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- From: david@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David E. Smyth)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08i033: wcl - Widget Creation Library, Part03/06
- Message-ID: <138459@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 6 Jul 90 07:40:47 GMT
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 2321
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: david@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David E. Smyth)
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 33
- Archive-name: wcl/part03
- # to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
- # SHAR archive format. Archive created Tue Jul 3 16:49:00 PDT 1990
- echo x - Table.c
- sed 's/^X//' > Table.c <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X * Table - Forms-based composite widget/geometry manager for the X Toolkit
- X *
- X * David Harrison
- X * University of California, Berkeley
- X * 1989
- X *
- X * This file contains the implementation for the Table widget.
- X */
- X
- X#include "X11/IntrinsicP.h"
- X#include "X11/StringDefs.h"
- X
- X#ifdef X11R4
- X#include "X11/Xmu/Xmu.h"
- X#else
- X#include "X11/Xmu.h"
- X#endif
- X
- X#include "TableP.h"
- X
- X#define INIT_TBL_SIZE 10
- X#define TBL_CLASS_NAME "Table"
- X
- Xstatic caddr_t def = (caddr_t) 0;
- X
- Xstatic XtResource resources[] = {
- X { XtNlayout, XtCLayout, XtRPointer, sizeof(caddr_t),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.init_layout), XtRPointer, (caddr_t) &def },
- X { XtNinternalHeight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.int_height), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0 },
- X { XtNinternalWidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.int_width), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0 },
- X { XtNcolumnSpacing, XtCSpacing, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.col_spacing), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0 },
- X { XtNrowSpacing, XtCSpacing, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.row_spacing), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0 },
- X { XtNdefaultOptions, XtCOptions, XtROptions, sizeof(XtTblMask),
- X XtOffset(TableWidget, table.def_options), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0 }
- X};
- X
- X/* Forward declarations */
- Xstatic void TblClassInitialize();
- Xstatic void TblInitialize();
- Xstatic void TblResize();
- Xstatic XtGeometryResult TblQueryGeometry();
- Xstatic void TblPositionChild();
- Xstatic Boolean TblSetValues();
- Xstatic XtGeometryResult TblGeometryManager();
- Xstatic void TblChangeManaged();
- Xstatic Boolean TblFindChild();
- Xstatic void TblDestroy();
- Xstatic XtTblMask ParseOpts();
- X
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Local structures
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableLoc {
- X Position ax, ay; /* Position in array */
- X Dimension h_span, v_span; /* Span size in array */
- X XtTblMask options; /* Widget position options */
- X} TableLoc, *TableLocPtr;
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableLocEntry {
- X Widget w;
- X TableLoc loc;
- X} TableLocEntry, *TableLocEntryPtr;
- X
- Xstruct _TableLocTbl {
- X Cardinal n_layout; /* Number of layout widgets */
- X Cardinal a_layout; /* Allocated space */
- X TableLocEntryPtr locs; /* Widget locations */
- X};
- X
- Xstruct _TableDefLoc {
- X String w_name; /* Widget name */
- X TableLoc loc; /* Widget information */
- X};
- X
- Xtypedef unsigned long TableVecMask;
- X#define VEC_MINIMIZE 0x01
- X
- Xstruct _TableVector {
- X TableVecMask mask; /* Option mask */
- X Cardinal value; /* Size of item */
- X};
- X
- X
- X
- XTableClassRec tableClassRec = {
- X { /* core_class fields */
- X /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &compositeClassRec,
- X /* class_name */ TBL_CLASS_NAME,
- X /* widget_size */ sizeof(TableRec),
- X /* class_initialize */ TblClassInitialize,
- X /* class_part_init */ NULL,
- X /* class_inited */ FALSE,
- X /* initialize */ TblInitialize,
- X /* initialize_hook */ NULL,
- X /* realize */ XtInheritRealize,
- X /* actions */ NULL,
- X /* num_actions */ 0,
- X /* resources */ resources,
- X /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources),
- X /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK,
- X /* compress_motion */ TRUE,
- X /* compress_exposure */ TRUE,
- X /* compress_enterleave*/ TRUE,
- X /* visible_interest */ FALSE,
- X /* destroy */ TblDestroy,
- X /* resize */ TblResize,
- X /* expose */ XtInheritExpose,
- X /* set_values */ TblSetValues,
- X /* set_values_hook */ NULL,
- X /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
- X /* get_values_hook */ NULL,
- X /* accept_focus */ NULL,
- X /* version */ XtVersion,
- X /* callback_private */ NULL,
- X /* tm_table */ NULL,
- X /* query_geometry */ TblQueryGeometry,
- X /* display_accelerator*/ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
- X /* extension */ NULL
- X },
- X { /* composite_class fields */
- X /* geometry_manager */ TblGeometryManager,
- X /* change_managed */ TblChangeManaged,
- X /* insert_child */ XtInheritInsertChild,
- X /* delete_child */ XtInheritDeleteChild,
- X /* extension */ NULL
- X },
- X { /* table_class fields */
- X /* position_child */ TblPositionChild,
- X /* find_child */ TblFindChild,
- X }
- X};
- X
- XWidgetClass tableWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &tableClassRec;
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void cvtStrToDefLoc(args, num_args, from, to)
- XXrmValue *args; /* Arguments to converter */
- XCardinal *num_args; /* Number of arguments */
- XXrmValue *from; /* From type */
- XXrmValue *to; /* To type */
- X/*
- X * Converts a string representation into an array of TableDefLoc
- X * structures.
- X */
- X{
- X static caddr_t ptr;
- X String layout_spec;
- X
- X if (*num_args != 0) {
- X XtErrorMsg("cvtStrToDefLoc", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError",
- X "String to layout takes no additional arguments",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X
- X layout_spec = (String) from->addr;
- X to->size = sizeof(caddr_t);
- X ptr = XtTblParseLayout(layout_spec);
- X to->addr = (caddr_t) &ptr;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void cvtStrToOpts(args, num_args, from, to)
- XXrmValue *args; /* Arguments to converter */
- XCardinal *num_args; /* Number of arguments */
- XXrmValue *from; /* From type */
- XXrmValue *to; /* To type */
- X/*
- X * Converts a string representation into a default options
- X * mask (XtTblMask).
- X */
- X{
- X static XtTblMask mask;
- X String opt_spec;
- X
- X if (*num_args != 0) {
- X XtErrorMsg("cvtStrToOpts", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError",
- X "String to options takes no additional arguments",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X
- X opt_spec = (String) from->addr;
- X to->size = sizeof(int);
- X mask = ParseOpts(opt_spec);
- X to->addr = (caddr_t) &mask;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblClassInitialize()
- X/*
- X * Adds an appropriate string-to-default widget location table
- X * converter.
- X */
- X{
- X XtAddConverter(XtRString, XtRPointer, cvtStrToDefLoc, NULL, 0);
- X XtAddConverter(XtRString, XtROptions, cvtStrToOpts, NULL, 0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Table Management Functions
- X *
- X * Default table is a linear null terminated array, the location
- X * array is a linear dynamic array. Both should be replaced
- X * with hash tables.
- X */
- X
- Xstatic Cardinal LenDefLoc(ptr)
- XTableDefLocPtr ptr;
- X/*
- X * Returns the length of a DefLoc list.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i;
- X
- X for (i = 0; ptr && ptr[i].w_name; i++) {
- X /* Null body */
- X }
- X return i;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic TableDefLocPtr CopyDefLoc(ptr)
- XTableDefLocPtr ptr;
- X/*
- X * Makes a dynamically allocated copy of `ptr'.
- X */
- X{
- X TableDefLocPtr copy;
- X Cardinal i, len;
- X
- X len = LenDefLoc(ptr);
- X if (len) {
- X copy = (TableDefLocPtr) XtCalloc(len+1, sizeof(struct _TableDefLoc));
- X for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- X copy[i] = ptr[i];
- X }
- X copy[i].w_name = (String) 0;
- X } else {
- X copy = (TableDefLocPtr) 0;
- X }
- X return copy;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic TableDefLocPtr FindDefLoc(tbl, name)
- XTableDefLocPtr tbl; /* Table to examine */
- XString name; /* Widget name */
- X/*
- X * Scans through `tbl' looking for the name `name'. Returns
- X * a pointer to the found value or NULL if not found.
- X */
- X{
- X TableDefLocPtr idx;
- X
- X for (idx = tbl; idx && idx->w_name; idx++) {
- X if (strcmp(idx->w_name, name) == 0) return idx;
- X }
- X return (TableDefLocPtr) 0;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic TableDefLocPtr MergeDefLoc(source, dest)
- XTableDefLocPtr source; /* Original table */
- XTableDefLocPtr dest; /* Additional entries */
- X/*
- X * Returns a table where the entries in `dest' have been
- X * merged with those in `source'. Similar entries in
- X * `dest' override those in `source'. The returned
- X * table is allocated.
- X */
- X{
- X TableDefLocPtr result, update;
- X Cardinal s_len, d_len;
- X Cardinal i, j;
- X
- X s_len = LenDefLoc(source);
- X d_len = LenDefLoc(dest);
- X result = (TableDefLocPtr)
- X XtCalloc(s_len + d_len + 1, sizeof(struct _TableDefLoc));
- X for (i = 0; i < s_len; i++) {
- X result[i] = source[i];
- X }
- X /* Add null termination */
- X result[i].w_name = (String) 0;
- X /* Now merge the results */
- X for (j = 0; j < d_len; j++) {
- X if (update = FindDefLoc(result, dest[j].w_name)) {
- X update->loc = dest[j].loc;
- X } else {
- X /* Add to end */
- X result[i].w_name = dest[j].w_name;
- X result[i].loc = dest[j].loc;
- X i += 1;
- X result[i].w_name = (String) 0;
- X }
- X }
- X return result;
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic TableLocTblPtr TblInitLocTbl()
- X/*
- X * Returns a newly allocated location table. This is implemented
- X * at the moment as dynamic array. Eventually, a hash table
- X * will be used.
- X */
- X{
- X TableLocTblPtr rtn;
- X
- X rtn = (TableLocTblPtr) XtMalloc(sizeof(struct _TableLocTbl));
- X rtn->n_layout = 0;
- X rtn->a_layout = INIT_TBL_SIZE;
- X rtn->locs = (TableLocEntryPtr)
- X XtCalloc(INIT_TBL_SIZE, sizeof(TableLocEntry));
- X return rtn;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void TblInsertLoc(tbl, w, locp)
- XTableLocTblPtr tbl; /* Table for insertion */
- XWidget w; /* Subwidget to place */
- XTableLocPtr locp; /* Widget location information */
- X/*
- X * Inserts an item into the location table. If there is already
- X * an entry for the widget, it is replaced by this one. If there
- X * is no room, additional room is allocated.
- X */
- X{
- X int i;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < tbl->n_layout; i++) {
- X if (tbl->locs[i].w == w) {
- X tbl->locs[i].loc = *locp;
- X return;
- X }
- X }
- X /* Not in the table */
- X if (tbl->n_layout >= tbl->a_layout) {
- X /* Make more space */
- X tbl->a_layout += tbl->a_layout;
- X tbl->locs = (TableLocEntryPtr)
- X XtRealloc(tbl->locs, tbl->a_layout * sizeof(TableLocEntry));
- X }
- X tbl->locs[tbl->n_layout].w = w;
- X tbl->locs[tbl->n_layout].loc = *locp;
- X tbl->n_layout += 1;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic TableLocPtr TblLocLookup(tbl, w)
- XTableLocTblPtr tbl; /* Table for lookup */
- XWidget w; /* What widget to lookup */
- X/*
- X * Looks up widget `w' in the hard widget position table.
- X * Returns NULL if it can't find the widget.
- X */
- X{
- X int i;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < tbl->n_layout; i++) {
- X if (tbl->locs[i].w == w) {
- X return &(tbl->locs[i].loc);
- X }
- X }
- X return (TableLocPtr) 0;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void TblFreeLocTbl(tbl)
- XTableLocTblPtr tbl; /* Table to free */
- X/*
- X * Frees memory resources of `tbl'.
- X */
- X{
- X XtFree((char *) (tbl->locs));
- X XtFree((char *) tbl);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblInitialize(request, new)
- XWidget request; /* Values from resources */
- XWidget new; /* Actual widget */
- X/*
- X * Intializes appropriate fields in instance record.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget old = (TableWidget) request;
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) new;
- X
- X tw->table.init_layout = CopyDefLoc(old->table.init_layout);
- X tw->table.layout_db = (TableDefLocPtr) 0;
- X tw->table.real_layout = TblInitLocTbl();
- X tw->table.vec_state = INVALID;
- X tw->table.num_rows = tw->table.num_cols = 0;
- X tw->table.rows = (TableVecPtr) 0;
- X tw->table.cols = (TableVecPtr) 0;
- X tw->table.vec_height = 0;
- X tw->table.vec_width = 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic TableLocTblPtr GetManaged(nw, wl)
- XCardinal nw; /* Number of widgets */
- XWidgetList wl; /* Widget list */
- X/*
- X * Returns those widgets in `wl' that are managed and looks
- X * up their table postions. If no table position is found,
- X * the widget is placed at 0,0 with a span of 1 with no options.
- X */
- X{
- X TableLocTblPtr result;
- X Cardinal i;
- X
- X result = TblInitLocTbl();
- X for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) {
- X if (XtIsManaged(wl[i])) {
- X if (result->n_layout >= result->a_layout) {
- X /* Make more space */
- X result->a_layout += result->a_layout;
- X result->locs = (TableLocEntryPtr)
- X XtRealloc(result->locs,
- X result->a_layout * sizeof(TableLocEntry));
- X }
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].w = wl[i];
- X if (!TblFindChild(wl[i],
- X &(result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.ax),
- X &(result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.ay),
- X &(result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.h_span),
- X &(result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.v_span),
- X &(result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.options))) {
- X /* Can't find location -- make one up */
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.ax = 0;
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.ay = 0;
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.h_span = 1;
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.v_span = 1;
- X result->locs[result->n_layout].loc.options = 0;
- X }
- X result->n_layout += 1;
- X }
- X }
- X return result;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic Cardinal VecSize(mw, val_func)
- XTableLocTblPtr mw; /* List of managed widgets */
- Xvoid (*val_func)(); /* Returns either row or column info */
- X/*
- X * Determines the vector size by examining locations of all
- X * widgets in `mw'. Basically determines the maximum of loc+span.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i, loc, span;
- X Cardinal result = 0;
- X Boolean small_flag;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < mw->n_layout; i++) {
- X (*val_func)(&(mw->locs[i]), &loc, &span, &small_flag);
- X if (result < loc+span) {
- X result = loc+span;
- X }
- X }
- X return result;
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void SetVecOptions(mw, val_func, vec)
- XTableLocTblPtr mw; /* Managed widget list */
- Xvoid (*val_func)(); /* Row or col info */
- XTableVecPtr vec; /* Spacing vector */
- X/*
- X * Steps through the list of widgets. If the widget is marked
- X * as having the small flag set, it sets all corresponding
- X * options in `vec'.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i, j;
- X Cardinal loc, span;
- X Boolean small_flag;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < mw->n_layout; i++) {
- X (*val_func)(&(mw->locs[i]), &loc, &span, &small_flag);
- X if (small_flag) {
- X for (j = loc; j < loc+span; j++) {
- X vec[j].mask = VEC_MINIMIZE;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/* Must be set before span_cmp works */
- Xstatic void (*span_cmp_val_func)();
- X
- Xstatic int span_cmp(a, b)
- Xchar *a, *b;
- X/*
- X * Compares items based on span.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal loc_a, loc_b;
- X Cardinal span_a, span_b;
- X Boolean small_flag;
- X
- X (*span_cmp_val_func)((TableLocEntryPtr) a, &loc_a, &span_a, &small_flag);
- X (*span_cmp_val_func)((TableLocEntryPtr) b, &loc_b, &span_b, &small_flag);
- X return span_a - span_b;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic Cardinal FindDistrib(loc, span, vec, result)
- XCardinal loc, span; /* Widget loc and span */
- XTableVecPtr vec; /* Spacing vector */
- XCardinal *result; /* Result array */
- X/*
- X * This routine fills in `result' with a list of indices
- X * into the spacing vector suitable for distributing required
- X * space. Normally, it skips those items marked as
- X * VEC_MINIMIZE. However, if there aren't any non-VEC_MINIMIZE
- X * spaces, all of them become candidates.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i, count;
- X
- X count = 0;
- X for (i = loc; i < loc+span; i++) {
- X if (vec[i].mask & VEC_MINIMIZE) continue;
- X result[count++] = i;
- X }
- X if (count == 0) {
- X /* Add them all back in */
- X for (i = loc; i < loc+span; i++) {
- X result[count++] = i;
- X }
- X }
- X return count;
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void DoDistrib(n_dist, distrib, loc, span, vec, size, inter)
- XCardinal n_dist; /* Number of distribution points */
- XCardinal *distrib; /* Indicies into `vec' */
- XCardinal loc, span; /* Widget location and span */
- XTableVecPtr vec; /* Spacing vector */
- XDimension size; /* Size of widget */
- XDimension inter; /* inter {col,row} spacing */
- X/*
- X * If `size' is larger than the current sum of space in `vec'
- X * specified by `loc' and `span', the difference in space
- X * is evenly added to each vector entry given by `distrib'.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal sum = 0;
- X Cardinal i;
- X int diff, amt;
- X
- X for (i = loc; i < loc+span; i++) {
- X sum += vec[i].value;
- X }
- X if (span > 1)
- X sum += (span-1) * inter;
- X diff = size - sum;
- X if (diff > 0) {
- X /* Distribution required */
- X amt = diff / n_dist;
- X for (i = 0; i < n_dist-1; i++) {
- X vec[distrib[i]].value += amt;
- X diff -= amt;
- X }
- X /* Last one deincremented by remaining space */
- X vec[distrib[i]].value += diff;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic Cardinal CompVector(mw, val_func, size_func, inter, result)
- XTableLocTblPtr mw; /* List of managed widgets with locs */
- Xvoid (*val_func)(); /* Returns either row or column info */
- XDimension (*size_func)(); /* Returns desired size of subwidget */
- XDimension inter; /* inter {row,col} spacing */
- XTableVecPtr *result; /* Result vector */
- X/*
- X * This routine computes the values for either the row or column
- X * spacing vector. The strategy is as follows:
- X * 1. Scan mw and determine number of entrys in result and allocate
- X * 2. Scan list and set appropriate vector flags.
- X * 3. Sort the managed widgets in span order (low to high)
- X * 4. For each item in sorted list:
- X * A. Determine distribution locations.
- X * B. Distribute any needed space to locations.
- X * There are some inefficiencies here that could be overcome.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal res_num, i;
- X Cardinal n_dist, *distrib;
- X Cardinal loc, span;
- X Boolean small_flag;
- X
- X res_num = VecSize(mw, val_func);
- X if (res_num) {
- X *result = (TableVecPtr) XtCalloc(res_num, sizeof(struct _TableVector));
- X for (i = 0; i < res_num; i++) {
- X (*result)[i].mask = 0;
- X (*result)[i].value = 0;
- X }
- X SetVecOptions(mw, val_func, *result);
- X
- X span_cmp_val_func = val_func;
- X qsort((char *) mw->locs, (int) mw->n_layout,
- X sizeof(TableLocEntry), span_cmp);
- X
- X distrib = (Cardinal *) XtCalloc(res_num, sizeof(Cardinal));
- X for (i = 0; i < mw->n_layout; i++) {
- X (*val_func)(&(mw->locs[i]), &loc, &span, &small_flag);
- X n_dist = FindDistrib(loc, span, *result, distrib);
- X DoDistrib(n_dist, distrib, loc, span, *result,
- X (*size_func)(mw->locs[i].w), inter);
- X }
- X return res_num;
- X } else {
- X *result = (TableVecPtr) 0;
- X return 0;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ColValues(oneloc, loc, span, small_flag)
- XTableLocEntryPtr oneloc; /* Widget data */
- XCardinal *loc; /* Location in array */
- XCardinal *span; /* Spanning distance */
- XBoolean *small_flag; /* Whether locked */
- X/*
- X * This routine returns column data from `oneloc'. It is
- X * passed to CompVector when computing the column spacing vector.
- X */
- X{
- X *loc = oneloc->loc.ax;
- X *span = oneloc->loc.h_span;
- X *small_flag = oneloc->loc.options & TBL_SM_WIDTH;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void RowValues(oneloc, loc, span, small_flag)
- XTableLocEntryPtr oneloc; /* Widget data */
- XCardinal *loc; /* Location in array */
- XCardinal *span; /* Spanning distance */
- XBoolean *small_flag; /* Whether locked */
- X/*
- X * This routine returns row data from `oneloc'. It is
- X * passed to CompVector when computing the row spacing vector.
- X */
- X{
- X *loc = oneloc->loc.ay;
- X *span = oneloc->loc.v_span;
- X *small_flag = oneloc->loc.options & TBL_SM_HEIGHT;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic Dimension ColSize(w)
- XWidget w; /* Child widget */
- X/*
- X * This routine returns the desired width of the widget `w'.
- X * It is used by CompVector when computing the column vector.
- X */
- X{
- X Dimension r_size, r_border;
- X XtWidgetGeometry child;
- X
- X r_size = w->core.width;
- X r_border = w->core.border_width;
- X (void) XtQueryGeometry(w, (XtWidgetGeometry *) 0, &child);
- X if (child.request_mode & CWWidth) r_size = child.width;
- X if (child.request_mode & CWBorderWidth) r_border = child.border_width;
- X return r_size + r_border + r_border;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic Dimension RowSize(w)
- XWidget w; /* Child widget */
- X/*
- X * This routine returns the desired width of the widget `w'.
- X * It is used by CompVector when computing the column vector.
- X */
- X{
- X Dimension r_size, r_border;
- X XtWidgetGeometry child;
- X
- X r_size = w->core.height;
- X r_border = w->core.border_width;
- X (void) XtQueryGeometry(w, (XtWidgetGeometry *) 0, &child);
- X if (child.request_mode & CWHeight) r_size = child.height;
- X if (child.request_mode & CWBorderWidth) r_border = child.border_width;
- X return r_size + r_border + r_border;
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblRecompVectors(tw)
- XTableWidget tw; /* Table widget */
- X/*
- X * Recomputes the size vectors in the table widget by
- X * examining the preferred sizes of subwidgets. The
- X * following fields are modified: num_rows, num_cols,
- X * rows, cols, vec_height, and vec_width.
- X */
- X{
- X TableLocTblPtr managed;
- X Cardinal i;
- X
- X /* Free existing vectors */
- X if (tw->table.cols) XtFree((char *) (tw->table.cols));
- X tw->table.num_cols = 0;
- X if (tw->table.rows) XtFree((char *) (tw->table.rows));
- X tw->table.num_rows = 0;
- X tw->table.vec_width = tw->table.vec_height = 0;
- X
- X /* Generate list of managed widgets with locations */
- X managed = GetManaged(tw->composite.num_children, tw->composite.children);
- X
- X /* Handle columns */
- X tw->table.num_cols = CompVector(managed, ColValues, ColSize,
- X tw->table.col_spacing, &(tw->table.cols));
- X for (i = 0; i < tw->table.num_cols; i++) {
- X tw->table.vec_width += tw->table.cols[i].value;
- X }
- X
- X
- X /* Handle rows */
- X tw->table.num_rows = CompVector(managed, RowValues, RowSize,
- X tw->table.row_spacing, &(tw->table.rows));
- X for (i = 0; i < tw->table.num_rows; i++) {
- X tw->table.vec_height += tw->table.rows[i].value;
- X }
- X
- X TblFreeLocTbl(managed);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblRequestResize(tw)
- XTableWidget tw; /* Table widget */
- X/*
- X * Asks the parent to become the size given by the row and
- X * column vectors. Precondition: vec_state must be MINIMUM.
- X */
- X{
- X XtGeometryResult rtn;
- X Dimension act_width, act_height;
- X Dimension r_width, r_height;
- X
- X act_width = tw->table.vec_width + 2*tw->table.int_width +
- X (tw->table.num_cols-1)*tw->table.col_spacing;
- X act_height = tw->table.vec_height + 2*tw->table.int_height +
- X (tw->table.num_rows-1)*tw->table.row_spacing;
- X rtn = XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget) tw, act_width, act_height,
- X &r_width, &r_height);
- X switch (rtn) {
- X case XtGeometryYes:
- X case XtGeometryNo:
- X /* Either case -- no action required */
- X break;
- X case XtGeometryAlmost:
- X if ((r_width >= act_width) &&
- X (r_height >= act_height)) {
- X (void) XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget) tw, r_width, r_height,
- X (Dimension *) 0, (Dimension *) 0);
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void ExtraSpace(num, vec, size)
- XCardinal num; /* Length of `vec' */
- XTableVecPtr vec; /* Spacing vector */
- XDimension size; /* Overall size */
- X/*
- X * If `size' is larger than the sum of all widths in `vec',
- X * the extra space is distributed evenly among appropriate
- X * candidates of `vec'.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i, ndist, sum = 0;
- X Cardinal *dist;
- X int diff, amt;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < num; i++) sum += vec[i].value;
- X diff = size - sum;
- X if (diff > 0) {
- X /* Have to distribute space */
- X dist = (Cardinal *) XtCalloc(num, sizeof(Cardinal));
- X ndist = FindDistrib(0, num, vec, dist);
- X amt = diff/ndist;
- X for (i = 0; i < ndist-1; i++) {
- X vec[dist[i]].value += amt;
- X diff -= amt;
- X }
- X vec[dist[i]].value += diff;
- X XtFree((char *) dist);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic Dimension SumVec(loc, span, vec, start, inter, end)
- XPosition loc, span; /* Start and length */
- XTableVecPtr vec; /* Spacing vector */
- XDimension start; /* Added before sum */
- XDimension inter; /* Added between items */
- XDimension end; /* Added after sum */
- X/*
- X * Returns the sum of the space in `vec' from `loc' for length `span'.
- X * Adds in the appropriate padding given by `start', `inter' and `end'.
- X */
- X{
- X Position i;
- X Dimension sum = 0;
- X
- X for (i = loc; i < loc+span; i++) sum += vec[i].value;
- X return sum + start + end + ((span >= 0) ? span*inter : 0);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void PlaceWidget(w, x, y, width, height, rw, rh, opt)
- XWidget w; /* What widget to place */
- XPosition x, y; /* Location of space */
- XDimension width, height; /* Size of space */
- XDimension rw, rh; /* Actual size */
- XXtTblMask opt; /* Justification options */
- X/*
- X * This routine moves the widget `w' inside the space given
- X * by x, y, width, height. Its location in this space
- X * is determined by looking at the justification options of
- X * `opt'.
- X */
- X{
- X Position rx, ry;
- X
- X if (opt & TBL_LEFT) rx = x;
- X else if (opt & TBL_RIGHT) rx = x + width - rw;
- X else rx = x + (width-rw)/2;
- X if (opt & TBL_TOP) ry = y;
- X else if (opt & TBL_BOTTOM) ry = y + height - rh;
- X else ry = y + (height-rh)/2;
- X#ifdef NOTDEF
- X rx += w->core.border_width;
- X ry += w->core.border_width;
- X#endif
- X
- X XtMoveWidget(w, rx, ry);
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic void DoPlace(managed, cvec, rvec, vp, hp, rs, cs)
- XTableLocTblPtr managed; /* List of managed widgets with locs */
- XTableVecPtr cvec, rvec; /* Column and row spacing vector */
- XDimension vp, hp; /* Vertical and horizontal padding */
- XDimension rs, cs; /* Row and column interspace */
- X/*
- X * This routine places each widget in `managed' according to the
- X * spacing vectors `cvec' and `rvec' and the widget placement
- X * options (justification and resizing). First, if allowed,
- X * the routine will resize the widget to fit its allocated
- X * space. Then it will place the widget paying attention
- X * to the justification.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i;
- X Position ax, ay;
- X Dimension aw, ah;
- X Dimension nw, nh;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < managed->n_layout; i++) {
- X ax = SumVec(0, managed->locs[i].loc.ax, cvec, hp, cs, 0);
- X ay = SumVec(0, managed->locs[i].loc.ay, rvec, vp, rs, 0);
- X aw = SumVec(managed->locs[i].loc.ax,
- X (Position) managed->locs[i].loc.h_span, cvec, 0, cs, -cs);
- X ah = SumVec(managed->locs[i].loc.ay,
- X (Position) managed->locs[i].loc.v_span, rvec, 0, rs, -rs);
- X nw = aw - 2*managed->locs[i].w->core.border_width;
- X nh = ah - 2*managed->locs[i].w->core.border_width;
- X if (managed->locs[i].loc.options & TBL_LK_WIDTH) {
- X nw = managed->locs[i].w->core.width;
- X }
- X if (managed->locs[i].loc.options & TBL_LK_HEIGHT) {
- X nh = managed->locs[i].w->core.height;
- X }
- X if (((nw != managed->locs[i].w->core.width) ||
- X (nh != managed->locs[i].w->core.height)) &&
- X (nw > 0) && (nh > 0)) {
- X /* Resize widget */
- X XtResizeWidget(managed->locs[i].w, nw, nh,
- X managed->locs[i].w->core.border_width);
- X }
- X /* Now place */
- X nw = managed->locs[i].w->core.width +
- X 2*managed->locs[i].w->core.border_width;;
- X nh = managed->locs[i].w->core.height +
- X 2*managed->locs[i].w->core.border_width;;
- X PlaceWidget(managed->locs[i].w, ax, ay, aw, ah, nw, nh,
- X managed->locs[i].loc.options);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblPlacement(tw)
- XTableWidget tw; /* Table widget */
- X/*
- X * Places the children of the table widget. There are several steps:
- X * 1. Distribute any extra space into local copies of spacing vectors.
- X * 2. If the option is set, any extra space is offered to each widget.
- X * 3. The final placement is done according to the actual size of
- X * each widget and the space allocated for it.
- X */
- X{
- X Cardinal i;
- X TableVecPtr lrows, lcols;
- X TableLocTblPtr managed;
- X Dimension real_width, real_height;
- X
- X if (tw->table.num_rows && tw->table.num_cols) {
- X /* Make local copies of vectors */
- X lrows = (TableVecPtr)
- X XtCalloc(tw->table.num_rows, sizeof(struct _TableVector));
- X for (i = 0; i < tw->table.num_rows; i++) {
- X lrows[i] = tw->table.rows[i];
- X }
- X lcols = (TableVecPtr)
- X XtCalloc(tw->table.num_cols, sizeof(struct _TableVector));
- X for (i = 0; i < tw->table.num_cols; i++) {
- X lcols[i] = tw->table.cols[i];
- X }
- X
- X /* Add extra space to vector */
- X real_width = tw->core.width - 2*tw->table.int_width -
- X (tw->table.num_cols-1)*tw->table.col_spacing;
- X real_height = tw->core.height - 2*tw->table.int_height -
- X (tw->table.num_rows-1)*tw->table.row_spacing;
- X ExtraSpace(tw->table.num_cols, lcols, real_width);
- X ExtraSpace(tw->table.num_rows, lrows, real_height);
- X
- X /* Get list of managed widgets with locations */
- X managed = GetManaged(tw->composite.num_children, tw->composite.children);
- X DoPlace(managed, lcols, lrows, tw->table.int_height, tw->table.int_width,
- X tw->table.row_spacing, tw->table.col_spacing);
- X
- X /* Free up resources */
- X XtFree((char *) lcols);
- X XtFree((char *) lrows);
- X TblFreeLocTbl(managed);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblResize(w)
- XWidget w; /* Table widget */
- X/*
- X * This routine is called when the table widget itself is
- X * resized. If needed, the vectors are recomputed and
- X * placement is done.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) w;
- X
- X if ((tw->core.width < tw->table.vec_width) ||
- X (tw->core.height < tw->table.vec_height)) {
- X TblRequestResize(tw);
- X }
- X if (tw->table.vec_state == INVALID) {
- X TblRecompVectors(tw);
- X tw->table.vec_state = MINIMUM;
- X }
- X TblPlacement(tw);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic XtGeometryResult ExamineRequest(request)
- XXtWidgetGeometry *request;
- X/*
- X * Examines the bits set in `request' and returns an appropriate
- X * geometry manager result. Pure size changes are accepted
- X * (XtGeometryYes), pure position changes are rejected
- X * (XtGeometryNo), and combinations are conditionally
- X * accepted (XtGeometryAlmost).
- X */
- X{
- X if (request->request_mode & (CWWidth|CWHeight|CWBorderWidth)) {
- X if (request->request_mode & (CWX|CWY|CWSibling|CWStackMode)) {
- X return XtGeometryAlmost;
- X } else {
- X return XtGeometryYes;
- X }
- X } else {
- X return XtGeometryNo;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic XtGeometryResult TblGeometryManager(w, request, reply)
- XWidget w; /* Widget */
- XXtWidgetGeometry *request; /* Requested geometry change */
- XXtWidgetGeometry *reply; /* Actual reply to request */
- X/*
- X * This routine handles geometry requests from children. Width
- X * and height changes are always accepted. Position changes
- X * are always rejected. Combinations result in XtGeometryAlmost
- X * with the requested widths filled in. Accepted changes cause
- X * an immediate XtResizeWidget followed by a new placement.
- X */
- X{
- X Widget parent;
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) w->core.parent;
- X XtGeometryResult result;
- X Dimension width, height, bdr;
- X Dimension ow, oh;
- X
- X parent = w->core.parent;
- X if (parent &&
- X (strcmp(parent->core.widget_class->core_class.class_name,
- X TBL_CLASS_NAME) == 0)) {
- X tw = (TableWidget) parent;
- X result = ExamineRequest(request);
- X switch (result) {
- X case XtGeometryYes:
- X if (request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly) {
- X return XtGeometryYes;
- X }
- X if (request->request_mode & CWWidth) {
- X width = request->width;
- X } else {
- X width = w->core.width;
- X }
- X if (request->request_mode & CWHeight) {
- X height = request->height;
- X } else {
- X height = w->core.height;
- X }
- X bdr = w->core.border_width;
- X if ((width > 0) && (height > 0)) {
- X XtResizeWidget(w, width, height, bdr);
- X }
- X ow = tw->table.vec_width;
- X oh = tw->table.vec_height;
- X TblRecompVectors(tw);
- X tw->table.vec_state = MINIMUM;
- X if ((ow != tw->table.vec_width) || (oh != tw->table.vec_height)) {
- X TblRequestResize(tw);
- X }
- X TblPlacement(tw);
- X return XtGeometryDone;
- X case XtGeometryNo:
- X return result;
- X case XtGeometryAlmost:
- X *reply = *request;
- X /* Turn off all but the size changes */
- X reply->request_mode &= (CWWidth|CWHeight|CWBorderWidth);
- X return XtGeometryAlmost;
- X }
- X } else {
- X XtErrorMsg("TblGeometryManager", "badParent", "XtToolkitError",
- X "Parent of widget is not a tableClassWidget",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic Boolean TblSetValues(current, request, new)
- XWidget current; /* Before call to XtSetValues */
- XWidget request; /* After call to XtSetValues */
- XWidget new; /* Final version of widget */
- X/*
- X * Checks for changes to `init_table'. If so, a recomputation
- X * and replacement occurs. Always returns false.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget old = (TableWidget) current;
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) new;
- X Boolean recomp = False;
- X
- X if ((tw->table.init_layout) ||
- X (old->table.int_width != tw->table.int_width) ||
- X (old->table.int_height != tw->table.int_height) ||
- X (old->table.row_spacing != tw->table.row_spacing) ||
- X (old->table.col_spacing != tw->table.col_spacing)) {
- X recomp = True;
- X }
- X if (recomp) {
- X /* Causes complete recomputation and placement */
- X TblRecompVectors(tw);
- X tw->table.vec_state = MINIMUM;
- X TblRequestResize(tw);
- X TblPlacement(tw);
- X }
- X return FALSE;
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblChangeManaged(w)
- XWidget w; /* Table widget */
- X/*
- X * This routine is called when a change to the managed set of
- X * children occurs. The current implementation simply refigures
- X * the widget and repositions all widgets. Better implementations
- X * may be able to examine the change and react accordingly.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) w;
- X
- X TblRecompVectors(tw);
- X tw->table.vec_state = MINIMUM;
- X TblRequestResize(tw);
- X TblPlacement(tw);
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic XtGeometryResult TblQueryGeometry(w, request, geo_return)
- XWidget w; /* Table widget */
- XXtWidgetGeometry *request; /* Parent intended size */
- XXtWidgetGeometry *geo_return; /* This widget's size */
- X/*
- X * This routine is called by a parent that wants a preferred
- X * size for the widget. The `request' is the size (and/or position)
- X * the parent intends to make the widget. The `geo_return' is the
- X * preferred size of the widget. The preferred size of the
- X * table widget is its vector size.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) w;
- X
- X if (tw->table.vec_state == INVALID) {
- X TblRecompVectors(tw);
- X tw->table.vec_state = MINIMUM;
- X }
- X geo_return->request_mode = CWWidth|CWHeight;
- X geo_return->width = tw->table.vec_width + 2*tw->table.int_width +
- X (tw->table.num_cols-1)*tw->table.col_spacing;
- X geo_return->height = tw->table.vec_height + 2*tw->table.int_height +
- X (tw->table.num_rows-1)*tw->table.row_spacing;
- X
- X /* Now determine return code */
- X if (((geo_return->request_mode & request->request_mode) !=
- X geo_return->request_mode) ||
- X (request->width < geo_return->width) ||
- X (request->height < geo_return->height)) {
- X return XtGeometryAlmost;
- X } else if ((request->width == geo_return->width) &&
- X (request->height == geo_return->height)) {
- X return XtGeometryNo;
- X } else {
- X return XtGeometryYes;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblPositionChild(w, c, r, hspan, vspan, options)
- XWidget w; /* Subwidget to place */
- XPosition c, r; /* Position in array (column, row) */
- XDimension hspan, vspan; /* Horizontal and vertical span */
- XXtTblMask options; /* Widget placement options */
- X/*
- X * This routine registers the position of Widget w. The widget
- X * must be a sub-widget of a Table class widget. The row and
- X * column must be non-negative. The horizontal and vertical
- X * span must be positive. The options are as follows:
- X * TBL_LEFT Horizontally left justified.
- X * TBL_RIGHT Horizontally right justified.
- X * TBL_TOP Vertically top justified.
- X * TBL_BOTTOM Vertically bottom justified.
- X * TBL_SM_WIDTH Force the width to be as small as possible.
- X * TBL_SM_HEIGHT Force the height to be as small as possible.
- X * TBL_LK_WIDTH Don't try to expand the widget horizontally.
- X * TBL_LK_HEIGHT Don't try to expand the widget vertically.
- X * If `options' is equal to TBL_DEF_OPT, it is filled with
- X * the default value for the table widget. The routine adds the
- X * information into a table and recomputes position information.
- X */
- X{
- X Widget parent;
- X TableWidget tw;
- X TableLoc loc;
- X
- X if ((c < 0) || (r < 0) || (hspan == 0) || (vspan == 0)) {
- X /* Bad arguments */
- X XtErrorMsg("TblPositionChild", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError",
- X "Bad value for row, column, hspan, or vspan",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X parent = w->core.parent;
- X if (parent &&
- X (strcmp(parent->core.widget_class->core_class.class_name,
- X /* The parent exists and is a TableWidget */
- X tw = (TableWidget) parent;
- X loc.ax = c;
- X loc.ay = r;
- X loc.h_span = hspan;
- X loc.v_span = vspan;
- X if (options == TBL_DEF_OPT) {
- X loc.options = tw->table.def_options;
- X } else {
- X loc.options = options;
- X }
- X TblInsertLoc(tw->table.real_layout, w, &loc);
- X tw->table.vec_state = INVALID;
- X /* Full recomputation if realized */
- X if (XtIsRealized(parent)) TblResize(parent);
- X } else {
- X XtErrorMsg("TblPositionChild", "badParent", "XtToolkitError",
- X "Parent of widget is not a tableClassWidget",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic Boolean TblFindChild(w, c_r, r_r, hspan_r, vspan_r, opt_r)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to locate */
- XPosition *c_r, *r_r; /* Returned position */
- XDimension *hspan_r, *vspan_r; /* Returned span */
- XXtTblMask *opt_r; /* Returned options */
- X/*
- X * This routine looks up a child widget's location and span. The
- X * parent must be a table widget. Only non-zero fields are filled
- X * in. If the widget cannot be found, the routine returns False
- X * and does not modify any of the passed in pointers. The routine
- X * first looks in a table of widget positions defined by the
- X * `position_child' class procedure. If not found there, it
- X * searches the default table using the widget name. These
- X * defaults are set by resources or XtSetValues().
- X */
- X{
- X Widget parent;
- X TableWidget tw;
- X TableLocPtr locp;
- X TableDefLocPtr temp;
- X
- X parent = w->core.parent;
- X if (parent &&
- X (strcmp(parent->core.widget_class->core_class.class_name,
- X TBL_CLASS_NAME)==0)) {
- X tw = (TableWidget) parent;
- X if (locp = TblLocLookup(tw->table.real_layout, w)) {
- X if (c_r) *c_r = locp->ax;
- X if (r_r) *r_r = locp->ay;
- X if (hspan_r) *hspan_r = locp->h_span;
- X if (vspan_r) *vspan_r = locp->v_span;
- X if (opt_r) *opt_r = locp->options;
- X return True;
- X } else {
- X if (tw->table.init_layout) {
- X temp = MergeDefLoc(tw->table.layout_db, tw->table.init_layout);
- X XtFree((char *) (tw->table.init_layout));
- X tw->table.init_layout = (TableDefLocPtr) 0;
- X XtFree((char *) (tw->table.layout_db));
- X tw->table.layout_db = temp;
- X }
- X /* Attempt to look it up */
- X if (temp = FindDefLoc(tw->table.layout_db, w->core.name)) {
- X if (c_r) *c_r = temp->loc.ax;
- X if (r_r) *r_r = temp->loc.ay;
- X if (hspan_r) *hspan_r = temp->loc.h_span;
- X if (vspan_r) *vspan_r = temp->loc.v_span;
- X if (opt_r) *opt_r = temp->loc.options;
- X return True;
- X } else {
- X return False;
- X }
- X }
- X } else {
- X XtErrorMsg("TblFindChild", "badParent", "XtToolkitError",
- X "Parent of widget is not a tableClassWidget",
- X (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- Xstatic void TblDestroy(w)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to destroy */
- X/*
- X * Called to free resources consumed by the widget.
- X */
- X{
- X TableWidget tw = (TableWidget) w;
- X
- X XtFree((char *) (tw->table.init_layout));
- X XtFree((char *) (tw->table.layout_db));
- X TblFreeLocTbl(tw->table.real_layout);
- X if (tw->table.rows) XtFree((char *) (tw->table.rows));
- X if (tw->table.cols) XtFree((char *) (tw->table.cols));
- X}
- X
- X
- Xstatic Cardinal DefSpecLen(layout)
- XString layout; /* Full layout specification string */
- X/*
- X * Examines `layout' and determines how many statements there are.
- X * Basically counts semi-colons and adds one.
- X */
- X{
- X extern String strchr();
- X String idx = layout;
- X Cardinal result = 0;
- X
- X while (idx && *idx) {
- X idx = strchr(idx, ';');
- X if (idx) {
- X result++;
- X idx++;
- X }
- X }
- X return result+1;
- X}
- X
- X#define MAX_FIELD 128
- X#define NUM_FIELDS 6
- X#define MAX_CHARS 255
- X
- Xstatic XtTblMask ParseOpts(spec)
- XString spec; /* Option letters */
- X/*
- X * Parses the null-terminated string of option characters in `spec'.
- X * Returns a mask that is the `or' of all options selected.
- X */
- X{
- X static Boolean init = 0;
- X static XtTblMask all_chars[MAX_CHARS];
- X XtTblMask result = 0;
- X String idx;
- X
- X if (!init) {
- X Cardinal i;
- X
- X for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++) all_chars[i] = 0;
- X all_chars['l'] = TBL_LEFT;
- X all_chars['r'] = TBL_RIGHT;
- X all_chars['t'] = TBL_TOP;
- X all_chars['b'] = TBL_BOTTOM;
- X all_chars['w'] = TBL_LK_WIDTH;
- X all_chars['h'] = TBL_LK_HEIGHT;
- X all_chars['W'] = TBL_SM_WIDTH;
- X all_chars['H'] = TBL_SM_HEIGHT;
- X }
- X for (idx = spec; *idx; idx++) {
- X result |= all_chars[*idx];
- X }
- X return result;
- X}
- X
- Xstatic void DefParse(spec, loc_spec)
- XString spec; /* One specification statement */
- XTableDefLocPtr loc_spec; /* Result location spec */
- X/*
- X * Parses a text specification statement into an internal
- X * form given by `loc_spec'.
- X */
- X{
- X static String def_name = "No Name";
- X char fields[NUM_FIELDS][MAX_FIELD];
- X Cardinal num;
- X
- X /* First, set up defaults */
- X loc_spec->w_name = def_name;
- X loc_spec->loc.ax = loc_spec->loc.ay = 0;
- X loc_spec->loc.h_span = loc_spec->loc.v_span = 1;
- X loc_spec->loc.options = 0;
- X
- X /* Now attempt to parse the string */
- X num = sscanf(spec, "%s %s %s %s %s %s",
- X fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4], fields[5]);
- X if (num >= 1) {
- X loc_spec->w_name = XtNewString(fields[0]);
- X }
- X if (num >= 2) {
- X loc_spec->loc.ax = atoi(fields[1]);
- X }
- X if (num >= 3) {
- X loc_spec->loc.ay = atoi(fields[2]);
- X }
- X if (num >= 4) {
- X loc_spec->loc.h_span = atoi(fields[3]);
- X }
- X if (num >= 5) {
- X loc_spec->loc.v_span = atoi(fields[4]);
- X }
- X if (num >= 6) {
- X loc_spec->loc.options = ParseOpts(fields[5]);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xstatic String GetSpec(spec_ptr)
- XString *spec_ptr; /* Specification pointer */
- X/*
- X * This routine gets the next specification from the string
- X * `spec_ptr' and updates the pointer appropriately.
- X */
- X{
- X extern String strchr();
- X String result;
- X String semi;
- X
- X if (*spec_ptr && **spec_ptr) {
- X semi = strchr(*spec_ptr, ';');
- X if (semi) {
- X *semi = '\0';
- X result = *spec_ptr;
- X *spec_ptr = semi+1;
- X return result;
- X } else {
- X result = *spec_ptr;
- X *spec_ptr += strlen(*spec_ptr);
- X return result;
- X }
- X } else {
- X return (String) 0;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X
- X/**********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Public routines
- X *
- X **********************************************************************/
- X
- X
- Xcaddr_t XtTblParseLayout(layout)
- XString layout; /* String layout specification */
- X/*
- X * Parses a string layout specification into an internal form
- X * suitable for use in a call to XtSetValues(). The form is
- X * a list of statements separated by semicolons. Each statement
- X * has the form:
- X * widget_name column row horizontal_span vertical_span opt_list
- X * where the meaning of each field is:
- X * widget_name Name of the widget as given to XtCreateWidget().
- X * column Integer >= 0 descibing column in array
- X * row Row >= 0 describing row in array
- X * horizontal_span Integer >= 1 describing horizontal widget span
- X * vertical_span Integer >= 1 describing vertical widget span
- X * opt_list Series of characters each representing an option:
- X * l: TBL_LEFT
- X * r: TBL_RIGHT
- X * t: TBL_TOP
- X * The options are as described in TblPostionChild(). The horizontal_span,
- X * vertical_span, and opt_list are optional and will default to reasonable
- X * values.
- X */
- X{
- X TableDefLocPtr result, idx;
- X Cardinal len;
- X String spec;
- X
- X /* Make a copy for safety */
- X if (layout && ((len = DefSpecLen(layout)) > 0)) {
- X layout = XtNewString(layout);
- X result = (TableDefLocPtr) XtCalloc(len+1, sizeof(struct _TableDefLoc));
- X idx = result;
- X while (spec = GetSpec(&layout)) {
- X DefParse(spec, idx);
- X idx++;
- X }
- X /* null terminate */
- X idx->w_name = (String) 0;
- X XtFree(layout);
- X return (caddr_t) result;
- X } else {
- X return (caddr_t) 0;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid XtTblPosition(w, col, row)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to position */
- XPosition col, row; /* Position in array */
- X/*
- X * This routine positions a widget that has been created
- X * under a widget of class tableWidgetClass. The widget
- X * will be placed at column `col' and row `row'. If
- X * the widget has never been placed before, it will
- X * span only one space in each direction and its
- X * options will be the defaults for the table widget.
- X */
- X{
- X Position old_row, old_col;
- X Dimension old_hspan, old_vspan;
- X XtTblMask old_opts;
- X
- X if (TblFindChild(w, &old_col, &old_row, &old_hspan, &old_vspan, &old_opts)) {
- X TblPositionChild(w, col, row, old_hspan, old_vspan, old_opts);
- X } else {
- X TblPositionChild(w, col, row, 1, 1, TBL_DEF_OPT);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid XtTblResize(w, h_span, v_span)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to resize */
- XDimension h_span, v_span; /* New widget span */
- X/*
- X * This routine changes the span of widget `w' to (`h_span', `v_span').
- X * If the widget has never been placed before, it will be located
- X * at (0,0) and its options will be the defaults for its
- X * parent table widget.
- X */
- X{
- X Position old_row, old_col;
- X Dimension old_hspan, old_vspan;
- X XtTblMask old_opts;
- X
- X if (TblFindChild(w, &old_col, &old_row, &old_hspan, &old_vspan, &old_opts)) {
- X TblPositionChild(w, old_col, old_row, h_span, v_span, old_opts);
- X } else {
- X TblPositionChild(w, 0, 0, h_span, v_span, TBL_DEF_OPT);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid XtTblOptions(w, opt)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to change */
- XXtTblMask opt; /* New option mask */
- X/*
- X * This routine changes the options of widget `w' to `opt'. If
- X * the widget has never been placed before, it will be located
- X * and (0,0) with a span of (1,1) and its options will be the
- X * default options for its parent table widget. The option
- X * mask is as described for TblPositionChild.
- X */
- X{
- X Position old_row, old_col;
- X Dimension old_hspan, old_vspan;
- X XtTblMask old_opts;
- X
- X if (TblFindChild(w, &old_col, &old_row, &old_hspan, &old_vspan, &old_opts)) {
- X TblPositionChild(w, old_col, old_row, old_hspan, old_vspan, opt);
- X } else {
- X TblPositionChild(w, 0, 0, 1, 1, opt);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xvoid XtTblConfig(w, col, row, h_span, v_span, opt)
- XWidget w; /* Widget to position */
- XPosition col, row; /* Position in array */
- XDimension h_span, v_span; /* Horizonal and vertical span */
- XXtTblMask opt; /* Widget placement options */
- X/*
- X * This routine positions a widget that has been created
- X * under a widget of class tableWidgetClass. The widget
- X * will be placed at column `col' and row `row'. The
- X * widget will span the distances given by `h_span' and `v_span'.
- X * The options argument is as described for TblPositionChild.
- X */
- X{
- X TblPositionChild(w, col, row, h_span, v_span, opt);
- X}
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 45961 Jul 3 13:48 Table.c (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Table.c
- ls -l Table.c
- echo x - Table.doc
- sed 's/^X//' > Table.doc <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X
- XTable - Geometry Management Widget for the X Toolkit
- X
- XDavid Harrison
- XUC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
- X(davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh)
- X
- XTable is a composite widget designed to manage the size and location
- Xof its children. The widget uses an array model to simplify the
- Xarrangement of child widgets. The widget is directly derived from the
- Xcore and composite widgets provided by the X Toolkit and can be used
- Xwith any widget set. It has been tested using the Athena widget set.
- XBelow is a short summary on the operation and use of the Table widget.
- XIt assumes a working knowledge of the X Toolkit Intrinsics.
- X
- XThe Table widget addresses formatting for dialog boxes. Dialog boxes
- Xare rectangular windows that contain a wide variety of widgets. Most
- Xdialog boxes are arranged with widgets aligned in a way similar to the
- Xlayout found in business forms. The Table widget is designed to make
- Xsuch layouts easy to specify.
- X
- XWhen designing dialog boxes that resemble business forms, the primary
- Xproblem is specifying the alignment between widgets. The Table widget
- Xaddresses this problem by adopting an array model. Under this model,
- Xwidgets are placed at row and column locations in a variable sized
- Xarray. Widgets may span more than one row or column. The array can
- Xexpand or contract in size as needed. There are options to control
- Xjustification and place size restrictions on rows and columns of
- Xwidgets.
- X
- XThe Table widget can contain any number and type of sub-widgets
- X(including other Table widgets). XtCreateWidget() is used to create
- Xnew Table widgets using the class variable tableWidgetClass. The
- Xresources listed below are retrieved from the argument list or from
- Xthe resource database:
- X
- X tableWidgetClass
- X
- XName Type Default Description
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- XXtNbackground Pixel XtDefaultBackground Window background
- XXtNborder Pixel XtDefaultForeground Window border
- XXtNborderWidth Dimension 0 Width of border
- XXtNx Position 0 X position of table
- XXtNy Position 0 Y position of table
- XXtNwidth Dimension (computed at realize) Width of form
- XXtNheight Dimension (computed at realize) Height of form
- XXtNmappedWhenManaged Boolean True XtMapWidget is automatic
- XXtNsensitive Boolean True Widget receives input
- XXtNlayout Layout None See text
- XXtNinternalHeight Dimension 0 Int. horizontal padding
- XXtNinternalWidth Dimension 0 Int. vertical padding
- XXtNcolumnSpacing Dimension 0 Inter-column padding
- XXtNrowSpacing Dimension 0 Inter-row padding
- XXtNdefaultOptions Options None See text
- X
- X
- XWidgets are added to a Table by specifying a Table widget as the
- Xparent widget when the widget is created. Once a widget is added to a
- Xtable, it can be assigned a row and column position, a horizontal
- Xand vertical span, and justification options. This information can be
- Xspecified in two ways: using public access functions or using the
- Xresource database.
- X
- XPublic access functions allow the programmer to dynamically alter the
- Xformatting of children of a Table widget. One can alter the position,
- Xspan, or options of a widget using XtTblConfig:
- X
- Xvoid XtTblConfig(
- X Widget w, /* Subwidget to modify */
- X Position col, /* Column position (horizontal) */
- X Position row, /* Row position (vertical) */
- X Dimension h_span, /* How many columns to span */
- X Dimension v_span, /* How many rows to span */
- X XtTblMask opt /* Justification options */
- X);
- X
- XThe specified widget (which must be a child of a Table widget) will be
- Xplaced at column `col' and row `row'. The widget will span `h_span'
- Xcolumns to the right of `col' and `v_span' rows below `row'. The
- Xarray for the table will expand as necessary. Options are specified
- Xby `or'ing together the following option bits:
- X
- X TBL_LEFT Horizontally left justified.
- X TBL_RIGHT Horizontally right justified.
- X TBL_TOP Vertically top justified.
- X TBL_BOTTOM Vertically bottom justified.
- X TBL_LK_WIDTH Don't try to expand the widget horizontally.
- X TBL_LK_HEIGHT Don't try to expand the widget vertically.
- X TBL_SM_WIDTH Force the width to be as small as possible.
- X TBL_SM_HEIGHT Force the height to be as small as possible.
- X
- XAlternatively, if `options' is equal to TBL_DEF_OPT, the options are
- Xset to the default options for the Table widget. The default options
- Xfor the Table widget are set using the XtNdefaultOptions resource (see
- Xresource specifications below). The routine changes the formatting
- Xinformation in its internal table. If the Table widget is realized,
- Xthe positions of all child widgets are recomputed and the change on
- Xthe screen will be immediate.
- X
- X
- XThe Table widget computes the size of a widget based on the minimum
- Xsize required for the row(s) and column(s) it occupies. However, some
- Xwidgets may require less space than that computed by the Table widget.
- XIn this case, the widget is aligned in the larger space according to
- Xthe bits TBL_LEFT, TBL_RIGHT, TBL_TOP, and TBL_BOTTOM. These bits may
- Xbe combined (i.e. TBL_RIGHT|TBL_TOP specifies upper right hand corner
- Xjustification). If no justification bits are specified, the widget is
- Xcentered.
- X
- XSome widgets may be amenable to growing to any size specified by the
- XTable widget. Often, it may be desirable to force these widgets to
- Xremain at their optimal size for asthetic or operational convenience.
- XIf the TBL_LK_WIDTH bit is specified, the Table widget will not make
- Xthe widget any wider than it's original desired size. Similarly, if
- Xthe TBL_LK_HEIGHT bit is specified, the Table widget will not make the
- Xwidget any taller than it's original size. Note this may bring widget
- Xjustification into play.
- X
- XWhen a Table widget is resized, it automatically recomputes the sizes
- Xof the rows and columns of an array and distributes extra space evenly
- Xamong the rows and columns. Often, it may be useful to control this
- Xdistribution of space so that some rows or columns are not resized
- Xwhen extra space becomes available. If the TBL_SM_WIDTH bit is
- Xspecified, the entire column(s) containing the widget are excluded
- Xfrom the excess space distribution algorithm. Thus, the column(s) are
- Xforced to remain as small as possible. The TBL_SM_HEIGHT bit works
- Xthe same way with respect to the row(s) containing the widget. A title
- Xbar is a good example of this concept. When a dialog is resized, any
- Xexcess vertical space should be given to the body of the dialog not to
- Xthe title bar. Thus, TBL_SM_HEIGHT would be specified for a title bar
- Xwidget.
- X
- X
- XIn most applications, the programmer will not set all of the above
- Xinformation for all widgets. The following convenience functions have
- Xbeen defined for use in these cases:
- X
- Xvoid XtTblPosition(
- X Widget w, /* Child of table widget */
- X Position col, /* Column position (horizontal) */
- X Position row /* Row position (vertical) */
- X);
- X
- XThe specified widget (which must be a child of a Table widget) will be
- Xplaced at column `col' and row `row'. The vertical and horizontal
- Xspan of the widget will remain unchanged. If the span of the widget
- Xwas not set, it will default to one row and one column. The
- Xjustification options of the widget will remain unchanged. If the
- Xjustification options of the widget were not set, it will default to
- XTBL_DEF_OPT (see XtTblConfig).
- X
- Xvoid XtTblResize(
- X Widget w, /* Child of table widget */
- X Dimension h_span, /* How many columns to span */
- X Dimention v_span /* How many rows to span */
- X);
- X
- XThis routine changes the span of widget `w' (which must be a child of
- Xa Table widget) to span `h_span' columns and `v_span' rows. Any
- Xprevious position or options assigned to the widget will be preserved.
- XIf no position is associated with the widget, it will be placed at
- X(0,0). If no options are associated with the widget, its options will
- Xbe the defaults for the parent table widget.
- X
- Xvoid XtTblOptions(
- X Widget w, /* Child of table widget */
- X XtTblMask opt /* Option mask */
- X);
- X
- XThis routine changes the option bits of widget `w' (which must be a
- Xchild of a Table widget) to `opt'. The options are as described for
- XXtTblConfig(). Any associated position and span of the widget remains
- Xunchanged. If the widget hasn't been placed, it will be located at
- X(0,0) and given a span of (1,1).
- X
- X
- XLayout information may also be specified using XtSetValues() or using
- Xthe resource database. The resources XtNlayout and XtNdefaultOptions
- Xmay both be set in this fashion.
- X
- XThe XtNlayout resource allows the user to specify the row, column,
- Xvertical span, horizontal span, and options for a set of widgets
- Xstatically through the resource database or dynamically using
- XXtSetValues(). The type of this resource is private to the Table
- Xwidget. However, the widget automatically registers a type converter
- Xthat converts between a string layout format and the internal form
- Xused by the Table widget. This form is a list of statements separated
- Xby semicolons. Each statement has the form:
- X
- X widget_name column row horizontal_span vertical_span opt_list
- X
- Xwidget_name Name of the widget as given to XtCreateWidget().
- Xcolumn Integer >= 0 giving column in array
- Xrow Integer >= 0 giving row in array
- Xhorizontal_span Integer >= 1 giving number of columns to span
- Xvertical_span Integer >= 1 giving number of rows to span
- Xopt_list Series of characters each representing an option:
- X t: TBL_TOP
- X
- XThe options are as described for XtTblConfig(). The horizontal_span,
- Xvertical_span, and opt_list are optional and may be omitted. The
- Xhorizontal and vertical spans will default to 1. The option list will
- Xdefault to the default options for the Table widget. A sample layout
- Xdescription is given below:
- X
- X "Title 0 0 2 1 H; First 0 1; Second 1 1"
- X
- XWhen using XtSetValues to specify the XtNlayout resource, the caller
- Xshould use the following function to parse a textual form into the
- Xinternal form used by the Table widget:
- X
- Xcaddr_t XtTblParseLayout(
- X String layout /* String layout specification */
- X);
- X
- XThis function parses `layout' into an internal form that can be passed
- Xto a Table widget as the XtNlayout resource. The form of the layout
- Xis described above.
- X
- XUnless otherwise specified, all options for widgets created under a
- XTable widget are set based on the default options for the Table
- Xwidget. These default options are set using the XtNdefaultOptions
- Xresource. This resource can be specified in the resource database as
- Xa string of option characters. This string has the same form as the
- Xopt_list described above for XtTblParseLayout().
- X
- X/*
- X * Table Widget Example - Using resources
- X *
- X * Place the following entries in your resources file:
- X * TableExample.table.Layout: title 0 0 2 1 H; bt1 0 1; bt2 1 1
- X * TableExample*title.label: Title Bar
- X * TableExample*bt1.label: Button One
- X * TableExample*bt2.label: Button Two
- X */
- X
- X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <X11/Shell.h>
- X#include <X11/Label.h>
- X#include <X11/Command.h>
- X
- X#include "Table.h"
- X
- X#define MAX_ARGS 10
- X#define APP_NAME "TableExample"
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X Widget initialize(), top, table, title, bt1, bt2;
- X Arg arg_list[MAX_ARGS];
- X int arg_len;
- X
- X top = initialize(&argc, argv);
- X arg_len = 0;
- X table = XtCreateManagedWidget("table", tableWidgetClass,
- X top, arg_list, arg_len);
- X title = XtCreateManagedWidget("title", labelWidgetClass,
- X table, arg_list, arg_len);
- X bt1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("bt1", commandWidgetClass,
- X table, arg_list, arg_len);
- X bt2 = XtCreateManagedWidget("bt2", commandWidgetClass,
- X table, arg_list, arg_len);
- X XtRealizeWidget(top);
- X XtMainLoop();
- X}
- X
- XWidget initialize(argc_p, argv)
- Xint *argc_p;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X Widget top;
- X Display *disp;
- X Arg arg_list[MAX_ARGS];
- X int arg_len;
- X
- X XtToolkitInitialize();
- X disp = XtOpenDisplay((XtAppContext) 0, "", argv[0], APP_NAME,
- X (XrmOptionDescRec *) 0, 0, argc_p, argv);
- X arg_len = 0;
- X XtSetArg(arg_list[arg_len], XtNallowShellResize, True); arg_len++;
- X top = XtAppCreateShell(argv[0], APP_NAME, applicationShellWidgetClass,
- X disp, arg_list, arg_len);
- X return top;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Table Widget Example - Direct specification
- X *
- X * This program creates one button for each string on the command
- X * line. Try "ex2 *" to see all the files in the directory.
- X */
- X
- X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- X#include <X11/Shell.h>
- X#include <X11/Label.h>
- X#include <X11/Command.h>
- X
- X#include "Table.h"
- X
- X#define MAX_ARGS 10
- X#define APP_NAME "TableExample"
- X#define NUM_ROWS 3
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X Widget initialize(), top, table, title, button;
- X Arg arg_list[MAX_ARGS];
- X int arg_len, i, cols;
- X
- X top = initialize(&argc, argv);
- X arg_len = 0;
- X table = XtCreateManagedWidget("table", tableWidgetClass,
- X top, arg_list, arg_len);
- X XtSetArg(arg_list[arg_len], XtNlabel, "Title Bar"); arg_len++;
- X title = XtCreateManagedWidget("title", labelWidgetClass,
- X table, arg_list, arg_len);
- X /* Each column will have three rows */
- X cols = (argc-1)/NUM_ROWS + 1;
- X XtTblConfig(title, 0, 0, cols, 1, TBL_SM_HEIGHT);
- X for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- X arg_len = 0;
- X XtSetArg(arg_list[arg_len], XtNlabel, argv[i]); arg_len++;
- X button = XtCreateManagedWidget("button", commandWidgetClass,
- X table, arg_list, arg_len);
- X if (i < argc-1) {
- X XtTblPosition(button, (i-1)/NUM_ROWS, (i-1)%NUM_ROWS + 1);
- X } else {
- X /* Last one spans to bottom */
- X XtTblConfig(button, (i-1)/NUM_ROWS, (i-1)%NUM_ROWS + 1,
- X 1, 3 - ((i-1)%NUM_ROWS), TBL_DEF_OPT);
- X }
- X }
- X XtRealizeWidget(top);
- X XtMainLoop();
- X}
- X
- XWidget initialize(argc_p, argv)
- Xint *argc_p;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X Widget top;
- X Display *disp;
- X Arg arg_list[MAX_ARGS];
- X int arg_len;
- X
- X XtToolkitInitialize();
- X disp = XtOpenDisplay((XtAppContext) 0, "", argv[0], APP_NAME,
- X (XrmOptionDescRec *) 0, 0, argc_p, argv);
- X arg_len = 0;
- X XtSetArg(arg_list[arg_len], XtNallowShellResize, True); arg_len++;
- X top = XtAppCreateShell(argv[0], APP_NAME, applicationShellWidgetClass,
- X disp, arg_list, arg_len);
- X return top;
- X}
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 14285 Jun 28 09:13 Table.doc (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Table.doc
- ls -l Table.doc
- echo x - Table.h
- sed 's/^X//' > Table.h <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X * Table - Forms-based composite widget/geometry manager for the X Toolkit
- X *
- X * David Harrison
- X * University of California, Berkeley
- X * 1989
- X *
- X * This file contains the Table public declarations.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef _Table_h
- X#define _Table_h
- X
- X/*
- X * Table Widget Parameters
- X *
- X * Name Class RepType Default Value
- X *
- X * background Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
- X * border BorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground
- X * borderWidth BorderWidth Dimension 0
- X * x Position Position 0
- X * y Position Position 0
- X * width Width Dimension (computed)
- X * height Height Dimension (computed)
- X * mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged Boolean True
- X * sensitive Sensitive Boolean True
- X * layout Layout String NULL
- X * internalHeight Height Dimension 0
- X * internalWidth Width Dimension 0
- X * columnSpacing Spacing Dimension 0
- X * rowSpacing Spacing Dimension 0
- X */
- X
- X#define XtNlayout "layout"
- X#define XtNcolumnSpacing "columnSpacing"
- X#define XtNrowSpacing "rowSpacing"
- X#define XtNdefaultOptions "defaultOptions"
- X
- X#define XtCLayout "Layout"
- X#ifndef XtCSpacing
- X#define XtCSpacing "Spacing"
- X#endif
- X#define XtCOptions "Options"
- X
- X#define XtROptions "Options"
- X
- X/*
- X * Option masks
- X */
- X#define TBL_LEFT (1<<0)
- X#define TBL_RIGHT (1<<1)
- X#define TBL_TOP (1<<2)
- X#define TBL_BOTTOM (1<<3)
- X#define TBL_SM_WIDTH (1<<4)
- X#define TBL_SM_HEIGHT (1<<5)
- X#define TBL_LK_WIDTH (1<<6)
- X#define TBL_LK_HEIGHT (1<<7)
- X
- X#define TBL_DEF_OPT -1
- X
- Xtypedef int XtTblMask;
- X
- X/*
- X * Opaque class and instance records
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableClassRec *TableWidgetClass;
- Xtypedef struct _TableRec *TableWidget;
- X
- Xextern WidgetClass tableWidgetClass;
- X
- X/*
- X * Public access routines
- X */
- X
- Xextern caddr_t XtTblParseLayout();
- X /* String layout; */
- X
- Xextern void XtTblPosition();
- X /*
- X * Widget w;
- X * Position col, row;
- X */
- X
- Xextern void XtTblResize();
- X /*
- X * Widget w;
- X * Dimension h_span, v_span;
- X */
- X
- Xextern void XtTblOptions();
- X /*
- X * Widget w;
- X * XtTblMask opt;
- X */
- X
- Xextern void XtTblConfig();
- X /*
- X * Widget w;
- X * Position col, row;
- X * Dimension h_span, v_span;
- X * XtTblMask opt;
- X */
- X
- X#endif /* _Table_h */
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 2125 Jun 28 09:13 Table.h (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r Table.h
- ls -l Table.h
- echo x - TableP.h
- sed 's/^X//' > TableP.h <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X/*
- X * Table - Forms-based composite widget/geometry manager for the X Toolkit
- X *
- X * David Harrison
- X * University of California, Berkeley
- X * 1989
- X *
- X * This file contains the Table private declarations.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef _TableP_h
- X#define _TableP_h
- X
- X#include "Table.h"
- X
- X/*
- X * Local definitions
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef void (*XtTblRProc)();
- X /*
- X * Widget table;
- X * Widget subwidget;
- X * Position r, c;
- X * Dimension hspan, vspan;
- X * XtTblMask options;
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef Boolean (*XtTblLProc)();
- X /*
- X * Widget w;
- X * Position *r, *c;
- X * Dimension *hspan, *vspan;
- X * XtTblMask *options;
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableLocTbl *TableLocTblPtr;
- X /*
- X * Opaque reference to actual widget location table
- X * defined in Table.c
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableDefLoc *TableDefLocPtr;
- X /*
- X * Opaque reference to default widget location table defined
- X * in Table.c.
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableVector *TableVecPtr;
- X /*
- X * Opaque reference to vectors used for giving size of
- X * each row and column.
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef enum _TableVecState { INVALID, MINIMUM } TableVecState;
- X
- X/*
- X * Information kept in class record
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct {
- X XtTblRProc position_child; /* Register location of some child widget */
- X XtTblLProc find_child; /* Return information about a child widget */
- X} TableClassPart;
- X
- X/*
- X * Class hierarchy
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableClassRec {
- X CoreClassPart core_class;
- X CompositeClassPart composite_class;
- X TableClassPart table_class;
- X} TableClassRec;
- X
- Xextern TableClassRec tableClassRec;
- X
- X/*
- X * Information in instance record
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TablePart {
- X Dimension int_width; /* Inner horizontal padding */
- X Dimension int_height; /* Inner vertical padding */
- X Dimension row_spacing; /* Space between rows */
- X Dimension col_spacing; /* Space between columns */
- X XtTblMask def_options; /* Default layout options */
- X TableDefLocPtr init_layout; /* Initial layout spec from resource */
- X TableDefLocPtr layout_db; /* Merged table */
- X TableLocTblPtr real_layout; /* Actual current layout information */
- X TableVecState vec_state; /* Current state of vectors */
- X Cardinal num_rows; /* Number of rows */
- X TableVecPtr rows; /* Heights of each row */
- X Cardinal num_cols; /* Number of columns */
- X TableVecPtr cols; /* Widths of each column */
- X Cardinal vec_height; /* Sum of current rows */
- X Cardinal vec_width; /* Sum of current columns */
- X} TablePart;
- X
- X/*
- X * Instance hierarchy
- X */
- X
- Xtypedef struct _TableRec {
- X CorePart core;
- X CompositePart composite;
- X TablePart table;
- X} TableRec;
- X
- X#endif /* _TableP_h */
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 2809 Jun 28 09:13 TableP.h (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r TableP.h
- ls -l TableP.h
- echo x - TableREADME.ANNOUNCE
- sed 's/^X//' > TableREADME.ANNOUNCE <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X
- XRecently, some notes were posted to this newsgroup about the lack of
- Xalternate geometry managers for the Athena Widget set. I have written
- Xa row/column based geometry management widget that I have used
- Xextensively in my toolkit applications. A short description is given
- Xbelow:
- X
- XTable - Geometry Management Widget for the X Toolkit
- X
- XTable is a composite widget designed to manage the size and location
- Xof its children. The widget uses an array model to simplify the
- Xarrangement of child widgets. Widgets are placed at row and column
- Xlocations in a variable sized array. Widgets may span more than one
- Xrow or column. The array automatically expands or contracts as
- Xneeded. There are options to control justification and place size
- Xrestrictions on rows or columns in the array. The widget is directly
- Xderived from the core and composite widgets provided by the X Toolkit
- Xand can be used with any widget set. It has been tested using the
- XAthena widget set.
- X
- XSource for the Table widget is available through anonymous ftp to
- Xshambhala.Berkeley.EDU ( Instructions are given below:
- X
- X % ftp shambhala.Berkeley.EDU
- X Name: anonymous
- X Password: <anything non-null>
- X ftp> cd pub
- X ftp> binary
- X ftp> get Table.tar.Z
- X ftp> quit
- X % uncompress Table.tar.Z
- X % tar xf Table.tar
- X
- XThose without ftp access can obtain the source for the Table widget
- Xusing a mail archive system I have installed on dent.Berkeley.EDU
- X(courtesy of Brian Reid at Digital). An example is given below:
- X
- X To: ucbvax!dent!archive-server
- X Subject: send programs Table.shar.01 Table.shar.02
- X
- XThe archive server will send you these files as time and load
- Xpermits. They are standard shell archives that can be unpacked
- Xby running them through /bin/sh (in order). If you would like
- Xto know more about the mail server, send a message with a subject
- Xof "help".
- X
- XAfter unpacking the files, you will find a README file in the directory
- Xthat contains installation instructions.
- X
- X David Harrison
- X UC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
- X (davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh)
- X
- X
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 2068 Jun 28 09:13 TableREADME.ANNOUNCE (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r TableREADME.ANNOUNCE
- echo x - TableREADME.FIRST
- sed 's/^X//' > TableREADME.FIRST <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X
- XTable - Geometry Management Widget for the X Toolkit
- X
- XTable is a composite widget designed to manage the size and location
- Xof its children. The widget uses an array model to simplify the
- Xarrangement of child widgets. The widget is directly derived from the
- Xcore and composite widgets provided by the X Toolkit and can be used
- Xwith any widget set. It has been tested using the Athena widget set.
- X
- XInstallation instructions are found in the file INSTALL. Programming
- Xdocumentation can be found in Table.doc. Two example programs
- Xare provided: ex1, and ex2. These can all be made using the
- Xprovided Makefile. Comments and suggestions should be sent the
- Xaddress below:
- X
- X David Harrison
- X UC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
- X (davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh)
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 788 Jun 28 09:13 TableREADME.FIRST (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r TableREADME.FIRST
- ls -l TableREADME.FIRST
- echo x - TableREADME.INSTALL
- sed 's/^X//' > TableREADME.INSTALL <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
- X
- XThis file contains instructions for building the Table widget.
- XIf you have X11R4 libraries installed on your machine, you should
- Xbe able to type "make" and libTable.a will be built for you. If
- Xyou are running an earlier version of X11, use the old Makefile
- Xby typing "make -f Makefile.old" instead of just make.
- X
- XOnce the library is made, you can make the example programs by
- Xtyping:
- X
- X % make ex1
- X % make ex2
- X
- XAgain, if you are using an older version of X, replace make with
- X"make -f Makefile.old". See the comment at the top of the corresponding
- X.c files for instructions on how to run these programs.
- X
- X David Harrison
- X UC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
- X (davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh)
- X
- echo '-rw-r--r-- 1 david 721 Jun 28 09:13 TableREADME.INSTALL (as sent)'
- chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r TableREADME.INSTALL
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.