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- /*
- * FIG : Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985, 1988 by Supoj Sutanthavibul (supoj@sally.UTEXAS.EDU)
- * January 1985.
- * 1st revision : August 1985.
- * 2nd revision : March 1988.
- *
- * %W% %G%
- */
- #include "fig.h"
- #include "resources.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "object.h"
- #include "paintop.h"
- extern int pointmarker_shown, compoundbox_shown;
- extern int foreground_color, background_color;
- extern int last_action, last_object;
- extern int last_axis, last_rotateangle;
- extern int movedpoint_num;
- extern int fix_x, fix_y;
- extern F_pos last_position, new_position;
- extern F_compound objects;
- extern F_compound saved_objects;
- extern F_compound object_tails;
- extern F_point *left_point;
- extern F_point *moved_point;
- extern F_point *deleted_point;
- extern F_point *added_point;
- undo()
- {
- switch(last_action) {
- case F_CREATE :
- undo_create();
- break;
- case F_REMOVE :
- undo_remove();
- break;
- case F_MOVE :
- undo_move();
- break;
- case F_MOVE_POINT :
- undo_movepoint();
- break;
- case F_FLIP :
- undo_flip();
- break;
- case F_ROTATE :
- undo_rotate();
- break;
- case F_GLUE :
- undo_glue();
- break;
- case F_BREAK :
- undo_break();
- break;
- case F_SCALE :
- undo_scale();
- break;
- case F_ADD_POINT :
- undo_addpoint();
- break;
- undo_deletepoint();
- break;
- case F_CHANGE :
- undo_change();
- default :
- return;
- }
- }
- undo_addpoint()
- {
- if (last_object == O_POLYLINE)
- linepoint_deleting(saved_objects.lines);
- else
- splinepoint_deleting(saved_objects.splines);
- last_action = F_DELETE_POINT;
- deleted_point = added_point;
- }
- undo_deletepoint()
- {
- if (last_object == O_POLYLINE)
- linepoint_adding(saved_objects.lines, deleted_point);
- else
- splinepoint_adding(saved_objects.splines, deleted_point);
- last_action = F_ADD_POINT;
- added_point = deleted_point;
- }
- undo_break()
- {
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- cut_objects(&objects, &object_tails);
- insert_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- last_action = F_GLUE;
- }
- undo_glue()
- {
- put_msg("UNDO for GLUE not working");
- return;
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- delete_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- append_objects(&objects, saved_objects.compounds, &object_tails);
- last_action = F_BREAK;
- }
- undo_change()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- change_line(saved_objects.lines->next,saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE:
- change_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses->next,saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT :
- change_text(saved_objects.texts->next,saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- change_spline(saved_objects.splines->next,saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- change_arc(saved_objects.arcs->next,saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- }
- last_action = F_CHANGE;
- }
- /*
- When a single object is created, it is inserted as the first object in
- the appropriate list in objects. It is also placed in the appropriate
- list in saved_objects.
- However when a number of objects are created (usually by reading them
- in from a file or undoing a remove-all action), they are appended to
- the lists in objects and also saved in saved_objects. The pointers
- in object_tails will be set to point to the last members of the lists
- in objects prior to the appending.
- Note: The read operation will set the pointers in object_tails
- while the remove-all operation will zero pointers in objects.
- */
- undo_create()
- {
- switch(last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- objects.lines = saved_objects.lines->next;
- saved_objects.lines->next = NULL;
- erase_lines(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- objects.ellipses = saved_objects.ellipses->next;
- saved_objects.ellipses->next = NULL;
- erase_ellipses(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT :
- objects.texts = saved_objects.texts->next;
- saved_objects.texts->next = NULL;
- erase_texts(saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- objects.splines = saved_objects.splines->next;
- saved_objects.splines->next = NULL;
- erase_splines(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- objects.arcs = saved_objects.arcs->next;
- saved_objects.arcs->next = NULL;
- erase_arcs(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- objects.compounds = saved_objects.compounds->next;
- saved_objects.compounds->next = NULL;
- erase_compounds(saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT :
- cut_objects(&objects, &object_tails);
- redisplay_canvas();
- break;
- }
- last_action = F_REMOVE;
- }
- undo_remove()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- draw_lines(saved_objects.lines);
- insert_line(&objects.lines, saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- draw_ellipses(saved_objects.ellipses);
- insert_ellipse(&objects.ellipses, saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT :
- draw_texts(saved_objects.texts);
- insert_text(&objects.texts, saved_objects.texts);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- draw_splines(saved_objects.splines);
- insert_spline(&objects.splines, saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- draw_arcs(saved_objects.arcs);
- insert_arc(&objects.arcs, saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- draw_compounds(saved_objects.compounds);
- insert_compound(&objects.compounds, saved_objects.compounds);
- break;
- case O_ALL_OBJECT :
- append_objects(&objects, &saved_objects, &object_tails);
- redisplay_canvas();
- break;
- }
- last_action = F_CREATE;
- }
- undo_flip()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, ERASE);
- flip_line(saved_objects.lines,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_axis);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, background_color);
- flip_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_axis);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, ERASE);
- flip_spline(saved_objects.splines,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_axis);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, background_color);
- flip_arc(saved_objects.arcs,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_axis);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- erase_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- flip_compound(saved_objects.compounds,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_axis);
- draw_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- }
- undo_move()
- {
- int dx, dy;
- dx = last_position.x - new_position.x;
- dy = last_position.y - new_position.y;
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, ERASE);
- translate_line(saved_objects.lines, dx, dy);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, background_color);
- translate_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, dx, dy);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_TEXT :
- draw_text(saved_objects.texts, INV_PAINT);
- translate_text(saved_objects.texts, dx, dy);
- draw_text(saved_objects.texts, PAINT);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, ERASE);
- translate_spline(saved_objects.splines, dx, dy);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, background_color);
- translate_arc(saved_objects.arcs, dx, dy);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- erase_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- translate_compound(saved_objects.compounds, dx, dy);
- draw_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- swap_newp_lastp();
- }
- undo_movepoint()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- relocate_linepoint(saved_objects.lines,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- saved_objects.lines->points->x,
- saved_objects.lines->points->y,
- moved_point, left_point);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- relocate_splinepoint(saved_objects.splines, last_position.x,
- last_position.y, moved_point);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- relocate_arcpoint(saved_objects.arcs, last_position.x,
- last_position.y, movedpoint_num);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- relocate_ellipsepoint(saved_objects.ellipses, last_position.x,
- last_position.y, movedpoint_num);
- break;
- }
- swap_newp_lastp();
- }
- undo_rotate()
- {
- switch (last_object) {
- case O_POLYLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, ERASE);
- if (last_rotateangle == 90) last_rotateangle = 270;
- else last_rotateangle = 90;
- rotate_line(saved_objects.lines,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_rotateangle);
- draw_line(saved_objects.lines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_linepointmarker(saved_objects.lines);
- break;
- case O_ELLIPSE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, background_color);
- if (last_rotateangle == 90) last_rotateangle = 270;
- else last_rotateangle = 90;
- rotate_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_rotateangle);
- draw_ellipse(saved_objects.ellipses, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_ellipsepointmarker(saved_objects.ellipses);
- break;
- case O_SPLINE :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, ERASE);
- if (last_rotateangle == 90) last_rotateangle = 270;
- else last_rotateangle = 90;
- rotate_spline(saved_objects.splines,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_rotateangle);
- draw_spline(saved_objects.splines, PAINT);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_splinepointmarker(saved_objects.splines);
- break;
- case O_ARC :
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, background_color);
- if (last_rotateangle == 90) last_rotateangle = 270;
- else last_rotateangle = 90;
- rotate_arc(saved_objects.arcs,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_rotateangle);
- draw_arc(saved_objects.arcs, foreground_color);
- if (pointmarker_shown)
- toggle_arcpointmarker(saved_objects.arcs);
- break;
- case O_COMPOUND :
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- erase_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (last_rotateangle == 90) last_rotateangle = 270;
- else last_rotateangle = 90;
- rotate_compound(saved_objects.compounds,
- last_position.x, last_position.y,
- last_rotateangle);
- draw_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- break;
- }
- }
- undo_scale()
- {
- float scalex, scaley;
- if (compoundbox_shown)
- draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- erase_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- scalex = ((float)(last_position.x-fix_x)) / (new_position.x-fix_x);
- scaley = ((float)(last_position.y-fix_y)) / (new_position.y-fix_y);
- scale_compound(saved_objects.compounds, scalex, scaley, fix_x, fix_y);
- draw_compound(saved_objects.compounds);
- if (compoundbox_shown) draw_compoundbox(saved_objects.compounds, INV_PAINT);
- swap_newp_lastp();
- }
- swap_newp_lastp()
- {
- int t; /* swap new_position and last_position */
- t = new_position.x;
- new_position.x = last_position.x;
- last_position.x = t;
- t = new_position.y;
- new_position.y = last_position.y;
- last_position.y = t;
- }