This isn't right. Where is everyone?#\corvus\isnt_right.wav
What ails him? He looks to be diseased.#\corvus\what_ails.wav
What has befallen my people?#\corvus\befallen.wav
My brethren are insane with bloodlust!#\corvus\bloodlust.wav
By the Gods!#\corvus\bythegods.wav
It's locked.#\corvus\its_locked.wav
I'll have to open this elsewhere.#\corvus\open_elsewhere.wav
It's Jammed.#\corvus\its_jammed.wav
It wont open.#\corvus\wont_open.wav
I'll never get through here.#\corvus\never_through.wav
Sidhe shrines are scattered throughout Parthoris. @You can pray at them for aid.#\tome\sidhe_shrines.wav
Walk into low ledges to@automatically climb onto them.
Press ACTION or JUMP to climb taller walls.
Aim down and press FORWARD to submerge@in water, aim up and FORWARD to surface.
Surface, then swim to the ledge@to climb out of the water.
JUMP or press ACTION@while next to a rope to grab onto it.
Press FORWARD or BACK to climb up or down rope.
Strafe LEFT or RIGHT,@or ATTACK to swing on ropes.@@Press jump to leap off of ropes.
Press JUMP while on rope to jump off.
Press ACTION to use buttons and levers.
CREEP to the ledge, then JUMP forward@to reach the other side.@@You won't fall off a ledge,@when you CREEP to it.
Press ACTION to use puzzle items.
To get the puzzle piece, climb the@small crate, then press forward and@hold JUMP to perform a forward flip.
Press ATTACK while running with staff to perform@spinning staff attack.
To pole vault over longer distances,@ready the staff, then RUN and JUMP.
Press JUMP then LEFT/RIGHT/FORWARD/BACKWARD@to perform a jump flip.
Press CROUCH then@any direction to roll.
Forward jump into wall to perform@backflip off wall.
Congratulations!@You've successfully completed the tutorial.@Walk through the portal to exit.
Swim through the tunnel@to reach the rest of the level.
The Harbormaster has informed me of a mind-altering plague that has infected my people. Their madness makes them attack anyone in sight. He also spoke of a cure found by a Ssithra healer in the nearby city of Andoria. In order for me to retrieve the cure from Andoria, $I must make my way to the palace and defeat our village leader, the Celestial Watcher.% Dranor said that the Watcher is insane by the plague and has used his magic to seal everyone inside the city.