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- Path: uunet!cs.utexas.edu!samsung!munnari.oz.au!metro!sunaus.oz!newstop!sun!hpcvlx.cv.hp.com
- From: brianw@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com (Brian Wilson)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
- Subject: v08i055: wscrawl, Part03/05
- Message-ID: <138940@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: 15 Jul 90 18:57:24 GMT
- Sender: news@sun.Eng.Sun.COM
- Lines: 1047
- Approved: argv@sun.com
- Submitted-by: Brian Wilson <brianw@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com>
- Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 55
- Archive-name: wscrawl/part03
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then feed it
- # into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
- # type "sh file -c".
- # The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
- # send mail to comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
- # If this archive is complete, you will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 3 (of 5)."
- # Contents: wscrawl/xad
- # Wrapped by argv@turnpike on Sun Jul 15 11:47:11 1990
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'wscrawl/xad' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'wscrawl/xad'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'wscrawl/xad'\" \(35313 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'wscrawl/xad' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X
- X push_letter_to_history(input_disp, the_char[0]);
- X
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x = disp_info[input_disp].orig_x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y +=
- X disp_info[input_disp].char_height;
- X
- X /*draw the cursor*/
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_on = TRUE;
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_gc,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X }
- X else if ((the_char[0] == 8) || /*8 == Backspace*/
- X (the_char[0] == 127)) /*127 == Del or Rubout*/
- X {
- X /*erase the cursor*/
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_on = FALSE;
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_gc,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X backspace_letter_from_history(input_disp);
- X
- X /*draw the cursor*/
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_on = TRUE;
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_gc,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X }
- X else /*it is a valid letter*/
- X {
- X push_letter_to_history(input_disp, the_char[0]);
- X
- X /*erase the cursor*/
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_on = FALSE;
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_gc,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*if window is alive*/
- X {
- X XDrawString(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_gc[i],
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y, the_char, 1);
- X XFlush(disp_info[i].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +=
- X XTextWidth(disp_info[input_disp].the_font_struct,
- X the_char, 1);
- X
- X /*draw the cursor*/
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_on = TRUE;
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cursor_gc,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x +
- X disp_info[input_disp].prompt_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * push_letter_to_history - this function takes a pointer to the top of
- X * the history stack and adds the character passed in to that
- X * stack. This is to save the characters for future backspacing.
- X */
- Xpush_letter_to_history(input_disp, the_char)
- Xint input_disp;
- Xchar the_char;
- X{
- X struct char_node *temp;
- X
- X temp = (struct char_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct char_node));
- X temp->the_char = the_char;
- X temp->next = disp_info[input_disp].type_history;
- X
- X if (the_char == 13) /*carriage return*/
- X {
- X temp->x = disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x;
- X temp->y = disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y;
- X }
- X
- X disp_info[input_disp].type_history = temp;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * backspace_letter_from_history - this function returns the most recently
- X * typed character from the history stack, and sets the top of
- X * the stack pointer appropriately.
- X */
- Xbackspace_letter_from_history(input_disp)
- Xint input_disp;
- X{
- X int dr, far, fdr, i;
- X struct char_node *char_node;
- X XCharStruct the_fnt_strct;
- X
- X if (disp_info[input_disp].type_history == NULL)
- X return(0);
- X else
- X {
- X char_node = disp_info[input_disp].type_history;
- X
- X if (char_node->the_char == 13) /*it was a carriage return*/
- X {
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x = char_node->x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y = char_node->y;
- X }
- X else /*it was a normal letter*/
- X {
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x -= XTextWidth(
- X disp_info[input_disp].the_font_struct,&(char_node->the_char), 1);
- X
- X XTextExtents(disp_info[input_disp].the_font_struct,
- X &(char_node->the_char), 1, &dr, &far, &fdr, &the_fnt_strct);
- X
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X XClearArea(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].cur_pos.y - the_fnt_strct.ascent,
- X the_fnt_strct.lbearing + the_fnt_strct.rbearing,
- X the_fnt_strct.ascent + the_fnt_strct.descent, False);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* now pop the top char node from the history stack */
- X disp_info[input_disp].type_history =
- X disp_info[input_disp].type_history->next;
- X free(char_node);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * draw_status_win_message - this function spits (in camel like fashion) out
- X * the status window message to the display indicated.
- X */
- Xdraw_status_win_message(disp_num)
- X{
- X int i, num_disps;
- X char mesg[510], *cur_loc_ptr;
- X
- X for (i=0, num_disps=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if this window is alive*/
- X num_disps++;
- X
- X if (num_disps == 1)
- X sprintf(mesg, "STATUS: 1 scrawl window currently open. --> ");
- X else
- X sprintf(mesg, "STATUS: %d scrawl windows currently open. --> ",
- X num_disps);
- X
- X cur_loc_ptr = mesg + strlen(mesg);
- X
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if this window is alive*/
- X {
- X strncpy(cur_loc_ptr, disp_args[i], 25);
- X cur_loc_ptr += strlen(disp_args[i]);
- X cur_loc_ptr[0] = ',';
- X cur_loc_ptr[1] = ' '; /*space delineates*/
- X cur_loc_ptr += 2;
- X }
- X }
- X cur_loc_ptr -= 2;
- X cur_loc_ptr[0] = '\0'; /*end the string*/
- X
- X XClearWindow(disp_info[disp_num].disp, disp_info[disp_num].status_win_id);
- X XDrawString(disp_info[disp_num].disp, disp_info[disp_num].status_win_id,
- X disp_info[disp_num].fg_menu_gc, 10, 14, mesg, strlen(mesg));
- X XFlush(disp_info[disp_num].disp);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * draw_rubber_pointer - this function draws the rubber cursor of the input
- X * disp on the target disp at the indicated location. The
- X * indicated location is the upper left corner of the cursor
- X * area, NOT the hotspot. This simulated cursor consists of
- X * the machine name that is drawing, and a small arrow pointing
- X * to the lower left corner.
- X */
- Xdraw_rubber_pointer(input_disp, target_disp, x, y)
- Xint input_disp, target_disp;
- X{
- X XDrawString(disp_info[target_disp].disp, disp_info[target_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[target_disp].fg_menu_gc,
- X x + 15, y + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height - 15,
- X disp_args[input_disp], strlen(disp_args[input_disp]));
- X
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[target_disp].disp, disp_info[target_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[target_disp].fg_menu_gc,
- X x+2, y - 2 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height,
- X x+12, y - 12 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height);
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[target_disp].disp, disp_info[target_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[target_disp].fg_menu_gc,
- X x+3, y - 2 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height,
- X x+3, y - 9 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height);
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[target_disp].disp, disp_info[target_disp].win_id,
- X disp_info[target_disp].fg_menu_gc,
- X x+3, y - 2 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height,
- X x+9, y - 2 + disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * place_and_draw_status_win - this function places the status window at the
- X * correct location on the scrawl window, and draws
- X * the contents. (Also updates the contents of all
- X * other scrawl windows, but DOES NOT change their
- X * locations.)
- X */
- Xplace_and_draw_status_win(disp_num)
- Xint disp_num;
- X{
- X XWindowAttributes window_attr;
- X
- X if (disp_info[disp_num].in_session_bool == FALSE)
- X return(0); /*This window is no longer active*/
- X
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[disp_num].win_id, &window_attr);
- X XMoveResizeWindow(disp_info[disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[disp_num].status_win_id,
- X 0, window_attr.height - 24, window_attr.width-4, 20);
- X
- X draw_status_win_message(disp_num);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * draw_on_screens - this function draws the segment that is indicated
- X * by the current mouse position and previous mouse
- X * position on the display passed to it as an argument.
- X * This segment is drawn to ALL displays currently open.
- X * If this dude is airbrushing, then of course an airbrush
- X * pattern is sprayed all over, and if it is an eraser,
- X * then erasing happens. If it is a rubber pointer, rubber
- X * pointing happens.
- X */
- Xdraw_on_screens(input_disp)
- Xint input_disp;
- X{
- X Window rr, cr;
- X unsigned int mskr;
- X int i, j, left, top, oldleft, oldtop, rxr, ryr, win_x, win_y;
- X
- X if (disp_info[input_disp].scrawl_mode == SCRAWLING)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[input_disp].first_point_bool)
- X {
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id, &rr, &cr, &rxr,
- X &ryr, &win_x, &win_y,&mskr);
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x = win_x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y = win_y;
- X disp_info[input_disp].first_point_bool = FALSE;
- X }
- X
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp, disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X &rr, &cr, &rxr, &ryr, &win_x, &win_y, &mskr);
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if this window is alive*/
- X {
- X XDrawLine(disp_info[i].disp,disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_gc[i],
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x,
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y, win_x, win_y);
- X XFlush(disp_info[i].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x = win_x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y = win_y;
- X }
- X else if (disp_info[input_disp].scrawl_mode == AIRBRUSHING)
- X {
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp, disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X &rr, &cr, &rxr, &ryr, &win_x, &win_y, &mskr);
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if this window is alive*/
- X {
- X airbrush(input_disp, disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_gc[i], win_x, win_y);
- X XFlush(disp_info[i].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else if (disp_info[input_disp].scrawl_mode == ERASING)
- X {
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp, disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X &rr, &cr, &rxr, &ryr, &win_x, &win_y, &mskr);
- X XMoveWindow(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].eraser_win_id,
- X win_x - disp_info[input_disp].pen_width/2,
- X win_y - disp_info[input_disp].pen_width/2);
- X
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if this window is alive*/
- X {
- X XClearArea(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X win_x - disp_info[input_disp].pen_width/2,
- X win_y - disp_info[input_disp].pen_width/2,
- X disp_info[input_disp].pen_width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].pen_width, False);
- X XFlush(disp_info[i].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else if (disp_info[input_disp].scrawl_mode == RUBBER_POINTING)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[input_disp].first_point_bool)
- X {
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp,
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_id, &rr, &cr, &rxr,
- X &ryr, &win_x, &win_y,&mskr);
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x = win_x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y = win_y;
- X disp_info[input_disp].first_point_bool = FALSE;
- X /*
- X * turn off any other cursors that are on before getting the
- X * background pixmap. (So you we don't copy the cursors as
- X * part of the background.)
- X */
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.is_mapped_bool == TRUE)
- X {
- X oldleft = disp_info[i].last_point.x;
- X oldtop = disp_info[i].last_point.y -
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (j=0; j< num_of_disps; j++)
- X if (disp_info[j].in_session_bool)
- X {
- X XCopyArea(disp_info[j].disp,
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.rubber_pointer_pix[j],
- X disp_info[j].win_id, disp_info[i].win_gc[j],
- X 0, 0, disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.width,
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height, oldleft,
- X oldtop);
- X XFlush(disp_info[j].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X /*
- X * now get the background pixmap.
- X */
- X left = win_x;
- X top = win_y - disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X XCopyArea(disp_info[i].disp,
- X disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.rubber_pointer_pix[i],
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_gc[i],
- X left, top, disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height, 0, 0);
- X }
- X }
- X /*
- X * draw (map) all of the cursors that are supposed to be mapped
- X */
- X disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.is_mapped_bool = TRUE;
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.is_mapped_bool == TRUE)
- X {
- X left = disp_info[i].last_point.x;
- X top = disp_info[i].last_point.y -
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (j=0; j< num_of_disps; j++)
- X if (disp_info[j].in_session_bool)
- X draw_rubber_pointer(i, j, left, top);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X XQueryPointer(disp_info[input_disp].disp, disp_info[input_disp].win_id,
- X &rr, &cr, &rxr, &ryr, &win_x, &win_y, &mskr);
- X if ((win_x != disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x) ||
- X (win_y != disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y))
- X {
- X /*
- X * turn off any other cursors that are on before getting the
- X * background pixmap. (So we don't copy the cursors as
- X * part of the background.)
- X */
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.is_mapped_bool == TRUE)
- X {
- X oldleft = disp_info[i].last_point.x;
- X oldtop = disp_info[i].last_point.y -
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (j=0; j< num_of_disps; j++)
- X if (disp_info[j].in_session_bool)
- X {
- X XCopyArea(disp_info[j].disp,
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.rubber_pointer_pix[j],
- X disp_info[j].win_id, disp_info[i].win_gc[j],
- X 0, 0, disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.width,
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height, oldleft,
- X oldtop);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * save new cursor area for the input cursor
- X */
- X left = win_x;
- X top = win_y - disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X XCopyArea(disp_info[i].disp,
- X disp_info[i].win_id,
- X disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.rubber_pointer_pix[i],
- X disp_info[input_disp].win_gc[i],
- X left, top, disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.width,
- X disp_info[input_disp].rubber_pointer.height, 0, 0);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.x = win_x;
- X disp_info[input_disp].last_point.y = win_y;
- X /*
- X * now draw (map) all of the cursors that are currently unmapped
- X */
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X {
- X if (disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.is_mapped_bool == TRUE)
- X {
- X left = disp_info[i].last_point.x;
- X top = disp_info[i].last_point.y -
- X disp_info[i].rubber_pointer.height;
- X for (j=0; j< num_of_disps; j++)
- X if (disp_info[j].in_session_bool)
- X draw_rubber_pointer(i, j, left, top);
- X }
- X }
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X if (disp_info[i].in_session_bool) /*only if window is alive*/
- X XFlush(disp_info[i].disp);
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * parse_command_line - this function parses the command line and sets the
- X * various global variables for the opening display
- X * and color party coming up. Sorry that this routine is so
- X * ugly, but just go slow, and it's not too bad. I'd look at
- X * the "command_line_err()" routine to understand what each
- X * of the command line options mean.
- X * (ex. % wscrawl -d hpcvxbw:0 -d hpcvxca:0 -pc red -cs CapRound
- X * -pw 45 -bs off -nd 50 -ps airbrush)
- X */
- Xparse_command_line(argv, argc)
- Xchar *argv[];
- Xint argc;
- X{
- X int i, current_arg, W_SET = 0;
- X
- X strncpy(PEN_COLOR, "magenta", 40); /*defaults set here*/
- X strncpy(BACKGROUND_COLOR, "white", 40);
- X strncpy(MENU_FOREGROUND_COLOR, "black", 40);
- X strncpy(MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR, "wheat", 40);
- X strncpy(MENU_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, "black", 40);
- X strncpy(PEN_STYLE, "dot", 40);
- X strncpy(FONT, "vgl-40", 100);
- X strncpy(disp_args[0], "", 30);
- X CAP_STYLE = CapRound;
- X PEN_WIDTH = 8;
- X NUM_DOTS = 50;
- X for (i=0; i< num_of_disps; i++)
- X {
- X disp_info[i].pen_width = 8;
- X }
- X
- X for (current_arg = 1; current_arg < argc; current_arg+=2)
- X {
- X if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-d") == 0)
- X {
- X strncpy(disp_args[num_of_disps], argv[current_arg+1], 48);
- X num_of_disps++;
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-mfg") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(MENU_FOREGROUND_COLOR, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-mbg") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-mhc") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(MENU_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-bg") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(BACKGROUND_COLOR, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-pc") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(PEN_COLOR, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-fn") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X strncpy(FONT, argv[current_arg+1], 220);
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no color was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-tm") == 0)
- X {
- X current_arg--; /*type message is an argumentless option*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-nd") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[current_arg+1], "%d", &NUM_DOTS);
- X if ((NUM_DOTS < 1) || (NUM_DOTS > 500))
- X command_line_err(); /*incorrect range*/
- X }
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no number was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-ps") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X {
- X if ((strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"dot") == 0) ||
- X (strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"airbrush")) == 0)
- X {
- X strncpy(PEN_STYLE, argv[current_arg+1], 40);
- X if ((strcmp(PEN_STYLE,"airbrush") == 0) && !W_SET)
- X disp_info[0].pen_width = 40; /*default penwidth*/
- X }
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*incorrect pen style specified*/
- X }
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no pen style was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-pw") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X {
- X sscanf(argv[current_arg+1], "%d", &PEN_WIDTH);
- X W_SET = TRUE; /*the width has been set*/
- X }
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no pen width was specified*/
- X }
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg],"-cs") == 0)
- X {
- X if (current_arg != argc-1)
- X {
- X if (strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"CapButt") == 0)
- X CAP_STYLE = CapButt;
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"CapNotLast") == 0)
- X CAP_STYLE = CapNotLast;
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"CapRound") == 0)
- X CAP_STYLE = CapRound;
- X else if (strcmp(argv[current_arg+1],"CapProjecting") == 0)
- X CAP_STYLE = CapProjecting;
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*bad cap style was specified*/
- X }
- X else
- X command_line_err(); /*no cap style was specified*/
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X command_line_err();
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * command_line_err - this function spits out a standard error message and
- X * exits the program.
- X */
- Xcommand_line_err()
- X{
- X printf("\nBad command line option dude.\n");
- X printf("Try: wscrawl\n");
- X printf(" [-d displayname1 -d displayname2 . . .]\n");
- X printf(" [-bg background_color]\n");
- X printf(" [-mfg menu_foreground_color]\n");
- X printf(" [-mbg menu_background_color]\n");
- X printf(" [-mhc menu_highlight_color]\n");
- X printf(" [-pc pen_color]\n");
- X printf(" [-pw pen_width]\n");
- X printf(" [-ps pen_style] (dot,airbrush)\n");
- X printf(" [-cs cap_style] (CapButt,CapNotLast,CapRound,CapProjecting)\n");
- X printf(" [-nd num_dots] (number of dots in the airbrush (1-500))\n");
- X printf(" [-tm] (type a message, don't draw)\n");
- X printf(" [-fn font] (name of font to use if typing a message)\n\n");
- X exit(0);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * add_a_new_display - this function opens a new display to the scrawl
- X * session. It calls the function that initializes
- X * all the windows, and it transfers the image.
- X */
- Xadd_a_new_display(disp_name)
- Xchar *disp_name;
- X{
- X int i, k, found_source, disp_num, source_disp_num, width, height;
- X XWindowAttributes new_win_attr, old_win_attr, root_win_attr;
- X int cur_depth, print_it, win_left, win_top, left, top, fully_printed;
- X char *mesg;
- X Window dummy;
- X
- X set_paused_cursors(); /*this is going to take a while*/
- X
- X if (XOpenDisplay(disp_name) == NULL)
- X {
- X printf("XOpenDisplay failed on the Added Display: %s\n", disp_name);
- X unset_paused_cursors(); /*done*/
- X return(0);
- X }
- X
- X
- X for (disp_num=0; disp_num<num_of_disps; disp_num++)
- X if (disp_info[disp_num].in_session_bool == FALSE) /*this is available*/
- X break;
- X
- X if (disp_num == num_of_disps)
- X {
- X num_of_disps++; /*it goes after all the rest*/
- X }
- X
- X disp_info[disp_num].in_session_bool = TRUE; /*this is the one*/
- X strncpy(disp_args[disp_num], disp_name, 48);
- X
- X if (initialize_a_single_display(disp_num, &num_people_drawing) != TRUE)
- X {
- X printf("ERROR: Could not add display %s for some reason.\n",
- X disp_args[disp_num]);
- X disp_info[disp_num].in_session_bool = FALSE;
- X unset_paused_cursors(); /*done*/
- X return(0);
- X }
- X
- X else
- X {
- X if (NOTHING_DRAWN_YET == TRUE) /*global variable*/
- X {
- X for (k=0; k<num_of_disps; k++)
- X if (disp_info[k].in_session_bool)
- X place_and_draw_status_win(k);
- X unset_paused_cursors(); /*we are done*/
- X return(1);
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * now figure out what window we should get an image from to
- X * put onto this new window. Best case is one that is the same
- X * depth and fully visible, next best case is the most depth, etc...
- X */
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[disp_num].win_id, &new_win_attr);
- X
- X /*
- X * get the same depth image fully on screen, if at all possible
- X */
- X for (i=0,found_source=FALSE;(i<num_of_disps)&&(found_source==FALSE);i++)
- X {
- X if ((disp_info[i].in_session_bool==TRUE) && (i!=disp_num))
- X {
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X &old_win_attr);
- X if (old_win_attr.depth == new_win_attr.depth)
- X {
- X XTranslateCoordinates(disp_info[i].disp,
- X disp_info[i].win_id, RootWindow(disp_info[i].disp,
- X DefaultScreen(disp_info[i].disp)),
- X 0, 0, &left, &top, &dummy);
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[i].disp,
- X RootWindow(disp_info[i].disp,
- X DefaultScreen(disp_info[i].disp)),
- X &root_win_attr);
- X if (((left + old_win_attr.width) < root_win_attr.width) &&
- X ((top + old_win_attr.height) < root_win_attr.height))
- X {
- X source_disp_num = i; /*we found the ideal case*/
- X found_source = TRUE; /*same depth, fully on monitor*/
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if (found_source == FALSE)
- X {
- X /*
- X * get the same depth image if at all possible, not fully on screen
- X */
- X for (i=0; (i<num_of_disps) && (found_source==FALSE); i++)
- X {
- X if ((disp_info[i].in_session_bool==TRUE) && (i!=disp_num))
- X {
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X &old_win_attr);
- X if (old_win_attr.depth == new_win_attr.depth)
- X {
- X source_disp_num = i; /*we found an OK case*/
- X found_source = TRUE; /*same depth, part on monitor*/
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if (found_source == FALSE)
- X {
- X /*
- X * we didn't find a display of equal depth, so look for the one of
- X * the greatest depth in the session. It is the best one to use.
- X */
- X for (i=0, cur_depth=0; (i<num_of_disps)&&(found_source==FALSE); i++)
- X {
- X if ((disp_info[i].in_session_bool==TRUE) && (i!=disp_num))
- X {
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[i].disp, disp_info[i].win_id,
- X &old_win_attr);
- X if (old_win_attr.depth > cur_depth)
- X {
- X source_disp_num = i;
- X cur_depth = old_win_attr.depth;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * now that we have our favorite choice, make sure we don't get any
- X * image from a part of a window that is offscreen. This is
- X * not allowed and causes core dump.
- X */
- X XTranslateCoordinates(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[source_disp_num].win_id,
- X RootWindow(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp,
- X DefaultScreen(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp)),
- X 0, 0, &left, &top, &dummy);
- X XGetWindowAttributes(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp,
- X RootWindow(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp,
- X DefaultScreen(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp)),
- X &root_win_attr);
- X
- X fully_printed = TRUE;
- X print_it = TRUE;
- X
- X if (left < 0)
- X {
- X printf("ERROR: Get the dang window from out from under the ");
- X printf("left edge of the monitor.\n");
- X print_it = FALSE;
- X }
- X else
- X win_left = 0;
- X
- X if (top < 0)
- X {
- X printf("ERROR: Get the dang window from out from under the ");
- X printf("top edge of the monitor.\n");
- X print_it = FALSE;
- X }
- X else
- X win_top = 0;
- X
- X if ((left + old_win_attr.width) < root_win_attr.width)
- X width = old_win_attr.width; /*we are inside the boundary*/
- X else
- X {
- X width = root_win_attr.width - left; /*we are outside the boundary*/
- X fully_printed = FALSE;
- X }
- X
- X if ((top + old_win_attr.height) < root_win_attr.height)
- X height = old_win_attr.height; /*we are inside the boundary*/
- X else
- X {
- X height = root_win_attr.height - top; /*we are outside the boundary*/
- X fully_printed = FALSE;
- X }
- X
- X if (print_it == TRUE)
- X {
- X transfer_image_between_displays(source_disp_num, disp_num,win_left,
- X win_top, width, height);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X printf("WARNING: image not displayed on display %s.\n",
- X disp_args[disp_num]);
- X
- X left = 0;
- X top = 0;
- X width = old_win_attr.width;
- X height = old_win_attr.height;
- X
- X mesg = "You are missing an image here.";
- X XDrawString(disp_info[disp_num].disp, disp_info[disp_num].win_id,
- X disp_info[disp_num].fg_menu_gc,
- X (left + (width/2) - 88), (top + (height/2) + 5),
- X mesg, strlen(mesg));
- X }
- X
- X if (fully_printed == FALSE)
- X {
- X printf("WARNING: image not fully displayed on display %s.\n",
- X disp_args[disp_num]);
- X }
- X
- X for (k=0; k<num_of_disps; k++)
- X if (disp_info[k].in_session_bool)
- X place_and_draw_status_win(k);
- X unset_paused_cursors(); /*we are done*/
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * transfer_image_between_displays - this function tranfers an image from
- X * one display to another as specified by the upper
- X * left corner x, y and the width and height parameters.
- X * Currently this is done using the "save to disk" and
- X * "restore from disk" functions as an easy shortcut.
- X */
- Xtransfer_image_between_displays(source_disp_num, dest_disp_num, x, y, width,
- X height)
- Xint source_disp_num, dest_disp_num, x, y, width, height;
- X{
- X XImage *the_full_screen_image;
- X char *mesg, temp_file_name[256];
- X int depth;
- X
- X sprintf(temp_file_name, "/tmp/wscr.%d", getpid());
- X
- X save_image_on_disk(disp_info[source_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[source_disp_num].win_id, x, y, width, height,
- X temp_file_name);
- X
- X if ((the_full_screen_image = read_image_from_disk(
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_id,
- X temp_file_name, &width,
- X &height, &depth)) == NULL)
- X {
- X printf("WARNING: image not displayed on display %s.\n",
- X disp_args[dest_disp_num]);
- X XClearArea(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_id,
- X 0, 0, width, height, False);
- X
- X XSetLineAttributes(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].rubber_band_gc, 3,
- X LineSolid, CapButt, JoinBevel);
- X if ((width > 4) && (height > 4))
- X {
- X XDrawRectangle(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_id,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].rubber_band_gc,
- X 2, 2, width - 4, height - 4);
- X }
- X XSetLineAttributes(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].rubber_band_gc, 0,
- X LineSolid, CapButt, JoinBevel);
- X
- X mesg = "You are missing an image here.";
- X XDrawString(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_id,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].fg_menu_gc, (width/2) - 88,
- X (height/2) + 5, mesg, strlen(mesg));
- X }
- X else if (DefaultDepth(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X DefaultScreen(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp)) != depth)
- X {
- X printf("WARNING: image not displayed on display %s. ",
- X disp_args[dest_disp_num]);
- X printf("(Inconsistent depths.)\n");
- X XDestroyImage(the_full_screen_image);
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X XPutImage(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_id,
- X disp_info[dest_disp_num].win_gc[dest_disp_num],
- X the_full_screen_image,
- X 0, 0, x, y, width, height);
- X XFlush(disp_info[dest_disp_num].disp);
- X XDestroyImage(the_full_screen_image);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * initialize_a_single_display - this function creates all the win_ids, gcs,
- X * etc, for a new display assuming that the the "disp_num"
- X * passed in is the location in the global disp_info
- X * structure of the display, and that all the other
- X * displays are set up VERY well (i.e. the
- X * "in_session_bool" field is accurate. This function
- X * also allocates gc's to draw on THIS NEW DISPLAY from
- X * the previous existing displays.
- X */
- Xinitialize_a_single_display(disp_num, num_people_drawing)
- Xint disp_num, *num_people_drawing;
- X{
- X unsigned long nothing_mask = 0;
- X unsigned long alter_these_mask = GCSubwindowMode | GCLineWidth |
- X GCForeground | GCCapStyle | GCFont |
- X GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures;
- X unsigned long alter_menu_mask = GCSubwindowMode | GCForeground | GCFont |
- X GCBackground | GCLineWidth;
- X unsigned long alter_these2_mask = CWEventMask | CWBackPixel |
- X CWBackingStore | CWWinGravity |
- X CWBitGravity | CWSaveUnder;
- X unsigned long alter_menu2_mask = CWEventMask | CWBackPixel | CWSaveUnder |
- X CWBackingStore | CWWinGravity;
- X unsigned long gc_copy_mask = GCSubwindowMode | GCLineWidth |
- X GCForeground | GCCapStyle | GCFont |
- X GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures;
- X XSizeHints win_size_hints;
- X Cursor the_cursor, menu_cursor;
- X XColor scrn_def_ret, exact_def_ret, scrn_def_ret2, exact_def_ret2;
- if test 35313 -ne `wc -c <'wscrawl/xad'`; then
- echo shar: \"'wscrawl/xad'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'wscrawl/xad'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 3 \(of 5\).
- cp /dev/null ark3isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 5 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- dan
- ----------------------------------------------------
- O'Reilly && Associates argv@sun.com / argv@ora.com
- Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.