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- From: argv@sun.com (Dan Heller)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08INF1: Introduction to comp.sources.x
- Message-ID: <137915@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 27 Jun 90 06:32:54 GMT
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: Dan Heller <argv@sun.com>
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Info 1
- Archive-name: intro8
- This is the first of two introductory messages about comp.sources.x.
- There are *many* things covered in this posting -- each new topic is
- preceded by a Subject: line. If you get bored reading a particular
- section, fast forward to the next Subject: line and read that one.
- Please don't submit sources without having read -everything- in this
- file (you'll be tested and graded later :-).
- Most of all, this posting describes how to submit sources to comp.sources.x,
- where the archive sites are, and how to contact them. The second lists
- the sources that have been published in this newsgroup.
- NOTE 1:
- Many people are submitting sources that do not have an Imakefile
- or a patchlevel.h. You *must* provide these! I no longer have the
- time to create them for you. Further submissions that do not have
- these files will be rejected.
- NOTE 2:
- Patches *must* contain an update to patchlevel.h and indicate which
- volume and issue numbers that precede this patch. This includes both
- the original posting and previous patches.
- --------------------
- Subject: The structure of comp.sources.x articles
- Each posting in comp.sources.x is called an "issue"; there are roughly 100
- issues to a volume. The division is arbitrary, and has varied greatly in
- the past. There are two types of articles in comp.sources.x; sources
- and "information postings." They can be distinguished by the subject
- line:
- Subject: v03INF1: Introduction to comp.sources.x
- This first word in the title identifies this as the first info posting of
- volume three. Similarly, the subject line shown below:
- Subject: v01i060: select: a selection widget, Part01/01
- identifies this as the 60th source article in Volume 1. All sources are
- broken up into pieces. This is done so that there could be a proper storage
- directory when patches are issued. This is part 1 of a 1 part posting.
- Subject: v01i056: xphoon: Show phase of the Moon on root window, Part01/04
- The first few lines of an article are auxiliary headers that look like this:
- Submitted-by: root@freeware.ATT.COM
- Posting-number: Volume 7, Issue 82
- Archive-name: new-Xlogin/part01
- The "Submitted-by" is the author of the program. IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS ABOUT
- When possible, this address is in domain form, otherwise it is a UUCP bang
- path relative to some major site such as "uunet."
- The second line repeats the volume/issue information for the aide of NOTES
- sites and automatic archiving programs.
- The Archive-name is the "official" name of this source in the archive. Large
- postings will have names that look like this:
- Archive-name: xdvi/part01
- Please try to use this name when requesting that sources be mailed to you.
- Also, note that the "part number" given in the title, and the archive name
- given in the auxiliary header need not be identical.
- -----------------
- Subject: Patches Handling
- Patches will be handled as swiftly as possible. Authors of sources posted
- to c.s.x should send all patches to me so that I can post them back through
- the newsgroup in order that the patches can be archived. This has not been
- done in the past in other sources groups and has lead to lost patches. If
- the patches must get out *real* fast, post them to comp.sources.bugs and
- send me a copy at the same time so that they will be available when they
- are needed in the future.
- To support the tracking of patches, the Patch-To: line is used in c.s.x.
- The Patch-To: line exists for articles that are patches to previously posted
- software. The Patch-To: line only appears in articles that are posted,
- "Official", patches. The initial postings would not contain the Patch-To:
- auxiliary header line.
- Patch-To: syntax
- Patch-To: package-name: Volume X, Issue x[-y,z]
- Patch-To: examples. These are examples and do not reflect the
- accurate volume/issue numbering for rkive.
- In the first example, the article that contains the following line
- is a patch to a single part posting.
- Patch-To: rkive: Volume 22, Issue 122
- This example shows that the 122-124 indicates the patch applies to
- a multi-part posting. The '-' is used to mean "article A through article
- B, inclusive..
- Patch-To: rkive: Volume 22, Issue 122-124
- If a patch applies to multiple part postings that are not consecutive, the
- ',' is used to separate the part issue numbers. It is possible to mix both
- ',' and '-' on a single Patch-To: line.
- Patch-To: rkive: Volume 22, Issue 122,125,126,127
- Patch-To: rkive: Volume 22, Issue 122,125-127
- --------------------
- Subject: Reporting and tracking bugs.
- You should subscribe to comp.sources.bugs.
- Sometimes, when new versions of previously-published software is available,
- just patches are put out, usually in the form of shar files containing
- input for the "patch" program, new files, etc. Sometimes complete new
- versions are put out. Generally, minor updates should be in patch form
- and update the patchlevel.h file. Major updates usually indicate that
- there have been so many changes that the patches outweigh the size of the
- new source or that the number of patch levels grows so large that people
- are rarely up to date. If it's been a year since the last major posting,
- it is a candidate for being reposted.
- To report bugs, contact the person listed in the Submitted-by header.
- Often there is a contact address in a README file, too. I do not maintain
- the sources I moderate, so don't send your bug reports to me.
- Likewise, I normally do not post patches for a package from anyone
- except the author. If you have patches you would like to see included
- in the package, send them to the person listed in the Submitted-by
- header.
- --------------------
- Subject: Submitting source for publication
- Items intended for posting or queries and problem notes should be sent to
- comp-sources-x@uunet.uu.net, *not* to the address of the newsgroup moderator.
- If you want verification of arrival, say so in a cover note, or at the
- beginning of your submission, if it is small. I try to verify that a
- program works, and if I can't get it to work, I may hold up posting it
- for a couple of days. Please note that, except in rare cases, source
- that doesn't meet the guidelines will not be published. The backlog
- from receipt to posting varies from one to four weeks depending mostly
- on the set of submissions currently in my queue and my current work load.
- -------------------
- Subject: Guidelines
- To make life easier for both myself and the users of the comp.sources.x
- newsgroup, I request that all submissions follow the following guidelines.
- Initial Submissions:
- 1. Try to use #include <X11/Xos.h> instead of things like
- types.h, strings.h and time.h
- 2. Please use -display displayname and -geometry geomspec
- instead of the old style.
- 3. Source filenames need to be 12 or fewer characters in length.
- 4. Include an Imakefile. For more information on Imakefile's,
- read imake.man in util/imake on the X11 Release 4 distribution.
- 5. A Makefile is required.
- 6. A manual page is required.
- 7. A README file is required. This should contain a brief
- description of what the posting is and any special
- considerations in building it. The README should
- also contain a list of authors and the distribution
- and copying policy.
- 8. Postings should be in shar format of <= 75K. If it is necessary to
- split the posting into multiple parts, each shar file should be <= 75K.
- 9. Include a patchlevel.h -- This file is used to keep track
- of how many official patches have been applied.
- 10. If fonts are submitted, please assure they are in bdf format.
- 11. Any additional documentation (past the required man page)
- should be in PostScript format or some nroff/troff format so
- people can print it out nicely.
- Updates, patches, etc.:
- It is up to the author to determine if there have been major enough
- changes to warrant a complete reposting. This may be necessary if the
- size of the patches exceeds the size of the source but in most cases
- only patches are posted. Total repostings should be treated as an
- initial posting. What follows pertains to patches...
- 1. When patches are submitted, they should be in context diff
- format.
- 2. A patch to patchlevel.h should be done to reflect that the
- patch has been applied. You are -advised- to include a Prereq:
- line in your patch for this file so that if patchlevel.h fails
- to patch correctly (the user is out of sync), the rest of the
- patches will not be applied.
- 3. Include information about which previously posted issues
- the patch pertains to if they were initially posted to c.s.x.
- This information will be reflected in the Patch-To: header
- when your article is posted.
- For more information on patch see patch.man in util/patch/patch.man
- in the X11 Release 4 distribution or in volume7 of the comp.sources.unix
- archives. Patches can be made with diff -c on 4.XBSD based machines and
- with diffc on others. Diffc can be found in volume 1 of comp.sources.unix
- archives. GNU diff can also be used to create context diffs.
- ---------------------------------------
- Subject: Editorial comments
- Altho I don't make it a rule, postings which require uuencoded files
- be included are accepted, but I much prefer btoa format. In fact,
- source code submissions (especially large ones) are more easily
- transferred in mail and more easily stored for me if you use tarmail
- rather than shar. But this in in my own opinion and I am not making
- any requirements that people use tarmail/btoa at all.
- Why btoa instead of uuencode? First and foremost, uuencode doesn't travel
- well over certain mail transport agents because it uses a "space" as a
- possible conversion character. There are some MTAs that remove trailing
- spaces from the ends of lines and it would result in a file that you could
- not "decode". Secondly, the amount of ascii characters actually
- generated by "btoa" is far fewer than uuencode, saving on net traffic.
- Finally, it's just so much easier to deal with -- you don't
- have to worry about setuid, creating files automatically, chmod 666, and
- you can use btoa in a pipe.
- "Top 10 pet peeves of the comp.sources.x moderator."
- 10. Submissions that do not contain a README, Imakefile or patchlevel.h.
- 9. Submissions that do not contain a man page.
- 8. People who ask me if there are any postscript previewers available.
- 7. People who send me sources using uuencode (use "shar" files < 75K each).
- 6. Programs that don't compile right the first time.
- 5. That guy who sends me those digitized frames from the Rob Lowe video.
- 4. Shell scripts that post the wrong subject line.
- 3. Patches that don't apply correctly.
- 2. No, I don't know when R4 is going to be released.
- And the #1 pet peeve by the comp.sources.x moderator...
- 1. Requests for previous postings to be resent to them.
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.