */
- if (!file_open)
- return GIFIN_ERR_NFO;
- /* mark file (and image) as closed */
- file_open = 0;
- image_open = 0;
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * load a colormap from the input stream
- */
- static int gifin_load_cmap(cmap, ncolors)
- BYTE cmap[3][256];
- int ncolors;
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++)
- {
- if (zread(ins, buf, 3) != 3)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- cmap[GIF_RED][i] = buf[GIF_RED];
- cmap[GIF_GRN][i] = buf[GIF_GRN];
- cmap[GIF_BLU][i] = buf[GIF_BLU];
- }
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * skip an extension block in the input stream
- */
- static int gifin_skip_extension()
- {
- int function;
- /* get the extension function byte */
- function = zgetc(ins);
- /* skip any remaining raster data */
- do
- {
- if (gifin_read_data_block() != GIFIN_SUCCESS)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- }
- while (buf_cnt > 0);
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * read a new data block from the input stream
- */
- static int gifin_read_data_block()
- {
- /* read the data block header */
- buf_cnt = zgetc(ins);
- /* read the data block body */
- if (zread(ins, buf, buf_cnt) != buf_cnt)
- return GIFIN_ERR_EOF;
- buf_idx = 0;
- /* done! */
- }
- /*
- * push a string (denoted by a code) onto the pixel stack
- * (returns the code of the first pixel in the string)
- */
- static int gifin_push_string(code)
- int code;
- {
- int rslt;
- while (prefix[code] != NULL_CODE)
- {
- PUSH_PIXEL(extnsn[code]);
- code = prefix[code];
- }
- PUSH_PIXEL(extnsn[code]);
- rslt = extnsn[code];
- return rslt;
- }
- /*
- * add a new string to the string table
- */
- static gifin_add_string(p, e)
- int p;
- int e;
- {
- prefix[table_size] = p;
- extnsn[table_size] = e;
- if ((table_size == code_mask) && (code_size < 12))
- {
- code_size += 1;
- code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1;
- }
- table_size += 1;
- }
- /*
- * semi-graceful fatal error mechanism
- */
- static gifin_fatal(msg)
- char *msg;
- {
- printf("Error reading GIF file: %s\n", msg);
- exit(0);
- }
- /* these are the routines added for interfacing to xloadimage
- */
- /* tell someone what the image we're loading is. this could be a little more
- * descriptive but I don't care
- */
- static void tellAboutImage(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("%s is a %dx%d %sGIF image with %d colors\n", name,
- gifin_img_width, gifin_img_height,
- (gifin_interlace_flag ? "interlaced " : ""),
- (gifin_l_cmap_flag ? gifin_l_ncolors : gifin_g_ncolors));
- }
- Image *gifLoad(fullname, name, verbose)
- char *fullname, *name;
- unsigned int verbose;
- { ZFILE *zf;
- Image *image;
- int x, y, pixel, pass, yrate, scanlen;
- byte *pixptr, *pixline;
- if (! (zf= zopen(fullname)))
- return(NULL);
- if ((gifin_open_file(zf) != GIFIN_SUCCESS) || /* read GIF header */
- (gifin_open_image() != GIFIN_SUCCESS)) { /* read image header */
- gifin_close_file();
- zclose(zf);
- return(NULL);
- }
- if (verbose)
- tellAboutImage(name);
- image= newRGBImage(gifin_img_width, gifin_img_height, (gifin_l_cmap_flag ?
- gifin_l_pixel_bits :
- gifin_g_pixel_bits));
- for (x= 0; x < gifin_g_ncolors; x++) {
- image->rgb.red[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_RED][x] << 8;
- image->rgb.green[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_GRN][x] << 8;
- image->rgb.blue[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_BLU][x] << 8;
- }
- image->rgb.used= gifin_g_ncolors;
- /* if image has a local colormap, override global colormap
- */
- if (gifin_l_cmap_flag) {
- for (x= 0; x < image->rgb.size; x++) {
- image->rgb.red[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_RED][x] << 8;
- image->rgb.green[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_GRN][x] << 8;
- image->rgb.blue[x]= gifin_g_cmap[GIF_BLU][x] << 8;
- }
- image->rgb.used= gifin_l_ncolors;
- }
- /* interlaced image -- futz with the vertical trace. i wish i knew what
- * kind of drugs the GIF people were on when they decided that they
- * needed to support interlacing.
- */
- if (gifin_interlace_flag) {
- scanlen= image->height * image->pixlen;
- /* interlacing takes four passes to read, each starting at a different
- * vertical point.
- */
- for (pass= 0; pass < 4; pass++) {
- y= interlace_start[pass];
- scanlen= image->width * image->pixlen * interlace_rate[pass];
- pixline= image->data + (y * image->width * image->pixlen);
- while (y < gifin_img_height) {
- pixptr= pixline;
- for (x= 0; x < gifin_img_width; x++) {
- if (gifin_get_pixel(&pixel) != GIFIN_SUCCESS) {
- printf("%s: Short read within image data\n", fullname);
- exit(0);
- }
- valToMem(pixel, pixptr, image->pixlen);
- pixptr += image->pixlen;
- }
- y += interlace_rate[pass];
- pixline += scanlen;
- }
- }
- }
- /* not an interlaced image, just read in sequentially
- */
- else {
- pixptr= image->data;
- for (y= 0; y < gifin_img_height; y++)
- for (x= 0; x < gifin_img_width; x++) {
- if (gifin_get_pixel(&pixel) != GIFIN_SUCCESS) {
- printf("%s: Short read within image data\n", fullname);
- exit(0);
- }
- valToMem(pixel, pixptr, image->pixlen);
- pixptr += image->pixlen;
- }
- }
- gifin_close_file();
- zclose(zf);
- image->title= dupString(name);
- return(image);
- }
- unsigned int gifIdent(fullname, name)
- char *fullname, *name;
- { ZFILE *zf;
- unsigned int ret;
- if (! (zf= zopen(fullname)))
- return(0);
- if ((gifin_open_file(zf) == GIFIN_SUCCESS) &&
- (gifin_open_image() == GIFIN_SUCCESS)) {
- tellAboutImage(name);
- ret= 1;
- }
- else
- ret= 0;
- gifin_close_file();
- zclose(zf);
- return(ret);
- }
- //E*O*F gif.c//
- echo x - gif.h
- cat > "gif.h" << '//E*O*F gif.h//'
- /* gif.h:
- *
- * gifin.h
- * kirk johnson
- * november 1989
- * external interface to gifin.c
- *
- * Copyright 1989 Kirk L. Johnson (see the included file
- * "kljcpyrght.h" for complete copyright information)
- */
- /*
- * gifin return codes
- */
- #define GIFIN_SUCCESS 0 /* success */
- #define GIFIN_DONE 1 /* no more images */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_BAD_SD -1 /* bad screen descriptor */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_BAD_SEP -2 /* bad image separator */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_BAD_SIG -3 /* bad signature */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_EOD -4 /* unexpected end of raster data */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_EOF -5 /* unexpected end of input stream */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_FAO -6 /* file already open */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_IAO -7 /* image already open */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_NFO -8 /* no file open */
- #define GIFIN_ERR_NIO -9 /* no image open */
- /*
- * colormap indices
- */
- #define GIF_RED 0
- #define GIF_GRN 1
- #define GIF_BLU 2
- /*
- * typedef BYTE for convenience
- */
- typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- static int gifin_open_file();
- static int gifin_open_image();
- static int gifin_get_pixel();
- static int gifin_close_image();
- static int gifin_close_file();
- static int gifin_load_cmap();
- static int gifin_skip_extension();
- static int gifin_read_data_block();
- static int gifin_push_string();
- static int gifin_add_string();
- static int gifin_fatal();
- /* #defines, typedefs, and such
- */
- #define GIF_SIG "GIF87a"
- #define GIF_SIG_LEN 6 /* GIF signature length */
- #define GIF_SD_SIZE 7 /* GIF screen descriptor size */
- #define GIF_ID_SIZE 9 /* GIF image descriptor size */
- #define GIF_SEPARATOR ',' /* GIF image separator */
- #define GIF_EXTENSION '!' /* GIF extension block marker */
- #define GIF_TERMINATOR ';' /* GIF terminator */
- #define STAB_SIZE 4096 /* string table size */
- #define PSTK_SIZE 1024 /* pixel stack size */
- #define NULL_CODE -1 /* string table null code */
- //E*O*F gif.h//
- echo x - kljcpyrght.h
- cat > "kljcpyrght.h" << '//E*O*F kljcpyrght.h//'
- #ifndef _KLJ_COPYRIGHT_
- /****
- Copyright 1989 Kirk L. Johnson
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
- software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
- without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in
- all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
- permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The
- author makes no representations about the suitability of this
- software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
- or implied warranty.
- ****/
- static char *KLJCopyright = "Copyright 1989 Kirk L. Johnson";
- #define _KLJ_COPYRIGHT_
- #endif
- //E*O*F kljcpyrght.h//
- exit 0