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- Path: uunet!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!uunet.UU.NET
- From: balr!panasun!ken@uunet.UU.NET (Ken Marks (x2425))
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08i078: chaos, Part02/10
- Message-ID: <140956@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 20 Aug 90 18:03:21 GMT
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 2183
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: balr!panasun!ken@uunet.UU.NET (Ken Marks (x2425))
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 78
- Archive-name: chaos/part02
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 2 (of 10)."
- # Contents: common/showEvent.c gencmap/Imakefile gencmap/gencmap.c
- # widgets/List.c
- # Wrapped by ken@panasun on Mon Jul 30 14:59:47 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'common/showEvent.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'common/showEvent.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'common/showEvent.c'\" \(23550 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'common/showEvent.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <X11/Xproto.h>
- X#include <Chaos.h>
- X
- XBoolean use_separate_lines = True;
- Xstatic char *sep;
- X
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X/**** Miscellaneous routines to convert values to their string equivalents ****/
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a boolean parameter */
- Xstatic char *TorF(bool)
- Xint bool;
- X{
- X switch (bool)
- X {
- X case True:
- X return ("True");
- X
- X case False:
- X return ("False");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a property notify state */
- Xstatic char *PropertyState(state)
- Xint state;
- X{
- X switch (state)
- X {
- X case PropertyNewValue:
- X return ("PropertyNewValue");
- X
- X case PropertyDelete:
- X return ("PropertyDelete");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a visibility notify state */
- Xstatic char *VisibilityState(state)
- Xint state;
- X{
- X switch (state)
- X {
- X case VisibilityUnobscured:
- X return ("VisibilityUnobscured");
- X
- X case VisibilityPartiallyObscured:
- X return ("VisibilityPartiallyObscured");
- X
- X case VisibilityFullyObscured:
- X return ("VisibilityFullyObscured");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a timestamp */
- Xstatic char *ServerTime(time)
- XTime time;
- X{
- X unsigned long msec;
- X unsigned long sec;
- X unsigned long min;
- X unsigned long hr;
- X unsigned long day;
- X static char buffer[32];
- X
- X msec = time % 1000;
- X time /= 1000;
- X sec = time % 60;
- X time /= 60;
- X min = time % 60;
- X time /= 60;
- X hr = time % 24;
- X time /= 24;
- X day = time;
- X
- X (void) sprintf(buffer, "%d day%s %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
- X day, day == 1 ? "" : "(s)", hr, min, sec, msec);
- X return (buffer);
- X}
- X
- X/* Simple structure to ease the interpretation of masks */
- Xtypedef struct _MaskType
- X{
- X unsigned int value;
- X char *string;
- X} MaskType;
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a mask of buttons and modifier keys */
- Xstatic char *ButtonOrModifierState(state)
- Xunsigned int state;
- X{
- X static char buffer[256];
- X static MaskType masks[] = {
- X {ShiftMask, "ShiftMask"},
- X {LockMask, "LockMask"},
- X {ControlMask, "ControlMask"},
- X {Mod1Mask, "Mod1Mask"},
- X {Mod2Mask, "Mod2Mask"},
- X {Mod3Mask, "Mod3Mask"},
- X {Mod4Mask, "Mod4Mask"},
- X {Mod5Mask, "Mod5Mask"},
- X {Button1Mask, "Button1Mask"},
- X {Button2Mask, "Button2Mask"},
- X {Button3Mask, "Button3Mask"},
- X {Button4Mask, "Button4Mask"},
- X {Button5Mask, "Button5Mask"},
- X };
- X int num_masks = sizeof(masks) / sizeof(MaskType);
- X int ii;
- X Boolean first = True;
- X
- X buffer[0] = NULL;
- X
- X if (state == 0)
- X return (buffer);
- X
- X for (ii = 0; ii < num_masks; ii++)
- X if (state & masks[ii].value)
- X if (first)
- X {
- X first = False;
- X (void) strcat(buffer, masks[ii].string);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X (void) strcat(buffer, " | ");
- X (void) strcat(buffer, masks[ii].string);
- X }
- X return (buffer);
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a mask of configure window values */
- Xstatic char *ConfigureValueMask(valuemask)
- Xunsigned long valuemask;
- X{
- X static char buffer[256];
- X static MaskType masks[] = {
- X {CWX, "CWX"},
- X {CWY, "CWY"},
- X {CWWidth, "CWWidth"},
- X {CWHeight, "CWHeight"},
- X {CWBorderWidth, "CWBorderWidth"},
- X {CWSibling, "CWSibling"},
- X {CWStackMode, "CWStackMode"},
- X };
- X int num_masks = sizeof(masks) / sizeof(MaskType);
- X int ii;
- X Boolean first = True;
- X
- X buffer[0] = NULL;
- X
- X if (valuemask == 0)
- X return (buffer);
- X
- X for (ii = 0; ii < num_masks; ii++)
- X if (valuemask & masks[ii].value)
- X if (first)
- X {
- X first = False;
- X (void) strcat(buffer, masks[ii].string);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X (void) strcat(buffer, " | ");
- X (void) strcat(buffer, masks[ii].string);
- X }
- X
- X return (buffer);
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a motion hint */
- Xstatic char *IsHint(is_hint)
- Xchar is_hint;
- X{
- X switch (is_hint)
- X {
- X case NotifyNormal:
- X return ("NotifyNormal");
- X
- X case NotifyHint:
- X return ("NotifyHint");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of an id or the value "None" */
- Xstatic char *MaybeNone(value)
- Xint value;
- X{
- X static char buffer[16];
- X
- X if (value == None)
- X return ("None");
- X else
- X {
- X (void) sprintf(buffer, "0x%x", value);
- X return (buffer);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a colormap state */
- Xstatic char *ColormapState(state)
- Xint state;
- X{
- X switch (state)
- X {
- X case ColormapInstalled:
- X return ("ColormapInstalled");
- X
- X case ColormapUninstalled:
- X return ("ColormapUninstalled");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a crossing detail */
- Xstatic char *CrossingDetail(detail)
- Xint detail;
- X{
- X switch (detail)
- X {
- X case NotifyAncestor:
- X return ("NotifyAncestor");
- X
- X case NotifyInferior:
- X return ("NotifyInferior");
- X
- X case NotifyVirtual:
- X return ("NotifyVirtual");
- X
- X case NotifyNonlinear:
- X return ("NotifyNonlinear");
- X
- X case NotifyNonlinearVirtual:
- X return ("NotifyNonlinearVirtual");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a focus change detail */
- Xstatic char *FocusChangeDetail(detail)
- Xint detail;
- X{
- X switch (detail)
- X {
- X case NotifyAncestor:
- X return ("NotifyAncestor");
- X
- X case NotifyInferior:
- X return ("NotifyInferior");
- X
- X case NotifyVirtual:
- X return ("NotifyVirtual");
- X
- X case NotifyNonlinear:
- X return ("NotifyNonlinear");
- X
- X case NotifyNonlinearVirtual:
- X return ("NotifyNonlinearVirtual");
- X
- X case NotifyPointer:
- X return ("NotifyPointer");
- X
- X case NotifyPointerRoot:
- X return ("NotifyPointerRoot");
- X
- X case NotifyDetailNone:
- X return ("NotifyDetailNone");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a configure detail */
- Xstatic char *ConfigureDetail(detail)
- Xint detail;
- X{
- X switch (detail)
- X {
- X case Above:
- X return ("Above");
- X
- X case Below:
- X return ("Below");
- X
- X case TopIf:
- X return ("TopIf");
- X
- X case BottomIf:
- X return ("BottomIf");
- X
- X case Opposite:
- X return ("Opposite");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a grab mode */
- Xstatic char *GrabMode(mode)
- Xint mode;
- X{
- X switch (mode)
- X {
- X case NotifyNormal:
- X return ("NotifyNormal");
- X
- X case NotifyGrab:
- X return ("NotifyGrab");
- X
- X case NotifyUngrab:
- X return ("NotifyUngrab");
- X
- X case NotifyWhileGrabbed:
- X return ("NotifyWhileGrabbed");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a mapping request */
- Xstatic char *MappingRequest(request)
- Xint request;
- X{
- X switch (request)
- X {
- X case MappingModifier:
- X return ("MappingModifier");
- X
- X case MappingKeyboard:
- X return ("MappingKeyboard");
- X
- X case MappingPointer:
- X return ("MappingPointer");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a stacking order place */
- Xstatic char *Place(place)
- Xint place;
- X{
- X switch (place)
- X {
- X case PlaceOnTop:
- X return ("PlaceOnTop");
- X
- X case PlaceOnBottom:
- X return ("PlaceOnBottom");
- X
- X default:
- X return ("?");
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of a major code */
- Xstatic char *MajorCode(code)
- Xint code;
- X{
- X static char buffer[32];
- X
- X switch (code)
- X {
- X case X_CopyArea:
- X return ("X_CopyArea");
- X
- X case X_CopyPlane:
- X return ("X_CopyPlane");
- X
- X default:
- X (void) sprintf(buffer, "0x%x", code);
- X return (buffer);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent the keycode contained in the key event */
- Xstatic char *Keycode(ev)
- XXKeyEvent *ev;
- X{
- X static char buffer[256];
- X KeySym keysym_str;
- X char *keysym_name;
- X char string[256];
- X
- X XLookupString(ev, string, 64, &keysym_str, NULL);
- X
- X if (keysym_str == NoSymbol)
- X keysym_name = "NoSymbol";
- X else if (!(keysym_name = XKeysymToString(keysym_str)))
- X keysym_name = "(no name)";
- X (void) sprintf(buffer, "%u (keysym 0x%x \"%s\")",
- X ev->keycode, keysym_str, keysym_name);
- X return (buffer);
- X}
- X
- X/* Returns the string equivalent of an atom or "None"*/
- Xstatic char *AtomName(dpy, atom)
- XDisplay *dpy;
- XAtom atom;
- X{
- X static char buffer[256];
- X char *atom_name;
- X
- X if (atom == None)
- X return ("None");
- X
- X atom_name = XGetAtomName(dpy, atom);
- X (void) strncpy(buffer, atom_name, 256);
- X free(atom_name);
- X
- X return (buffer);
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X/**** Routines to print out readable values for the field of various events ***/
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xstatic void VerbMotion(ev)
- XXMotionEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("root = 0x%x%s", ev->root, sep);
- X (void) printf("subwindow = 0x%x%s", ev->subwindow, sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s%s", ServerTime(ev->time), sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("x_root = %d y_root = %d%s", ev->x_root, ev->y_root, sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s%s", ButtonOrModifierState(ev->state), sep);
- X (void) printf("is_hint = %s%s", IsHint(ev->is_hint), sep);
- X (void) printf("same_screen = %s\n", TorF(ev->same_screen));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbButton(ev)
- XXButtonEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("root = 0x%x%s", ev->root, sep);
- X (void) printf("subwindow = 0x%x%s", ev->subwindow, sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s%s", ServerTime(ev->time), sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("x_root = %d y_root = %d%s", ev->x_root, ev->y_root, sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s%s", ButtonOrModifierState(ev->state), sep);
- X (void) printf("button = Button%d%s", ev->button, sep);
- X (void) printf("same_screen = %s\n", TorF(ev->same_screen));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbColormap(ev)
- XXColormapEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("colormap = %s%s", MaybeNone((int) (ev->colormap)), sep);
- X (void) printf("new = %s%s", TorF(ev->new), sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s\n", ColormapState(ev->state));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbCrossing(ev)
- XXCrossingEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("root = 0x%x%s", ev->root, sep);
- X (void) printf("subwindow = 0x%x%s", ev->subwindow, sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s%s", ServerTime(ev->time), sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("x_root = %d y_root = %d%s", ev->x_root, ev->y_root, sep);
- X (void) printf("mode = %s%s", GrabMode(ev->mode), sep);
- X (void) printf("detail = %s%s", CrossingDetail(ev->detail), sep);
- X (void) printf("same_screen = %s%s", TorF(ev->same_screen), sep);
- X (void) printf("focus = %s%s", TorF(ev->focus), sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s\n", ButtonOrModifierState(ev->state));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbExpose(ev)
- XXExposeEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d%s", ev->width, ev->height, sep);
- X (void) printf("count = %d\n", ev->count);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbGraphicsExpose(ev)
- XXGraphicsExposeEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("drawable = 0x%x%s", ev->drawable, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d%s", ev->width, ev->height, sep);
- X (void) printf("major_code = %s%s", MajorCode(ev->major_code), sep);
- X (void) printf("minor_code = %d\n", ev->minor_code);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbNoExpose(ev)
- XXNoExposeEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("drawable = 0x%x%s", ev->drawable, sep);
- X (void) printf("major_code = %s%s", MajorCode(ev->major_code), sep);
- X (void) printf("minor_code = %d\n", ev->minor_code);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbFocus(ev)
- XXFocusChangeEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("mode = %s%s", GrabMode(ev->mode), sep);
- X (void) printf("detail = %s\n", FocusChangeDetail(ev->detail));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbKeymap(ev)
- XXKeymapEvent *ev;
- X{
- X int ii;
- X
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("key_vector = ");
- X for (ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++)
- X (void) printf("%02x", ev->key_vector[ii]);
- X (void) printf("\n");
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbKey(ev)
- XXKeyEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("root = 0x%x%s", ev->root, sep);
- X (void) printf("subwindow = 0x%x%s", ev->subwindow, sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s%s", ServerTime(ev->time), sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("x_root = %d y_root = %d%s", ev->x_root, ev->y_root, sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s%s", ButtonOrModifierState(ev->state), sep);
- X (void) printf("keycode = %s%s", Keycode(ev), sep);
- X (void) printf("same_screen = %s\n", TorF(ev->same_screen));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbProperty(ev)
- XXPropertyEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("atom = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->atom), sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s%s", ServerTime(ev->time), sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s\n", PropertyState(ev->state));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbResizeRequest(ev)
- XXResizeRequestEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d\n", ev->width, ev->height);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbCirculate(ev)
- XXCirculateEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("place = %s\n", Place(ev->place));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbConfigure(ev)
- XXConfigureEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d%s", ev->width, ev->height, sep);
- X (void) printf("border_width = %d%s", ev->border_width, sep);
- X (void) printf("above = %s%s", MaybeNone((int) (ev->above)), sep);
- X (void) printf("override_redirect = %s\n", TorF(ev->override_redirect));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbCreateWindow(ev)
- XXCreateWindowEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("parent = 0x%x%s", ev->parent, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d%s", ev->width, ev->height, sep);
- X (void) printf("border_width = %d%s", ev->border_width, sep);
- X (void) printf("override_redirect = %s\n", TorF(ev->override_redirect));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbDestroyWindow(ev)
- XXDestroyWindowEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x\n", ev->window);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbGravity(ev)
- XXGravityEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d\n", ev->x, ev->y);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbMap(ev)
- XXMapEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("override_redirect = %s\n", TorF(ev->override_redirect));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbReparent(ev)
- XXReparentEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("parent = 0x%x%s", ev->parent, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("override_redirect = %s\n", TorF(ev->override_redirect));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbUnmap(ev)
- XXUnmapEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("event = 0x%x%s", ev->event, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("from_configure = %s\n", TorF(ev->from_configure));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbCirculateRequest(ev)
- XXCirculateRequestEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("parent = 0x%x%s", ev->parent, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("place = %s\n", Place(ev->place));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbConfigureRequest(ev)
- XXConfigureRequestEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("parent = 0x%x%s", ev->parent, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("x = %d y = %d%s", ev->x, ev->y, sep);
- X (void) printf("width = %d height = %d%s", ev->width, ev->height, sep);
- X (void) printf("border_width = %d%s", ev->border_width, sep);
- X (void) printf("above = %s%s", MaybeNone((int) (ev->above)), sep);
- X (void) printf("detail = 0x%x%s", ConfigureDetail(ev->detail), sep);
- X (void) printf("value_mask = %s\n", ConfigureValueMask(ev->value_mask));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbMapRequest(ev)
- XXMapRequestEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("parent = 0x%x%s", ev->parent, sep);
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x\n", ev->window);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbClient(ev)
- XXClientMessageEvent *ev;
- X{
- X int ii;
- X
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("message_type = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display,
- X ev->message_type), sep);
- X (void) printf("format = %d\n", ev->format);
- X (void) printf("data (shown as longs) = ");
- X for (ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
- X (void) printf(" 0x%08x", ev->data.l[ii]);
- X (void) printf("\n");
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbMapping(ev)
- XXMappingEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("request = 0x%x%s", MappingRequest(ev->request), sep);
- X (void) printf("first_keycode = 0x%x%s", ev->first_keycode, sep);
- X (void) printf("count = 0x%x\n", ev->count);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbSelectionClear(ev)
- XXSelectionClearEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("selection = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->selection),
- X sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s\n", ServerTime(ev->time));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbSelection(ev)
- XXSelectionEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("requestor = 0x%x%s", ev->requestor, sep);
- X (void) printf("selection = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->selection),
- X sep);
- X (void) printf("target = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->target), sep);
- X (void) printf("property = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->property), sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s\n", ServerTime(ev->time));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbSelectionRequest(ev)
- XXSelectionRequestEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("owner = 0x%x%s", ev->owner, sep);
- X (void) printf("requestor = 0x%x%s", ev->requestor, sep);
- X (void) printf("selection = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->selection),
- X sep);
- X (void) printf("target = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->target), sep);
- X (void) printf("property = %s%s", AtomName(ev->display, ev->property), sep);
- X (void) printf("time = %s\n", ServerTime(ev->time));
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void VerbVisibility(ev)
- XXVisibilityEvent *ev;
- X{
- X (void) printf("window = 0x%x%s", ev->window, sep);
- X (void) printf("state = %s\n", VisibilityState(ev->state));
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X/************ Return the string representation for type of an event ***********/
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xchar *GetEventType(ev)
- XXEvent *ev;
- X{
- X switch (ev->type)
- X {
- X case KeyPress:
- X return ("KeyPress");
- X case KeyRelease:
- X return ("KeyRelease");
- X case ButtonPress:
- X return ("ButtonPress");
- X case ButtonRelease:
- X return ("ButtonRelease");
- X case MotionNotify:
- X return ("MotionNotify");
- X case EnterNotify:
- X return ("EnterNotify");
- X case LeaveNotify:
- X return ("LeaveNotify");
- X case FocusIn:
- X return ("FocusIn");
- X case FocusOut:
- X return ("FocusOut");
- X case KeymapNotify:
- X return ("KeymapNotify");
- X case Expose:
- X return ("Expose");
- X case GraphicsExpose:
- X return ("GraphicsExpose");
- X case NoExpose:
- X return ("NoExpose");
- X case VisibilityNotify:
- X return ("VisibilityNotify");
- X case CreateNotify:
- X return ("CreateNotify");
- X case DestroyNotify:
- X return ("DestroyNotify");
- X case UnmapNotify:
- X return ("UnmapNotify");
- X case MapNotify:
- X return ("MapNotify");
- X case MapRequest:
- X return ("MapRequest");
- X case ReparentNotify:
- X return ("ReparentNotify");
- X case ConfigureNotify:
- X return ("ConfigureNotify");
- X case ConfigureRequest:
- X return ("ConfigureRequest");
- X case GravityNotify:
- X return ("GravityNotify");
- X case ResizeRequest:
- X return ("ResizeRequest");
- X case CirculateNotify:
- X return ("CirculateNotify");
- X case CirculateRequest:
- X return ("CirculateRequest");
- X case PropertyNotify:
- X return ("PropertyNotify");
- X case SelectionClear:
- X return ("SelectionClear");
- X case SelectionRequest:
- X return ("SelectionRequest");
- X case SelectionNotify:
- X return ("SelectionNotify");
- X case ColormapNotify:
- X return ("ColormapNotify");
- X case ClientMessage:
- X return ("ClientMessage");
- X case MappingNotify:
- X return ("MappingNotify");
- X }
- X return (NULL); /* this makes lint happy */
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X/**************** Print the values of all fields for any event ****************/
- X/******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xvoid ShowEvent(ev)
- XXAnyEvent *ev;
- X{
- X /* determine which field separator to use */
- X if (use_separate_lines)
- X sep = "\n";
- X else
- X sep = " ";
- X
- X (void) printf("type = %s%s", GetEventType((XEvent *) ev), sep);
- X (void) printf("serial = %d%s", ev->serial, sep);
- X (void) printf("send_event = %s%s", TorF(ev->send_event), sep);
- X (void) printf("display = 0x%x%s", ev->display, sep);
- X
- X switch (ev->type)
- X {
- X case MotionNotify:
- X VerbMotion((XMotionEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ButtonPress:
- X case ButtonRelease:
- X VerbButton((XButtonEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ColormapNotify:
- X VerbColormap((XColormapEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case EnterNotify:
- X case LeaveNotify:
- X VerbCrossing((XCrossingEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case Expose:
- X VerbExpose((XExposeEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case GraphicsExpose:
- X VerbGraphicsExpose((XGraphicsExposeEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case NoExpose:
- X VerbNoExpose((XNoExposeEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case FocusIn:
- X case FocusOut:
- X VerbFocus((XFocusChangeEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case KeymapNotify:
- X VerbKeymap((XKeymapEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case KeyPress:
- X case KeyRelease:
- X VerbKey((XKeyEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case PropertyNotify:
- X VerbProperty((XPropertyEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ResizeRequest:
- X VerbResizeRequest((XResizeRequestEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case CirculateNotify:
- X VerbCirculate((XCirculateEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ConfigureNotify:
- X VerbConfigure((XConfigureEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case CreateNotify:
- X VerbCreateWindow((XCreateWindowEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case DestroyNotify:
- X VerbDestroyWindow((XDestroyWindowEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case GravityNotify:
- X VerbGravity((XGravityEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case MapNotify:
- X VerbMap((XMapEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ReparentNotify:
- X VerbReparent((XReparentEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case UnmapNotify:
- X VerbUnmap((XUnmapEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case CirculateRequest:
- X VerbCirculateRequest((XCirculateRequestEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ConfigureRequest:
- X VerbConfigureRequest((XConfigureRequestEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case MapRequest:
- X VerbMapRequest((XMapRequestEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case ClientMessage:
- X VerbClient((XClientMessageEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case MappingNotify:
- X VerbMapping((XMappingEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case SelectionClear:
- X VerbSelectionClear((XSelectionClearEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case SelectionNotify:
- X VerbSelection((XSelectionEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case SelectionRequest:
- X VerbSelectionRequest((XSelectionRequestEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X case VisibilityNotify:
- X VerbVisibility((XVisibilityEvent *) ev);
- X break;
- X
- X }
- X}
- if test 23550 -ne `wc -c <'common/showEvent.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'common/showEvent.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'common/showEvent.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'gencmap/Imakefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'gencmap/Imakefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'gencmap/Imakefile'\" \(394 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'gencmap/Imakefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X INCLUDES = -I../headers
- X COMMONLIB = ../common/libcommon.a
- X
- X#ifdef UltrixArchitecture
- X#else
- X#endif
- X
- XSRCS = \
- X gencmap.c
- X
- XOBJS = \
- X gencmap.o
- X
- XComplexProgramTarget(gencmap)
- X
- Xsaber_src:
- X #cd ../common
- X #make saber
- X #cd ../gencmap
- X #make saber_gencmap
- X
- if test 394 -ne `wc -c <'gencmap/Imakefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'gencmap/Imakefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'gencmap/Imakefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'gencmap/gencmap.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'gencmap/gencmap.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'gencmap/gencmap.c'\" \(3267 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'gencmap/gencmap.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <math.h>
- X#include <values.h>
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <Colormap.h>
- X
- X#ifndef M_PI
- X#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
- X#endif
- X
- Xchar *map_dir = ".";
- X
- X
- Xvoid SineFunc(n, red, green, blue, closure)
- Xint n;
- Xunsigned char *red;
- Xunsigned char *green;
- Xunsigned char *blue;
- Xcaddr_t closure;
- X{
- X double radians;
- X int reps = (int) closure;
- X
- X radians = (double) (n - NUM_RESERVED) / (double) (NUM_COLORS -
- X NUM_RESERVED) * 2.0 * M_PI * (double) reps;
- X
- X *red = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X
- X *green = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians + 2.0 / 3.0 * M_PI)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X
- X *blue = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians + 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xvoid ZebraFunc(n, red, green, blue)
- Xint n;
- Xunsigned char *red;
- Xunsigned char *green;
- Xunsigned char *blue;
- X{
- X double radians;
- X double hue, sat, bright;
- X double r, g, b;
- X
- X radians = (double) (n - NUM_RESERVED) / (double) (NUM_COLORS -
- X NUM_RESERVED) * 2.0 * M_PI;
- X
- X *red = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X
- X *green = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians + 2.0 / 3.0 * M_PI)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X
- X *blue = (unsigned char) (fabs(sin(radians + 4.0 / 3.0 * M_PI)) *
- X (double) MAX_INTENSITY);
- X
- X RGB2HSB((double) *red / 255.0, (double) *green / 255.0,
- X (double) *blue / 255.0, &hue, &sat, &bright);
- X
- X switch (n % 4)
- X {
- X case 0:
- X bright *= 0.70;
- X break;
- X
- X case 1:
- X bright *= 0.90;
- X break;
- X
- X case 2:
- X bright *= 0.80;
- X break;
- X
- X case 3:
- X bright *= 1.00;
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X
- X HSB2RGB(hue, sat, bright, &r, &g, &b);
- X
- X *red = (unsigned char) (r * 255.0);
- X *green = (unsigned char) (g * 255.0);
- X *blue = (unsigned char) (b * 255.0);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xusage(cmd)
- Xchar *cmd;
- X{
- X (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -ghorstz ] filename\n", cmd);
- X exit(1);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X char *cmd = argv[0];
- X char *value;
- X int reps;
- X extern char *getenv();
- X
- X if (argc != 3)
- X usage(cmd);
- X
- X if (value = getenv("MAPDIR"))
- X map_dir = value;
- X
- X if (strncmp(argv[1], "-g", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store gray-scale colormap */
- X reps = (int) (isdigit(argv[1][2]) ? argv[1][2] - '0' : 1);
- X StoreGray(reps);
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store Hue-Saturation-Brightness colormap */
- X reps = (int) (isdigit(argv[1][2]) ? argv[1][2] - '0' : 1);
- X StoreHSB(reps);
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-o", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store 8 color (octo) colormap */
- X StoreOctoColor();
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-r", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store random colormap */
- X StoreRandom();
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-s", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store sine colormap */
- X reps = (int) (isdigit(argv[1][2]) ? argv[1][2] - '0' : 1);
- X StoreColors(SineFunc, (caddr_t) reps);
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-t", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store 3 color (RGB) colormap */
- X StoreTriColor();
- X }
- X else if (strncmp(argv[1], "-z", 2) == 0)
- X {
- X /* Store funky zebra colormap */
- X StoreColors(ZebraFunc, (caddr_t) NULL);
- X }
- X else
- X usage(cmd);
- X
- X (void) WriteColors(".", argv[2]);
- X exit(0);
- X}
- if test 3267 -ne `wc -c <'gencmap/gencmap.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'gencmap/gencmap.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'gencmap/gencmap.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'widgets/List.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'widgets/List.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'widgets/List.c'\" \(23630 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'widgets/List.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Copyright (c) Ken W. Marks 1989, 1990.
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
- X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- X#include <Chaos.h>
- X#include <LocalDefs.h>
- X#include <ListP.h>
- X#include <Colormap.h>
- X#include <DlgShell.h>
- X
- X#define IN_UP_ARROW(w, x, y) (((x) >= (w)->list.item_width && \
- X (x) < (w)->core.width && \
- X (y) >= 0 && \
- X (y) < (w)->list.char_height) ? True : False)
- X
- X#define IN_DOWN_ARROW(w, x, y) (((x) >= (w)->list.item_width && \
- X (x) < (w)->core.width && \
- X (y) > (w)->core.height - (w)->list.char_height \
- X && (y) < (w)->core.height) ? True : False)
- X
- X#define IN_SCROLLBAR(w, x, y) (((x) >= (w)->list.item_width && \
- X (x) < (w)->core.width && \
- X (y) >= (w)->list.char_height && \
- X (y) <= (w)->core.height - \
- X (w)->list.char_height) ? True : False)
- X
- X#define GET_ITEM(w, x, y) (((x) >= (w)->list.item_width || \
- X (x) < 0 || \
- X (y) < 0 || \
- X (y) >= (w)->core.height) ? NO_ITEM : \
- X (y) / (w)->list.item_height + \
- X (w)->list.first_visible_item)
- X
- X#define NEAREST_ITEM(w, y) (((y) - (w)->list.char_height) * \
- X (w)->list.num_stops / (w)->list.bar_height)
- X
- X#define ITEM_POS(w, item) ((short) (item * (w)->list.bar_height / \
- X (w)->list.num_stops + 3 * \
- X (w)->list.char_height / 2))
- X
- X#define BEFORE_VIEW(w, item) ((item < (w)->list.first_visible_item) ? \
- X True : False)
- X
- X#define AFTER_VIEW(w, item) ((item >= (w)->list.first_visible_item + \
- X (w)->list.num_visible) ? True : False)
- X
- X/* internal padding for items in list buttons */
- X#define VERTICAL_PAD 2
- X
- X/* default number of items visible */
- X
- X#define UP_ARROW_STRING "\016\017"
- X#define DOWN_ARROW_STRING "\020\021"
- X#define SLOT_STRING "\022\023"
- X#define KNOB_STRING "\024\025"
- X
- X#define ARROW '\037'
- X#define BLANK '\036'
- X
- Xstatic void ListInitialize();
- Xstatic void ListRealize();
- Xstatic void ListRedisplay();
- Xstatic void ListDestroy();
- Xstatic void ListDrawItem();
- Xstatic void ListDrawItems();
- Xstatic void ListDrawBar();
- Xstatic void ListDrawAll();
- Xstatic void ListMoveKnob();
- Xstatic void ListUnselectIfUnseen();
- Xstatic void ListScrollBackward();
- Xstatic void ListScrollForward();
- Xstatic void ListNotify();
- Xstatic void ListMark();
- Xstatic void ListGoto();
- Xstatic void ListFocusIn();
- Xstatic void ListFocusOut();
- Xstatic void ListBtnUp();
- Xstatic void ListMotion();
- X
- X#define offset(field) XtOffset(ListWidget, list.field)
- X#define goffset(field) XtOffset(Widget,core.field)
- X
- Xstatic XtResource list_resources[] = {
- X {XtNlistDefault, XtCDefault, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- X offset(selected_item), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0},
- X {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- X offset(foreground), XtRString, "Black"},
- X {XtNbackground, XtCBackground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
- X goffset(background_pixel), XtRString, "White"},
- X {XtNfont, XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
- X offset(font), XtRString, "chaos-bold"},
- X {XtNlistItems, XtCList, XtRPointer, sizeof(char **),
- X offset(list_items), XtRString, NULL},
- X {XtNhorizPad, XtCMargin, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X offset(h_pad), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) HORIZONTAL_PAD},
- X {XtNvertPad, XtCMargin, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X offset(v_pad), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) VERTICAL_PAD},
- X {XtNcallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(caddr_t),
- X offset(callbacks), XtRCallback, (caddr_t) NULL},
- X {XtNdialogbox, XtCWidget, XtRWidget, sizeof(Widget),
- X offset(dialogbox), XtRWidget, (caddr_t) NULL},
- X {XtNnumberVisible, XtCDefault, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- X offset(num_visible), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_VISIBLE},
- X {XtNcharsWide, XtCDefault, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
- X offset(chars_wide), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0},
- X};
- X
- Xstatic XtActionsRec list_actions[] =
- X{
- X {"notify", ListNotify},
- X {"mark", ListMark},
- X {"goto", ListGoto},
- X {"focus_in", ListFocusIn},
- X {"focus_out", ListFocusOut},
- X {"release", ListBtnUp},
- X {"move", ListMotion},
- X};
- X
- Xstatic char list_translations[] =
- X"<BtnDown>: mark(BUTTON) notify(BUTTON)\n\
- X <BtnUp>: release()\n\
- X <Motion>: move()\n\
- X <Key>Return: notify(KEY)\n\
- X <Key>Up: mark(PREV)\n\
- X <Key>Down: mark(NEXT)\n\
- X Shift<Key>Tab: goto(PREV)\n\
- X <Key>Tab: goto(NEXT)\n\
- X <FocusIn>: focus_in()\n\
- X <FocusOut>: focus_out()\n\
- X";
- X
- X#define superclass (&simpleClassRec)
- X
- XListClassRec listClassRec = {
- X {
- X /* core fields */
- X /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) superclass,
- X /* class_name */ "List",
- X /* widget_size */ sizeof(ListRec),
- X /* class_initialize */ NULL,
- X /* class_part_initialize */ NULL,
- X /* class_inited */ FALSE,
- X /* initialize */ ListInitialize,
- X /* initialize_hook */ NULL,
- X /* realize */ ListRealize,
- X /* actions */ list_actions,
- X /* num_actions */ XtNumber(list_actions),
- X /* resources */ list_resources,
- X /* resource_count */ XtNumber(list_resources),
- X /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
- X /* compress_motion */ TRUE,
- X /* compress_exposure */ TRUE,
- X /* compress_enterleave */ TRUE,
- X /* visible_interest */ FALSE,
- X /* destroy */ ListDestroy,
- X /* resize */ NULL,
- X /* expose */ ListRedisplay,
- X /* set_values */ NULL,
- X /* set_values_hook */ NULL,
- X /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
- X /* get_values_hook */ NULL,
- X /* accept_focus */ NULL,
- X /* version */ XtVersion,
- X /* callback_private */ NULL,
- X /* tm_table */ list_translations,
- X /* query_geometry */ NULL,
- X /* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
- X /* extension */ NULL
- X },
- X {
- X /* Simple class fields initialization */
- X /* change_sensitive */ XtInheritChangeSensitive
- X }
- X};
- X
- X
- XWidgetClass listWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) & listClassRec;
- X
- X
- X/************************************************************/
- X/******************** Private Procedures ********************/
- X/************************************************************/
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListCopyItems(w)
- XListWidget w;
- X{
- X int ii;
- X char *label;
- X
- X if (w->list.list_items == NULL)
- X {
- X w->list.list_items = (ListItem *) malloc(sizeof(ListItem));
- X w->list.list_items[0].label = NULL;
- X w->list.num_items = 0;
- X return;
- X }
- X
- X /* SUPPRESS 530 */
- X for (ii = 0; w->list.list_items[ii].label != NULL; ++ii);
- X
- X w->list.num_items = ii;
- X
- X /* Allocate a private copy of the list structure so that it doesn't change
- X * from under us. */
- X
- X w->list.list_items = (ListItem *) COPY(w->list.list_items, (ii + 1) *
- X sizeof(ListItem));
- X
- X /* And don't forget to make private copies of all the labels in the
- X * structures (with space for 1 special leading char). */
- X
- X while (--ii >= 0)
- X {
- X label = w->list.list_items[ii].label;
- X w->list.list_items[ii].label = malloc((unsigned) (strlen(label) + 2));
- X w->list.list_items[ii].label[0] = BLANK;
- X (void) strcpy(&(w->list.list_items[ii].label[1]), label);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListFreeItems(w)
- XListWidget w;
- X{
- X ListItem *ptr = w->list.list_items;
- X
- X while (ptr->label != NULL)
- X {
- X free(ptr->label);
- X ++ptr;
- X }
- X free((char *) w->list.list_items);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListGetGC(w)
- XListWidget w;
- X{
- X XGCValues values;
- X
- X values.foreground = w->list.foreground;
- X values.background = w->core.background_pixel;
- X values.font = w->list.font->fid;
- X
- X w->list.normal_gc = XtGetGC((Widget) w, (unsigned) GCForeground |
- X GCBackground | GCFont, &values);
- X
- X values.foreground = w->core.background_pixel;
- X values.background = w->list.foreground;
- X
- X w->list.reverse_gc = XtGetGC((Widget) w, (unsigned) GCForeground |
- X GCBackground | GCFont, &values);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListSetSize(w)
- XListWidget w;
- X{
- X XtWidgetGeometry my_request;
- X XFontStruct *fs = w->list.font;
- X ListItem *item;
- X Cardinal height = fs->max_bounds.ascent + fs->max_bounds.descent;
- X Cardinal width = fs->max_bounds.width;
- X Cardinal label_width;
- X char *label;
- X int ii;
- X
- X item = w->list.list_items;
- X for (ii = 0; ii < w->list.num_items; ++ii)
- X {
- X label = item->label;
- X label_width = STRLEN(label);
- X if (label == NULL)
- X break;
- X w->list.chars_wide = MAX(w->list.chars_wide, label_width);
- X ++item;
- X }
- X
- X w->list.item_width = w->list.chars_wide * width + 2 * w->list.h_pad;
- X w->list.baseline = fs->max_bounds.ascent;
- X w->list.baseline_to_center = height / 2 - w->list.baseline;
- X w->list.char_width = width;
- X w->list.char_height = height;
- X w->list.item_height = height + 2 * w->list.v_pad;
- X
- X my_request.request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth;
- X my_request.width = w->list.item_width + 2 * width;
- X my_request.height = w->list.item_height * w->list.num_visible;
- X my_request.border_width = 1;
- X
- X XtMakeGeometryRequest((Widget) w, &my_request, NULL);
- X
- X w->list.bar_min_y = height + fs->max_bounds.ascent;
- X w->list.bar_max_y = w->core.height - (height + fs->max_bounds.descent);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListInitialize(request, new)
- XWidget request; /* unused */
- XWidget new;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) new;
- X
- X if (w->list.dialogbox == NULL)
- X {
- X eprintf("XtNdialogbox not set\n");
- X abort();
- X }
- X
- X if (w->list.num_visible < DEFAULT_VISIBLE)
- X {
- X eprintf("XtNnumberVisible must be at least %d\n", DEFAULT_VISIBLE);
- X abort();
- X }
- X ListGetGC(w);
- X ListCopyItems(w);
- X ListSetSize(w);
- X
- X w->list.active_item = NO_ITEM;
- X w->list.first_visible_item = 0;
- X w->list.num_stops = w->list.num_items - w->list.num_visible + 1;
- X if (w->list.num_stops < 1)
- X w->list.num_stops = 1;
- X w->list.bar_height = w->core.height - 2 * w->list.char_height;
- X w->list.bar_offset = w->list.char_height + w->list.baseline +
- X w->list.baseline_to_center;
- X w->list.knob_y = w->list.bar_min_y;
- X w->list.scrolling = False;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListRealize(widget, valueMask, attrs)
- XWidget widget;
- XXtValueMask *valueMask;
- XXSetWindowAttributes *attrs;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
- X Window window;
- X Position y;
- X
- X XtCreateWindow(widget, InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent,
- X *valueMask, attrs);
- X
- X window = XtWindow(w);
- X
- X w->list.pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, window, w->list.char_width * 2,
- X w->core.height, w->core.depth);
- X
- X if (!w->list.pixmap)
- X {
- X eprintf("Insufficient space for pixmap\n");
- X abort();
- X }
- X
- X y = w->list.baseline;
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, y,
- X
- X for (y = w->list.char_height + w->list.baseline;
- X y < w->core.height - w->list.char_height + w->list.baseline;
- X y += w->list.char_height)
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, y,
- X
- X y = w->core.height - w->list.char_height + w->list.baseline;
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, y,
- X
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, w->list.knob_y,
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListRedisplay(widget, event, region)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event; /* unused */
- XRegion region; /* unused */
- X{
- X if (XtIsRealized(widget) == False)
- X return;
- X
- X ListDrawAll(widget);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListDestroy(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X
- X XtReleaseGC(widget, w->list.normal_gc);
- X XtReleaseGC(widget, w->list.reverse_gc);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListDrawItem(widget, item)
- XWidget widget;
- Xint item;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
- X Window window = XtWindow(w);
- X int absolute_item;
- X char *label;
- X Position x, y;
- X int label_len;
- X GC fill_gc;
- X GC draw_gc;
- X
- X if (item <= NO_ITEM || item > w->list.num_visible)
- X return;
- X
- X absolute_item = item + w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X if (absolute_item >= w->list.num_items)
- X label = NULL;
- X else
- X {
- X label = w->list.list_items[absolute_item].label;
- X
- X if (absolute_item == w->list.active_item)
- X label[0] = ARROW;
- X else
- X label[0] = BLANK;
- X }
- X
- X x = (Position) w->list.h_pad;
- X y = (Position) w->list.item_height * item + w->list.v_pad +
- X w->list.baseline;
- X
- X if (XtIsRealized(widget))
- X {
- X
- X if (absolute_item == w->list.selected_item)
- X {
- X fill_gc = w->list.normal_gc;
- X draw_gc = w->list.reverse_gc;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X fill_gc = w->list.reverse_gc;
- X draw_gc = w->list.normal_gc;
- X }
- X
- X label_len = STRLEN(label);
- X
- X if (label_len != 0)
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, window, draw_gc, x, y, label, label_len);
- X
- X XFillRectangle(dpy, window, fill_gc, x + label_len *
- X w->list.char_width, y - w->list.baseline, (w->list.chars_wide -
- X label_len) * w->list.char_width, w->list.char_height);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListDrawItems(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int ii;
- X
- X for (ii = 0; ii < w->list.num_visible; ++ii)
- X ListDrawItem(widget, ii);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListDrawBar(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
- X Window window = XtWindow(w);
- X
- X if (XtIsRealized(widget))
- X XCopyArea(dpy, w->list.pixmap, window, w->list.normal_gc,
- X 0, 0, w->list.char_width * 2, w->core.height, w->list.item_width, 0);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListDrawAll(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListDrawItems(widget);
- X ListDrawBar(widget);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListMoveKnob(widget, y)
- XWidget widget;
- XPosition y;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
- X
- X y -= w->list.baseline_to_center;
- X
- X if (y < w->list.bar_min_y)
- X y = w->list.bar_min_y;
- X else if (y > w->list.bar_max_y)
- X y = w->list.bar_max_y;
- X
- X if (y == w->list.knob_y)
- X return;
- X
- X /* Erase the old knob */
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, w->list.knob_y,
- X
- X w->list.knob_y = y;
- X
- X /* Draw new knob */
- X XDrawImageString(dpy, w->list.pixmap, w->list.normal_gc, 0, w->list.knob_y,
- X
- X ListDrawBar(widget);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListUnselectIfUnseen(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X
- X if (BEFORE_VIEW(w, w->list.selected_item) ||
- X AFTER_VIEW(w, w->list.selected_item))
- X w->list.selected_item = NO_ITEM;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListScrollBackward(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X
- X if (w->list.first_visible_item == 0)
- X return;
- X
- X --w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X if (AFTER_VIEW(w, w->list.active_item))
- X --w->list.active_item;
- X
- X /* If the selected item becomes unseen, unselect it */
- X ListUnselectIfUnseen(widget);
- X ListDrawItems(widget);
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, ITEM_POS(w, w->list.first_visible_item));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListScrollForward(widget)
- XWidget widget;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X
- X if (w->list.first_visible_item >= w->list.num_stops - 1)
- X return;
- X
- X ++w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X if (BEFORE_VIEW(w, w->list.active_item))
- X ++w->list.active_item;
- X
- X /* If the selected item becomes unseen, unselect it */
- X ListUnselectIfUnseen(widget);
- X ListDrawItems(widget);
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, ITEM_POS(w, w->list.first_visible_item));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListScrollTo(widget, y)
- XWidget widget;
- Xint y;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int item;
- X
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, y);
- X
- X item = NEAREST_ITEM(w, y);
- X if (item == w->list.first_visible_item)
- X return;
- X
- X w->list.first_visible_item = item;
- X
- X if (BEFORE_VIEW(w, w->list.active_item) ||
- X AFTER_VIEW(w, w->list.active_item))
- X w->list.active_item = w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X /* If the selected item becomes unseen, unselect it */
- X ListUnselectIfUnseen(widget);
- X ListDrawItems(widget);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListStartScroll(widget, y)
- XWidget widget;
- Xint y;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X
- X w->list.scrolling = True;
- X
- X ListScrollTo(widget, y);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************/
- X/******************** Action Procedures ********************/
- X/***********************************************************/
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListFocusIn(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params;
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X XFocusInEvent *ev = (XFocusInEvent *) & event->xfocus;
- X
- X if (ev->mode != NotifyGrab)
- X return;
- X
- X if (w->list.active_item == NO_ITEM)
- X w->list.active_item = w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X ListDrawAll(widget);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListFocusOut(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params;
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int last_active_item = w->list.active_item;
- X XFocusOutEvent *ev = (XFocusOutEvent *) & event->xfocus;
- X
- X if (ev->mode != NotifyUngrab)
- X return;
- X
- X if (w->list.active_item != NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X w->list.active_item = NO_ITEM;
- X ListDrawItem(widget, last_active_item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListNotify(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params;
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X XButtonEvent *ev = (XButtonEvent *) & event->xbutton;
- X int item;
- X int last_selected_item;
- X
- X if (params[0][0] == 'B')
- X item = GET_ITEM(w, ev->x, ev->y);
- X else
- X item = w->list.active_item;
- X
- X if (item == NO_ITEM)
- X return;
- X
- X last_selected_item = w->list.selected_item;
- X w->list.selected_item = item;
- X
- X ListDrawItem(widget, last_selected_item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X
- X ListDrawItem(widget, item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X
- X XtCallCallbacks(widget, XtNcallback, (XtPointer) item);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListMark(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params; /* unused */
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X XButtonEvent *ev = (XButtonEvent *) & event->xbutton;
- X int item;
- X int last_item = w->list.active_item;
- X
- X switch (params[0][0])
- X {
- X case 'B':
- X item = GET_ITEM(w, ev->x, ev->y);
- X if (item != NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X DialogSetNewFocus(w->list.dialogbox, widget);
- X w->list.active_item = item;
- X break;
- X }
- X if (IN_UP_ARROW(w, ev->x, ev->y))
- X {
- X if (w->list.active_item == NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X DialogSetNewFocus(w->list.dialogbox, widget);
- X w->list.active_item = w->list.first_visible_item - 1;
- X }
- X ListScrollBackward(widget);
- X }
- X else if (IN_DOWN_ARROW(w, ev->x, ev->y))
- X {
- X if (w->list.active_item == NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X DialogSetNewFocus(w->list.dialogbox, widget);
- X w->list.active_item = w->list.first_visible_item;
- X }
- X ListScrollForward(widget);
- X }
- X else if (IN_SCROLLBAR(w, ev->x, ev->y))
- X {
- X if (w->list.active_item == NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X DialogSetNewFocus(w->list.dialogbox, widget);
- X w->list.active_item = w->list.first_visible_item;
- X }
- X ListStartScroll(widget, ev->y);
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X case 'P':
- X item = w->list.active_item - 1;
- X if (item < 0)
- X item = 0;
- X w->list.active_item = item;
- X if (BEFORE_VIEW(w, item))
- X {
- X ListScrollBackward(widget);
- X return;
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X case 'N':
- X item = w->list.active_item + 1;
- X if (item >= w->list.num_items)
- X item = w->list.num_items - 1;
- X w->list.active_item = item;
- X if (AFTER_VIEW(w, item))
- X {
- X ListScrollForward(widget);
- X return;
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X ListDrawItem(widget, last_item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X ListDrawItem(widget, item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListGoto(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event; /* unused */
- XString *params; /* unused */
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int item = w->list.active_item - w->list.first_visible_item;
- X
- X w->list.active_item = NO_ITEM;
- X ListDrawItem(widget, item);
- X
- X switch (params[0][0])
- X {
- X case 'P':
- X DialogSetPrevFocus(w->list.dialogbox);
- X break;
- X
- X case 'N':
- X DialogSetNextFocus(w->list.dialogbox);
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListBtnUp(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params; /* unused */
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X XButtonEvent *ev = (XButtonEvent *) & event->xbutton;
- X
- X if (w->list.scrolling == False)
- X return;
- X
- X w->list.scrolling = False;
- X
- X if (ev->x <= w->list.item_width || ev->x >= w->core.width ||
- X ev->y < w->list.char_height ||
- X ev->y >= w->core.height - w->list.char_height)
- X return;
- X
- X ListScrollTo(widget, ev->y);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ListMotion(widget, event, params, num_params)
- XWidget widget;
- XXEvent *event;
- XString *params; /* unused */
- XCardinal *num_params; /* unused */
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X XMotionEvent *ev = (XMotionEvent *) & event->xmotion;
- X
- X if (w->list.scrolling == False)
- X return;
- X
- X if (ev->x <= w->list.item_width || ev->x >= w->core.width ||
- X ev->y < w->list.char_height ||
- X ev->y >= w->core.height - w->list.char_height)
- X return;
- X
- X ListScrollTo(widget, ev->y);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************/
- X/******************** Public Procedures ********************/
- X/***********************************************************/
- X
- X
- XBoolean ListChangeLabel(widget, item, label)
- XWidget widget;
- XCardinal item;
- XString label;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X ListItem *list_item;
- X
- X if (item >= w->list.num_items || label == NULL)
- X return (False);
- X
- X list_item = &(w->list.list_items[item]);
- X if (strcmp(&(list_item->label[1]), label) == SAME)
- X return (True);
- X free(list_item->label);
- X list_item->label = malloc((unsigned) (strlen(label) + 2));
- X (void) strcpy(&(list_item->label[1]), label);
- X
- X ListDrawItem(widget, (int) (item - w->list.first_visible_item));
- X return (True);
- X}
- X
- X
- XBoolean ListChangeSelected(widget, item)
- XWidget widget;
- Xint item;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int last_item = w->list.selected_item;
- X
- X if (item >= (int) w->list.num_items)
- X return (False);
- X
- X if (item == last_item)
- X return (True);
- X
- X w->list.selected_item = item;
- X
- X if (item == NO_ITEM)
- X {
- X /* Scroll viewport to start */
- X w->list.first_visible_item = 0;
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, 0);
- X ListDrawAll(widget);
- X return (True);
- X }
- X
- X if (BEFORE_VIEW(w, item))
- X {
- X /* Scroll viewport down so item is just visible */
- X w->list.first_visible_item = item;
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, ITEM_POS(w, w->list.first_visible_item));
- X ListDrawAll(widget);
- X }
- X else if (AFTER_VIEW(w, item))
- X {
- X /* Scroll viewport up so item is just visible */
- X w->list.first_visible_item = item - w->list.num_visible + 1;
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, ITEM_POS(w, w->list.first_visible_item));
- X ListDrawAll(widget);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X /* Item was previously visible - just change selection */
- X ListDrawItem(widget, last_item - w->list.first_visible_item);
- X ListDrawItem(widget, (int) (item - w->list.first_visible_item));
- X }
- X
- X return (True);
- X}
- X
- X
- XBoolean ListChangeItems(widget, new_items)
- XWidget widget;
- XListItem *new_items;
- X{
- X ListWidget w = (ListWidget) widget;
- X int ii = 0;
- X
- X while (w->list.list_items[ii].label != NULL && new_items[ii].label != NULL)
- X {
- X if (strcmp(&w->list.list_items[ii].label[1], new_items[ii].label)
- X != SAME)
- X break;
- X ++ii;
- X }
- X
- X /* just return if the list has not changed */
- X if (w->list.list_items[ii].label == NULL && new_items[ii].label == NULL)
- X return (True);
- X
- X ListFreeItems(w);
- X
- X w->list.list_items = new_items;
- X ListCopyItems(w);
- X
- X w->list.selected_item = NO_ITEM;
- X w->list.first_visible_item = 0;
- X w->list.num_stops = w->list.num_items - w->list.num_visible + 1;
- X if (w->list.num_stops < 1)
- X w->list.num_stops = 1;
- X ListDrawItems(widget);
- X ListMoveKnob(widget, 0);
- X return (True);
- X}
- if test 23630 -ne `wc -c <'widgets/List.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'widgets/List.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'widgets/List.c'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 10\).
- cp /dev/null ark2isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 10 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.