The Amiga Game Guide
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Mega Tron V1.20. Date: 06-Jan-94
Written by Chris Hodges using AMOS Professional.
I am not in any way resonsible for loss of data, loss of sanity, loss of IQ
and the possiblity of becoming adicted ;-)
Since this game is Shareware the price for this disk must not exceed the cost
for disk and postage.
This document must be distrubuted along with the Mega Tron program.
Mega Tron and this document must not be altered in any way (excluding spelling
mistakes!) without written permission.
The Game
You certainly have seen the movie TRON by Walt Disney. This is another
conversion of the film. You steer one of these rasterbikes and have to kill
the other players by jamming them and forcing them into a wall. To make this
easier you (and the opponents) have got access to three weapons from an
arsenal of nine. Like in real life nothing is for free. Although the weapons
ammonition is unlimited, all of them cost an amount of money (from 2-1000
credits). You earn money if you simply stay alive or if you kill a player you
get 500 credits and the score is increased by one. If you have exterminated
all opponents you will enter the next round with now more 1000 credits in your
pockets and two bonus points.
The Controls
Mega Tron can be played with an maximum of ten players, of whom seven may be
controlled individually by humans using four joysticks and three key sets.
By default one human player using joystick 1 and nine computers are turned on.
Joystick 3 and 4 require a Four-player-adapter plugged in the parallel port.
To change the input device for each player go into the 'Player options menu',
select the player you want to modify and move the stick to left or right until
you are satisfied with your settings. To activate one of the three weapons you
have to use special keys. These are the defaults:
Action| Joystick 1 | Joystick 2 | Keys set 1 | Keys set 2 | Keys set 3 |
Left | joy 1 left | joy 2 left | curs left | keypad 4 | y |
Right | joy 1 right | joy 2 right | curs right | keypad 6 | x |
Up | joy 1 up | joy 2 up | curs up | keypad 8 | q |
Down | joy 1 down | joy 2 down | curs down | keypad 2 | a |
Weap1 | joy 1 fire | joy 2 fire | delete | keypad 5 | space |
Weap2 | right alt | left alt | help | enter | tab |
Weap3 | right amiga | left amiga | backspace | keypad - | ctrl |
The keys can be altered in the 'Redefine keys'-menu. Select the key set you
want to modify then press the relevant keys or 'ESCape' to keep the key.
When altering the joystick you may only change the weapon keys.
The Weapons
There's a total of nine weapons and tools you can choose of. Some are directed
at you, some have effects on a randomly picked opponent. Here's a list:
None ( 0): As you might think this 'weapon' does nothing.
Speed Up ( 2): Doubles your speed until you change your direction. Driving
with double speed doesn't gives you any money.
Imploder ( 250): Clears a small area around your rasterbike. Use this to break
through walls.
Tunnel ( 500): Creates two parallel lines to force the player in some sort
of tunnel, in which he shouldn't change his direction or he
is dead.
Autopilot( 300): Turns the automatic computer steering on for about 250 moves.
Your line will now turn white! Use it to minimize the space
used when driving in narrow areas.
Boxes ( 600): Draws four boxes at an opponent. When he gets a shock and
turns, it's very likely that he will crash.
Circle ( 750): Creates a large circle round an opponent. The only way to
escape this rather small area is to use imploders, rockets or
a shield.
Rockets ( 500): Fires a homing missile which aims at an opponent. Rockets can
pass through your lines, but not at those of other players.
When hitting a line, the rockets explodes, hopefully
terminating an opponent. Rockets only have fuel for about 150
moves, and a run out will cause the rocket to explode. This
seems to be the most powerful weapon, handle it with care.
Shield (1000): Clears anything that gets before you creating a narrow
corridor. This tool is time limited to 250 moves, during this
period your color turns white.
Teleport ( 250): Hence the name, this tool will teleport you to a random
location. Can be used to escape certain situations, but be
warned: react fast, once you have been teleported or you
might find yourself dead very soon.
Erm... and before I forget it, the value in brackets represents the amount of
credits the specific weapon costs, and if you haven't got enough credits, you
cannot buy the weapons.
The Menus
Before you start the game there are many options you can alter.
The main menu contains:
Start game : Guess what!
Player options menu : Enters the 'Player options menu'.
Redefine keys : Allows to set up your own keys.
Game options menu : Enters the general 'Game options menu'.
Disk menu : Menu for loading/saving and the game generator.
Credits : Enter this for secret messages (hehe)!
Quit game : Blows your computer up, do not touch!
The player option menu contains:
Return to main menu : Knick knack, you know what I mean!
Player selected : Lets you select the player number, which affects all
other settings.
Players color : Use this to choose your favorite color.
Players device : Selects the players control method or turns him into
a computer or even off. Note: It is possible to control
more than one rasterbike using one control.
Players weapon 1/2/3 : Lets you select the weapons you want to have in the
The game options menu:
Return to main menu : Hence!
Music on/off : Toggles that irritating music!
Sound on/off : Toggles all sounds.
Computer intelligence: Set this according to your own IQ (=low?).
Game speed (1-20) : Sets the game speed, when set to one the game runs very
slow whereas at 20 the game runs as fast as possible.
Autoplot on/off : If set to 'on', some points will appear from time to
time during the game.
Rounds per game : Controls the number of rounds to played before
returning to the main menu.
Explosion radius : Change it if you want to exagerate.
Boundary on/off : Toggels the boundary and makes the game quicker.
Events on/off : Toggels the various events that can occur in the game.
The disk menu:
Return to main menu : Getting boring, eh?
Load old settings : Loads the settings that were saved to disk previously.
Save new settings : Saves the current settings to disk, including the keys,
options, player settings, etc.
Preset : Lets you choose a scenario, which is then generated by
the 'Generate scenario' bar (?).
Humans : Controls the number of humans that may play in the
scenario. Do not forget to alter the controls!
Computers : Controls the amount of computers that play in the next
game when clicked on 'Generate scenario'.
Generate scenario : Finally, this generates a special scenario according to
the settings above.
Mega Tron external Controls
Mega Tron can be configured using the command line entered from CLI or by
setting Tool Types in the 'MegaTron'-icon.
For both CLI and Tool Types the keywords are the same:
'CloseWorkbench': Tries to close the Workbench Screen in order to grab some
'NoMusic' : Maybe the best of all options! Turns off the music once and
forever. Note: This option frees about 36KB of memory but
the music cannot be turned on in the 'Game options menu' any
'NoSound' : Disables the sound effects. Frees about 60KB.
'SkipTitle' : Skips the intro screen.
'Load' : Loads the old settings directly when entering the main menu.
'Music="name"' : Special feature! Since my music sounds awful, you have the
oppotunity to load an other into the game. The music has to
be NoiseTracker or ProTracker type and should only use the
first three channels.
'4Voice' : If you have entered your own music and it does use four
channels you may disable the sounds and turn to 4-voice
replay routine using this option.
'Players=n' : Sets the maximum of players to n. n may range from 2 to 10.
Default setting is 10.
'Explosions=n' : Sets the maximum of explosions to n. n may range from 2
to 20. Default is 10.
'Rockets=n' : Sets the maximum of rockets that can fly at the same time to
n. Default is 10.
Mega Tron usually requires 1MB of ram. If you only have 512KB then buy an
expansion or try the tool types 'CloseWorkbench', 'SkipTitle', 'NoMusic' and
'NoSound' until it works.
Mega Tron is Shareware
Finally, some words to you. If you like this game, why not sending me some
money or a gift (like disks, PD, joysticks, mice, floppy drives, modems,
harddisks, graphic cards, Real 3D, A4000/040s, etc.). Thanks for it!
If you don't like Mega Tron, copy it on to someone else. I would appreciate
any letters you send in to comment about the game, even if you don't like it.
Moreover, you can mail me for AMOS stuff and help in some problems.
Other Shareware
Strike Commander: Duell for two pilots in the air.
Mega Tron : Great action game for up to seven people.
Tubes : Advanced pipeline game.
Contact address
Any mails or donations to:
Chris Hodges Account: 359 68 63
Kennedystr. 8 BLZ : 700 530 70
D-82178 Puchheim Bank : Sparkasse Fürstenfeldbruck
Tel.: 089/8005856
Email: chris@sixpack.pfalz.org