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- Path: uunet!jarthur!usc!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!newstop!sun!devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
- From: david@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David E. Smyth)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08i031: wcl - Widget Creation Library, Part01/06
- Message-ID: <138457@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 6 Jul 90 07:40:07 GMT
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 1780
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: david@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David E. Smyth)
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 31
- Archive-name: wcl/part01
- # to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
- # SHAR archive format. Archive created Tue Jul 3 16:47:51 PDT 1990
- echo x - 1stREADME
- sed 's/^X//' > 1stREADME <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- XThe Widget Creation Library Distribution
- X----------------------------------------
- X
- XThe Widget Creation Library is a cleanup and enhancement of Martin
- XBrunecky's second posting of WsXc.
- X
- XThe emphasis of the cleanup was to provide a separation of functionality
- Xand declarations between source and include files, to make the naming
- Xconcise and unique, and to reduce the complexity of the interface between
- Xthe library and the application (it was pretty darn good already).
- X
- XThe emphasis of the enhancements were to add clear(er) warning and
- Xerror messages, add more utility callbacks, and to provide a few simple
- Xfunctions which make writing callbacks and converters a little easier.
- X
- XOne of the guiding principles was and is KISS. This is intended to
- Xbe a very small library which provides very big gains in productivity
- Xfor programmers developing applications using the various widget
- Xsets based on the Xt Intrinsics. A large number of the total lines
- Xof code provide error messages. The rest is quite straight forward.
- X
- XThis directory contains files which make up libWc, the Widget Creation
- XLibrary, Ari, the Athena Resource Interpreter, and Mri, the Motif
- XResource Interpreter.
- X
- XAuthors
- X-------
- X
- XMartin Brunecky at Auto-trol Technology, Denver (marbru@auto-trol.UUCP)
- Xwrote the initial code and posted it to comp.windows.x with the title
- X
- XDavid Harrison of the UC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
- X(davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU or ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh) wrote a very
- Xuseful Table widget. It is so good I've included it with this
- Xdistribution. It is separately available from archive sites. See
- XTableREADME.ANNOUNCE and TableREADME.FIRST for information on this
- Xwidget. I made very minor edits to make it work with Motif, and I
- Xfixed exactly one minor bug.
- X
- XRod Whitby of Austek Microsystems Pty. Ltd. in Adelaide, Australia
- X(rwhitby@adl.austek.oz.au) wrote the Imakefile, the XCalP example, the
- XWcRegIntrinsic.c file, and caught several bugs.
- X
- XThe rest was done by me, and here is my standard .sig:
- X
- X-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- XDavid Smyth david@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov
- XSenior Software Engineer, seismo!cit-vax!jpl-devvax!david
- XX and Object Guru. (818)393-0983
- XJet Propulsion Lab, M/S 230-103, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109
- X-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- X
- X
- XREADME Files and Documentation
- X------------------------------
- X
- XThe *README files provide minimal documentation. I think you will
- Xfind the comments in the source files useful. Also, several
- Xexample resource files are provided with extensive comments.
- X
- XA real manual is actually being written, but it won't be available
- Xfor a month at least, probably not until September 1990.
- X
- XMakefiles
- X---------
- X
- XAn Imakefile is provided. The Makefile can be built predictably:
- X
- X % make Makefile
- X
- XYou may then build the delivery using this Makefile:
- X
- X % make -f Makefile
- X
- XSeveral very simple makefiles are provided. A driver makefile, called
- X`makefile' builds the Makefile using Imake, and can also be used to
- Xbuild the delivery for those who don't have or use Imake. The driver
- Xmakefile causes each of the targets to be built using separate
- Xmakefiles: libWc.a is built with makefile_libWc, Mri is built with
- Xmakefile_Mri, and so on.
- X
- XThe intent is this: after one uses the Ari or Mri resource interpreters
- Xto build a prototype, one can start hacking with the desired interpreter
- Xand its separate makefile.
- X
- XGnu Make will be used in the future.
- X
- XBuilding The Distribution
- X-------------------------
- X
- XIf you have Imake, you can build the distribution very simply.
- XYou may have to edit the `makefile' if you don't have Motif:
- Xsimply comment out line 109 which should be this one:
- X
- X
- XThen, build like other X clients and libraries:
- X
- X % make Makefile
- X % make -f Makefile
- X
- XOtherwise, you may have to set the CC, CFLAGS, and LDFLAGS macros in
- Xeach of the makefiles. The makefiles work for gcc and SunOS cc when
- Xthe Motif libraries are installed as recommended by ICS, and when the X
- Xlibraries are installed reasonably. As provided, they use gcc.
- X
- XThe easiest thing to do is simply this:
- X
- X % make
- X
- Xwhich causes all the libraries and executables to be built.
- X
- XIf you change any of the source files, you will notice that you
- Xmust first remove the targets (App, Ari, and Mri) in order to
- Xmake anything re-build. Do it like this:
- X
- X % make again
- X
- Xwhich removes these targets, recompiles minimally, but of course
- Xre-links whether or not they really needed it. Hey, it's not perfect,
- Xbut it's simple.
- X
- XIf you want things to run quickly and the library to be small,
- Xbuild the executables and libraries with debug flags off and
- Xoptimization turned on:
- X
- X % make optimal
- X
- XTesting The Distribution
- X------------------------
- X
- XI have included a simple test csh script which executes all of the
- Xexample programs. After you build, the test program will execute
- Xwhich ever or the executable targets it finds. Just do the following:
- X
- X % test
- X
- XWidget Creation Library
- X-----------------------
- X
- XThe makefiles build two versions of the library: one works quite well
- Xwith the Motif 1.0 widget set and uses the Motif 1.0 Intrinsics. This
- Xversion is called libWcm.a, following ICS's naming convention. The
- Xother version works with the Athena widget set and the X11R4 Xt
- XIntrinsics in general. It is called libWc.a
- X
- XWhen Motif 1.1 is
- Xreleased, it should link against the latter include file without any
- Xproblems. I got the following message from Mike Yee at OSF regarding
- Xthis release of Mri and the Widget Creation Library:
- X
- X Good News! Mri is up and running under Motif 1.1! It only required
- X minor changes in the makefiles and the removal of references to
- X compositeObjectClass which does not exist in the R4 intrinsics. It
- X a pretty nifty program. Thanks for sending it.
- X
- XI applied his fixes to this release.
- X
- XMri and Ari Widget Resource Interpreters
- X----------------------------------------
- X
- XThere are also two "interpreters" which allow widget based user
- Xinterfaces to be developed and to have a few useful behaviors. These
- Xinterpreters are intended to be useful for prototyping.
- X
- XAri is the Athena Resource Interpreter, and it knows about all the
- XAthena widgets. Mri is the Motif Resource Interpreter, and is knows
- Xabout all the Motif widgets. Both interpreters also know about the
- Xvery useful Table widget, which is described in the files Table*.
- X
- XEach interpreter consists of a main() procedure, and a function which
- Xregisters all the known widget types. Mri consists of Mri.c and
- XMriRegMotif.c while Ari consists of Ari.c and AriRegAthena.c. The
- Xregistration files are intended to be independent.
- X
- XIt should be a simple task to build a single interpreter which knows
- Xabout every widget on earth, but if you don't have shared libs, the
- Xresulting executable is HUGE.
- X
- XSeveral resource files are provided for each of the interpreters. They
- Xare named Ari<nn>.<description> and Mri<nn>.<description>. To try
- Xout the interpreters (after you build them), do the following:
- X
- X % alias se setenv XENVIRONMENT
- X % se Ari01.HelloWorld
- X % Ari
- X % se Mri07.PDWidgets
- X % Mri
- X
- XThe resource files are intended to be tutorials, so they are heavily
- Xcommented and they explore various topics you may find interesting.
- X
- XOnce an interface is prototyped using Mri or Ari, one can take the
- XMri or Ari source files and makefiles and evolve them into applications.
- X
- XApp - A Sample Application
- X--------------------------
- X
- XThe program App is exactly one such example application. The
- Xfiles Ari.c and makefile_Ari were gradually modified as additional
- Xbehaviors were defined, registered with the Wc library, and bound
- Xto the appropriate widgets within the App01.Everything resource file.
- X
- XIf you look at App.c, you will notice that main() is very minimal.
- XThe application is really defined by its resource file (the look
- Xand feel) and the callbacks (the behavior). Notice that the
- Xcallbacks use several routines provided by the Wc library. They
- Xwill be introduced in another README file.
- X
- XAfter you build App, you can try it out as follows:
- X
- X % se App01.Everything
- X % App
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 8217 Jul 3 16:13 1stREADME (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r 1stREADME
- ls -l 1stREADME
- echo x - 2ndREADME
- sed 's/^X//' > 2ndREADME <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- XWhat Every Application Needs
- X----------------------------
- X
- XAll applications should include the public header file, should
- Xcreate the application shell, and should call WcCreateWidgets().
- XThey should also include an external decl for either MriRegisterMotif
- Xor AriRegisterAthena(), depending on the widget set desired.
- X
- XHere is an absolute minimal Motif based application:
- X
- X/********* Cut Here ********/
- X#include <Xm/Xm.h>
- X#include <WidgetCreation.h>
- X
- Xextern void MriRegisterMotif();
- X
- Xmain( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X XtAppContext app;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X appShell = XtInitialize( "app", "App", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
- X
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X MriRegisterMotif ( app );
- X
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- X
- X/********* That's all, folks! ********/
- X
- XA minimal Athena application differs slightly due to the different
- Xinclude files and the different widget registration routine:
- X
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <WidgetCreate.h>
- X
- Xextern void AriRegisterAthena();
- X
- Xmain( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X XtAppContext app;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X appShell = XtInitialize( "app", "App", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
- X
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X AriRegisterAthena ( app );
- X
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- X
- X/********* That's all, folks! ********/
- X
- XAs you can see, every application needs as a minimum to invoke either
- XMriRegisterMotif() or AriRegisterAthena(), and WcWidgetCreation().
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 1603 Jun 28 09:12 2ndREADME (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r 2ndREADME
- ls -l 2ndREADME
- echo x - 3rdREADME
- sed 's/^X//' > 3rdREADME <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- XWidget Creation Resources
- X-------------------------
- X
- XThe Widget Creation Library allows user interfaces to be completely
- Xdefined within a resource file: the widget heirarchy, widget types,
- Xand bindings of widget callback lists to callback functions are
- Xspecified in the resource file using Wc* resources.
- X
- XThe following is the complete set of resources which are
- Xinterpreted by the Widget Creation Library:
- X
- X ...widget.wcChildren: childName1, childName2, ...
- X ...widget.wcClass: classPointerName
- X ...widget.wcClassName: className
- X ...widget.wcConstructor: constructorFunctionName
- X ...widget.wcTrace: true/false (default = false)
- X ...widget.wcManaged: true/false (default = true)
- X ...widget.wcCallback: callback1(args), callback2(args), ...
- X ...widget.wcDeferred: true/false (default = false)
- X
- XIn all cases, the Widget Creation resource names can be
- Xspecified as Wc<name> or wc<name>, with the capitalized
- Xform having looser binding (representing the resource class).
- X
- XWidget Creation Library Standard Callbacks
- X------------------------------------------
- X
- XThe set of callbacks provided map VERY closely to Xt functions, and
- Xuse the standard resource syntax in all cases where it makes sense:
- X
- X WcSetValueCB( <resource spec LHS>: <any legal resource value> )
- X
- Xso you can cut and paste the arguments and names. Note, however, that
- Xwidget class names won't affect any already existing widgets! You
- Xshould generally use the widget instance names. Real examples:
- X
- X *push.activateCallback: WcSetValueCB( *push.activateCallback: WcExitCB(1) ), \
- X WcSetValueCB( *push.labelString: Goodbye! )
- X
- X *fileMenu.wcCallback: WcSetValueCB(*file.subMenuId: this)
- X
- XBelow is a complete list of callbacks which are registered by Wc whenever
- Xyou call WcWidgetCreation. The "arguments" are prototypes of what one puts
- Xin a resouce file. The terms mean:
- X
- X parent name of widget, full path or wildcarded.
- X child name of child starting from the parent widget.
- X widget see parent
- X resLHS <resource spec LHS>
- X resRHS <any legal resource value>
- X
- X WcCreateChildrenCB ( parent, child [, child] ... )
- X WcManageChildrenCB ( parent, child [, child] ... )
- X WcUnmanageChildrenCB ( parent, child [, child] ... )
- X
- X WcManageCB ( widget [, widget] ... )
- X WcUnmanageCB ( widget [, widget] ... )
- X WcDestroyCB ( widget [, widget] ... )
- X WcSetSensitiveCB ( widget [, widget] ... )
- X WcSetInsensitiveCB ( widget [, widget] ... )
- X
- X WcPopupCB ( widget )
- X WcPopupGrabCB ( widget )
- X WcPopdownCB ( widget )
- X
- X WcSetValueCB ( resLHS: resRHS )
- X
- X WcLoadResourceFileCB ( filename )
- X
- X WcExitCB ( exitValue )
- X
- XIn all cases, the name of a widget can be `this' which means
- X`the widget which invoked this callback'. Its a useful shorthand.
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 2912 Jun 28 09:12 3rdREADME (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r 3rdREADME
- ls -l 3rdREADME
- echo x - 4thREADME
- sed 's/^X//' > 4thREADME <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- XWidget Creation Functions
- X-------------------------
- X
- XTwo include files are provided which declare the functions and
- Xsupporting data types used by the Widget Creation Library. Many
- Xapplicationsshould only need to include WidgetCreation.h which
- Xcontains what can be considered "public" function declarations.
- X
- XIf you are writing additional resource converters, or sophisticated
- Xcallbacks, you will probably want to include WidgetCreationP.h
- Xwhich contains what can be considered "private" function declarations
- Xas well as typedefs for several datatypes used by the Widget Creation
- XLibrary.
- X
- XWidget Set Registration Functions
- X---------------------------------
- X
- XTwo non-library functions are also provided in separate files:
- X
- XMriRegMotif.c contains the single function MriRegisterMotif(). This
- Xfunction lets the Wc library know about all the Motif widget class
- Xnames (like XmPushButtonGadget), class pointers (like
- XxmPushButtonGadgetClass), and convenience constructors (like
- XXmCreatePushButtonGadget).
- X
- XAriRegAthena.c contains the single function AriRegisterAthena(). This
- Xfunction lets the Wc library know about all the Athena widget class
- Xnamed (like Command), and class pointers (like commandWidgetClass).
- X
- XWcWidgetCreation() - see WcCreateFunc.c
- X------------------
- X
- XThis function takes a Widget as its only argument. A widget tree
- Xrooted at the widget is created from the Xrm database. This widget
- Xis called the root widget in this discussion, but it can really be any
- Xwidget.
- X
- XThe Xrm database is usually loaded as a matter of course by calling
- XXtInitialize(). It is possible to load the resource database directly,
- Xusing XrmGetFileDatabase() and XrmMergeDatabases(). See the function
- XWcLoadResourceFileCB in the file WcCallbacks.c for an example.
- X
- XWcWidgetCreation() obtains the wcChildren resource from the widget.
- XIf it is non-null, WcWidgetCreation() attempts to create each of
- Xthe named children. For each child, it obtains the wcClass, wcClassName,
- XwcConstructor, wcDeferred, wcTrace, wcManaged, wcCallback, and wcChildren
- Xresources. If the child's creation is to be deferred (its wcDeferred
- Xresource is True) then the child is not created.
- X
- XOtherwise, it uses the wcClass, wcClassName, or wcConstructor resource
- Xto create the child widget. If the widget's wcTrace resource is True,
- Xa message is printed to stdout indicating the full pathname and widget
- Xclass of the new widget. If the widget's wcCallback resource is defined,
- Xthen the callback list in invoked. If the widget has any children
- Xlisted in its wcChildren resource, then they are each created in turn.
- X
- XAll widgets whose wcManaged resource is True (the default) are managed
- Xtogether with a single call to XtManageChildren().
- X
- XNote that WcWidgetCreation() does a depth first creation, and that
- Xthe order of creation is controlled by the order of the names in the
- XwcChildren resource.
- X
- XNote also that the use of constructors may provide some suprises: in
- Xmany cases, a constructor returns a widget which has a parent widget
- Xinserted. This will cause XtWarning messages if such widgets are
- Xmanaged:
- X
- X Warning: not all widgets have same parent in XtManageChildren()
- X
- XSimply don't manage these widgets. This is usually the correct thing to
- Xdo anyway, because the guilty constructors are XmCreatePulldownMenu,
- XXmCreateWarningDialog, and the like. In these cases, you usually want
- Xthem to start out unmanaged, and manage them as a result of some button
- Xcallback.
- X
- XIf you really DO want such a widget to be managed originally, you will hace
- Xto still set its wcManaged resource to be False, and manage it using the
- XwcCallback creation-time-callback, like this:
- X
- X *foo.wcConstructor: XmCreateFileSelectionBox
- X *foo.wcManaged: False
- X *foo.wcCallback: WcManageCB( this )
- X
- XThat's why they are so frequently called `confusion functions' instead
- Xof `convenience functions.'
- X
- XWcRegisterCallback() - see WcRegister.c
- X--------------------
- X
- XProbably all of your useful applications will require your own
- Xcallbacks. These callbacks are registered with the Widget Creation
- XLibrary's string-to-callback converter using WcRegisterCallback().
- X
- XIn fact, this function is used by Wc itself to register the standard Wc
- Xsupplied callbacks, such as WcSetValueCB and WcExitCB. See the
- Xfunction WcRegisterWcCallbacks() at the end of WcCallbacks.c to see how
- XWc uses this function internally.
- X
- XWcRegisterClassPtr() - see WcRegister.c
- X--------------------
- X
- XThis function is used to tell the Widget Creation Library about a
- Xwidget class pointer which can be used within XtCreateWidget(). The
- Xname of the widget class pointer is passed in as a string (for example,
- X"xmPushButtonWidgetClass"). This string value can be provided as the
- XwcClass resource value within a resource file.
- X
- XWcRegisterClassName() - see WcRegister.c
- X---------------------
- X
- XThis function is used to tell the Widget Creation Library about a
- Xwidget class name. The name is mapped to a widget class pointer which
- Xcan be used within XtCreateWidget(). The name of the widget class is
- Xpassed in as a string (for example, "xmPushButton"). This string value
- Xcan be provided as the wcClassName resource value within a resource
- Xfile.
- X
- XWcRegisterConstructor() - see WcRegister.c
- X-----------------------
- X
- XThis function is used to tell the Widget Creation Library about a
- Xwidget constructor. The name of the constructor is passed in as a
- Xstring (for example, "XmCreatePushButton"). This string value can be
- Xprovided as the wcConstructor resource value within a resource file.
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 5511 Jun 28 09:12 4thREADME (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r 4thREADME
- ls -l 4thREADME
- echo x - 5thREADME
- sed 's/^X//' > 5thREADME <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- XWriting Callback Functions
- X--------------------------
- X
- XYour application will consist of two fairly independent parts: the
- Xresource file which describes the look and alot of the feel of the
- Xapplication, and the callbacks which you write in C (of course,
- Xyou can use languages other than C, but C is probably the easiest).
- X
- XIn order to bind the widgets created due to resource specifications
- Xto your callbacks implemented in C, you need to write the callbacks
- Xso they adhere to the standard Xt callback proc typedef, and you
- Xneed to register your callbacks with the Widget Creation Library's
- Xstring-to-callback converter.
- X
- XXtCallbackProc
- X--------------
- X
- XAs defined by the XtIntrinsics, widget callback procedures must match
- Xthis typedef:
- X
- Xtypedef void (*XtCallbackProc)(
- X#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
- X Widget /* widget */,
- X XtPointer /* closure */, /* data the application registered */
- X XtPointer /* call_data */ /* callback specific data */
- X#endif
- X);
- X
- XHere is an example callback proc which does nothing with its
- Xarguments:
- X
- Xvoid MyExitCB ( w, ignored, unused )
- X Widget w;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X caddr_t unused;
- X{
- X exit();
- X}
- X
- XYou must register this function with the Widget Creation Library
- Xbefore creating any widgets which might want to bind to it.
- XIn general, register your callbacks after calling XtInitialize()
- Xand before calling WcCreateWidgets(). Here is an example of
- Xhow you register a callback:
- X
- X#define RCALL( name, func ) WcRegisterCallback ( app, name, func, NULL )
- X
- X RCALL( "MyExitCB", MyExitCB );
- X
- XAll registered callbacks can be bound to widget callback resources
- Xwithin the resource database. For example:
- X
- X *foo.activateCallback: MyExitCB
- X
- XMost callbacks really want to do something with the data they
- Xget as arguments. The closure data, often called client data,
- Xcan be specified as a string within the resource database.
- XThe string is passed as the second argument. For example:
- X
- Xvoid WcSystemCB ( w, shellCmdString, unused )
- X Widget w;
- X char* shellCmdString;
- X caddr_t unused;
- X{
- X system( shellCmdString );
- X}
- X
- XNote that leading and trailign whitespace is NOT filtered out before
- Xthe callback gets it. For example, the resource specification:
- X
- X *foo.activateCallback: WcSystemCB( echo Howdy )
- X
- Xpasses the string " echo Howdy " to the callback. The resource
- Xspecification:
- X
- X *foo.activateCallback: WcSystemCB( echo Howdy \
- X and hello thar)
- X
- Xpasses the string " echo Howdy \t\t\t\tand hello thar" (where `\t' means
- Xthe tab character) to the callback. Since the callbacks usually need
- Xto parse these argument strings, several Widget Creation Library
- Xfunctions are provided in the hope of making your life easier:
- X
- Xchar* WcCleanName( char* src, char* clean )
- X-------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis takes two pointers to char as arguments. The leading whitespace
- Xcharacters from src are skipped, and then all characters up to but
- Xnot including a whitespace are copied into the buffer pointed to by
- Xclean. Note the caller must provide storage for clean. The function
- Xreturns a pointer to the first whitespace following what got copied
- Xto clean, so this function may be used in a loop.
- X
- XWidget WcFullNameToWidget ( Widget ref, char* name )
- X----------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis function needs to have a pointer to a widget which is
- Xanywhere within the same widget tree as the name is to be resolved
- Xinto. For example, one may need to get the actual widget which is
- Xnamed by "*Foo*bar.glorp" The ref widget is used to find the root of
- Xthe widget tree, and start the name search from there.
- X
- XThe name can be any name which the resource manager can
- Xresolve, but the last component MUST be a widget instance
- Xname, it cannot be a widget class name.
- X
- XAmbiguous names are resolved as done by XtNameToWidget() upon
- Xwhich WcFullNameToWidget() is derived.
- X
- XVery frequently, one gets a name from an argument list using
- XWcCleanName() and then passes that name on to WcFullNameToWidget
- Xin order to manipulate that widget. For example:
- X
- Xvoid MyPopupCB( w, name, unused )
- X Widget w;
- X char* name;
- X caddr_t unused;
- X{
- X Widget widget;
- X char clean[MAX_XRMNAME];
- X
- X (void)WcCleanName ( name, cleanName );
- X widget = WcFullNameToWidget ( w, cleanName );
- X
- X if (XtIsShell(widget))
- X XtPopup ( widget, XtGrabNonexclusive );
- X}
- X
- XEfficiency Considerations
- X-------------------------
- X
- XI know parsing string arguments on every callback invocation is not so
- Xincredibly efficient. When Motif runs on Xt release 4, then I will
- Xre-write the string-to-widget converter so it caches the results, and
- Xthen callbacks can invoke the caching converter.
- X
- XAlso, if you are very interested in performance for a real application
- X(after you have fleshed out the interface using Ari or Mri), you
- Xshould write additional callbacks which are more intelligent, and
- Xdetect being called repeatedly from the same widget with the same
- Xargument.
- X
- XYou may want to consider using the XrmQuark functions for keeping
- Xtrack of strings as well. XrmQuarks are effectively indexes into
- Xa string symbol table kept by Xrm (part of Xlib). Doing comparisions
- Xand assingments using Quarks is substantially faster at run-time than
- Xusing character strings. XrmQuarkToString() and XrmStringToQuark()
- Xare used to convert between Quarks and Strings.
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 5369 Jun 28 09:12 5thREADME (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r 5thREADME
- ls -l 5thREADME
- echo x - App.c
- sed 's/^X//' > App.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** SCCS_data: @(#)Ari.c 1.0 ( 19 June 1990 )
- X**
- X** Description: This file contains a sample application which uses
- X** Athena widgets. The example functionally mimics the
- X** xwidgets.c example provided in examples/Xaw on the
- X** X11R4 tape from MIT. The Widget Creation library
- X** is used.
- X**
- X** Several application specific callbacks are registered
- X** with the Wc library, and bound to the interface by
- X** specifications within the application resource file.
- X**
- X** Note that this application has NO fallback resources.
- X** Since the resource file actually defines the complete
- X** widget tree, the resource file(s) MUST be found,
- X** eliminating the raison d'etre of the fallbacks.
- X**
- X** Notes: This program uses the Xrm (X resource management) database
- X** for widget tree definition and management.
- X**
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Include_files.
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X/* -- Minimum include files to use WidgetCreate Library */
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <WidgetCreate.h>
- X
- X/* -- application specific include files */
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
- X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Private Functions
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xextern void AriRegisterAthena ();
- X
- X/*
- X -- Tied to Dialog `Okay' button
- X******************************************************************************
- X Adds an entry to the List widget whose name is passed as clientData.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyOkayCB( widget, widgetName, unused )
- X Widget widget;
- X char* widgetName;
- X caddr_t unused;
- X{
- X Widget list_widget = WcFullNameToWidget( widget, widgetName );
- X static String * list = NULL;
- X static int num_items = 0, allocated_items = 0;
- X
- X if (num_items == allocated_items) {
- X allocated_items += 10;
- X list = (String *) XtRealloc(list, sizeof(String) * allocated_items);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * The value returned by XawDialogGetValueString() does not remain good
- X * forever so we must store is somewhere. This creates a memory leak
- X * since I don't remember these values, and free them later. I know about
- X * it, but it doesn't seem worth fixing in this example.
- X */
- X
- X list[num_items++] = XtNewString(XawDialogGetValueString(XtParent(widget)));
- X XawListChange(list_widget, list, num_items, 0, True);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyQuitCB
- X******************************************************************************
- X This function destroys the widget tree.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyQuitCB( widget, widgetName, ignored )
- X Widget widget;
- X char* widgetName;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X{
- X Widget condemmed = WcFullNameToWidget( widget, widgetName );
- X fprintf(stderr, "MyQuitCB(%s)\n", widgetName );
- X if (condemmed == NULL)
- X XtDestroyWidget( WcRootWidget( widget ) );
- X else
- X XtDestroyWidget( condemmed );
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyTimeSinceTouchedCB Tied to the strip chart widget.
- X******************************************************************************
- X This function returns the number of 10s of seconds since the user
- X caused an event in this application.
- X Note that the StripChart requires a return value.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyTimeSinceTouchedCB( widget, ignored, value_ptr )
- X Widget widget;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X double* value_ptr;
- X{
- X double *value = (double *) value_ptr;
- X static double old_value = 0.0;
- X static Time old_stamp = 1;
- X Time new_stamp;
- X
- X new_stamp = XtLastTimestampProcessed( XtDisplay( widget ) );
- X
- X if (old_stamp != new_stamp)
- X {
- X old_stamp = new_stamp;
- X old_value = 0.0;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X Arg args[1];
- X int update;
- X
- X XtSetArg(args[0], XtNupdate, &update);
- X XtGetValues(widget, args, 1);
- X old_value += (double) update / 10.0;
- X }
- X
- X *value = old_value;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyCountCB Tied to button, increments counter and displays.
- X******************************************************************************
- X The argument is interpreted as a widget which must be a label.
- X The count, after being incremented, is displayed in this label
- X widget. (Actually, it may be anything derived from Label).
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyCountCB( widget, widgetName, ignored )
- X Widget widget;
- X char* widgetName;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X{
- X Arg arg[1];
- X char text[10];
- X static int count = 0;
- X
- X sprintf( text, " %d ", ++count );
- X XtSetArg( arg[0], XtNlabel, text );
- X XtSetValues( WcFullNameToWidget( widget, widgetName ), arg, 1 );
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyThumbedCB Tied to scrollbar's jumpProc
- X******************************************************************************
- X Prints location of the thumb as a percentage of the height of the
- X scrollbar into the labe widget named by the widgetName argument.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyThumbedCB( widget, widgetName, top_ptr )
- X Widget widget;
- X char* widgetName; /* string from resource database (resource file) */
- X float* top_ptr; /* scrollbar callback call data: a pointer to a float
- X ** containing the location of the scrollbar's thumb.
- X */
- X{
- X Widget label = WcFullNameToWidget( widget, widgetName );
- X Arg args[1];
- X char message[BUFSIZ];
- X
- X sprintf( message, " Thumbed to %d%% ", (int)((*top_ptr)*100) );
- X XtSetArg( args[0], XtNlabel, message );
- X XtSetValues( label, args, 1 );
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyScrolledCB Tied to scrollbar's scrollProc
- X******************************************************************************
- X Prints location of the pointer into the named label widget.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyScrolledCB( widget, widgetName, num_pixels )
- X Widget widget;
- X char* widgetName; /* string from resource database (resource file) */
- X int* num_pixels; /* scrollbar callback call data: the number of
- X ** pixels the bar has been scrolled.
- X */
- X{
- X Widget label = WcFullNameToWidget( widget, widgetName );
- X Arg args[1];
- X char message[BUFSIZ];
- X
- X sprintf( message, " Scrolled at %d pixels", num_pixels);
- X XtSetArg( args[0], XtNlabel, message );
- X XtSetValues( label, args, 1 );
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- MyDestroyedCB Destroy callback of application shell
- X******************************************************************************
- X This is a Destroy callback that prints the name of the destroyed widget.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void MyDestroyedCB( widget, ignored, unused )
- X Widget widget;
- X caddr_t ignored;
- X caddr_t unused;
- X{
- X fprintf( stderr, "Widget %s now destroyed.\n", WcWidgetToFullName(widget));
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X -- RegisterApplicationCallbacks
- X******************************************************************************
- X Register all the callbacks which define the application's behaviors.
- X*/
- X
- Xstatic void RegisterApplicationCallbacks ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X#define RCALL( name, func ) WcRegisterCallback ( app, name, func, NULL );
- X
- X RCALL( "MyOkayCB", MyOkayCB );
- X RCALL( "MyQuitCB", MyQuitCB );
- X RCALL( "MyTimeSinceTouchedCB", MyTimeSinceTouchedCB );
- X RCALL( "MyCountCB", MyCountCB );
- X RCALL( "MyThumbedCB", MyThumbedCB );
- X RCALL( "MyScrolledCB", MyScrolledCB );
- X RCALL( "MyDestroyedCB", MyDestroyedCB );
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X* MAIN function
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xmain ( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X char* appClass;
- X XtAppContext app;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X appClass = (char*) XtMalloc ( strlen ( argv[0] ) + 1 );
- X strcpy (appClass, argv[0]);
- X /* initialize first letter to make class, or first two if
- X ** first is already capitalized, or don't worry about it.
- X */
- X if (islower(appClass[0]))
- X appClass[0] = toupper(appClass[0]);
- X else if (islower(appClass[1]))
- X appClass[1] = toupper(appClass[1]);
- X
- X /* With the Athena widgets, we MUST register the Wc
- X ** converters first, so WcCvtStringToWidget is invoked
- X ** instead of the far less useful XmuCvtStringToWidget.
- X */
- X WcAddConverters(NULL);
- X
- X /* -- Intialize Toolkit creating the application shell */
- X appShell = XtInitialize (
- X argv[0], appClass, /* app name and class */
- X NULL, 0, /* description of cmd line options */
- X &argc, argv
- X );
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X /* -- Register all application specific callbacks and widget classes */
- X RegisterApplicationCallbacks ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Register all Athena widget classes */
- X AriRegisterAthena ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Create widget tree below toplevel shell using Xrm database */
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X /* -- Realize the widget tree and enter the main application loop */
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 9821 Jun 28 09:12 App.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r App.c
- ls -l App.c
- echo x - App01.Everything
- sed 's/^X//' > App01.Everything <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X#ifdef Xrm_COMMENT
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis demos is intended to show something about every single
- XAthena widget. At least one of each is instantiated. This
- Xexample is derived from xwidgets.c in X11R4/examples/Xaw
- X
- XNote that we do not bind the destroy callback to the application
- Xshell. This is because the Wc converters are not registered yet
- Xwhen the application shell is created by XtInitialize. We get
- Xfunctionally identical results by binding the destroyCallback of
- Xthe application shell's only child.
- X
- XThere is nothing which prevents the Wc converters from being
- Xregistered early, except that most programmers would rather take
- Xadvantage of XtInitialize() rather than programming an equivalent
- Xsequence of Xt... calls themselves.
- X
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#endif
- X
- X# Think of these as fallback resources
- X#
- X
- X*input: True
- X
- XApp.wcChildren: paned
- X
- X#
- X# Most of the widgets are children of the paned window.
- X#
- X
- X*paned.wcClass: panedWidgetClass
- X*paned.wcChildren: quit, label, dialog, viewport, form, \
- X box, stripChart, text, box2, textFile
- X*Paned.width: 350
- X*paned.destroyCallback: MyDestroyedCB()
- X
- X*quit.wcClass: commandWidgetClass
- X*quit.callback: MyQuitCB( App )
- X*quit.font: -*-courier-bold-r-*-240-*
- X
- X*label.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*label.label: At least one of each Athena Widget.
- X*label.font: *lucida-bold-i-*-240-*
- X
- X#
- X# A Dialog with an Ok button which changes the list
- X# contents when pressed via the MyOkayCB() callback.
- X#
- X
- X*dialog.wcClass: dialogWidgetClass
- X*dialog.wcChildren: command
- X*Dialog*Font: *times-bold-i-*-180-*
- X*Dialog.label: I am a Dialog widget.
- X*Dialog.label.font: *new century schoolbook-bold-r-*-180-*
- X*Dialog.value: Enter new value here.
- X*Dialog*resizable: True
- X
- X*Dialog.command.wcClass: commandWidgetClass
- X*Dialog*command*label: ok
- X*Dialog*command*callback: MyOkayCB( *list )
- X
- X#
- X# A Viewport with a List child
- X#
- X
- X*viewport.wcClass: viewportWidgetClass
- X*viewport.wcChildren: list
- X*Viewport*allowVert: True
- X
- X*list.wcClass: listWidgetClass
- X*list*Font: *new century schoolbook-bold-i-*-140-*
- X
- X#
- X# Create a Form with Buttons Including a MenuButton with Menu
- X#
- X
- X#*form*wcTrace: True
- X
- X*form.wcClass: formWidgetClass
- X*form.wcChildren: formLabel, command, toggle, menuButton, menu
- X*Form*resizable: True
- X*form*Font: *lucidabright-demibold-*-180-*
- X
- X*form.formLabel.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*Form*formLabel.label: 0
- X
- X*form.command.wcClass: commandWidgetClass
- X*form.command.fromHoriz: *formLabel
- X*form.command.callback: MyCountCB( *formLabel )
- X
- X*form.toggle.wcClass: toggleWidgetClass
- X*form.toggle.fromHoriz: *form.command
- X*form.toggle.callback: MyCountCB( *formLabel )
- X
- X*form.menuButton.wcClass: menuButtonWidgetClass
- X*form.menuButton.fromHoriz: *form.toggle
- X
- X*menu.wcClass: simpleMenuWidgetClass
- X*menu.wcManaged: False
- X*menu.wcChildren: menuEntry1, menuEntry2, menuLine, \
- X menuEntry3, menuEntry4, menuEntry5
- X
- X*menuEntry1.wcClass: smeBSBObjectClass
- X*menuEntry2.wcClass: smeBSBObjectClass
- X*menuEntry3.wcClass: smeBSBObjectClass
- X*menuEntry4.wcClass: smeBSBObjectClass
- X*menuEntry5.wcClass: smeBSBObjectClass
- X*menuLine.wcClass: smeLineObjectClass
- X
- X#
- X# Create a box with a clock and a logo.
- X#
- X
- X*Box*allowResize: True
- X*box.wcClass: boxWidgetClass
- X*box.wcChildren: clock, logo
- X
- X*clock.wcClass: clockWidgetClass
- X*logo.wcClass: logoWidgetClass
- X
- X#
- X# Create a Box widget with a label and a scrollbar.
- X#
- X
- X*box2.wcClass: boxWidgetClass
- X*box2.wcChildren: scrollbar, scroll_label
- X
- X*scrollbar.wcClass: scrollbarWidgetClass
- X*scrollbar.jumpProc: MyThumbedCB(*scroll_label)
- X*scrollbar.scrollProc: MyScrolledCB(*scroll_label)
- X*scrollbar*orientation: horizontal
- X*scrollbar*length: 100
- X
- X*scroll_label.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*scroll_label.Font: *-charter-bold-i-*-180-*
- X
- X#
- X# Create a strip chart Note that we
- X# need to exit, not destroy, with SriptCharts,
- X# because there is a bug in StripChart`DestroyGC.
- X#
- X
- X*stripChart.wcClass: stripChartWidgetClass
- X*stripChart.getValue: MyTimeSinceTouchedCB
- X*StripChart*update: 1
- X*StripChart*jumpScroll: 1
- X*StripChart.destroyCallback: WcExitCB
- X
- X#
- X# Text widget
- X#
- X
- X*text.wcClass: asciiTextWidgetClass
- X*text*height: 75
- X*text*string: Look ma, a text widget!
- X*text*editType: edit
- X*text*scrollVertical: whenNeeded
- X*text*scrollHorizonal: whenNeeded
- X*text*Font: *-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-*-190-*
- X
- X#
- X# Text widget tied to a file
- X#
- X
- X*textFile.wcClass: asciiTextWidgetClass
- X*textFile*type: file
- X*textFile*string: /etc/motd
- X*textFile*scrollVertical: whenNeeded
- X*textFile*scrollHorizonal: whenNeeded
- X*textFile*height: 75
- X*textFile*Font: *clean-medium-r-*-150-*
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 4777 Jul 3 14:43 App01.Everything (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r App01.Everything
- ls -l App01.Everything
- echo x - Ari.c
- sed 's/^X//' > Ari.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** SCCS_data: @(#)Ari.c 1.0 ( 19 June 1990 )
- X**
- X** Description: This file contains main() for a Athena Resource Interpreter
- X** which allows prototype interfaces to be built from
- X** resource files. The Widget Creation library is used.
- X**
- X** Besides the Athena widgets, Ari also knows about Table
- X** widgets, simply because they are so dang useful!
- X**
- X** Notes: This program uses the Xrm (X resource management) database
- X** for widget tree definition and management. This program
- X** is dependent on the Athena widget set only because the
- X** Athena classes and constructors are registered, which
- X** causes the Athena libs to be linked in. Someday I'll
- X** get a shared lib version of Motif and the Athena widgets,
- X** and even the OpenLook widget set, and then there will
- X** be no reason that widgets could not be mixed and matched.
- X** Doing that without shared libs makes for a HUGE executable.
- X**
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Include_files.
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <WidgetCreate.h>
- X
- X#include <Table.h>
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X** Private Functions
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xextern void AriRegisterAthena ();
- X
- Xstatic void RegisterTable ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X#define RCN( name, class ) WcRegisterClassName ( app, name, class );
- X#define RCP( name, class ) WcRegisterClassPtr ( app, name, class );
- X
- X RCN( "Table", tableWidgetClass );
- X RCP( "tableWidgetClass", tableWidgetClass );
- X
- X#undef RCN
- X#undef RCP
- X}
- X
- X/******************************************************************************
- X* MAIN function
- X******************************************************************************/
- X
- Xmain ( argc, argv )
- X int argc;
- X char* argv[];
- X{
- X char* appClass;
- X XtAppContext app;
- X Widget appShell;
- X
- X appClass = (char*) XtMalloc ( strlen ( argv[0] ) + 1 );
- X strcpy (appClass, argv[0]);
- X /* initialize first letter to make class, or first two if
- X ** first is already capitalized, or don't worry about it.
- X */
- X if (islower(appClass[0]))
- X appClass[0] = toupper(appClass[0]);
- X else if (islower(appClass[1]))
- X appClass[1] = toupper(appClass[1]);
- X
- X /* -- Intialize Toolkit creating the application shell */
- X appShell = XtInitialize (
- X argv[0], appClass, /* app name and class */
- X NULL, 0, /* description of cmd line options */
- X &argc, argv
- X );
- X app = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(appShell);
- X
- X /* -- Register all application specific callbacks and widget classes */
- X RegisterTable ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Register all Athena widget classes */
- X AriRegisterAthena ( app );
- X
- X /* -- Create widget tree below toplevel shell using Xrm database */
- X WcWidgetCreation ( appShell );
- X
- X /* -- Realize the widget tree and enter the main application loop */
- X XtRealizeWidget ( appShell );
- X XtMainLoop ( );
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 4026 Jul 2 16:13 Ari.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Ari.c
- ls -l Ari.c
- echo x - Ari01.HelloWorld
- sed 's/^X//' > Ari01.HelloWorld <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X#ifdef Xrm_COMMENT
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis resource file represents a very basic application: a single
- Xbutton which, when pressed, causes the application to exit.
- X
- XNote that you can use familiar constructs such as #ifdef-endif
- Xpairs, and C style /* comments */. `#' as a first character
- Xalso works, because it really indicates a cpp directive, and
- Xcpp quitely ignores (does not pass on) any unrecognized directives.
- X
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#endif
- X
- XAri.wcChildren: command
- X
- X*command.wcClass: commandWidgetClass
- X*command.Label: Click the left mouse button here
- X*command.callback: WcExitCB
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 691 Jun 28 09:12 Ari01.HelloWorld (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Ari01.HelloWorld
- ls -l Ari01.HelloWorld
- echo x - Ari02.Scrollbar
- sed 's/^X//' > Ari02.Scrollbar <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X#ifdef Xrm_COMMENT
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis provides similar functionality as that shown by the Xaw example
- Xnamed xscroll, which demonstrates how to use the Scrollbar widget.
- X
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#endif
- X
- XAri.wcChildren: box
- X
- X*box.wcClassName: Box
- X*Box*allowResize: True
- X*box.wcChildren: quit, scrollbar
- X
- X*quit.wcClass: commandWidgetClass
- X*quit.Label: Quit
- X*quit.callback: WcExitCB
- X
- X*scrollbar.wcClass: scrollbarWidgetClass
- X*scrollbar.orientation: horizontal
- X*scrollbar.topOfThumb: 0.5
- X*scrollbar.length: 200
- X*scrollbar.jumpProc: WcSystemCB(echo Jumped)
- X*scrollbar.scrollProc: WcSystemCB( echo Scrolled)
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 712 Jul 3 16:31 Ari02.Scrollbar (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Ari02.Scrollbar
- ls -l Ari02.Scrollbar
- echo x - Ari03.Box
- sed 's/^X//' > Ari03.Box <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X#ifdef Xrm_COMMENT
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis provides similar functionality as that shown by the Xaw example
- Xnamed xbuttonbox. The Box widget is used to introduce the programmer to
- Xa widget hierarchy.
- X
- XUnlike the Shell widget a Box widget can accept more than one child.
- XBy using boxes and other composites it is possible to create an
- Xarbitrarily complex application with hundreds or event thousands of
- Xwidgets.
- X
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#endif
- X
- XAri.wcChildren: box
- X
- X*box.wcClassName: Box
- X*box.wcChildren: quit, \
- X lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, lab5, \
- X lab6, lab7, lab8, lab9, lab10
- X
- X*quit.wcClassName: Command
- X*quit.callback: WcExitCB
- X*Command.Label: Click the left mouse button here to quit
- X
- X*lab1.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab2.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab3.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab4.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab5.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab6.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab7.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab8.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab9.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab10.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 1198 Jun 28 09:12 Ari03.Box (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Ari03.Box
- ls -l Ari03.Box
- echo x - Ari04.Boxes
- sed 's/^X//' > Ari04.Boxes <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X#ifdef Xrm_COMMENT
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X
- XThis provides similar functionality as that shown by the Xaw example
- Xnamed xboxes. This an example of how to create nested composite widgets.
- X
- XNote that the interface is written so the scrolling viewport
- Xwidget is easily deleted. If the user does not want the viewport,
- Xthen the Ari.wcChildren: resource can be changed to be outerbox
- Xinstead of view. This can be done in the user's apps-defaults file,
- Xor by command line options (-xrm "Ari.wcChldren: view").
- X
- X----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#endif
- X
- XAri.wcChildren: view
- X#Ari.wcChildren: outerbox
- X
- XAri.view.wcClass: viewportWidgetClass
- XAri.view.wcChildren: outerbox
- X
- X*outerbox.wcClassName: Box
- X*outerbox.wcChildren: quit, \
- X lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, lab5, \
- X lab6, lab7, lab8, lab9, lab10 \
- X innerbox
- X
- X*innerbox.wcClassName: Box
- X*innerbox.wcChildren: lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, lab5, \
- X lab6, lab7, lab8, lab9, lab10
- X
- X*quit.wcClassName: Command
- X*quit.callback: WcExitCB
- X*Command.Label: Click the left mouse button here to quit
- X
- X*lab1.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab2.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab3.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab4.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab5.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab6.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab7.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab8.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab9.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X*lab10.wcClass: labelWidgetClass
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 1586 Jun 28 09:12 Ari04.Boxes (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Ari04.Boxes
- ls -l Ari04.Boxes
- echo x - AriRegAthena.c
- sed 's/^X//' > AriRegAthena.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X/*
- X* SCCS_data: @(#)AriRegAthena.c 1.0 ( 19 June 1990 )
- X*
- X* Subsystem_group:
- X*
- X* Widget Creation Library - Athena Resource Interpreter
- X*
- X* Module_description:
- X*
- X* This module contains registration routine for all Athena
- X* widget constructors and classes.
- X*
- X* Module_interface_summary:
- X*
- X* void AriRegisterAthena ( XtAppContext app )
- X*
- X* Module_history:
- X*
- X* mm/dd/yy initials function action
- X* -------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
- X* 06/19/90 D.Smyth all create.
- X*
- X* Design_notes:
- X*
- X*******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X/*
- X*******************************************************************************
- X* Include_files.
- X*******************************************************************************
- X*/
- X#ifndef MOTIF
- X
- X#include <X11/Xatom.h>
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- X
- X#include <X11/Xaw/AsciiText.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Clock.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Grip.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Label.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/List.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Logo.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/MenuButton.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/SimpleMenu.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/SmeBSB.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/SmeLine.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/StripChart.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Paned.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Toggle.h>
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Viewport.h>
- X
- X#include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h>
- X
- Xvoid AriRegisterAthena ( app )
- X XtAppContext app;
- X{
- X
- X#define RCN( name, class ) WcRegisterClassName ( app, name, class );
- X#define RCP( name, class ) WcRegisterClassPtr ( app, name, class );
- X
- X /* -- register all Athena widget classes */
- X /* Simple Widgets (Chapt 3) */
- X RCN("Command", commandWidgetClass );
- X RCP("commandWidgetClass", commandWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Grip", gripWidgetClass );
- X RCP("gripWidgetClass", gripWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Label", labelWidgetClass );
- X RCP("labelWidgetClass", labelWidgetClass );
- X RCN("List", listWidgetClass );
- X RCP("listWidgetClass", listWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Scrollbar", scrollbarWidgetClass );
- X RCP("scrollbarWidgetClass", scrollbarWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Simple", simpleWidgetClass );
- X RCP("simpleWidgetClass", simpleWidgetClass );
- X RCN("StripChart", stripChartWidgetClass );
- X RCP("stripChartWidgetClass", stripChartWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Toggle", toggleWidgetClass );
- X RCP("toggleWidgetClass", toggleWidgetClass );
- X
- X /* Menus (Chapt 4) */
- X RCN("SimpleMenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass );
- X RCP("simpleMenuWidgetClass", simpleMenuWidgetClass );
- X RCN("SmeBSB", smeBSBObjectClass );
- X RCP("smeBSBObjectClass", smeBSBObjectClass );
- X RCN("SmeLine", smeLineObjectClass );
- X RCP("smeLineObjectClass", smeLineObjectClass );
- X RCN("Sme", smeObjectClass );
- X RCP("smeObjectClass", smeObjectClass );
- X RCN("MenuButton", menuButtonWidgetClass );
- X RCP("menuButtonWidgetClass", menuButtonWidgetClass );
- X
- X /* Text Widgets (Chapt 5) */
- X RCN("AsciiText", asciiTextWidgetClass ); /* NB name */
- X RCP("asciiTextWidgetClass", asciiTextWidgetClass );
- X RCN("AsciiSrc", asciiSrcObjectClass );
- X RCP("asciiSrcObjectClass", asciiSrcObjectClass );
- X RCN("AsciiSink", asciiSinkObjectClass );
- X RCP("asciiSinkObjectClass", asciiSinkObjectClass );
- X RCN("Text", textWidgetClass );
- X RCP("textWidgetClass", textWidgetClass );
- X
- X /* Composite and Constraint Widgets (Chapt 6) */
- X RCN("Box", boxWidgetClass );
- X RCP("boxWidgetClass", boxWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Dialog", dialogWidgetClass );
- X RCP("dialogWidgetClass", dialogWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Form", formWidgetClass );
- X RCP("formWidgetClass", formWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Paned", panedWidgetClass );
- X RCP("panedWidgetClass", panedWidgetClass );
- X RCN("Viewport", viewportWidgetClass );
- X RCP("viewportWidgetClass", viewportWidgetClass );
- X
- X /* Other Interestng Widgets (not in ref manual) */
- X RCN("ClockWidget", clockWidgetClass );
- X RCP("clockWidgetClass", clockWidgetClass );
- X RCN("LogoWidget", logoWidgetClass );
- X RCP("logoWidgetClass", logoWidgetClass );
- X
- X#undef RCN
- X#undef RCP
- X}
- X#endif !MOTIF
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 5054 Jun 28 09:12 AriRegAthena.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r AriRegAthena.c
- ls -l AriRegAthena.c
- echo x - COPY
- sed 's/^X//' > COPY <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 746 Jun 28 09:12 COPY (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r COPY
- ls -l COPY
- echo x - COPY_DERIVED
- sed 's/^X//' > COPY_DERIVED <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X** Copyright (c) 1990 David E. Smyth
- X**
- X** This file was derived from work performed by Martin Brunecky at
- X** Auto-trol Technology Corporation, Denver, Colorado, under the
- X** following copyright:
- X**
- X*******************************************************************************
- X* Copyright 1990 by Auto-trol Technology Corporation, Denver, Colorado.
- X*
- X* All Rights Reserved
- X*
- X* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- X* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- X* that the above copyright notice appears on all copies and that both the
- X* copyright and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation
- X* and that the name of Auto-trol not be used in advertising or publicity
- X* pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, prior written
- X* permission.
- X*
- X* Auto-trol disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
- X* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
- X* Auto-trol be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
- X* any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
- X* in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
- X* of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
- X*******************************************************************************
- X**
- X** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- X** provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- X** duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising
- X** materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use
- X** acknowledge that the software was developed by David E. Smyth. The
- X** name of David E. Smyth may not be used to endorse or promote products
- X** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- X**
- X*/
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 2102 Jun 28 09:12 COPY_DERIVED (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r COPY_DERIVED
- echo x - Imakefile
- sed 's/^X//' > Imakefile <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X SYSLIBS = -lm
- X
- X WCLIB = -L. -lWc
- X DEPWCLIB = ./libWc.a
- X
- X
- X
- X# Rules for XCalP
- X
- X XCALP_LIBS = $(WCLIB) XawClientLibs
- X
- X XCALP_SRCS = XCalP.c AriRegAthena.c WcRegIntrinsic.c
- X XCALP_OBJS = XCalP.o AriRegAthena.o WcRegIntrinsic.o
- X
- XAllTarget(XCalP)
- XNormalProgramTarget(XCalP, $(XCALP_OBJS), $(XCALP_DEPLIBS), $(XCALP_LIBS), $(SYSLIBS))
- X
- X# Rules for App
- X
- X APP_LIBS = $(WCLIB) XawClientLibs
- X APP_DEPLIBS = $(DEPWCLIB) XawClientDepLibs
- X
- X APP_SRCS = App.c AriRegAthena.c
- X APP_OBJS = App.o AriRegAthena.o
- X
- XAllTarget(App)
- XNormalProgramTarget(App, $(APP_OBJS), $(APP_DEPLIBS), $(APP_LIBS), $(SYSLIBS))
- X
- X# Rules for Ari
- X
- X ARI_LIBS = $(WCLIB) XawClientLibs
- X ARI_DEPLIBS = $(DEPWCLIB) XawClientDepLibs
- X
- X ARI_SRCS = Ari.c AriRegAthena.c Table.c
- X ARI_OBJS = Ari.o AriRegAthena.o Table.o
- X
- XAllTarget(Ari)
- XNormalProgramTarget(Ari, $(ARI_OBJS), $(ARI_DEPLIBS), $(ARI_LIBS), $(SYSLIBS))
- X
- X LIBWC_INSTINCS = WidgetCreate.h
- X LIBWC_SRCS = WcCreateFunc.c WcCallbacks.c WcConverters.c WcNameFuncs.c \
- X WcRegister.c WcActions.c
- X LIBWC_OBJS = WcCreateFunc.o WcCallbacks.o WcConverters.o WcNameFuncs.o \
- X WcRegister.o WcActions.o
- X
- XNormalLibraryObjectRule()
- X
- XNormalLibraryTarget(Wc, $(LIBWC_OBJS))
- XInstallLibrary(Wc, $(INSTALLLIBDIR))
- XMakeDirectories(install, $(INSTALLINCDIR))
- X
- X#ifdef HAVE_MOTIF
- X
- X# Rules for Mri
- X
- X MRI_LIBS = $(WCLIB) $(MOTIFLIB) XawClientLibs
- X
- X MOTIFLIB = -lXtm
- X
- X MRI_SRCS = Mri.c MriRegMotif.c Table.c
- X MRI_OBJS = Mri.o MriRegMotif.o Table_m.o
- X MRI_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/Xm
- X
- XTable_m.o: Table.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X -o Table_m.o
- X
- XMri.o: Mri.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X
- XMriRegMotif.o: MriRegMotif.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X
- XAllTarget(Mri)
- XNormalProgramTarget(Mri, $(MRI_OBJS), $(MRI_DEPLIBS), $(MRI_LIBS), $(SYSLIBS))
- X
- XLIBWCM_INSTINCS = WidgetCreate.h
- X LIBWCM_SRCS = WcCreateFunc.c WcCallbacks.c WcConverters.c WcNameFuncs.c \
- X WcRegister.c WcActions.c
- X LIBWCM_OBJS = WcmCreateFunc.o WcmCallbacks.o WcmConverters.o \
- X WcmNameFuncs.o WcmRegister.o WcmActions.o
- XLIBCWM_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/Xm
- X
- XWcmCreateFunc.o: WcCreateFunc.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcCreateFunc.c -o WcmCreateFunc.o
- XWcmCallbacks.o: WcCallbacks.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcCallbacks.c -o WcmCallbacks.o
- XWcmConverters.o: WcConverters.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcConverters.c -o WcmConverters.o
- XWcmNameFuncs.o: WcNameFuncs.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcNameFuncs.c -o WcmNameFuncs.o
- XWcmRegister.o: WcRegister.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcRegister.c -o WcmRegister.o
- XWcmActions.o: WcActions.c
- X $(RM) $@
- X WcActions.c -o WcmActions.o
- X
- XNormalLibraryTarget(Wcm, $(LIBWCM_OBJS))
- XInstallLibrary(Wcm, $(INSTALLLIBDIR))
- XMakeDirectories(install, $(INSTALLINCDIR))
- X
- X#endif
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 3969 Jul 2 12:38 Imakefile (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Imakefile
- ls -l Imakefile
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.