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- Path: uunet!lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!sun!hpmtlx.HP.COM
- From: thompson_r@hpmtlx.HP.COM ($Robert_Thompson)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08i090: Gnuplot 2.0 X11 drivers, Part01/01
- Message-ID: <141101@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 22 Aug 90 01:55:04 GMT
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 640
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: thompson_r@hpmtlx.HP.COM ($Robert_Thompson)
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 90
- Archive-name: gnuplot.patch/part01
- This is a set of diffs and terminal drivers for X11. With this addition to
- the gnuplot terminal family, you can display a graph on your X11 screen.
- The plot is scaled according to the window size (without affecting the
- 'size' parameter). You can also view more than one plot at a time by
- simply specifying the terminal type after you have a plot. For example:
- gnuplot> set term x11
- gnuplot> plot sin(x)
- gnuplot> set term x11
- gnuplot> plot cos(x)
- This will create two windows having the sin and cosine plots, respectively.
- You cannot, at this time, remove the first plot from the screen without
- closing the window (from mwm for example).
- The terminal drivers have been written for color and monochrome
- displays. You can install one or the other as is (installing both could be
- done as well, with some mods).
- <--------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------------->
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
- #
- # Wrapped by <thompson_r@hpmtlrt> on Fri Jul 13 13:43:20 1990
- #
- # This archive contains:
- # makefile.diff term.c.diff X11.trm.color X11.trm.mono
- #
- LANG=""; export LANG
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH
- echo x - makefile.diff
- cat >makefile.diff <<'@EOF'
- *** makefile.old Fri Jul 13 13:27:48 1990
- --- makefile Fri Jul 13 13:27:39 1990
- ***************
- *** 10,14
- # directory where to install executables on 'make install'
- ! DEST=
- # directory for installing man page on 'make man_install'
- --- 10,14 -----
- # directory where to install executables on 'make install'
- ! DEST=/usr/contrib/bin
- # directory for installing man page on 'make man_install'
- ***************
- *** 12,16
- # directory for installing man page on 'make man_install'
- # where to install help file gnuplot.gih
- --- 12,16 -----
- DEST=/usr/contrib/bin
- # directory for installing man page on 'make man_install'
- # where to install help file gnuplot.gih
- HELPDEST= /usr/contrib/lib/gnuplot.gih
- ***************
- *** 14,18
- # where to install help file gnuplot.gih
- # -DVFORK if you have vfork()
- --- 14,18 -----
- # where to install help file gnuplot.gih
- ! HELPDEST= /usr/contrib/lib/gnuplot.gih
- # -DVFORK if you have vfork()
- ***************
- *** 38,41
- # -DHP75 HP7580, and probably other HPs
- # -DHPGL HP7475 and (hopefully) lots of others
- # -DHPLJET HP Laserjet
- # -DIMAGEN Imagen laser printers (300dpi) (requires -Iterm also)
- --- 38,42 -----
- # -DHP75 HP7580, and probably other HPs
- # -DHPGL HP7475 and (hopefully) lots of others
- + # -DX11 X11 support
- # -DHPLJET HP Laserjet
- # -DIMAGEN Imagen laser printers (300dpi) (requires -Iterm also)
- ***************
- *** 59,62
- OBJS = command.o eval.o graphics.o help.o internal.o misc.o parse.o\
- plot.o scanner.o setshow.o standard.o term.o util.o
- --- 60,66 -----
- + -DHP26 -DX11
- +
- OBJS = command.o eval.o graphics.o help.o internal.o misc.o parse.o\
- plot.o scanner.o setshow.o standard.o term.o util.o
- ***************
- *** 72,76
- CSOURCE6 = term/post.trm term/pc.trm term/qms.trm term/regis.trm \
- term/tek.trm term/unixpc.trm term/unixplot.trm term/v384.trm \
- ! term/imPcodes.h term/imagen.trm term/object.h term/fig.trm
- # not C code, but still needed
- ETC = README README.gnutex makefile.unx makefile.vms linkopt.vms \
- --- 76,81 -----
- CSOURCE6 = term/post.trm term/pc.trm term/qms.trm term/regis.trm \
- term/tek.trm term/unixpc.trm term/unixplot.trm term/v384.trm \
- ! term/imPcodes.h term/imagen.trm term/object.h term/fig.trm \
- ! term/X11.trm
- # not C code, but still needed
- ETC = README README.gnutex makefile.unx makefile.vms linkopt.vms \
- ***************
- *** 101,104
- # -lplot iff you have -DUNIXPLOT
- # -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect iff you have -DSUN
- # -lgl_s if IRIS4D
- --- 106,110 -----
- # -lplot iff you have -DUNIXPLOT
- + # -lX11 if you have -DX11
- # -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect iff you have -DSUN
- # -lgl_s if IRIS4D
- ***************
- *** 103,107
- # -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect iff you have -DSUN
- # -lgl_s if IRIS4D
- ! LIBS = -lm
- gnuplot: $(OBJS) version.o
- --- 109,113 -----
- # -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect iff you have -DSUN
- # -lgl_s if IRIS4D
- ! LIBS = -lm -lX11
- gnuplot: $(OBJS) version.o
- @EOF
- chmod 666 makefile.diff
- echo x - term.c.diff
- cat >term.c.diff <<'@EOF'
- *** term.c.old Fri Jul 13 13:28:38 1990
- --- term.c Fri Jul 13 13:27:57 1990
- ***************
- *** 376,379
- #endif /* UNIXPLOT */
- /* Dummy functions for unavailable features */
- --- 376,383 -----
- #endif /* UNIXPLOT */
- + #ifdef X11
- + #include "term/X11.trm"
- + #endif /* X11 */
- +
- /* Dummy functions for unavailable features */
- ***************
- *** 610,613
- HPGL_text, null_scale, HPGL_graphics, HPGL_move, HPGL_vector,
- HPGL_linetype, HPGL_put_text, HPGL_text_angle,
- null_justify_text, do_point, do_arrow}
- #endif
- --- 614,626 -----
- HPGL_text, null_scale, HPGL_graphics, HPGL_move, HPGL_vector,
- HPGL_linetype, HPGL_put_text, HPGL_text_angle,
- + null_justify_text, do_point, do_arrow}
- + #endif
- +
- + #ifdef X11
- + ,{"x11", "X Windows Support (V11R3)",
- + X11_XMAX, X11_YMAX, X11_VCHAR, X11_HCHAR,
- + X11_VTIC, X11_HTIC, X11_init, X11_reset,
- + X11_text, null_scale, X11_graphics, X11_move, X11_vector,
- + X11_linetype, X11_put_text, X11_text_angle,
- null_justify_text, do_point, do_arrow}
- #endif
- @EOF
- chmod 666 term.c.diff
- echo x - X11.trm.color
- cat >X11.trm.color <<'@EOF'
- /* GNUPLOT - X11.trm */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1990
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation.
- *
- * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
- * distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed
- * as patches to released version.
- *
- * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- * This file is included by ../term.c.
- *
- * This terminal driver supports:
- * X Windows Version 11, revision 3
- *
- * Robert Thompson
- * Hewlett Packard - Manufacturing Test Division, Loveland Colorado
- *
- * send your comments or suggestions to (pixar!info-gnuplot@sun.com).
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/X.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- #define X11_FONT "vtsingle" /* Font Name to use */
- #define X11_CURSOR XC_hand2
- #define X11_XMAX 900
- #define X11_YMAX 850
- #define X11_XLAST (1)
- #define X11_YLAST (1)
- #define X11_VCHAR 13 /* Don't forget to change this */
- #define X11_HCHAR 8 /* with the font */
- #define X11_VTIC (X11_YMAX/85)
- #define X11_HTIC (X11_XMAX/90)
- int X11_ang = 0;
- extern float xsize, ysize;
- int changed_by_X11trm;
- static char X11_FOREGROUND[][20] = {
- "green", /* pen 1 */
- "cyan", /* pen 2 */
- "blue", /* pen 3 */
- "magenta", /* pen 4 */
- "yellow", /* pen 5 */
- "red", /* pen 6 */
- "white", /* pen 7 */
- "orchid", /* pen 8 */
- "orange", /* pen 9 */
- "pink", /* pen 10 */
- "SkyBlue", /* pen 11 */
- "LimeGreen", /* pen 12 */
- "LightSteelBlue", /* pen 13 */
- "aquamarine" /* pen 14 */
- };
- #define NUMCOLORS 14
- #define X11_BACKGROUND "DarkSlateGray" /* choose a neutral bg */
- Window win; /* The window that we will be using */
- Display *dis; /* And the display */
- GC gc; /* The graphics context */
- XFontStruct *font; /* The font structure to use */
- Colormap cmap; /* The colormap */
- XColor fgc[NUMCOLORS], /* An array of colors */
- bgc, /* And the background color */
- dummy; /* Duh */
- int lastx, lasty, lastw, lasth;
- unsigned int width, height;
- X11_init()
- {
- char *getenv();
- register int cn;
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- unsigned int x, y, bw, d;
- Window root;
- dis = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY"));
- font = XLoadQueryFont(dis,X11_FONT);
- attr.cursor = XCreateFontCursor(dis,X11_CURSOR);
- attr.backing_store = Always;
- attr.backing_planes = AllPlanes;
- win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis,
- RootWindow(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)),
- 0,
- 0,
- X11_XMAX+10,
- X11_YMAX+10,
- 2,
- WhitePixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)),
- BlackPixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- gc = DefaultGC(dis,DefaultScreen(dis));
- cmap = DefaultColormap(dis,DefaultScreen(dis));
- if (XAllocNamedColor(dis,cmap,X11_BACKGROUND,&bgc,&dummy)
- ==BadColor)
- {
- printf ("Could not allocate color %s\n",X11_BACKGROUND);
- exit(0);
- }
- for (cn = 0;cn < NUMCOLORS;cn++)
- {
- if (XAllocNamedColor(dis,cmap,X11_FOREGROUND[cn],
- &fgc[cn],&dummy)==BadColor) {
- printf ("Could not allocate color %s\n",X11_FOREGROUND[cn]);
- }
- }
- XChangeWindowAttributes(dis,win,
- CWCursor|CWBackingStore|CWBackingPlanes,&attr);
- XSetWindowBackground(dis,win,bgc);
- XSetFont(dis,gc,font->fid);
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,fgc[1].pixel);
- XSetIconName(dis,win,"Gnuplot");
- XStoreName(dis,win,"Gnuplot Plotting Surface");
- XMapWindow(dis,win);
- XFlush(dis);
- XGetGeometry(dis,win,&root,&x,&y,&width,&height,&bw,&d);
- lastw = width;
- lasth = height;
- }
- X11_graphics()
- {
- register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
- unsigned int x, y, bw, d;
- Window root;
- XGetGeometry(dis,win,&root,&x,&y,&width,&height,&bw,&d);
- if (lastw != width || lasth != height)
- {
- register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
- t->xmax = (unsigned int)(width);
- t->ymax = (unsigned int)(height);
- }
- XClearWindow(dis,win);
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,BlackPixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- XDrawImageString(dis,win,gc,
- width-X11_HCHAR*14,X11_VCHAR+2," Plotting ",10);
- XFlush(dis);
- X11_ang = 0;
- }
- X11_text()
- {
- XClearArea(dis,win,
- width-X11_HCHAR*14,2,
- X11_HCHAR*10,X11_VCHAR+4,True);
- XFlush(dis);
- }
- X11_linetype(linetype)
- int linetype;
- {
- if (linetype < 0)
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,WhitePixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- else
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,fgc[linetype%NUMCOLORS].pixel);
- }
- X11_move(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- lastx = x;
- lasty = height-y;
- }
- X11_vector(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- XDrawLine(dis,win,gc, lastx, lasty, x, height -y );
- XFlush(dis);
- lastx = x;
- lasty = height-y;
- }
- X11_put_text(x,y,str)
- int x, y;
- char *str;
- {
- XDrawString(dis,win,gc,x,height-y,str,strlen(str));
- XFlush(dis);
- }
- int X11_text_angle(ang)
- int ang;
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- X11_reset()
- {
- XDestroyWindow(dis,win);
- XFreeColormap(dis,cmap);
- }
- @EOF
- chmod 666 X11.trm.color
- echo x - X11.trm.mono
- cat >X11.trm.mono <<'@EOF'
- /* GNUPLOT - X11.trm */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1990
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation.
- *
- * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
- * distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed
- * as patches to released version.
- *
- * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- * This file is included by ../term.c.
- *
- * This terminal driver supports:
- * X Windows Version 11, revision 3
- *
- * Robert Thompson
- * Hewlett Packard - Manufacturing Test Division, Loveland Colorado
- *
- * send your comments or suggestions to (pixar!info-gnuplot@sun.com).
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/X.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- #define X11_FONT "vtsingle" /* Font Name to use */
- #define X11_CURSOR XC_hand2
- #define X11_XMAX 900
- #define X11_YMAX 850
- #define X11_XLAST (1)
- #define X11_YLAST (1)
- #define X11_VCHAR 13 /* Don't forget to change this */
- #define X11_HCHAR 8 /* with the font */
- #define X11_VTIC (X11_YMAX/85)
- #define X11_HTIC (X11_XMAX/90)
- int X11_ang = 0;
- extern float xsize, ysize;
- int changed_by_X11trm;
- Window win; /* The window that we will be using */
- Display *dis; /* And the display */
- GC gc; /* The graphics context */
- XFontStruct *font; /* The font structure to use */
- int lastx, lasty, lastw, lasth;
- unsigned int width, height;
- X11_init()
- {
- char *getenv();
- register int cn;
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- unsigned int x, y, bw, d;
- Window root;
- dis = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY"));
- font = XLoadQueryFont(dis,X11_FONT);
- attr.cursor = XCreateFontCursor(dis,X11_CURSOR);
- attr.backing_store = Always;
- attr.backing_planes = AllPlanes;
- win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis,
- RootWindow(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)),
- 0,
- 0,
- X11_XMAX+10,
- X11_YMAX+10,
- 2,
- WhitePixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)),
- BlackPixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- gc = DefaultGC(dis,DefaultScreen(dis));
- XChangeWindowAttributes(dis,win,
- CWCursor|CWBackingStore|CWBackingPlanes,&attr);
- XSetFont(dis,gc,font->fid);
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,WhitePixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis));
- XSetIconName(dis,win,"Gnuplot");
- XStoreName(dis,win,"Gnuplot Plotting Surface");
- XMapWindow(dis,win);
- XFlush(dis);
- XGetGeometry(dis,win,&root,&x,&y,&width,&height,&bw,&d);
- lastw = width;
- lasth = height;
- }
- X11_graphics()
- {
- register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
- unsigned int x, y, bw, d;
- Window root;
- XGetGeometry(dis,win,&root,&x,&y,&width,&height,&bw,&d);
- if (lastw != width || lasth != height)
- {
- register struct termentry *t = &term_tbl[term];
- t->xmax = (unsigned int)(width);
- t->ymax = (unsigned int)(height);
- }
- XClearWindow(dis,win);
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,BlackPixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- XDrawImageString(dis,win,gc,
- width-X11_HCHAR*14,X11_VCHAR+2," Plotting ",10);
- XFlush(dis);
- X11_ang = 0;
- }
- X11_text()
- {
- XClearArea(dis,win,
- width-X11_HCHAR*14,2,
- X11_HCHAR*10,X11_VCHAR+4,True);
- XFlush(dis);
- }
- X11_linetype(linetype)
- int linetype;
- {
- XSetForeground(dis,gc,WhitePixel(dis,DefaultScreen(dis)));
- }
- X11_move(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- lastx = x;
- lasty = height-y;
- }
- X11_vector(x,y)
- int x,y;
- {
- XDrawLine(dis,win,gc, lastx, lasty, x, height -y );
- XFlush(dis);
- lastx = x;
- lasty = height-y;
- }
- X11_put_text(x,y,str)
- int x, y;
- char *str;
- {
- XDrawString(dis,win,gc,x,height-y,str,strlen(str));
- XFlush(dis);
- }
- int X11_text_angle(ang)
- int ang;
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- X11_reset()
- {
- XDestroyWindow(dis,win);
- }
- @EOF
- chmod 666 X11.trm.mono
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.