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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- * January 1985.
- * 1st revision : Aug 1985.
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- #define TOLERANCE 7
- #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
- #define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
- extern F_pos last_position, new_position; /* undo.c */
- extern int fix_x, fix_y, cur_x, cur_y;
- extern (*canvas_kbd_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_locmove_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_leftbut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_middlebut_proc)();
- extern (*canvas_rightbut_proc)();
- extern null_proc();
- extern set_popupmenu();
- extern F_compound objects;
- extern int compoundbox_shown;
- extern int pointmarker_shown;
- extern int foreground_color, background_color;
- extern int create_compound();
- extern F_compound *compound_point_search();
- extern int init_create_compound();
- compound_selected()
- {
- canvas_kbd_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_locmove_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = init_create_compound;
- canvas_middlebut_proc = null_proc;
- canvas_rightbut_proc = set_popupmenu;
- set_cursor(&arrow_cursor);
- reset_action_on();
- }
- init_create_compound(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- init_box_drawing(x, y);
- canvas_middlebut_proc = create_compound;
- canvas_leftbut_proc = canvas_rightbut_proc = null_proc;
- }
- create_compound(x, y)
- int x, y;
- {
- F_compound *c;
- if (NULL == (Compound_malloc(c))) {
- put_msg(Err_mem);
- return;
- }
- draw_rectbox(fix_x, fix_y, cur_x, cur_y, INV_PAINT);
- c->nwcorner.x = min(fix_x, x);
- c->nwcorner.y = min(fix_y, y);
- c->secorner.x = max(fix_x, x);
- c->secorner.y = max(fix_y, y);
- if (compose_compound(c) == 0) {
- free((char*)c);
- compound_selected();
- put_msg("Empty compound, ignore");
- return;
- }
- draw_compoundbox(c, INV_PAINT);
- c->next = NULL;
- clean_up();
- set_action(F_GLUE);
- insert_compound(&objects.compounds, c);
- set_latestcompound(c);
- compound_selected();
- }
- compose_compound(c)
- F_compound *c;
- {
- c->ellipses = NULL;
- c->lines = NULL;
- c->texts = NULL;
- c->splines = NULL;
- c->arcs = NULL;
- c->compounds = NULL;
- get_ellipse(&c->ellipses, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- get_lineobj(&c->lines, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- get_spline(&c->splines, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- get_text(&c->texts, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- get_arc(&c->arcs, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- get_compound(&c->compounds, c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y);
- /* get rid of point-marker */
- if (pointmarker_shown) toggle_compoundpointmarker(c);
- if (c->ellipses != NULL) return(1);
- if (c->splines != NULL) return(1);
- if (c->lines != NULL) return(1);
- if (c->texts != NULL) return(1);
- if (c->arcs != NULL) return(1);
- if (c->compounds != NULL) return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- draw_compoundbox(c, op)
- F_compound *c;
- int op;
- {
- draw_rectbox( c->nwcorner.x-1, c->nwcorner.y-1,
- c->secorner.x+1, c->secorner.y+1, op);
- draw_rectbox( c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y,
- c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y, op);
- draw_rectbox( c->nwcorner.x+1, c->nwcorner.y+1,
- c->secorner.x-1, c->secorner.y-1, op);
- }
- get_ellipse(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_ellipse **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- F_ellipse *e, *ee, *ellipse;
- for (e = objects.ellipses; e != NULL;) {
- if (xmin > e->center.x - e->radiuses.x) {
- ee = e; e = e->next; continue;
- }
- if (xmax < e->center.x + e->radiuses.x) {
- ee = e; e = e->next; continue;
- }
- if (ymin > e->center.y - e->radiuses.y) {
- ee = e; e = e->next; continue;
- }
- if (ymax < e->center.y + e->radiuses.y) {
- ee = e; e = e->next; continue;
- }
- ellipse = e;
- if (e == objects.ellipses)
- e = objects.ellipses = objects.ellipses->next;
- else {
- e = ee->next = e->next;
- }
- ellipse->next = *list;
- *list = ellipse;
- }
- }
- get_arc(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_arc **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- F_arc *a, *arc, *aa;
- int urx, ury, llx, lly;
- for (a = objects.arcs; a != NULL;) {
- arc_bound(a, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
- if (xmin > llx) goto out;
- if (xmax < urx) goto out;
- if (ymin > lly) goto out;
- if (ymax < ury) goto out;
- arc = a;
- if (a == objects.arcs)
- a = objects.arcs = objects.arcs->next;
- else
- a = aa->next = a->next;
- arc->next = *list;
- *list = arc;
- continue;
- out:
- aa = a; a = a->next;
- }
- }
- get_lineobj(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_line **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- F_line *line, *l, *ll;
- F_point *p;
- int inbound;
- for (l = objects.lines; l != NULL;) {
- for (inbound = 1, p = l->points; p!= NULL && inbound;
- p = p->next) {
- inbound = 0;
- if (xmin > p->x) continue;
- if (xmax < p->x) continue;
- if (ymin > p->y) continue;
- if (ymax < p->y) continue;
- inbound = 1;
- }
- if (! inbound) {
- ll = l; l = l->next; continue;
- }
- line = l;
- if (l == objects.lines)
- l = objects.lines = objects.lines->next;
- else
- l = ll->next = l->next;
- line->next = *list;
- *list = line;
- }
- }
- get_spline(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_spline **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- F_spline *spline, *s, *ss;
- int urx, ury, llx, lly;
- for (s = objects.splines; s != NULL;) {
- spline_bound(s, &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
- if (xmin > llx) goto out;
- if (xmax < urx) goto out;
- if (ymin > lly) goto out;
- if (ymax < ury) goto out;
- spline = s;
- if (s == objects.splines)
- s = objects.splines = objects.splines->next;
- else
- s = ss->next = s->next;
- spline->next = *list;
- *list = spline;
- continue;
- out:
- ss = s; s = s->next;
- }
- }
- get_text(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_text **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- int halflen;
- F_text *text, *t, *tt;
- for (t = objects.texts; t != NULL;) {
- halflen = t->length/2;
- if ( ((t->type == T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED) && xmin > t->base_x) ||
- ((t->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED) && xmin > t->base_x - halflen) ||
- ((t->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED) && xmin > t->base_x - t->length) )
- {
- tt = t; t = t->next ; continue;
- }
- if ( ((t->type == T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED) && xmax < t->base_x + t->length) ||
- ((t->type == T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED) && xmax < t->base_x + halflen) ||
- ((t->type == T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED) && xmax < t->base_x) )
- {
- tt = t; t = t->next ; continue;
- }
- if (ymin > t->base_y - t->height) {
- tt = t; t = t->next; continue;
- }
- if (ymax < t->base_y) {
- tt = t; t = t->next; continue;
- }
- text = t;
- if (t == objects.texts)
- t = objects.texts = objects.texts->next;
- else
- t = tt->next = t->next;
- text->next = *list;
- *list = text;
- }
- }
- get_compound(list, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- F_compound **list;
- int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
- {
- F_compound *compd, *c, *cc;
- for (c = objects.compounds; c != NULL;)
- {
- if (xmin > c->nwcorner.x)
- {
- cc = c;
- c = c->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (xmax < c->secorner.x)
- {
- cc = c;
- c = c->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (ymin > c->nwcorner.y)
- {
- cc = c;
- c = c->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (ymax < c->secorner.y)
- {
- cc = c;
- c = c->next;
- continue;
- }
- compd = c;
- if (c == objects.compounds)
- c = objects.compounds = objects.compounds->next;
- else
- c = cc->next = c->next;
- compd->next = *list;
- *list = compd;
- }
- }
- F_compound *
- compound_point_search(x, y, tol, px, py)
- int x, y, tol, *px, *py;
- {
- F_compound *c;
- for (c = objects.compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- if (abs(c->nwcorner.x - x) <= tol &&
- abs(c->nwcorner.y - y) <= tol) {
- *px = c->nwcorner.x;
- *py = c->nwcorner.y;
- return(c);
- }
- if (abs(c->nwcorner.x - x) <= tol &&
- abs(c->secorner.y - y) <= tol) {
- *px = c->nwcorner.x;
- *py = c->secorner.y;
- return(c);
- }
- if (abs(c->secorner.x - x) <= tol &&
- abs(c->nwcorner.y - y) <= tol) {
- *px = c->secorner.x;
- *py = c->nwcorner.y;
- return(c);
- }
- if (abs(c->secorner.x - x) <= tol &&
- abs(c->secorner.y - y) <= tol) {
- *px = c->secorner.x;
- *py = c->secorner.y;
- return(c);
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- draw_compound(c)
- F_compound *c;
- {
- draw_compoundelements(c, foreground_color, foreground_color,
- }
- erase_compound(c)
- F_compound *c;
- {
- draw_compoundelements(c, background_color, background_color,
- }
- draw_compoundelements(c, arcop, ellipseop, lineop, splineop, textop, compop)
- F_compound *c;
- int arcop, ellipseop, lineop, splineop, textop, compop;
- {
- F_line *l;
- F_spline *s;
- F_ellipse *e;
- F_text *t;
- F_arc *a;
- F_compound *c1;
- for (l = c->lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- draw_line(l, lineop);
- }
- for (s = c->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
- draw_spline(s, splineop);
- }
- for (a = c->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- draw_arc(a, arcop);
- }
- for (e = c->ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
- draw_ellipse(e, ellipseop);
- }
- for (t = c->texts; t != NULL; t = t->next) {
- draw_text(t, textop);
- }
- for (c1 = c->compounds; c1 != NULL; c1 = c1->next) {
- draw_compoundbox(c1, INV_PAINT);
- compop == ERASE ? erase_compound(c1) : draw_compound(c1);
- }
- }
- F_compound *
- compound_search(x, y, tolerance, px, py)
- int x, y, tolerance, *px, *py;
- {
- F_compound *c;
- float tol2;
- tol2 = tolerance * tolerance;
- for (c = objects.compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
- if (close_to_vector(c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, c->nwcorner.x,
- c->secorner.y, x, y, tolerance, tol2, px, py))
- return(c);
- if (close_to_vector(c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y, c->nwcorner.x,
- c->secorner.y, x, y, tolerance, tol2, px, py))
- return(c);
- if (close_to_vector(c->secorner.x, c->secorner.y, c->secorner.x,
- c->nwcorner.y, x, y, tolerance, tol2, px, py))
- return(c);
- if (close_to_vector(c->nwcorner.x, c->nwcorner.y, c->secorner.x,
- c->nwcorner.y, x, y, tolerance, tol2, px, py))
- return(c);
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- toggle_compoundpointmarker(c)
- F_compound *c;
- {
- F_line *l;
- F_spline *s;
- F_ellipse *e;
- F_arc *a;
- for (l = c->lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- toggle_linepointmarker(l);
- }
- for (s = c->splines; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
- toggle_splinepointmarker(s);
- }
- for (a = c->arcs; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
- toggle_arcpointmarker(a);
- }
- for (e = c->ellipses; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(e);
- }
- }
- show_compoundbox()
- {
- F_compound *c;
- if (compoundbox_shown) return;
- compoundbox_shown = 1;
- for (c = objects.compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next)
- draw_compoundbox(c, INV_PAINT);
- }
- erase_compoundbox()
- {
- F_compound *c;
- if (! compoundbox_shown) return;
- compoundbox_shown = 0;
- for (c = objects.compounds; c != NULL; c = c->next)
- draw_compoundbox(c, INV_PAINT);
- }