(message "\n\nWelcome to the\n\n* ADF Trackset Installer *\nFor Xtreme Racing\nWritten by David Flaherty\n\nTracks Designed by Nicolas Imbert\n\nE-Mail:-\ndflaherty@nutts.demon.co.uk")
(complete 1)
;try to figure out a place where the user usually installs his games
(if (exists "Games:XTR/" (noreq) )
(set @path "Games:XTR/")
(if (exists "SYS:Games/XTR/" (noreq) )
(set @path "SYS:Games/XTR/")
(if (exists "Work:Games/XTR/" (noreq) )
(set @path "Work:Games/XTR/")
(if (exists "gamesstuff:XTR/" (noreq) )
(set @path "gamesstuff:XTR/")
(set @path "SYS:")
(set path
(prompt "Please select your XTR directory")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @path)
(set @path path)
(if (not (exists (tackon path "FrontEnd")))
(abort "This is not the XTR directory!")
(set #destlay (tackon @path "Layouts"))
(set #destmisc (tackon @path "Misc"))
(set #destmod (tackon @path "Modules"))
(set #desttile (tackon @path "Tiles"))
(set #desttrack (tackon @path "Tracks"))
(set #destworld (tackon @path "Worlds"))
(complete 20)
(message "\nXTR ADF Tracks will be installed to\n\n '" path "' \n\nPress Abort To Cancel")
(source "layouts")
(dest #destlay)
(complete 35)
(source "misc")
(dest #destmisc)
(complete 45)
(source "modules")
(dest #destmod)
(complete 55)
(source "tiles")
(dest #desttile)
(complete 70)
(source "tracks")
(dest #desttrack)
(complete 80)
(source "worlds")
(dest #destworld)
(complete 100)
(message "\nThe ADF trackset has been installed ")