The Amiga Game Guide
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Text File
199 lines
Future (some may be in next version)
- unit grouping (move multiple units with single command)
- co-operative mode (two or more players can control same nation)
- replay mode. Saved games from 1.5.0+ contain data that allows replaying
whole saved game turn by turn.
- hiscore list
- scenario editor
Distant future
- CPU controlled nations
Saved game code was completely rewritten between 1.4.1 and 1.5.0, this
means all newer versions are able to load saved games from version
1.5.0 and later.
- completely rewritten game joining
- players can leave and enter the game without need for reloading
- TCP/IP only, internal, IPX and serial modes removed
- passwords
- more options (time limits, starting units, game end rules etc..)
- game settings can be saved for later use
- you can check all nations spy stats without joining the game
- network disconnections do not cause freezes anymore
- team play mode
- Amiga PPC WarpUP version included
- town screen, event, unit etc.. lists are now images
- button tooltips on upper message bar (still not every one)
- wonders fixed
- units can now attack with less than 1 movement points
- unit attack calculation changed
- you can load sentried units to transports
- units are grouped to military, transport and civilian units
- event options
- three player example savefile included
- savefile is only saved to server machine and is platform independent
- saves are again incompatible with lower versions
- saved game can be loaded during game
- much faster game load times
- TCP network mode for much better internet network play
- major internal changes
- major graphics changes
- random terrain generator complete percentage
- major invention tree changes, see GNAC.png
- some unit/building attribute changes
- events are colored depending on its type
- lots of bug fixes
- spy statistics diagrams' scaling was incorrect, fixed
- building wonder(s) could cause crash, fixed
- string dialog editing implemented (cursor and DEL keys)
- some graphics changes
- icons added everywhere
- diplomacy screen complete (espionage, sabotage not implemented)
- much better chat options (private messages, "Call"-button etc..)
- statistics screens added (top cities, wonders, buildings etc..)
- trading (unit,building and invention blueprints, towns and real units)
- relations implemented (peace, war etc..)
- unneeded messages from event list can be removed quickly
- improved graphics
- more intelligent (=faster) screen redraw
- villages are not created to unit start position
- it is again possible to build obsolete wonders
- unit next to enemy town allows to see inside enemy town
- message shown when your unit or town sees enemy units
- small map shows all enemy units as flashing dots
- unit experience and damage percentage implemented
- goto-button works correctly
- spy information is logged
- spy graphs
- history is logged and printed at end of the game
- very much improved random terrain generator
- unit shortest/fastest path automove and automatic road building
- ranged fire finally implemented (catapults, cannons, battleships..)
- time limit partially implemented (currently fixed to 10 minutes)
- fixed lots of crashes during combat
- new lossy nation border calculation
- mountain->water line of sight calculation fixed
- lots of small fixes and tweaks
- Amiga version
- does not need ixemul.library anymore
- Workbench icon
- Linux version:
- keyboard bug fixed (Caused most keys to not respond)
- GNPAK finds map files correctly
- Windows version
- ALT+F4 and window close button asks if you want to exit before exiting
- fullscreen/windowed toggle (F9) could crash randomly, fixed
- works with 256 color desktop
- Linux version fixed (X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer
parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request:
1 (X_CreateWindow))
- Amiga version fixed and recompiled with optimization
- exiting towns in bottom of map redraws screen correctly
- doublesize 64*64 tiles (doubled from 32*32 tiles)
- smoothing between different terrain type tiles
- F9 toggles between windowed and fullscreen modes
- saves are incompatible with 1.3.0
- no more multiple screen redraws
- help information window and many help-buttons added
- terrain type didn't affect town building, fixed
- new graphics "engine" (allows isometric view in future)
- added support for unique terrains, units and inventions (villages)
- internal calculations uses now floats for better accuracy
- better unit and town lists
- building settler-type units decreases town's population
- nation destruction works better (Left 'ghost' units and towns before)
- nations' have borders
- better unit/building selection window (TOWN)
- build queue (TOWN)
- new town happy/content/angry-people calculation
- town civil disorder implemented
- reimplemented unit destruction due to food or resource shortage
- units with no turns are darkened
- unit moving help signs and numbers
- diplomacy and spying (partial)
- stacked unit selection/viewing window
- time played stored with save files
- global effects (Wonders) should finally work as planned
- Amiga version didn't work with Kickstart 3.0+Gfxboard, fixed
- again, bugs fixed and other bugs accidentally implemented...
- visibility calculation fixed
- window resize didn't update all graphics correctly
- wonders of world
- goverments
- gn_list.txt, lists all units, terrains, buildings etc..
- percentage of tech complete
- roads and rivers didn't change units' movement points
- command line parameters override gn.cfg
- corruption implemented
- 'Goto'-button remembers current and 7 old messages
- new buildings of same type now deactivate old buildings
- keyshortcuts added (R=build road,I=irrigation etc..)
- Amiga windowed mode implemented
- units' hometown can be changed
- bug fixes
- lots of small changes
- new bugs :)
- smooth unit movement
- death animation
- serial port link support
- combat calculation changed
- miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements
- stacked units are identified